Academic literature on the topic 'Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine'
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Journal articles on the topic "Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine"
Tsanga Tabi, Marie, and Dominique Verdon. "Nouveaux outils de gestion de la performance des services et gouvernance publique de l'eau. Principaux enseignements tirés d'une recherche-action menée en milieu urbain." Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives 80, no. 1 (2014): 219.
Full textElander, Ingemar. "Partenariats et gouvernance urbaine." Revue internationale des sciences sociales 172, no. 2 (2002): 215.
Full textJouve, Bernard. "Lyon recherche gouvernance urbaine désespérément." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 45, no. 125 (2001): 287.
Full textPinson, Gilles. "Projets de ville et gouvernance urbaine." Revue française de science politique 56, no. 4 (2006): 619.
Full textLippert, Randy, and Kevin Stenson. "Gouvernance urbaine et légalité d'en bas." Canadian journal of law and society 22, no. 2 (August 2007): 4–8.
Full textCALAME, par Pierre. "L'économie urbaine au XXIe siècle : pour une gouvernance urbaine stratégique." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Février 2008, no. 1 (2008): 70.
Full textEdelenbos, Jurian, and Geert R. Teisman. "Numéro spécial sur la gouvernance de l'eau." Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives 77, no. 1 (2011): 5.
Full textLacour, Claude. "Gouvernance urbaine et cohésion sociale : « l’uni-diversité »." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 47, no. 131 (2003): 321.
Full textBoughedada, Thibault. "La gouvernance urbaine « les pieds dans l’eau »." Revue internationale des études du développement N° 247, no. 3 (November 10, 2021): 175–98.
Full textFelli, R. "Le patrimoine à Pékin, entre destruction et détournement : les effets d'une gouvernance urbaine entrepreneuriale." Geographica Helvetica 60, no. 4 (December 31, 2005): 275–83.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine"
Hellier, Emmanuelle. "Collectivités urbaines et gouvernance de l'eau." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 2, 2011.
Full textBremard, Thanawat. "Transformations Socio-Environnementales et Gouvernance de l'Eau : le Cas de Bangkok." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, AgroParisTech, 2024.
Full textDeltas are environments that combine opportunities and vulnerabilities. They are ideal places for shipping, maritime trade and commerce, fertile for agriculture, and rich in water and biodiversity, but their environmental characteristics also pose specific constraints. As Bangkok has urbanised and co-evolved with its deltaic environment, the megalopolis has had to manage its exposure to floods and tides, coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion, water pollution, land subsidence and the supply of drinking water. In order to identify the physical and institutional constraints to sustainable urbanisation, this thesis aims to understand the joint transformations ─ both environmental and socio-political ─ induced by water challenges, through an analysis of governance 'in action', manifested by decision-making processes unfolding in a context of a plurality of actors, institutions, ecological ramifications, spatial and administrative scales, norms, narratives, representations and imaginaries. This multi-level governance (we consider the 'vertical' interactions between global players, the State, the BMA (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration) and local administrations) intersects and merges with 'horizontal' governance, which brings together private players (industries, consultancies, lobbies), civil society (NGOs, collectives) and the academic sector.The central hypothesis of this thesis is that the clarification of governance, through the analysis of decision-making processes around water-related projects and public policies, makes it possible to account for the environmental and socio-political transformations geared towards maintaining the capital's prosperity in the face of the hazards of the delta and the economic competition between global megacities. These transformations are explained through three case studies that illustrate the formulation of public problems and their controversies: 1) the enhancement of the banks of the Chao Phraya River through a promenade project; 2) the management of groundwater in relation to the phenomenon of land subsidence; 3) the protection of the capital from flooding through canals designed to divert flood flows away from the city.The fluidity of water links the atmosphere, the underground and urban surfaces to the human and non-human inhabitants of the delta, and constitutes a material witness that enables us to empirically grasp the complexity of hydro-social interactions. The environmental transformation of Bangkok is not only the consequence of urbanisation, presented as uncontrolled or inevitable, but also the result of a bundle of political and financial interests that are constantly reshaping the flow and spatial distribution of the benefits and costs associated with the transformation of the aquatic environment and the hydrological cycle. The analysis highlights the BMA's limited decision-making autonomy in the face of a centralised state that retains most of the power to influence public policy, reveals the central importance of the academic sector in debates and decision-making, highlights the role of visual media in enlisting stakeholders (the imagineering process), and underlines the multi-scalar nature of the composition of stakeholder coalitions and their reconfigurations
Nantchop, Tenkap Virginie. "Politiques publiques de l'eau et gouvernance urbaine : acteurs et enjeux de l'accès à l'eau potable des populations à Douala (Cameroun)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textIn 2010, the population of Douala was estimated at more than 3 million in habitants. As a result of a combined effect of rural urban migration and a high natural rate of population increase, the average population growth rate was 6.3% per year. Population growth and the expansion of the city have led to an increase in the demand for water by the urban population. Paradoxically, from the second half of the 1980s, (in a context of the economic crisis), the State has significantly cut down on construction and development in the city suburbs, most particularly with regard to investment in water services (CUD, 2011 ). The State faces many challenges such as ; (i) how to reduce the socioeconomic disparities, in an urban context where the majority of the people are poor and Jack access to basic public services (ii) how to ensure social equity in the distribution of drinking water and finally, (iii) how to balance these two fundamental aspects and ensure economic growth. The Urban authorities cannot ensure the continuity of the basic services. As a result, access to drinking water by the urban people represents a key public policy challenge. As a consequence, the past decade, has seen the emergence of largely informal private water providers, in the periphery of the city in a bid to enable access to water to an increasingly larger urban population. The study focuses on the private alternatives of water production and distribution developed by small local operators and the consequences of this on urban area production
El, Harchaoui Noureddyne. "Territoires urbains et gouvernance de l'eau dans la ville de Fès (Maroc) : analyse des inégalités socio-spatiales." Aix-Marseille 1, 2008.
Full textAngueletou-Marteau, Anastasia. "Accès à l'eau en périphérie : petits opérateurs privés et pauvreté hydraulique domestique : enjeux de gouvernance dans les zones périurbaines de Mumbai, Inde." Phd thesis, Grenoble 2, 2009.
Full textLe, Tellier Julien. "Les recompositions territoriales dans le Maroc du Nord. Dynamiques urbaines dans la péninsule tingitane et gouvernance des services de base à Tanger et à Tétouan (Maroc). L'inclusion des quartiers pauvres à travers l'accès aux transports et à l'eau potable." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2006.
Full textBarrou, Brahim. "Fès, de la gestion urbaine normative à la gouvernance." Montpellier 3, 2002.
Full textLefebvre, Bertrand. "Les services hospitaliers à Delhi : planification, privatisation et gouvernance urbaine." Phd thesis, Université de Rouen, 2011.
Full textLefebvre, Bertrand. "Les services hospitaliers de Delhi : planification, privatisation et gouvernance urbaine." Rouen, 2011.
Full textBackground : Through urban planning and lan-use regulation, the government wishes to avail services such as healthcare to Delhi's ever-growing population. Delhi presents itself as an interesting case in India of a strong hospital planning policy caught up in the net of market forces. As such, this thesis aims to assess the equitable allocation of hospital care services in Delhi. Methods : What options are at hand for the government to achieve a better balance in the spatial distribution of hospital services in the city ? Do poor sections of Delhi's population benefit from good accessibility to hospital services ? We propose a methodology based on different measures of accessibility calculated using geographic information systems (GIS) and on exploratory multivariate statistical analysis, which we employ to map poverty in Delhi. Results : Our results support a differentiated model of hospital services distribution. Some hospitals appear to be located in ways that substitute services for one another, for example, private tertiary and secondary hospitals are closer to more affluent areas while poorer areas have better access to small private hospitals. Nevertheless, poor neighbourhoods seem to experience situations of greater deprivation than other areas. Discussion : While accessibility and proximity are only two dimensions to the issue of access to hospital care, our results tend to show that poorer areas are left with limited choice in terms of having hospital facilities located nearby. Public-Private Partnership models have favoured private tertiary care hospitals in Delhi, with very poor results so far in improving access to hospital care for the poor
Chikhr, Saïdi Fatiha. "L'eau à Alger : ressources, distribution, consommation. Etude de géographie urbaine." Toulouse 2, 1995.
Full textThe recent period of dryness in maghreb (1981-1986) attracted the attention on the rarety of water. Indispensable element to life, water is a factor limitating a country's development. So, algiers like many other mediterranean cities, is submitted to physical natural constraints characterized by interseasonal and interannual climatic variations (600 mm annual precipitations) which have consequences upon exploitable resources and, therefore, water distribution of the 2 millions citizens. The algiers's growth increases its water needs and the result is an inadequacy between the supply and demand. The water shortage, in the past arusing out, became structural. The research is divided in 3 parts. The first part (105 p) concerns the mobilization of the water resources and the distribution, the administration of the drinkable water. The absence of local water resources makes algiers a dependant zone for its supplying water of its hinterland and of the border areas. The second part (119 p), by using the available statistics, analyses the water consumption in algiers and the problem of competition for the use of water in the region. The theme of unequal distribution of water in the urban space is also treated, a theme which is more widely analysed in the third part (84 p). The survey of the consumption habits of water is realized from an inquiry upon 93 women living in 3 different parts of algiers (hydra, belfort, casbah). The purpose of this survey is to show how the households absorb water in their daily life, the consequences of water rationing and the fundamental role of women in the daily administration of water
Books on the topic "Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine"
Julien, Le Tellier, ed. Gouvernance urbaine et accès à l'eau potable au Maroc: Partenariat public-privé à Casablanca et Tanger-Tétouan. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textMiras, Claude de. Gouvernance urbaine et accès à l'eau potable au Maroc: Partenariat public-privé à Casablanca et Tanger-Tétouan. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textDominique, Carré, ed. L'eau urbaine: Ateliers de création urbaine, 2008-2009. Paris: D. Carré, 2009.
Find full text1959-, Létourneau Alain, and Choquette Catherine, eds. Vers une gouvernance de l'eau au Québec. Québec: Éditions MultiMondes, 2008.
Find full text1959-, Létourneau Alain, and Choquette Catherine, eds. Vers une gouvernance de l'eau au Québec. Québec: Éditions MultiMondes, 2008.
Find full text1959-, Létourneau Alain, and Choquette Catherine, eds. Vers une gouvernance de l'eau au Québec. Québec: Éditions MultiMondes, 2008.
Find full textBoutelet, Marguerite. Gouvernance de l'eau: Intercommunalités et recomposition des territoires. Dijon: Éditions universitaires de Dijon, 2010.
Find full textCavallier, Georges. Défis pour la gouvernance urbaine dans l'Union européenne. Dublin: Fondation européenne pour l'amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail, 1998.
Find full textAndré, Donzel, ed. Métropolisation, gouvernance et citoyenneté dans la région urbaine marseillaise. Paris, France: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2001.
Find full textGaye, Malick. Villes entrepreneuses: De l'action participative à la gouvernance urbaine. Dakar: Enda-Editions, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine"
Osmont, Annick. "La gouvernance et la coopération urbaine. Une aventure commune (1995-2010)." In Lire la ville, éclairer la métropolisation depuis l’Asie du Sud-Est, 27–31. Bangkok: Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine, 2024.
Full textLacroix, Thomas. "La gouvernance urbaine des migrations internationales : stade ultime de l’État transnational migratoire ?" In L’État sans frontières, 269–81. Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2024.
Full textArmondi, Simonetta, Angela D’Orazio, Nacima Baron, Hélène Dang Vu, Luca Montuori, and Loukas Triantis. "Injonctions métropolitaines : grands projets de transformation urbaine et jeux institutionnels." In Les métropoles d’Europe du Sud à l’épreuve des crises du XXIe siècle, 71–120. Rome: Publications de l’École française de Rome, 2024.
Full text"Gouvernance de l’eau." In L'eau et ses enjeux, 27–43. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2016.
Full textBelley, Serge, and Gérard Diva. "Le management de la complexité urbaine." In La gouvernance, 71–100. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"Gouvernance environnementale pluri-niveaux : l'eau." In Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE, 121–58. OECD, 2013.
Full text"Gouvernance urbaine et coordination métropolitaine." In Examens territoriaux de l'OCDE : Helsinki, Finlande 2003, 213–44. OECD, 2003.
Full textBarraqué, Bernard. "Les trois génies de l’eau urbaine." In Peurs et Plaisirs de l'eau, 325–49. Hermann, 2011.
Full textFéré, Cécile, and Franck Scherrer. "22. L'eau urbaine après le réseau ?" In L’eau mondialisée, 403–17. La Découverte, 2010.
Full text"Gouvernance publique et politiques de l'eau." In Études de l'OCDE sur l'eau, 27–40. OECD, 2012.
Full textReports on the topic "Gouvernance de l'eau urbaine"
Manrique, Gabriela, Geneviève Baril, Johanne Préval, Marie-Christine Therrien, Julie-Maude Normandin, and Sandrine Veillette. La résilience du système de santé publique face à la COVID-19 : développement des systèmes informationnels par les directions régionales de santé publique au Québec. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, September 2021.
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