Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Geostatistical estimation'
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Ghassemi, Ali. "Nonparametric geostatistical estimation of soil physical properties." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63904.
Full textFanshawe, Thomas Robert. "Geostatistical models for exposure estimation in environmental epidemiology." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.543958.
Full textTawo, Ekure Etta. "The incorporation of subjective and descriptive information in geostatistical estimation." Thesis, University of Leeds, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.291038.
Full textSpadavecchia, Luke. "Estimation of landscape carbon budgets : combining geostatistical and data assimilation approaches." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/14462.
Full textAdisoma, Gatut Suryoprapto. "The application of the jackknife in geostatistical resource estimation: Robust estimator and its measure of uncertainty." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/186547.
Full textOwaniyi, Kunle Meshach. "Geostatistical Interpolation and Analyses of Washington State AADT Data from 2009 – 2016." Thesis, North Dakota State University, 2019. https://hdl.handle.net/10365/31649.
Full textZha, Yuanyuan, Tian-Chyi J. Yeh, Walter A. Illman, Hironori Onoe, Chin Man W. Mok, Jet-Chau Wen, Shao-Yang Huang, and Wenke Wang. "Incorporating geologic information into hydraulic tomography: A general framework based on geostatistical approach." AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/624351.
Full textOnnen, Nathaniel J. "Estimation of Bivariate Spatial Data." The Ohio State University, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1616243660473062.
Full textMohamed, Hamad O. "Land suitability evaluation, improving accuracy of assessments with a new paradigm based on geostatistical estimation and fuzzy set theory." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape2/PQDD_0015/MQ57975.pdf.
Full textSengupta, Aritra. "Empirical Hierarchical Modeling and Predictive Inference for Big, Spatial, Discrete, and Continuous Data." The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1350660056.
Full textYATES, SCOTT RAYMOND. "GEOSTATISTICAL METHODS FOR ESTIMATING SOIL PROPERTIES (KRIGING, COKRIGING, DISJUNCTIVE)." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/187990.
Full textMüller, Werner, and Dale L. Zimmerman. "Optimal Design for Variogram Estimation." Department of Statistics and Mathematics, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 1997. http://epub.wu.ac.at/756/1/document.pdf.
Full textSeries: Forschungsberichte / Institut für Statistik
Arzuman, Sadun. "Comparison Of Geostatistics And Artificial Neural Networks In Reservoir Property Estimation." Phd thesis, METU, 2009. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12611192/index.pdf.
Full textChipeta, Michael Give. "Geostatistical design and analysis for estimating local variations in malaria disease burden." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2016. http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/84366/.
Full textNogueira, Neto Joao Antunes 1952. "APPLICATION OF GEOSTATISTICS TO AN OPERATING IRON ORE MINE." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276417.
Full textRojas, Ricardo Vicente 1951. "ORE-WASTE SELECTION UTILIZING GEOSTATISTICS (ARIZONA)." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291255.
Full textKapageridis, Ioannis K. "Application of artificial neural network systems to ore grade estimation from exploration data." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.301663.
Full textCavalcante, Fraga Luis Henrique. "Caractérisation des sols pollués via des méthodes géophysiques : couplage entre le diagnostic conventionnel et les méthodes géophysiques pour estimer la distribution spatiale des polluants à l’aide du formalisme géostatistique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUS645.
Full textThe spatial characterization of pollution sources is a key step for estimating the costs of the rehabilitation of contaminated sites. Geochemical sampling is costly and time-consuming and only allows punctual information about contamination levels. This PhD work evaluated the electromagnetic mapping method (EMI) for imaging the physical properties of the subsoil to (1) define geophysical measurement protocols and (2) exploit spatialized geophysical and geochemical data for a better estimation of hydrocarbon-polluted soil volumes through geostatistical formalism. The results at the Poitiers’ site, located in a peri-urban context with an unknown backfill coverage, highlighted the sensitivity of the EMI method for determining the geometry of the backfill layer. The new geophysical measurement strategy applied at the Rouen’s site, which is heavily polluted with hydrocarbons and located in an urban environment, has been modified with exhaustive EMI mapping, electrical resistivity and polarization tomography, ground penetrating radar and physical measurements at sample scale. The multivariate statistical analysis indicated an overall correlation between the hydrocarbon levels and the apparent electrical conductivities measured by the EMI method. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of the urban fill, surface facilities and a discontinuous aquifer have severely disrupted EMI measurements. Despite the decrease in the variance of estimation error when geophysical data have been integrated into geostatistical models, linear correlations are still weak. A novel geophysical measurement protocol has been designed and demonstrated its potential for assessing contaminated sites
Barahona-Palomo, Marco. "Estimation of aquifers hydraulic parameters by three different tecniques: geostatistics, correlation and modeling." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/144941.
Full textLa caracterización de los parámetros hidráulicos de los acuíferos es una tarea difícil que requiere información de campo. La mayoría de las veces el hidrogeólogo se basa en un grupo de valores procedentes de diferentes pruebas para interpretar la configuración hidrogeológica y posiblemente , generar un modelo . Sin embargo, obtener lo mejor de esta información puede ser un reto. En esta tesis se analizan tres casos. Primero, se analizan las conductividades hidráulicas asociadas a una escala de medición del orden de 10 m− 1 y obtenidas durante una extensa campaña de campo cerca de Tübingen, Alemania. Las estimaciones se obtuvieron en puntos coincidentes en el sitio, mediante: la formulación empírica de Kozeny - Carman, proporcionando valores de conductividad, con base en la distribución de tamaño de partículas y las pruebas del medidor de caudal de tipo impulsor en el pozo, el cual infiere las medidas de conductividad a partir de los flujos verticales dentro de un pozo. La correlación entre los dos conjuntos de estimaciones es prácticamente ausente. Sin embargo, las estadísticas del logaritmo natural de ambos conjuntos en el lugar son similares en términos de valores medios y difieren en términos de rangos del variograma y varianzas de muestra. Esto es consecuente con el hecho de que los dos tipos de estimaciones pueden estar asociados con escalas de apoyo de medición diferentes (aunque comparables). También coincide con los resultados publicados sobre la interpretación de la variabilidad de los descriptores geoestadísticos de parámetros hidráulicos en múltiples escalas de observación . El análisis refuerza la idea de que los valores de conductividad hidráulica y descriptores geoestadísticos clave asociados al inferirse de diferentes metodologías y en las escalas de observación similares (en el caso del orden de decenas de cm) no son fácilmente comparables y debe ser utilizados con cuidado en la modelación de flujo (y eventualmente, el transporte) del agua subterránea. En segundo lugar, un método de regresión kernel adaptado a datos, originalmente desarrollado para el procesamiento y la reconstrucción de imágenes se modificó y se utiliza para la delimitación de las facies. Esta metodología no paramétrica utiliza tanto la distribución espacial como el valor de la muestra, para producir en cada punto de datos una función kernel de dirección localmente adaptativo, con ajuste automático del kernel a la dirección de mayor correlación espacial local. Se demuestra que este método supera el NNC (por su acrónimo en inglés nearest-neighbor classification) en varios casos de acuíferos sintéticos donde el número de datos disponibles es pequeño y la distribución es aleatoria. Sin embargo, en el caso límite, cuando hay un gran número de muestras, tanto en el método kernel adaptado a la dirección local como el método de NNC convergen a la solución verdadera. Las simulaciones son finalmente utilizadas para explorar cuáles parámetros de la función kernel localmente adaptado dan resultados óptimos en la reconstrucción de resultados en escenarios típicos de campo. Se demuestra que, en la práctica, una regla general puede ser utilizada para obtener resultados casi óptimos, los cuales mejoran cuando se utiliza información clave como la proporción de facies. En tercer lugar, se modela el efecto de la fluctuación de la temperatura del agua sobre la conductividad hidráulica de sedimentos gruesos debajo de una instalación de recarga artificial y se compara con datos de campo. Debido a la alta permeabilidad, el agua se desplaza a alta velocidad alta, y por lo tanto, agua con temperatura diferente también está presente en el sedimento bajo el estanque en diferentes momentos, esto se traduce en diferentes valores de conductividad hidráulica dentro de la misma capa, a pesar de que todos los demás parámetros son los mismos para esta capa. Se observaron diferencias de casi 79 % en la conductividad hidráulica en el modelo, para las temperaturas utilizadas (2 º C - 25 º C ). Esta variación de la conductividad hidráulica en el sedimento por debajo de la balsa de infiltración cuando el agua de temperatura variable entra en el sedimento, causa un cambio en la velocidad de infiltración con el tiempo y produce las fluctuacciones observadas en las mediciones de campo.
Teixeira, Daniel De Bortoli [UNESP]. "Incertezas na estimativa da variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2 do solo e propriedades edáficas em área de cana crua." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/88232.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A emissão de CO2 do solo (FCO2) apresenta alta variabilidade espacial, sendo devida a grande dependência espacial existente nas propriedades do solo que a influenciam. Neste estudo objetivou-se (i) caracterizar e relacionar a variabilidade e a distribuição espacial da FCO2, temperatura do solo, porosidade livre de água (PLA), teor de matéria orgânica do solo (MO) e densidade do solo (Ds), (ii) avaliar a acurácia dos resultados fornecidos pelo método da krigagem ordinária (KO) e simulação sequencial Gaussiana (SSG), e (iii) avaliar a incerteza na predição da variabilidade espacial das FCO2 e demais propriedades utilizando a SSG. O estudo foi conduzido em uma malha amostral regular de 60 x 60 m2 com 141 pontos, com espaçamento mínimo variando de 0,50 a 10 m, instalada em área de cana-de-açúcar. Nestes pontos foram avaliados a FCO2, temperatura do solo, PLA, determinadas com base na média de 07 dias de avaliação, MO e Ds. Todas as variáveis apresentaram estrutura de dependência espacial, sendo ajustados modelos Gaussianos, esféricos e exponenciais. A configuração da malha amostral e possivelmente a presença de espessa camada de resíduos da cultura sobre o solo influenciaram a estrutura de variabilidade espacial da FCO2, temperatura e MO. FCO2 apresentou correlações positivas com a MO (r = 0,25, p < 0,05) e PLA (r = 0,27, p < 0,01) e negativa com a Ds (r = - 0,41, p < 0,01). No entanto, quando os valores digitais estimados espacialmente (N=8.833) são considerados, a PLA passa a ser a principal variável responsável pelas características espaciais da FCO2, apresentando correlação de 0,26 (p < 0,01). As simulações individuais propiciaram, para todas as variáveis analisadas, melhor reprodução das funções de distribuição acumuladas (fdac), e dos variogramas em comparação...
The soil CO2 emission (FCO2) has high spatial variability, which caused due to the strong spatial dependence in soil properties that influence it. This study aimed to (i) to characterize the variability and spatial distribution of FCO2, soil temperature, air-filled pore space (AFPS), soil organic matter (OM) and soil bulk density (BD) and related properties, (ii) evaluate the accuracy of the results provided by the method of ordinary kriging (OK) and sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS), and (iii) evaluate the uncertainty in predicting the spatial variability of FCO2 and other properties using the SSG. The study was conducted on an regular sampling grid with 141 points, with spacing ranging from 0.50 to 10 m, installed in a sugarcane area. In this place were evaluated FCO2, soil temperature, AFPS, were based on the average of 07 days of evaluation, OM and BD. All variables showed spatial dependence structure, and models adjusted Gaussian, spherical and exponential. The configuration of the sampling grid and the presence of intense layer of crop residues in the soil influenced the structure of spatial variability of FCO2, temperature, and OM. The FCO2 showed positive correlations with OM (r = 0.25, p <0.05) and AFPS (r = 0.27, p <0.01) and negatively with Ds (r = - 0.41, p <0.01). However, when the estimated spatially values are considered, the AFPS becomes the main variable responsible for the spatial characteristics of FCO2, showing correlation of 0.26 (p <0.01). The individual simulations led to all variables, better reproduction of the cumulative distribution functions (cdf), and variograms compared to OK and E-type estimate. The analysis results show strong similarities between the E-type estimates to those generated by the procedure of OK. The major uncertainties in predicting FCO2 were associated with areas with the highest... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Rodriguez-Vilca, Juliet, Jose Paucar-Vilcañaupa, Humberto Pehovaz-Alvarez, Carlos Raymundo, Nestor Mamani-Macedo, and Javier M. Moguerza. "Method for the Interpretation of RMR Variability Using Gaussian Simulation to Reduce the Uncertainty in Estimations of Geomechanical Models of Underground Mines." Springer, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/656171.
Full textThe application of conventional techniques, such as kriging, to model rock mass is limited because rock mass spatial variability and heterogeneity are not considered in such techniques. In this context, as an alternative solution, the application of the Gaussian simulation technique to simulate rock mass spatial heterogeneity based on the rock mass rating (RMR) classification is proposed. This research proposes a methodology that includes a variographic analysis of the RMR in different directions to determine its anisotropic behavior. In the case study of an underground deposit in Peru, the geomechanical record data compiled in the field were used. A total of 10 simulations were conducted, with approximately 6 million values for each simulation. These were calculated, verified, and an absolute mean error of only 3.82% was estimated. It is acceptable when compared with the value of 22.15% obtained with kriging.
Zelelew, Mulugeta. "Improving Runoff Estimation at Ungauged Catchments." Doctoral thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for vann- og miljøteknikk, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-19675.
Full textZhang, Xi. "SPATIAL ESTIMATION OF HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES IN STRUCTURED SOILS AT THE FIELD SCALE." UKnowledge, 2019. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/pss_etds/117.
Full textSeck, Ibrahim. "Estimation et prévision immédiate des précipitations sur un bassin urbain." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020CLFAC055.
Full textGood quality rainfall estimations and nowcasts are an essential prerequisite for the development of reliable flash flood warning systems, especially for urban catchments, where the socioeconomic consequences of hazardous precipitation events are high. The risks posed by such extreme events are further heightened because of climate change. In this context, this thesis aims to investigate the potential of using a small weather radar in combination with the local rain gauge and national radar networks to improve the quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) of rainfall, and to deliver reliable nowcasts. This research was carried out in the flood prone urban catchment of Clermont Ferrand-Riom.To improve QPEs with a high spatiotemporal resolution (5 minutes and a 100 m), the performance of geostatistical interpolation techniques has been investigated using rain gauge data as a primary variable and X-band radar data as a secondary variable for the kriging with an external drift and conditional merging techniques. Radar data was used for the inference of climatological variograms for each precipitation type (stratiform, convective or mixed) for all geostatistical interpolation techniques including ordinary kriging. The long-term evaluation of these techniques shows the benefit of using the geostatistical approach to merge rain gauge and radar data, especially to capture the spatial variability of rainfall. Additionally, two methods were examined to combine the X-band LAWR (Local Area Weather Radar) data with the PATNTHERE product (Rainfall sums with a resolution of 5 minutes and 1 km, provided by the national weather service Météo-France). The first method uses the PANTHERE product (using mainly a C-band radar over the area of interest) to correct X-band data from attenuation effects, and the second one consists of applying a quantile-quantile correction to the X-band data using the PANTHERE product to take advantage of its overall better measurement accuracy, both methods have shown satisfactory results in terms of reducing bias of X-band radar data in comparison with rain gauge data.In the second section of this research, a feature-based forecasting method has been applied to two rainfall events in order to investigate the ability of the X-band LAWR of providing reliable nowcasts. The method includes several steps aimed at identifying, tracking, and then interpolating the features of rainfall cells such as area, speed, and average precipitation intensity. The application of this method on two case studies shows that it provided satisfactory results for forecast lead times up to 30 minutes but efficiency degrades for further time frames.In conclusion, the research carried out in this thesis indicates that local X-band LAWR have great potential for rain estimates and forecast and should be considered in the development of flash flood warning systems, especially for urban catchments
Teixeira, Daniel De Bortoli. "Incertezas na estimativa da variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2 do solo e propriedades edáficas em área de cana crua /." Jaboticabal : [s.n.], 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/88232.
Full textCoorientador: Alan Rodrigo Panosso
Coorientador: Gener Tadeu Pereira
Banca: Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri
Banca: Glauco de Souza Rolim
Resumo: A emissão de CO2 do solo (FCO2) apresenta alta variabilidade espacial, sendo devida a grande dependência espacial existente nas propriedades do solo que a influenciam. Neste estudo objetivou-se (i) caracterizar e relacionar a variabilidade e a distribuição espacial da FCO2, temperatura do solo, porosidade livre de água (PLA), teor de matéria orgânica do solo (MO) e densidade do solo (Ds), (ii) avaliar a acurácia dos resultados fornecidos pelo método da krigagem ordinária (KO) e simulação sequencial Gaussiana (SSG), e (iii) avaliar a incerteza na predição da variabilidade espacial das FCO2 e demais propriedades utilizando a SSG. O estudo foi conduzido em uma malha amostral regular de 60 x 60 m2 com 141 pontos, com espaçamento mínimo variando de 0,50 a 10 m, instalada em área de cana-de-açúcar. Nestes pontos foram avaliados a FCO2, temperatura do solo, PLA, determinadas com base na média de 07 dias de avaliação, MO e Ds. Todas as variáveis apresentaram estrutura de dependência espacial, sendo ajustados modelos Gaussianos, esféricos e exponenciais. A configuração da malha amostral e possivelmente a presença de espessa camada de resíduos da cultura sobre o solo influenciaram a estrutura de variabilidade espacial da FCO2, temperatura e MO. FCO2 apresentou correlações positivas com a MO (r = 0,25, p < 0,05) e PLA (r = 0,27, p < 0,01) e negativa com a Ds (r = - 0,41, p < 0,01). No entanto, quando os valores digitais estimados espacialmente (N=8.833) são considerados, a PLA passa a ser a principal variável responsável pelas características espaciais da FCO2, apresentando correlação de 0,26 (p < 0,01). As simulações individuais propiciaram, para todas as variáveis analisadas, melhor reprodução das funções de distribuição acumuladas (fdac), e dos variogramas em comparação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The soil CO2 emission (FCO2) has high spatial variability, which caused due to the strong spatial dependence in soil properties that influence it. This study aimed to (i) to characterize the variability and spatial distribution of FCO2, soil temperature, air-filled pore space (AFPS), soil organic matter (OM) and soil bulk density (BD) and related properties, (ii) evaluate the accuracy of the results provided by the method of ordinary kriging (OK) and sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS), and (iii) evaluate the uncertainty in predicting the spatial variability of FCO2 and other properties using the SSG. The study was conducted on an regular sampling grid with 141 points, with spacing ranging from 0.50 to 10 m, installed in a sugarcane area. In this place were evaluated FCO2, soil temperature, AFPS, were based on the average of 07 days of evaluation, OM and BD. All variables showed spatial dependence structure, and models adjusted Gaussian, spherical and exponential. The configuration of the sampling grid and the presence of intense layer of crop residues in the soil influenced the structure of spatial variability of FCO2, temperature, and OM. The FCO2 showed positive correlations with OM (r = 0.25, p <0.05) and AFPS (r = 0.27, p <0.01) and negatively with Ds (r = - 0.41, p <0.01). However, when the estimated spatially values are considered, the AFPS becomes the main variable responsible for the spatial characteristics of FCO2, showing correlation of 0.26 (p <0.01). The individual simulations led to all variables, better reproduction of the cumulative distribution functions (cdf), and variograms compared to OK and E-type estimate. The analysis results show strong similarities between the E-type estimates to those generated by the procedure of OK. The major uncertainties in predicting FCO2 were associated with areas with the highest... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Xu, Shan. "Caractérisation de l’environnement karstique de la grotte de Lascaux par couplage de méthodes géophysique, statistique et géostatistique." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0244/document.
Full textThe Lascaux cave, one of the most important prehistoric caves in the world, located in Dordogne (24, France) needs particular attention both for itself and for the environment interms of conservation and vulnerability since its discovery. Geophysical methods in particular Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) enable us, in a non-invasive way, to monitor the karsticenvironment.A Time-Lapse monitoring by ERT was carried out next to the cave. Together with analysis of the local effective rainfall (ground water recharge) and the flow in the cave, the monitoringhelped us to identify an area where upstream underground water is probably stored e.g. arecharge zone. There is a large electrical contrast between the surrounding limestone and theprobable recharge zone. Then, a multivariate analysis through the resistivity values allowed usto characterize the model blocks, showing a specific behavior over time, especially the blockswith the lowest electrical resistivity. A prediction model of the flow in relation with the recharge zone succeeded to predict the beginning and the end of flow, even the daily event withextremely high value of flow.In order to visualize the environment in 3D condition, a geostatistical modelling was then applied to the resistivity values. The geostatistical models can emphasize the limit betweenthe limestone promontory and the clayey/sandy formations to the east/west part of the site. In the limestone promontory, the models also showed the possible connection between theanomalous conductive areas that may have a special consequence in this karstic environment.The Time-Lapse monitoring by ERT allows us to understand the karstic structures andrecharge phenomena. The 3D geostatistical modeling showed efficiency for the characterization of the cave environment. Those results can help to provide advices for the cave preservation
Zonete, Maria Carolina Cunha. "Avaliação do uso de técnicas de interpolação para estimativa de volume em florestas clonais de Eucalyptus sp." Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/11/11150/tde-05082009-082221/.
Full textThe Knowledge about the forest stock is an important tool to support the short, medium and long term planning. In each stand the stock is obtained through the forest inventory. This work aimed to apply geostatistics concepts that get benefits from the spatial dependence of certain variables to estimate the volume at non sampled points. For this study, it were used interpolation methods ,which procedure is used to estimate the variables values in the internal area of the sampled points, allowing to represent the locally sampled variables behavior and extrapolate the variables value to the outside sampled area. It were sampled 34 plots to estimates the forest inventory and 36 control plots were sampled to compare the differences between the estimated and actually measured value for the variables: volume, basal area and average height of a cloned Eucalyptus group of stands in approximately 205 ha, located in Mogi-Guaçu-SP. Futher these plots, it were measure more 24 plots in an adjacent area which were used to compose a scenarios study that could support the improvements in borders regions estimations. Using the Geomedia Professional ® software, three interpolation methods were tested: Kriging, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Spline. For each method it was performed simulations considering the inclusion of new plots to evaluate the estimate behavior by increasing the sample size. In this procedure, we created 6 different scenarios with increasing numbers of plots: Am with 34 plots, G with 58 plots, G +5 with 63 plots, G +10 with 68 plots, G +15 with 73 plots and G +20 with 78 plots. The comparison between the estimated and measured value was made through the errors in percentage for each plot. All the tested models had a tendency, on average, to underestimate the values. The minimum error found for volume was -3.17% estimated by the Spline model. For height and basal area the minor deviations were -1.7% and 0.82% estimated by the Spline model also. In the estimations made by the Kriging model, the best result was -7.95%, -2.25% and -5.75% deviation for basal area, height and volume, respectively. IDW model resulted in a deviation of -7.48%, -1.29%, -7.53% for the same variables. The result analysis shows that the estimations made by the interpolation models using implicit geostatistical software models produces some significant deviations and the use of adjusted geostatistical models to the data set may produce better estimates.
Prado, Naimara Vieira do. "Abordagens para análise de dados composicionais." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/11/11134/tde-17082017-155240/.
Full textC ompositional data are vectors, called compositions, whose components are all positive, it satisfies the sum equal one and has a Simplex space. The sum constraint induces the correlation between the components and this requires that the statistical methods for the analysis of datasets consider this fact. The theory for compositional data was developed mainly by Aitchison in the 1980s, and since then, several techniques and methods have been developed for compositional data modelling. This work presents the main approaches for the statistical analysis of independent compositional data, such as Dirichlet regression (natural distribution to compositional data) or the use of transformations log-ratios that aim to leave the simplex space for to Euclidean space. Also describes the methods for cases where the assumption of independence cannot be satisfied, for example, spatial dependence compositional data. For these cases, there are in the literature methods of analysis based on the theories developed for univariate geostatistics analysis or use of logratios transformations with the inclusion of the spatial dependence generated by the distance between the points. In addition, to revisiting the already diffused methods, this work propose the use of the Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE) method as an alternative for the analysis of independent compositional data and with spatial dependence. The GEE only requires the specification of functions that describe the mean and correlation matrix (covariance structure, therefore, it is not necessary to assign a probability distribution to the data or transformations. The application of the GEE method for independent compositional data presented results as efficient as Dirichlet regression or log-ratios transformation. Compositional data with spatial dependence, log-ratios transformations presented predicted values close to the real values. GEE method was more effective than the traditional geostatistical approach, however, compared with the other methods, It was the one that presented the high residual values.
Dalbianco, Leandro. "Variabilidade espacial e estimativa da condutividade hidráulica e caracterização física-hídrica de uma microbacia hidrográfica rural." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/5494.
Full textThe soil management systems involve changes in soil physico-hydrical properties. The objective of this study was (i) characterize the soil physico-hydrical properties in the layer 0-5 cm for different soil management systems in the Cândido Brum watershed, (ii) build a map with the spatial variability of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), (iii) estimate the Ks from other soil physico-hydrical properties and (iv) test the reliability of others pedotransfer functions for Ks found in the literature. The study was conducted in the watershed Cândido Brum, Brazil, which predominate the soil management systems native pasture, native forest, conventional tillage, minimum tillage and no-tillage. Orthogonal contrasts were performed between groups of soil management systems, which compared the effect of soil cultivation, the type of vegetation and bovine trampling, conservation practice and permanent soil cover. Determinations of soil bulk density, porosity, size particles, organic carbon, degree of flocculation, aggregate stability, Ks, air permeability, retention and availability of water and shear stress of the soil were made. Besides being used for the comparison of management systems, the water-physical properties used as input variables for the development of pedotransfer functions for Ks, which used the stepwise method in the selection of variables, and to test the reliability of pedotransfer functions found in the literature. The map of spatial variability of Ks was constructed from data interpolation using kriging. The soils of the watershed under crops had degraded structure, with low organic matter and low aggregates stability. Soil with native pasture had reduced the macroporosity, the Ks and air permeability in relation to other soil management systems. Conservation practices were effective in increasing the retention and vailability of soil water in relation to conventional tillage. The variables that represent the structure of the soil were more accurate in estimating the Ks that the size particle variables. The pedotransfer functions found in the literature, usually developed for soils of temperate climate, were not reliable in the estimation of Ks of soils watershed. The range of spatial dependence of the values of Ks was 141 m. The map of spatial variability allowed the visualization of areas that need management practices and conservation of soil and water.
Os sistemas de manejo do solo implicam em mudanças nas suas propriedades físico-hídricas. O objetivo do estudo foi (i) caracterizar as propriedades físico-hídricas do solo na camada 0-5 cm para diferentes sistemas de manejo da microbacia hidrográfica Cândido Brum, (ii) construir um mapa com a variabilidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (Ks), (iii) estimar a Ks a partir de outras propriedades físicohídricas do solo e (iv) testar a confiabilidade de funções de pedotransferência para a Ks encontradas na literatura. O estudo foi conduzido na microbacia Cândido Brum, em Arvorezinha-RS, em que predominam os sistemas de manejo campo nativo, mata nativa, preparo convencional, plantio direto e preparo mínimo. Foram realizados contrastes ortogonais entre grupos de sistemas de manejo do solo, em que se comparou o efeito do cultivo, do tipo de vegetação natural e pisoteio animal, das práticas conservacionistas e da cobertura permanente do solo. Foram realizadas determinações de densidade do solo, porosidade, granulometria, carbono orgânico, grau de floculação, estabilidade de agregados, Ks, permeabilidade ao ar, retenção e disponibilidade de água e tensão de cisalhamento do solo. As propriedades físico-hídricas serviram também como variáveis de entrada para a elaboração de funções de pedotransferência para a Ks e para testes de confiabilidade de funções de pedotransferência encontradas na literatura. O mapa de variabilidade espacial da Ks foi construído a partir da interpolação dos dados com o método da krigagem. Os solos cultivados da microbacia apresentaram estrutura degradada, com pouca matéria orgânica e baixa estabilidade de agregados. O uso com campo nativo reduziu a macroporosidade, a Ks e a permeabilidade ao ar em relação aos outros sistemas de manejo do solo. As práticas conservacionistas foram eficientes em aumentar a retenção e a disponibilidade de água no solo em relação ao preparo convencional. As variáveis que representam a estrutura do solo foram mais precisas em estimar a Ks que as variáveis granulométricas. As funções de pedotransferência encontradas na literatura, geralmente elaboradas para solos de clima temperado, não foram confiáveis na estimativa da Ks da microbacia. O alcance da dependência espacial dos valores de Ks foi de 141 m. O mapa de variabilidade espacial possibilitou a visualização de áreas que necessitam de práticas de manejo e conservação do solo e da água.
Gonçalves, Aline Kuramoto. "Sensoriamento remoto para estimativa dos parâmetros físicos e químicos para fertilidade do solo da Fazenda Experimental Lageado, Botucatu/SP /." Botucatu, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/191486.
Full textResumo: O uso de ferramentas computacionais e da tecnologia desenvolvida por ferramentas do sensoriamento remoto para o mapeamento e estimação da fertilidade do solo são importantes para o desenvolvimento de áreas com práticas agrícolas. O emprego da técnica por meio da análise espacial pode proporcionar melhorias no manejo do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a fertilidade dos solos da Fazenda Experimental Lageado que pertence a Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas- UNESP, localizada na cidade de Botucatu/São Paulo através dos atributos do solo e as bandas espectrais do vermelho, verde e azul do Vant (Veículo Aéreo Não Tripulado) e do satélite LandSat- 8. Neste contexto, o atributo do solo é essencial para entendermos a sua fertilidade. Foi utilizado um conjunto de amostras de solos com 52 amostras para correlacionar com as respostas espectrais dos solos nos comprimentos de onda do visível, para a geração do modelo. Os dados foram separados em três áreas e apresentaram coeficientes de correlação variam entre -0,58 a 0,56 para imagens de Vant entretanto para as imagens de satélites foram correlações fracas. Para o Vant os preditores mais correlacionados ph e matéria orgânica. Os resultados obtidos pela análise de regressão r² foram considerados baixos, sendo não indicado não espacialização e a geração do modelo de fertilidade.
Abstract: The use of computational tools and the technology developed by remote sensing tools for mapping and estimating soil fertility are important for the development of areas with agricultural practices. The use of the technique through spatial analysis can provide improvements in soil management. The objective of this work was to estimate the fertility of the soils of the Experimental Lageado Farm which belongs to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences - UNESP, located in the city of Botucatu / São Paulo through the soil attributes and the spectral bands of the red, green and blue of the drone and the LandSat- 8 satellite. In this context, the soil attribute is essential to understand its fertility. A set of soil samples with 52 samples was used to correlate with the spectral responses of the soils in the visible wavelengths, for the generation of the model. The data were separated into three areas and showed correlation coefficients ranging from -0.58 to 0.56 for drone images however for satellite images they were weak correlations. For Vant, the most correlated predictors are ph and organic matter. The results obtained by the r² regression analysis were considered low, with no spatialization and the generation of the fertility model being indicated.
Pereira, Paulo Elias Carneiro. "Estimativa de recursos minerais e otimização de cava aplicados a um estudo de caso de uma mina de calcário." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017. http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7140.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-04-13T13:17:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 12 Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (1).pdf: 17644242 bytes, checksum: ab5fa50d404a6c4a211b84194b2443f2 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (2).pdf: 16660004 bytes, checksum: cf5e68fe373f5599a5185def4cd2dbc9 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (3).pdf: 16826382 bytes, checksum: d132111aea6718262b141b27469610cf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (4).pdf: 18524080 bytes, checksum: f823b94af26d66b0c3372283946a4faf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (5).pdf: 18542428 bytes, checksum: fcbc6bc33ae4ce8f406d45226db9cec1 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (6).pdf: 16491972 bytes, checksum: 700456f830447b127f5ebba098ae0777 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (7).pdf: 17053967 bytes, checksum: 282d9a25fc2337ddbbe0d09a801e9821 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (8).pdf: 13201210 bytes, checksum: c784be01d079249a502dd2dff455ca27 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (9).pdf: 16669209 bytes, checksum: caf85a078ee9178fcd2989dca14ad6c6 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (10).pdf: 16406537 bytes, checksum: 9019ab1ca27b30efd351da8c77f3ac36 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (11).pdf: 3595306 bytes, checksum: 2cc84e96aca8430238c275c770941926 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-13T13:17:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 12 Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (1).pdf: 17644242 bytes, checksum: ab5fa50d404a6c4a211b84194b2443f2 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (2).pdf: 16660004 bytes, checksum: cf5e68fe373f5599a5185def4cd2dbc9 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (3).pdf: 16826382 bytes, checksum: d132111aea6718262b141b27469610cf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira (4).pdf: 18524080 bytes, checksum: f823b94af26d66b0c3372283946a4faf (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (5).pdf: 18542428 bytes, checksum: fcbc6bc33ae4ce8f406d45226db9cec1 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (6).pdf: 16491972 bytes, checksum: 700456f830447b127f5ebba098ae0777 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (7).pdf: 17053967 bytes, checksum: 282d9a25fc2337ddbbe0d09a801e9821 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (8).pdf: 13201210 bytes, checksum: c784be01d079249a502dd2dff455ca27 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (9).pdf: 16669209 bytes, checksum: caf85a078ee9178fcd2989dca14ad6c6 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (10).pdf: 16406537 bytes, checksum: 9019ab1ca27b30efd351da8c77f3ac36 (MD5) Dissertação - Paulo Elias Carneiro Pereira - 2017 (11).pdf: 3595306 bytes, checksum: 2cc84e96aca8430238c275c770941926 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-08
A mining enterprise is composed of a set of successive and interdependent phases between them, which may or may not culminate in the exploitation of the mineral assets. The project begins with a Mineral Exploration phase, whose objective is to discover and subsequently evaluate the deposit for the feasibility of its extraction. This process involves setting the shape, dimensions and grades, resulting in a model that will be used to determine the recoverable reserves, that is, the economically usable part of the mineral resource, which will base the decision on the implementation or not of the enterprise, based mainly on technicaleconomic criteria. The elaboration of the physical form of the geological bodies that control the mineralization (geological model) and the estimation of the geological variables that characterize the quality of the different materials can be done by two approaches: by traditional or by geostatistical methods. The latter approach is currently being preferred, as it is a more accurate alternative and therefore, more reliable over traditional methods. The work uses indicator kriging (IK) and ordinary kriging (OK), both geostatistical tools, for the determination of the geological model and estimation of the geological variables (grades), respectively, of a limestone deposit located at Indiara city, Goiás State. Finally, from the obtained model the optimal limits of the extraction were established, based on the algorithm of Lerchs-Grossmann, that maximize the net present value of the enterprise. The results showed a significant deviation between themodel calculated by IK and the reality (samples), which can have as consequence the present spatial configuration of the sample data. The estimated geological variables also showed important deviations (overestimation and/or underestimation), particularly MgO oxide. The areas of occurrence of such deviations were coincident for all variables, which makes evident the existence of problems with the current sampling grid (spacing between samples and presence of very different sample supports), in such a way that it is recommended to collect additional samples, particularly with standardized supports. The optimal pit delimited a total reserve of 109,436,160.43 tons, with a total strip ratio of 0.13, which makes the venture, at first, attractive. This configuration, however, tends to be modified according to the collection of new geological evidence.
Um empreendimento mineiro é composto por um conjunto de fases sucessivas e interdependentes entre si, as quais podem culminar ou não na explotação do bem mineral. O projeto se inicia com uma fase de Exploração Mineral, cujo objetivo é descobrir e subsequentemente avaliar o depósito quanto à viabilidade de sua extração. Tal processo envolve estabelecer a forma, as dimensões e os teores, resultando em um modelo que será utilizado para a determinação das reservas lavráveis, ou seja, a parte economicamente aproveitável do recurso mineral, a qual fundamentará a decisão sobre a implantação ou não do empreendimento a partir de critérios principalmente técnico-econômicos. A elaboração do formato físico dos corpos geológicos que controlam a mineralização (modelo geológico) e a estimativa das variáveis geológicas que caracterizam a qualidade dos diferentes materiais podem ser feitas a partir de duas abordagens: por métodos tradicionais ou por geoestatísticos. Os últimos têm sido utilizados recentemente como uma proposta mais precisa em relação aosmétodos tradicionais. O trabalho utiliza a krigagem indicadora (KI) e a krigagem ordinária (KO), ambas ferramentas geoestatísticas, para a determinação do modelo geológico e estimativa das variáveis geológicas (teores), respectivamente, em um depósito de calcário situado no município de Indiara, estado de Goiás. Por fim, a partir do modelo obtido estabeleceu-se os limites ótimos da extração baseados no algoritmo de Lerchs-Grossmann, que maximizamo valor presente líquido do empreendimento. Os resultados mostraram um desvio significativo entre o modelo calculado pela KI e realidade (amostras), o que pode ter como consequência significativa a atual configuração espacial da amostragem. As variáveis geológicas estimadas também demonstraram desvios (sobrestimativa e subestimativa) importantes, particularmente o óxido MgO. As áreas de ocorrência de tais desvios foram coincidentes para todas as variáveis, o que torna evidente a existência de problemas com a atual malha de amostragem (espaçamento entre amostras e presença suportes amostrais muito diferentes), de tal forma que se recomenda a coleta de amostras adicionais, e de suportes padronizados. A cava ótima delimitou uma reserva total de 109.436.160,43 toneladas, com uma relação estéril-minério (REM) total de 0,13, o que torna o empreendimento, a princípio, atrativo. Tal configuração, entretanto, tende a ser alterada conforme a coleta de novas evidências geológicas.
Carvalho, Samuel de Pádua Chaves e. "Estimativa volumétrica por modelo misto e tecnologia laser aerotransportado em plantios clonais de Eucalyptus sp." Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/11/11150/tde-06092013-100239/.
Full textThis study investigates the use of mixed-effect model and the use of LiDAR based model to estimate volume from eucalyptus forest plantation. At the first part, this study evaluates nonlinear mixed-effects to model stem taper of monoclonal Eucalyptus trees. The relation between radius and height variation was described by the four-parameter logistic model that integration returns stem volume. Embedding variance functions to the estimation process decreased significantly the Akaike\'s Information Criterion but did not improve the residual analysis. The best model to estimate stem volume from taper equations explained the stem taper as a function of the commercial height and the radius at breast height. The second part investigated the volume estimation fusing geostatistic derived from field information and airborne laser scanning data. The model based on geostatistic assumptions was statistically superior to the traditional one, with errors 40% lower. Thus, the geostatistical model was applied over tree heights extracted from the laser cloud. To each combination of diameter and height, the taper equation form the first part of this study was used. The volume and the number of trees were underestimated in 0.7% and 0.18%, respectively. The results look promising, and more permanent plots are necessary to allow studies about growth and yield of forest.
Silva, Bruno Claytton Oliveira da. "Estudo te?rico-bioclim?tico da potencialidade de desenvolvimento do Aedes aegypti no estado do Rio Grande do Norte." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2009. http://repositorio.ufrn.br:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/18190.
Full textCoordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior
In the current climate of global public health there is the emergence of urban dengue, a disease regarded as acute infectious fever. The disease annually, has affected millions of people worldwide, mostly in the range of the intertropical globe. The disease's main vector in urban areas, the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Recent studies indicate that the distribution of the insect vector of dengue in the geographical area is directly tied to the behavior of environmental restrictions that area, especially among those, the air temperature and relative humidity. From that context, the work aims to estimate and spatializing, monthly, for each municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the potential of biophysical conditions conducive to the development of Aedes aegypti. Yet, made use of the following methodology: collection of epidemiological data and climatological, Normal climatological, descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and scatter), uniform distribution, estimation geostatistics and sufer program, version 8.0. The results flagged for a behavior very heterogeneous, both in space and in time, in the case of the potential of biophysical conditions conducive to the development of Aedes aegypti in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Still, he noted that there is a tendency for lifting the potential of development for the entire state, from the month of January, ending in the month of April mainly in central and western portions of the state. By contrast, there is the permanence of increased potential for development in the eastern portion of the state. The latter record maximum potential in the month of July, resulting probability of greater than 70% have been favorable conditions for the development of Aedes aegypti in that area. In the period between the months of August to December, it is small potential for development of Aedes aegypti in all parts of the state
Na atual conjuntura da sa?de p?blica mundial destaca-se a emerg?ncia da dengue urbana, doen?a infecciosa febril aguda que tem como principal vetor no meio urbano o Aedes aegypti. A doen?a, anualmente, tem acometido milh?es de pessoas em todo o mundo, principalmente na faixa intertropical do globo. A partir desse contexto, o trabalho objetiva estimar e espacializar mensalmente, sob a ?tima bioclim?tica, a potencialidade, para cada munic?pio do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), da condi??o biof?sica Favor?vel ao Desenvolvimento do Aedes aegypti. Para tanto, fez uso: coleta de dados epidemiol?gicos e climatol?gicos, Normal Climatol?gica, estat?stica descritiva (medidas de tend?ncia central e dispers?o), distribui??o uniforme, estima??o geoestat?stica e o programa sufer, vers?o 8.0. Os resultados sinalizaram para um comportamento bastante heterog?neo, tanto no espa?o como no tempo, em se tratando da potencialidade da condi??o biof?sica Favor?vel ao desenvolvimento do Aedes aegypti no estado RN. Ainda, observou-se que h? uma tend?ncia de eleva??o da potencialidade de desenvolvimento, para todo o estado, a partir do m?s de janeiro, cessando-se no m?s de abril principalmente nas por??es central e oeste do estado. Em contrapartida, para o mesmo per?odo, verifica-se a perman?ncia de aumento da potencialidade de desenvolvimento na por??o leste do estado. Esta ?ltima registrar? potencial m?ximo no m?s de julho, resultando em probabilidade maior que 70% de ter-se condi??es favor?veis ao desenvolvimento do Aedes aegypti naquela ?rea. No per?odo compreendido entre os meses de agosto a dezembro, constatou-se diminuto potencial de desenvolvimento do Aedes aegypti em todas as por??es do estado
Zahaby, Mohamed El. "Contribution à la définition d'une norme des sites pollués : élaboration d'une méthodologie pour l'évaluation de la contamination d'un sol par éléments tracés." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998INPL045N.
Full textWatanabe, Jorge. "Métodos geoestatísticos de co-estimativas: estudo do efeito da correlação entre variáveis na precisão dos resultados." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44137/tde-14082008-165227/.
Full textThis master dissertation presents the results of a survey into co-estimation methods commonly used in geostatistics. These methods are ordinary cokriging, collocated cokriging and kriging with an external drift. Besides that ordinary kriging was considered just to illustrate how it does work when the primary variable is poorly sampled. As we know co-estimation methods depend on a secondary variable sampled over the estimation domain. Moreover, this secondary variable should present linear correlation with the main variable or primary variable. Usually the primary variable is poorly sampled whereas the secondary variable is known over the estimation domain. For instance in oil exploration the primary variable is porosity as measured on rock samples gathered from drill holes and the secondary variable is seismic amplitude derived from processing seismic reflection data. It is important to mention that primary and secondary variables must present some degree of correlation. However, we do not know how they work depending on the correlation coefficient. That is the question. Thus, we have tested co-estimation methods for several data sets presenting different degrees of correlation. Actually, these data sets were generated in computer based on some data transform algorithms. Five correlation values have been considered in this study: 0.993; 0.870; 0.752; 0.588 and 0.461. Collocated simple cokriging was the best method among all tested. This method has an internal filter applied to compute the weight for the secondary variable, which in its turn depends on the correlation coefficient. In fact, the greater the correlation coefficient the greater the weight of secondary variable is. Then it means this method works even when the correlation coefficient between primary and secondary variables is low. This is the most impressive result that came out from this research.
Galle, Sylvie. "Analyse des champs spatiaux par utilisation de la télédétection : estimation de la durée quotidienne d'insolation en France à l'aide d'images du satellite Météosat et de mesures sol." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1987. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00694114.
Full textWagner, Laurent. "MINESTIS, the route to resource estimates." Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg Universitaetsbibliothek "Georgius Agricola", 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:105-qucosa-181676.
Full textMcFadzean-Ferguson, Simon. "Spatial estimation: the geostatistical point of view." Thesis, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/3817.
Full textYang, Hong-Ding, and 楊洪鼎. "Parameter Estimation and Spatial Prediction for Geostatistical Regression Models." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/60680837733858629830.
Full text國立彰化師範大學
Using a model-based method to analyze geostatistical data is essential in many environmental studies. In this thesis, we consider a geostatistical regression model to analyze environmental data sets and predict spatial variables of interest, where the Matérn covariogram is used to describe the spatial dependence of observations and the likelihood-based methods are applied to estimate model parameters. It is known that parameters in the Matérn covariogram cannot be estimated well even when increasing amounts of data are collected densely in a fixed domain. Although a best linear unbiased predictor has been proposed when model parameters are known, a predictor with estimated parameters is nonlinear and may be not the best in practice. Therefore, from a prediction point of view, we propose an adjusted procedure for the likelihood-based estimators to modify the parameter estimates toward the true parameter values and simultaneously improve the corresponding prediction performance. The adjusted parameter estimators based on minimizing a corrected Stein's unbiased risk estimator tend to have less bias than the conventional likelihood-based estimators, and the resulting spatial predictor is more accurate and more stable. The validities of the proposed methodology for parameter estimation and spatial prediction in geostatistical regression models are justified both theoretically and numerically. For illustration, a groundwater data set in Bangladesh is analyzed.
Huang, Chung-Bin, and 黃忠斌. "Simultaneous Selection for Sampling and Parameter Estimation Methods in Geostatistical Models." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/48442067829905018628.
Full text國立彰化師範大學
Predicting spatial variables of interest based on noisy data is an important problem in spatial statistics. There are many sampling methods and estimation methods of model parameters that can be used for the problem of spatial prediction. In general, different methods have different performances in practice. How to choose an appropriate combination among these methods is an essential issue. In this thesis, we focus on predicting spatial variables of interest based on geostatististical models and discuss the performances of different combinations of sampling methods and estimation methods. We propose a stabilized spatial prediction methods based on a data perturbation technique and the concept of generalized degrees of freedom is used to assess the complexity of a spatial prediction methods. We develop an unbiased estimator of mean squared prediction errors for a predicted surface to assess its performance and then an appropriate combination of sampling methods and estimation methods is obtained by minimizing this unbiased estimator over candidate sets. Statistical inferences and effectiveness of the proposed methods are illustrated theoretically and numerically.
Hong, Sahyun. "Multivariate Analysis of Diverse Data for Improved Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling." Phd thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10048/1390.
Full textMining Engineering
Burrows, Sean Nicolas Grant. "Geostatistical estimation of leaf area index and net primary production of five North American biomes." 2002. http://www.library.wisc.edu/databases/connect/dissertations.html.
Full textHevesi, Joseph A. "Precipitation estimation in mountainous terrain using multivariate geostatistics." Thesis, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/37937.
Full textGraduation date: 1991
Boisvert, Jeff. "Geostatistics with locally varying anisotropy." Phd thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10048/1107.
Full textMining Engineering
Nengovhela, Avhurengwi Colbert. "The application of geostatistics in coal estimation and classification." Thesis, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/24878.
Full textThis study set out to assess a multiplicity of related questions regarding the applicability of geostatistical principles, practices and techniques to the estimation, classification and reporting of Coal Resources. Two cases, i.e. Case A and B were selected for the study. Both areas are in the Witbank Coalfield. A few exercises were undertaken to investigate whether a technique such as Ordinary Kriging (OK) could be better suited. The second part of the problem statement is to evaluate whether the current drill hole spacing recommended by the SANS 10320:2004 standard is appropriate for the considered cases. In terms of drill spacing, the South African National Standard (SANS 10320:2004) provides that for a Measured, Indicated and Inferred classification, samples should be spaced at 200 m (minimum of 8 samples), 282 m (minimum of 4 samples) and 564 m (minimum of 1 sample) respectively. By quantifying the precision associated with estimating the two cases at different drill grids, it was shown that for both Cases A and B, a Measured Resource can be classified by using drill holes that are spaced approximately 1000 m apart. It was established that precision results associated with the global estimation variance are only applicable to the area in which the study was undertaken i.e. the findings are not globally applicable although rough approximations can be deduced. For short-term mine planning purposes, further drilling may and is usually required. The guidelines provided in the SANS standard for separation distances are evidently too stringent for both Cases A and B. Therefore, a drill spacing of 500 m, 1000 m and 4000 m should be considered as being more appropriate than the current overly tight spacing. With regard to the use of OK, the findings of this study clearly show that the current Growth Algorithm (GA) technique commonly used by South Africa coal estimators is more appropriate than other alternatives as it outperforms both OK and Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) whether on a global or local scale. The current estimation method used for these cases is therefore appropriate. The current drill grids are too small for global estimation and reporting and thus there is possible overspending if the required estimation precision is between 5 and 10 %. At the current drill spacing, precision is around 2 % within ‘Measured’ areas, which is more than what is required to produce predictable long-term plans.
Hsu, Chun-Ming, and 許峻銘. "Estimation on Groundwater Safty Yield of Taipei Basin by using Geostatistics Method." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/33123155276848398114.
Full text國立成功大學
In discussing groundwater problems, it is important to evaluate groundwater flow precisely. Such evaluation can be accomplished by executing the situ-experiment, but due to the financial limitation of the study, the situ-data available in this research can be limited. However, geostatistics method, requiring few situ-data to generate a statistic result, can overcome the problem of lacking such data in this study. In addition to 130 borehole data obtained in Taipei Basin and 5 conductivity data, this research applied Sequential Gaussian Simulation Method (SGS) to construct the conductivity random spacing field in Taipei Basin. The continuity of the random spacing field is related to the river mud sediment direction. MODFLOW was utilized on the random spacing field, to construct the groundwater model in Taipei Basin and to simulate the groundwater flow behavior. Subsequently, Hill Method and Harding Method were exploited to estimate the groundwater safety yield and safety water level. The result of the study indicates that the areas in Taipei Basin suitable for pumping groundwater are Beitou District, Shilin District, Sindian City and Wugu countryside, while those unsuitable are Zhongshan District, Songshan District, Neihu District. At the aspects of groundwater safety yield and discharging volume, Sindian City has a larger amount of discharging volume, which can provide more safety yield than other areas in the basin. Within the four years from 1999 to 2002, the annual average safety yield in Taipei Basin is about 88.50 million tons per year.
Adjorlolo, Clement. "Estimating woody vegetation cover in an African Savanna using remote sensing and geostatistics." Thesis, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/420.
Full textThesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
Huang, China-Ching, and 黃家慶. "A Study of Estimation Rainfall Spatial Analysis Distribution by Combing Frequency and Geostatistics Approach - Sueh-Pa National Park as an Example." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/4nuz5j.
Full text國立中興大學
In these recent years, because of global warming influence, the climate became more anomalous and hydrology events became more extreme, it caused rainfall distribution in Taiwan area to be more unbalanced, and brought about an extremely severe disaster. In search of the most suitable ways for rainfall spatial distribution in Shei-Pa National Park, this research will take Shei-Pa National Park as the boundary, and use Spline , IDW(Inverse Distance Weighted), Kriging method to estimate the distribution of rainfall space, also compare the merits and demerits of these three methods, and find out the most suitable analysis method that used in this area and Hydrological observation station where is located at severe shortage area. This study will divide the rainfall into long time annual rainfall and short time daily cloudburst, and will be discussed separately, (1) for annual rainfall side, collect in the study area of annual rainfall in year 2000, and estimate its annual rainfall space distribution by using those three methods above, and also use geographical information system and traditional Thiessen Polygons method to calculate the average of annual rainfall volume, for comparing its results. (2) For cloudburst side, collect in the study area of the highest accumulated rainfall volume for 24, 48, 72 delayed rainfall volume, and also use the most extreme value of Gumbel type I distribution method and Log-Pearson Type III distribution method to analyze among 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 rainfall frequency for each year, and also take this rainfall volume as property value, and use those three methods above to estimate the distribution of cloudburst space. (3) Finally, using RMS to analyze annual rainfall and cloudburst space distribution result, and also find out the most suitable method that used in the distribution of rainfall space, and analyze DAD(Depth Area Duration) of this area and also K, n value of Hortan formula. The conclusions of this study are : (1). IDW(Inverse Distance Weighted) and Kriging method are better used in analyzing of annual rainfall space distribution, but the average of annual rainfall volume that analyzed by three methods are almost same, but it is more accurate than the results of analysis by Thiessen Polygons method. (2). Kriging method is better used in analyzing of cloudburst space distribution, its average relative error is only 7%, while by using those two other methods it will be 14%. (3). Although IDW(Inverse Distance Weighted) method is better than Spline method in annual rainfall space distribution, but the results of cloudburst space distribution are the worst, conform to Gotway and other people theory, only the stability of IDW(Inverse Distance Weighted) method is bad, and can be easily influenced by the factors. (4). The annual rainfall space distribution uses 11 sample size, while cloudburst space distribution used 14 sample size, the both sample sizes are different, and cloudburst space distribution relative error is the lowest(only 10%), we can know that if sample sizes are more, the results will be more accurate. (5). Kriging method result is the best after using RMS analysis method. There are two suggestions : (1). The average relative error is only 13.3% by using Kriging analysis method, while by using RMS analysis method, its residual is 76. Therefore, this study suggests using Kriging analysis method in annual and daily rainfall space distribution analysis. (2). When cloudburst is analyzed by using Kriging method, it can cause the boundary of estimate will be wider, thus cloudburst frequency analysis should use Log-Pearson Type III distribution method.
Maakamedi, Maja Ruddy. "Geozone definition of the UG2 reef for improved mineral resource estimation based on statistics and geostatistics at Amandelbult Platinum Mine, Thabazimbi." Thesis, 2020. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/31136.
Full textThe economic viability of any mine is underpinned by its Mineral Resource estimation. Crucial to this is the utilisation of all relevant and available data, to ensure that the resource evaluation process is comprehensive and carried out to the highest standard possible. There is always the case, where, in the initial development stages of a mine project limited data is available however, as the project progresses information regarding the orebody usually also increases. The increase in information opens an opportunity to assess whether the existing estimation method remains suitable and also allows for the modification of the current estimation method to better suit the behaviour of the orebody based on the additional new information. Standard procedure when carrying outa Mineral Resource estimate is to split the orebody into zones that show statistical and geostatistical homogeneity i.e. similar characteristics for example grade and or reef thickness. Of course, when data is limited this privilege might not be possible. The reason being that geostatistics rely of an assumption of second order stationarity which means that the mean and co-variance is consistent irrespective of the location within the orebody, an assumption that cannot be validated with limited data. In recent years the Amandelbult UG2 reef database increased in terms of both surface borehole intersections and underground channel sampling. Splitting the UG2 orebody into homogeneous zones for resource estimation using statistics as well geostatistics is outlined in this research report. Statically the orebody thickness, density and platinum grade show variation across the area of interest, this allowed for subdivision of the orebody into several homogeneous geozones. Both the descriptive statistics and graphical data summaries confirmed local variation in these three variables. The geostatistical analysis involved the creation of two sets of variograms, one for each identified geozone and a global variogram ignoring the individual identified geozones within the project area. Ordinary kriging was used to estimate the UG2 orebody thickness, density and platinum grade using these variograms. A comparison was conducted to check if the quality of the estimates improved by comparing the true values and estimated values and the correlation coefficient of the two indicated that the estimates were improved when using individual variograms rather than a global variogram. Additionally, comparisons of the errors from the true values and estimated values indicate that the Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Error are reduced when using separate variograms rather than using a global variogram when solving the kriging solutions. In conclusion this research study has shown that by delineating the orebody into homogeneous zones for thickness, density and platinum grade and applying ordinary kriging using the relevant individual geozone variograms resulted in improved block estimates for Amandelbult UG2 reef
Haskard, Kathryn Anne. "An anisotropic Matern spatial covariance model: REML estimation and properties." 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2440/47972.
Full texthttp://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1297562
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2007