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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Goll'

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Pleiner, Christoph M. ""Du übtest mit mir das feuerfeste Lied" : Eros und Intertextualität bei Claire und Iwan Goll /." Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang, 1999.

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Goll, Carsten [Verfasser]. "MRSA in einem Universitätsklinikum (1999-2004) / Carsten Goll." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2008.

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Goll, Frauke [Verfasser]. "Wandlungsfähige Cluster-Initiativen : Ein Konzept interaktionsorientierter strategischer Führung / Frauke Goll." Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2019.

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Brun, Philippe. "Édition critique de "La Trilogie de la pierre" d'Yvan Goll." Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC), 1989.

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Ce travail presente la premiere edition critique de la trilogie de la pierre d'yvan goll d'apres les premieres edtions de 1947 et 1949 sous les titres rspectifs de: -le mythe de la roche percee -le chr triomphal de l'antimoine -l'elegie d'ihpetonga
Here isaa first edition of the stone trilogy by yvan goll and from the 1947 and 1949 first publications which are entitled as following -the broken rock myth -the antinom'ys triumphal armour -ihpetonga elegy
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Goll, Felix [Verfasser]. "Übertragungseigenschaften und Schutz vor äußeren Überspannungen von gasisolierten Rohrleitern / Felix Goll." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2015.

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Wackers, Ricarda. "Dialog der Künste : die Zusammenarbeit von Kurt Weill und Yvan Goll /." Münster : Waxmann, 2004.

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Marz, Michael [Verfasser], and G. [Akademischer Betreuer] Goll. "Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Supraleitern mittels Punktkontaktspektroskopie und Rastertunnelmikroskopie / Michael Marz. Betreuer: G. Goll." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2009.

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Goll, Melanie [Verfasser]. "Nachweis und DNA-Fingerprinting von Escherichia-coli-O157-Stämmen bei Pferden / Melanie Goll." Wetteberg : VVB Laufersweiler, 2005.

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Goll, W. [Verfasser]. "Ein induktives Modell fuer die Ausbreitung der Normalleitung im supraleitenden Magneten / W. Goll." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2016.

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Gayraud, Irène. "Chants orphiques européens : Valéry, Rilke, Trakl, Apollinaire, Campana et Goll, entre mythe et poétique." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013.

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Cette thèse interroge le sens du mythe orphique dans la poésie de six auteurs européens du début du XXe siècle (Valéry, Rilke, Trakl, Apollinaire, Campana, Goll), et le sens de la poésie orphique dans la modernité. En partant du double constat d’une crise de la Weltanschauung signant la désertion de la transcendance et du sens, et d’une crise du langage héritée de Mallarmé, cette thèse définit la poésie orphique comme une tentative de ré-enchantement visant à refonder la place de l’être dans le monde, le sens de la mort et la profondeur ontologique de la poésie. La thèse pose la question de l’unité ou de l’éclatement d’un lyrisme orphique moderne. Elle propose une mise au point historique sur les sources de l’orphisme jusqu’au début du XXe siècle, puis un parcours analysant le passage de la mythologie à des poétiques orphiques parfois opposées dans leur aboutissement (réharmonisation de soi et du monde, catabase sans fin, démembrement du sujet, incarnation par l’orphisme de l’idée d’une poésie parfaitement composée). Cette thèse s’attache aussi à définir l’orphisme dans ses dimensions musicales et picturales, interroge les liens entre orphisme et union des arts, et étudie la langue musicalisée et picturalisée des poètes, ainsi que plusieurs œuvres vocales et plastiques (Honegger, Poulenc, Webern, Weill, Delaunay, Dufy, Klee, De Chirico). Enfin, considérant le mythe selon sa dimension fondatrice d’une manière d’être au monde, cette thèse envisage la poésie orphique du début du XXe siècle comme le signe et le moyen d’un désir de retour à une forme de rapport mythique au monde où l’être, dans le chant, coïnciderait avec le sacré et avec le dicible
This thesis examines the meaning of the myth of Orpheus in the poetical works of six early twentieth century European poets, and the meaning of Orphic poetry within a context of modernity. Having taken into account a twofold crisis, both of the Weltanschauung – revealing that any sense, or transcendent reference, is missing – and of language (Mallarmé’s legacy), this thesis defines Orphic poetry as an attempt to re-enchant the world, in order to give new roots to the being, a new meaning to death, and a new ground to settle poetry’s ontological depth. The thesis tries to determine if such a lyricism is unique or manifold. It makes a historical mise au point from the sources of Orphism up to the twentieth century; then, it tries to describe the transformation of mythological elements into poetical principles – from which may even have issued contradictory achievements (setting back harmonious links between the world and the self; endless katabasis; dismemberment of the I; Orphic embodiment of a perfect poetry). Our thesis also tries to describe how Orphism is conveyed through music and painting: it questions the link between Orphism and the union of the arts, and studies the poet’s music-like and picture-like language, as well as some vocal or painted works (Honegger, Poulenc, Webern, Weill, Delaunay, Dufy, Klee, De Chirico). At last, as it considers myth as the settling of a new way of being-in-the-world, this thesis pictures early 20th century Orphic poetry both as the symptom and the way of a desire to get back some kind of mythical relationship to the world, in which the being, the sacred and the sayable, through the poetical song, would prove coextensive
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Goll, Miriam [Verfasser], and Sabine [Akademischer Betreuer] Ludwigs. "Maßschneidern von elektroaktiven organischen und anorganischen Funktionsmaterialien für elektrochemische Anwendungen / Miriam Goll ; Betreuer: Sabine Ludwigs." Stuttgart : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart, 2018.

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Goll, Philipp Karl Eberhard [Verfasser], and Edgar [Akademischer Betreuer] Mayr. "220 periprothetische Frakturen bei Hüftendoprothese Eine retrospektive Studie / Philipp Karl Eberhard Goll. Betreuer: Edgar Mayr." Regensburg : Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg, 2015.

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Jones, Rachel. "Mosaics of the self : Kantian objects and female subjects in the work of Claire Goll and Paula Ludwig." Thesis, University of Warwick, 1997.

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In this thesis, I use poetic texts by two German women Expressionist authors, Claire Gull and Paula Ludwig, to examine questions of selfhood, aesthetics and sexual difference within a Kantian philosophical frame. The thesis is structured in two parts. In Part One, I situate the project via a critical examination of Lyotard's reworking of the Kanlian sublime. I argue that Lyotard closes down the gaps within Kant's system that feminist philosophy could usefully exploit and explore. I then position German Expressionism as an alternative mode of post-Kantianism. I argue that although the male Expressionist poets break down the Kantian subject-object distinction, they continue to position woman as the "other". There follows a brief bridging section, in which I outline work by some of the key women Expressionists, and argue that the theoretical frameworks used in Expressionist scholarship are inherently gendered. In Part Two of the thesis, I explore texts by both Go!! and Ludwig in detail. I argue that whilst the male Expressionists are concerned with dissolving male subjecthood, these writers can be read as subverting Kantian space-time to produce alternative modes of female selfhood and of the sublime. In chapter 4,! examine Goll's disruptive exploration of a mode of embodied selfhood generated through productive play and movements of relationality. Chapters 5 and 6 extend the theme of relationally generated selfhood by tracing the subversive use of neoplatonic and Orphic elements in a short story by Goll. In chapter 7, I show how Ludwig radically reconfigures the limits of both body and self to produce identities no longer constructed via oppositional boundaries in the manner of the Kantian subject. I conclude by arguing that the work of these authors provides feminist philosophy with productive models for rethinking immanent transcendence and relationally generated selfhood which can incorporate both difference and change.
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Maravall, Royo Francisco Javier. "Valores de referencia del volumen tiroideo por ecografía." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2005.

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La determinación del volumen tiroideo es importante en el diagnóstico de las enfermedades tiroideas, para valorar estrategias terapéuticas y la eficacia de los tratamientos; así mismo es esencial en estudios epidemiológicos, para establecer la prevalencia de las enfermedades tiroideas, principalmente el bocio endémico y las áreas yododeficientes, y para elaborar programas preventivos, como la suplementación con yodo.
La exploración física es una técnica poco fiable para determinar el volumen tiroideo y la prevalencia de bocio, pese a la utilización de métodos estandarizados. Por otro lado, existen diferentes técnicas para valorar el volumen del tiroides, si bien la ecografía es el método de elección para valorar el volumen tiroideo en estudios poblacionales.
Diversos factores están relacionados con la regulación del volumen tiroideo, y por tanto influyen en su variabilidad. Diferencias en la ingesta de yodo, los factores ambientales, y las variables antropométricas y de composición corporal contribuyen a crear diferencias en los valores obtenidos en diferentes áreas geográficas.
Estas variables pueden contribuir a encontrar diferencias significativas de volumen tiroideo, en la misma área geográfica, en sujetos con patologías que cursen con modificación de la composición corporal, como es el caso de la diabetes mellitus. En pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 se han objetivado diferencias en la composición corporal, concretamente mayor masa magra, y menor masa grasa.
Las hormonas tiroideas y la leptina influyen sobre aspectos similares de la homeostasis corporal; se ha objetivado la existencia del efecto directo de la T3 sobre la secreción de leptina, y la presencia de disfunción tiroidea en pacientes con déficit de leptina y con anormalidades en el receptor de la leptina sugieren que la leptina y el eje hipófiso-tiroideo están estrechamente relacionados.

Los objetivos de nuestro estudio fueron:

- Establecer valores de referencia del volumen tiroideo, y sus determinantes, en sujetos adultos sanos.

- Determinar el grado de yododeficiencia en una zona de Cataluña no estudiada previamente.

- Comparar el volumen tiroideo en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y sujetos normales, y analizar si las diferencias están en relación con variaciones en variables antropométricas y de composición corporal.

- Estudiar la relación entre el eje hipófiso-tiroideo y la leptina, en adultos sanos, ya que ambos juegan un papel relevante en la regulación fisiológica de la homeostasis energética.


Los sujetos sanos fueron reclutados de la población de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, de manera aleatoria se seleccionaron 880 personas del censo de 1996 (280,000 habitantes), de edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 70 años, y se estratificaron por edad y sexo. Los sujetos fueron invitados a participar en el estudio mediante carta y llamada telefónica, y en caso necesario se les informó verbalmente en sus domicilios. Finalmente, 268 sujetos sanos fueron analizados, 134 hombres y 134 mujeres, cuya distribución por sexo y edad fue representativa de la población de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.
Entre 1993 y 1997 todos los pacientes recientemente diagnosticados de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, y controlados en nuestro Servicio, fueron incluidos en un estudio de prevalencia e influencia de la autoinmunidad tiroidea durante los primeros años de evolución de la enfermedad. En 1999, la cohorte inicial de pacientes (n = 111) menores de 40 años que continuaron el seguimiento en nuestra Unidad fueron invitados a participar en el estudio sobre el volumen tiroideo, y 83 aceptaron. Se excluyeron los sujetos con patología tiroidea, finalmente 65 pacientes (36 hombres y 29 mujeres) fueron analizados.

A todos los sujetos se les realizó la historia clínica, determinación de parámetros antropométricos, composición corporal por bioimpedanciometría, analítica (tirotropina, anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea, leptina, y HbA1c en los sujetos diabéticos), determinación de la excreción urinaria de yodo, y una ecografía tiroidea para valorar el volumen del tiroides, mediante el método de Brunn.
Cada paciente con diabetes mellitus fue apareado con un sujeto control procedente del grupo de población sana, del mismo sexo y edad (+/- 2 años).


Los resultados de nuestro estudio se distribuyeron en cuatro publicaciones.

En el primer trabajo se muestran los valores del volumen tiroideo ecográfico, en nuestra población adulta no yododeficiente: mediana 7'31 mL, media 8'22 mL, con un intervalo de confianza de 7'75 - 8'69 mL. Se han elaborado unas tablas en las que se distribuyen los valores por sexos e intervalos de edad, lo cual permite establecer valores de referencia del volumen tiroideo para nuestra población. Estos datos son extrapolables a otras zonas no deficientes en yodo, ya que son similares a otros estudios en poblaciones europeas.

En el segundo trabajo se estudian los determinantes del volumen tiroideo en esta población, mostrando las correlaciones con la edad, el sexo, y variables antropométricas, biológicas y de composición corporal, siendo la superficie corporal el determinante principal. El análisis demuestra que en las zonas yodosuficientes, la yoduria no es un factor importante en el volumen del tiroides.

En el tercer trabajo se demuestra que el volumen tiroideo de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es mayor que en sujetos sanos, y que se debe a diferencias en la composición corporal, especialmente la masa no grasa.

En el cuarto trabajo se describe la correlación entre las variables antropométricas, biológicas y de composición corporal, con el volumen tiroideo y la leptina, y la diferente regulación de estos parámetros en hombres y mujeres.
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Goll, Christian Reinhold [Verfasser], and Rolf [Akademischer Betreuer] Rannacher. "Design of Numerical Methods for Simulating Models of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell / Christian Reinhold Goll ; Betreuer: Rolf Rannacher." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2015.

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Goll, Claudia [Verfasser], Walter [Verfasser] Bacher, Wolfgang [Verfasser] Menz, and Werner K. [Verfasser] Schomburg. "Entwicklung, Herstellung und Test von aktiven Mikroventilen für pneumatische Anwendungen / Claudia Goll, Walter Bacher, Wolfgang Menz, Werner K. Schomburg." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 1997.

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Goll, Christian [Verfasser], and Rolf [Akademischer Betreuer] Rannacher. "Design of Numerical Methods for Simulating Models of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell / Christian Reinhold Goll ; Betreuer: Rolf Rannacher." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2015.

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Goll, Nicolas [Verfasser], Axel [Akademischer Betreuer] Börsch-Supan, Regina T. [Gutachter] Riphahn, and Axel [Gutachter] Börsch-Supan. "Reforms, incentives and flexibilization : Five Essays on Retirement / Nicolas Goll ; Gutachter: Regina T. Riphahn, Axel Börsch-Supan ; Betreuer: Axel Börsch-Supan." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2020.

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Goll, Michael [Verfasser], Helmut [Gutachter] Balzert, and Thomas A. [Gutachter] Herrmann. "Modellbasierte Migration von Unternehmensanwendungen durch Kombination eines \(\it Top-down\)- und \(\it Bottom-up\)-Ansatzes / Michael Goll. Gutachter: Helmut Balzert ; Thomas A. Herrmann." Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2016.

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Goll, Matthias [Verfasser], and Matthias [Akademischer Betreuer] Untermann. "Iron Documents. Interdisciplinary studies on the technology of late medieval european plate armour production between 1350 and 1500 / Matthias Goll ; Betreuer: Matthias Untermann." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2014.

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Lang, Anne-Kathrin Verfasser], Harald [Gutachter] [Goll, Rudolf [Gutachter] Husemann, and Monika [Gutachter] Lang. "Kinder mit geistiger Behinderung in Pflegefamilien : eine explorative Studie aus der Perspektive von Pflegeeltern / Anne-Kathrin Lang ; Gutachter: Harald Goll, Rudolf Husemann, Monika Lang." Erfurt : Universität Erfurt, 2018.

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Goll, Maren E. [Verfasser], Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] [Gutachter] Spitzenfeil, Thomas [Gutachter] Abel, and Hermann [Gutachter] Schwameder. "Paralympic Alpine Skiing Sitting Class - Anforderungsprofil auf Basis der zugrundeliegenden Stoffwechselprozesse und muskulären Aspekte / Maren E. Goll. Betreuer: Peter Spitzenfeil. Gutachter: Thomas Abel ; Hermann Schwameder ; Peter Spitzenfeil." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2016.

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Götte-El, Fartoukh Margot Verfasser], Harald [Gutachter] [Goll, Josef [Gutachter] Römelt, and Karl-Ernst [Gutachter] Ackermann. "Kinder mit Anenzephalie - eine nur biologische Existenz? : die Stimmen der Eltern als Gegendiskurs zu einer dehumanisierenden Sicht / Margot Götte-El Fartoukh ; Gutachter: Harald Goll, Josef Römelt, Karl-Ernst Ackermann." Erfurt : Universität Erfurt, 2016.

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Oh, Sei-Yi. "Flow in golf motivation, goal orientation, and challenge determinant /." Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2001.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2001.
Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains viii, 131 p. : ill. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 104-121).
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Goel, Anupam. "NMR investigations of the role of intrinsic flexibility of the tryptophan repressor." Diss., Montana State University, 2012.

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The tryptophan repressor protein regulates intracellular concentration of Tryptophan in Escherichia coli by binding to DNA operators and is activated in the presence of high L-Trp concentration by formation of an L-Trp-bound holo-repressor. A Leu to Phe mutation at position 75 generates a temperature-sensitive mutant of TrpR, L75F-TrpR, whereas an Ala to Val mutation only two residue positions further on the protein sequence, at residue position 77, generates a super-repressor mutant of TrpR. Backbone amide dynamics studies on TrpR and the two variants using ¹â��µ N-NMR relaxation techniques at a magnetic field strength of 600 MHz (¹ H Larmor frequency) indicate that all three repressors exhibit comparable diffusion properties, implying that they exhibit very similar global shape, structure, and rotational diffusion properties in both apo- and holo- states, in solution. However, internal backbone amide dynamics of the three apo-repressors reveal small but significant differences in flexibility, which are found primarily for residues spanning the Helix-Turn-Helix DNA-binding domain. These results indicate that the fine-tuning of L-Trp binding interaction is modulated in different ways via small but significant changes in protein flexibility in the two TrpR variants in apo and L-Trp bound forms. Sulfolobus solfataricus, a model organism for Archaea, lives in extreme thermal and acidic environments such as the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, and is host to diverse archaeal viruses including Sulfolobus spindle shaped virus-1 (SSV1) and Sulfolobus spindle shaped virus-Ragged Hills (SSV-RH). SSV viruses exhibit remarkable morphology and genetic diversity, but are poorly understood as many proteins encoded by their genomes have very little sequence homology to proteins of known functions. We have performed detailed backbone dynamics studies to better understand the mode of ligand recognition by E73, a 73-residue, homodimeric protein encoded within SSV-RH genome. Analysis of backbone dynamics measurements obtained for E73 provides evidence for fast time scale dynamics in the proposed nucleic-acid binding site and motion on the microsecond to millisecond time scale in the loop connecting helices alpha A and alpha B.
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Gottfried, Jörg Michael. "CO oxidation over gold adsorption and reaction of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide on an Au(110)-(1x2) surface /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2003.

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Näslund, Lotta. "= Golf." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för teknik och miljö, 2010.

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Coetzee, Karolien. "Gold complexes obtained from gold ylide preparations." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2005.

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Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This investigation comprised the synthesis and characterisation of new Au(I) phosphonium ylide complexes and other compounds formed during coordination reactions. These complexes could exploit the synergism between two pharmacologically active substances (gold complex unit and phosphorus ylide) to furnish an even more active substance. Four phosphonium salts were prepared, [C6H5CH2PPh3]Br (1), [Ph3P(CH2)3PPh3]Br2 (2a), p-[{Ph3PCH2}2C6H4]Br2 (3a) and m- [{Ph3PCH2}2C6H4]Br2 (4a), by reacting PPh3 with the corresponding alkylbromides. The 13C and 1H NMR spectra of the compounds 1 – 4a indicated that many of the nuclei are magnetically inequivalent. The aromatic units in PPh3 are normally identical, but multiple, overlapping signals proved that the corresponding ortho, meta and para carbon and proton nuclei are in magnetically different environments from each other. Single crystal structures of salts 3a and 4a were determined. Different methods were followed to deprotonate the phosphonium salts to afford the corresponding ylides and to coordinate the ylides to gold precursor compounds. Most of the reactions yielded inseparable mixtures of products and pure compounds could not be isolated in large enough quantities for characterisation by all physical methods. Sufficient crystals for structure determination by X-ray diffraction were obtained. The product mixtures were characterised by 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Characteristic downfield chemical shift changes after coordination of the ylides to Au(I) were observed for the carbon and phosphorus nuclei, while the protons displayed upfield shifts. Reaction of (C6F5)Au(tht) with the salts 1 – 4a, and subsequent deprotonation yielded the gold(I) ylide complexes [C6H5CH(AuC6F5)PPh3] (5), [{Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)}2CH2] (6), p-[{Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)}2C6H4] (8), and m- [{Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)}2C6H4] (9). The crystal and molecular structures of compounds 5 and 9 were determined. Deprotonation of 4a with n-BuLi, followed by reaction with (C6F5)Au(tht) yielded complexes 9 and [{Ph3PCH2}2C6H4][BrAuC6F5]2 (10). The crystal structure of compound 10 was determined. Two aurocyclic compounds, [μ- {(Ph3PCH)2CH2}2Au2][BF4]2 (12) and [μ–{(Ph3PCH)2C6H4}2Au2][BF4]2 (13) were synthesised by deprotonating salts 2b and 3b with n-BuLi and subsequently reacting the corresponding bisylides with ClAu(tht). Reaction procedures in which Ag2O was used as deprotonating agent for the phosphonium salts 2a, 3a and 4a, yielded mixtures of products. Single crystals of complexes m-[Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)C6H4CH3] (14), [C6F5Au(tht)] (15) and [(C6F5)2Au][(Ph3PCH2)2C6H4] (16) were isolated from the reaction mixtures and subjected to X-ray crystal structure determination. The molecular structure of 15 exhibited unusual aurophilic interactions and represents the first example of a linear gold chain in which the gold···gold distances systematically alternate between 3.13Å, 3.31Å and 3.20Å. Salt 2b was reacted with Ph3PAu(acac) to afford the desired compound, [{Ph3PCH(AuPPh3)}2CH2](BF4)2 (19), along with [CH3C(O)C(AuPPh3)2C(O)CH3] (17) and some byproducts. Compound 17 was characterised by single crystal Xray diffraction. The fluorobiphenylgold(I) complexes, 4,4’-[(AuPPh3)2C12F8] (21) and 2,2’- [(AuPPh3)2C12F8] (22) were synthesised by reaction of ClAuPPh3 with the lithiated 2,2’-dibromooctafluorobiphenyl and 4,4’-dibromooctafluorobiphenyl respectively. The molecular structure of 21 revealed that one of the C–Au–P bond angles deviates from linearity by 12.5°, probably as a result of π-stacking of the tetrafluorophenyl rings and steric requirements of the bulky PPh3 units. The other C–Au–P bond angle is linear [177.9(3)°].
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie behels die sintese en karakterisering van nuwe fosfoniumylied goud(I)-komplekse en ander verbindings wat gedurende koördinasiereaksies vorm. Sulke komplekse kan sinergisme tussen twee farmakologies-aktiewe entiteite (goud(I) en fosfoniumylied) om ʼn meer aktiewe verbinding te vorm meebring. Vier fosfoniumsoute is berei, [C6H5CH2PPh3]Br (1), [Ph3P(CH2)3PPh3]Br2 (2a), p- [{Ph3PCH2}2C6H4]Br2 (3a) en m-[{Ph3PCH2}2C6H4]Br2 (4a), deur PPh3 met die ooreenstemmende alkielbromiedes te reageer. Die 13C- en 1H- KMR-spektra van dié verbindings toon dat ʼn aantal kerne in aromatiese ringe magneties onekwivalent is. Normaalweg is die koolstowwe in PPh3-eenhede ekwivalent, maar meervoudige, oorvleuelende pieke het nou getoon dat die ooreenstemmende orto-, meta- en para-koolstof sowel as die ooreenstemmende protonkerne in verskillende magnetiese omgewings voorkom. Die kristalstrukture van die soute 3a en 4a hierbo is met behulp van X-straal tegnieke bepaal. Verskillende metodes is gevolg om die fosfoniumsoute te deprotoneer na die ooreenstemmende yliede en om die yliede dan aan goud-bevattende uitgangstowwe te probeer koördineer. Die meeste reaksies het nie-skeibare mengsels gevorm en enkelprodukte kon nie in groot genoeg konsentrasies geïsoleer word om hulle afsonderlik te karakteriseer nie. Kristalle vir X-straal kristalstruktuur bepalings is verkry. Die produkmengsels is gekarakteriseer met behulp van 1H-, 13C- en 31P- KMR-spektroskopie en massaspektrometrie. Karakteristieke veranderinge in chemiese verskuiwings na laer veldsterktes vir die koolstof en fosfor kerne is waargeneem na koördinasie van die yliede aan Au(I), terwyl die protone na höer veldsterktes verskuif het. Die reaksie tussen (C6F5)Au(tht) (tetrahidrotiofeen) en soute 1 – 4a gevolg deur deprotonering, vorm die goud-yliedkomplekse [C6H5CH(AuC6F5)PPh3] (5), [{Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)}2CH2] (6), p-[{Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)}2C6H4] (8), en m- [{Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)}2C6H4] (9). Die kristalstrukture van komplekse 5 en 9 het al die molekulêre interaksies daarin blootgelê. Deprotonering van 4a met n-BuLi, gevolg deur reaksie met (C6F5)Au(tht) lewer komplekse 9 en [{Ph3PCH2}2C6H4][BrAuC6F5]2 (10). Die kristal- en molekulêre struktuuur van kompleks 10 is bepaal. Twee aurosikliese verbindings, [μ- {(Ph3PCH)2CH2}2Au2][BF4]2 (12) en [μ–{(Ph3PCH)2C6H4}2Au2][BF4]2 (13) is gesintetiseer deur gedeprotoneerde bisyliede verkry van 2b en 3b met substitusie van tht aan die ClAu-eenheid te koördineer. Reaksieprosedures waarin Ag2O vir deprotonering van die fosfoniumsoute 2a, 3a en 4a gebruik is, het tot mengsels van produkte aanleiding gegee. Enkelkristalle van komplekse [Ph3PCH(AuC6F5)C6H4CH3] (14), [C6F5Au(tht)] (15) en [(C6F5)2Au][(Ph3PCH2)2C6H4] (16) is geïsoleer uit die reaksies en kristalstruktuurbepalings is uitgevoer. Die molekulere struktuur van 15 toon ongewone aurofiliese interaksies en verteenwoordig die eerste voorbeeld van ʼn linieêre goudketting; met goud···goud afstande wat sistematies varieër tussen 3.13Å, 3.31Å en 3.20Å. Sout 2b is met Ph3PAu(acac) gereageer om die gewenste produk, [{Ph3PCH(AuPPh3)}2CH2](BF4)2 (19), saam met [CH3C(O)C(AuPPh3)2C(O)CH3] (17) en ander byprodukte te vorm. Verbinding 17 is as enkelkristalle Xstraalkristallografies gekarakteriseer. Die fluorobifeniel goud(I)-komplekse, 4,4’-[(AuPPh3)2C12F8] (21) en 2,2’- [(AuPPh3)2C12F8] (22), is gesintetiseer deur koördinasie van AuPPh3 aan die gelitieërde 2,2’-dibromooktafluorobifeniel en 4,4’-dibromooktafluorobifeniel respektiewelik. Die molekulere struktuur van 21 het getoon dat een van die C-Au- P bindingshoeke met 12.5º afwyk van 180º, waarskynlik as gevolg van π- interaksie van die tetrafluorofenielringe en die steriese vereistes van die groot PPh3-eenhede. Die ander C-Au-P bindingshoek is linieêr [177.9(3)°].
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Mulley, Melinda Ann. "We hear nothing but gold, gold, gold : women and poverty in South Australia during the gold rushes 1850-1855 /." Title page, table of contents and introduction only, 2004.

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Cheung, Simon. "To discover the common grounds between the concerned parties of golf course developments /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1997.

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Rosencrantz, Holger. "Goal-setting and goal-achieving in transport policy." Licentiate thesis, Stockholm, 2006.

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Gore, Truman J. "Predicting Goal Progress and Burnout Using Goal Hierarchies." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2017.

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Cotten, Nicole. "Fool's gold." Thesis, University of Iowa, 2018.

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Fool’s Gold is a collection of handmade books that illustrate selected Grimms’ fairy tales and offer an unexpected interpretation of the actions of the heroes. Each book displays a unique cover decoration, inspired by medieval European treasure bindings. Treasure bindings incorporate dimensional decorative elements such as gems, gold or other metalwork and often depict Christ's suffering. In a similar way, Fool's Gold beautifies the suffering of the protagonists using gold leaf, glass beads and lush illustrations. A traditional hidden fore-edge painting technique is used to reveal more scenes from each story. When the pages are fanned opened, the fore-edge paintings display the gruesome revenge the perceived heroes take upon the villains.
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Šebesta, Aleš. "Golf Resort." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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The proposed golf resort is situated near the village of Nevcehle in the sloping terrain. It is a brick building of concrete blocks with contact thermal insulation and with concrete floor structure. The building has two floors. House is based on plain concrete foundations. Roof is made up of metal plate-connected timber truss with metal roofing.
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Wetzel, Mary S. "Sodek's Gold." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987.

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Sodek's Gold is a novel based on individuals the writer has known in the Caribbean who have been placed in fictitious circumstances. Included are social issues, conditions, and dialects found there. The main character, David Sodek, is an Englishman working in the Caribbean who discovers an ancient coin and becomes obsessed with finding more. Sodek's search is impeded by the strongarm Mostyn, but with the help of his friend Elbert he recovers an underwater cache of golden treasure. Elbert is killed. Sodek avenges Elbert's death but ultimately relinquishes the gold and himself to the sea. The theme of the work involves Sodek's obsessive personality as seen in his increasingly pedantic and destructive search, and in his unrealistic belief that money buys freedom. Included between chapters are vignettes comparing the characters and nature, and foreshadowing following events.
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Fuxen, Claus. "Adsorption, Struktur und Desorption von Organothiolaten auf Goldsubstraten." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001.

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Valet, Oliver K. "Bildung und Eigenschaften von 2,3-Dimercaptopropansulfonat-Schichten auf Gold(111)." [S.l. : s.n.], 1999.

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Patel, Harsida. "Diet planning by goal programming and integer goal programming." Thesis, University of Portsmouth, 1998.

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Yang, Yi. "Gold(I) oxo, imido, hydrazido complexes and gold clusters /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 1996.

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Skelton, Helen Elisabeth. "Gold and gold-based nanoparticles for NOx reduction catalysis." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2012.

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Wong, Man-kee Johnson. "Planning for golf courses in Hong Kong /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1996.

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Hau, Chi-hang. "The Social and environmental impacts of golf course development in Hong Kong and ways to improve its environmental standards /." [Hong Kong] : University of Hong Kong, 1994.

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Giasson, Francois. "Profil socio-économique des golfeurs et caractéristiques physiques des terrains de golf du Québec, appliqué à la région touristique des Cantons-de-l'Est." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 1997.

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Taurasi, Donatella <1984&gt. "Gold and the Stock Market: 3 Essays on Gold Investments." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.

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This thesis gives an overview of the history of gold per se, of gold as an investment good and offers some institutional details about gold and other precious metal markets. The goal of this study is to investigate the role of gold as a store of value and hedge against negative market movements in turbulent times. I investigate gold’s ability to act as a safe haven during periods of financial stress by employing instrumental variable techniques that allow for time varying conditional covariance. I find broad evidence supporting the view that gold acts as an anchor of stability during market downturns. During periods of high uncertainty and low stock market returns, gold tends to have higher than average excess returns. The effectiveness of gold as a safe haven is enhanced during periods of extreme crises: the largest peaks are observed during the global financial crises of 2007-2009 and, in particular, during the Lehman default (October 2008). A further goal of this thesis is to investigate whether gold provides protection from tail risk. I address the issue of asymmetric precious metal behavior conditioned to stock market performance and provide empirical evidence about the contribution of gold to a portfolio’s systematic skewness and kurtosis. I find that gold has positive coskewness with the market portfolio when the market is skewed to the left. Moreover, gold shows low cokurtosis with the market returns during volatile periods. I therefore show that gold is a desirable investment good to risk averse investors, since it tends to decrease the probability of experiencing extreme bad outcomes, and the magnitude of losses in case such events occur. Gold thus bears very important and under-researched characteristics as an asset class per se, which this thesis contributed to address and unveil.
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Jennings, Nicola. "Laser deposition of metallic gold using gold(I)-carbene complexes." Thesis, Keele University, 2006.

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Coyle, Jacqueline M. "Approaching your goal affects of goal pursuits on motor actions /." Tallahassee, Florida : Florida State University, 2009.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Florida State University, 2009.
Advisor: Michael Kaschak, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Psychology. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed on Nov. 4, 2009). Document formatted into pages; contains vii, 38 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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Brown, Stewart. "Managing golf greens : aligning golf green quality with resource inputs." Thesis, Anglia Ruskin University, 2017.

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Golf course managers need to manage their facilities efficiently for both economic and qualitative reasons. Golf greens are the most significant area on the golf course for play, intensity of maintenance practice, and player judgement of quality. The gap in knowledge lies between measurement of golf green performance and operations efficiency. Performance measurement is the process of controlling management operations to achieve optimum resource input efficacy but in considering existing performance management systems it was found that none provided a definitive tool that could be used to monitor operations for golf green management. This research aims to determine whether a performance management system can be developed for golf green management. Four golf courses were selected to collect management data for operations practices and qualitative tests of golf green performance. Interviews provided operations data for the core practices, identified from literature, including material inputs. The comparison of maintenance inputs and their costs against playing quality allow objective comparison and determination of management efficacy. A survey of golf course managers and review of industry operations practice also informed the key parameters in the development of a performance management framework. Research data for maintenance intensity, cost, and quality have been plotted onto analysis framework graphs which indicate the quality golf course managers are achieving within golf green culture with known levels of resource input. This research proposes a performance management framework for golf course managers to enable them to better manage their golf greens. The adopted research methodology and methods have produced a performance based management framework for golf green management. Mapping key parameters of quality, costs, and inputs in a benchmarking radar chart reflects the efficacy of golf green management in a way that allows stakeholders to identify and adjust operation variables. In a survey of Golf Course Managers in the UK, 73% of respondents stated that they would find a performance management framework beneficial for their work.
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Moss, Sara Anne. "Hope and goal outcomes: The role of goal-setting behaviors." The Ohio State University, 2018.

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Gomes, Ricardo Cláudio. "Is gold a hedge? The relation between gold and shares." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2016.

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Mestrado em Finanças
Num período em que uma estratégia de investimento cuidadosa e diligente é cada vez mais necessária, o hedging é uma poderosa ferramenta que pode ser usada pelos investidores com o propósito de reduzir os riscos associados aos investimentos no mercado de ações. Este projecto tem como objectivo estudar a correlação entre os retornos do ouro e os retornos das ações, com o intuito de descobrir se o ouro pode ser considerado um hedge para as ações ou um safe haven. Os resultados do uso de um modelo econométrico, baseado em dados de alguns dos maiores índices a nível mundial e de um índice de rastreamento de referência para futuros de ouro, para o período de Janeiro de 1996 até Dezembro de 2015, sugerem que o ouro não é um hedge para qualquer dos mercados de ações analisados, ainda que aparente ser um forte safe haven sobre condições extremas de retornos negativos do mercado de ações. Ainda assim, é demonstrado que os resultados do modelo econométrico estão dependentes do período analisado.
In a period where careful and diligent investing is increasingly required, hedging is a powerful weapon that can be used by investors in order to reduce the risks associated with stock market investments. This project aims at studying the correlation between gold returns and stock returns, intending to find out if gold can be considered a hedge for stocks or a safe haven. The results of the use of an econometric model, based on data from some major worldwide stock indexes and a benchmark tracking index for gold futures, regarding the period from January of 1996 until December of 2015, suggest that gold is not a hedge for any of the stock markets under analysis but it appears to be a strong safe haven under extreme negative stock market conditions. However, it is shown that the results from the model are dependent on the period analysed.
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Ahmad, Khurram, and Muhammad Azeem. "Gold Standard Website." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, 2009.

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The aim of this thesis is to design a web base system which provides functionality of comparison between two java files on the basis of point-to information (P2I). User will upload Java files and analysis of Java files called point-to analysis (P2A). System will store the files in the file system for reference and download in later time. System will extract the information called P2I from P2A and it will store that information in the database.

Database should be flexible to accommodate the changes in P2A file and system should be able to extract the P2I and store it in database with minimum support of system administrator.


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