Academic literature on the topic 'GEO STUDIO SLOPE/W'

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Journal articles on the topic "GEO STUDIO SLOPE/W"


Vivekananda, Sankarpana, and Chappidi Hanumantha Rao. "Probabilistic stability analysis of narasimharaya sagar earthen dam by using geo-studio software." E3S Web of Conferences 391 (2023): 01039.

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Since every potential failure scenario might result in significant losses in both lives and property, the construction of dams needs extensive research to ensure the safety and feasibility of these large engineering structures. In this article, the Analyses should be performed upon specifically to evaluate seepage, slope stability, and soil liquefaction of significant earthen dam. A numerical technique employing the finite element method (FEM) was used in this article. Finite element software (GEO-STUDIO 2022) was used to carry out both steady-state and transient seepage analyses and pseudo-static ground motion That deals with the present work behavior of the Narasimharaya Sagar (Gorakallu Balancing Reservoir) earthen dam which is in the earthquake prone area of Zone II (as per IS 1893-2002).Geostudio 2022’s SLOPE/W, SEEP/W, and QUAKE/W tools examine the stability characteristics slope, seepage, and earthquake (finite element modelling based software). The model with the reservoir at full capacity is initially examined using SEEP/W to identify the piezometric line, which serves as the foundation for SLOPE/W to determine slope stability. Afterwards, it is exposed to a 0.1 peak ground acceleration earthquake motion using QUAKE/W to know its dynamic stability.
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Nofrizal, Nofrizal, and Septiwila Zarinda. "STUDI EKPERIMENTAL RESPON INTENSITAS HUJAN DAN TEKANAN AIR PORI TANAH PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP KERUNTUHAN LERENG." Ensiklopedia of Journal 4, no. 2 (January 24, 2022): 296–302.

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Malalak is one of the youngest sub-districts in Agam Regency, the district was previously included in the administration of the district IV koto. Malalak sub-district officially separated its elf into its own sub-district on May 24, 2007. Simalaka Road (Sicincin-Malalak-Balingka) connects between Balingka nagari in district IV Koto, Malalak nagari in Malalak sub-district, and Tandikek nagari, Patamuan, Sicincin in Padang Pariaman district.This study is classified into applied research. will use soil parameter and rainfal to find out, and analyze the extent of rain characteristics on slope collapse, as well as compare the safe factors obtained using fellenius medote and Geo-studio V Software, due to disturbed soil stability or slope building rocks.In determining the value dari the safety factor of the slope by using software Geo-Slope /W obtained the value of safety factor is 0.70. The result of vibrational influence as well as the frequent rain stability of the slopes experienced a considerable decrease in the safety value of the slopes and showed that the slope conditions unstable. Analisis safety factor from research conducted on malalak road section KM 31 can be summed up a few things as follows. From the analysis obtained a definition of the factors that cause slope unstableness. From the calculation results can be that rainwater infiltration is very influential to the stability of the slope, where safety factors or FK (Safety Factor) slopes decrease along with the length of rainwater infiltration that occurs in the area especially during the soil hoarding process occurs, this can be seen from the results of geostudio analysis and fellenius method that shows reduced slope safety factors.
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Yuan, Yu Lin, and Yun Feng Peng. "Analysis for the Seepage Stability of the Upstream Cofferdam of One Hydropower Station." Applied Mechanics and Materials 441 (December 2013): 286–90.

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According to the geological conditions of upstream cofferdam and foundation of the hydropower station, analysis for the seepage of the upstream cofferdam used SEEP/W module of Geo-studio software. Analysis for the stability used SLOPE/W module with Swedish circle method and Bishop method. Safety factor of the upstream and downstream in different conditions was obtained. The results show that the design of the upstream cofferdam was reasonable, and it will provide theoretical basis for Seepage control design of cofferdam.
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海, 强., and 玉卓 王. "基于Geo-studio的金池街滑坡稳定性分析." 工程技术与管理 4, no. 15 (January 8, 2021): 122.

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海, 强., and 玉卓 王. "基于Geo-studio的金池街滑坡稳定性分析." 工程技术与管理 4, no. 15 (January 8, 2021): 122.

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Hermansyah, Hermansyah, Irwan Irwan, Habib Satria, and Indri Dayana. "Simulation of Cofferdam Calculations Using Geo-Studio Application in Peusangan Hydropower Dam Construction." Andalasian International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology 3, no. 2 (August 6, 2023): 89–92.

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Cofferdam is a building in the form of earth, stone, concrete or masonry filling and holds water, prevents flooding, provides irrigation. The building has many functions such as for agriculture, power generation, and tourist attractions. Cofferdam will also be very helpful in flood control which will control flood water so that it will not overflow excessively which endangers the surrounding community. Besides having great benefits. If the cofferdam collapses (broken) it will cause flash floods that result in casualties. Therefore the cofferdam must be designed safely and technically feasible. The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach using the 2012 GEO-SLOPE program. The conclusions from the analysis of slope seepage and seepage stability are the Critical Safety Factors for cofferdam stability according to the results of the analysis after running SLOPE/W are 1.711 & 1.512 because it is higher than 1.5 (SNI 8460:2017 Geotechnical Requirements Design, This means that the stability of the cofferdam is safe. The modeling results show that the seepage discharge is 1.81x10-7 m3/s = 1.81x10-4 liters/sec = 15.64 liters/day which is smaller than the maximum allowable discharge of 50 liters/day. So it can be concluded that the seepage discharge is safe.
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Gupta, Alinda, Md Azijul Islam, and Md Jobair Bin Alam. "Numerical Evaluation of Slope Stability based on Temporal Variation of Hydraulic Conductivity." E3S Web of Conferences 382 (2023): 24003.

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Slope failure is a common phenomenon all over the world on both man-made and natural slopes. Prolonged rainfall is one of the climatic factors which is largely responsible for slope failure. During heavy and prolonged rainfall, a part of the rainwater infiltrates through the soil and seeps into the slope. The infiltrated water lowers the matric suction and increases the porewater pressure. Eventually, the generated porewater pressure decreases the strength of the soil which results in slope failures. To evaluate the effect of rainwater seepage on slope stability, it is necessary to investigate the hydraulic conductivity of the slope soil. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of hydraulic conductivity on slope failure mechanisms. A finite element analysis of slope stability was conducted using Geo-Studio software. A numerical model was developed and calibrated with field monitoring data. The field monitoring data included the observation of hydraulic conductivity using a Guelph Permeameter. Afterward, the temporal variation of rainfall and hydraulic conductivity was incorporated into the SEEP/W program and the consequent changes in slope stability were evaluated in SLOPE/W. From the numerical analysis, with the identical strength parameters of the soil, different factors of safety were observed when the slope sections retain different hydraulic properties. Based on the numerical analysis, it was observed that hydraulic conductivity greater than 4×10-6 cm/s leads to slope failure. Periodic monitoring of hydraulic conductivity in the field may provide deep insight into rainfall-induced slope failures.
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Yu, Shuyang, Xuhua Ren, Jixun Zhang, Haijun Wang, Junlei Wang, and Wenwei Zhu. "Seepage, Deformation, and Stability Analysis of Sandy and Clay Slopes with Different Permeability Anisotropy Characteristics Affected by Reservoir Water Level Fluctuations." Water 12, no. 1 (January 10, 2020): 201.

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Evaluation of slope stability under water level fluctuations is an important topic in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) in China. However, most of the previous studies regarded slope soil as isotropic material, or only considered the influence of anisotropy ratio (kr = kx/ky) but ignored the anisotropy direction (α). Meanwhile, the pore pressure–stress coupling was rarely considered in the previous numerical simulations. In the present study, the SIGMA/W and SLOPE/W modules in Geo-studio are utilized to carry out the numerical simulation of Caipo slope under the drawdown of the reservoir water level, and the anisotropy ratio (kr) as well as the anisotropy direction (α) of two kinds of soils (clay and sand) are included. Results show that the anisotropy ratio kr and anisotropy direction α decrease the infiltration capacity of the soil, which increases the infiltration line hysteretic elevation (ILHE) as well as maximum horizontal displacement (MHD), and reduces the minimum safety factor (MSF). The slope toe firstly fails with the drawdown of water level. The influence of reservoir water level drop on seepage, deformation, and stability of the sand slope is less than that of the clay slope. For the sandy soil slope, it is not only necessary to consider the influence of kr, but also the influence of α. For the soil slope, we can only consider α in order to simplify calculation.
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Yu, Shuyang, Xuhua Ren, Jixun Zhang, Haijun Wang, and Zhitao Zhang. "Sensibility Analysis of the Hydraulic Conductivity Anisotropy on Seepage and Stability of Sandy and Clayey Slope." Water 12, no. 1 (January 18, 2020): 277.

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Evaluation of slope stability under rainfall is an important topic of Geotechnical Engineering. In order to study the influence of anisotropy ratio (kr = kx/ky) and anisotropy direction (α) on the seepage and stability of a slope, the SEEP/W and SLOPE/W modules in Geo-studio were utilized to carry out the numerical analysis of a homogeneous slope in Luogang District, Guangzhou City, China, which is based on the theory of unsaturated seepage and stability. Two kinds of soils (clay and sand) were included. Results show that: For sandy soil slope, the increase of kr promotes the rainfall infiltration, and the decrease of α prevents the rainfall infiltration. The maximum water content of the surface (MWCS) reaches maximum with the increase of kr and α. The rising height of groundwater (RHG) is −3–4 m and the safety factor (SF) is 1.3–1.7. For clayey soil slope, variations of kr and α have little impact on the seepage characteristics and slope stability. The MWCS remains almost the same. The rainfall infiltration depth (RID) is 0.5–1 m and the SF is about 1.7. Therefore, for sandy soil slope, it is not only necessary to consider the influence of kr, but also the influence of α. For clayey soil slope, it can be treated as isotropic material to simplify calculation.
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Imani, Fiorentina Novella Fajri, Gerard Aponno, and Akhmad Suryadi. "ANALISIS STABILITAS TUBUH BENDUNGAN PADA BENDUNGAN SEMANTOK KABUPATEN NGANJUK PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR." Jurnal JOS-MRK 2, no. 4 (December 15, 2021): 22–27.

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Bendungan Semantok merupakan bendungan urugan tipe zonal (inti vertikal) dengan 6 zona timbunan. Bendungan Semantok merupakan prasarana pengairan yang mempunyai resiko sangat tinggi jika mengalami kegagalan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui besar kapasitas debit rembesan, potensi kemungkinan terjadinya erosi internal, faktor keamanan stabilitas lereng (kondisi tanpa dan dengan beban gempa), spesifikasi dan metode pelaksanaan serta perhitungan rencana anggaran biaya pada pekerjaan galian dan timbunan main dam. Data yang diperlukan diantaranya adalah data teknis bendungan, data tanah asli, data material timbunan tubuh bendungan, dan gambar desain bendungan. Penggambaran flownet dibuat dengan metode grafis lalu dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan rembesan menggunakan rumus Cassagrande dan menggunakan program Geo-Studio SEEP/W 2012. Perhitungan faktor keamanan stabilitas lereng menggunakan program Geo-Studio SLOPE/W 2012 dengan metode Fellenius. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh kapasitas debit rembesan yang terjadi < 1% dari rata-rata debit sungai yang masuk ke dalam waduk (0,02080 m3/detik) sehingga aman dari rembesan. Faktor keamanan terhadap erosi internal memiliki nilai 4,384 > 4 sehingga aman terhadap erosi internal. Stabilitas lereng dianalisis dalam berbagai kondisi muka air dengan dan tanpa beban gempa menghasilkan beberapa angka FK di bawah FK minimum sehingga perlu ditambah perkuatan berupa geosintetik jenis geogrid. Alat berat yang dibutuhkan adalah Excavator, Excavator+Breaker, Dump Truck, Baby Roller, Sheep Foot Roller, Smooth Drum Roller, Vibrator Roller, dan Bulldozer dengan jumlah yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan di lapangan. Biaya yang dibutuhkan adalah sebesar Rp. 527.835.264.000,00 untuk pekerjaan galian dan timbunan main dam Bendungan Semantok.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "GEO STUDIO SLOPE/W"



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The one of the main trouble in the industry of construction is on account of topography nature and the weather conditions is Slope stability . Excavations, hill roads, railway lines, embankments, earth dams, open-cut mines, reservoirs and coastal slope stability these type of applications can come under the consideration of slope engineering. One of the frequent disaster is Slope failure which can generate great loss in property and life. The project namely “Slope Stability and Factor of safety analysis” gives analysis of Four region soil (Himalaya, Jammu and Punjab and on DTU, Delhi) using Geo Studio Slope/w software. The analysis for stability of earth structures can be get from a general software tool Slope/W which is design and develop accordingly. The main essential thing that must be taking care of in the slope stability is in order to undergo the mountainous region project. The study is focus on slope stability analysis for Himachal Jammu and Punjab State and Delhi soil slope using Slope/w. Slope failure has become one of the most frequent geological disaster along the road network in the hilly terrain of Himalayan Jammu , Punjab and Delhi regions that lead to huge loss of life, property and above all the environment. The process of slope stability is very important to defence of the slopes from failure and minimize the likelihood of failure of slopes. By helping Geo Studio(Slope/w) software, the factor of safety and slope stability slope stability will be analyzed.
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Conference papers on the topic "GEO STUDIO SLOPE/W"


Mollaert, Justine, and Abbass Tavallali. "Including the Influence of Waves in the Overall Slope Stability Analysis of Rubble Mound Breakwaters." In The 13th Baltic Sea Region Geotechnical Conference. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2016.

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An offshore breakwater is designed for the construction of a LNG-terminal. For the slope stability analysis of the rubble mound breakwater the existing and the extreme wave climate are considered. Pore water pressure variations exist in the breakwater and its permeable foundation. A wave trough combined with the moment of maximum wave run-up results in a decrease and increase of the pore water pressure, respectively. Therefore, the wave actions have on overall effect on the slope stability of the breakwater. To include the wave actions in the slope stability analysis a simplified method is used. For the slope stability analysis, a specific piezometric line is determined. This piezometric line consists of a wave profile and the profile of wave run-up. The slope stability analysis are performed with GEO-SLOPE/W 2007. For the geotechnical design of the breakwater load cases of extreme and normal waves combined with, respectively, extreme and normal water levels are analysed. All the load cases which included the wave actions result in lower stability safety factors than the load cases with only still water levels. Therefore the wave actions are the determining load case for the geotechnical stability of the breakwater and it should be studied in detail.
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Abdul Jabbar JAMEL, Asmaa. "EVALUATE STRESSES GENERATED IN EARTHEN DAMS USING GEO-STUDIO." In V. International Scientific Congress of Pure, Applied and Technological Sciences. Rimar Academy, 2022.

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Water leakage through the earth dam and the foundation is an important phenomenon that must be considered when designing earth dams, as it generates pore water pressure and causes internal erosion of the dam material that affects the stability of the dam by generating stresses and strain in it. There are a variety of technical methods available to minimize these concerns, such as using core, horizontal filter system, or by modifying the dam's geomatics specifications. The current study observed that at steady state flow through earth dam with horizontal filter, core, and no filter. Increasing the slope of the upstream dam reduces the amount of pore water pressure inside the dam body, while the maximum increase in pore water pressure occurs in the case of no filter. Furthermore, the highest stress at the dam's base is increased by the decrease in upstream slope. Furthermore, the dam's upstream slope has a significant effect on the values of the vertical and horizontal displacements created with in dam. Since the presence of the core generates the greatest increase in the horizontal displacement of the dam and foundation section. Changing the permeability coefficient of the dam body also produces a modification in the stresses at the dam's base by about ± 2%. Also, when utilizing the core, there is the lowest increase in seepage discharge, however when using the horizontal filter, there is the greatest rise in discharge (53.78 %) compared to the case without a filter. Furthermore, while using a horizontal filter, the percentage increase was (1.13%) as compared to when no filter being used
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Abdul Jabbar JAMEL, Asmaa. "EVALUATE STRESSES GENERATED IN EARTHEN DAMS USING GEO-STUDIO." In V. International Scientific Congress of Pure, Applied and Technological Sciences. Rimar Academy, 2022.

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Water leakage through the earth dam and the foundation is an important phenomenon that must be considered when designing earth dams, as it generates pore water pressure and causes internal erosion of the dam material that affects the stability of the dam by generating stresses and strain in it. There are a variety of technical methods available to minimize these concerns, such as using core, horizontal filter system, or by modifying the dam's geomatics specifications. The current study observed that at steady state flow through earth dam with horizontal filter, core, and no filter. Increasing the slope of the upstream dam reduces the amount of pore water pressure inside the dam body, while the maximum increase in pore water pressure occurs in the case of no filter. Furthermore, the highest stress at the dam's base is increased by the decrease in upstream slope. Furthermore, the dam's upstream slope has a significant effect on the values of the vertical and horizontal displacements created with in dam. Since the presence of the core generates the greatest increase in the horizontal displacement of the dam and foundation section. Changing the permeability coefficient of the dam body also produces a modification in the stresses at the dam's base by about ± 2%. Also, when utilizing the core, there is the lowest increase in seepage discharge, however when using the horizontal filter, there is the greatest rise in discharge (53.78 %) compared to the case without a filter. Furthermore, while using a horizontal filter, the percentage increase was (1.13%) as compared to when no filter being used.
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