Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Glissements de terrain – Simulation par ordinateur'
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Lestrelin, Hugo. "Vers une approche physique de l'aléa glissement de terrain déclenché par un séisme." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2025. http://www.theses.fr/2025COAZ5005.
Full textCoseismic landslides contribute to casualties and economic losses during earthquakes.This phenomena is ubiquitous, and its consequences range from cutting off road portions to tsunamis. In order to understand the processes that lead to their instability, we asked ourselves: can we model landslides on pre-existing faults and their seismic triggering using a friction law derived from laboratory experiments, the rate-and-state law. In a first step, we identified the roles of the properties of the landslide (friction, thickness of these dimentary mass, etc.) and the incident wave (frequency, duration, and amplitude) through numerical simulations using the spectral element method and theoretical analyses. By following the state variable of the rate-and-state law, we can determine the stability state of a landslide considered in the case of single-frequency incident waves. In a second step, we applied these theoretical results to the case of the underwater slope of Nice airport. Using previous studies and recent sediment cores drilled near the 1979 landslide tear scar (IFREMER MaRoLyS-PenFeld oceanographic campaign), and rate-and-state laboratory tests at University La Sapienza in Rome, we constrained the geomechanical parameters of the landslide in our simulations. These values, combined with the use of empirical Green's functions for incident waves, allowed us to analyze the stability of the Nice submarine slope under different seismic triggering scenarios, in particular earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 with different epicentral distance
Thomas, Amélie. "Cartographie et évaluation de la dynamique à court terme d'instabilités gravitaires de grandes ampleurs : exemple du massif de la Cristallère en haute Vallée d'Aspe (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France) : apports des mesures de positionnement satellitaire et des observations aériennes par drone." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BORD0914/document.
Full textFor these last decades, few subjects of the geology of the engineer have drawn the attention of the scientific community as much as those dealing of the natural hazards and more particularly with large-scale gravitational instabilities known as DSGSD (Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation) and DSL (Deep Seated Landslide). Based on few cases study on a natural scale (dating and recent monitoring), short term temporal dynamics remains one of their least studied aspects today. We made the choice of the Cristallère massif as an example. It is located in Upper Aspe Valley of the Pyrenees (Béarn region). The Cristallère DSL was recently identified and analyzed through two dating methods.On the basis of this work, our first approach consists in assessing short term temporal dynamics of these slopes movements on various scales and with various methods of satellites positioning (GPS and GLONASS constellations): multistation positioning RGP (Permanent Geodetic Network in France), statics geodetic with pivot and fast static with pivot. We insist in this work, given the original results obtained, on the interest of the differential GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) with a pivot which must be geographically close to the observations to be carried out in order to ensure sufficient accuracy (cm).Observations and exploitation of drone digital elevation models of the site from aerial surveys at different scales obtained with a “flying wing” are the second approach to this research work. They complete the mapping of the site and demonstrate the existence of a DSGSD based on a high resolution and high precision geomorphometric characterization (cm); they make it possible to refine the delimitation of the Cristallère DSL and its most active area (Pène du Thès) and the Peilhou DSL.In addition to these two complementary approaches, a geological and geophysical survey (structural geology measurements, electrical resistivity tomographies and electromagnetic profiles Very Low Frequency surveys) and an analysis of the available data on the structures present in the unstable slope, such as the large diameter underground water pipe for the hydroelectric plant of Baralet and the former railway tunnel of Peilhou. The combined use of these three approaches confirms that the deep movements of the Cristallère massif are still active with proven seismic forcing: awareness of the potential role taken by the DSGSD is then fundamental. Thus, all the existing structures in the massif or the projects on this site (new constructions or rehabilitation of old structures) have to consider the existence of a slow and gradual change of the entire massif (DSGSD). Moreover, the methodology developed in this work is intended to be general. It also makes possible to monitor and follow, in the short and medium term, all types of ground movement, in particular landslides or rockslides, deep or superficial, slow or fast
Chang, Kuo-Jen. "Observation et simulation des grands glissements de terrain déclenchés par le séisme de Chi-Chi, Taïwan, 1999." Montpellier 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON20171.
Full textMoreaux, David. "Localisation de cavités souterraines par réflexion sismique haute résolution : étude numérique, étude de terrain." Lille 1, 1997. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1997/50376-1997-35.pdf.
Full textViroulet, Sylvain. "Simulations de tsunamis générés par glissements de terrains aériens." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4790.
Full textTsunami waves are long waves generated by impulsive geophysical events of earth's crust, volcanoes, asteroids impacts or landslides. Even if most of the tsunamis are generated by submarine earthquakes, the massive collapse of coastal landscape may constitute an important source of tsunami hazard. After introducing historical tsunami events, chapter 1 presents a state-of-the-art on the generation and propagation of tsunami waves and the main equations dealing with extreme water waves. Chapter 2 presents the numerical codes used in this thesis: Gerris and SPHysics. Chapter 3 focuses on the generation of tsunami by a solid landslide. Experimental results are compared to numerical simulations obtained using both codes. From this results, we derive scaling laws on the arrival time and amplitude of the first generated wave. The chapter 4 deals with the interactions between the slide and the generated wave by taking into account the impact of an initially dry granular media into water. Systematic studies varying the different parameters exhibit the significance of the internal properties of the slide on the generated wave. Finally, chapter 5 is dedicated to the collapse of the Cap Canaille near Cassis. A idealized model for the generation and the propagation are used to estimate the hazard associated to such a massive collapse
Sabourault, Philippe. "Du microzonage à la prédiction de mouvements forts : confrontation de mesures de terrain, de simulations numériques et de modélisations sur modèles réduits centrifugés." Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MARN0075.
Full textCaumartin, Richard. "Rétro-analyse de l'instabilité d'une pente dans une mine à ciel ouvert assistée de la modélisation numérique utilisant la méthode des éléments distincts." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/19939.
Full textZhang, Yulong. "Contribution à l'étude de déformation et de rupture des roches par une approche discrète." Thesis, Lille 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIL1I045/document.
Full textIn this work, a new bond model with nonlinear shear failure criterion is first proposed and implemented in PFC for describing mechanical behavior of isotropic cohesive granular materials such as sandstone. A large number of compression tests have been performed on 3D samples. The results show that the effect of confining pressure on compressive strength and failure pattern is well described by the proposed bond model. Effects of loading path and the intermediate principal stress on deformation and failure have been also investigated. After further extending parameters on elastic and strength, two bond models: the proposed bond model and the improved smooth joint model, are coupled to character the anisotropy of strength and deformation in anisotropic cohesive materials such as sedimentary rocks. A series of conventional triaxial compression tests with different loading paths have been performed and numerical results are in good agreement with experimental data, especially for elastic response and strength properties. The failure mode transformation between weakness layer and rock matrix under different confining pressures has been well described. Furthermore, the proposed bond model has been extended to study hydraulic fracturing process in cohesive materials. A representative hydraulic fracture propagation process has been presented. Influences of different factors, such as confining pressure, fluid viscosity and fluid injection rate, on hydraulic fracture extension have been investigated. Finally, we have developed a dimensional reconstruction method of block shape irregularity and studied its effects on block impacts using an energy based approach
Che, Xiaomin. "Extraction et reconstruction du réseau hydrographique à partir du modèle numérique de terrain." Aix-Marseille 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX22073.
Full textBatton-Hubert, Mireille. "Intégration d'une simulation spatio-temporelle à un modèle topologique et numérique de terrain." Paris 6, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA066116.
Full textDuinat, Benoit. "Interface de simulation située urbaine : conception et développement d’une solution sur tablette tactile." Thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2013/30256/30256.pdf.
Full textIn a context of sustainable development in which impacts on infrastructure should be assessed frequently, effective procedures for monitoring and intervention are required. Although mobile augmented reality (MAR) solutions have a great potential to improve the on-site efficiency for professionals, particularly in the case of underground infrastructures, this technology is not yet mature enough to allow such applications. Based on principles similar to MAR, situated simulation offers a virtual 3D representation congruent with reality. In situated simulation, the immersion is less important, but there are more interactions possible with 3D environment. This work focuses on the design and development of a situated simulation application. It tackles the particular challenges related to 3D modeling of the environment and integration of geospatial data in video game engines.
Le, Cap Clara. "Simulations numériques et mesures de terrain d'évènements gélifs dans un vignoble équipé de tours antigel : application au vignoble de Quincy." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Rennes (2023-....), 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023URENS099.
Full textThis thesis presents the work conducted on the characterization of the wind machine as a means of controlling spring frost in the vineyard of Quincy. Statistical studies were conducted using a network of temperature sensors spread across the territory along with synoptic and topographic data. They allowed to highlight the most frost sensitive areas in the Quincy vineyard and to provide a diagnostic on the actual implementation of the 60 wind machines in the vineyard. Field measurements were conducted to characterize the flow rate and momentum of the jet produced by five different wind machines. The results show that despite the different designs, the properties of the towers are equivalent. A pioneer measurement of the combined action of the wind machine and a burner during a frost night showed that the burner had an intense contribution in warming the temperature but so brief that questions remain about its profitability. Finally, as an exploratory work, an LES numerical model of a night of radiative frost has been developed to simulate the action of the wind machine using an actuator disk
Richer, de Forges Anne. "Exploration du potentiel de données d'observations de terrain pour caractériser ou cartographier des propriétés ou des comportements des sols." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ORLE1049.
Full textWhen carrying soil survey or describing soils in the field, a large number of variables are observed, recorded and stored in databases. Over time, this data on soils becomes available overwhelmingly. However, this data has never been studied in its entirety, nor used to characterize or map soil properties, functioning or behavior. These data are essentially qualitative and often ordinal. The hypothesis of our work is that it is possible to categorize these variables, to relate them to quantitative data and to use them in digital soil mapping (DSM).We evaluate the benefit of the contribution of this uncertain data by taking two examples based on soil texture and compactness. We simulate the consequences of using the hand-feel texture on the calibration and performance of a pedotransfer function. We also show the significant potential of this data in DSM of particle-size fractions, both as input data and as validation data. This mass of data, sometimes from heterogeneous sources, also makes it possible to reveal spatial structures not captured by the available quantitative variables. We use a field test to estimate soil compactness to bring out clusters of physical behavior which are then interpreted and mapped on a national scale.Through these examples, we demonstrate that the mass use of qualitative data can provide new knowledge and be enhanced by exploration and the DSM. We also confirm the potential of data from remote sensing, such as airborne spectrogammametry, as a covariate for the DSM of particle-size of topsoil. In particular, we show that it is possible to extract usable and spatially relevant information from uncertain qualitative data, without necessarily resorting to new, more costly acquisitions
Aigle, Pascal. "Stabilisation des talus de déblai par les techniques de drainage - simulation numérique des écoulements tridimentionnels à surface libre - Évaluation de l'augmentation de stabilité par méthode tridimensionnelle à la rupture." Nancy 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989NAN10037.
Full textLa, Lance Arnaud de. "Etude du comportement du système pneumatique-sol appliquée à la mobilité des véhicules terrestres." Montpellier 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON20176.
Full textQuimbayo-Duarte, Julian. "Modélisation numérique de la couche limite atmosphérique par condition stable en terrain complexe. Application à la qualité de l'air." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAU005/document.
Full textDuring wintertime anticyclonic regimes, urbanized mountain areas often experience stable and decoupled atmospheric conditions, resulting in severe episodes of particulate air pollution. This study deals with the characterization of drivers of particulate air pollution in deep alpine valleys under such stable conditions from the point of view of atmospheric dynamics. The work has been carried out through the implementation of both idealized and real case numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Particulate air pollution has been modelled by implementing passive tracers in the simulations.In a first part, high-resolution numerical simulations have been performed using two different configurations of three-dimensional idealized valleys opening onto a plain. The first configuration corresponds to a valley of constant width in the along-valley direction, directly opening onto a plain. The second one consists in a valley of varying width in that direction, with an upstream section of larger width than the downstream section, which opens onto the plain. The latter configuration is referred to as a pooling case. The change in the vertical temperature profile along the valley axis in all configurations results in a horizontal pressure gradient that leads to the development of an along-valley flow. Configurations in which the upstream section of the valley opens onto a narrower one have shown to be prone to higher pollutant concentrations than in the case of a valley opening directly onto a plain, due to the weaker down-valley flow developing in the variable width configurations. The impact of the downstream valley section on the concentration of pollutants in the upstream valley section is remarkable: the ventilation of the upstream valley section can be completely blocked for most of the simulation (six hours) when the ratio of the upstream to downstream valley section width is equal to 10.The second part deals with a real case situation, focusing on a section of the alpine Arve River valley around the city of Passy. The numerical modelling of the atmospheric dynamics and particulate matter (PM) concentration in that section has been performed during a strongly polluted wintertime episode of February 2015. For this purpose the emission inventory prepared by the air quality agency of the région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes has been implemented in the WRF-Chem model. The boundary layer dynamics has been compared to wind and temperature profiles collected during a field campaign conducted during the episode, and PM concentration has been compared to data recorded by air quality stations. The contribution of the valley tributaries to air pollution within the section considered has been first studied. Results show that this contribution is very small compared to that from local sources; this implies that $in-situ$ emissions are primarily responsible for the high PM concentration recorded in the valley since the valley bottom is decoupled from the atmosphere above the valley. The ventilation characteristics of the valley and their influence on the particulate matter (PM) concentration have next been investigated. The analysis indicates that due to the limited ventilation around the city of Passy, the hourly variability of PM concentration therein is driven by that of the emissions
Le, Cossec Jérôme. "La déformation gravitaires des côtes à falaises sédimentaires : modélisations numériques et expérimentales du secteur côtier Le Havre – Antifer (Haute-Normandie)." Le Havre, 2010. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00531742.
Full textThis study focuses on the effect of clay and sand layers on the gravity instabilities affecting the coastal chalk cliffs located along the French eastern English Channel coastline. The impact of these potential detachment layers is investigated using finite element numeric simulations and experimental modeling under conditions of pore-fluid overpressure. Results indicate that the cliff sliding ratio is linked to the clays layers position with regard to cliff base. The cliff instability is characterized by horizontal seaward sliding guided by the Kimmeridgian clays at the base of the cliff or by the Albian Gault clays at a variable elevation in the cliff. The gravitational deformation is associated with a normal fault network in the chalk and with an inland propagation as a function of the clays layer elevation. Moreover, the clay layer stops the downward propagation of the deformation and acts as a decoupling layer
Ji, Jinnan. "Finite elements modelling and analysis of the effect of vegetation on forested slopes stability." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON20213.
Full textEcological engineering, which is described as ‘the management of nature', was first proposed by Odum in 1971. In the past few decades, ecological engineering has been largely devoted to combat soil erosion and mass movement all over the world, because of its benefit on sustainable ecosystems. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of forest stands on the stability of finite slopes, considering both the mechanical and hydrological effects of roots against shallow landslides. Two monospecific and even-aged forest sites planted with Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis respectively were selected on the Loess Plateau of China and used as study sites. Slope Factors of Safety were calculated using a 2D finite element model that takes into account the distribution of roots in the shallow layers of soil.Field site experiments and laboratory tests were performed in order to estimate the main parameters of the model, i.e. distribution of root area ratio within the soil, root tensile strength, as well as bare soil mechanical and hydrological properties. The contribution of roots to soil shear strength was considered through an additional cohesion calculated with models provided by the literature. Six existing models were tested. This thesis is composed of two main chapters that make the focus on : (1) the mechanical effect of the spatial heterogeneity of root distribution at the slope scale; (2) the influence of root distribution on the coupling between pore fluid diffusion and mechanical stress and its impact on slope stability. This study brings to the following main conclusions: (1) terraced slopes were 20% more stable than rectilinear slopes, disregarding the differences in hydrological regimes between the two sites; (2) FoS could reach an asymptotic value when increasing root additional cohesion; (3) variations of the actual root cohesion do not affect much slope stability. However more attention should be given to the reinforcement of the bottom part of the actual slopes, where roots have a larger positive impact on the FoS; (4) the effect of heavy precipitations on slope stability could probably be overcome or at least mitigated by root system network, but this depends on root characteristics and their resulting effect on soil water flow
Abdallah, Mirvat. "Etude et renforcement des massifs rocheux sous chargement sismique : application à l’analyse de la vulnérabilité des massifs rocheux au Liban." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10091.
Full textLebanon is characterized by high-urbanized mountains, which could be subjected to severe earthquakes, because of the presence of a major fault and some secondary faults. Lebanon was previously subjected to several destructive earthquakes, particularly in 551, 1202, 1759 and 1837 and more recently in the years 1956 and 2008. Experts predict a major seismic event in the future. Prevention constitutes an efficient way to minimize the earthquake consequences (casualties and property damage). This thesis aims to develop a methodological approach for the seismic stability of fractured rocks and to apply this methodology to the analysis of real case in Lebanon. The work is based on an advanced numerical modeling using the UDEC software to analyze the behavior of massive fractured rocks under seismic loading, taking into account the presence of water in the fractures. Due to lack of field data, significant work has also been devoted to the collection of data collection related to mechanical properties of the materials and joints. The first part of the thesis presents a literature review of the characterization of the rock discontinuities and methods used for the analysis of the stability of fractured rock masses. The second part presents seismic analysis of a real case in South Lebanon (Jezzine). Numerical calculations were carried on different configurations: rock mass without fractures, rock mass with horizontal fractures and rock mass with both horizontal and vertical fractures. Analysis was also conducted on the use of anchors for the rock mass stabilization. The last part presents a study of the influence of the presence of water on the seismic behavior of fractured rock masses
Aboudourib, Abderrahmane. "Imagerie en champ proche de systèmes racinaires par radar à pénétration de sol." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPAST048.
Full textThe mapping of tree root systems within inhomogeneous dispersive subsoils is investigated by means of a non-destructive technique: Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR). This work is motivated by the growing need for tree health and stability control, as well as the negative impact of roots on urban infrastructure, which could seriously compromise the safety of people and properties. A state of the art has allowed us to determine the limiting factors of coarse root (diameter > 0.5 cm) detection and resolution by GPR. Then, the focus is put on a novel processing procedure to reconstruct 3-D root architectures from GPR data with no a priori information on the soils involved. Viability is studied from comprehensive numerical simulations (via gprMax) on realistic root models in 3-D heterogeneous dispersive environments; this in particular means a number of simulations involving a variety of soils. Controlled laboratory measurements are conducted on root prototypes using a bi-static GPR system operating at 300 MHz – 3.3 GHz frequency range. This is extended to field studies on real root systems with the use of a commercial GPR (MALA). The good performance and high potential of the proposed approach are illustrated accordingly
Ahmed, Samar. "Numerical modeling of stress redistribution to assess pillar rockburst proneness around longwall panels : Case study of the Provence coal mine, France." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0248/document.
Full textRockburst is a violent explosion of rock that can occur in underground mines. In the current research, the main objective is to demonstrate the causes that may influence the rockburst proneness by using the numerical modeling tool. However, firstly, the pre-mining stress state and the induced stresses due to surrounding excavations have to be studied precisely. The Provence coal mine, where a rockburst took place in its shaft station that is surrounded by many longwall caving panels, has been chosen as a case study. A large-scale 3D numerical model has been constructed to include the shaft station area with its small-scale pillars and galleries, and the large-scale longwall panels with their accompanying goaf area. Many problems appeared while developing such large-scale numerical model, the first problem was the initialization of stress state at a large-scale, where the measured vertical stresses are in disagreement with the overburden weight, and the in-situ stresses are highly anisotropic. The second problem was the simulation of the goaf area accompanying longwall panels. The third problem was the assessment of pillars instability in terms of its strength/average stress ratio, and its volume. The Fourth problem was the assessment of rockburst proneness in the shaft station based on different rockburst criteria. Five methods were developed to initialize the heterogeneous pre-mining stress in the large-scale numerical model. These methods are based on the Simplex Method, which is mainly based on optimizing the difference between the in-situ measured stress values and the numerical stress values to develop stress gradients able to express the stress heterogeneity and compatible with the in-situ measurements. The method that is based on initiating the stress state with 3D stress gradients was found to be more efficient than the traditional method that is based on the horizontal-to-vertical stress ratios. Regarding the goaf simulation, three models were developed and implemented in the numerical model to express the mechanical behavior within the goaf area above longwall panels. Two of these models are based on an elastic behavior, and the third one is based on the strain-hardening elasto-plastic behavior that takes the consolidation phenomenon into consideration. It was found that the goaf area above longwall panels could reach up to 32 times the seam thickness, and the elastic modulus of caved area (the first few meters in the goaf area) did not exceed 220 MPa to fulfill the roof-floor convergence. But, with advance of the exploitation, this soft material consolidated under the pressure of the overlying strata. In case of critical and super-critical width, the vertical stress in the goaf area exceeded the overburden weight, and it increased up to 4 times the overburden weight on the rib-sides. The vertical stress increased in the shaft station pillars as a result of exploiting the nearby longwall panels. It was found that the pillar volume plays an important role in its stability. And, the strength/stress ratio was found to be insufficient to quantify the rockburst proneness in underground mines. Many rockburst criteria were implemented in the numerical model to assess the rockburst proneness. It was found that the criteria that are based on stress and strain changes were able to assess the rockburst proneness