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Gugelot, Frédéric. "Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Journal de France, Tome 1 : 1945-1948." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 138 (June 1, 2007): 97–251.
Full textEvangelista, Rhiannon. "The particular kindness of friends: ex-Fascists, clientage and the transition to democracy in Italy, 1945–1960." Modern Italy 20, no. 4 (November 2015): 411–25.
Full textKossel, Elmar. "Das »Haus aus Glas« und sein langer Schatten." Architectura 49, no. 2 (February 1, 2019): 194–221.
Full textKalmanovitz, Salomón. "Editorial." Tiempo y economía 2, no. 1 (June 30, 2015): 7–8.
Full textDelić, Ante. "U misiji Sv. Stolice kod Ante Pavelića i Josipa Broza Tita." Crkva u svijetu 54, no. 2 (June 21, 2019): 176–200.
Full textSpindola Zago, Octavio. "“Hemos hecho Italia, ahora tenemos que hacer a los italianos”. El aparato educativo transnacional del régimen fascista italiano, 1922-1945." Historia Mexicana 69, no. 3 (January 1, 2020): 1189.
Full textMenzani, Tito. "Streikertransport. La deportazione politica nell'area industriale di Sesto San Giovanni (1943–1945), by Giuseppe Valota, Milano, Guerini e associati, 2007, 454 pp., €35.00 (paperback), ISBN 978-88-8335-978-1." Modern Italy 14, no. 4 (November 2009): 503–4.
Full textDe Coro, Alessandra. "Carla De Gennaro (1946-2021) e Giuseppe Nonini (1944-2021)." STUDI JUNGHIANI, no. 55 (August 2022): 115–18.
Full textProkop, Krzysztof R. "Sukcesja święceń biskupich pasterzy Kościoła warszawskiego (1798-2007)." Prawo Kanoniczne 53, no. 1-2 (January 9, 2010): 315–66.
Full textTondi, Emanuele. "Giuseppe Cello (1946–2006)." Tectonophysics 476, no. 1-2 (October 2009): 1.
Full textSacchi, N. "Giuseppe Bigi (1944–2002)." Leukemia 21, no. 12 (November 21, 2007): 2575.
Full textDalpozzo, Renato, Giorgio Bencivenni, Letizia Sambri, Enrico Marcantoni, and Paolo Melchiorre. "Giuseppe Bartoli (1941–2020)." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, no. 18 (March 13, 2020): 6962.
Full textDalpozzo, Renato, Giorgio Bencivenni, Letizia Sambri, Enrico Marcantoni, and Paolo Melchiorre. "Giuseppe Bartoli (1941–2020)." Angewandte Chemie 132, no. 18 (March 13, 2020): 7026.
Full textLeone, Matteo. "Giuseppe Giuliani (Editor). Per una storia della fisica italiana, 1945–1965. Volume 1. (Percorsi della Fisica, 6.) iv + 336 pp., figs., tables. Pavia: La Goliardica Pavese, 2002. €20, $19.54 (paper)." Isis 96, no. 4 (December 2005): 673–74.
Full textPrisco, Domenico. "Obituary: Giuseppe Licata (1943–2019)." Internal and Emergency Medicine 15, no. 1 (December 23, 2019): 169.
Full textS̆vestka, Zdenĕk. "Giuseppe Salvatore Vaiana 1935–1991." Acta Astronautica 35, no. 12 (June 1995): 817.
Full textMorente Valero, Francisco. "Giuseppe Bottai e il rinovamento fascista dell’università italiana (1936-1942)." Historia y Memoria de la Educación, no. 11 (December 9, 2019): 677.
Full textThomassen, Bjørn, and Rosario Forlenza. "Il professorino. Giuseppe Dossetti tra la crisi del fascismo e la costruzione della democrazia, 1940–1948." Journal of Modern Italian Studies 20, no. 3 (May 27, 2015): 408–10.
Full textDurand, Jean-Dominique. "Enrico Gavalotti, Il professorino. Giuseppe Dossetti tra crisi del fascismo e costruzione della democrazia 1940-1948." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 168 (December 31, 2014): 188.
Full textFaggioli, Massimo. "Il Professorino: Giuseppe Dossetti tra crisi del fascismo e costruzione della democrazia, 1940–1948 by Enrico Galavotti." Catholic Historical Review 101, no. 1 (2015): 177–79.
Full textTulić, Damir. "Nepoznati anđeli Giuseppea Groppellija u Zadru i nekadašnji oltar svete Stošije u Katedrali." Ars Adriatica, no. 6 (January 1, 2016): 155.
Full textCaroli, Dorena, and Giulia De Florio. "ITALIAN ANTHOLOGIES ABOUT RUSSIAN CHILDREN’S LITERATURE. AN OVERVIEW (1926–1944)." Children's Readings: Studies in Children's Literature 21, no. 1 (2022): 8–17.
Full textSuping, Hu. "An Investigation on Giuseppe Ros’s (1883–1948) Book Collection." Annali Sezione Orientale 81, no. 1-2 (June 14, 2021): 144–72.
Full textWataghin, Lucia, and Lenira Marques Covizzi. "Ungaretti tradutor discreto e a analogia entre os poetas árcades Tomás Antônio Gonzaga e Giovanni Meli." Revista de Italianística, no. 6-7 (July 30, 2003): 181.
Full textPaolella, Francesco. "Alcool, guerra, manicomio. Vita di Giuseppe Righi, decoratore (1876-1944)." STORIA E PROBLEMI CONTEMPORANEI, no. 74 (May 2017): 95–114.
Full textDuggan, Christopher. "Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy: Divergent legacies, 1837-1915." Italianist 27, no. 2 (October 2007): 263–81.
Full textBraghini, Anna. "Luigi Piccinato, 1947-1950: Italia - Argentina, idas y vueltas de ideas y proyectos." Estudios del hábitat 19, no. 2 (September 19, 2022): e099.
Full textBianconcini Anjos, Ana Paula. "A adaptação cinematográfica de Uma Tragédia Americana e Otelo em Match Point." Ilha do Desterro A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies 70, no. 1 (January 27, 2017): 161.
Full textWalsh, Michael J. "Il giornale del'anima. Soliloqui, note e diari spirituali. Edited by Alberto Melloni. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 1.) Pp. xlviii+546. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 1987. €50. 88 901107 0 8 - Nelle mani di Dio a servizio dell'uomo. I diari di don Roncalli, 1905–1925. Edited by Lucia Butturini. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 2.) Pp. xlvii+598. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2008. €50. 978 88 901107 5 7 - Tener da conto. Agendine di Bulgaria, 1925–1934. Edited by Massimo Faggioli. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 3.) Pp. l+285. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2008. €50. 978 88 901107 5 7 - La mia vita in oriente. Agende del delegato apostolico, I: 1935–1939; II: 1940–1944. Edited by Valeria Martano. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 4.1, 4.2.) Pp. xxxiii+823, xxi+865. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2006, 2008. €50 each. 88 901107 7 5; 978 88 96118 01 6 - Anni di Francia, I: Agende del nunzio, 1945–1948; II: Agende del nunzio, 1949–1953. Edited by Étienne Fouilloux. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 5.1; 5.2.) Pp. xxviii+595, xxii+725. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2004. €50 each. 88 901107 1 6; 88 901107 9 1 - Pace e vangelo. Agende del patriarca, I: 1953–1955; II: 1956–1958. Edited by Enrico Galavotti. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 6.1; 6.2). Pp. xxxiii+697, xxxvi+81. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2008. €50 each. 978 88 901107 4 0; 978 88 901107 6 4 - Pater amabilis. Agende del pontefice, 1958–1963. Edited by Mauro Velati. (Edizione nazionale dei diari di Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Giovanni xxiii, 7.) Pp. xxxvii+569. Bologna: Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2007. €50. 978 88 901107 2 6." Journal of Ecclesiastical History 63, no. 1 (December 5, 2011): 199–202.
Full textDolci, Roberto. "L’uso della propaganda nell’insegnamento dell’italiano: Il Giornalino diretto da Giuseppe Prezzolini a New York, 1934–1943." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 52, no. 1 (March 21, 2018): 85–110.
Full textMeghnagi, David. "La malattia come" premonizione"." PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE, no. 2 (May 2012): 209–24.
Full textGugelot, Frédéric. "Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Étienne Fouilloux,(introd., annot.), Journal de France. Tome 2, 1949-1953." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 148 (December 31, 2009): 75–342.
Full textVantorre, Sarah. "Truth, justice, freedom: The trial as an emancipatory narrative framework in the cultural actions of Giuseppe Fava." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 51, no. 1 (February 17, 2017): 22–44.
Full textColaci, Michele, and Giovanni Ponti. "Innovative use of magnesium oxide in the treatment of “neuralgia of the celiac plexus of rheumatic origin” by G. Moscati in 1923." Acta medico-historica Adriatica 16, no. 1 (2018): 157–66.
Full textCarbutto, Letizia. "Les classiques français (re)traduits dans la « Biblioteca Romantica » (1930-1942) et le cas emblématique de Madame Bovary." RELIEF - Revue électronique de littérature française 15, no. 1 (July 7, 2021): 85–99.
Full textŁopatecki, Karol. "PROBLEMY Z OBSADZENIEM NUNCJATURY W POLSCE (XI 1935 – V 1937)." Zeszyty Prawnicze 13, no. 1 (December 14, 2016): 125.
Full textGuarrera, Fabio. "El Monumento como instrumento de identidad nacional." Arquitextos, no. 33 (February 17, 2019): 49–60.
Full textDe Alencar Arnaut de Toledo, Cezar, and Jarbas Mauricio Gomes. "Antonio Gramsci e a organização da escola italiana (1922-1932)." Revista Diálogo Educacional 13, no. 40 (July 12, 2013): 1105.
Full textLamberti, Mariapia. "Dos visiones del Descubrimiento y la Conquista: Giuseppe Parini (1729-1799) y Cesare Pascarella (1858-1940)." Anuario de Letras Modernas 7 (July 31, 1997): 11–23.
Full textMorris, Jonathan. "The organization of industrial interests in Italy, 1906–1925." Modern Italy 3, no. 01 (May 1998): 101–7.
Full textOhtsu, Iwao, Youichi Yasuda, and Masayuki Takahashi. "Discussion of “Sequent Depth Ratio of a B-Jump” by Francesco Giuseppe Carollo, Vito Ferro, and Vincenzo Pampalone." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 139, no. 2 (February 2013): 254.
Full textCarollo, Francesco Giuseppe, Vito Ferro, and Vincenzo Pampalone. "Closure to “Sequent Depth Ratio of a B-Jump” by Francesco Giuseppe Carollo, Vito Ferro, and Vincenzo Pampalone." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 139, no. 2 (February 2013): 254–55.
Full textSciacovelli, Antonio. "Restare o partire? Sulle rappresentazioni non stereotipate di Napoli." Italianistica Debreceniensis 25 (March 29, 2020): 36–53.
Full textWataghin, Lucia. "Ungaretti entre Oswald de Andrade, Blaise Cendrars, Haroldo de Campos: afinidades e assimetrias." Remate de Males 37, no. 2 (December 19, 2017): 971.
Full textVenza, Claudio. "Toponomastica nostalgica. Il caso Granbassi a Trieste." HISTORIA MAGISTRA, no. 2 (November 2009): 35–46.
Full textSbacchi, Alberto. "The Archives of the Consolata Mission and the Formation of the Italian Empire, 1913-1943." History in Africa 25 (1998): 319–40.
Full textNowakowska-Sito, Katarzyna. "Maria Lednicka-Szczytt – kariera polskiej rzeźbiarki we Włoszech, 1924–1934." TECHNE. Seria Nowa, no. 3 (December 22, 2020): 81–106.
Full textOliveto, Giuseppe, and Willi H. Hager. "Closure to “Morphological Evolution of Dune-Like Bed Forms Generated by Bridge Scour” by Giuseppe Oliveto and Willi H. Hager." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 141, no. 12 (December 2015): 07015015.
Full textDal Falco, Federica. "Italian Rationalist Design: Modernity between Tradition and Innovation." Arts 8, no. 1 (February 22, 2019): 27.
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