Academic literature on the topic 'Gouvernance du développement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Gouvernance du développement"
Raynal, Serge. "Gouvernance et développement durable." La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, no. 239-240 (September 2009): 17–28.
Full textRaynal, Serge. "Gouvernance et développement durable." La Revue des Sciences de Gestion 239-240, no. 5 (2009): 17.
Full textRumpala, Yannick. "« Développement durable », « gouvernance » et « démocratie »." Articles 28, no. 2 (September 22, 2009): 69–98.
Full textBrodhag, Christian. "Information, Gouvernance et Développement Durable." International Political Science Review 21, no. 3 (July 2000): 311–27.
Full textCazzoli, Lise. "Qui gouverne le développement ?" Potentia: Journal of International Affairs 8 (October 1, 2017): 50–62.
Full textBourdeau-Lepage, Lise. "“ Développement durable et gouvernance des territoires ”." Natures Sciences Sociétés 17, no. 2 (April 2009): 197–99.
Full textCONSALES, Jean-Noël, and Philippe Moustier. "Terroirs : caractérisation, développement territorial et gouvernance." Méditerranée, no. 109 (June 1, 2007): 7–8.
Full textFontan, Jean-Marc, Juan-Luis Klein, and Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay. "Mobilisation communautaire et gouvernance locale : le technopôle Angus." Articles 20, no. 2-3 (November 19, 2008): 69–88.
Full textARBAOUI, Kheira. "Bonne gouvernance et développement durable dans la logique de l’EFC (Economie Fondée sur la Connaissance) : essai d’analyse." International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM) 1, no. 3 (December 29, 2021): 354–69.
Full textNadaud, Emmanuel. "Gouvernance et interterritorialité, enjeux de développement économique." Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine Octobr, no. 4 (2020): 695.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gouvernance du développement"
Djatcho, Siefu Donald. "Gouvernance territoriale et développement industriel à Douala." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Full textEchkoundi, Mhammed. "Gouvernance et dynamiques territoriales de développement : expériences marocaines." Artois, 2008.
Full textThis thesis approaches a topic, today, major in research in social sciences. Indeed, the concept of governorship made irruption in all the fields of the man. The author of this thesis, as an economist, approaches it in the plan of the territory. It is with this vision without model ready to carry that the empirical dimension of this thesis is approached. After having shown the need for a "new governorship" in the North-South relations, the empirical approachs suggested relates to two Moroccan experiments : the area of Fès-Boulemane and the National Initiative of the Human Development (INDH)
Loulid, Adil. "La gouvernance des entreprises et le développement durable." Amiens, 2008.
Full textNguyen, Quoc Ha. "Comment améliorer la gouvernance du développement au Vietnam?" Nice, 2008.
Full textThe main aim of this thesis is to show how to improve the governance of development in Vietnam. The unique history and specifics characteristics of Vietnam require a mix strategy of the "good governance" and the "growth-enhancing governance". First, in order its economic takeoff succeeds, it must acquire the "governance capabilities" and implement the business regulation reforms and the natural monopolies reforms in order to promote the opening of a social regulation system. Then, the catching-up process aimes at formalizing and enforcing the rules. This process includes the government effectiveness , the control of corruption, the endogenous development of regulatory institutions and the deepening of democracy. Using a panel data based on a sample that includes 15 countries that have similar characteristics with Vietnam, our econometric study confirms the positive relationship between growth and institutional aspects like democracy, regulatory quality, political stability and absence of violence
Ouarma, Issouf. "Croissance économique et gouvernance dans les pays en développement." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2021.
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Amewoa, Agbessi Komla. "L'aide au développement aide-t-elle au développement ? : Le cas de l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne." Limoges, 2008.
Full textDevelopment aid is aimed at promoting economic growth in developing countries for poverty eradication. Sub-Saharan Africa is the main aid recipient in the world. It is also the region where poverty increases the fastest. To clarify this paradox, we undertook an empirical analysis of aid effectiveness in the region. The results of this study suggest that aid is ineffective in promoting economic growth in the region. How can aid failure in Africa be explained? The common explanation of aid ineffectiveness lies in poverty traps and insufficient aid. We have demonstrated in this thesis that we must go beyond this traditional explanation of aid failure, by considering especially the incentive effects aid can generate. We have developed an analytical framework to study aid incentive effects on the recipient’s behavior. Through this framework, we have demonstrated that aid can incite the recipient to increase his consumption and to reduce the domestic vestment. Moreover, foreign aid incentive effects might worsen the governance quality in the recipient’s country. Our empirical analysis of aid adverse effects on consumption, investment and governance in Sub-Saharan Africa support our theoretical suggestions. Foreign aid encourages poor investments, an increase of consumption in favor of small “ruling groups” and generally, poor governance. This situation is tied to the donors’ aid policies, which lead to adverse selection and moral hazard problems. These issues are fundamental in the explanation of aid failure in Sub-Saharan Africa. The thesis’ conclusion calls for a more multilateral aid which should have conditions, to generate “good incentives” in the recipient’s country
Baldé, Mamadou Dicko. "Impact de la gouvernance sur le processus de développement local." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Full textDioubaté, Badara. "Bonne gouvernance et développement : le cas de la République de Guinée." Reims, 2007.
Full textO include/understand the dynamics of the “good” governorship like set of themes of investigation, particularly important for the World Bank and the IMF in the field of international expansion, we propose to interpret his rise like the result of a long process of test-errors of the theories and practices tested in the field of the development of the poor countries. This result is mainly marked by the going beyond of the “canonical” opposition State/is who characterized the speeches, the theories and the practices of the development during nearly one half-century. It is also marked by a revisitation of the role of the State and its institutional relations with the private sector and the organizations of civil society (OSC). However, the rise and the notoriety of the concept of “good” governorship present two main issues in the field of international expansion: a problem of meaning and a problem of operationnality. These two problems are complementary insofar as the first influences the second. Indeed, in the context of international financial institutions (IFI) and of that of the international community of development, the confusion made on the level of the meaning, between the concept of “good” governorship and that of democracy, confers a general information on this last, and seems to remove any operationnality to him. This absence of operationnality and guiding line as for the implementation concretes mechanisms of “good” governorship by the IFI in the developing countries, leads the reforms to the “failure”. However, beyond the responsibility for the IFI in the explanation of the “failure” of the institutional reforms carried out in the poor countries, there exists that of the political authorities of the countries concerned. This research mobilizes initially, the postulates and the conclusions of the economic theories of the development, in particular those of the three paradigms having characterized them in their evolution of 1950 to 1980. In the second time, it mobilizes the contributions of the theory of the institutions, in particular those of the two paradigms of this theory: the paradigm institutionnalist and the paradigm neo-institutionnalist. The objective is to show that in spite of the importance and the dynamics of the set of themes of governorship in the academic field of the development, the current approach of the IFI on the matter seems ineffective
Chhay, Sambath. "La bonne gouvernance : une vision pour le développement durable au Cambodge." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2020.
Full textBy analyzing the process of governance of Cambodian government, this thesis seeks to understand the real impact of contemporary policy of government on the economic, social and environmental development through one word well defined, the sustainable development. This research shows about the Cambodian society as such, the relation between the society and the state, the structure and the capacity of the institution of the state in public governance, and the consequences of this governance on the society. Without forgetting the sustainable development that is the main objective of this research, this work is trying to prove the model of Cambodian governance as a bad example for the sustainable development
Pouillaude, Agnès. "Gouvernance, institutions et développement des micro-entreprises : le cas de la Mauritanie." Bordeaux 4, 2002.
Full textBooks on the topic "Gouvernance du développement"
CEDIMES, Institut, and CIRAD (Organization), eds. Gouvernance du développement local. Paris: CEDIMES, 2003.
Find full textGouvernance associative et développement local en Haïti. Port-au-Prince]: Éditions de l'Université d'État d'Haïti, 2011.
Find full textMonde arabe: Gouvernance démocratique et développement sociale durable. Rabat, Maroc: Eds. Okad?, 2003.
Find full textReconstruire l'Afrique: Nouvelle gouvernance et projet de développement. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014.
Find full textinternational, Agence canadienne de développement. La gouvernance: Le programme de l'ACDI en Chine. [Gatineau, Qué.]: Agence canadienne de développement international, 2005.
Find full textBurundi. Sommaire: Bonne gouvernance et développement durable : rapport national sur le développement humain du Burundi, 2009. [Bujumbura]: Gouvernement du Burundi, 2009.
Find full textEspace Mendès France (Poitiers, France), ed. Les effets du développement durable: Gouvernance, agriculture et consommation, entreprise, éducation. Paris: Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textSedjari, Ali. Droits humains et développement des territoires: Vers un nouveau modèle de gouvernance. Paris: Éditions L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textDiop, Djibril. Décentralisation et gouvernance locale au Sénégal: Quelle pertinence pour le développement local. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textDécentralisation et gouvernance locale au Sénégal: Quelle pertinence pour le développement local? Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Gouvernance du développement"
Baron, Catherine, and Malika Hattab-Christmann. "Développement local et gouvernance territoriale." In Les territoires productifs en question(s), 33–47. Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, 2006.
Full textMüller, Eduard, Michael R. Appleton, and Glenn Ricci. "Développement des capacités." In Gouvernance et gestion des aires protégées, 271–314. ANU Press, 2020.
Full text"De l'importance de la gouvernance." In De l'aide au développement, 134–57. OECD, 2012.
Full textLachapelle, Guy. "MONDIALISATION, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE, GOUVERNANCE ET DÉMOCRATIE." In Développement durable et communications, 77–88. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textRémillard, Denyse. "Chapitre 10. La gouvernance d’entreprise et le développement durable." In Le développement durable, 143–56. Dunod, 2010.
Full text"20. Complexe gouvernance mondiale." In Regards sur la Terre 2007. L’annuel du développement durable, 286. Presses de Sciences Po, 2006.
Full textBeaulieu, Denise. "Gouvernance, espace politique et participation citoyenne des femmes." In Genre, féminismes et développement, 315–30. University of Ottawa Press, 2019.
Full textPike, Andy. "SYNDICATS, DÉVELOPPEMENT ET GOUVERNANCE LOCALE ET RÉGIONALE." In Reconversion économique et développement territorial, 277–96. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2003.
Full textGazzola, Antida, Roberta Prampolini, and Daniela Rimondi. "Développement local, participation, gouvernance et accords communaux." In Droit et politique, 179–90. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2014.
Full textJozan, Raphaël, Jacques Loup, and Benoît Martimort-Asso. "Gouvernance, le chaînon manquant du développement durable." In Regards sur la Terre 2009, 72–81. Presses de Sciences Po, 2009.
Full textReports on the topic "Gouvernance du développement"
Johnson, Nancy L. Régime foncier et gouvernance des ressources naturelles pour la nutrition et la santé humaines: Liens et priorités pour la recherche et le développement agricoles. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2022.
Full textRenforcer les droits des femmes autochtones et rurales dans la gouvernance des terres communautaires: Dix facteurs de réussite. Rights and Resources Initiative, April 2019.
Full textCadre de travail sur les opportunités 2020: Identifier les opportunités d’investissement dans la sécurisation des droits de tenure collectifs au sein des forêts des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. Rights and Resources Initiative, June 2021.
Full textRecensement des Priorités de Recherche sur L’extrémisme Violent en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel 2018. RESOLVE Network, January 2021.
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