Academic literature on the topic 'Geste digital'
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Journal articles on the topic "Geste digital"
Bochio, Alessandra Lucia, and Felipe Merker Castellani. "Memória do Gesto." Pós-Limiar 3 (December 2, 2020): 1.
Full textMineiro, Daniel, and Paulo Mendes Pinto. "GESTO E MEMÓRIA." Revista Relicário 8, no. 16 (March 1, 2022): 23–29.
Full textCaetano, Kati, Márcia Boroski, and Fernando Artur De Souza. "gesto contínuo." Tríade: Comunicação, Cultura e Mídia 11, no. 24 (May 15, 2023): e023001.
Full textBorges Junior, Eli. "Os novos gestos da política: sobre cidadania e formas estéticas de resistência na era digital." Lumina 12, no. 3 (December 30, 2018): 74–92.
Full textGomide Arruda, Juliana. "Palavra Corpo-Gesto como Resitência." Nhengatu 1, no. 6 (December 15, 2022): 77–105.
Full textGardiner, Edward. "People Power: Supporting activities with a social benefit." Economía Creativa, no. 6 (November 15, 2016): 35–50.
Full textSondermann, Wolfgang. "Digitale Transformation – eine Chance für uns?" geotechnik 44, no. 2 (June 2021): 75–76.
Full textCooper, Kate, Julia Hillner, and Conrad Leyser. "DARK AGE ROME: TOWARDS AN INTERACTIVE TOPOGRAPHY." Late Antique Archaeology 3, no. 1 (2006): 311–37.
Full textAvellaneda Prado, Jaqueline, and Luis Daniel Velázquez Bañales. "La apropiación digital para la movilización social:." Anuario de Investigación de la Comunicación CONEICC, no. XXVIII (December 24, 2021): 42–51.
Full textSalazar Salgado, Luciana. "Guardar o que se move, mover o que se guarda." DAT Journal 8, no. 2 (June 29, 2023): 172–84.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Geste digital"
Molnàr, Margit. "Tourner la page : autour de la matérialité de l'objet de lecture : observations sémiotiques, perspectives pédagogiques." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2014.
Full textWhat could this title hide? Or reveal instead? It insinuates a certain tendency to a play on words. It hints at style. “Turn the page” since it’s about books, about reading practice. “Turn the page” because the days of books seem numbered, to believe certain prognostication to which this work does not address. However, there are new, digital pages. "About the materiality", since the paper page of the codex is turning literally around a material axis, sewn, stapled or glued. “Materiality", it is as an intrinsic quality of the book object which defines the products of writing. “Reading object,” it means different objects of reading, traditionally represented by printed books. While, now, it is possible to read technological objects too. “Object” once more, for the semio-pragmatic approach that desires to emphasize the material aspect of reading practice versus its linguistic aspect. “Observations,” it specifies and qualifies the approximate tenor of what is said and how it is said. “Semiotics,” it is the definition of the method and of the point of view under which these objects are investigated. “Pedagogical perspectives”, it is to refer to the field from which this study took its inspiration. Also, towards that it returns hoping to create bridges between several disciplines. This summary is a kind of explanation of the title, also intends to indicate the way of the reflection that develops the relationship of man to the written word that is based on the materiality
Camps, Jean-Baptiste. "La Chanson d’Otinel. Édition complète du corpus manuscrit et prolégomènes à l’édition critique." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Full textPart of the geste du roi, the Chanson d'Otinel had not been the subject of an edition since the pioneer work of F. Guessard and H. Michelant in 1858. Starting with the tangible objects that manuscripts are, and proceeding to the study of the tradition and work itself, this study aims to provide a new examination of all the available data, in order to enable a restoration of a song that has know an important diffusion in Medieval Europe, but whose scattered remains only are available to us. This study is given a firmly methodological orientation, and searches to apply to the edition the epistemological progresses brought by recent contributions in the field of textual criticism and ecdotics, as well as by what is now called “Digital Humanities”. It aims at overcoming the debate between “New” and Traditional Philology, based on the common errors method or of Bedierist inspiration, to place itself in the perspective of a “Fourth Way” and of an edition “oriented towards the tradition”. Digital scholarly editing and Digital Philology techniques are used in order to provide a full edition of the manuscript corpus, with “layered” transcriptions that give access to different representations and to the graphic system of all witnesses. The edition aims also at the study and description of the links between these witnesses, by suggesting a method of representation of textual variance and by rooting genealogical analysis in a global consideration of the tradition, including medieval translations (in Welsh, Norse, English) and derived versions. The modelling and description of manuscripts and their texts – formalised by an XML/TEI model conceived for this edition but seeking to be of more general interest – is clearly oriented towards data mining, and computational as well as traditional analysis (Palaeography, Scriptometry, Stemmatology). Methods from the fields of mathematical modelling, statistics, algorithmic, and artificial intelligence are put to use, as well as processes seeking to allow interoperability, scalability, and systematisation of editorial work (optical character recognition, linguistic tagging, collation), in a workflow centred on analysis. Main used languages are XML (TEI, XSLT), R and Python
Veloso, Pedro Luís Alves. "Gesto técnico: interferências da modelagem digital na criação arquitetônica." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.
Full textThis is a research about the complex computerization of Architecture discipline. It focuses on the relationship between architectural design and use of digital models. In this specific context between digital technology and human creation, the study of the production of Architecture supported by digital techniques in the last two decades (1990-2010) is a privileged study object. Considering this, the study stipulates two approaches. The first refers to the understanding of the architectural conception as a disciplined practice through a review of Design Theory. It establishes a lecture on the role of man and its tools in architectural design, defining criteria for the discussion on the influence of digital technology. The second approach uses the design philosophy proposed by Vilém Flusser. In this case, the research comprehends the technological tools as a means of overcoming human limitation. It affects the structures of thinking and creating, marking new relations between man, knowledge, creativity and reality. In particular, incursions are established from theoretical concepts proposed by the philosopher: \"gesture of making\", \"apparatus\", \"technical image\", \"gesture of calculation and computation\", and \"the program\". These approaches raids propose dialogues with other theorists of the field of knowledge and case studies that endorse the argument. Finally, they settle critical considerations about the influence of digital technology in Architecture offering up prospects for the creation based on digital models.
Puig, Mailhol Vincent. "Le numérique et l'esprit. Prendre soin des technologies numériques de l'esprit à la lumière de Gilbert Simondon, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Henri Bergson." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Poitiers, 2023.
Full textThis address to designers stems from an approach of anthropological decentering to think and take care of the digital as spiritual in the sense that Derrida designated the process of questioning but also the of technique in Heidegger. This route goes through a critique of the notion of information in Simondon to try to rethink "the soul of objects". It continues with an analysis of the question of the Flesh from Merleau-Ponty to propose the passage from a "digital suffering flesh" to an organology and a pharmacology of the digital gesture. Finally, it approaches what Bernard Stiegler called the technologies of the through the prism of Bergsonian intuition and Simondonian transduction to reintroduce analogical thought into the digital design of a dispositive benevolence, techno-estheú, cosmotechnic, ethical and political condiú)n for the development of the common good and of knowledge
Ferreira, Ruth Iana. "ACTO - LUZ. (PROJECTO DE INSTALAÇÃO DE ARTE DIGITAL)." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2010.
Full textPerante o actual panorama de cruzamento entre ciências e artes e, após um estudo das áreas envolvidas, propõe-se a instalação Acto-Luz, de arte digital. Esta instalação conjuga os parâmetros emoção e luz. Como forma de expressão da emoção surge aqui o gesto e como demonstração da luz, operam-se a sua intensidade, cor e forma. Num espaço fechado, a gestualidade dos braços dos intervenientes é mapeada por um programa de computador que irá, segundo parâmetros pré-estabelecidos, atribuir-lhe uma emoção a qual será representada sobre a forma de imagens de luz projectadas numa tela que abrange todo o espaço. Estas imagens irão assim envolver o participante, estimulando neste um sentimento emocional. A instalação Acto-Luz forma assim um ciclo de acção-reacção, fomentando a experimentação. O projecto teve como bases de trabalho a investigação das áreas Emoção, Luz e Cor. A partir destas estabeleceram-se pontos de ancoragem entre parâmetros inerentes a cada uma das áreas, sistematizando os elementos recolhidos - sob a forma de correspondências - para formar um conceito global segundo o qual se rege a instalação.
Giomi, Andrea. "La pensée sonore du corps : Pour une approche écologique à la médiation technologique, au mouvement et à l'interaction sonore." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2017.
Full textDuring the last years, motion sensing technologies have radically transformed the universe of the artistic practice. This dramatic change has recently inspired new perspectives in scientific research. Music is actually among the most affected domaines by this expressive and epistemological renewal. The interactive relation between mediation technology, movement and sound, seems to be declined into two main modalities : on one hand, movement analysis’ technologies allow to study mutual connections between acoustic phenomenon and sensorimotor system, on the other hand, embodied understanding of musical experience can help to devise an holistic approach to interactive systems conception and development. Given this background scenario, this thesis focuses on how movement’s qualities transformation into sound allows the performer to become aware of physiological and imaginative processes in gesture composition. In this framework, sound feedback-movement relation is analyzed from an ecological point of view. According to this approach, mediation technology seems to elicit an autopoietic process of extension and intensification of corporeality. Especially in the artistic performance, sound interaction offers to performer a new sensorial geography that allows him/her to renew his/her perceptive organization and thereby rethink expressive composition of movement
Perez, Mauricio. "Gesto musical e o uso de interfaces físicas digitais na performance do livre electronics." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.
Full textThis research analyzes the use of digital physical interfaces in the creation and performance of electroacoustic music in real time, especially the concept of musical gesture. For this purpose, first, we conducted a systematic study of two central objects for research, namely, digital interfaces and the concept of gesture in music. We revisit some core elements of the construction of digital musical instruments, added new perspectives to digital luthiery from the concept of musical gesture as the mapping. In addition, we raised some aesthetic issues both an understanding of these interfaces as musical instruments as their use in musical composition and performance of live electronics. The concept of musical gesture, in turn, is understood in this study as an emerging issue of musical practice nowadays. We pointed to the different understandings of research in music about the meanings contained in this concept, as body and sound dimensions and kinetic and semantic capabilities. Thus, we have expanded the concept of musical gesture in a context that uses these interfaces to ideas such as corporeality, physicality and causality. Subsequently, we propose the junction between the elements present in the concept of musical gesture with the constituent elements of the interfaces and the practice of music creation and performance mediated by them, especially on the point of view of causality. Thus we recognize that the relationship between bodily actions and sound movements contribute to the musical significance in practices that use digital physical interfaces. We identify that these causal relationships may present from physical and natural models of gestural coherence, as artificial relationship between gesture and sound and their surrogates Finally, it is presented a methodology for performances that use these interfaces, as here understood, which include both how the interface is presented to the musician that plays much like the relationship between performer and interface can be understood by the viewer-listener. These proposals demonstrate how the interfaces are inserted in a context that considers the body as an aesthetic element in the practice of the live electroacoustic music.
Silva, Fernando Virg?lio de Macedo. "Projeto de interven??o JUCERN Digital." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2014.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva ( on 2015-12-30T18:17:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoVirgilioDeMacedoSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 2691683 bytes, checksum: 10c4403cbe90cf3de76bbfbce1e9eb89 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-30T18:17:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoVirgilioDeMacedoSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 2691683 bytes, checksum: 10c4403cbe90cf3de76bbfbce1e9eb89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-28
Apresenta projeto de interven??o que prop?e mudan?a na estrutura organizacional e operacional da Junta Comercial do Rio Grande do Norte. Analisa as rotinas de fluxo das atividades do registro empresarial e a estrutura organizacional. Compara os modelos, atual com o proposto. O trabalho ? dividido em seis cap?tulos que elenca desde a descri??o da institui??o, objeto do trabalho, at? a proposta de um novo modelo organizacional e operacional. Usa a metodologia de revis?o bibliogr?fica e experi?ncia emp?rica.
Displays intervention project that proposes changes in the organizational and operational structure of the Board of Trade of Rio Grande do Norte. Analyzes routine flow of activities of business registration and organizational structure. Compare the models, with the current proposed. The work is divided into six chapters which lists since the description of the institution, work object, until the proposed new organizational and operational model. Uses the methodology of literature review and observation of reality
Segata, Juliara Borges. ""Mam?es ativas": etnografia de um grupo mulheres, da gesta??o ? maternidade." PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL, 2017.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva ( on 2018-03-16T13:36:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JuliaraBorgesSegata_DISSERT.pdf: 10357141 bytes, checksum: c04697795380a170fdf8217a33a8f0d8 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-16T13:36:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JuliaraBorgesSegata_DISSERT.pdf: 10357141 bytes, checksum: c04697795380a170fdf8217a33a8f0d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-22
Esta ? uma etnografia de um ?grupo de gestantes?. Ela tem como recorte anal?tico o estudo das camadas m?dias urbanas no contexto particular da cidade de Natal/RN. A partir de uma pesquisa de campo realizada entre abril de 2015 e abril de 2016, eu descrevo o cotidiano de um grupo de mulheres, desde a gesta??o at? a maternidade. A minha inser??o em campo durante a gravidez, o uso do aplicativo de mensagens WhatsApp, consumo, sofrimento, subjetividade, mulher, maternidade, g?nero e a cr?tica feminista s?o temas que constituem o que apresento ao longo do trabalho. A partir deles, o que procuro mostrar ? que a pesquisa etnogr?fica permite perceber importantes nuances, contradi??es e transforma??es, como aquelas que configuram debates em torno da maternidade ideal e real, as pol?ticas de parto, a carreira profissional e a maternidade, a dor e a alegria, s?o parte de ambival?ncias negoci?veis e que ganham sentidos bem particulares no contexto pesquisado.
This is an ethnography about a ?group of pregnant?. It has as an analytical clipping the study of the urban middle strata, in the particular context of the city of Natal/RN. From a empirical fieldwork realized between April 2015 and April 2016, I describe the daily life of a group of women, as from of pregnancy to motherhood. My insertion in the field during the pregnancy, the use of WhatsApp messenger, consumption, suffering, subjectivity, woman, mothering, gender and the feminist critique are issues that constitute what present throughout the work. From them, what I try to show is that ethnographic research allows us to perceive important nuances, contradictions and transformations, such as those that constitute debates about ideal and real motherhood, childbirth policies, professional careers and maternity, pain and the joy, are part of negotiable ambivalences and that gain particular senses context researched.
NICOLI, Maria. "TECNOLOGIA ED ESPERIENZA. UN APPROCCIO GESTUALE AL PATRIMONIO MUSEALE." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2020.
Full textThe project is rooted in the frame of technological transfer and moves in the context of Digital Humanities. It aims to explore and analyse the types of digital musealization and communication in order to improve and promote the fruition of the heritage together with the results of archaeological researches. To do so and in order to figure out new possible approaches to education and learning, founded on gesture, the potential of mixed reality as been assessed through the development of Preistoria Digitale. This is a mixed reality application, developed in collaboration with two partner companies (Tryeco 2.0 srl and WeAR srl) that aims to foster a more involving and interactive approch to the museum heritage thanks to a natural user interface (NUI).
Books on the topic "Geste digital"
Cuando la gente toma la palabra: Medios digitales y cambio social en la insurgencia de Oaxaca. Quito, Ecuador: Ediciones CIESPAL, 2016.
Find full textGUSMÃO, Z. S. Hipertexto: um gesto de leitura projetado na composição de textos produzidos em mídia digital. Dialética, 2022.
Full textPazmiño, Francisco. Etnoeducación y desarrollo de la cultura. inBlue Editorial, 2022.
Full textGong, Shaogang, Wenyi Zhao, and Xiaou Tang. Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures: Second International Workshop, AMFG 2005, Beijing, China, October 16, 2005, Proceedings. Springer London, Limited, 2005.
Find full text(Editor), Wenyi Zhao, Shaogang Gong (Editor), and Xiaou Tang (Editor), eds. Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures: Second International Workshop, AMFG 2005, Beijing, China, October 16, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Springer, 2005.
Find full textZelcer, Mariano. Devenires de lo fotográfico. Teseo, 2020.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Geste digital"
Hagener, Malte. "Digital/digitus: Die Geste in den Pixar-Animationsfilmen." In Ästhetik des Gemachten, edited by Hans-Joachim Backe, Julia Eckel, Erwin Feyersinger, Véronique Sina, and Jan-Noël Thon, 11–26. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.
Full textValdés Vargas, Celso, Selene Laguna Galindo, and Genaro Hernández Camacho. "Educar a contracorriente: educar es humanizar." In Reflexiones sobre la educación en diseño en contextos de emergencia, 129–42. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Geste digital"
Full textCatrópa da Silva, Andréa, and Isabela Covre Sagrillo. "El diseño a través de las pantallas: Las adaptaciones del diseño de interiores elaboradas para redes sociales." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textPALETTA, PALETTA. "GEST�O DA INFORMA��O E CONHECIMENTO NA ERA DIGITAL COMPET�NCIA INFORMACIONAL E MAPAS CONCEITUAIS." In 15th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management. TECSI, 2018.
Full textBarnolas Soteras, Anaïs. "Creando resiliencia en la comunidad a través de las plataformas digitales. El caso del Palacio Güell durante la pandemia." In Congreso CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.
Full textLima, Lavina Lúcia Vieira, Rita de Fátima Muniz, Demetrius Abreu de Lima, Dennys Leite Maia, Mixilene Sales Santos Lima, Jaiane Ramos Barbosa, Alisandra Cavalcante Fernandes, and José Aires de Castro Filho. "A gente faz história: tecnologias digitais e trocas culturais entre alunos brasileiros e americanos em uma escola UCA." In Workshop de Informática na Escola. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2012.
Full textBecerra Ardila, Luis Eduardo, and Laura Milena Aguilera Monroy. "El uso de herramientas tic para el apoyo de los procesos de gestión en redes temáticas: caso red cyted iberincu." In INNODOCT 2022. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023.
Full textBecerra Ardila, Luis Eduardo, and Laura Milena Aguilera Monroy. "El uso de herramientas tic para el apoyo de los procesos de gestión en redes temáticas: caso red cyted iberincu." In INNODOCT 2022. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023.
Full textVidela, Ronnie. "STEAM Apps: tecendo compreensão numérica e geométrica com os dedos." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textNoguera Muntadas, Montserrat. "Imaginando procesos para el aprendizaje vectorial." In IV Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales. ANIAV 2019. Imagen [N] Visible. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019.
Full textAquino, Camila Diovani, Isabelle Abrão Inácio, and Maria Lucia De Queiroz Guimaraes Hernandes. "EXPANSÃO DA ÁREA ENTOMOLÓGICA NAS REDES SOCIAIS EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA." In I Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Biologia de Insetos. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
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