Academic literature on the topic 'GMP EU'
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Journal articles on the topic "GMP EU"
Grazal, John G., and David S. Earl. "EU and FDA GMP regulations: overview and comparison." Quality Assurance Journal 2, no. 2 (June 1997): 55–60.<55::aid-qaj35>;2-x.
Full textHe, Tian-Tian, Carolina Oi Lam Ung, Hao Hu, and Yi-Tao Wang. "Good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulation of herbal medicine in comparative research: China GMP, cGMP, WHO-GMP, PIC/S and EU-GMP." European Journal of Integrative Medicine 7, no. 1 (February 2015): 55–66.
Full textBan, Eunmi, Dong-Jin Jang, Taek-Hyun Kwon, and Aeri Kim. "Pharmaceutical GMP Inspection: Case Study of USA and EU." Yakhak Hoeji 63, no. 1 (January 30, 2019): 15–23.
Full textMeshkovskiy, A. P., N. V. Pyatigorskaya, Z. I. Aladysheva, V. V. Beregovykh, A. M. Pyatigorskiy, N. S. Nikolenko, M. M. Marshalova, and V. V. Belyaev. "Responsibilities of the Marketing Authorisation Holders in Respect of GMP Compliance (Review)." Drug development & registration 9, no. 4 (November 26, 2020): 164–70.
Full textWang, Fengyi, Xuan Hu, Jing Hu, Qianqian Peng, Baozhan Zheng, Juan Du, and Dan Xiao. "Fluorescence assay for alkaline phosphatase activity based on energy transfer from terbium to europium in lanthanide coordination polymer nanoparticles." Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6, no. 37 (2018): 6008–15.
Full textChimenti, Isotta, Roberto Gaetani, Elvira Forte, Francesco Angelini, Elena De Falco, Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai, Elisa Messina, Giacomo Frati, and Alessandro Giacomello. "Serum and supplement optimization for EU GMP ‐compliance in cardiospheres cell culture." Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 18, no. 4 (January 20, 2014): 624–34.
Full textTomić, Siniša, Anita Sučić, and Adrijana Martinac. "Good Manufacturing Practice: The Role of Local Manufacturers and Competent Authorities." Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 61, no. 4 (December 1, 2010): 425–36.
Full textSun, Jing-lin, and Bo-yang Yu. "The History and Prospects of Overseas GMP Inspection in China." Public Administration Research 11, no. 1 (March 5, 2022): 24.
Full textGildehaus, Franz. "Aufbau eines GMP-Radionuklidlabors." Der Nuklearmediziner 40, no. 04 (December 2017): 253–61.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "GMP EU"
Таран, О. І., and Олена Михайлівна Проскурня. "Реалізація нових вимог GMP на прикладі процесу "підготовка та отримання чистих середовищ" на фармацевтичному підприємстві"." Thesis, Національний фармацевтичний університет, 2015.
Full textVyletová, Veronika. "Pravomoc Evropské unie regulovat GMO." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.
Full textKrug, Simone. "Die Finanzierung der GAP im Kontext des Finanzverfassungssystems der EU /." Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2008.
Full textKrug, Simone. "Die Finanzierung der GAP im Kontext des Finanzverfassungssystems der EU." Baden-Baden Nomos, 2005.
Full textSlotwinska, Paulina. "Genmodifierade grödor och dess konsekvenser : För människa och miljö i Sydamerika, USA och EU." Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Life Sciences, 2007.
Full textUppsatsen behandlar GMO (genmodifierade grödor) och hur de påverkar människa och miljö i USA, Sydamerika (Argentina och Brasilien) och Europa. De geografiska områdena har valts då arealen över GMO-odlingar är störst i USA och Sydamerika samt för att mestadels av GMO exporteras till Europa. GMO-frågan har varit väldigt omdebatterad i Europa och andra delar av världen de senaste åren av miljöorganisationer, forskare och genteknikföretag. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka för- och nackdelarna med genmodifierade grödor.
Uppsatsens undersökning utgörs av två intervjuer med sakkunniga personer med skilda uppfattningar om genmodifierade grödor. I denna del behandlas även information från olika organisationer som t.ex. SNF (Svenska naturskyddsföreningen) och Undersökningen genomfördes i syfte att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar. Hur påverkas människor och miljö av genmodifierade grödor i USA, Sydamerika och Europa? Kan genmodifierade grödor lösa problemet med världssvälten? Hur förhåller man sig till GMO i olika geografiska delar av världen och varför?
Uppsatsens resultat visar att miljöpåverkan är stor eftersom genmodifierade grödor är oförutsägbara och kan ge oväntade egenskaper. Det största miljöproblemet med GMO är påverkan av den biologiska mångfalden som sker p.g.a. spridning till naturliga växter. Människans påverkas då GMO kan bidra till allergiframkallning och även att människan kan få det svårare att bekämpa sjukdomar med hjälp av antibiotika. Människan påverkas även på andra områden än hälsan, exempelvis genom att människan förlorar kontroll över livsmedelsproduktionen då multinationella gentekniksföretag äger patent på 90 procent av all GMO. GMO är inte heller en lösning på svälten, man bör lösa svältens orsaker i första hand som bland annat krig. GMO som lösning på svält används som marknadsföring av genteknikföretag då det är ett faktum att det endast är dessa företag som tjänat på GMO hittills och majoriteten av GMO som odlas i perifera länder exporteras som foder till kärnländernas slaktdjur och för användning som biobränsle. Resultatet visar även att man vet för lite om genmodifierade grödors påverkan på miljö och framför allt på människan för att kommersialiseras.
Lacková, Lucie. "Hodnocení výkonnosti systému DPH v zemích EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.
Full textJönsson, Johanna. "GMO-lagstiftningen i Sverige och EU : Frihandelns regler vs. miljö- och hälsoskydd." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2017.
Full textZelenková, Jana. "Přístupy k měření chudoby se zaměřením na členské státy EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.
Full textValová, Markéta. "Rakousko: ekonomický vývoj a integrace v rámci EU." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.
Full textMarin, Joseph. "Determining Impacts of Partnership and the Euro within the European Union:: With a Focus on Accession Countries." Thesis, Boston College, 2015.
Full textThe primary goal of the European Union is to promote a high degree of competition between regions in an effort to allow for the creation of the single market. In the year 2004, the EU had allowed ten new member states to enter into the European Union. This paper looks at the potential positive or negative impact from entering into partnership with the EU. It looks at convergence between EU member states and a potential treatment effect in order to determine that this is indeed a localized phenomenon in the EU or is there a general convergence between all countries. The paper uses a fixed effects approach in order to determine the impact of partnership and use of the Euro within the EU. I find evidence of convergence and a positive benefit from partnership; however, using the Euro appears to have a negative impact on countries
Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2015
Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Departmental Honors
Discipline: Economics
Books on the topic "GMP EU"
Costa, Marios. The Accountability Gap in EU law. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017. |: Routledge, 2016.
Full textBolt, W. Output gap and inflation in the EU. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank, 2000.
Find full textFerragina, Anna Maria. Mind the gap: Unemployment in the new eu regions. Bonn, Germany: IZA, 2005.
Find full textBarbone, Luca. EU accession of Central and Eastern Europe: Bridging the income gap. Washington, DC: World Bank, Country Dept. II, Europe and Central Asia Division, 1997.
Find full textHandoll, John. Protecting national interests: Bridging the gap between member states and EU policies. West Sussex [England]: J. Wiley & Sons, 1997.
Find full textBlock, Ludo. From politics to policing: The rationality gap in EU Council policy-making. The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 2011.
Find full textPlana Casado, Maria Jose. E-FOOD: Closing the Online Enforcement Gap in the EU Platform Economy. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textStephan, Johannes. EU-integration and development prospects of CEECs: The productivity-gap and technological structural change. Halle: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle, 2001.
Find full textEck, Roelien Ritsema Van. Bridging the gap; research into the relationship between EU SME policies and SME consultancy firms operating in the Netherlands. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, 1999.
Find full textBailey, Allen R. The EU GMP: Good manufacturing practices. International Quality Press, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "GMP EU"
Le Cacheux, Jacques, and Eloi Laurent. "The EU “Beyond GDP”." In Report on the State of the European Union, 154–67. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
Full textSoros, George. "Cooperative Ways to Bridge the Gap." In EU-US Relations, 159–60. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textSinitsina, Irina. "The Development Gap Between the CIS and EU." In EU Eastern Neighborhood, 1–21. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textEscajedo San-Epifanio, Leire, Dennis Eriksson, and Alberto López-Basaguren. "GMO Opt-Out in the EU." In Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 1–9. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2018.
Full textEscajedo San-Epifanio, Leire, Dennis Eriksson, and Alberto López-Basaguren. "GMO Opt-Out in the EU." In Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 1468–76. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2019.
Full textWesseler, Justus, and Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes. "Present and Future EU GMO Policy." In Palgrave Advances in Bioeconomy: Economics and Policies, 245–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textKritikos, Mihalis. "Developing a Regulatory Framework on GMO Releases." In EU Policy-Making on GMOs, 59–111. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
Full textLarsen, Henrik. "The Capability-Expectations Gap: A Double Reading." In Gaps in EU Foreign Policy, 23–46. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
Full textLarsen, Henrik. "The Performativity of the Capability-Expectations Gap." In Gaps in EU Foreign Policy, 47–73. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
Full textCasolari, Federico. "EU Loyalty After Lisbon: An Expectation Gap to Be Filled?" In The EU after Lisbon, 93–133. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "GMP EU"
Olavesen, KK, LB Hatlelid, RO Husteli, and LR Rødøy. "PP-023 Environmental monitoring of a robotic solution for chemotherapy compounding, placed in a eu-gmp class d classified production room." In 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 Cannes, France. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2017.
Full textKodash, Artemii, Anna Basevich, Tatiana Bitkina, Elena Smirnova, and Irina Kaukhova. "Audit of the Production of Sterile Medicines for Compliance with the Requirements of the Draft EU GMP Annex 1 with Risk Analysis." In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium Innovations in Life Sciences (ISILS 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textFedeli, Jean-Marc, Sergio Nicoletti, Liesbet Lagae, Inigo Artundo, and Peter O'Brien. "EU pilot lines for integrated photonics." In 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP). IEEE, 2017.
Full textSTEINHÄUSLER, FRIEDRICH. "GAP ANALYSIS OF EU COUNTERTERRORISM RESEARCH INITIATIVES." In Proceedings of the 45th Session of the International Seminars on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2013.
Full textAleksejeva, Inese. "Comparative Analysis of GMO Risk Perception Gap between EU Consumers and Latvian Experts Involved in GMO Decision Making Process." In New Challenges of Economic and Business Development–2013. University of Latvia, 2013.
Full textAleksejeva, Inese. "Comparative Analysis of GMO Risk Perception Gap between EU Consumers and Latvian Experts Involved in GMO Decision Making Process." In New Challenges of Economic and Business Development–2013. University of Latvia, 2013.
Full textNedomová, Lea, and Petr Doucek. "Gender Pay Gap in the Czech Economy with Accent on ICT Professionals." In Values, Competencies and Changes in Organizations. University of Maribor Press, 2021.
Full textAntonescu, Daniela. "Trends of Convergence at Regional Level in European Union (EU-28)." In International Conference Innovative Business Management & Global Entrepreneurship. LUMEN Publishing, 2020.
Full textMakrevska Disoska, Elena, Irena Kikerkova, and Katerina Toshevska- Trpchevska. "COVID-19 CHALLENGES FOR EU EXTRA AND INTRA-REGIONAL TRADE." In Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future. Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics-Skopje, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "GMP EU"
O'Donnell, Kevin, and Anne Greene. A Risk Management Solution Designed to Facilitate Risk-Based Qualification, Validation, and Change Control Activities within GMP and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance Environments in the EU—Part I. Institute of Validation Technology, July 2006.
Full textO'Donnell, Kevin, and Anne Greene. A Risk Management Solution Designed to Facilitate Risk-Based Qualification, Validation, and Change Control Activities within GMP and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance Environments in the EU—Part II. Institute of Validation Technology, July 2006.
Full textCastillo Parrilla, José Antonio. The Legal Regulation of Digital Wealth: Commerce, Ownership and Inheritance of Data. Universitätsbibliothek J. C. Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, 2021.
Full textSpiliotopoulos, Christoforos, Malgorzata Agata Kowalska, David Bernad Beltrán, and Felice Alfieri. How to Extend the Lifetime of ICT: Examples and Case Studies from the EU GPP Criteria. University of Limerick, 2021.
Full textLukasse, Leo. The use of USDA sensors as calibrated temperature recorders : In view of EU guidelines on GDP for medicinal products for human use. Wageningen: Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, 2016.
Full textFühr, Martin, Julian Schenten, and Silke Kleihauer. Integrating "Green Chemistry" into the Regulatory Framework of European Chemicals Policy. Sonderforschungsgruppe Institutionenanalyse, July 2019.
Full textMahdavian, Farnaz. Germany Country Report. University of Stavanger, February 2022.
Full textComparing international approaches to food safety regulation of GM and Novel Foods. Food Standards Agency, August 2021.
Full textSurveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in E. coli and Campylobacter from retail turkey meat and E. coli from retail lamb in 2020/21. Food Standards Agency, February 2022.
Full textNational report 2009-2019 - Rural NEET in Serbia. OST Action CA 18213: Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion, December 2020.
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