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Keith-Smith, Brian, Eric Robertson, and Robert Vilain. "Yvan Goll: Claire Goll: Texts and Contexts." Modern Language Review 94, no. 4 (October 1999): 1157.

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Watkins, Nan. "Paul Celan and Yvan Goll." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 125, no. 4 (October 2010): 1096–97.

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Bonnefoy, Yves. "Paul Celan and Yvan Goll - Reply." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 125, no. 4 (October 2010): 1096–98.

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Vojak, Danijel. "Book Review: Sebastian Goll, Martin Mlinarić, Johannes Gold (Ed.): Minorities under Attack: Othering and Right-Wing Extremism in Southeast European Societies." Drustvena istrazivanja 25, no. 4 (December 23, 2016): 571–74.

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Vilain, Robert, and Barbara Glauert-Hesse. "Yvan Goll: Die Lyrik in vier Banden." Modern Language Review 95, no. 3 (July 2000): 891.

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Bergeron, Patrick. "Récit d’enfance et populisme dans Éducation barbare de Claire Goll." Études littéraires 44, no. 2 (March 14, 2014): 147–58.

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Cet article propose une relecture d’un roman de Claire Goll (1890-1977), Éducation barbare (1941), à la lumière des idées sur le roman populiste développées par Léon Lemonnier au tournant des années 1930. Nous y montrons que le motif de l’enfant persécuté, fortement inspiré du classique de Jules Renard, Poil de Carotte, permet à Goll de participer à la tradition du roman réaliste français sans tomber dans ce qui passait alors, aux yeux de Lemonnier, pour les excès du naturalisme.
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Γαλανάκης, Αθανάσιος Β. "Yvan Goll – Ε. Χ. Γονατάς: Προς μια συγκριτική ποιητική." Σύγκριση 26 (February 25, 2018): 11.

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This study aims to explore the relationship between the works of Yvan Goll and E. Ch. Gonatas. More specifically, the main purpose of the study is to highlight the role played by the Expressionist Movement (in which Yvan Goll was an active member) in the literary works of E. Ch. Gonatas. The methodological tools of Comparative Literature and Hermeneutics are used to prove the close relationship between the two authors and the expressionistic texture of their art. In the first part, the study is concerned with the expressionistic imagery, the poetics of landscape, the use of colors and the symbolization of nature (especially through the motif of the humanization of animals). The second part deals with the influence of Expressionism on the mutability of the literary genres, the generic hybridization in the work of E. Ch. Gonatas and the small literary form.The main objectives of the study are: i) A heuristic report of the presence of Expressionism in Modern Greek Literature (especially in the post-surrealistic movement), ii) the clarification of certain aspects in Gonatas' poetics and iii) the acquaintance with the work of the major poet but unknown to the Greek general public, Yvan Goll.
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Klawitter, Arne. "« Komprimierte Kunstpillen ». Das moderne Haikai bei Yvan Goll." Études Germaniques 271, no. 3 (2013): 475.

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Sharp, Michael, Andreas Kramer, and Robert Vilain. "Yvan Goll: A Bibliography of the Primary Works." Modern Language Review 103, no. 1 (January 1, 2008): 290.

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Vilain, Robert. "THE DEATH OF EXPRESSIONISM: YVAN GOLL (1891–1950)." Oxford German Studies 42, no. 1 (April 2013): 96–109.

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Papparella, Teresa. "La Quête d’identité et le bilinguisme d’Yvan Goll." Babel, no. 18 (December 31, 2008): 151–57.

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Barbosa, Maria Aparecida. "Les Cinq Continents, a antologia de Goll: apelo (po)ético cosmopolita." Alea : Estudos Neolatinos 13, no. 2 (December 2011): 238–51.

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Este artigo trata de alguns trabalhos poéticos de Ivan Goll, publicados em alemão, francês e inglês, nos quais o diapasão cosmopolita e o apelo a uma poesia supranacional representaram um grito marginal de resistência frente às tendências totalizantes e às categorias nacionais da primeira metade do século XX. Busca-se compreender se o grito encontra respaldo nas reflexões atuais, pensando-o como um antecedente questionador de taxonomias de gênero literário e de forma artística, um transgender. Assinala que o modernista brasileiro Mário de Andrade não somente acompanhou a querela entre Goll e Breton sobre a herança do conceito Surréalisme legado por Apollinaire, como também se correspondeu e trocou livros com o poeta alsaciano, tendo recebido com entusiasmo a antologia Les Cinq continents. Ao final, este artigo apresenta a tradução de dois poemas afinados com a noção cosmopolita: "O Negro do Teatro de Variedades" e "A Canção de João Sem-Terra, O Duplo".
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Kramer, Andreas, Michael Knauf, and Matthias Muller-Lentrodt. "Yvan Goll: Ein Intellektueller zwischen zwei Landern und zwei Avantgarden." Modern Language Review 95, no. 2 (April 2000): 572.

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Hausdorf, Anna. "Claire Goll und ihr Roman ?Der Neger Jupiter raubt Europa?" Neophilologus 74, no. 2 (April 1990): 265–78.

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Poppenhusen, Astrid. "Barbara Wiedemann (Hg.), Paul Celan – Die Goll-Affäre. Dokumente zu einer ‚Infamie‘." Arbitrium 19, no. 1 (2001): 117–20.

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Bonnefoy, Yves. "Why Paul Celan Took Alarm." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 125, no. 1 (January 2010): 207–12.

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It's Only Normal that Paul Celan was harshly affected by the base slander—accusations of plagiarism—leveled at him by Claire Goll. It's less normal that he should have suffered from this all his life even though these clearly mendacious accusations allowed him to know that most readers spontaneously took his side.This brief essay tries to grasp the reasons for this irreducible affliction and finds them in the deepest rapport between a poet and his thought of what poetry is.
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Boerner, Ralph E. J., and Do-Soon Cho. "Structure and Composition of Goll Woods, an Old-Growth Forest Remnant in Northwestern Ohio." Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 114, no. 2 (April 1987): 173.

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Fenemore, M. "Distorting Mirror for Society or Mosaic Stones of a Fragmented Self: The Writings of Franz Goll." German History 30, no. 2 (May 8, 2012): 283–90.

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Jerram, L. "The Turbulent World of Franz Goll: An Ordinary Berliner Writes the Twentieth Century, by Peter Fritzsche." English Historical Review 127, no. 529 (November 28, 2012): 1583–85.

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Bancquart, Marie-Claire. "Note sur la présence." Irish Journal of French Studies 18, no. 1 (December 13, 2018): 199–200.

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Marie-Claire Bancquart est professeur émérite de littérature française à la Sorbonne, auteur d'essais, d'articles et de conférences sur les prosateurs français du XIXe siècle (Anatole France, Maupassant, les écrivains 'décadents'...) et sur les poètes, depuis les surréalistes jusqu'aux contemporains. Elle est l'auteur d'une vingtaine de recueils de poésie depuis 1978, dont les plus récents sont: Explorer l'incertain (L'Amourier, 2010); Violente vie (Le Castor Astral, 2012); Mots de passe (Le Castor Astral, 2014). Elle a gagné de nombreux prix importants pour sa poésie comme pour ses essais critiques. Marie-Claire Bancquart fait partie des jurys des prix Apollinaire, Ivan Goll, Max-Pol Fouchet, et de jurys annuels.
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Grass, Delphine. "The Democratic Languages of Exile: Reading Eugene Jolas and Yvan Goll's American Poetry with Jacques Derrida and Hannah Arendt." Nottingham French Studies 56, no. 2 (July 2017): 227–44.

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Taking from departure Jacques Derrida and Hannah Arendt's divergent points of view on the cultural role of the mother tongue in totalitarian and democratic contexts, this essay investigates the writings of two poets, Yvan Goll and Eugene Jolas, who both wrote poetry in English during their exiles in New York during the Second World War. The essay analyses how issues of belonging and citizenship are approached in their works through the prism of multilingualism for Jolas, and by challenging mono-referentiality in language and proper names in Yvan Goll's Kabbalistic poetry. The essay investigates how both poets and both thinkers tried to reimagine democracy through the prism of multilingualism or mother-tongue expression in their works.
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Samson, Horst. "„In den Lüften liegt Man nicht eng“. Anmerkungen zur unauflösbaren Tragik des Dichters Paul Celan." Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia 66, no. 3 (September 20, 2021): 9–34.

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"“In the Air Where You Won’t Lie Too Cramped.” Notes on the Irresolvable Tragedy of the Poet Paul Celan. Paul Celan's work is characterized by reflections on the power and possibilities of language and poetry in general in processing personal tragedy and painful borderline experiences, especially the experience of the Holocaust. These experiences range from the persecution of Jews, the deportation and murder of his parents, to the ""Goll Plagiarism Affair"" or to mental illness in the last years of his life. These experiences of persecution and extermination of the Jews and Celan's involvement in the tragedy of his people are reflected in many of his poems, especially in Todesfuge. Keywords: Celan, Shoa, modern German poetry and language, tragedy "
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Ostoić, Sunčica. "KONCEPTI GOLOG ŽIVOTA I GOLE TELESNOSTI ĐORĐA AGAMBENA." Srpska politička misao, Specijal 2019 (December 2, 2019): 55–70.

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Predmet rada obuhvata dva koncepta italijanskog filozofa Đorđa Agambena koje terminološki povezuje izraz biti go. Jedan uključuje centralni pojam njegove filozofije – goli život, koji se analizira kroz knjigu Homo sacer: suverena moć i goli život, dok se drugi pojam odnosi na goloću – golu telesnost, koja se čita kroz istoimeni Agambenov esej. Agambenovi koncepti golog života i gole telesnosti označavaju određene vrste razgolićenja pa je cilj rada pokazati njihove različitosti i pojedine moguće konceptualne poveznice. Gola telesnost se odnosi na seksualnu žudnju/znanje/pojavnost vezane uz ljudsku telesnost i um unutar teološko-kulturološkog aparata, a goli život se veže uz političko-pravni oblik života unutar biopolitičkog aparata. Ono golo je kod Agambena uvezano kao promenjivo svojstvo i odnos u kojem moć suverena, Boga ili spoznaje izopštava politički subjekt, emancipiranu ljudsku prirodu ili telo koje ništa ne otkriva, postavljajući ih kroz princip uključujućeg isključenja u poziciju zavisnosti, nerazdvojivosti i međusobnog uspostavljanja. Postajanje golim je događaj postavljanja bića u bastardnu poziciju lišenosti prava, milosti, tajne ili značenja.
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Bonnefoy, Yves, and John Felstiner. "Why Paul Celan Took Alarm." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 125, no. 1 (January 2010): 204–12.

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Paul Celan Breaks Into “Tears, His Body Shaken by Sobbing, the Whole Affair Again Present, Accusings, Denouncings, as Stunned and distressed as on day 1.” It's June 1966 in Paris, and he has gone with Yves Bonnefoy to visit a “most generous, most welcoming” friend who has “deep instincts for a poet's quality and for how infamous these attacks on Celan were.” But “[t]hat trustful welcome had only deepened the open wound.”Nothing in the life of Paul Celan (1920-70), short of his parents' murder in the Holocaust, racked him more than the vicious, specious plagiarism charges a German French writer, Claire Goll, launched against him on behalf of her deceased husband. As Bonnefoy saw all too well, Celan never recovered from them.
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Lorenz, Dagmar C. G. "Jewish Women Authors and the Exile Experience: Claire Goll, Veza Canetti, Else Lasker-Schuler, Nelly Sachs, Cordelia Edvardson." German Life and Letters 51, no. 2 (April 1998): 225–39.

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Smale, Catherine. "‘DIREKT AUS DEM KRIEG IN DIE LIEBE’: DEPICTIONS OF THE ‘HEIMATFRONT’ IN THE EARLY PROSE OF CLAIRE GOLL." German Life and Letters 72, no. 1 (January 2019): 64–74.

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Hirte, Ch. "M. Weber, H. W. Goll und B. Küllenberg: Lebensmittelallergien. 135 Seiten. Walter Hädecke Verlag, Weil der Stadt 1989. Preis: 24,80 DM." Food / Nahrung 34, no. 8 (1990): 779.

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Delgado-García, Guillermo, Carolina Rodríguez-Návarez, and Bruno Estañol. "Pierrot doctor (1898) de Julio Ruelas (1870-1907)." Archivos de Neurociencias 23, no. 2 (May 17, 2020): 36–41.

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El dibujante, grabador, pintor e ilustrador mexicano Julio Ruelas (1870-1907) está íntimamente ligado al modernismo, nombre con el que se conoció al simbolismo en nuestro país. Ruelas expuso por primera vez su óleo Pierrot doctor (1898) en la XXIII Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes en la Academia de San Carlos. El tema y escenario de esta pintura están influenciados por la obra del escritor Bernardo Couto Castillo (1879-1901). El pintor utilizó como modelo a su hermano, quien años luego se graduaría como médico cirujano con la tesis La cura radical de la hernia inguinal (1907). A través de una de las dos ilustraciones anatómicas reproducidas por Ruelas en su lienzo, fue posible identificar el libro de medicina que está leyendo el Pierrot doctor: el Traité de Paul Tillaux (1834-1904), profesor de clínica quirúrgica en la Facultad de Medicina de París. En el libro que sostiene el Pierrot doctor es posible observar la sustancia gris en azul, el cordón de Goll y el fascículo piramidal directo en rojo, y el fascículo cerebeloso directo igualmente en azul. En el germen de este Pierrot doctor confluyeron diversos ejes, entre estos, las afinidades espirituales del pintor, el influjo ejercido por Couto y la imagen del hermano estudiante de medicina y posteriormente médico.
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Gimadeev, Timur. "The feedback on the Slavophile theory of the Hussite movement in the Czech non-fiction historical literature (before 1918)." Slavic Almanac, no. 1-2 (2019): 46–58.

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This article deals with the reflection of Czech historians and political writers on the works of Russian Slavophilehistorians about the Hussite movement. The apologists of the Slavophile concept (such as P. Novikov and A. Th. Hilferding) defended the idea of the succession between Orthodoxy and the Hussite movement, supposing that Orthodoxy was brought to Czechia by Cyril and Methodius. This conception remained highly unpopular among the Czech authors. The professional Czech historians, such as J. Kalousek and J. Goll indicated that the information on such continuity is first found in the sources only starting from the mid-16th century, and noted that the communion in both forms was also spread in the West. The Czech authors that were studying the Russian Thought of the 19th century, such as P. Durdík and J. Perwolf, saw this concept as a mere transplantation of the contemporary Slavophile ideology into the past. The Catholic authors headed by A. Lenzrevealed numerous differences between the Hussite and Orthodox creeds.It was only J. V. Kalaš to advocate the Slavophile concepts, but this was caused by his uncritical acceptance of Russian Slavophile literature. The rest of the Czech authors were united in the criticism of the Slavophile publications that was caused by the national solidarity of the Czech intelligentsia and by the weak academic grounds of this theory.
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Daniš, M. "N.I. Kareev in the Czech and Slovak History and Historiography." Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki 162, no. 6 (2020): 99–110.

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This study deals with the reflections of personality and works of N.I. Kareev in the Czech and Slovak historiography. The contemporary historical science considers N.I. Kareev to be one of the most original and most important representatives of Russian scholarship in the field of social sciences during the late 19th–early 20th centuries. His interdisciplinary and manifold scientific interest in history, sociology, philosophy of history, culturology, and methodology of science has been reflected in the Czech and Slovak humanities. In 1895, N.I. Kareev published in Czech one of his most popular works “The Letters to Studying Youth” (‘Listy studující mládeží’). The introduction to this work, directly addressed to the Czech readers, was particularly valuable. N.I. Kareev’s second work “The Introduction to Sociology” (‘Úvod do sociológie’) was translated into Czech and published in 1907. His articles and the reviews of his works were published on the pages of several Czech journals. N.I. Kareev met in person with many historians, such as Jaroslav Bidlo, Jaroslav Goll, Josef Pekař, and Ľubomír Niederle, as well as with some politicians, such as Tomáš Masaryk and Karel Kramář. His scholarly works on the history of Western Europe were based on both his research on the Austrian Empire and his good knowledge of local realia (including the Slavic ones). After 1989, the Czech and Slovak scholars – historians, philosophers, and sociologists – became increasingly focused on the academic work of N.I. Kareev.
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Eberl, Immo. "Jürg Goll / Erich Tscholl, Der Wirtschaftshof im Kloster Müstair St. Johann in Müstair. Der Baubestand des Westhofs bis heute. (Müstair Studien, Bd. 2.) Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner 2019." Historische Zeitschrift 311, no. 2 (October 1, 2020): 409–10.

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Golahny, Amy. "1982 - Het Rembrandt Research Project." Internationale Neerlandistiek 50, no. 1 (January 1, 2012): 64–66.

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Landon, Preston B., Alexander H. Mo, Chen Zhang, Chris D. Emerson, Adam D. Printz, Alan F. Gomez, Christopher J. DeLaTorre, et al. "Designing Hollow Nano Gold Golf Balls." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, no. 13 (June 26, 2014): 9937–41.

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Timmermann, Achim. "Müstair: Die mittelalterlichen Wandbilder in der Klosterkirche. Jürg Goll , Matthias Exner , Susanne Hirsch Müstair: Falttafeln zu den mittelalterlichen Wandbildern in der Klosterkirche/Piante pieghevoli delle pitture parietali medievali nella chiesa dell'abbazia. Michael Wolf." Speculum 83, no. 4 (October 2008): 994–96.

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Yan, Li, Peiqing Sun, Yun Xu, Shanbo Zhang, Wei Wei, and Jing Zhao. "Integration of a Gold-Specific Whole E. coli Cell Sensing and Adsorption Based on BioBrick." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19, no. 12 (November 24, 2018): 3741.

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Detection and recovery of heavy metals from environmental sources is a major task in environmental protection and governance. Based on previous research into cell-based visual detection and biological adsorption, we have developed a novel system combining these two functions by the BioBrick technique. The gold-specific sensory gol regulon was assembled on the gold-chaperone GolB (Gold-specific binding protein), which is responsible for selectively absorbing gold ions, and this led to an integration system with increased probe tolerance for gold. After being incorporated into E. coli, this system featured high-selective detection and recycling of gold ions among multi-metal ions from the environment. It serves as an efficient method for biological detection and recovery of various heavy metals. We have developed modular methods for cell-based detection and adsorption of heavy metals, and these offer a quick and convenient tool for development in this area.
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GOLL, DARREL E., VALERY F. THOMPSON, HONGQI LI, WEI WEI, and JINYANG CONG. "The Calpain System." Physiological Reviews 83, no. 3 (July 2003): 731–801.

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Goll, Darrel E., Valery F. Thompson, Hongqi Li, Wei Wei, and Jinyang Cong. The Calpain System. Physiol Rev 83: 731–801, 2003; 10.1152/physrev.00029.2002.—The calpain system originally comprised three molecules: two Ca2+-dependent proteases, μ-calpain and m-calpain, and a third polypeptide, calpastatin, whose only known function is to inhibit the two calpains. Both μ- and m-calpain are heterodimers containing an identical 28-kDa subunit and an 80-kDa subunit that shares 55–65% sequence homology between the two proteases. The crystallographic structure of m-calpain reveals six “domains” in the 80-kDa subunit: 1) a 19-amino acid NH2-terminal sequence; 2) and 3) two domains that constitute the active site, IIa and IIb; 4) domain III; 5) an 18-amino acid extended sequence linking domain III to domain IV; and 6) domain IV, which resembles the penta EF-hand family of polypeptides. The single calpastatin gene can produce eight or more calpastatin polypeptides ranging from 17 to 85 kDa by use of different promoters and alternative splicing events. The physiological significance of these different calpastatins is unclear, although all bind to three different places on the calpain molecule; binding to at least two of the sites is Ca2+dependent. Since 1989, cDNA cloning has identified 12 additional mRNAs in mammals that encode polypeptides homologous to domains IIa and IIb of the 80-kDa subunit of μ- and m-calpain, and calpain-like mRNAs have been identified in other organisms. The molecules encoded by these mRNAs have not been isolated, so little is known about their properties. How calpain activity is regulated in cells is still unclear, but the calpains ostensibly participate in a variety of cellular processes including remodeling of cytoskeletal/membrane attachments, different signal transduction pathways, and apoptosis. Deregulated calpain activity following loss of Ca2+homeostasis results in tissue damage in response to events such as myocardial infarcts, stroke, and brain trauma.
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Zamzami, Zamzami, Osrita Hapsara, and Yunan Surono. "Kinerja Perusahaan Berdasarkan Pertumbuhan Investasi dan Potensi Kebangkrutan Sub Sektor Perkebunan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2014 – 2017." J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) 4, no. 1 (April 29, 2019): 14.

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This research aims to prove the stock sub group of the plantation sector has a positive value of the company (investment growth) if measured using model Tobin's q, and potential bankruptcy if measured using models Altman's Z-score first, Altman's Z-score and the Z-Altman's revision of the score as well as modifications to get the stocks that had the best performance based on the model. The sample in this study using census methods, namely the entire company group issuers shares sub plantation sector during the four-year period, starting from the observation of the year 2014-2017 recorded as many as 16 corporate issuers in Indonesia stock exchange, This form of research is research eksplanatoris. The results showed that the company's performance based on investment growth with model Tobin's q on sub plantation sector was by 20% by the year 2014, by the year 2015 amounting to 13.33% and in the year 2016 amounting to 13.33% and the year 2017 of 26.67%. Group company shares sub plantation sector which has the best performance based on the model of the Altman Z-score First for potential bankruptcy was able to note that in 2014, based on code by issuers SSMS, LSIP and AALI. In the year 2015, 2016 and 2017 which had the most improved performance is SSMS and LSIP. Group company shares sub plantation sector which has the best performance based on the model of the Altman Z-score for potential Revision of bankruptcy, it can be noted that in the year 2014, with code ANJT, LSIP issuers and SSMS. In the year 2015, 2016 and 2017 which had the most improved performance is LSIP. Group company shares sub plantation sector which has the best performance based on the model of the Altman Z-score for potential bankruptcy Modification is the year 2014, with code issuers LSIP, SSMS, ANJT, AALI, SGRO and GOLL. In the year 2015, the stocks that have the most excellent performance namely LSIP, ANJT, AALI and SSMS. In the year 2016, the stocks that have the most excellent performance namely LSIP, AALI, ANJT, PALM, SSMS, SMAR and SIMP and the year 2017 which had the most improved performance is LSIP, AALI, ANJT, SSMS and SMAR.
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Naderi, Sait, Uğur Türe, and T. Glenn Pait. "History of spinal cord localization." Neurosurgical Focus 16, no. 1 (January 2004): 1–6.

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The first reference to spinal cord injury is recorded in the Edwin Smith papyrus. Little was known of the function of the cord before Galen's experiments conducted in the second century AD. Galen described the protective coverings of the spinal cord: the bone, posterior longitudinal ligament, dura mater, and pia mater. He gave a detailed account of the gross anatomy of the spinal cord. During the medieval period (AD 700–1500) almost nothing of note was added to Galen's account of spinal cord structure. The first significant work on the spinal cord was that of Blasius in 1666. He was the first to differentiate the gray and white matter of the cord and demonstrated for the first time the origin of the anterior and posterior spinal nerve roots. The elucidation of the various tracts in the spinal cord actually began with demonstrations of pyramidal decussation by Mistichelli (1709) and Pourfoir du Petit (1710). Huber (1739) recorded the first detailed account of spinal roots and the denticulate ligaments. In 1809, Rolando described the substantia gelati-nosa. The microtome, invented in 1824 by Stilling, proved to be one of the fundamental tools for the study of spinal cord anatomy. Stilling's technique involved slicing frozen or alcohol-hardened spinal cord into very thin sections and examining them unstained by using the naked eye or a microscope. With improvements in histological and experimental techniques, modern studies of spinal cord anatomy and function were initiated by Brown-Séquard. In 1846, he gave the first demonstration of the decussation of the sensory tracts. The location and direction of fiber tracts were uncovered by the experimental studies of Burdach (1826), Türck (1849), Clarke (1851), Lissauer (1855), Goll (1860), Flechsig (1876), and Gowers (1880). Bastian (1890) demonstrated that in complete transverse lesions of the spinal cord, reflexes below the level of the lesion are lost and muscle tone is abolished. Flatau (1894) observed the laminar nature of spinal pathways. The 20th century ushered in a new era in the evaluation of spinal cord function and localization; however, the total understanding of this remarkable organ remains elusive. Perhaps the next century will provide the answers to today's questions about spinal cord localization.
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Kulkarni, Prateek, Reetobrata Basu, and John J. Kopchick. "Effects of Growth Hormone on Pancreatic Cancer Derived Exosomes." Journal of the Endocrine Society 5, Supplement_1 (May 1, 2021): A1016—A1017.

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Abstract In 2020, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates 57,600 new cases and 47,050 deaths in the US due to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). A dismal 10% five-year overall survival rate in PDAC is attributed to late diagnosis, limited treatment options, a remarkably high metastasis rate, and resistance of this cancer to available therapies. Therefore, a better understanding of the mechanisms of how PDAC tumors acquire drug resistance and spread to distal parts of the body are necessary for developing novel therapeutic approaches. Exosomes, microscopic vesicles released from most cells (both tumor and non-tumor) have been recently established to play a significant role in cell to cell communication. Exosomes modulate their target cell responses systematically depending on the nature of exosomal cargoes (nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids). PDAC derived exosomes have been implicated to promote metastasis via forming a pre-metastatic niche of cells as well as enhancing drug resistance. Growth hormone (GH) secreted primarily by the pituitary gland promotes metastasis and drug resistance as shown by plethora of studies. No study has directly assessed the effect of GH on exosomal cargoes in terms of promoting metastases and drug resistance. In this report, we show that GH modulates various pancreatic cancer cell exosomal cargoes which in turn potentially amplifies tumor invasion and metastases. Our data shows that GH treatment on human and mouse PDAC cells increases the exosomal protein levels of TGFβ - a critical inducer of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT, a process leading to metastasis). In addition, GH treatment also increases extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes, MMP2 and 9, as well as multi-drug efflux pump ABCC1, ABCB1, and ABCG2 in PDAC cells. These results strongly implicate GH action in driving EMT and chemoresistance via exosomes in pancreatic cancer. Exosomes have a crucial impact especially in the areas of diagnostics and therapeutics. This report is the first to show that GH modulates the effects of exosomes secreted by pancreatic cancer cells. Acknowledgement: This work was supported in part by the State of Ohio’s Eminent Scholar Program that includes a gift from Milton and Lawrence Goll, by the AMVETS, and Ohio University’s Student Enhancement Award and Edison Biotechnology Institute.
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OHTA, Hideichi, and Toshikazu YAMAGUCHI. "Multi-goal Programming Including Fractional Goal in Consideration of Fuzzy Solutions." Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems 7, no. 6 (1995): 1221–28.

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Kim, Sung-Mun, and Won-Il Son. "Relationship among golf field experience, self-regulated focus, and goal-oriented emotion of golf participants." World Society of Taekwondo Culture, no. 23 (April 30, 2019): 99–114.

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Gonzalez, Aurore, and Karoliina Lohiniva. "Exclusivity in unconditionals." Snippets, no. 39 (July 2020): 1–2.

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Goldsmith, Joshua. "Tablet interpreting." Community Interpreting, Translation, and Technology 13, no. 3 (November 9, 2018): 342–65.

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Abstract This pilot study examines the recent phenomenon of tablet interpreting. Based on in-depth interviews with six practitioners, which were transcribed and analyzed inductively, the article presents an overview of software, tools, and technology that interpreters currently utilize in their work. Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate regular, effective tablet use in various consecutive interpreting settings. Participants feel that these tools meet their needs and outstrip the functionalities offered by pen and paper in most contexts. This study compiles best practices for tablet interpreting, discusses their benefits and challenges, and describes features to consider when assessing new and existing tablets, applications, and styluses. The data underscore the need for training in this budding field, which represents a key area for future research and professional practice.
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Goldoni, Federica. "Study-abroad students’ identity and social integration." Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 3, no. 2 (October 12, 2018): 167–90.

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Abstract Students’ experiences abroad can vary a great deal and their identity plays a critical role in shaping their experiences. This study employed sociocultural theory, Critical Race Theory and Bourdieu’s notions of habitus and capital to explore the experiences of four groups of US undergraduates enrolled in four study abroad programs in Spain sponsored by a large US university located in the South East. Findings showed how students’ identity intersected and shaped their journey and impacted their social integration. The examples of Albert, Theresa, and Rebecca, three focal students, allowed for the analysis of how differently students’ identity, notably gender, race, ethnicity, age, social class, and nationality, affected their interactions with locals and perceptions of the target language, culture, and society. Important implications are discussed, including the importance of training study abroad participants before, during and after the trip, and selecting activities that facilitate greater and more sustained social integration.
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Gold, Brian T. "Lifelong bilingualism, cognitive reserve and Alzheimer’s disease." Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 6, no. 1-2 (March 1, 2016): 171–89.

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Abstract Increasing our understanding about neuroprotective lifestyle variables has become a practical imperative in our aging society. Cognitive reserve (CR) refers to the use brain resources in a way that allows for coping with neuropathology and maintaining cognitive functioning. A growing body of evidence suggests that bilingualism may represent a form of CR against Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The purpose of the present review is to summarize both behavioral and neuroimaging evidence for bilingualism as a reserve variable against AD. The potential influences of literacy, intelligence, immigration status are discussed. Evidence is reviewed suggesting that bilingualism may delay clinical AD symptoms by protecting against age-related declines in the brain’s executive control circuitry. It is suggested that such potential beneficial effects within executive control systems may enable bilinguals to circumvent the typical effects of AD pathology on symptom expression for several years.
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Goldberg, Adele E. "The sufficiency principle hyperinflates the price of productivity." Epistemological issue with keynote article “A Formalist Perspective on Language Acquisition” by Charles Yang 8, no. 6 (November 26, 2018): 727–32.

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Goldfarb, Mauricio. "Impuesto a las ganancias sobre jubilaciones y pensiones. Corsi e recorsi de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema argentina." Revista Jurídica Austral 2, no. 01 (June 1, 2021): 179–206.

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Martin, J. B. "Go for the gold with the 5 a day goal." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 94, no. 9 (September 1994): A11.

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K.S.Nemavathi, K. S. Nemavathi, and Dr V. R. Nedunchezhian Dr. V.R Nedunchezhian. "A Study on Impact of Price Behaviour of Commodity Gold and Gold ETF." International Journal of Scientific Research 2, no. 8 (June 1, 2012): 240–41.

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