Academic literature on the topic 'Geological bar'
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Journal articles on the topic "Geological bar"
Luo, Chao, Ailin Jia, Jianlin Guo, Wei Liu, Nanxin Yin, Cen Chen, Junlei Wang, Xuanbo Gao, and Zhiqiang Guo. "Modeling of dense well block point bar architecture based on geological vector information: A case study of the third member of Quantou Formation in Songliao Basin." Open Geosciences 13, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 39–48.
Full textSinaga, Goldberd Harmuda Duva, Agoez Loeqman, Ruben Cornelius Siagian, and Mardame Pangihutan Sinaga. "Analysis of Coulomb Stress Changes in Aceh Earthquake on Sibayak Volcano." Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi 8, no. 2 (December 21, 2022): 217–27.
Full textNeuhoff, P. S., and D. K. Bird. "Partial dehydration of laumontite: thermodynamic constraints and petrogenetic implications." Mineralogical Magazine 65, no. 1 (February 2001): 59–70.
Full textQi, Ren Li, Kai Yuan Chen, Bo Niu, and Zhan Tao Xing. "The Depositional System of Dongying Formation and Subtle Reservoir Exploration in Sha’nan Structural Belt Qikou Sag of Bohai Bay Basin, China." Advanced Materials Research 616-618 (December 2012): 32–37.
Full textLee, J. B., P. R. Osborne, J. C. Williams, and A. S. Woodyatt. "Airborne spectral sensing of hydrothermal alteration minerals." Exploration Geophysics 20, no. 2 (1989): 81.
Full textTong, Rui Ming, Xian Long Lu, and Wei Feng Zheng. "Experiment Study on Bolts Foundation of Large-Jointed Rock Mass in Transmission Lines." Applied Mechanics and Materials 256-259 (December 2012): 344–49.
Full textAleksandrov, Vadim, Marsel Kadyrov, Andrey Ponomarev, Kirill Galinskij, and Sergey Aleksandrov. "Genetic Zoning of the YUV1 Productive Horizon Deposits within the Tagrinsko-Yarainersky Bar." Key Engineering Materials 785 (October 2018): 140–45.
Full textLi, Wanbing, Shaohua Li, Quangong Qu, Huafeng Zhang, Junying Zhao, and Mengjiao Dou. "A Modeling Approach for Beach-Bar Sand Reservoirs Based on Depositional Mode and Sandbody Volume." Minerals 12, no. 8 (July 28, 2022): 950.
Full textLi, Jun Jie, Yuan Fu Zhang, and Guo Guo Liu. "Sedimentary Research of Block8 in Jinglou Oilfield." Advanced Materials Research 1010-1012 (August 2014): 1435–39.
Full textBohloli, Bahman. "Effects of the geological parameters on rock blasting using the Hopkinson split bar." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 34, no. 3-4 (April 1997): 32.e1–32.e9.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Geological bar"
Barr, Jamie Lynn. "Carbon dioxide sequestration underground laser based detection system." Thesis, Montana State University, 2009.
Full textLe, Van-Hoan. "Analyses de microvolumes de gaz par spectroscopie Raman : expériences quantitatives et modélisation des mélanges CO₂-CH₄-N₂." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2020.
Full textQuantitative knowledge of species trapped within fluid inclusions provides key information to better understand geological processes as well as to reconstruct the conditions of paleofluid circulation. CO₂, CH₄, and N₂ are among the most dominant gas species omnipresent in various geological environments, but their quantitative PVX calibration data are not fully established yet. Using the previously published data can therefore lead to non-quantified errors, especially when applied to geological fluids containing generally several substances at elevated pressure and density. The aim of this work is to provide accurate calibration data for the simultaneous determination of PVX properties of pure gases or any binary and ternary mixtures of CO₂, CH₄, and N₂ over 5 to 600 bars at a fixed temperature, directly from Raman spectra. For this, gas mixtures were prepared and compressed using a mixer (GasMix AlyTech) coupled with a homemade pressurization system. Raman in situ analyses of gas mixtures were performed at controlled conditions using an improved HPOC system (High-Pressure Optical Cell) with a transparent microcapillary containing the prepared gas mixtures, placed on a heating-cooling stage (Linkam CAP500). Overall, the uncertainty of the measurement of the PVX properties of fluid inclusions from our calibration equations at 22 or 32 °C is < ± 1 mol%, ~ ± 20 bars, and ~ ± 0.02³ for molar proportion, pressure and density, respectively. The ensuing aim of the project is to interpret the variation trends of the peak position of the CH₄ and N₂ ν1 band for an in-depth understanding. Two theoretical models, i.e., Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential energy approximation and Perturbed hard-sphere fluid model were involved to quantitatively assess the contribution of the attractive and repulsive intermolecular interaction forces to the pressure-induced frequency shifts. A predictive model was also provided to predict the variation trend of the CH₄ ν1 band over a pressure range up to 3000 bars as a function of pressure and composition. Furthermore, the applicability of our calibration data to other laboratories and apparatus and to gas mixtures that contain a small amount of other species (e.g., H2, H2S) was discussed and evaluated. New universal calibration data applicable for other laboratories were then provided. A computer program “FRAnCIs” was also developed to make the application of our calibration data as convenient as possible via a user-friendly interface
Gledhill, Dwight Kuehl. "Calcite dissolution kinetics and solubility in Na-Ca-Mg-Cl brines of geologically relevant composition at 0.1 to 1 bar pCO2 and 25 to 80°C." Diss., Texas A&M University, 2005.
Full textChapalain, Georges. "Étude hydrodynamique et sédimentaire des environnements littoraux dominés par la houle." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1988.
Full textSorensen, Amanda Elizabeth MacKay. "Geologic mapping of exhumed, mid-Cretaceous paleochannel complexes near Castle Dale, Emery County, Utah: On the correlative relationship between the Dakota Sandstone and the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2011.
Full textLazzerini, Fábio Tadeu [UNESP]. "Fontes hidrominerais do Brasil: componentes biologicamente ativos (BAC) naturais." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2013.
Full textConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os ambientes e recursos naturais de fontes hidrominerais devem fazer parte da governança e planejamento estratégico na saúde pública, meio ambiente, bem estar, turismo e mineração. Na atual política nacional observada em: termalismo social/crenoterapia como prática integrativa complementar da medicina (PIC) através da Portaria Ministério da Saúde 971/2006; na exploração e aplicação das águas minerais prevista pelas Portarias Ministério das Minas e Energia 337/2002 e 127/2011; na implementação do turismo de saúde e bem está orientado formalmente pelo Ministério do Turismo (Brasil, 2010) e pela gestão ambiental de recursos hídricos subterrâneos nas Resoluções do Ministério do Meio Ambiente CONAMA 396/2008 e CNRH 107/2010). Assim considerando-as como jazidas ou reservas minerais, para identificar e avaliar tais ocorrências é utilizada a técnica de prospectar suas propriedades de interesse econômico, neste caso, os principais componentes biologicamente ativos ou BAC (“biologically active components”), com seus teores mínimos necessários e em quais tipos de benefícios à saúde. Encontrar tais características em localidades brasileiras foi a principal meta deste trabalho. Por intermédio de compilação bibliográfica foram selecionados onze grupos com um total de sessenta bioativos (BAC) relacionados às fontes hidrominerais, de eficácias internacionalmente demonstradas em aplicações curativas ou restauradoras e em cinco critérios de usos. Além disto, confeccionou-se um banco de dados georreferenciados de exemplos no país, contendo informações para as mesmas variáveis BAC anterirores. Sobreposições de mapas temáticos auxiliaram em avaliações geográficas e geológicas e, finalmente, comparações estatísticas filtraram a seleção de alvos. Resultando em 525 municípios com nascentes ou poços possuindo ao menos uma evidencia de BAC. Os argumentos utilizados foram importantes na demonstração da...
The natural surrounds and resources wrapping hot or mineral springs belong to sustainable matter involving governance and strategic planning of public health, environment, welfare, tourism and mining sectors. Noted it, through the current Brazilian policy demand: social thermalism/hydrotherapy/crenotherapy selected like complementary alternative medicine (CAM) by health ministry law MS 971/2006 (PNPIC), hydro-thermal therapy qualifying DNPM (MME Ordinance 127/2011 and MME 337/2002), health and wellness tourism formally oriented by tourism ministry and environmental management groundwater resources (Resolution MME / CONAMA 396/2008 and MME / CNRH 107/2010). Whereas as fresh potable reserves or potential mineral aquatic strategic deposits, the main biologically active components (BAC) were identified, with their minimum levels needed to related health benefits. Similar to conventional mining prospection, these “cut off grade” detection, at natural occurrences from Brazil, was the major goal in this work. The bibliographic systematic review allowed identify the main bioactive substances (BAC) related to springs sources of elements enougth or proven as health beneficial and at which indications. Wards after, it was performed a georeferenced database with these same variables (BAC) from Brazilian springs. Overlays all through thematic maps assisted in geographical and geological evaluations, whereas, at the end, statistical comparisons filtered target selection at all. The total 60 possible natural BAC and its minimum values for efficacy globally reviewed and established were detected at least one BAC occurrence from 703 mineral springs at 525 Brazilian cities. The arguments utilized were important in demonstrating the abundant and diverse existence of this endowment, where its potential health applications are virtually unknown today
Lazzerini, Fábio Tadeu. "Fontes hidrominerais do Brasil : componentes biologicamente ativos (BAC) naturais /." Rio Claro, 2013.
Full textBanca: Dejanira Franceschi de Angelis
Banca: Jairo Roberto Jiménez Rueda
Banca: Jorge Luis Nepomuceno de Lima
Banca: Daniel Figueira de Barros
Resumo: Os ambientes e recursos naturais de fontes hidrominerais devem fazer parte da governança e planejamento estratégico na saúde pública, meio ambiente, bem estar, turismo e mineração. Na atual política nacional observada em: termalismo social/crenoterapia como prática integrativa complementar da medicina (PIC) através da Portaria Ministério da Saúde 971/2006; na exploração e aplicação das águas minerais prevista pelas Portarias Ministério das Minas e Energia 337/2002 e 127/2011; na implementação do turismo de saúde e bem está orientado formalmente pelo Ministério do Turismo (Brasil, 2010) e pela gestão ambiental de recursos hídricos subterrâneos nas Resoluções do Ministério do Meio Ambiente CONAMA 396/2008 e CNRH 107/2010). Assim considerando-as como jazidas ou reservas minerais, para identificar e avaliar tais ocorrências é utilizada a técnica de prospectar suas propriedades de interesse econômico, neste caso, os principais componentes biologicamente ativos ou BAC ("biologically active components"), com seus teores mínimos necessários e em quais tipos de benefícios à saúde. Encontrar tais características em localidades brasileiras foi a principal meta deste trabalho. Por intermédio de compilação bibliográfica foram selecionados onze grupos com um total de sessenta bioativos (BAC) relacionados às fontes hidrominerais, de eficácias internacionalmente demonstradas em aplicações curativas ou restauradoras e em cinco critérios de usos. Além disto, confeccionou-se um banco de dados georreferenciados de exemplos no país, contendo informações para as mesmas variáveis BAC anterirores. Sobreposições de mapas temáticos auxiliaram em avaliações geográficas e geológicas e, finalmente, comparações estatísticas filtraram a seleção de alvos. Resultando em 525 municípios com nascentes ou poços possuindo ao menos uma evidencia de BAC. Os argumentos utilizados foram importantes na demonstração da...
Abstract: The natural surrounds and resources wrapping hot or mineral springs belong to sustainable matter involving governance and strategic planning of public health, environment, welfare, tourism and mining sectors. Noted it, through the current Brazilian policy demand: social thermalism/hydrotherapy/crenotherapy selected like complementary alternative medicine (CAM) by health ministry law MS 971/2006 (PNPIC), hydro-thermal therapy qualifying DNPM (MME Ordinance 127/2011 and MME 337/2002), health and wellness tourism formally oriented by tourism ministry and environmental management groundwater resources (Resolution MME / CONAMA 396/2008 and MME / CNRH 107/2010). Whereas as fresh potable reserves or potential mineral aquatic strategic deposits, the main biologically active components (BAC) were identified, with their minimum levels needed to related health benefits. Similar to conventional mining prospection, these "cut off grade" detection, at natural occurrences from Brazil, was the major goal in this work. The bibliographic systematic review allowed identify the main bioactive substances (BAC) related to springs sources of elements enougth or proven as health beneficial and at which indications. Wards after, it was performed a georeferenced database with these same variables (BAC) from Brazilian springs. Overlays all through thematic maps assisted in geographical and geological evaluations, whereas, at the end, statistical comparisons filtered target selection at all. The total 60 possible natural BAC and its minimum values for efficacy globally reviewed and established were detected at least one BAC occurrence from 703 mineral springs at 525 Brazilian cities. The arguments utilized were important in demonstrating the abundant and diverse existence of this endowment, where its potential health applications are virtually unknown today
Brivio, Lara. "Morphodynamic evolution of meandering channels in tidal landscapes: sedimentology and stratal architecture." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2016.
Full textI canali meandriformi costituiscono una delle principali componenti dei sistemi tidali e, come le relative point bar, sono una caratteri ricorrenti all'interno delle successioni sedimentarie lagunari. Tuttavia, un numero limitato di studi hanno analizzato l’evoluzione morfodinamica e le caratteristiche morfometriche di canali meandriformi tidali. La loro architettura interna e la distribuzione delle facies sedimentarie sono relativamente inesplorate, e comunemente investigate utilizzando i modelli di facies sviluppati per i meandri fluviali. Concentrandosi sulle differenze, più che sulle similitudini, tra i meandri tidali e fluviali, questo lavoro si propone di investigare le architetture stratali e la distribuzione delle facies sedimentarie delle point bar selezionate nella della Laguna di Venezia (Mare Adriatico, Italia). In questo lavoro vengono affrontate tre problematiche principali: i) il ruolo dei tributari di ordine inferiore nell'evoluzione dei meandri tidali; ii) l’influenza dell'aggradazione delle barene nella modellazione delle geometrie delle point bar tidali; iii) i processi sedimentari e le variazioni morfodinamiche agenti sulle point bar subtidali. L’evoluzione morfodinamica dei canali tidali, e i relativi prodotti sedimentari, sono stati analizzati utilizzando un approccio multidisciplinare, che comprende la comparazione di foto storiche, l’interpretazione di profili sub-bottom ad alta risoluzione, log di carote e modellazione 3D. I risultati principali ottenuti dai tre siti in esame evidenziano che: I) gli affluenti laterali possono influenzare fortemente l’evoluzione dei meandri, modificando i meccanismi locali di distribuzione dei flussi e dei sedimenti; II) la migrazione delle point bar tidali avviene in contesti aggradazionali, sia in ambienti intertidali che subtidali; III) le barre subtidali evolvono sotto l’influenza della forte interazione tra correnti da onde e di marea.
Hájek, Jan. "Projekt podzemních garáží v Brně." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012.
Full textVan, Noord Kenrick A. A. "Deep-marine sedimentation and volcanism in the Silverwood Group, New England Fold Belt, Australia." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1999.
Find full textBooks on the topic "Geological bar"
Shan gu de feng he kuang bao de yu: Xin Zhongguo di kan ye de cheng yong guo cheng he hua die wen ti. Beijing: Di zhen chu ban she, 1999.
Find full textMruma, A. H. Historia ya wakala wa jiologia Tanzania: Miaka 50 ya uhuru Tanzania bara. Dodoma, Tanzania: Geological Survey of Tanzania, 2011.
Find full textKonigsmark, Ted. Geologic trips: San Francisco and the Bay Area. Gualala, Calif: GeoPress, 1998.
Find full textDi zhi yi chan bao hu yu kai fa: Study on the geological heritage's protection and exploitation. Wuhan Shi: Zhongguo di zhi da xue chu ban she, 2011.
Find full textPeiser, Benny Josef. Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilisations: Archaeological, Geological, Astronomical and Cultural Perspectives (Bar International Series). British Archaeological Reports, 1998.
Find full textLivermore, Roy. Poles Apart. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textCvancara, Alan M. Bare Bones Geology: For the Geologically Challenged. Trafford Publishing, 2006.
Find full textGeologic map of the Gold Bar Canyon quadrangle, Grand County, Utah. Utah Geological Survey, 1994.
Full textGeologic map of the Gold Bar Canyon quadrangle, Grand County, Utah. Utah Geological Survey, 1991.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Geological bar"
Hartkamp-Bakker, C. A., and M. E. Donselaar. "Permeability Patterns in Point Bar Deposits: Tertiary Loranca Basin, Central Spain." In The Geological Modelling of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogues, 157–68. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.
Full textPoag, C. Wylie, Christian Koeberl, and Wolf Uwe Reimold. "Geological Framework of Impact Site." In The Chesapeake Bay Crater, 41–72. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
Full textPoag, C. Wylie, Christian Koeberl, and Wolf Uwe Reimold. "Geological Consequences of Chesapeake Bay Impact." In The Chesapeake Bay Crater, 287–300. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
Full textHoward, Gary C., and Matthew R. Kaser. "Geological Forces that Built San Diego Bay." In Making and Unmaking of San Diego Bay, 7–22. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2021.
Full textSydnor, Robert. "Geologic hazards." In Geology of San Francisco and Vicinity: San Francisco Bay Region, California: July 1–7, 1989, 35–38. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 1989.
Full textBarazangi, Muawia, Eric Fielding, Bryan Isacks, and Dogan Seber. "Geophysical and Geological Databases and CTBT Monitoring: A Case Study of the Middle East." In Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 197–224. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.
Full textBillingsley, George H., and Donald P. Elston. "Geologic log of the Colorado River from Lees Ferry to Temple Bar, Lake Mead, Arizona." In Geology of Grand Canyon, Northern Arizona (with Colorado River Guides): Lee Ferry to Pierce Ferry, Arizona, 1–36. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 1989.
Full textNguyen, Lan Chau, Tuan-Nghia Do, and Quoc Dinh Nguyen. "Characteristics and Remedy Solutions for a New Mong Sen Deep-Seated Landslide, Sapa Town, Vietnam." In Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 Issue 2, 2022, 403–13. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textWiggers, Raymond. "The Loop." In Chicago in Stone and Clay, 75–100. Cornell University Press, 2022.
Full textErnst, W. G. "Accretionary terrane in the Sawyers Bar area of the Western Triassic and Paleozoic Belt, central Klamath Mountains, northern California." In Geological Society of America Special Papers, 297–306. Geological Society of America, 1990.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Geological bar"
Nejadi, Siavash, and Stephen M. Hubbard. "Measuring Connectivity in Complex Reservoirs: Implications for Oil Sands Development." In SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference. SPE, 2022.
Full textMaulana, A. D. "Increasing The Resolution of Seismic Imaging With Spectral Blueing, Spectral Decomposition RGB And HSV Blending to Delineate The Fluvial Facies on Fluvio Deltaic Environment." In Indonesian Petroleum Association - 46th Annual Convention & Exhibition 2022. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2022.
Full textZuta, John, Kåre Olav Vatne, Reza Askarhinade, Jan Erik Iversen, Arild Lohne, Mohammed Mousa Al-Noth, Ali Mehrabi, and Nicolas Thompson. "CO2 Caprock Threshold Pressure Measurements for the Northern Lights Reservoir." In SPE Norway Subsurface Conference. SPE, 2022.
Full textMa, L., C. Lu, J. C. Guo, Y. C. Wang, Z. X. Jiang, B. G. Chen, Y. L. Zhou, et al. "Study on the Optimization of the Integrated Process Parameters of Fracturing and Flooding in Beach Bar Sand Reservoir." In 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA, 2023.
Full textMathieu, Ph, R. Dubuisson, S. Houyou, and R. Nihart. "New Concept of CO2 Removal Technologies in Power Generation, Combined With Fossil Fuel Recovery and Long Term CO2 Sequestration." In ASME Turbo Expo 2000: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.
Full textPeat, Stephnie, David Jones, Daniel Boyde, Dario Frigo, Gordon Graham, Tuyet-Hang Le-Goff, and Frederic Lagarde. "Innovative Dynamic Laboratory Testing Methods and Workflow for Evaluating and Mitigating Carbon Dioxide Injection Challenges in Geological Storage Prospects." In ADIPEC. SPE, 2022.
Full textSun, Ziting, and Huazhou Li. "Phase Behavior Modeling for Carbon Dioxide/Brine Mixtures Using PR EOS and Huron-Vidal Mixing Rule." In ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
Full textWu, Ivan Zhia, Sarvagya Parashar, Banu Andhika, Susan Syahdina, Arrie Kurniawan, Yoga Wismoyo, and Muhammad Ardhyan Jannatan. "Sand Body Trend Delineation Decrypting from Stratigraphic Dip Pattern Analysis: Case Study within a Fluvio-Deltaic Setting, East Kalimantan, Indonesia." In International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2021.
Full textBacchi, Luca, Marco Medoro, and Giampaolo Annoni. "Ranking Models for Managing the Integrity of Ageing Pipelines." In 2022 14th International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Geological bar"
Dafoe, L. T., and N. Bingham-Koslowski. Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textDafoe, L. T., and N. Bingham-Koslowski. Baffin Island and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway GIS data. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textLavoie, D., N. Pinet, S. Zhang, J. Reyes, C. Jiang, O. H. Ardakani, M. M. Savard, et al. Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, Moose River, and Foxe basins: synthesis of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program activities from 2008 to 2018. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textLavoie, D., K. Dewing, M. Bringué, K. M. Fallas, R. Fensome, S A Gouwy, T. Hadlari, et al. Introduction et sommaire. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textLavoie, D., K. Dewing, M. Bringué, K. M. Fallas, R. Fensome, S A Gouwy, T. Hadlari, et al. Introduction and summary. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textCulshaw, N. G., G. Check, D. Corrigan, J. Drage, R. Gower, M. J. Haggart, P. Wallace, and N. Wodicka. Georgian Bay Geological Synthesis: Dillon To Twelve Mile Bay, Grenville Province of Ontario. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1989.
Full textO'Neill, H. B., S. A. Wolfe, and C. Duchesne. Preliminary modelling of ground ice abundance in the Slave Geological Province, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
Full textO'Brien, B., P. D. Barrette, D. A. Kenney, G. F. Gouthro, and S E Palmer. Geological map of the Mahone Bay area, Nova Scotia. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1985.
Full textFurey, D., and D. F. Strong. Geological map of the Belleoram Pluton, Fortune Bay, Newfoundland. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1986.
Full textCulshaw, N., D. Corrigan, J. Ketchum, and P. Wallace. Georgian Bay Geological Synthesis: Twelve Mile Bay To Port Severn, Grenville Province of Ontario. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1990.
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