Academic literature on the topic 'Gluon TMDs'
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Journal articles on the topic "Gluon TMDs"
Signori, Andrea. "Gluon TMDs in Quarkonium Production." Few-Body Systems 57, no. 8 (April 22, 2016): 651–55.
Full textBUFFING, M. G. A., P. J. MULDERS, and A. MUKHERJEE. "UNIVERSALITY OF QUARK AND GLUON TMD CORRELATORS." International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 25 (January 2014): 1460003.
Full textBoer, Daniël, Cédric Lorcé, Cristian Pisano, and Jian Zhou. "The Gluon Sivers Distribution: Status and Future Prospects." Advances in High Energy Physics 2015 (2015): 1–10.
Full textMassacrier, L., M. Anselmino, R. Arnaldi, S. J. Brodsky, V. Chambert, W. den Dunnen, J. P. Didelez, et al. "Studies of Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Distributions with a Fixed-Target ExpeRiment Using the LHC Beams (AFTER@LHC)." International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 40 (January 2016): 1660107.
Full textLansberg, J. P. "Back-to-Back Isolated Photon-Quarkonium Production at the LHC and the Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Distributions of the Gluons in the Proton." International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 40 (January 2016): 1660015.
Full textAltinoluk, T., R. Boussarie, C. Marquet, and P. Taels. "Gluon TMDs from Forward $pA$ Collisions in the CGC." Acta Physica Polonica B 50, no. 6 (2019): 969.
Full textEchevarria, Miguel G. "T-Odd Gluon TMDs Inside a Transversely Polarized Hadron." Few-Body Systems 57, no. 8 (March 31, 2016): 645–49.
Full textBUFFING, M. G. A., and P. J. MULDERS. "GENERALIZED UNIVERSALITY FOR TMD DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS." International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 20 (January 2012): 66–74.
Full textBuffing, M. G. A., and P. J. Mulders. "Color Entanglement in Hadronic Processes for Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution Functions." International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 37 (January 2015): 1560022.
Full textBhattacharya, Shohini, Andreas Metz, Vikash Kumar Ojha, Jeng-Yuan Tsai, and Jian Zhou. "Exclusive double quarkonium production and generalized TMDs of gluons." Physics Letters B 833 (October 2022): 137383.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gluon TMDs"
Bor, Jelle. "Gluon-induced quarkonium production in transverse-momentum-dependent factorisation : applications to the LHC and EIC." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2025.
Full textWith the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) high-energy experiments we can investigate the elementary structure of protons. In the past, protons were thought to comprise three valence quarks (two up, one down), but now we know they also contain short-lived quark-antiquark pairs of all six quark types and gluons, the mediators of the strong nuclear force, described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). To probe the internal structure of a nucleon, parton distribution functions (PDFs) quantify how momentum is distributed among partons (quarks and gluons) longitudinally in a reaction, while transverse-momentum-dependent PDFs (TMDs) add transverse momentum information. While quark TMDs are getting better understood, our knowledge of gluon TMDs is still very limited. This study focuses on extracting gluon TMDs through quarkonium production, particularly J/psi mesons, at the LHC and EIC, since quarkonium, a meson formed by a heavy quark-antiquark pair of the same heavy flavour, mainly originates from partonic gluons. To study such processes, it is essential that they can be factorised. This means that the cross section, representing process likelihood, is a convolution of a perturbative QCD term, that can be theoretically calculated, and nonperturbative terms like the TMDs and the long-distance matrix elements (LDMEs) which describe the formation of the quarkonium, that need to be extracted from an experiment. For J/psi production in electron-proton collisions, colour neutrality requires low-energy gluon emission. This introduces the shape function, crucial for reconciling TMD and collinear frameworks (in terms of PDFs) in their overlapping regime. Calculations show the shape function is universal, while accompanied by a process-dependent factor, and it is expected to play a role in direct colour-neutral quarkonium production at higher orders as well. Predictions of an azimuthal asymmetry, linked to the ratio of linearly polarised to unpolarised gluon TMDs, suggest measurable effects at the EIC to probe these TMDs and shape functions. Additionally, a novel nonperturbative Sudakov factor was developed for the TMD evolution formalism, improving upon Gaussian models by extrapolating known perturbative behaviour into the nonperturbative regime. While innovative, this factor remains to be determined by experiment. Employing this novel Sudakov factor agreement with recent normalised cross-section data for J/psi-pair production at the LHCb is found. However, scale variation uncertainties necessitate higher-order corrections. Future LHC studies, such as Upsilon-pair production and J/psi-pair production with one stationary proton, may reveal more about gluon TMDs at higher energies and momentum fractions. For the EIC, progress was made toward a complete spectrum for J/psi production, focusing on angle-independent contributions. Although the TMD and collinear cross sections follow significantly different power laws in the kinematic regime to be probed by the EIC, we find no matching issues, because the TMD cross sections lie above the collinear ones in the region where matching is expected to occur
Scarpa, Florent. "Probing the gluon Transverse Momentum-Dependent distributions inside the proton through quarkonium-pair production at the LHC." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020.
Full textTransverse momentum-dependent factorisation is used to describe hadronic collisions while taking into account the intrinsic transverse momentum of partons inside hadrons. This requires the use of Transverse Momentum-Dependent Parton Distribution Functions (TMDPDFs or simply TMDs) in order to parametrise the parton correlator. Such distributions need to be extracted from experimental data. Quark TMDs are relatively well known thanks to processes such as semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) and Drell-Yan for which numerous data exist. Gluon TMDs remain poorly known, since there is no ideal process to probe them in the operating colliders. The future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will offer a much better access to them, but its first run remains at least 10 years from now. It is also important to study TMDs in various kinds of processes in order to check their universality which is not as trivial as that of collinear PDFs.We propose to use quarkonium-pair production to study the two leading-twist gluon TMDs accessible through unpolarised proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Quarkonia are mesons, i.e. bound states of a quark-antiquark pair. In the case of a quarkonium, the pair is made of heavy flavours: charmonia combine a charm with an anticharm, while bottomonia combine a bottom with an antibottom. J/psi mesons are the lowest lying vector state of charmonia and are produced in large amounts at the LHC. J/psi pairs originate from gluon fusion in vast majority, which is important in order to focus on gluon TMDs. Studying two-particle final states also allows one to tune the hard scale of the process commensurate to the pair mass, which in turn allows one to study TMD evolution.We first use a model of Gaussian-based TMDs to compute observables in J/psi-pair production that are sensitive to the TMDs. These observables are the transverse-momentum spectrum of the pair, mostly sensitive to the unpolarised gluon TMD, and azimuthal asymmetries, whose existence requires the linearly-polarised gluon TMD. We see that J/psi pair production is an ideal process to probe the linearly-polarised gluon distribution through one azimuthal asymmetry that is maximal at large hard scales. We also use the LHCb data on the J/psi pair transverse momentum to fit the average gluon transverse momentum using our Gaussian-based model. The large value that is obtained is interpreted as a consequence of TMD evolution that perturbatively enhances the intrinsic transverse momentum of the gluon at such large hard scales.We then improve our predictions by including TMD evolution in the formalism used to describe the gluon TMDs in our calculations. In this picture, the unpolarised gluon distribution is a leading contribution in an expansion of the strong coupling, while the linearly-polarised distribution is subleading. The remaining nonperturbative component is modelled using a Gaussian. We observe that the computed magnitude of the azimuthal asymmetries in J/psi-pair production are lower than when using the purely Gaussian model. However, we observe that these asymmetries remain sizeable and could be detected at the LHC. We also provide predictions for Upsilon-pair production (the Upsilon is the bottomonium equivalent of the J/psi).We finally study the helicity structure of the quarkonium-pair production amplitude. It can be written as a sum of sub-amplitudes corresponding to various helicity states of the initial-state gluons and final-state quarkonia. In the high-mass limit of the pair, the amplitudes greatly simplify and explain how the hard-scattering coefficients of J/psi-pair production maximise the size of one azimuthal asymmetry, as previously observed. Moreover, it is shown that the amplitude zero for longitudinally polarised pairs predicted at leading order in the collinear regime exists as well in TMD factorisation. It should survive for intermediate masses as hard gluon emissions are suppressed in the TMD regime
Sievert, Matthew D. "Transverse Spin and Classical Gluon Fields: Combining Two Perspectives on Hadronic Structure." The Ohio State University, 2014.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Gluon TMDs"
Signori, Andrea. "Gluon TMDs in Quarkonium Production." In Light Cone 2015, 297–301. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textEchevarria, Miguel G. "T-Odd Gluon TMDs Inside a Transversely Polarized Hadron." In Light Cone 2015, 251–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Gluon TMDs"
Lansberg, Jean-Philippe, Cristian Pisano, Florent Scarpa, and Marc Schlegel. "Probing the gluon TMDs with quarkonia." In XXVI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2018.
Full textEchevarria, Miguel G. "Phenomenology of Gluon TMDs at NNLL." In QCD Evolution 2015. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2016.
Full textMulders, Piet, and Elena Petreska. "Polarized gluon TMDs at small x." In XXVII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2019.
Full textPisano, Christian, Daniel Boer, Piet Mulders, and Jian Zhou. "Probing Gluon TMDs at a future EIC." In QCD Evolution 2016. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2017.
Full textvan Daal, Tom. "Gluon TMDs in the small-x limit." In QCD Evolution 2016. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2017.
Full textvan Daal, Tom. "Gluon TMDs in the small-x limit." In XXV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2017.
Full textPisano, Cristian. "Gluon TMDs and Opportunities at an EIC." In INT Program INT-18-3. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2020.
Full textBalitsky, Ian. "Rapidity Factorization and Evolution of Gluon TMDs." In QCD Evolution 2015. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2016.
Full textBalitsky, Ian. "Evolution of gluon TMDs from low to moderate x." In QCD Evolution 2017. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2018.
Full textPisano, Christian. "Momentum Imbalance Observables as a Probe of Gluon TMDs." In QCD Evolution 2015. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2016.
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