Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'GMP EU'
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Таран, О. І., and Олена Михайлівна Проскурня. "Реалізація нових вимог GMP на прикладі процесу "підготовка та отримання чистих середовищ" на фармацевтичному підприємстві"." Thesis, Національний фармацевтичний університет, 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/25029.
Full textVyletová, Veronika. "Pravomoc Evropské unie regulovat GMO." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-204069.
Full textKrug, Simone. "Die Finanzierung der GAP im Kontext des Finanzverfassungssystems der EU /." Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2008. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=015607340&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Full textKrug, Simone. "Die Finanzierung der GAP im Kontext des Finanzverfassungssystems der EU." Baden-Baden Nomos, 2005. http://d-nb.info/989829707/04.
Full textSlotwinska, Paulina. "Genmodifierade grödor och dess konsekvenser : För människa och miljö i Sydamerika, USA och EU." Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Life Sciences, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-1108.
Full textUppsatsen behandlar GMO (genmodifierade grödor) och hur de påverkar människa och miljö i USA, Sydamerika (Argentina och Brasilien) och Europa. De geografiska områdena har valts då arealen över GMO-odlingar är störst i USA och Sydamerika samt för att mestadels av GMO exporteras till Europa. GMO-frågan har varit väldigt omdebatterad i Europa och andra delar av världen de senaste åren av miljöorganisationer, forskare och genteknikföretag. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka för- och nackdelarna med genmodifierade grödor.
Uppsatsens undersökning utgörs av två intervjuer med sakkunniga personer med skilda uppfattningar om genmodifierade grödor. I denna del behandlas även information från olika organisationer som t.ex. SNF (Svenska naturskyddsföreningen) och gmofri.se. Undersökningen genomfördes i syfte att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar. Hur påverkas människor och miljö av genmodifierade grödor i USA, Sydamerika och Europa? Kan genmodifierade grödor lösa problemet med världssvälten? Hur förhåller man sig till GMO i olika geografiska delar av världen och varför?
Uppsatsens resultat visar att miljöpåverkan är stor eftersom genmodifierade grödor är oförutsägbara och kan ge oväntade egenskaper. Det största miljöproblemet med GMO är påverkan av den biologiska mångfalden som sker p.g.a. spridning till naturliga växter. Människans påverkas då GMO kan bidra till allergiframkallning och även att människan kan få det svårare att bekämpa sjukdomar med hjälp av antibiotika. Människan påverkas även på andra områden än hälsan, exempelvis genom att människan förlorar kontroll över livsmedelsproduktionen då multinationella gentekniksföretag äger patent på 90 procent av all GMO. GMO är inte heller en lösning på svälten, man bör lösa svältens orsaker i första hand som bland annat krig. GMO som lösning på svält används som marknadsföring av genteknikföretag då det är ett faktum att det endast är dessa företag som tjänat på GMO hittills och majoriteten av GMO som odlas i perifera länder exporteras som foder till kärnländernas slaktdjur och för användning som biobränsle. Resultatet visar även att man vet för lite om genmodifierade grödors påverkan på miljö och framför allt på människan för att kommersialiseras.
Lacková, Lucie. "Hodnocení výkonnosti systému DPH v zemích EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-201563.
Full textJönsson, Johanna. "GMO-lagstiftningen i Sverige och EU : Frihandelns regler vs. miljö- och hälsoskydd." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-61800.
Full textZelenková, Jana. "Přístupy k měření chudoby se zaměřením na členské státy EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-201951.
Full textValová, Markéta. "Rakousko: ekonomický vývoj a integrace v rámci EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-11831.
Full textMarin, Joseph. "Determining Impacts of Partnership and the Euro within the European Union:: With a Focus on Accession Countries." Thesis, Boston College, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:104212.
Full textThe primary goal of the European Union is to promote a high degree of competition between regions in an effort to allow for the creation of the single market. In the year 2004, the EU had allowed ten new member states to enter into the European Union. This paper looks at the potential positive or negative impact from entering into partnership with the EU. It looks at convergence between EU member states and a potential treatment effect in order to determine that this is indeed a localized phenomenon in the EU or is there a general convergence between all countries. The paper uses a fixed effects approach in order to determine the impact of partnership and use of the Euro within the EU. I find evidence of convergence and a positive benefit from partnership; however, using the Euro appears to have a negative impact on countries
Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2015
Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Departmental Honors
Discipline: Economics
Perez, Francisco Seoane. "A communications gap? : a comparative study of regional engagement with EU politics in Yorkshire and Galicia." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.550882.
Full textTobiczyk, Martin. "Vybrané problémy nominální a reálné konvergence ČR k EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-75309.
Full textJohansson, Anders. "Biopolitics and Reflexivity : A Study of GMO Policymaking in the European Union." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema teknik och social förändring, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-17478.
Full textDen politiska diskursen som har uppstått som en följd av upprättandet av ett europeiskt regelverk för GMO har inte varit utan problem. Denna avhandling behandlar de politiska utmaningar som alstrats av skapandet och tillämpningen av genetiskt modifierade organismer (GMO) inom EU. Den underliggande hypotesen i avhandlingen är att framväxten av en europeisk politik på området för GMO har uppstått genom nya reflexiva regleringsformer. Syftet med denna forskning är att förstå hur reflexiva regleringsformer har uppkommit och opererar inom EU, med särskilt fokus på de två GMO direktiven 90/220/EEG och 2001/18/EG. Studien analyserar lagstiftning från 1970-talet och framåt genom att undersöka hur lagstiftningen om genetiskt modifierade organismer har utvecklats och implementerats i EU. Detta görs genom en analys av begreppen ‘risk’ och ‘försiktighetsprincipen’ eftersom dessa begrepp har varit centrala för debatten om GMO lagstiftningen. Den empiriska metoden fokuserar på hur Europeiska kommissionen, Europaparlamentet och Europeiska rådet samt andra aktörer och institutioner har uttryckt ambivalens, tolkningar och osäkerhet i beslutsfattandet gällande reglerings åtgärder för genetiskt modifierade organismer, med tonvikt på risk och försiktighetsprincipen. Det huvudsakliga empiriska materialet är dokument gällande den interinstitutionella processen som ägde rum när de två direktiven skapades. Analysen visar att implementeringen av GMO lagstiftningen har skapat nya styrningsstrategier i synnerhet i de fall där ändamålet med lagstiftningen har varit föremål för politiska och vetenskapliga kontroverser.
Moncada, Paternò Castello Pietro. "Evolution of EU corporate R&D in the global economy: intensity gap, sectors' dynamics, specialisation and growth." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/258776.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion
Dubinová, Petra. "Komparace daňových reforem během finanční a ekonomické krize v starých a nových zemích EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-192601.
Full textVarsamidis, Aristotelis. "An assessment of the water development project (GAP) of Turkey meeting its objectives and eu criteria for Turkey's accession." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/4968.
Full textThe World Commission on Dams (WCD) reports that most of large-scale water development projects around the world fail to achieve their objectives for sustainable human development. Moreover, the EU has set as primary requirements for those states' candidates for full membership, regional stability and respect of human rights in their domestic policies. In 1989, Turkey implemented a multisectoral Water Development Project (GAP) to bring socio-economic development in its undeveloped Southeastern Anatolia region by exploiting the Euphrates and Tigris water. However, the GAP project not only has failed in meeting its objectives, but also has raised more obstacles for Turkey's full membership to the EU. The thesis assesses the GAP project in terms of progress of its objectives by scrutinizing the agriculturalenergy sector and the socio-economic status of the Southeastern Anatolia region. Additionally, this thesis proceeds to conclude the assessment by focusing on the role of the project in the stability of the region made-up by Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, as well as the status of the internally displaced people as a result of the GAP project, within the context of human rights.
Älgenäs, Clas. "Medborgarnas Förtroende för EU : En fråga om gemensam europeisk identitet?" Thesis, Umeå universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-98999.
Full textThe European Union is a diverse group of countries characterized by a wide spectra of historical background, geographical location and economic situation. The topic of this essay is whether a common European identity can contribute to an increased level of trust from the citizens towards the EU as an institution. Previous research constitute the theoretical basis of the essay. Using this research, I create the foundation for the statistical model used to answer the question at issue. Using multiple linear regression on data gathered from Eurobarometer reports and other sources, I create a statistical model that explains the relationship between the dependent variable “trust in EU” and the independent variables “feeling of being an EU-citizen”, “distance to Brussels”, “BNP per capita” and “number of years as member of EU”. The results shows a connection between a higher level of feeling of being an EU-citizen and a higher level of trust in EU. Moreover, the model shows a negative connection between trust in EU and an increasing value on each of the other independent variables. In other words: the further away the average citizen is from Brussels, the higher level of BNP per capita her country has and the longer her country has been a member of the EU, the lower trust she has in the EU.
Efraimsson, Sanna. "Environmental Policies and the EKC : To what extent can national environmental policies contribute to the EKC theory? Sweden and EU." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Economics, Finance and Statistics, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-19142.
Full textChytka, Miroslav. "Regionální a strukturální politika EU - ekonomické a právní aspekty." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-225439.
Full textZáveský, Martin. "Analýza vztahu výše daňové zátěže a průběhu hospodářského cyklu s přihlédnutím na koncepty daňové konkurence a harmonizace ve vybraných zemích EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-191776.
Full textIosi, Alessandra. "GMO Food Safety and Regulations in the EU and the US: Analysis of the legal and scientific factors and their impact on releases." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/15834/.
Full textLindgren, Jessica. "Extern granskning av gröna obligationer : Huruvida regulatoriska förändringar vad gäller betygsättning av gröna obligationer kan gynna marknaden för gröna obligationer." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Affärsrätt, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-175188.
Full textThrough the management of financial resources, green bonds have received an important role in the development towards an environmentally sustainable society. External review of green bonds is today subject to voluntary market standards, of which GBP is the most common. In addition, the EU has recently presented its own voluntary standard, which includes supervision. Better access to climate-related information and clear and harmonised definitions of green activities are prerequisites for investors to move capital more efficiently to environmentally sustainable businesses to support the transition to a less fossil-based economy. With this paper it is shown that the current rating, despite different assessment methods, should be relatively reliable, but that there is room to wish for higher comparability and thus increased investor confidence. Clearer market standards can be an important aspect in increasing the reliability of ratings as the market for green bonds expands. The analysis shows that legislation that leads to an increased number of published reviews through green ratings should promote transparency, while the risk of rumors in the event of conflicts of interest should imply reluctance to make incorrect assessments. At the same time, excessive regulation may limit the opportunities for innovation, development and expansion of the market as a whole. Thus, it should be in the interest of the legislator not to introduce a regulation which is too strict, as the risk of not being able to achieve the desired financing of the climate goals then arises. As green bonds are an international phenomenon, all countries need to work together towards common standards in order to achieve the purpose of the climate goals. In the event that mandatory regulation is to be introduced, it should at least be at EU level. For market balance between the market participants as well as comparability between the bonds, it is important that the regulation is not perceived as unclear. In addition, regulation must be general and flexible enough to meet technological developments and new market conditions without the process becoming too lengthy. As long as the goal is to have a European capital market where market participants can provide financial services nationwide, financial supervision that does not stop at national borders is required. In the long run, ESMA should be the most appropriate authority to oversee all examiners of green bonds operating in the European market. This requires increased regulation that gives ESMA increased authority, as well as increased resources in order to be able to carry out the supervisory work effectively.
Rodrigues, Rita de Pinho. "Ensaio sobre o desemprego jovem no contexto europeu : o caso português." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/13085.
Full textOs níveis de desemprego jovem registados na UE, durante e após a crise económica internacional, geraram grandes preocupações a nível nacional e internacional, quer a nível social, quer a nível económico. Esta dissertação aborda a questão do desemprego jovem sob a perspetiva macroeconómica, relacionando o aumento do desemprego jovem nos países europeus com a desaceleração ou quebra do PIB. É estimada a Lei de Okun para o desemprego jovem e para o desemprego total na UE-25 e mais 14 países, em períodos temporais não inferiores a 15, que se iniciam antes da crise e terminam em 2015. É então possível confirmar uma relação inversa entre a variação anual do PIB e a variação anual da taxa de desemprego jovem, assim como, com a variação anual da taxa de desemprego total. Conclui-se também que os jovens estão muito mais expostos aos choques externos.
Youth unemployment levels registered in the EU, during and after the international economic crisis, generated major concerns at a national and international level or social level or the economic level. This essay addresses youth unemployment with a macroeconomic perspective, relating the increase in youth unemployment rates in European countries with the GDP slowdown or fall. We estimated Okun's Law for youth unemployment and total unemployment in the EU-25 and 14 other countries, in time periods not inferior to 15 years, beginning before the crisis and ending in 2015. It is possible to confirm an inverse relationship between the annual chage in GDP and annual change in youth unemployment rate, as well as with the annual change in the overall unemployment rate. It also concludes that youngesters are more exposed to external shocks.
Knotková, Pavla. "Regionální a strukturální politika EU se zvláštním zřetelem na členské země střední a východní Evropy - vývoj, problémy, výhledy." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-18182.
Full textClausen, Jens R. "Paradigm Uncertainty in the Conduct of Monetary Policy : the Role of Monetary Aggregates and the Output Gap /." Aachen : Shaker, 2004. http://www.gbv.de/dms/zbw/389232394.pdf.
Full textSivertsson, Yulia, and Jenny Thorildsson. "International Standards on Auditing : Internationell standardisering med kulturella hinder?" Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för ekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-20210.
Full textAim: International Standards on Auditing (ISA) is a framework introduced to improve auditing quality globally. Adoption of ISA is increasing continuously around the world. An essential contributing factor is the accepting of the Eighth Company Law Directive by the EU. However, the ISA adoption is far from been accepted by all countries; despite its obvious advantages. Prior work identifies cultural differences, EU-membership, size of economy, and differences in legal systems and market orientation as key factors in this adoption process. The study aims to examine if these factors influence global spreading of ISA. Method: Our study includes 60 countries. The variables that have been introduced for each country are: Hofstede’s cultural variables, membership in the EU, GDP, type of legal system and economics. Secondary data were collected from generally accepted sources. The collected data were then analyzed using statistical methods. Result and conclusions: The results of our study have shown that Hofstede’s cultural factors are not associated with ISA adoption. Only few other variables have shown significance with the hypothesis. These variables are EU-membership and GDP. Therefore, EU is an important factor for ISA adoption. Variable EU has shown significance with Hofstede’s cultural factors. This proves cultural differences between EU and other countries, which in turn influences ISA adoption. Our conclusion is that EU-membership and economy size influence inclination to ISA-adoption. Suggestions for future research: The study's complexity gives opportunities to make future extensions by adding more variables. It is possible to conduct similar studies of cultural influence on the adoption of other international frameworks within financial reporting. Contribution of the thesis: Our research makes a unique contribution to the accounting literature by being the first study to examine the international spreading of auditing standards in form of ISA and contributing to reducing information costs in the companies all around the world.
Seifert, Michaela. "Die Durchführung des Gemeinschaftsrechts durch die Europäische Kommission als Teil europäischer "Gesetzgebungstätigkeit". Aktuelle Rechtslage und Modell der Europäischen Verfassung." Europainstitut, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2006. http://epub.wu.ac.at/1262/1/document.pdf.
Full textSeries: EI Working Papers / Europainstitut
SANDU, ROXANA IONELA. "The European Union: Voting, Turnout and Legitimacy." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/1429.
Full textBy pursuing common policies for its Member States, the European Union moved from being a purely economic union, to being a political one as well. However, little has been done to tackle the latter aspect. Skepticism has come to characterize the political climate of the European Union and high heterogeneity in terms of Member States has induced difficulties in the decision-making process. This thesis focuses on the European Politics from three aspects: legitimacy, which refers to citizens’ political support, voting behavior and turnout. One of the main research questions we address is whether or not the basis for the existence of true European party politics exists, as a way out of the European Union legitimacy crisis. Then, we ask what are the main factors that influence electoral participation in the European Parliament elections since it is the only source of direct legitimacy. Lastly, we investigate what are the causes for the turnout gap across European and National elections, looking at the party vote share. The main argument for pan-European to exist is to defend the same values and interests European-wide. Empirical results point out that social class's polarization already exists in the initial 12 EU Member States, as well as later entries, while in the European Parliament elections voters cast their vote sincerely. We conclude that Europe fulfils the base requirement for the creation of true European politics, party politics and social groups' targeted-policies being a possible solution for the legitimacy crisis.
Brzac, Alisa, and Jessica Hellman. "Återetablering av förtroende inom revisionen : Ett aktieägarperspektiv." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-553.
Full textBackground: The shareholders trust in the auditing process has been affected negatively due to the recent audit scandals. The reliability of the audit has been questioned by the users of the financial statements due to the audit scandals. One of the main scandals during the 2000s is the scandal of HQ- Bank, where the auditor had mismanaged his work and defrauded shareholders and customers. Demands for stricter legislation has been requested because of the scandals. As a result of this, new arrangements in terms of a reform of the EU statutory audit market has been developed. However, there has been disagreements regarding the effectiveness when it comes to fixing the problem. The independence in fact and the independence in appearance has had a major role in this context when it comes to rebuilding strengthen the trust.Purpose: This study aims to deepen the discussion in trust-building actions and examines how the shareholders trust in the audit will be affected by the measures in the reform of the audit market.Methodology: The question is answered through qualitative interviews and appropriate theories to create an accurate picture of the research area. The theories that are selected for the study are the basis for the analysis of the collected dataFindings: The study indicates that the effect of the reform of the audit market will not be obvious, and the question is if it is the right move. The reason for the negative outcome appears to be due to unhealthy relationships based on social mechanisms. Based on this the regulation can be seen as only fulfilling a social function since social mechanisms can be difficult to regulate. It can further be seen as the independence in appearance has played a bigger role than the independence in fact when it comes to establishing the trust. The study finds further problems in the expectation gap in society that shows knowledge gaps regarding the auditor's responsibilities, which the reform of audit market cannot reach. A smoothing of the expectation gap might alleviate the problem as to why the focus should probably be on reducing the gap.Orginality/value: The study has contributed to the discussion regarding trust-building actions within the audit and the reform of the audit markets effect when it comes to influencing the shareholders trust.This thesis will continue in Swedish.
Lindahl, Ida, and Elisabeth Wendel. "Revisorns oberoende vid fristående rådgivning : det ständiga dilemmat." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Handels- och IT-högskolan, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-17853.
Full textProgram: Civilekonomprogrammet
Rasco, Clark Joseph. "Demographic trends in the European Union: political and strategic implications." Thesis, Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/1526.
Full textThis thesis analyzes adverse demographic trends in the European Union, including sub-replacement birthrates and increasing median ages. It investigates the implications of these trends for the EU's prospects for becoming a stronger and more influential actor in international affairs. Pressures arising from population trends in and near the EU could ultimately affect national and EU cohesion, governmental effectiveness, and social stability. Absent remedial measures, social programs in some EU countries will be unsustainable due to the mounting financial burden of pensions and health care for growing elderly populations. Such financial obligations hinder funding other national programs, including modernized military capabilities. Nationalism and national identity are at issue in immigrant integration and assimilation efforts. The role of population trends with regard to the growing threat of radical Islamic fundamentalism is explored. The thesis concludes with policy recommendations that might be considered to avert the looming economic, social, and security crises that may result from these demographic trends. In short, the security and financial consequences foreshadowed by the current demographic trends of an aging, economically weaker, and socially conflicted European Union could present dramatic implications for the vital national interests of the United States.
Lieutenant, United States Navy
Petersson, Frida. "Sustainable investments : Transparency regulation as a tool to influence investors to choose sustainable investment funds." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-156659.
Full textMammadova, Gunel. "EU Policy towards Eastern Partnership Countries. A Gap between Goals and Achievements." Master's thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-267786.
Full textRůžičková, Karolína. "Bankovní poplatky v ČR a EU." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-337379.
Full textMartinho, Manuel Costa Pereira São. "Determinants of VAT rate: evidence from 27 EU countries." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/11470.
Full textOs impostos tornaram-se uma questão de discussão pública desde o século XX. Por um lado, a população quer maximizar a sua utilidade e obter um bom poder de compra que lhe permita adquirir um cabaz de produtos e serviços que que ofereça uma boa qualidade de vida. Por outro lado, o governo quer definir os impostos a um nível que maximize a receita fiscal ao mesmo tempo que respeita os interesses do seu povo. Hoje em dia, a Europa enfrenta uma situação de convergência num leque abrangente de factores económicos, sociais e políticos. Esta convergência é causada ou estimulada pela legislação da União Europeia, pelo interesse de cada país e também por ajustes automáticos sobre o comportamento das pessoas. É de salientar que a livre mobilidade de bens, serviços, pessoas e capitais, bem como a implementação de uma moeda comum, nos casos aplicáveis, é algo que mudou o rumo da Europa. Por Europa entenda-se países, pessoas e empresas. Deste modo, é importante estudar as novas tendências dos impostos e, mais especificamente, do Imposto sobre Valor Acrescentado. De modo a realizar um estudo completo para a União Europeia, esta tese compila dados dos 27 países da União Europeia, entre os anos 2005 e 2012, com a utilização de 15 variáveis de diferentes áreas. Os resultados indicam que um aumento no Consumo tem como efeito um aumento na taxa de IVA, enquanto aumentos nas taxas de Complacência e do PIB per capita têm como efeito a diminuição da taxa de IVA.
HSIAO, POWEN, and 蕭博文. "The Study of Spin Gap Effect of the Eu-Ba-Cu-O Sytem." Thesis, 1998. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/36222637309070066850.
Full text淡江大學
Spin gap effect on bulk system of Eu/sub 1+x/Ba/sub 2-x/Cu/sub 3/ O/sub delta/(x=0~0.4) were achieved by, rather than adjusting the oxygen deficiency,alternatively substituting Eu/sub 3+/ for Ba/sub 2+/ to control hole number.But thesamples were determined to be of impure phases, and the underdoping states under investigation were assumed to be of saturated oxygen concentration. In this study pure phase samples was first obtained through adjusting the molar number of Cu in the preparation process, where X-raypower diffraction analysis and EDAX were used to monitor the status of thesample. The relations between annealing time and oxygen concentration for samples of various underdoping state was found by weight measuring method, where the annealing time decreases from twenty -five days to three days as the doping concentration increases. However that spin gap temperature for most samples were determined to be above 230K was not predicted by RVB theory. This discrepancy was due possibly to the inhomogeneity of the bulk samplerevealed by magnetic measurements.
Ou, Po-Hsiang, and 歐博翔. "Toward a Transnational Regulatory Model of Technology ─ in Light of EU GMO Laws." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/14306977723175577331.
Full text國立臺灣大學
The rapid development of technology brought risks to virtually every aspect in the society, from ethic, health, environment to economy, crossing national boarders and becoming an international issue. Due to the diffusing and circulating of science /technology, those current regulatory theories such as precautionary principle, substantial equivalence and risk analysis are restricted by the international law, which lacks an universal system and enforcing efficiency, thus producing a “transnational problematic,” having no effective control toward different technology applications in the age of globalization. This thesis aims to resolve this transnational problematic, meanwhile proposes some reforms for the international law. Facing these difficulties, the unified, centralized EU law with high effectiveness seems to be a way out; and among all issues of technology law, the GMO is the most controversial and representative one. Therefore, this article constructs a transnational regulatory model of technology, through analyzing the functions, institutions and principles of EU GMO laws. This “EU Model” could be described with a three-leveled picture: first using the precautionary principle to push the GMO legislation, in order to obey the EU protection duty; then establishing a transnational political negotiating panel to weight different related interests, which is confirmed and legitimized by democracy; finally, the constructed GMO legal system is a hierarchy institutional framework, with horizontal regulations and central enforcements. However, after the famous debate of the EC-Biotech case in WTO, whether this EU Model could be universalized into a global model became quite questionable. The failure of EU in that case has revealed a huge gap between the EU legal system and the current international law; but on the other hand, the EU Model also had some positive effects in the discourse of international agenda relating to technology laws. Hence it is still possible to reach a pragmatic solution by abstracting the three-leveled elements of the EU Model. Based on the changing definition of sovereignty in technology issues, the international community might develop a global protection duty, and then adjust the original WTO institution with deliberative democracy, in order to reach a global governance of technology with consensus on risk management and coordinated judicial practices. The three-leveled EU Model could be transformed into a universal tertiary structure with EU spirits in the WTO framework.
KLOUDOVÁ, Veronika. "Vývoj rozpočtové odpovědnosti v členských státech EU." Master's thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-261054.
Full textKortanová, Jana. "Vliv ekonomické krize na úroveň plodnosti ve státech EU." Master's thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-347079.
Full textŠevčík, Michal. "Environmentálně-ekonomická hlediska pěstování vybraných geneticky modifikovaných plodin v Evropské unii." Master's thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-430041.
Full textChiu, Pan shuo, and 邱攀碩. "The Study of Spin Gap Effect of the R(La、Nd、Eu)-Ba-Cu-O System." Thesis, 1999. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/09832607702097773932.
Full text淡江大學
Abstract: The bulk system of (La、Nd、Eu)1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δ(x=0~0.4) was studied.The relations between the oxygen concentration and the superconducting temperature Tc of the samples were investgated.X-ray diffraction analysis was used for determining the phase of the samples. EDAX was employed for monitorizing of the chemical composition of the sample. Weight measurement of the samples was carried out throughout the study in order to calibrate the oxygen concentration of the sample. It is found that the highest Tc was not for the fully oxygen-saturated sample. And annealing under Ar atomosphere was not the proper process for reducing the oxygen concentration of sample.
You, Zheng Yi, and 游正義. "Spin gap effect of the R1+xBa2-xCu3O7-y (R=Eu,Nd)(X=0~0.4) bulks." Thesis, 1997. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/14461291167525213715.
Full text淡江大學
In this thesis, spin gap effect on the underdoping states of the bulk systemof R1+xBa2-xCu3O7-y (R=Eu or Nd and X=0~0.4) were investigated throughtransport property measurement. The underdoping ststes were achieved by,rather than adjusting the oxygen deficiency, alternatively substituting R(3+)for Ba(2+) ions in the system. The excess R(3+) ions were to occupy the Basites of the crystalline lattice as materials were observed to first undergo spin pairing transition in the temperature range well above Tc, and comeacross with superconducting transition at Tc. The increasing feature observedfor spin gap temperature and the decreasing one for Tc, as the concentrationof holes decreases, are in qualitatively good agreement with theoreticalpredictions from mean field RVB model.
Valentsinovich, Hanna. "An analysis of economic convergence in EU from 2005 to 2016." Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10198/18002.
Full textOne of the main priorities of the European Union is promoting growth-enhancing conditions and reducing inequalities between levels of development among its Member States, which are key targets of the European Cohesion Policy. Since its inception, the objective of the policy was defined as the promotion of convergence between EU regions, in particular economic convergence, the reduction of regional disparities in the level of development that has been measured as convergence of GDP per capita relative to the EU average. This indicator has become one of the main ways in evaluating the European Сohesion Policy’s effectiveness. The main purpose of this research is to assess if EU economies are converging. Therefore, the objectives of the research were: (1) to clarify the concepts of convergence: beta-convergence and sigma-convergence, (2) to review the different methods of convergence estimation and (3) to provide an update assessment of regional disparities in the European Union, using various estimation methods for the period from 2005 to 2016. For the study, it was used secondary data for 276 NUTS 2 level regions from Eurostat. The results of convergence estimation with help of Lorenz Curves, Gini coefficient and Robin Hood coefficient, kernel density estimation of the GDP per capita distribution and the cumulative frequency distribution curve showed existence of σ-convergence or reduction of disparities among regions in time. At the same time the results of increasing Variation coefficient detected divergence process. The results of linear regression analysis, Salter graph and Markov analysis of transition probability matrix indicated existence of β-convergence, defined as negative relationship between the initial income level and subsequent income growth rate. It means that poorer regions of EU tend to catch up with the rich ones in terms of the level of income per capita.
Uma das principais prioridades da União Europeia é a promoção de condições favoráveis ao crescimento e a redução das desigualdades entre os níveis de desenvolvimento dos seus Estados Membros, que são dos principais alvos da política de coesão europeia. Desde a sua criação, o objetivo da política foi definido como a promoção da convergência entre as regiões da UE, em particular, a convergência económica, a redução das disparidades regionais no nível de desenvolvimento que foi medido como a convergência do PIB per capita em relação à média da UE. Este indicador tornou-se uma das principais formas de avaliar a eficácia da política europeia de coesão. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é verificar se as economias da UE estão a convergir. Portanto, os objetivos da pesquisa foram: (1) esclarecer os conceitos de convergência: convergência beta e convergência sigma, (2) rever os diferentes métodos de estimação da convergência e (3) proporcionar uma avaliação atualizada das disparidades regionais na União Europeia, usando vários métodos de estimação para o período de 2005 a 2016. Para o estudo, foram utilizados dados secundários para 276 regiões do nível NUTS 2 do Eurostat. Os resultados da estimação da convergência com auxílio das Curvas de Lorenz, Coeficiente de Gini e Coeficiente de Robin Hood, estimativa da densidade da distribuição do PIB per capita e da curva de distribuição de frequência acumulada, mostraram existência de convergência sigma ou redução de disparidades entre regiões no tempo. Ao mesmo tempo, os resultados do aumento do coeficiente de variação detetaram um processo de divergência. Os resultados da análise de regressão linear, gráfico de Salter e da análise de Markov à matriz de probabilidades de transição, indicaram a existência de convergência beta, definida como relação negativa entre o nível de riqueza inicial e a taxa de crescimento da riqueza subsequente. Isso significa que as regiões mais pobres da UE tendem a alcançar as mais ricas em termos do nível de rendimento per capita.
Одним из основных приоритетов Европейского союза является содействие улучшению условий роста и сокращению неравенства между уровнями развития среди его государств-членов. Эти аспекты являются ключевыми задачами Европейской политики сплочения. С момента своего создания цель политики сплочения определялась как содействие конвергенции между регионами ЕС, в частности экономической конвергенции, сокращение региональных диспропорций в уровне развития, которое выражается как конвергенция показателя ВВП на душу населения по сравнению со средним показателем по ЕС, Этот критерий стал одним из основных методов оценки эффективности политики сплочения в рамках ЕС. Основная цель этого исследования - ответить на вопрос сближаются ли экономики стран ЕС в своем экономическом развитии. Поэтому цели исследования заключаются в следующем: (1) раскрыть понятие экономической конвергенции, а также пояснить концепции бета-конвергенции и сигма-конвергенции, (2) изучить методы оценки конвергенции, (3) предоставить актуальную оценку регионального неравенства в Европейском союзе с использованием различных методов в период с 2005 по 2016 гг. В ходе исследования использовались данные по 276 регионам 2 уровня Номенклатуры территориальных единиц для целей статистики статистической службы Европейского союза. Результаты оценки конвергенции с использованием кривых Лоренца, коэффициента Джини и коэффициента Робина Гуда, оценки плотности ядра распределения ВВП на душу населения, кривой кумулятивного распределения частот показали наличие σ-конвергенции или уменьшение различий между регионами во времени. В то же время результаты вычислений коэффициента вариации говорят o дивергенции регионов Европейского Союза. При этом результаты линейного регрессионного анализа, построения графика Солтера и анализ вероятностной матрицы цепного перехода Маркова свидетельствуют о β-конвергенции, определяемой как отрицательная связь между начальным уровнем дохода и последующим уровнем роста доходов. Это означает, что более бедные регионы ЕС склонны догонять регионы с более богатые с точки зрения уровня дохода на душу населения.
PAVELEK, Milan. "Vývoj produktivity jednotlivých států EU při zohlednění jejich ekonomického vývoje." Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-137045.
Full textŠURÝOVÁ, Helena. "Vývoj HDP v ČR před vstupem a po vstupu do EU." Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-136989.
Full text"Understanding the "conditionality gap" in Estonia and Latvia The influence of EU conditionality and Russia's activism on minority inclusion." THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, 2009. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3360117.
Full textWu, Yo-ming, and 吳又茗. "Conflict and Resolution in the Biotech (GMO) Product Trade Dispute Taken to the WTO by the US and EU." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/28076775423718460385.
Full text淡江大學
Ever since the development of modern biotechnology, the EU has taken a more careful regulatory approach. The US, on the contrary, has largely adopted GMOs in agriculture. Thus differences of regulation and acceptance of GMOs between the US and the EU has led to a crucial trade dispute in the WTO framework. The European population is not fond of GMO products. Following the adoption of the WTO panel report on 21 November 2006, the three complainants (US, Canada and Argentina) and the EU agreed to engage in constructive discussions on the implementation of the WTO panel report. Following the expiry of the extended WTO panel report, the US decided to request the authorization to retaliate against the EU. However, the US and the EU reached a procedural agreement according to which arbitration on the level of the retaliation would be suspended until such time as a compliance panel would rule on the issue. However, member States of EU have invoked the safeguard clause, banning various authorized GMOs from their territory. This paper analyzes the decision-making dynamics that led to such an outcome. It argues that the external pressures on the Member States and the Commission prevented deliberation and consensual solutions. Furthermore, the conflict between states and Commission is a testimony of the debates in International relations (IR) theory that the controversial issues between the neo-realists and the neo-liberals have defended their arguments. Neo-liberal institutionalism (NLI), with inter-disciplinary research, provides a different approach for us to understand international realities. As Robert O. Keohane suggests, NLI places more emphasis on ideas, rules, beliefs, and practice of international region such as WTO than Neorealist do. This article also would like to research the empirical evidence by building up relative ideas concerning global governance, legalization, practices and norms in WTO framework.
Tourancheau, Marine Clara. "The implementation of the sustainable development goals : a tool to bridge the gap between the EU and small-scale farming." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/35767.
Full textA implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), na agricultura da UE, tem tanto de desafio como de oportunidade. O setor agrícola é fundamental para o desenvolvimento sustentável e, de um modo mais geral, para o futuro de todos nós. No entanto, são várias as controvérsias que existem entre a UE e os seus agricultores, especialmente os mais pequenos. Portanto, nesta dissertação, foram entrevistados os principais agentes da agricultura de pequena escala acerca do impacto da UE e dos ODS na sua vida diária. Os resultados destacam pouca confiança na UE, devido à falta de conhecimento e comunicação sobre as políticas existentes. Adicionalmente, quando discutidos os ODS mais aprofundadamente, são reconhecidos o interesse e desejo dos agricultores em melhorar as políticas. Foi concluído que a confiança e a fé nas regulações da UE aumentaria através da educação de todos as partes interessadas na agricultura (incluindo os reguladores da UE), especialmente na agricultura de pequena escala. Consequentemente, é proposta linhas de ação para melhorar o diálogo e a comunicação entre as políticas agrícolas da UE, usando a implementação dos ODS como uma ferramenta e uma base para a mudança. Foi também discutida a possibilidade, não de melhorar o sistema atual, mas de passar para uma estrutura mais local, ainda utilizando os ODS como uma diretriz de mudança.
Gomes, Barbara Marisa Moreira. "Consumo energético e crescimento económico: que relação é possível estabelecer? Análise para um painel de países da UE." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/82718.
Full textTomando em linha de conta a crescente importância do consumo de energia verificado nas últimas décadas, torna-se relevante averiguar se é possível estabelecer uma ligação entre esse consumo crescente e o crescimento económico, principalmente no âmbito de economias desenvolvidas. Este estudo prende-se com o objetivo de analisar a relação entre consumo de energia e crescimento económico tendo em conta outros fatores, como o nível inicial do produto per capita, o capital físico e humano e o comércio externo. Analisa-se a importância que estas variáveis têm no crescimento económico em catorze países da União Europeia (UE), para o período compreendido entre 1986 a 2013, estimando equações de convergência em painel pelo método GMM (Método dos Momentos Generalizados), dada a presença de endogeneidade das variáveis explicativas. Para além das variáveis habitualmente usadas e consideradas nos modelos de crescimento económico de base neoclássica, acrescentamos, para além de proxies de capital humano e comércio externo, aquela que para nós é a variável de interesse, o consumo energético (que representamos por duas proxies alternativas, consumo de energia primária e emissões de dióxido de carbono, de acordo com a literatura sobre o tema).Em termos gerais, concluímos pela existência de convergência condicional, que o capital físico e o comércio externo têm o tipo de impacto esperado de acordo com a teoria económica; quanto ao capital humano e consumo de energia, os resultados podem ser considerados inesperados à partida, embora igualmente justificáveis.
Taking into account the growing importance of energy consumption in the last decades, it is relevant to ascertain whether it is possible to establish a link between this growing consumption and economic growth, especially in the context of developed economies. This study aims at analyzing the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth, taking into account other factors, such as the initial per capita product level, physical and human capital and external trade. It is analyzed the importance of these variables for economic growth in fourteen European Union (EU) countries, for the period 1986 to 2013, by estimating panel convergence equations by the GMM (Generalized Moments Method) method, given the presence of endogeneity of the explanatory variables. In addition to the variables commonly used and considered in neoclassical economic growth models, we have added, in addition to human capital and foreign trade proxies, our variable of interest, the energy consumption (which we represent by two alternative proxies, primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, according to the literature on the subject).In general terms, we observe the existence of conditional convergence, that physical capital and external trade have expected kind of impact expected according to economic theory. With regard to human capital and energy consumption, the results can be considered to be unexpected at first, although justifiable. .
Grethe, Harald. "Effects of Including Agricultural Products in the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU." Doctoral thesis, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-0006-B03A-8.
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