Academic literature on the topic 'Géographie (discipline) – Enseignement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Géographie (discipline) – Enseignement"
Tricart, Jean. "Place du géographe dans l’étude des problèmes d’aménagement régional et de développement." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 14, no. 31 (April 12, 2005): 63–77.
Full textSaint-Yves, Maurice. "Matériel didactique et méthodes en géographie." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 20, no. 51 (April 12, 2005): 505–19.
Full textArroyo Ilera, Fernando, and Amparo Pérez Boldo. "Reflexiones sobre el espacio geográfico y su enseñanza." Estudios Geográficos 58, no. 229 (August 9, 2018): 513.
Full textClaval, Paul. "La logique de l’enseignement de la géographie dans les universités." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 14, no. 31 (April 12, 2005): 49–62.
Full textDelacroix, Christian. "Un tournant pédagogique dans la formation des enseignants Le cas du Capes d’histoire-géographie." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 70, no. 01 (March 2015): 191–203.
Full textRodrigues, Tuane Telles, and Eduardo Schiavone Cardoso. "A IMPORTÂNCIA DOS ESTUDOS COSMOGRÁFICOS PARA A LICENCIATURA EM GEOGRAFIA." Revista da Casa da Geografia de Sobral (RCGS) 22, no. 1 (April 24, 2020): 24–39.
Full textRoncayolo, Marcel. "Histoire et Géographie : Les Fondements D'Une Complémentarité." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 44, no. 6 (December 1989): 1427–34.
Full textOliveira, Adeliane Vieira de. "A FORMAÇÃO DO PROFESSOR DE GEOGRAFIA PARA ALÉM DO CONTEÚDO: EXPERIÊNCIAS E VIVÊNCIAS NA PERSPECTIVA DA EDUCAÇÃO CARTOGRÁFICA." Revista da Casa da Geografia de Sobral (RCGS) 22, no. 1 (April 24, 2020): 4–23.
Full textAparecida de Souza, Maria Adélia. "Geografia, paisagens e a felicidade." GeoTextos 9, no. 2 (December 23, 2013).
Full textEnquête, Association. "Faire vivre la laïcité : développer l’esprit critique sur les faits religieux." Des religions et l'école, no. 201 (November 23, 2022).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Géographie (discipline) – Enseignement"
Vaugien, Martine. "Contribution à la didactique de la géographie pour une éducation géographique." Aix-Marseille 2, 1991.
Full textThe researches in geography teaching methods intend to throw a new light on geography in school in order to bring out the role of the geographical discourse in education. The geographical information participates in a market where supply comes essentially from the school sphere but also more and more from a new "parallel" geographical press. Demand depends on society's various orientations. Teaching methods use communication and new technologies which raise some matters linked with their problematic to question about the notions of public and message (who are the studients? which geography? which training?). In this scope the two partners of the teaching communication are subject to particular studies : the teacher (his role, his training, his pratices) ; the pupil (his relation with geography, his representations and perceptions, how does he learn?). An original analysis of french polynesia and wallis' and futuna's pupils together with metropolitan information permit a particular approach of the pupils. This work leads up to the outline of a model for geographical education wich aim is to structure teaching
Le, Gràs Corinne. "De la géographie universitaire à la géographie scolaire : les didacticiels de géographie." Rouen, 1992.
Full textA didactic approach is absolutly necessary to produce softwares to teach geography. This new approach gives an important function to geography and establishes scolar geography into scientific geography. In France. The absence of this approach has produced an inorganized material. In Great Britain, the application of this approach places an organized material in position. In suit with this problematic, three softwares have been produced. The first two softwares concerned industrial geography, the third is about water cycle. The aims of theses softwares are to make children produced spatial analysis notions. So, these softwares are able to restore scholar geography. But these softwares hope to be models for other productions. A methodologic approach shows how scholar geography emerges from scientific geography. A technic analysis described the informatic langage used beside. But we can't forget that a complementary work with information men is the on'y way to produce more softwares. Finally, the analysis of some scholar programs shows it is possible to consider the production of innovating softwares
Lefort, Isabelle. "Géographie savante - géographie scolaire (1870-1970) : éléments pour une histoire de la pensée géographique." Paris 1, 1990.
Full textFor a hundred years, reglementary structures of geography didn't change much. Beeing instituted in secondary schools in 1870, after end because the defeat. Geography was not very modified in the programm, particurlaly from 1902, but, about the same time, scientific geography, which was nomenclatural and historical , became a scientific subject with the works of p. Vidal de la blache. Before p. Vidal scientific people such as e. Lavasseur or m. Dubois worked to establish a new scientific and a new geography at school. But vidalian geography became integrated into reglementary unsuited strucutres, which disrupted its consistency and its methodological bases. Scientific geography, which proceeds from particular object - regional monography- t0 general one, fit into educational process which is based on an opposite one. More over, the simplification, of the scientificgeography is such that geography at school became devoid if interest and completely tyopological. At first, geography at school needed scientific and reference subject ; after, it revealed in the same time the weaknesses of scienctif geography and diverted its meaning
Ben, Salah Oualid. "Épistémologie et didactique de la ville : de l'évolution de l'enseignement tunisien à l'expérience française." Paris 7, 2003.
Full textIn a first stage, this work is based on the case of Tunisia. Teaching about towns is set in the context of the general inspiration on Tunisian secondary schools, specially of the 1991 reform. The current practice is then described using comparative studies of two text books for the 2nd class of secondary schools. Secondly more general problems are considered, with a confrontation between problems and solutions used in France and Tunisia. Original methods for teaching of town geography, such as games, are studied in the first place; then, a picture of the part played by towns in didactic research by French geographers is shown. Last, the relations between academic research in geography and didactics, as well as between didactics and epistemological problems are taken into account. This leads to suggestions concerning topics for further reflection and practical solutions
Hergli, Majed. "Géographie scolaire et développement inégal : la nécessite d'une nouvelle représentation du monde. L’exemple de la géographie scolaire tunisienne." Paris 7, 2000.
Full textBen, Ahmed Abdessatar. "Une géographie nationale à l'heure de la mondialisation : l'exemple de la géographie scolaire tunisienne." Paris 7, 1999.
Full textFor the past decade, the geographical approach has been showing a perceptible paradigmatic modulation. What is really at issue in the geography field is the space dimension of societies prepars to put natural and biological idologies once important in the classical geography, in a lowering perspective, as a new focus of attention. At the same time, the birth of a complicated outlined new world space, more or less questions the classical of geographical approach, such as the state or the region. Especially the conflict between the national protection attitudes and the world dimensions a few geographical phenomena in geography taught at scool has become more and more unbearable. Geography taught in tunisia scools highlighys this still-too-present bad way to handle all-toodominatiing chorologique pattern (the state) and the intricate spaces of the globalization. Consequently on the basis of a few key-words, an idea what wold be a geographical culture at school is bound to be affered. Concepts such as space, territory, place, area are likely to be tools to handle current or formerly geography approaches. The working hypothesis at a chieving a further efficient didactic, fully including the nolonger-left-out theory aspect
Rentzos, Ioannis. "La ville et son enseignement en géographie dans le contexte socio-éducatif grec." Paris 7, 2002.
Full textThe general framework is made up by an internal geopolitical approach (intranational) where the current state of the teaching of geography in Greece is considered and studied as an action against socile interests. This text, while presenting the general situation of geographical teaching in Greece, makes use, in its greatest part, of the notion of the city/town as a principal indicator of this teaching. In Greek secondary education, the geography is taught only in the first two classes of gymnasium (12 to 14 years), in fact too little. However, given that diffusion of geographical knowledge within a society has also geopolitical and ideological aspects, the absence of the geography teaching or the decrease of teaching hours has also to be regarded as a geopolitical and ideological act. .
Briand, Médéric. "La géographie scolaire au prisme des sorties : pour une approche sensible à l’école élémentaire." Caen, 2014.
Full textThe teaching practices of geography school outings are not well-known in the French primary schools, even though they exist. A study enabled to meet primary school teachers and their pupils in these outing situations, before asking them to test a protocol aiming at teaching geography by the sensitive. The study also crossed an epistemological approach of the field and the sensitive with the different ways the Institution regards geography school outings and with the perspective of a specialized researcher. Therefore, the object of study focussed on the tensions between the call for the sensitive and the functioning of the school discipline. Then appears the ambivalence of geography school teaching in primary schools which is both rich and forgetful of its history in school outing practices. The results of the study also enabled to lay the foundations of a renewal of the teaching of geography at school through the lens of school outings and milestones for innovative practices
Wallet, Jacques. "Images animées et enseignement de la géographie pour les élèves de l'école élémentaire et du collège." Paris 7, 1994.
Full textThe research's subjet is didactical. The monie has never been and never becuine a document of the tradition in french way to learn geography. The research tries to explain the position of a monie in a didactical project the story of the production of monies, four earliers documentanes, by "school monies" to new technologie, is the mean issue
Freia, Alice Binda. "La construction de la géographie scolaire au Mozambique et le statut des figures." Paris 7, 2006.
Full textAfter by the Mozambique's independence the «geography« subject taught in school became in the context «post colonial geography», and bas fixed as main targets two priorities: the build up of the national unit and the country's development. In order to attain those finalities -said revolutionary- they went, as a paradox, looking for references of the subject, in the «metropolitan geography» as follows: separating the world in parts; territories always related to the country (nation); the space often studied through a plan articulated throughout the natural resources theme, and the presentation of the parts of the world, having as starting point the spaces of origin we belong to. On the other hand the school geography has been organized with a dichotomy between «physic geography» and «economic geography», actually it remaining up to date. This type of reading of the world (through geographical demonstration) has been imprinted on the school subject justifying the remaining of certain figures as the Climate graphic and the Age pyramid. Those two graphics are real sources of difficulty as much for the student as for the teachers at once
Books on the topic "Géographie (discipline) – Enseignement"
Enseigner l'histoire-géographie par le problème? Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Géographie mondiale: le milieu humain cgu4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Le Canada et le monde: une analyse géographique cgw4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Danse atc4m cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Histoire de l'Occident et du monde chy4c cours précollégial. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: English eae4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Comptabilité de la petite entreprise ban4e. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Mathématiques de la vie courante mel4e cours préemploi. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: English eae4c cours précollégial. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: The writer's craft eac4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
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