Academic literature on the topic 'Gestion spécifique au site'
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Journal articles on the topic "Gestion spécifique au site"
HILBERT, Myriam. "La perception sociale de l'adaptation des espaces littoraux aux effets du changement climatique : le projet Adapto par le Conservatoire du littoral." Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 41 (December 8, 2022): xx.
Full textGueulou, Nina, Brahima Coulibaly, Noufou Doudjo Ouattara, Anatole Kanga N'guessan, Assandé Ahoba, and Adama Bakayoko. "Modes de gestion et efficacité de conservation des reliques de forêts naturelles en zone tropicale sèche : cas du Département de Korhogo (Nord, Côte d’Ivoire)." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 13, no. 7 (February 13, 2020): 3332–46.
Full textPEIGNIER, Ingrid, Nathalie DE MARCELLIS-WARIN, and Martin TRÉPANIER. "Portrait des pratiques organisationnelles de sécurité des transporteurs routiers de matières dangereuses au québec." Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 33, no. 3 (September 1, 2014): 51–69.
Full textBernicot, Marine, Luc Deroo, and Benjamin Peltié. "Synergie hydro-solaire : Recherche d’un optimum." E3S Web of Conferences 346 (2022): 04013.
Full textKASEKETE, Désiré Katembo, Christien Kakule KIMBULUMA, Nils BOURLAND, Thomas DROUET, Jean-Remy MAKANA, Kamabu VASOMBOLWA, and Jean-Pierre MATE. "Plantations monospécifiques d'espèces exotiques, déserts biologiques ou îlots de diversité floristique ? Exemple de situations biotiques et abiotiques contrastées au Nord-Kivu en République démocratique du Congo." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 352 (May 1, 2022): 71–88.
Full textMarchesnay, Michel. "La PME : une gestion spécifique." Économie rurale 206, no. 1 (1991): 11–17.
Full textSelye, Hans, and Pierre Turcotte. "La gestion du stress." Relations industrielles 31, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 609–16.
Full textChouki, Mourad, Laurent Giraud, and Sybille Persson. "À métier spécifique, gestion spécifique ? Le cas des designers User eXperience." Management & Avenir N° 128, no. 2 (April 19, 2022): 127–49.
Full textDiakite, Issa, Pape Ibrahima Djighaly, Amsatou Thiam, Dioumacor Fall, and Nathalie Diagne. "Caractérisation de la Dynamique des Peuplements Ligneux du Centre Nationale de Recherches Agronomiques de Bambey (Diourbel/Sénégal)." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 20, no. 6 (February 29, 2024): 177.
Full textGouadec, Daniel. "Le bagage spécifique du localiseur/localisateur." Meta 48, no. 4 (August 6, 2004): 526–45.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gestion spécifique au site"
Pereyra, Alpuin Cesar Gustavo. "Adaptation des pratiques culturales intra-parcellaire pour réduire les hétérogénéités de vigueur, de rendement et de qualité chez la vigne." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier, SupAgro, 2023.
Full textDuring eight consecutive seasons (2014-2021) the intra-plot heterogeneity of vigor in a cv. Tannat vineyard in Uruguay was studied. Such variability was assessed during three years (2015, 2016 and 2017) using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). High-resolution (0.2 m) multispectral images were obtained over the ground to define contrasting vigor zones: high (HV) and low (LV). In winter 2020, trunk diameter was assessed to corroborate the interannual stability of vigor, and positive correlations were established between NDVI and vegetative growth parameters. A complete description of soil physical and chemical parameters was carried out. Climate data, vegetative growth, yield and grape composition were used. In addition, site-specific management techniques were employed according to vigor zone to influence yield and grape quality and reduce heterogeneity. For HV, treatments were aimed at reducing water and nitrogen inputs and improving microclimatic conditions in the cluster zone. In LV, on the other hand, treatments were aimed at increasing vegetative growth and yield with water and nitrogen supplementation. Although a 1 ha plot can be considered homogeneous from a topographic, edaphological and climatic point of view, this study demonstrated the existence of great variability in soil variables, production parameters and grape composition. The HV zone was associated with higher levels of leaf area, pruning weight, yield (higher berry and bunch weight) and bunch disease incidence than the LV zone. These HV zone characteristics were the result of a deeper and more structured soil, with higher organic matter content, nitrogen reserves and clay content, and abundance of montmorillonite-type clay. The LV zone, was distinguished by a shallower and more compact soil which negatively conditioned root growth. New information was provided on the interaction of the soil-plant-atmosphere system. In particular, the dominant role of water availability in the first place and soil nitrogen availability in the second place in establishing plant vigor. The gradient of vine vigor and yield between the two zones remained stable over the years, regardless of climatic conditions. This indicates that soil characteristics can mitigate or enhance the effects caused by climatic conditions. The determination (possible by remote sensing) of the vigor zones of a plot is a prerequisite for proposing soil and crop management practices that optimize the use of resources and ensure the economic and environmental sustainability of wine production
Bordes-Letzelter, Claire. "La recombinaison spécifique de site chez les archaea : propriétés de l'intégrase du fusellovirus SSV1." Paris 11, 2003.
Full textSSV1 is a fusellovirus isolated from the thermoacidophilic archaeaon Sulfblobus shibatae B12. SSV1 integrates into its host genome by site-specific recombination catalyzed by the viral integrase IntSSV. The reaction occurs between a chromosomal DNA site (attB) and a viral DNA site (attP). The development of an efficient vector based on SSV1 requires to better know the viral cycle as well as a good insight of the integration/excision mechanism. We have developed several assays to study the catalytic mechanism of IntSSV. Furthermore we have generated point mutants of Intssv and of the attP site. Studies on these different sites and proteins revealed some properties of SSV1. In particular, we have shown that Int affinity for its sites is low, although better for attP than for attB, suggesting that accessory proteins may be required for the recombination reaction. The exact cleavage position has been identified on a synthetic substrate derived from the attP site. The study of point mutants of the attP site further revealed that some positions are important for cleavage to occur. Some mutations that abolish cleavage by IntSSV have been identified. Analysis of the properties of Intssv mutants has shown that this integrase is a member of the tyrosine recombinase family, and that the architecture of its active site is of eucaryotic type. We are currently introducing into the viral genome some mutations affecting either the integrase or the attP site. Analysis of these mutant viruses behaviour will allow identification of the SSV1 replicative form, hence leading to a better knowledge of the viral cycle
Biskri, Latéfa. "Caractérisation des super-intégrons et étude de la recombinaison spécifique de site de leurs intégrases." Paris 7, 2003.
Full textIntegrons are genetic elements composed of a gene encoding an integrase, gene cassettes and an integration site for the gene cassettes (att). The integrase excises and integrates the gene cassettes from and into the integron. Two groups of integrons are known: resistance integrons and super-integrons. The super integrons are found in all caracterized genomes of proteobacteriacea and are located on their chromosomes. In this work, we show that in the absence of selection pressure, the maintain of cassette stability inside the characterized vibrio species super-integron is due to the presence of psk systems. Super-integron attc sites are much conserved compared to the class i integrons attc sites. Also the both integrases (class one intergon integrase, inti1; and vibrio cholerae integrase, vchinti) acts differently. In fact inti1 recognized variable attc sites for its deletion activity opposite to vchint. Finally, we show that the (ere(a)pip1100 ) gene cassette carries its own promoter and is propagated by a class 2 integron. The inti1 can mediate the integration of the erea attc site despite its short sequence
Mercier, Romain. "Organisation du chromosome d'Escherichia coli en macrodomaines : identification et rôle du système spécifique de site matS-MatP." Paris 11, 2009.
Full textThe organization of the E. Coli chromosome has been defined genetically as consisting of four insulated macrodomains and two less constrained regions. During my Ph. D. Thesis, we have analyzed the positioning, the segregation pattern and the motility of fluorescent markers in the macrodomains or the Non Structured regions. We have demonstrated that the organization into macrodomains influences the segregation of sister chromatids and the mobility of chromosomal DNA in a radically different way than the NS regions. Moreover we have demonstrated that the organization of the Terminus region into a macrodomain relies on the presence of a 13 bp motif called matS repeated 23 times in the 800 kb-long domain. MatS sites are the main targets in the E. Coli chromosome of a newly identified protein designated MatP. MatP accumulates in the cell as a discrete focus that colocalizes with the Ter macrodomain. The effects of MatP inactivation reveal its role as main organizer of the Ter macrodomain : in the absence of MatP, DNA is less compacted, the mobility of markers is increased, and segregation of Ter macrodomain occurs early in the cell cycle. Our results indicate that a specific organizational system is required in the Terminus region for bacterial chromosome management during the cell cycle
Gil, Carvalho Teresa. "Développement de stratégies de mutagenèse conditionnelle chez Plasmodium berghei via un système de recombinaison spécifique de site." Paris 7, 2005.
Full textBayart, Caroline. "Site-specific glycoconjugate synthesis." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textConjugate vaccines were developed because polysaccharide vaccines were not efficient in infant and old people. These vaccines were composed of the polysaccharide extracted from the bacterial capsule linked to a carrier protein. This protein created an immunological boost which allowed the vaccine to induce a proper protection for everyone. As chemistry knowledge and analytical techniques evolved, vaccines can now be better characterized and the production can be better controlled. Nevertheless, the chemistries used to bind the polysaccharide and the carrier protein are not always well-defined, which leads to the production of heterogeneous products. The objectives of this PhD were to study the polysaccharide, carrier proteins and new conjugation chemistries to specifically bind the two biomolecules. The other challenge was to be able to check the reaction specificity and characterize reaction products.To do so different analytical tools were used to allow a better knowledge of both conjugation partners but also to establish an efficient analytical strategy for glycoconjugate characterization. Conjugation reactions specificity was induced by using different bi-functional linkers, reacting specifically for one type of amino acid. Linkers’ reactivity was first tested on a model peptide. This allowed to facilitate the characterization and to check for both reaction specificity and reaction success. Efficient reactions were then tested on different models from carrier proteins to glycoconjugate vaccines. One of the four tested reactions was efficient from the peptide to the vaccine model. This conjugation is thus promising for the development of new conjugate vaccines
Castex, Dominique. "Mortalité, morbidité et gestion de l'espace funéraire au cours du Haut Moyen-Age : contribution spécifique de l'anthropologie biologique." Bordeaux 1, 1994.
Full textCastex, Dominique. "Mortalité, morbidité et gestion de l'espace funéraire au cours du Haut Moyen-Age : contribution spécifique de l'anthropologie biologique." Bordeaux 1, 1994.
Full textThierry, Caroline. "Planification et ordonnancement multi-site : une approche par satisfaction de contraintes." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1994.
Full textFaure, Gaëlle Berriau Nathalie Monot Paul. "Evaluation et propositions d'évolution du site web du GIP Ascodocpsy refonte du site avec SPIP (système de publication pour Internet) /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.
Full textBooks on the topic "Gestion spécifique au site"
Philippe, Ensarguet, and Ferré Romain, eds. Optimiser les performances de son site. Paris: O'Reilly, 2008.
Find full textKuban, Ron. Système de gestion du site d'un sinistre: Un document de doctrine. Ottawa, Ont: Protection civile Canada, 1998.
Find full text1963-, Bissonnette Jean, and Québec (Province). Direction de la conservation et du patrimoine écologique., eds. Application de la cartographie écologique à quelques éléments de la gestion forestière. Québec: Direction de la conservation et du patrimoine écologique, Ministère de l'environnement et de la faune, 1997.
Find full textCanada, Parks. Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada: Management plan. [Gatineau, Québec]: Parks Canada, 2007.
Find full textCanada, Parks. Kingston Fortifications National Historic Site of Canada: Management plan. [Gatineau, Québec]: Parks Canada, 2007.
Find full textCanada, Parks. Inverarden House National Historic Site of Canada: Management plan. [Gatineau, Québec]: Parks Canada, 2007.
Find full textCanada, Parks. Merrickville Blockhouse National Historic Site of Canada: Management plan. [Gatineau, Québec]: Parks Canada, 2007.
Find full textCanada, Parks. Laurier House National Historic Site of Canada: Management plan. [Gatineau, Québec]: Parks Canada, 2007.
Find full textCanada, Parks. Fort St. Joseph: National Historic Site of Canada : management plan. [Ottawa]: Parks Canada, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Gestion spécifique au site"
LEFORT, H., J. PANNETIER, O. BON, P. GINDRE, H. MARSAA, S. TRAVERS, and F. PEDUZZI. "Expert santé du mécanisme de protection civile de l’Union européenne." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 46 No.3, 289–98. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2018.
Full textBurbridge, Peter. "Une problématique spécifique : la gestion des zones côtières." In Recherche et développement régional durable, 183–84. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2002.
Full textBourdin, Alain, and Marie-Pierre Lefeuvre. "Produire des lieux par la gestion. Gestion de site et renouvellement urbain." In Quatre ans de recherche urbaine 2001-2004. Volume I, 406–8. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2006.
Full textVEMULAPADU, Ajey balaji. "Former les traducteurs en pharmacovigilance par le système de parrainage." In Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies, 93–98. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textAÏT-MOHAMMED, F., D. ROBERTON, E. LE GONIDEC, L. PAPILLAULT DES CHARBONNERIES, P. CONSTANTIN, L. AIGLE, and H. LEFORT. "L’infirmier militaire face aux situations de crise sanitaire." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 46 No.3, 247–54. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2018.
Full textBARRERE, Christian. "Covid-19 : le retour du collectif." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 155–66. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textDULOU, R., J. M. DELMAS, C. BERNARD, C. . JOUBERT, M. FOUET, and A. DAGAIN. "Traumatismes balistiques cranio-cérébraux de guerre." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 46 No.5, 433–38. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2018.
Full textGORET, Anthony. "Les algorithmes au service du rêve." In Algorithmes et Société, 55–66. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textWACHTEL, Cl. "85 ans après, un risque toujours présent." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 45 No.1, 81–86. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
Full textPetit, Christophe, Michel Redde, Olivier Girardclos, and Vincent Ollive. "Milieux humides et aménagements anthropiques dans la plaine du Rhin : le site romain d’Oedenburg (Haut-Rhin)." In Silva et saltus en Gaule Romaine : Dynamique et gestion des forêts et des zones rurales marginales, 31–44. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Gestion spécifique au site"
Deguette, Hervé. "Gestion d’un marquage historique par des radionucléides dans la zone Nord-Ouest du site de La Hague." In Assainissement/Démantèlement/Gestion des déchets : concertation et enjeux socio-économiques. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2019.
Full textKhoury, G. "Stratégie chirurgicale dans la gestion des défauts osseux sévères maxillaires et mandibulaires." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textMaurau, Sylvaine, and Fabien Decung. "EDF : plan de gestion des sols marqués radiologiquement sous le bâtiment STE du site de Brennilis." In Réhabilitation des sites industriels contaminés radiologiquement : les objectifs, les moyens, les résultats. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2018.
Full textCatros, S., M. Fenelon, A. Rui, K. Ross, D. Marcio, B. Angel, M. D. S. Luis, et al. "Création d’un site internet Européen de formation au sevrage tabagique." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textGabillaud-Poillion, Florence. "Radium Diagnosis Campaign." In ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASMEDC, 2011.
Full textLabalette, Thibaud, Alain Harman, and Marie-Claude Dupuis. "The Cige´o Industrial Geological Repository Project." In ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASMEDC, 2011.
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