Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Giudizio di diritto'
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Romualdi, Giuliana <1972>. "L'oggetto del giudizio di opposizione all'esecuzione." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/499/1/TesiGiulianaRomualdi.pdf.
Full textRomualdi, Giuliana <1972>. "L'oggetto del giudizio di opposizione all'esecuzione." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/499/.
Full textJACOVITTI, ELEONORA. "Il giudizio di prevedibilita’ nell’articolo 1225 c.c." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/201791.
Full textCarraro, Lucrezia <1995>. "Il giudizio di ottemperanza adito in sede tributaria." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15888.
Full textAlbertin, Nicole <1994>. "I crediti tributari e il giudizio di ottemperanza." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/16468.
Full textRANDAZZO, ANGELA. "Il filtro all’accesso al giudizio di legittimità." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/79291.
Full textCostantino, Federica. "L’elusione internazionale tra norma e fatto." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/200745.
Full textGABOARDI, MARCELLO. "ll giudizio con pluralità di parti nelle controversie societarie." Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2012. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4054298.
Full textCrosara, Massimo <1983>. "L’esecutività delle sentenze e il giudizio di ottemperanza nel processo tributario." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/10385.
Full textVICARIO, Mariarosa. "I «FATTI» NEL GIUDIZIO INCIDENTALE DI LEGITTIMITÀ COSTITUZIONALE." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2487920.
Full textThe thesis will focus on the role of the “facts” in decision making of the Italian Constitutional Court, in particular, in the judicial review. This procedure has a mainly “abstract” character. Indeed, the role of the Parties in the trial is very limited. It might even be taken place without them. And the intervention of third parties is almost completely excluded. That makes it difficult to introduce the “facts” in the proceedings and consequently to introduce all those interests contemplated by the provision of law of doubtful constitutionality. In the first part of my thesis, I delimit the object of study. I will focus on the facts the Italian Constitutional Court can know, i.e. the “legislative facts”. In fact, the Court is a judge of legitimacy and it does not take into account the facts of the case that gave rise to the indirect procedure for the control of constitutionality. The legislative facts are all those facts that serve to better understand both the provision subject of the control and the constitutional reference provision. It concerns natural, social, economic, political, scientific and administrative facts. Because the Court makes rarely use of its powers of instructions, the question arises as to how introducing those facts in the trial. Indeed, the analysis on formal modalities through which the Court acquires the knowledge of those facts highlights that instruments provided for by legislator (i.e. the judge’s order introducing the proceedings; the possible brief of the parties or of those intervening in the judgment) are not sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to the integrate evidentiary materials on which the decision is based. In a comparative perspective, I analyze the “amicus curiae”(friend of the court) brief, that is used in the common-law systems in order to supplement the knowledge of the judge on controversial issues. The amici, which are not present in Italian legal order, on the one hand they are very useful to provide the justices with myriad information regarding their perceptions of the correct application of the law in the case, on the other – considering the influence of the amicus curiae activity on justices’ decision – lend themselves to being exploited by the interest groups. This poses problems on the reliability of their briefs. The aim of this comparative study is to understand whether it is possible to apply this system to the indirect procedure for the control of constitutionality, and – if so – at which conditions. The purpose of my thesis is to define a legal model of investigation on the relevant evidences which could be suitable for the constitutional justice. Considering the important role of Italian Constitutional Court – which acts almost as policy makers –, it is necessary that the introduction of the evidentiary materials should take place in a transparent and controllable manner.
Pandolfo, Sara <1996>. "Il giudizio di ottemperanza e l'introduzione dell'istuto della penalità di mora: esperienza italiana ed esperienza europea." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/18724.
Full textLucatuorto, Pier Luigi Maria <1982>. "Il giudizio di bilanciamento tra interessi pubblici e privati: un modello formale." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/3996/1/LUCATUORTO_PIERLUIGIMARIA_TESI.pdf.
Full textLucatuorto, Pier Luigi Maria <1982>. "Il giudizio di bilanciamento tra interessi pubblici e privati: un modello formale." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/3996/.
Full textAGOSTINO, LORENZO. "Il giudizio di secondo grado. Garanzie dell’imputato ed efficienza processuale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/1085242.
Full textRUBERA, MATTEO TULLIO MARIA. "Profili costituzionali del giudizio direttissimo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/202021.
Full textThe aim of the present study is to analyze the “giudizio direttissimo” – one of the different forms that criminal trials can take in Italy – from the perspective of the Italian Constitution. In this particular kind of trial, the accused is immediately brought before the Court to be publicly judged, without any kind of preliminary hearing to assess whether the charge is well-founded or not. On one hand, the “giudizio direttissimo” seems to be consistent with the principle – laid down in the Italian Constitution – that a trial must be held within a reasonable time of time. Indeed, the omission of the “preliminaries” – that characterize the “ordinary proceeding” – allows a saving of one year and a half, when compared to the average length of the latter. On the other hand, the course of this kind of trial, in some cases, doesn’t seem to give the accused enough time to prepare an adequate defence. Moreover, its discipline seems to be lacking in some of the most important constitutional rights. A constitutionally consistent interpretation of the “giudizio direttissimo” might help to solve the aforementioned issues, by limiting its application only to the easiest cases. In addition, some case-law which is too rigorous for the defendant should be overridden.
DUBINI, FANNY. "IL GIUDIZIO CIVILE DI RINVIO A SEGUITO DI ANNULLAMENTO DELLA SENTENZA PENALE AI SOLI EFFETTI CIVILI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/567862.
Full textThis paper addresses the proceedings called “giudizio di rinvio” before the civil judge following the declaration of the judgment as null and void (“annullamento”) with respect to its civil effects only, ex Article 622 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure. In particular, this paper aims at identifying - in the absence of ad hoc law provisions - the proper rules for this peculiar proceedings, the latter being a point of contact between the criminal procedure system and the civil procedure system. In Section first, with the aim at framing the procedure relating to the declaration as null and void (“annullamento”) of the criminal judgement with respect to its civil effects only, this paper briefly addresses how the rules applicable to the relationship between civil action and criminal action have developed. In the Section second, this paper addresses the cases wherein Article 622 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure is applicable. Once the ratio and the scope of the “giudizio di rinvio” has been addressed, this paper analyses the solutions proposed by the Italian Authors and case laws with respect to structure, purpose, nature, characters, limitations and procedural rules, concluding that the civil procedure rules governing the “giudizio di rinvio” cannot be applied directly and exclusively. Accordingly, this paper illustrates how the applicable criminal procedure rules and civil procedure rules should be coordinated.
PICALARGA, VALERIO. "Il riparto delle competenze legislative e le tutele giuridiche costituzionali: il giudizio in via principale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/201734.
Full textRECCHIA, Nicola. "Il giudizio di proporzionalità in materia penale. Prospettive e limiti come strumento critico delle scelte di criminalizzazione." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2487926.
Full textThe doctoral thesis deals with the key topic of the limits of criminal law and, in particular, of the legal limits that can be enforced by means of constitutional litigation in front of constitutional or human rights courts. In doing so, the work explores the proportionality test as developed by many important constitutional and human rights courts around the globe. After having introduced this test in its general aspects, the first part of the work tries to elaborate the structure of this test when applied to criminal offences, taking into account the peculiarities of criminal law. In order to do so, a vast overview of the relevant case–law of different constitutional and human rights courts is undertaken. The thesis identifies first of all the different fundamental rights limited by criminal offences, then an autonomous test for each of these fundamental rights is sketched out. By analysing the different steps of the proportionality test a clear distinction is made between them and similar concepts developed by the criminal law scholarship (e.g. Rechtsgut, ultima ratio, harm principle, etc.). In the second part of the work are analysed the peculiarities of the proportionality test in each legal order considering the different models of judicial review of legislation adopted. In particular the work tries to analyse the different kinds of decision available for the constitutional or human rights courts in cases of an unconstitutional criminal offence. In the conclusion of the work the proportionality test is then compared with the already mentioned concepts developed by the criminal law scholarship, in order to asses which of these two conflicting approaches best serves the identification of legal limits to the criminal power of the state.
BELLANI, Matteo. "La metodologia interpretativa nel giudizio di costituzionalità tra lavori preparatori e scetticismo ermeneutico: l'esperienza svedese." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi del Molise, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11695/66387.
Full textThe claim of so-called "constitutional democracy" with rigid constitutions has completed a complex historical process and has led to the almost complete implementation of "constitutionalism", where for the first time the law is submitted to a value judgment. In this context, it is of great importance to the complicated and delicate work of the Constitutional Judge, who must interpret the Constitution, whose tissue directly holds a set of principles containing ethical and political values, and whose application does have the classic syllogistic form of subsumption, but that of weighting. Most of the Laws are rules, i.e. require something to run to the occurrence of specific conditions, and, therefore, one can refer to them as "conditional rules”. In addition, rules can take a categorical form, such as total ban on access. If the rule is valid and applicable, it is absolutely crucial to impose the exact performance means that the rule prescribes. If this happens, one can determine whether the provisions were complied with or not. For the theories of constitutionalism and of the legal argumentation, principles, however, are rules that require that some value shall be fully accomplished with regard to what is actually feasible, both at the legal and factual levels. Consequently, principles are "rules of optimization", thus characterized by the fact that these can be viewed in differing degrees, and because the measurement of their performance depends not only on real possibilities, but also on legal ones, as well as issues on rules and principles. Following the method of the legal argumentation, in the constitution interpretation, hierarchy, the priorities among the various constitutional principles, is necessary so that it refers to specific types of norms laid down by the same source of law, the Constitution: in the balancing test between competing interests, the U.S. Supreme Court talks about preferred position for certain rights related to a primary constitutional value, such as freedom of expression and association, religious freedom, personal rights, and political participation. But even Italian Constitutional Court is constantly forced to choose according to what is being decided on, not only in the event of equality judgments according to Article 3 of the Constitution, but also when, in raising the standard parameter, it must choose - for example - between the right to individual freedom and right to health, or between property and company rights and recognition of the value of "primary" value of the context. The difficult search for a hierarchy of constitutionally protected values requires constant work and constant redefining and re-harmonizing of constitutional principles on the basis of the details provided by the cases to be decided upon. The statements should therefore take constitutional firm identification of an originally protected core value, requiring at the same time, through a variety of reasonable interpretations and applications, to be continually reshaped and adapted to history and politics, and to the effect of changing assumptions and of social meanings. The principles that lie at the heart of constitutions and upon which constitutional documents were formed, with the opening of new horizons and new challenges, must be continually updated, revised and put back together reasonably. They require renewed justification by judge with particular juridical habitus and critical pre-understending: he/she must have acquired, throughout his/her legal career, technical skills needed to make appropriate assessments in constitutional judgment. From the prospective of hermeneutic methodology, the habitus of the Constitutional Judge corresponds to critical pre-understanding through which one can identify whether the constitutional judgment was conducted by a judge lacking a habitus and invalidate that judgment, even regardless of proper motivation presented by the Judge. If one bears in mind that the Constitution itself is the result of the interpretation of constitutional principles, the importance of a "hermeneutic circle" between the principles in accordance with assessments of society and society itself is quite evident. In Constitutional judgement, hermeneutic circularity is highly stressed, in fact, between the court interpreter and the Constitution, the subject interpreted; it establishes a circular diachronic relationship, since the Constitution contains the principles and values belonging to the society which the constitutional Judge is part of. In the activity of the Italian Constitutional Court, it is possible to find the skeptical conception of legal interpretation, typical of common law systems: where, in terms of creativity, the Constitutional Court, through the “manipulative decisions”, exceeding the legal boundaries of legal interpretation, integrates the constitutional law and carries a substitute function of the State legislature. The use of the “juridical hermeneutic” as a method of interpretation is particularly relevant before de-nationalized courts operating in legal fields having multi-state regulations, as the Court of Justice of the European Union and before the Constitutional Courts of several countries, recognizing the creative activity by the constitutional judges of civil law. Through the pre-comprehension and the circularity triadic and dyadic , the juridical hermeneutic, has became an indispensable element for interpretation of fundamental principles and for the construction and use of so-called "unwritten parameters" used, sometimes, by Italian constitutional Judges, leaping the methods based on logical argumentation techniques, for which the judge-interpreter must begin his/her legal reasoning always from the written text, to denote the value of the principle. Although the methodology hermeneutic belongs to the skeptical theory of the judicial interpretation, it provides an assessment of constitutional decision without leaving unlimited space to the will of the Judge, since hermeneutics secures a method for the controllability of the interpretive process, to prevent to the judgment of constitutionality is arbitrary or political. After the constitutional reform of 2001, the doctrine has spoken of a possible extension of constitutional legality, because the new Article 117, first paragraph, of the Constitution allows the principles descendants from European Union law and international conventions of integrate parameters of the constitutional control on the State laws. The extension of constitutional legality could have its inverse implication in the case some international law violates the fundamental principles of Italian Republican Constitution. In the contemporary European constitutionalism, that unites various juridical cultures, it appears to be of particular interest the juridical experience of Sweden: one of the most solid and efficient democracies in the world, characterized by an old constitutional tradition and a long absence of a control of constitutionality over state laws. Until recently, all the laws were interpreted by the swedish courts in full compliance and subordination to the will of the historical legislator. Lately, with the entry of Sweden in the European Union, following the recent constitutional reforms and through the introduction of a more stronger “widespread” control of constitutionality, the Swedish courts are gradually changing their traditional interpretation criteria for a more comprehensive and effective protection of human rights.
Full textThe dispute between state and regions now committed to sustaining a significant part of the activity of the Constitutional Court. The aim of this dissertation is to look at the reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution through rulings made in the judgment “in via incidentale”, thereby shifting the observation point from the usual look of the distribution of powers in that of the protection of subject positions. This perspective will determine whether, and if so to what extent, has changed the role of the regional law, and also overcome some stickiness of judgment “in via principale”.
Full textThe dispute between state and regions now committed to sustaining a significant part of the activity of the Constitutional Court. The aim of this dissertation is to look at the reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution through rulings made in the judgment “in via incidentale”, thereby shifting the observation point from the usual look of the distribution of powers in that of the protection of subject positions. This perspective will determine whether, and if so to what extent, has changed the role of the regional law, and also overcome some stickiness of judgment “in via principale”.
Full textThe prevention of crime, considered fundamental already by illustrious scholars of the past, is today considered a necessary component of every organized society by an important part of the doctrine and by the jurisprudence of both the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights. Preventing crimes is an unavoidable task, a positive obligation for a Government, with priority on punitive authority. Recognized the full legitimacy, or even better the constitutional and conventional duty of preventing crimes, it is then necessary to identify means that are, on one hand, scientifically and technically suitable to implement this purpose and, on the other hand, comply with the principles of a democratic legal system. Many, in fact, are the methods that could be used to prevent criminal offenses. They range from social and individual actions, which aim to remove the remote causes of crimes, to the adoption of preventive measures that limit personal or patrimonial freedom of people that are considered dangerous. The italian legislator is focusing on these type of measures that are considered easier and - at first sight - cheaper to be adopted than non-criminal interventions. However, the discipline and use of these measures - despite the various legislative and jurisprudential adjustments that have taken place over the years and the recognition of their legitimacy by the Constitutional Court and, with the exclusion of some aspects, by the European Court - still raise strong doubts within the doctrine. This is mainly due to their alleged quality of “penalties based on suspicion”, as used as a surrogate for an unworkable penal repression for lack of the normal probative grounds, and for their recognized ineffectiveness with respect to the preventive purpose. The achievement of a balance between the obligation to protect people and the obligation to guarantee the fundamental rights of people subjected to preventive measures is certainly difficult; however it is not completely impossible, as long as measures that have positive contents and useful for (re)socializing the individual are used. Based on these assumptions, with this work, first of all, we want to give an overview of the possible forms of crime prevention, to carry out an examination of the ante delictum personal preventive measures, both typical and atypical, which are currently used in our country and of the categories of individuals to whom they are addressed, to carry out a review of the problems that the current system raises in relation to the current categories of dangerousness, to the methods of concrete assessment of the actual dangerousness of the individual and to the limitations of freedom imposed with the preventive measure, to carry out an analysis of the indications provided by the human sciences on the most effective criteria (methods, tools and prognostic factors) to carry out a reliable prognosis of dangerousness and on the validity and limits of the predictive judgments. In a work that deals with variables that are not strictly legal, like the decision-making processes of the individual and the concept of social dangerousness, in fact, we cannot ignore the acquisitions of criminological knowledge. We then want to make a comparison between law, practice and scientific indications, in order to verify the validity and effectiveness of the current system of prevention. This comparison will be helped by a quantitative and qualitative empirical research, which was carried out in relation to the use of personal preventive measures in the Province of Milan, in the period from 2012 (2010 for the measures of competence of the police) to 2016. Finally, the intent of the present study is to formulate some hypotheses for the reform of the current system to make it reliable and legitimate at the same time. We will try to identify more modern and more suitable situations of criminal dangerousness, through the help of the psychiatric and criminological sciences, and to identify some contents, even positive and re-socializing, that preventive measures may have. In balancing of opposite interests we would like to consider the concept of “social defense” not as protection of an abstract and ‘authoritarian’ society from dangerous people, but as protection of every single person that form that society: as protection of potential victims of crime in the greatest possible respect of the rights of the potential offender. Therefore, in this perspective, we would like to focus our attention on a different model of prevention that reduces the negative-afflictive profile (isolation from the social context and limitation of certain freedoms), which today characterizes the typical preventive measures, and uses more and more a positive profile (care, re-education, reintegration), through measures that are not exclusively criminal.
GAITO, Federico. "Le nuove frontiere del “ne bis in idem”. Profili sostanziali e processuali dell’istituto alla luce delle evoluzioni giurisprudenziali e relativo ambito di applicazione." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Cassino, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11580/75176.
Full textGhignone, Filippo <1981>. "I giudizi di omologazione dei concordati." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2898/1/ghignone_filippo_igiudizidiomologazionedeiconcordati.pdf.
Full textGhignone, Filippo <1981>. "I giudizi di omologazione dei concordati." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2898/.
Full textLOBIATI, PAOLO GIUSEPPE MARIA. "Libertà interna e libertà esterna nel consenso matrimoniale canonico. L'incidenza delle condotte pre e para suicidarie." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/96574.
Full textThe study examines the relationship between two realities: one legal, marriage consent, and the other belonging to the context of the fact, pre and para suicidal conduct. The concrete need was to understand in a univocal way the interaction between the freedom of consent - as a fundamental dimension for this to have legal effects - and some behaviors put in place by one of the two engaged or by third parties, so as to evaluate how these can affect on the validity of the deed. Two heads of nullity have been considered - the Grave fear and the Lake of discretion of judgment - which doctrine and jurisprudence consider those that involve the willful faculty, deepening in the first part the relationship between conduct and external freedom while in the second on the internal freedom. The method was to analyze the jurisprudence as a source that allows both to interpret the law and to specify and embody the cases in point. The conclusion is that the pre- and para-suicidal behaviors cannot be inserted among the circumstances that make the nullity of the marriage manifest in relation to the freedom of consent, in fact it is not possible to support the presumptive value but it is necessary, every time, to compare them with the other facts. reported in the procedural tables.
LOBIATI, PAOLO GIUSEPPE MARIA. "Libertà interna e libertà esterna nel consenso matrimoniale canonico. L'incidenza delle condotte pre e para suicidarie." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/96574.
Full textThe study examines the relationship between two realities: one legal, marriage consent, and the other belonging to the context of the fact, pre and para suicidal conduct. The concrete need was to understand in a univocal way the interaction between the freedom of consent - as a fundamental dimension for this to have legal effects - and some behaviors put in place by one of the two engaged or by third parties, so as to evaluate how these can affect on the validity of the deed. Two heads of nullity have been considered - the Grave fear and the Lake of discretion of judgment - which doctrine and jurisprudence consider those that involve the willful faculty, deepening in the first part the relationship between conduct and external freedom while in the second on the internal freedom. The method was to analyze the jurisprudence as a source that allows both to interpret the law and to specify and embody the cases in point. The conclusion is that the pre- and para-suicidal behaviors cannot be inserted among the circumstances that make the nullity of the marriage manifest in relation to the freedom of consent, in fact it is not possible to support the presumptive value but it is necessary, every time, to compare them with the other facts. reported in the procedural tables.
Della, Vedova Ilaria. "Gli amministratori indipendenti nelle società quotate." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3423716.
Full textQuesta tesi è dedicata all’approfondimento dell’istituto degli amministratori indipendenti e del ruolo che essi possono concretamente svolgere nelle società caratterizzate dalla concentrated ownership, con particolare riguardo alle società quotate e a quelle che svolgono attività bancaria. L’analisi inizia esaminando la nascita e l’evoluzione della figura dell’ amministratore indipendente negli ordinamenti di common law per metterne in luce le caratteristiche e la funzione di tutela degli interessi degli azionisti rispetto all’operato del management. Prosegue con l’analisi della disciplina italiana, focalizzandosi dapprima sulla nozione di indipendenza e, poi, sui compiti demandati agli amministratori indipendenti. Dalla disamina delle fonti si ricava la mancanza di una disciplina ad hoc quanto ai poteri e ai compiti specificamente affidati agli amministratori indipendenti di società che adottino il sistema di amministrazione tradizionale, confondendosi quindi tale categoria con quella più ampia degli amministratori non esecutivi. La previsione di compiti specifici affidati agli indipendenti si ha ad opera delle Autorità di Vigilanza, che ne esaltano il ruolo all’interno dei comitati costituiti in seno all’organo amministrativo, con ciò suggerendo che è all’interno di questi, più che nel plenum, che gli amministratori indipendenti possono esercitare un potere più pregnante nel processo decisionale della società. Nelle conclusioni si suggerisce che l’interesse tutelato da questa tipologia di amministratori nelle società quotate sui mercati regolamentati italiani e nelle società che svolgono attività bancaria e finanziaria sia più ampio rispetto all’interesse dei soci di minoranza – da alcuni individuato quale interesse che gli indipendenti devono perseguire per proteggere la minoranza dagli abusi della maggioranza in un sistema caratterizzato dal fenomeno della concentrated ownership – e coincida, piuttosto, con l’interesse degli stakeholders e della tutela del mercato in generale. Quanto al requisito dell’indipendenza, si suggerisce che esso sia, nella sostanza, l’autonomia di giudizio richiesta ai consiglieri, appunto, indipendenti, essenziale ad evitare di uniformarsi alle decisioni proposte dagli esecutivi e ad esercitare, rispetto a queste ultime, un’attività di “contrasto costruttivo”. L’autonomia di giudizio richiesta agli amministratori indipendenti va inoltre intesa quale sintesi dell’assenza dei legami che minano l’indipendenza di un soggetto e della presenza di competenze specifiche rispetto al business svolto dall’impresa.
Adamo, D. "L'intervento di terzi nel processo dinanzi ai giudici comunitari." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/64594.
Full textPicciau, C. "LA RESPONSABILITÀ DELLE AGENZIE DI RATING PER DIFFUSIONE DI GIUDIZI INESATTI SUL MERCATO FINANZIARIO." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/250280.
Full textCRACA, CARMELA. "Le controversie di lavoro tra autonomia collettiva e giudici." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/418.
Full textPERI, Antonina. "La selezione dei giudici della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione. Nuove prospettive di integrazione e legittimazione." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/91045.
Full textLiberali, B. M. C. "FRA LEGISLATORE, CORTE COSTITUZIONALE E GIUDICI COMUNI: PROBLEMATICHE INTORNO ALLA PROCREAZIONE MEDICALMENTE ASSISTITA." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/168883.
Full textDE, VIVO JESSICA. "L'indipendenza del pubblico ministero. Profili costituzionali e ordinamentali." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/199161.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to investigate the independence of the Italian public prosecutors with a focus on the internal organization of the prosecutors’ offices and the hypothesis of “separation of careers” , and a focus on the delicate relationship between them and both the means of communication and politics. The starting point of this research is the veil of ambiguity that has characterized the Italian public prosecutor since the beginning. The first part involves the study of the Italian Constitution, being aware that the Title IV is still considered to be one of the Constitution parts that presents multifaceted interpretation. The analysis focused especially on the Article 101(2) in which it is stated that only the Judges and not the Magistrates are subject to the law, and the Article 107(4) in which is stated that “the state prosecutor enjoys the guarantees established in the prosecutor’s favour by the provisions concerning the organization of the Judiciary”. The main question is if the Constitution requires to identify the same level of internal independence for both judges and public prosecutors since the external independence is regulated unequivocally with Article 104(2). A second part of the research is dedicated to the close examination of the main intervention of the legislator on the organization of the Public Posecutor’s office. The starting point is the explanation of the legislative framework before the so-called “Castelli reform” characterized by the abandonment of the office hierarchy in favour of a co-ordination principle. The work defines, then, the guidelines of the Law 150/2005 which was followed by the adoption of the Legislative Decree 106/2006 (renamed “Castelli Reform”). This reform is an important intervention in order to restore the hierarchy in the Public Prosecutor’s offices. The second part eventually explain the Law 269/2006 (renamed “Mastella Counter-Reform), which amended the Castelli Reform, observing if the amendments were crucial in defining the role of the Public Prosecutor,. In this context, the rulings by the Italian Constitutional Court and by the Italian Superior Council of Magistracy prove to be fundamental. The third part of the research is dedicated to the limits of the independence, that means the analysis of the relationship with the means of communication and politics. The purpose of the present work is to highlight two of the most controversial and peculiar aspects of the magistrates role, especially of the Public Prosecutor. Although the research mention legal standard concerning the Magistracy in general terms, the attention is specifically oriented to the Prosecutors. They risk, due to their characterizing processual role, to become media protagonists and to confuse, consequently, their impartiality and independence (and their demeanor of impartiality and independence) that identify the magistrate role. All the aforementioned evaluations are necessary in order to understand the problematic points of another present subject, that means the “separation of careers”. The research tries to give the instrument to understand these problematic aspects, using the preferred perspective of the Italian Constitutional Court rulings and the procedure introduced with the Law 111/2007. This Law establish some limits in the transition from the judging role to the prosecuting role and vice versa. In the end, several method of “separation of career” in accordance with the Italian Constitution will be presented trying to highlight the main point and making a comparison with the French constitutional system.
DE, CASTRO PIMENTA RAQUEL BETTY. "As normas internacionais de proteção contra a discriminação de gênero e sua aplicação no Brasil e na Itália: o possível papel das redes internacionais de juízes e da cooperação judiciária como garantia de maior efetividade." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/179625.
Full textEm que pese ser bastante extenso o conjunto de normas protetivas dos direitos humanos, a acentuação da globalização, dando proeminência ao aspecto meramente econômico, tem contribuído para a baixa efetividade dessas normas, sendo imprescindível desenvolver novos mecanismos para enfrentar estes desafios, inclusive por meio do Poder Judiciário.O presente trabalho enfocou no possível papel dos juízes como atores dessa nova ordem mundial, porintermédio da cooperação judiciária internacional e das redes internacionais de magistrados. Para cumprir o propósito de evidenciar a necessidade de desenvolver estes mecanismos, optou-se por examinar a questão da discriminação em razão do gênero. Apesar de representarem metade da população mundial, as mulheres sofrem uma série de práticas discriminatórias no mercado de trabalho.Para fazer frente a essa realidade, há um extenso arcabouço normativo, composto por tratados internacionais de direitos humanos editados na esfera de atuação da ONU e da OIT, e nos âmbitos regionais da Europa e das Américas. Além disso,épossível identificar ampla trama normativa interna, tanto na Itália, como no Brasil, que visa a tutelada mulher trabalhadora contra práticas discriminatórias. Após a análise de todas essas normas, buscou-se evidenciar de quais formas os juízes de todo o mundo podem torná-las efetivas por meio da cooperação com juízes de outros países. Para possibilitar que um ato jurisdicional praticado em um Estado produza efeitos em outro, devem ser utilizados os mecanismos institucionais de cooperação judiciária internacional, previstos tanto em tratados internacionais, como em normas processuais que regulam o tema na Itália e no Brasil. Além dessas modalidades institucionais, destacou-se a relevância das redes internacionais de juízes e o estabelecimento de relações entre magistrados com a utilização dos mecanismos e tecnologias em rede propiciados pela globalização. Constatou-se o surgimento e o desenvolvimento de estruturas de diferentes níveis e graus de formalização que privilegiam a horizontalidade e a interdependência entre seus membros, sendo analisados alguns exemplos dessas redes. Pretendendo ilustrar a potencialidade das redes internacionais de juízes, efetuou-se análise de julgamentos proferidos na Itália e no Brasil, em questões relacionadas à discriminação de gênero. O potencial dos mecanismos institucionais de cooperação judiciária internacional e das redes internacionais de juízes pode e deve ser aproveitado para o incremento do combate à discriminação em todo o mundo, inclusive nas questões de gênero. A maior efetividade das normas de proteção aos direitos humanos pode ser alcançada pelo trabalho conjunto ecooperativo de magistrados, com vistas a tornar reais as normas protetivas contidas nos instrumentos internacionais vigentes nas diferentes ordens jurídicas, mas que reconhecem a condição similar de dignidade de todas as mulheres trabalhadoras.
SPARACINO, ELIO. "LA DIRETTA APPLICABILITA' DELLE NORME COSTITUZIONALI DA PARTE DEL GIUDICE ORDINARIO." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/6983.
Full textThe research aims at demonstrating how the Italian Constitution is directly applied by civil and criminal courts. It analyzes the relationship between the courts and the constitutional law since the promulgation of the Albertine Statute (1848), and focuses on a set of specific issues where Statute provisions were directly enforced. With regard to the Republican Constitution, the dissertation seeks to explain that, after an inevitable adjustment period following its first implementation, direct application of the Constitution in the resolution of disputes concerning the compensation of physical and psychological losses has become a discussed topic; and that, through the compensation of existential losses, civil courts have occasionally applied Article 2 of the Constitution too freely and widely. Finally, the dissertation seeks to identify possible solutions to this problem. For what concerns criminal law, the research, first, argues that our legal system includes a constitutional right to refuse life-saving therapies; then, illustrates how criminal courts have been less willing to fully apply constitutional provisions, than their civil counterparts.
SPARACINO, ELIO. "LA DIRETTA APPLICABILITA' DELLE NORME COSTITUZIONALI DA PARTE DEL GIUDICE ORDINARIO." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/6983.
Full textThe research aims at demonstrating how the Italian Constitution is directly applied by civil and criminal courts. It analyzes the relationship between the courts and the constitutional law since the promulgation of the Albertine Statute (1848), and focuses on a set of specific issues where Statute provisions were directly enforced. With regard to the Republican Constitution, the dissertation seeks to explain that, after an inevitable adjustment period following its first implementation, direct application of the Constitution in the resolution of disputes concerning the compensation of physical and psychological losses has become a discussed topic; and that, through the compensation of existential losses, civil courts have occasionally applied Article 2 of the Constitution too freely and widely. Finally, the dissertation seeks to identify possible solutions to this problem. For what concerns criminal law, the research, first, argues that our legal system includes a constitutional right to refuse life-saving therapies; then, illustrates how criminal courts have been less willing to fully apply constitutional provisions, than their civil counterparts.
Iusi, Francesca. "Il diritto alla tutela giudiziaria effettiva : tra Corti e Carte dei diritti." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10955/72.
Full textCOLETTA, MARCO. "Il giudizio amministrativo d'appello: oggetto e funzione." Doctoral thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/938620.
Full textMONICI, Francesco. "L’evoluzione del sindacato del giudice amministrativo sul giudizio di anomalia delle offerte negli appalti pubblici." Doctoral thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11562/350799.
Full textThis research concerns the wideness and the intensity of the control of the administrative judge over the technical – discretional valuations of the Public Administration in the contest of the judgment about “anomalous offers”, pursuant to par. 88 of the D.lgs. 163/2006. In particular, the research wants to verify if the judge has to restrict his judgment about the logic iter adopted by the contracting administration in case of exclusion of the offer, within the limits of the external control; or if he can also, and this is the aim of this work, directly verify the reliability of the technical operations with regard to the technical standard utilized and its application, in line with the method of the intrinsic control. In the first part of the work, the research starts with a necessary widening pursuant to the development of the notion of “technical discretion”, in comparison with the notion of “administrative discretion”, also considering the development of the pre-trial instruments in the administrative trial. With reference to the development of the pre-trial investigation, a special attention is paid to the introduction of the technical advice ex officio in the administrative trial of legitimacy (lately confirmed, although with some hesitation underlined in this work, by the new Code of the Administrative Trial). The introduction of the technical advice indeed, seemed to represent, on one hand, the landing place of the doctrinal reconstructions in technical valuations matter, but also, on the other hand, the starting point for a new rule of the administrative judge. In fact, fallen down one of the greatest justifications to the use of a mere extrinsic control, the judge will be now able to directly approach the controversial fact, fully respecting the principles of the fair trial and of the effectiveness of the jurisdictional protection. This new situation leads him not only to be judge of the controversial relation, but also arbiter of the legitimacy of the administrative provision. The second part is dedicated to the study of the “anomalous offers” in the public contractual proceedings and to the analysis of the relative jurisprudential positions. Starting from the articulation of the “anomalous offers sub-proceeding”, in this work are analyzed the jurisprudential oscillations between positions of rearguard and innovative trends, in order to verify the kind of control used by the administrative judge over the technical – discretional valuations of the Public Administration in the contest of the judgment ex par. 88 of the D.lgs. 163/2006. From the outcome of the research, emerges that the way to develop an intrinsic and effective judgment on the administrative technical valuations lies, as effectively expressed by the scholars, in the consideration of the action ultra vires as a crossing over, in the exercise of the discretional power, of the limits in the acceptability of the decisions of the public administration, by the light of the criteria of valuation, logicality and reasonableness. It is a sifting that, even remaining within the control of legitimacy (in fact the problem is not to valuate whether the choice is “shareable” in consideration of a new valuation of the interests involved) will move toward the verification of the acceptability of the technical-administrative valuation, in case by the light of the technical criteria provided by the adviser, excluding that this could neither overrun in the administrative merits nor break the basic “division of powers” principle.
MANGANARO, MARTA. "L'applicabilità diretta della Cedu nell'ordinamento interno e l'eventuale crisi del modello accentrato di costituzionalità." Doctoral thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11570/3115887.
Full textCORDELLI, CAMILLA. "Tra Diritto e Politica. Esperienze di selezione dei giudici negli Stati Uniti ed in Europa." Doctoral thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/810090.
Full textTIRA, Elisa. "La funzione giurisdizionale in ambito europeo." Doctoral thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11562/557551.
Full textThe “jurisdictional function” can be defined, in general, as the activity of the courts, which have a peculiar position of independence, aimed at implementing and declaring the law with regard to specific and disputed cases. Moreover, it should be noted that the attempt to find a unitary and unambiguous notion of “jurisdictional function” has not given satisfactory results. In particular, whilst the “essential nucleus” of that notion appears to be the presence of a judge and the activity of law enforcement in specific cases, it seems to me that the notion in question can be partially diversified depending, for example, on the reference “geographical context”. In this sense, the expression “jurisdictional function in Europe” could refer to all the courts operating within the European legal order and to the activities of enforcement of supranational law that they perform, being now required to use a variety of sources of law, since, in addition to national laws, there are the rules from the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. This work aims to analyze the relationships between the national judges and the two European Courts (the Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights), which, respectively, implement and interpret the European rules, in order to try to understand whether it is possible to find a “European jurisdictional function” emerging from these relationships, or at least a sort of “European judiciary” in which all the courts, national and European, contribute to ensure an advanced and “integrated” form of rights protection.
BARBARESCHI, SIMONE. "Accentramento e diffusione del giudizio di costituzionalità. Un’analisi delle recenti tendenze centripete della Corte costituzionale italiana alla luce delle potenzialità applicative derivanti dall’incremento e dalla struttura delle disposizioni a tutela dei diritti fondamentali." Doctoral thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1384821.
Full textPALANDRI, LUCREZIA. "Giudicare l'arte. Arte e libertà nella giurisprudenza della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti." Doctoral thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/989211.
Full textRENGHINI, Cristina. "Il sistema di tutela brevettuale nell'Unione Europea: il Brevetto Europeo con effetto unitario e il Tribunale Unificato dei Brevetti." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11393/251086.
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