Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine'
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Hellier, Emmanuelle. "Collectivités urbaines et gouvernance de l'eau." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 2, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00772279.
Full textBremard, Thanawat. "Transformations Socio-Environnementales et Gouvernance de l'Eau : le Cas de Bangkok." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, AgroParisTech, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024AGPT0012.
Full textDeltas are environments that combine opportunities and vulnerabilities. They are ideal places for shipping, maritime trade and commerce, fertile for agriculture, and rich in water and biodiversity, but their environmental characteristics also pose specific constraints. As Bangkok has urbanised and co-evolved with its deltaic environment, the megalopolis has had to manage its exposure to floods and tides, coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion, water pollution, land subsidence and the supply of drinking water. In order to identify the physical and institutional constraints to sustainable urbanisation, this thesis aims to understand the joint transformations ─ both environmental and socio-political ─ induced by water challenges, through an analysis of governance 'in action', manifested by decision-making processes unfolding in a context of a plurality of actors, institutions, ecological ramifications, spatial and administrative scales, norms, narratives, representations and imaginaries. This multi-level governance (we consider the 'vertical' interactions between global players, the State, the BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration) and local administrations) intersects and merges with 'horizontal' governance, which brings together private players (industries, consultancies, lobbies), civil society (NGOs, collectives) and the academic sector.The central hypothesis of this thesis is that the clarification of governance, through the analysis of decision-making processes around water-related projects and public policies, makes it possible to account for the environmental and socio-political transformations geared towards maintaining the capital's prosperity in the face of the hazards of the delta and the economic competition between global megacities. These transformations are explained through three case studies that illustrate the formulation of public problems and their controversies: 1) the enhancement of the banks of the Chao Phraya River through a promenade project; 2) the management of groundwater in relation to the phenomenon of land subsidence; 3) the protection of the capital from flooding through canals designed to divert flood flows away from the city.The fluidity of water links the atmosphere, the underground and urban surfaces to the human and non-human inhabitants of the delta, and constitutes a material witness that enables us to empirically grasp the complexity of hydro-social interactions. The environmental transformation of Bangkok is not only the consequence of urbanisation, presented as uncontrolled or inevitable, but also the result of a bundle of political and financial interests that are constantly reshaping the flow and spatial distribution of the benefits and costs associated with the transformation of the aquatic environment and the hydrological cycle. The analysis highlights the BMA's limited decision-making autonomy in the face of a centralised state that retains most of the power to influence public policy, reveals the central importance of the academic sector in debates and decision-making, highlights the role of visual media in enlisting stakeholders (the imagineering process), and underlines the multi-scalar nature of the composition of stakeholder coalitions and their reconfigurations
Nantchop, Tenkap Virginie. "Politiques publiques de l'eau et gouvernance urbaine : acteurs et enjeux de l'accès à l'eau potable des populations à Douala (Cameroun)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01H017.
Full textIn 2010, the population of Douala was estimated at more than 3 million in habitants. As a result of a combined effect of rural urban migration and a high natural rate of population increase, the average population growth rate was 6.3% per year. Population growth and the expansion of the city have led to an increase in the demand for water by the urban population. Paradoxically, from the second half of the 1980s, (in a context of the economic crisis), the State has significantly cut down on construction and development in the city suburbs, most particularly with regard to investment in water services (CUD, 2011 ). The State faces many challenges such as ; (i) how to reduce the socioeconomic disparities, in an urban context where the majority of the people are poor and Jack access to basic public services (ii) how to ensure social equity in the distribution of drinking water and finally, (iii) how to balance these two fundamental aspects and ensure economic growth. The Urban authorities cannot ensure the continuity of the basic services. As a result, access to drinking water by the urban people represents a key public policy challenge. As a consequence, the past decade, has seen the emergence of largely informal private water providers, in the periphery of the city in a bid to enable access to water to an increasingly larger urban population. The study focuses on the private alternatives of water production and distribution developed by small local operators and the consequences of this on urban area production
El, Harchaoui Noureddyne. "Territoires urbains et gouvernance de l'eau dans la ville de Fès (Maroc) : analyse des inégalités socio-spatiales." Aix-Marseille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX10084.
Full textAngueletou-Marteau, Anastasia. "Accès à l'eau en périphérie : petits opérateurs privés et pauvreté hydraulique domestique : enjeux de gouvernance dans les zones périurbaines de Mumbai, Inde." Phd thesis, Grenoble 2, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00441281.
Full textLe, Tellier Julien. "Les recompositions territoriales dans le Maroc du Nord. Dynamiques urbaines dans la péninsule tingitane et gouvernance des services de base à Tanger et à Tétouan (Maroc). L'inclusion des quartiers pauvres à travers l'accès aux transports et à l'eau potable." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00947479.
Full textBarrou, Brahim. "Fès, de la gestion urbaine normative à la gouvernance." Montpellier 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON30031.
Full textLefebvre, Bertrand. "Les services hospitaliers à Delhi : planification, privatisation et gouvernance urbaine." Phd thesis, Université de Rouen, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00782264.
Full textLefebvre, Bertrand. "Les services hospitaliers de Delhi : planification, privatisation et gouvernance urbaine." Rouen, 2011. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00782264.
Full textBackground : Through urban planning and lan-use regulation, the government wishes to avail services such as healthcare to Delhi's ever-growing population. Delhi presents itself as an interesting case in India of a strong hospital planning policy caught up in the net of market forces. As such, this thesis aims to assess the equitable allocation of hospital care services in Delhi. Methods : What options are at hand for the government to achieve a better balance in the spatial distribution of hospital services in the city ? Do poor sections of Delhi's population benefit from good accessibility to hospital services ? We propose a methodology based on different measures of accessibility calculated using geographic information systems (GIS) and on exploratory multivariate statistical analysis, which we employ to map poverty in Delhi. Results : Our results support a differentiated model of hospital services distribution. Some hospitals appear to be located in ways that substitute services for one another, for example, private tertiary and secondary hospitals are closer to more affluent areas while poorer areas have better access to small private hospitals. Nevertheless, poor neighbourhoods seem to experience situations of greater deprivation than other areas. Discussion : While accessibility and proximity are only two dimensions to the issue of access to hospital care, our results tend to show that poorer areas are left with limited choice in terms of having hospital facilities located nearby. Public-Private Partnership models have favoured private tertiary care hospitals in Delhi, with very poor results so far in improving access to hospital care for the poor
Chikhr, Saïdi Fatiha. "L'eau à Alger : ressources, distribution, consommation. Etude de géographie urbaine." Toulouse 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995TOU20049.
Full textThe recent period of dryness in maghreb (1981-1986) attracted the attention on the rarety of water. Indispensable element to life, water is a factor limitating a country's development. So, algiers like many other mediterranean cities, is submitted to physical natural constraints characterized by interseasonal and interannual climatic variations (600 mm annual precipitations) which have consequences upon exploitable resources and, therefore, water distribution of the 2 millions citizens. The algiers's growth increases its water needs and the result is an inadequacy between the supply and demand. The water shortage, in the past arusing out, became structural. The research is divided in 3 parts. The first part (105 p) concerns the mobilization of the water resources and the distribution, the administration of the drinkable water. The absence of local water resources makes algiers a dependant zone for its supplying water of its hinterland and of the border areas. The second part (119 p), by using the available statistics, analyses the water consumption in algiers and the problem of competition for the use of water in the region. The theme of unequal distribution of water in the urban space is also treated, a theme which is more widely analysed in the third part (84 p). The survey of the consumption habits of water is realized from an inquiry upon 93 women living in 3 different parts of algiers (hydra, belfort, casbah). The purpose of this survey is to show how the households absorb water in their daily life, the consequences of water rationing and the fundamental role of women in the daily administration of water
Jourdan, Gabriel. "Le système de gouvernance territorial au défi de la transition urbaine." Cergy-Pontoise, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001CERG0138.
Full textThis work is a geographical study of urban governance. It tries to underline the link between "urban transition", town planning and transportation policies. The "urban transition" means the city moves from a pedestrian organization (the compact city) to a car organization (the dispersed city. ) This process causes automobile dependence and has negative impact on urban sustainable development. Planners wants to control city-sprawl and facilitate car transit. But suburbs and rural municipalities wants more city sprawl and try to stop any control of the land-use at the urban region level. This gap between political and technical logic prevents from any control of urban sprawling, while roads and highways reduce time travel. More and more people can choose peripheral localization for housing, and go fast in the urban region's center. Since a few year, urban planing tries to promote urban sustainable development. Control the "urban transition" is a key issue. But in Nice and Toulouse, "urban region planing governance systems" seams not able to reach this goal. However, external constraints - like national and European laws, or demographic evolution - push some more "sustainable" municipal policies
Awidan, Gamal Farag. "De l'urbanisme étatique à la gouvernance urbaine : l'exemple de Tripoli (Libye)." Besançon, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BESA1033.
Full textThe city of Tripoli expressed remarkably, the urban transformation had known Libya. Within a few decades it has grown from a small town, surrounded by a few kilometers of walls, to the rank of first city in the country with more than one million inhabitants. The origin of this expansion is the state’s action which, through a series of measures, has changed the face of the capital. Explaining this evolution could be find in the introduction of a highly decentralization in the mid-1970s, which has been strengthened for the next decade by a socio-economic crisis due to falling oil prices and the imposed embargo by the United Nations on Libya. The policy carried out, based on major schemes and plans, had not reached the expected results, the central government will then try to work closely with different actors (municipalities, districts committees, inhabitants. . . ) in order to fill the demand for housing. But from now on, the state seeks to limit its intervention in financial aid to promote conditions for investment in this sector, to encourage saving in real estate. These new orientations aim to involve inhabitants in everyday management. This theme of urban governance, in the sense of popular participation in resolving problems that arise in everyday life, to shape their environment, to design their city deserves to be questioned. Our research, which based on a field survey conducted in different districts of Tripoli, is to analyze these mutations in interaction perspective
Lillo, Alexandre. "The Shape of Water : la construction d'un cadre juridique de gestion de l'eau au Canada." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/41080.
Full textMoujahid, Abdelfettah. "Le "gouvernement" du Grand Casablanca à l'épreuve de la gouvernance urbaine : gouvernance, planification et aménagement urbains du Grand Casablanca." Montpellier 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON30009.
Full textThe recent appliance of Governance concept and practices to the territorial field raises the question of whether this Governance may constitute an appropriate solution to the governability crisis of our cities. Despite heavy investment in terms of human resources, infrastructures and urban planning studies, the Grand Casablanca “Government” finds it hard (or: has been unable) to produce a sustainable and coherent urban policy. This is due to Governance mechanisms’ complexity as well as to an unfavourable institutional framework (driven by the Wali) to transversal cooperation co-operation and planning. As a consequence, socio-spatial disequilibrium and improvisation in the implementation of major endeavours still constitute the main obstacles to urban planning and management. Given this context, should the “government” impose upon the territory criteria of good governance with its share of incertitude and reforms, or opt –instead- for the current governability system improvement? Many experiences show that it is possible to optimize the resources available within the present environment
Quentin, Aurélie. "Politiques de l'habitat, gouvernance urbaine et justice sociale : le cas de l'Équateur." Paris, EHESS, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EHES0108.
Full textThe objective of the dissertation is to analyze the enforcement of the doctrine of "urban governance" in Ecuador through the study of state interventions on urban housing on both national and municipal levels since the mid 1990s. In the field of urban planning, "urban governance" implies the reinforcement of «facilitator » state policies, such as have been supported by international institutions since the 1990s. The programs developed within this context are articulated around three main themes: privatization, participation, and decentralization. How did Ecuador apply the rues of international organizations in its public institutions and how did they trickle down to measures on the field? Through an outline both chronological and geographical, and the study of various housing programs, we shall try to answer whether international neoliberal programs can judiciously and firmly answer specific Issues of local housing and urban development
Djatcheu, Kamgain Martin Luther. "Le phénomène de l'habitat précaire à Yaoundé : mécanismes internes et gouvernance urbaine." Thesis, Brest, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BRES0009.
Full textThe present thesis has as an ambition to understand the mechanisms of the production of the precarious habitat in Yaounde and the strategies of the various private and public actors to reabsorb it. It results from a methodology which combines the document retrieval, the direct observations, the investigations by questionnaire near a representative sample of the households of the districts with precarious habitat of Yaounde, and the talks at the chiefs of districts, persons in charge of associations and ONG of Yaounde, working in the improvement of the districts with precarious habitat. It comes out from this study that the districts with precarious habitat of the town of Yaounde develop primarily on the slopes of steep hills and in the funds of marshy valleys. They pose real problems which push the urban powers on the one hand to shave them (Municipality) and on the other hand to implement at it strategies and/or programs of improvement (the State through the PPAB and the PDUE; ONG, associations of the districts, individuals, etc). Indeed, the precarious habitat in the studied districts first of all occupied the slopes of steep hills, then was spread out in the marshes, zones in theory not aedificandi. These districts gather nearly 90% of the population of the city. The latter, which comes from various geographical horizons, does not have a land title guaranteeing the property to him and the land transactions are done there in the illegality. The dwellings as for them, are built by drudges who employ materials of fortune. The districts with precarious habitat of the town of Yaounde have real problems of cleansing. The evacuation of solid waste constitutes a thorny question for the households, especially in terms of access to the services of collection of quality. The distribution network of electricity present in a permanent way of the failures, and the water provision is done either in sub-renting starting from a tap pertaining to a individual, or on the terminal fountain, or with a source or in a water well. The anarchistic occupation of the slopes of steep hills and the funds of marshy valleys is in the beginning many “natural” phenomena of which erosion, landslides and floods. The strategies of treatment of the precarious habitat by the public urban powers are directed on the one hand towards the abandonment without compensation for the populations not having neither land title, nor building permit, and on the other hand towards opening-up by reorganization. Several ONG and associations of the districts contribute to the cleansing of certain districts with precarious habitat in the town of Yaounde. Also, the populations of these districts employ techniques of fortune to stabilize the occupied mediums and to thus make vis-a-vis the hydrological and geomorphological problems. The operations of reorganization of the sectors with precarious dwellings and of rehousing of the populations installed in zones at real risk, are operations of installation adapted in the socio-economic context yaoundéen. For a more effective improvement, the State must imperatively carry out normative and administrative structural changes various scales. The legislation should thus plan the option of a refitting of the precarious sectors of the districts with a long-term aim to standardize the land situation their inhabitants. The public authorities must become aware of the utility to integrate the problems of the districts into precarious habitat in the planning of the evolution of their territory
Djatcheu, Kamgain Martin Luther. "Le phénomène de l'habitat précaire à Yaoundé : mécanismes internes et gouvernance urbaine." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BRES0009.
Full textThe present thesis has as an ambition to understand the mechanisms of the production of the precarious habitat in Yaounde and the strategies of the various private and public actors to reabsorb it. It results from a methodology which combines the document retrieval, the direct observations, the investigations by questionnaire near a representative sample of the households of the districts with precarious habitat of Yaounde, and the talks at the chiefs of districts, persons in charge of associations and ONG of Yaounde, working in the improvement of the districts with precarious habitat. It comes out from this study that the districts with precarious habitat of the town of Yaounde develop primarily on the slopes of steep hills and in the funds of marshy valleys. They pose real problems which push the urban powers on the one hand to shave them (Municipality) and on the other hand to implement at it strategies and/or programs of improvement (the State through the PPAB and the PDUE; ONG, associations of the districts, individuals, etc). Indeed, the precarious habitat in the studied districts first of all occupied the slopes of steep hills, then was spread out in the marshes, zones in theory not aedificandi. These districts gather nearly 90% of the population of the city. The latter, which comes from various geographical horizons, does not have a land title guaranteeing the property to him and the land transactions are done there in the illegality. The dwellings as for them, are built by drudges who employ materials of fortune. The districts with precarious habitat of the town of Yaounde have real problems of cleansing. The evacuation of solid waste constitutes a thorny question for the households, especially in terms of access to the services of collection of quality. The distribution network of electricity present in a permanent way of the failures, and the water provision is done either in sub-renting starting from a tap pertaining to a individual, or on the terminal fountain, or with a source or in a water well. The anarchistic occupation of the slopes of steep hills and the funds of marshy valleys is in the beginning many “natural” phenomena of which erosion, landslides and floods. The strategies of treatment of the precarious habitat by the public urban powers are directed on the one hand towards the abandonment without compensation for the populations not having neither land title, nor building permit, and on the other hand towards opening-up by reorganization. Several ONG and associations of the districts contribute to the cleansing of certain districts with precarious habitat in the town of Yaounde. Also, the populations of these districts employ techniques of fortune to stabilize the occupied mediums and to thus make vis-a-vis the hydrological and geomorphological problems. The operations of reorganization of the sectors with precarious dwellings and of rehousing of the populations installed in zones at real risk, are operations of installation adapted in the socio-economic context yaoundéen. For a more effective improvement, the State must imperatively carry out normative and administrative structural changes various scales. The legislation should thus plan the option of a refitting of the precarious sectors of the districts with a long-term aim to standardize the land situation their inhabitants. The public authorities must become aware of the utility to integrate the problems of the districts into precarious habitat in the planning of the evolution of their territory
Healy, Aisling. "Le gouvernement privé de l’action publique urbaine : sociologie politique de la « gouvernance métropolitaine » du Grand Lyon (fin du XXe siècle)." Lyon 2, 2007. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2007/healy_a.
Full textSince the end of the 1990s, metropolitan representatives and metropolitan agents have claimed that Greater Lyon's method of government can be labelled as “governance” for it is now characterized by the implementation of policies that directly involve the “civil society”. Erected to the status of emblem of Lyon, this “governance” would contribute to the international prestige of this city and promote its economic development. However, the two policies of so-called “governance” that are examined in this research work, do not address the transformations of the modes of metropolitan regulation this word is meant to sum up. Far from engaging with participatory actions on behalf of a number of different local actors in issues related to local economic development, these two policies reproduce a certain institutionalised way of cooperating with a very narrow group of actors, namely the official representatives of private firms who are thus raised to the rank of official partners of the metropolitan institution. Furthermore, since the 1970s, the ability of the metropolitan representatives and metropolitan agents to deal with local economic policies has mainly relied on such a close association with these representatives of the private sector. If the latter are highly competitive amongst themselves in the economic marketplace, they nonetheless manage to come together and form decision-making entities directed towards action in the public domain. The positions and roles of the metropolitan representatives and metropolitan agents are still nevertheless most important in the conduct of this private government of urban public action
Healy, Aisling Pollet Gilles. "Le gouvernement privé de l'action publique urbaine : Sociologie politique de la "gouvernance métropolitaine" du Grand Lyon (fin du XXe siècle)." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2008. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr/sdx/theses/lyon2/2007/healy_a.
Full textDiallo, Yaya. "Dakar, métropole en mouvement : recomposition territoriale et enjeux de la gouvernance urbaine à Rufisque." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0370/document.
Full textThis dissertation is the result of many years of work which started in 2006 while doing a Masters in geography at the faculty of Social Sciences of Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. This study examines the strategies linked to decentralization and methods used to encourage local participation in methods used by the state to achieve policy objectives. This analysis puts a focus on the interaction between the local government and the efforts towards decentralization. The principal objective is to examine the geopolitical issues linked to the governance and strategies of urban planning employed by the state in Dakar on the basis of the principles of the sustainable development This involves an examination of the strategies related to the development of territories, at different scales in communities with regards to the geopolitical and geographic impacts. This requires a methodology that facilitates insight to capture a vision of the context and support the scientific approach used in the dissertation in a manner that represents the evolution of communities of Dakar
Danvide, Tameon Benoit. "Gouvernance des politiques de planification urbaine et gestion des inondations à Cotonou (Bénin)." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080149/document.
Full textThe practice of urban planning remains a key challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa cities since the urban land use is out of phase with the urbanistic standards. The analysis of the context of urban space production and occupation as well as of the consequences that result from an inconsistent urban planning allows us to draw a link between development problems and the risks of aggravating flood situations. The phenomenon is more than worrisome in Cotonou. The planning problems can be presented in terms of occupation of land that are unsuitable for habitat, of vulnerability of inhabited areas and of quality of wastewater facilities. The unhygienic conditions of the habitat and the sanitary situation of potentially flood-prone areas as well as the environment management are among the numerous challenges for cities councils, which are caused by the anarchic occupation of land, the gradual loss of control and regulation by the public hands.The proposals made by this research are related to the physical and climatological constraints and to the strategies for adaptation of the communities to floods. They include besides urban governance improving, urban sanitation and built environment management
Lidgi, Sylvie Bourdin Alain. "Paris-gouvernance ou Les malices des politiques urbaines : J. Chirac, J. Tibéri /." Paris ; Montréal (Québec) ; Budapest [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb372209833.
Full textGagnon, Francis. "Réhabilitation et conservation dans le cadre d'une gouvernance de l'eau : l'exemple d'organismes de bassin versant." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27260/27260.pdf.
Full textCoulibaly, Fatoumata. "RECOMPOSITION DES TERRITOIRES POLITIQUES ET GOUVERNANCE URBAINE : LE CAS DE LA VILLE DE BAMAKO (MALI)." Phd thesis, Université de Rouen, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00846020.
Full textDouay, Nicolas. "La planification urbaine à l'épreuve de la métropolisation : enjeux, acteurs et stratégies à Marseille et à Montréal." Phd thesis, Université Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00348703.
Full textDu, Breuil Louise Carrière Jean-Paul. "La gouvernance du projet urbain au sein des espaces transfrontaliers réflexion à partir du projet Belval au Luxembourg /." Tours : Polytech'Tours, Aménagement, 2009. http://www.applis.univ-tours.fr/scd/EPU_DA/2009PFE_DuBreuil_Louise.pdf.
Full textGil, Garcia Carlos. "Gouvernement et gouvernance urbaine, une approche comparative de la politique locale de l'environnement : la ville d'Aguascalientes, Mexique et de l'agglomération urbaine de Lyon, France." Paris 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA030142.
Full textThe main purpose of this work is to examine the process of the development of urban environmental public action in the city of Aguascalientes in Mexico and the urban agglomeration of Lyon in France during a twelve-year period (1990-2003). We explain the public policy analysis and the main characteristics in the development of urban environmental public policy in both cities. We also emphasize discussions of the different perspectives of the urban context, for example the urban governance approach and the urban regime approach. We explain how this concept helps us to understand new trends in public policy analysis. Using the case study method, we conduct an evaluation of these cities' urban environment public policy. We “reconstruct” this policy by tracking different sources of information and replicating the public policy process under different dynamics. We focus on the different trends in which actors and organisations implement urban environment policies. Most evidence shows that both governments have refocused their policies by adopting supranational methods of policy process or by repositioning environmental issues as the main focus in the management of the cities through the use of urban planning approaches. We also observed that in both cities there are many coincidences in the outcomes of the policies, particularly in the quest to become global cities by introducing innovations in the treatment of the urban environment. Our main conclusions are based on the new trends in the construction of urban policies in both cities as evident in the adoption of a global vision that can be detected in the policy design. An additional conclusion addresses the advanced processes by which problem resolution and advocacy coalitions are developed in these cities
Hun, Manitou. "Influence de l'eau sur le décollement d'une interface par flexion d'un bicouche de chaussée urbaine." Phd thesis, Ecole centrale de nantes - ECN, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00777011.
Full textHun, Manitou. "Influence de l'eau sur le décollement d'une interface par fléxion d'un bicouche de chaussée urbaine." Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2012. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00851093.
Full textIn order to investigate the mechanisms of debonding of urban roads, this thesis focuses on their characterization in the laboratory. In this work, the idea is to know whether the presence of water (by infiltration into materials) combined with me chanical bending can play a role in the deterioration of the interfaces coupling especially of the cement concrete to the asphalt concrete. A 4 -point bending test allowing to generate interface failure in mixed mode (mode I and II) is chosen a priori and adapted. The mechanical analysis of the test is conducted in plane strain with a Multi-particle elastic Model of Multilayer Materials specifically dedicated to the study of edge effects in multilayer structures under bending, the M4-5n. The problem written analytically and solved in Scilab allows optimizing the geometry of the specimens in order to facilitate the delamination. The testing device is developed in the labo ratory. Bilayer specimens Alu/PVC are used to calibrate the testing device. In order to immerse the specimens in water during the tests, a specific aquarium is constructed. The experimental results demonstrate the effect of temperature on the resistance of the int erface. The techniques of Digital Image Correlation are used to experimentally measure the crack opening and sliding displacement. These techniques are used to determine the stress intensity factors and the energy release rate given by Dundurs. These values are compared successfully with those of M4-5n. In the 20°C water, the experiments show that water privileges the process of debonding
BUSSON, VILLA FLORENCE. "Integration d'une logique manageriale de l'efficacite dans la gestion communale du gouvernement a la gouvernance urbaine." Rennes 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998REN11030.
Full textN'nde, Takukam Pierre Boris. "Production de la sécurité, rationalité et gouvernance locale : une ethnographie urbaine à Douala et Yaoundé (Cameroun)." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26932.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the security rationality, which organizes Douala and Yaoundé cities. In fact, urban insecurity is becoming a serious concern of developing countries cities mainly in Cameroonian cities where the rise of criminality and violence have generated popular and state initiatives of security. Regarding theory, several approaches have been employed in order to display the security environment of the concerned cities. We consider Douala and Yaoundé cities as cultural production places where many forms of hybrid identities and diverse urban territories are constructed through migrations, different cultures and behaviors coming from home villages. Then, one should think about the modes of local governance, in order to understand the framing conditions of this urban cultural dynamics. In the same vein, local governance involves actor roles and logics. Those logics can be observed by considering their cognitive dimension and relation to space. Cognitive dimensions are related to perception, experience and subjective representation associated with insecurity. Thus, insecurity feeling, fear, marginalization, violence and criminalization are phenomena involving disadvantage people, who are victims of insecurity. This context is propitious to the unfolding of actor logics, informality, and segregation not only as tools controlling urban spaces but also as an environment of secure spaces production. Informality and segregation are also favorable for the development of identities, for the construction of utopias, these ameliorative visions that motivate and transform actors. Actor logics justify security initiatives. Finally, actors go through out a subjectivation process to be transformed and to perform as subjects. Methodologically, this thesis is based on a critical and comparative ethnography of security and also on the social action approach, which consider social interactions to explain security rationality. By studying security, we suppose look at neighborhood level, which is the main purpose of securing and expression domain of informality. The neighborhoods are surrounded by urban chiefdoms whose management systems has been identified by the expression of local governance. Faced with the security issue that governance acts with its identity, its culture and its representations. It rubs with the state, whose logics, technical and organizational strategies materialize security policies. Douala and Yaoundé cities have popular security approaches that differ each other in terms of their local organization of neighborhoods and their popular temperament. Those cities are close by their actor logics and motivations used to perform as subjects. This research has found that there is a form of rationality which governs the production of all the dynamics and security strategies that prevail in Douala and Yaoundé. This rationality get through a plurality of security logics related either to security or insecurity. Definitely, migration from the countryside to the city, informality, segregation and the presence of local gangs are urban realities that give a particular form to insecurity, but also invite to a rehabilitation of techniques and actor groups involved in the security production. It appears that the security rationality, this intelligence of government, observed in the public security devices, also creates in the popular actor processes, identification techniques to law enforcement. In its process, this rationality leads to the production of secure and security subjects. By entering human productions as innovative activities, we understand that security proceeds by rapprochement between the police and the people, for the implementation of mechanisms to respond to the threat and also the «confiscation of security» for an elite purposes. Then it represents an instance of subjectivity where innovation is materialized and where the actors perform, create security and recreate the city. Finally, this thesis reveals a plurality of security logics constructed around the same security rationality.
Parage, Jane. "Gouvernance locale de l'eau et information géographique : étude du SAGE du bassin versant de la Mayenne - France." Le Mans, 2009. http://cyberdoc.univ-lemans.fr/theses/2009/2009LEMA3004_1.pdf.
Full textThe integrated watershed management is spreading like an alternative to the sectorial and centralizing policies. This new model of management belongs to the international organization which recommend a local governance, where the power is given to the local stakeholders who define compromises collectively and implement actions. France was one of the first countries to make water governance with the Water Management Plans (SAGE) introduced by the water act of 1992. These procedures have ambition a watershed management, on a hydrographic unit scale, by going into partnership the actors. These actors have a different culture and practice of water and space. Thereby, these procedures beg the question of their applicability. The Water Management Plans use Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Their practice are variable as to the knowledge, the division and the exchange of information and the negotiation and the decision aid. Thereby, the question of the use of the geographic information to accompany arises the process of a local governance. This thesis consist in understanding the dynamic process of a local governance of Water Management Plans and in analyzing the role of the geographic information. The approach rests on study and explorative case studies, which reveal the principal obstacle and overhang at the participation, the dialogue and decision over the Water Management Plans and proposes a exploitation method geographic information, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), over Water Management Plan of the Mayenne. The principal results reveal that several variables are likely to influence the process of governance during the the Water Management Plans : the territory, the sociocultural and political context and the nature and intensity of the water problems as the political, technical and financier management. Also, they emphasize the quality and the intelligibility of geographic information to interpret the complexity of the hydrosystème, to make emerge a global view of the problems, to describe the management objectives, to support the implication of the local actors and to dynamize the debates in the development of the compromises
Becouze-Lareure, Céline. "Caractérisation et estimation des flux de substances prioritaires dans les rejets urbains par temps de pluie sur deux bassins versants expérimentaux." Lyon, INSA, 2010. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2010ISAL0089/these.pdf.
Full textThe reducing urban stormwater discharges is one of the major stakes for operators of urban water systems in order to achieve quality objectives of surface and underground water established by Water Framework Directive. Whereas concentrations and loads of traditional pollutants (suspended solids, BOD, COD, nutriments. . . ) in stormwater discharges are well documented since three decades, less information is available on the presence, the pathways, the concentrations and the loads of priority pollutants in these effluents. The objectives of the ESPRIT collaborative project are to identify, evaluate, characterize and later on model the fluxes of priority substances in urban stormwater, for bath combined and separate sewer systems, tacking out different sources. Two experimental sites have been selected ln Lyon, France for monitoring campaigns: Ecully (residential, combined sewer system) and Chassieu (industrial, separate stormwater system). The monitoring campaigns included storm event mean concentrations (EMC), dry weather daily and hourly mean concentrations in wastewater for the combined sewer, the periodic collection of dry atmospheric deposits and event sam pies of rainwater. 26 metals are analysed by ICP-MS/AFS in dissolved and particulate phases. A new multi-residues analytical method is used to quantify 3 organic micro-pollutants in the dissolved phase and in the particulate phase by GS-MS and LC-FLD-MS/MS. On 40 priority pollutants of WFD investigated in stormwater discharges, only 17 pollutants have been detected. Ali metals were present in bath sites for all rain event campaigns. On 36 organic pollutants, only 13 were above the LOD, like diuron, atrazine and fluoranthène
Achour, Hekma. "La gouvernance du Bassin du Nil entre confrontation et coopération. Contribution à l’étude du droit international fluvial." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AZUR0036/document.
Full textThe governance of the Nile Basin is a challenge as it is to reconcile the interests of the eleven riparian States. Its instability is due to the existence of a plurality of legal regimes on the Nile. The development process of the agreements on the Nile, explains their differences. The riparian States have established a cooperative framework called the Nile Basin Initiative, to try to converge their interests and promote regional development. Nevertheless, the study of the positive law on the Nile, demonstrates a great legal and political instability. Therefore, we have tried to find out a way to overcome these differences in a sustainable governance of the Nile Basin. The harmonization of legal regimes on the Nile could be a viable solution. This is based on the qualification of the Nile waters of Regional Public Good, which requires the rehabilitation of the concept of sovereignty, which led to suggest the establishing of a "common sovereignty on the water."
Bothello, Joel. "From global formulation to local legitimation : the trajectory of urban sustainability." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, Ecole supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ESEC0003.
Full textThis dissertation focuses on the development of a powerful idea in transnational space – referred to here as a “world myth” – and demonstrates the effect of this myth on contemporary organizational structures and discourses. My research takes the environmental movement in the twentieth century as an object of study, examining the effects of this movement within the context of urban governance. There are three theoretical pillars which comprise the dissertation: The first is the literature on path generation, which frames the transnational emergence of environmentalism as a process of negotiation around meaning. The second pillar is based on the concept of regime intermediation, illuminating the mechanisms and actors behind myth diffusion to local actors. The final chapter is founded upon a theory of organizational narratives, highlighting how new organizations legitimate their founding principles – and indeed their very existence – through a strategic combination of local and transnational discourse. These three papers all employ qualitative case study methods, oriented around a process thinking approach. The first chapter is based upon a conceptual genealogy method, identifying changes in meaning contained within key texts at specific junctures in time. The second chapter employs a historiographic archive analysis of organizational reports, to trace the strategies of one influential intermediary charged with diffusing environmentalism to local recipients. The third chapter uses a contrast of contexts approach to highlight the similarities and differences between narratives in two of the largest urban sustainability projects in the world. The objective of this dissertation is threefold: First, I demonstrate how a taken-for-granted aspect of organizational governance is not a static outcome of a rational institutionalization process, but rather a malleable product subject to ongoing discursive negotiations. Secondly, I highlight the impact of a transnational myth upon local organizational discourse and narratives, and identify how a myth can be used as a strategic resource to build legitimacy. Finally, I illustrate the feedback that local adaptation provides for transnational level discourse, defining the transnational conceptualization of the myth over time
Jourdan, Gabriel. "Transports, planification et gouvernance urbaine : étude comparée de l'aire toulousaine et de la conurbation Nice Côte d'Azur /." Paris ; Budapest ; Torino : l'Harmattan, 2003. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38999984d.
Full textGotlieb, Carlos. "L'évolution de la notion de projet urbain en Espagne : les cas de Madrid et de Barcelone." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA080010.
Full textThe reflection on the concept “projet urbain “, (urban strategy) is still in topical because of the new processes of change occurring in the urbanized areas, due to the emergence of the phenomena of globalization and metropolisation.The expression of “projet urbain “ appeared in the 1980s in Western Europe, in reaction to the urban planning process in effect during the "thirty glorious years". Faced with the excesses of the functionalist vision of those years and the sudden shutdown of major expansion projects, the concept of “projet urbain “appears as a process, a new set of actions focuses on the design of the shape of the city, dealing primarily with the restructuring of territories witch felt in obsolescence during the crisis of the 1970s.The nature of the application areas in the urban project approach has however changed at the whim of economic and social developments. While in the 1980s urban projects are primarily interested in remodeling areas within cities, especially those damaged or strongly affected by the crisis, in the following decades the focus has moved to areas affected by the phenomenon of metropolisation and globalization. Based on these observations, it therefore seemed appropriate to draw up an inventory of the concept of “projet urbain “.In terms of effectiveness, this research has focused on the choice of Spain, especially in the cities of Madrid and Barcelona who constituted the last forty years, a rich laboratory for applying the concept of “projet urbain “
Doiron, Marc-André. "La prise en charge d'intérêts environnementaux globaux lors de la mise en oeuvre du système québécois de gouvernance de l'eau." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/80.
Full textGotlieb, Carlos. "L'évolution de la notion de projet urbain en Espagne : les cas de Madrid et de Barcelone." Thesis, Paris 8, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA080010.
Full textThe reflection on the concept “projet urbain “, (urban strategy) is still in topical because of the new processes of change occurring in the urbanized areas, due to the emergence of the phenomena of globalization and metropolisation.The expression of “projet urbain “ appeared in the 1980s in Western Europe, in reaction to the urban planning process in effect during the "thirty glorious years". Faced with the excesses of the functionalist vision of those years and the sudden shutdown of major expansion projects, the concept of “projet urbain “appears as a process, a new set of actions focuses on the design of the shape of the city, dealing primarily with the restructuring of territories witch felt in obsolescence during the crisis of the 1970s.The nature of the application areas in the urban project approach has however changed at the whim of economic and social developments. While in the 1980s urban projects are primarily interested in remodeling areas within cities, especially those damaged or strongly affected by the crisis, in the following decades the focus has moved to areas affected by the phenomenon of metropolisation and globalization. Based on these observations, it therefore seemed appropriate to draw up an inventory of the concept of “projet urbain “.In terms of effectiveness, this research has focused on the choice of Spain, especially in the cities of Madrid and Barcelona who constituted the last forty years, a rich laboratory for applying the concept of “projet urbain “
Llorente, Marie. "Une approche néo-institutionnelle de la gestion urbaine de l'eau à Delhi : quelle régulation pour quel service ?" Paris 10, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA100163.
Full textUrban water supply is facing an acute crisis in Delhi like in many others megacities of the developing world. The thesis deals with the kind of reform that could be implemented there. This work is based on fieldwork and interviews. It follows a neo-institutional approach, which is particularly relevant for analysing the intertwined dimensions of the urban water sector. Indeed, this local public service has special attributes that distinguish it from other network utilities, and that should pilot a reform. A review of international experiences with water "re-regulation" shows that economic regulation is not the only aspect of a reform, as the quality of the institutional environment is a determinant factor of sustainability. In the case of Delhi, one should not focus only on the governance structure reform, but also on the formal and informal rules that govern actors behaviour (households with / without water connections, planners, politicians, NGO, public undertaking, etc. ). Reform as several dimensions, and tariff augmentation or partial delegation contract are not viable answers to the present failures. The scope for change is limited to few institutional arrangements, that enlarge the full public service and not only a segment of activity, either in the public or private property right alternative
Bonnet, Beaugrand Florence. "La gouvernance locale face à l'incomplétude des contrats de délégation des services publics : l'exemple de l'eau et de l'assainissement." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2008. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00693303.
Full textLoum, Soda. "Gouvernance de l'eau en région semi-aride : gestion technocratique ou politique sociale ? Le cas du delta du fleuve Sénégal." Rouen, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ROUEL004.
Full textThe geopolitic of renewable natural resources leads to tensions related to the use, access and distribution. Water is one of those resources management problem in many places of the world. In semi-arid areas in Africa water management is not only related to its availability, but the choice of managers. In these areas, the problem of water in the forefront because of sharing methods. In the delta and valley where the Senegal river ensures water availability throughout the year, Mauritania and Senegal have invested in intensive agriculture. Modernization of economic activities is accompanied by a pressure on water resources and on land. In addition, Delta offers ecological potential with the presence of several areas of ecological interest on both banks of the river. Water management is increasingly strategic for the maintenance of certain economic activities such as agriculture depend heavily. Each speaker wanting to impose his method, delta water management is cut in places with different managers. In such a situation, only the water resource governance provides the necessary conditions for the success of an effective and equitable management. This governance through the observatory of the delta that helps to reorganize the management of water throughout the delta. It is important to find a consensus on water management in this shared Senegal River delta. Water management will be decentralized with greater involvement of users and local communities. Thus, the Observatory of Delta becomes the perfect setting to discuss, consult and make decisions for the governance of water resources
Meynet, Cécilia. "Quelle gouvernance urbaine locale au Mali ? : Territoires et dynamiques sociales à partir de l'assainissement à Mopti, Ségou, Kayes." Aix-Marseille 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX10114.
Full textThirion, Anne-Marie. "La gouvernance locale des écocités : regard comparatif France-Danemark." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1G020.
Full textThis work deconstructs governance over four ecocity projects: two in Rennes (France), one in Copenhagen and another one in Helsingør (Denmark), which have been completed over one or several decades. The monitoring of these projects is carried out at the metropolitan level, but with a significant nation-state and European Union influence. These projects peculiarly highlight the views of public and private institutions or NGOs on large urban territories nowadays. The analysis covers different scales from a local or national to a supranational perspective. They also point out how well institutions are managed, and question how consistent public action and local democracy is in today's globalized world. My research is based on two hypotheses. It first assumes the emergence of a new governance model between public and private stakeholders across these state-of-the-art urban projects. Secondly, it raises the question of new patterns based on marketing methods and communication tools. It raises therefore the question of common European building features. Finally, the purpose of this research is to deliver a new typology of urban sustainable projects, based on three pillars (economic, social and environmental) as suggested by the Brundtland report (1987), the international reference in sustainability, if any
Miqueu, Claude. "La nécessaire évolution de la gouvernance des cycles de l'eau : exemples, dans le bassin de l'Adour, de l'évolution juridique, territoriale et fonctionnelle des gestions des milieux aquatiques du grand et du petit cycle de l'eau." Perpignan, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PERP1190.
Full textThe European Water Framework Directive, its daughter directives and their transposition into French law, territorialise water policy via water bodies; and demand results in terms of good water status within a restricted timetable and using an integrated, balanced and sustainable management of the resource in each basin. Drawing on examples from the Adour basin, this paper studies the necessary legal evolution in the management of water and aquatic environments. Water policy (protection, exploitation and management) is of general interest, but it is also heavily influenced by other policies: concerning notably agriculture, industry and tourism. To fail to address all these with a systemic cross-sector approach is to deprive us of global solutions – which risks us not fulfilling our obligation to obtain results. In addition, the new governance of the short and long water cycles, now joined, is defined in three dimensions: legal, political and financial. It must evolve in the context of a modernisation of public activity, in order to resolve today’s complexity “dysfunctional” caused by the difficult interaction between residents, local authorities, consumers and the state. The proposed legal solutions, within a simplified procedural framework, must be organised around an assertive state, giving the lead, accompanied by an organisation based on partnership and infra-territorial operations, and shared management
Dario, Julien. "Géographie d’une ville fragmentée : morphogenèse, gouvernance des voies et impacts de la fermeture résidentielle à Marseille." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AIXM0190.
Full textThis thesis describes causes and consequences of urban fragmentation linked to gated communities expansion in Marseille (France). This work is based on 10 years of research and field surveys led by geographers. The dynamics of enclosure is very strong from over 20 years in Marseille, especially in peripherical areas, urbanized all along 20th and 21th centuries. New-built residential projects in urban regeneration areas or existing streets closure are very common now and tends to be more and more. By this enclosure phenomenon, we question another elementary city’s object. We analyse street / road in its symbolical (link with public space), functional (enclosure impacts) and juridical (soil law) way. We address enclosure by its origins through a “geohistory” of streets and their private status, local morphogenesis of peripherical road map, marked by an old liberalism politics and informality. Actor’s plurality and their evolution through time about roads management and production reveal important governance stakes. It explains the inheritance and reproduction of a large number of private streets too. Lack of planification and public interventions has promoted enclosure dynamics. We analyse its impact on urban environment and urbanities in 3 ways: cut-offs intensity on urban street continuity and pedestrian moves, contradiction with urban public projects, linked to sustainable politics and at last, conflicts emergence between local residents. We built this work as a research-action, we address the impacts and genesis of this deeply embedded phenomenon
Nguimalet, Cyriaque-Rufin Bravard Jean-Paul. "Le cycle et la gestion de l'eau à Bangui (République centrafricaine) approche hydrogéomorphologique du site d'une ville africaine /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2004. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr:8080/sdx/theses/lyon2/2004/nguimalet_cr.
Full textSaliba, Alouisia. "Mobilité et écologie urbaine à Beyrouth. Vers une approche durable des politiques de mobilité au Liban." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLD004.
Full textThe present thesis pursues a new approach regarding mobility in Beirut, through a study of the urban ecology. The main concern is to define the obstacles that the mobility is facing in this city, and to find out: what influences do spatial qualities have on mobility practices in Beirut? The study consists of a cross between the notion of architecture by the analysis of the built environment, the notion of landscape through senses and movement experiences and the social notion by the study of Beirut citizen’s mobility practices. We have developed the research methodology from a synthesis of contemporary mobility, projects and studies. The thesis is divided into three main parts. To start, a study of Beirut urban context includes a retrospective analysis of road infrastructure, as well as the study of the different mobility practices. The second part considers the role of public and private stakeholders. We have thus formulated an interpretation of current and ongoing mobility projects. The final part of the thesis represents three case studies of distinct social and urban forms areas of Beirut. Landscape and social studies are exposed through social survey and mapping.The results of this research, summed up in three key ideas. First, political will and good governance play a fundamental role in implementing sustainable mobility strategies. Secondly, site survey demonstrated the interest of working on the multiple scales of mobility, in order to limit the congestion. Whereas, the influence of urban environment on mobility practices, promotes use of urban environments to favor soft modes of transport. Eco-friendly mobility will stimulate attractiveness and will promote hospitality in Beirut
Maargab, Rafik. "Revendications citoyennes et réalité de la gouvernance urbaine locale : les acteurs associatifs locaux à l'épreuve du projet de requalification urbaine de la rue de la République à Marseille." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1078.
Full textThis research deals with the subject of local urban governance beyond its conceptual or analytical aspect. It is question to understanding the local urban governance through: the urban project, the means and mechanisms for the management of the public affairs as well as techniques and practices of public and all stakeholders, including local civil society actors. Based on the example of urban regeneration project in the street of the République in Marseille, the study also showed the ability and the contribution of neighbourhood associations in the interests of citizens and promotion of local participatory democracy. Furthermore, the research addresses the question of the impact of mutations scocio-economic due to the crossing of public policy and the intervention of economic actors on the micro-local space, namely the street, and on the urban citizens. It's the whole interest of this research to show the impact of economic and political logics on the urban project and to show the place of citizens and civil society actors in decision making
Nematollahi-Gillet, Azyadé. "Analyse théorique de la gouvernance et du développment soutenable dans une perspective institutionnaliste : le cas de l'accès à l'eau potable." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0387/document.
Full textInstitutional actors of development use to express recommendations in the area of access todrinking water towards the governments. The rules that determine the management of this resourceare, like all rules, of constructed nature. Questioning the theoretical reference behind the rulespromoted on the access to water and its relationship with the meaning given to the concept ofsustainable development, allows to understand, beyond the speech, the practical implications of such areference. Governance, and therefore the rule, in fact sets the problem of coordination betweenindividuals and coordination of the collective action; and sustainable development, as well sets theproblem of our relationship with the environment. So, it is ultimately the question of the desired modeof society and the means used for this purpose which is at stake.Using the systemic typology of norms developed within the approach of historical and pragmaticalinstitutionalism as well as the moral and political socio-economy of sustainable development, we tryto demonstrate that the rules of access to clean water promoted by those institutions belong, despite achange in rhetoric, to the neoliberal orthodoxy. The theoretical foundations of the neoliberal referenceprevents from conceiving and therefore from putting forward the question of power relations –between North and South, between States and between economic and social groups – hindering anyreal questioning of the existing order. To illustrate this, we will discuss the case of Chile, whichtypically exemplifies our issue