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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Generative approach'

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Llinàs, i. Grau Mireia. "Verbal Sequences: A Generative Approach." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1990.

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Aquesta tesi vol proporcionar una explicació a un constrast sintàctic entre l'anglès, el català i l'espanyol tot assumint propostes teòriques específiques del marc generativista dins del model de la Recció i el Lligam.
Aquestes llengües construeixen les seves seqüències verbals amb auxiliars i verbs lèxics, com es veu als exemples següents:
(1) La Maria ha ballat a la festa
(2) María ha bailado en la fiesta
(3) Mary has danced at the party
No obstant, quan s'introdueixen altres elements a les oracions, el comportament de l'auxiliar i el verb lèxic contrasta entre l'anglès i les altres dues llengües:
(4) Ha ballat la María a la festa?
(5) Ha bailado María en la fiesta?
(6) Has Mary danced at the party?
(7) La María no ha ballat a la festa
(8) María no ha bailado en la fiesta
(9) Mary has not danced at the party
Com es pot observar, la seqüència AUX+V en català i espanyol ha de romandre adjacent en la construcció interrogativa i la negativa. En anglès, la seqüència s'ha de separar; l'auxiliar passa a ocupar la posició inicial a la interrogativa i la partícula negativa intervé entre l'auxiliar i el verb lèxic.
La tesi proporciona una descripció del comportament sintàctic de diverses constructions verbals. Inclou no tan sols les seqüències d'auxilliar i verb lèxic exemplificades més amunt sinó també altres seqüències conegudes com a predicats complexos ( que inclouen tant verbs causatius, com modals o aspectuals).
La tesi també analitza un altre constrast que trobem en la sintaxi de les dues llengües romàniques estudiades, es tracta de l'alt grau de cohesió entre els auxiliars i els verbs lèxics en contrast amb les combinacions de verbs causatius, modals o aspectuals i un verb lèxic. S'utilitzen diferents proves sintàcitques per comprovar el grau de cohesió de les seqüències, com ara la pujada del clític.
El segon capítol de la tesi inclou una revisió panoràmica de la literatura rellevant del tema. L'objectiu d'aquesta revisió és determinar el grau de cohesió entre els elements verbals de cada construcció, proposar una estructura sintàctica bàsica i descobrir el mecanisme responsable dels contrastos observats.
El capítol tercer explica aquest mecanisme, que és el que es pren com a base de les diferències de grau de cohesió observades entre els elements verbals analitzats. El mecanisme és el de la incorporació (Baker 1988), un moviment essencial de nucli-a-nucli altament actiu enllengües polisintètiques com ara el Chichewa.
La tesi inclou un capítol d'introducció al marc teòric (capítol 1) i un capítol final on s'exposen algunes consideracions de com adaptar les propostes estrcturals de la tesi a la teoria emergent de les categories funcionals (capítol 4).
Esta tesis quiere proporcionar una explicación a un contraste sintáctico entre el inglés, el catalán i el español asumiendo propuestas teóricas específicas del marco generativista dentro del modelo de la Rección y el Ligamiento.
Estas tres lenguas construyen sus secuencias verbales con un auxiliar y un verbo léxico, com vemos en los siguientes ejemplos:
(1) La Maria ha ballat a la festa
(2) María ha bailado en la fiesta
(3) Mary has danced at the party
No obstante, cuando se introducen otros elementos en las oraciones, el comportamiento del auxiliar y el verbo léxico contrasta entre el inglés y las otras dos lenguas:
(4) Ha ballat la María a la festa?
(5) Ha bailado María en la fiesta?
(6) Has Mary danced at the party?
(7) La María no ha ballat a la festa
(8) María no ha bailado en la fiesta
(9) Mary has not danced at the party
Como se puede observar, la secuencia AUX+V en catalán y español debe permanecer adyacente en la construcción interrogativa y en la negativa. En inglés, la secuencia se debe separar; el auxliar pasa a ocupar la posición inicial en la interrogativa y la partícula negativa interviene entre el auxiliar y el verbo léxico.
La tesis proporciona una descripción del comportamiento sintáctico de varias construcciones verbales. Incluye no tan solo las secuencias de auxiliar y verbo ejemplificadas aquí, sino también otras conocidas como predicados complejos (que incluyen verbos causaticos, modales y aspectuales).
La tesis también analiza otro contraste que encontramos en la sintaxis de las dos lenguas románicas estudiadas, se trata del alto grado de cohesión entre las secuencias de auxiliar y verbo léxico en contraste con las combinaciones de verbos causativos, modales y apectuales con un verbo léxico. Se utilizan varias pruebas sintácticas para comprobar el grado de cohesión entre los elemntos verbales como la subida de clítico.
El segundo capítulo de la tesis incluye una revisión panorámica de la literatura relevante sobre el tema. El objetivo de esta revisión es determinar el grado de cohesión entre los elementos verbales de cada construcción, proponer una estructura sintáctica básica, y descubrir el mecanismo responsable de los contrastes observados.
El tercer capítulo explica este mecanismo, que se toma como base de las diferencias en el grado de cohesión observadas entre los elementos verbales analizados. El mecanismo es el de la incorporación (Baker 1988) , un movimiento esencial de núcleo-a-núcleo altamente activo en las lenguas polisintéticas com el Chichewa.
La tesis incluye un capítulo de introducción al marco teórico (capítulo 1) y un capítulo final donde se hacen consideraciones sobre como adaptar las propuestas estructurales de la tesis a la teoría emergente de las categorías funcionales (capítulo 4).
This thesis attempts to provide an explanation of a syntactic contrast between English, Catalan and Spanish assuming specific theoretical proposals in the generative framework within the Government and Binding model.
These languages construct their verbal sequences by means of auxiliaries and lexical verbs, as in the following examples:
(1) La Maria ha ballat a la festa
(2) María ha bailado en la fiesta
(3) Mary has danced at the party
Nevertheless, when other elements are introduced in the sentences, the behaviour of the auxiliary and the lexical verb constrasts between English and the other two languages:
(4) Ha ballat la María a la festa?
(5) Ha bailado María en la fiesta?
(6) Has Mary danced at the party?
(7) La María no ha ballat a la festa
(8) María no ha bailado en la fiesta
(9) Mary has not danced at the party
As can be observed, the verbal sequence AUX+V in Catalan and Spanish must remain adjacent in the interrogative and the negative constructions. In English, the sequence must be separated, the auxiliary is placed in the initial position in the interrogative and the negative particle intervenes between the auxiliary and the lexical verb.
The thesis provides a description of the behaviour of several verbal constructions. It includes not only the verbal sequences of auxiliaries plus lexical verbs exemplified above but also other sequences known as complex predicates (including causative, aspectual and modal verbs).
The thesis also analyses another contrast found in the syntax of the two Romance languages studied, namely a higher degree of cohesion between auxiliaries and lexical verbs contrasting with the combination of a causative, aspectual or modal verb and a lexical verb. Several syntactic tests are used to assess the degree of cohesion, such as clitic-climbing.
The second chapter of the thesis includes an overview of the relevant literature on the subject. The focus of the overview is to determine the degree of cohesion between the verbal elements in each of the constructions, to propose a basic syntactic structure and to discover the mechanism responsible for the constrasts observed.
The third chapter of the thesis explains this mechanism which is taken to be responsible for the differences in degree of cohesion of the sequences analysed. The mechanism is known as incorporation (Baker 1988), an essential head-to-head movement which is highly active in polysynthetic languages like Chichewa.
The thesis includes a chapter of introduction to the framework (chapter 1) and a final chapter where some considerations are made on how to adapt the structural proposals in the thesis to the emerging theory of functional categories (chapter 4).
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Malik, Aamina Karim. "Mass Customization! An approach through Generative Design." VCU Scholars Compass, 2014.

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Abstract Historically, design has been associated with unique, handmade products and utilities; however, the advent of the Industrial Revolution introduced the system of mass-production, which generated a recurrent and ambivalent problem: the lack of customized products. Generative Design redresses this issue. This new design method is based on a system of rules, which produce a design that maintains individuality and character. Generative Design takes one away from natural elements and the distinct personalities of designs and products. Forming a design out of certain algorithms and sets of rules constricts it to artificiality and separates it from the natural. Hence, Generative Design has mostly developed without paying close attention to natural processes and human interaction. Based on the research, an attempt has been made to bridge the gap between the artificial and the natural, instituting a dialogue between the two. This study has brought together the two concepts of Generative Design and mass production to produce a series of designs which can be mass-produced yet remain unique because of their connection to the natural world.
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Edakkattil, Gopinath Deepak. "Enhancing stroke generation and expressivity in robotic drummers - A generative physics model approach." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015.

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The goal of this master's thesis research is to enhance the stroke generation capabilities and musical expressivity in robotic drummers. The approach adopted is to understand the physics of human fingers-drumstick-drumhead interaction and try to replicate the same behavior in a robotic drumming system with the minimum number of degrees of freedom. The model that is developed is agnostic to the exact specifications of the robotic drummer that will attempt to emulate human like drum strokes, and therefore can be used in any robotic drummer that uses actuators with complete control over the motor position angle. Initial approaches based on exploiting the instability of a PID control system to generate multiple bounces and the limitations of this approach are also discussed in depth. In order to assess the success of the model and the implementation in the robotic platform a subjective evaluation was conducted. The evaluation results showed that, the observed data was statistically equivalent to the subjects resorting to a blind guess in order to distinguish between a human playing a multiple bounce stroke and a robot playing a similar kind of stroke.
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Fasoulaki, Eleftheria. "Integrated design : a generative multi-performative design approach." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2008.
This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
MIT Institute Archives copy: with CD-ROM; divisional library copy with no CD-ROM.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-72).
There are building systems, called "modularized", in which the component systems (for structure, lighting, etc) can be analyzed and synthesized independently since their performance and design do not interact or affect one another. There are other building systems, called "coupled", in which the component systems do interact and influence one another. The thesis acknowledges that in a building there are both sub-systems that act independently and others that interact. While many design processes have been proposed for dealing with discrete sub-systems, there is no systematic study for building sub-systems that interrelate. This thesis examines a different design approach called integrated. The term "integrated" has a dual utilization in this study. The first use refers to the integration of form and building performance. The second use refers to the integration of interrelated and diverse building performances involving multiple disciplines. The integrated design approach analyzes and evaluates several interrelated design systems involving different disciplines in the early design phase. The goal of the approach is the generation of design alternatives guided simultaneously by two basic objectives: the aspiration for form exploration and the satisfaction of the performances of interrelated systems. After defining a framework for an integrated design approach, which includes inter-disciplinary collaboration, unified design, optimization, simulation, and other formal and digital techniques, the approach will be demonstrated in a case study. The objective of the case study is to demonstrate that the integrated design approach has validity and can be realized, in this case, for the generation of high-rise buildings guided by structural, lighting, zoning codes, and aesthetic criteria.
by Eleftheria Fasoulaki.
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Estérie, Pierre. "Multi-Architectural Support : A Generic and Generative Approach." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.

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Le besoin constant de puissance de calcul a poussé les développeurs à concevoir de nouvelles architectures: les architectures parallèles. Le calcul scientifique dépend fortement des performances de ces dernières afin de fournir des résultats dans un temps optimal. Les applications scientifiques exécutées sur de tels systèmes doivent alors tirer partie des spécificités de ces nouvelles architectures pour être efficaces.Cette thèse présente une nouvelle approche pour la conception de logiciels embarquant des optimisations relatives aux architectures : l'approche AADEMRAL (Architecture Aware DEMRAL). Cette méthodologie a pour but de simplifier le développement de bibliothèques de calcul parallèle avec un support multi-Architectural grâce à une approche générique et générative.Cette nouvelle méthodologie est ensuite intégrée dans trois bibliothèques. La première d'entre elles, Boost.Dispatch, permet de concevoir des logiciels basés sur l'approche AADEMRAL. Boost.Dispatch est une bibliothèque C++fournissant une interface générique pour réaliser de la surcharge de fonction avisée de l'architecture sous-Jacente. Ensuite nous présentons deux bibliothèques C++ implémentées en tant que langages orientés domaine : Boost.SIMD et NT2. Leurs conceptions mettent en œuvre la méthodologie AADEMRAL et leurs implémentations sont basées sur Boost.Dispatch. Boost.SIMD propose une interface de haut niveau pour la programmation des unités vectorielles.NT2 se base sur une interface similaire à celle de Matlab et fournie un support pour les systèmes multi-Cœurs et les unités vectorielles. Enfin, nous validons les performances de ces deux outils ainsi que la robustesse de notre nouvelle approche en présentant une série de résultats obtenus sur des applications de référence
The constant increasing need for computing power has pushed the development of parallel architectures. Scientific computing relies on the performance of such architectures to produce scientific results. Programming efficient applications that takes advantage of these computing systems remains a non trivial task. In this thesis, we present a new methodology to design architecture aware software: the AA-DEMRAL methodology. This methodology aims at simplifying the development of parallel programming tools with multi-Architectural support through a generic and generative approach. We then present three high level programming tools that rely on this approach. First, we introduce the Boost.Dispatch library that provides a way to develop software based on the AA-DEMRAL methodology. The Boost.Dispatch library is a C++ generic framework for architecture aware function dispatching. Then, we present two C++ template libraries implemented as Architecture Aware DSELs which assess the AA-DEMRAL methodology through the use of Boost.Dispatch: Boost.SIMD, that provides a high level API for SIMD extensions and NT2 , which propose a Matlab like interface with support for multi-Core and SIMD based systems. We assess the performance of these libraries and the validity of our new methodology through benchmarks
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Li, Haibing [Verfasser]. "Generative Design Approach for Robust Solution Development / Haibing Li." Garbsen : TEWISS - Technik und Wissen GmbH, 2020.

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Loughran, Neil Anthony. "Framed aspects-A generative variability approach for aspect-oriented programming." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2008.

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Rinnarv, Jonathan. "GANChat : A Generative Adversarial Network approach for chat bot learning." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.

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Recently a new method for training generative neural networks called Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) has shown great results in the computer vision domain and shown potential in other generative machine learning tasks as well. GAN training is an adversarial training method where two neural networks compete and attempt to outperform each other, and in the process they both learn. In this thesis the effectiveness of GAN training is tested on conversational agents also called chat bots. To test this, current state-of-the-art training methods such as Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) models are compared with GAN method trained models. Model performance was measured by closeness of the model distribution from the target distribution after training. This thesis shows that the GAN method performs worse the MLE in some scenarios but can outperform MLE in some cases.
Nyligen har en ny metod för att träna generativa neurala nätverk kallad Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) visat bra resultat inom datorseendedomänen och visat potential inom andra maskininlärningsområden också GAN-träning är en träningsmetod där två neurala nätverk tävlar och försöker överträffa varandra, och i processen lär sig båda. I detta examensarbete har effektiviteten av GAN-träning testats på konversationsagenter, som också kallas Chat bots. För att testa det här jämfördes modeller tränade med nuvarande state-of- the-art träningsmetoder, så som Maximum likelihood-metoden (ML), med GAN-tränade modeller. Modellernas prestation mättes genom distans från modelldistribution till måldistribution efter träning. Det här examensarbetet visar att GAN-metoden presterar sämre än ML-metoden i vissa scenarier men kan överträffa ML i vissa fall.
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Johnson, Brittney E. "Inferring final plans : expanding on a generative and logic-based approach." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

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Thesis: M. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2017.
This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 91-93).
When humans work together to form a plan, they often make mistakes: they misspeak, say things out of order, and negate things they had previously said. We aim to read human team planning conversations and extract the final agreed-upon plan so that a robotic agent may assist in design or execution. Previous work shows that a generative model with logic-based priors is effective when the plan being formed is relatively simple. We present an algorithm that expands on the model by incorporating dialogue acts, which give an indication of how proposed actions are said. We compare our model's performance to humans on the same task. We also validate the model on a toy problem, achieving the desired output 8 times out of 10 (compared to a baseline of 3/10), and run the baseline and our expanded model on a more complex input dialogue. To the best of our knowledge, this is this first work that incorporates dialogue acts into a generative model to perform plan inference.
by Brittney E. Johnson.
M. Eng.
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Graaff, Johann. "In search of the generative question : a hermeneutic approach to pedagogy." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2005.

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This dissertation investigates, first, the kinds of transformation that have occurred in the perceptions and identities of a first year sociology class at the University of Cape Town (UCT), and, second, the learning experiences that have led to, or been associated with, those changes. It does that through Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics. On the first issue, Gadamer proposes that the social sciences brings individuals to a meeting with the alien, and that this meeting effects a transformation of the self. This means both (following Jardine) to 'return life to its original difficulty', and (following Kerdeman) to be 'pulled up short'.
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Schmid, Tanja. "West Germanic IPP constructions : an optimality theoretic approach /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2002.

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Dry, Matthew James. "A generative transformational approach to the detection of structure in glass patterns /." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 2002.

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Tsang, Wai Lan. "The L2 acquisition of English finiteness by Cantonese learners : a generative approach." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2003.

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Sauls, Gideon George. "The National Skills Fund and green skills: towards a generative mechanism approach." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2018.

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The aim of the study was to investigate the role of the South African National Skills Fund (NSF) in responding to green skills training for the sake of better integration and optimal effectiveness in relation to the green economy in South Africa. The NSF is a multi-billion rand fund for skills development, with the responsibility to respond effectively to the country’s skills development needs. Part of the NSF’s mandate is to ensure the development of green skills in South Africa, with special reference to the allocation of grants, as a key mechanism in ensuring adherence to properly governed skills development funding requirements. This study considers the identification of green skills funding as a skills planning and implementation challenge within the post-school education and training context, the NSF, the green economy and related skills debates, both locally and globally. The study contributes to a growing body of research in South Africa that seeks a wider systemic perspective on green skills concerns. The NSF and its functioning is a critical dimension of the wider skills system and is a significant system element influencing further emergence of a coherent national system for green skills development. Providing further rationale for this study is the 2011 finding of the International Labour Organisation, that the green skills development system in South Africa is re-active and poorly systematised, a finding that was also noted in the first ever Environmental Sector Skills Plan for South Africa undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs in 2010. As the study is mainly focused on one aspect of the policy system, namely the NSF’s role in green skills funding, the bulk of the data used in this study is documentary. Research information was obtained from NSF documentary sources to describe the NSF organisationally. Information was also obtained from green skills documentary sources to obtain a better understanding of the nature and purpose of the development of green skills in South Africa. The study has also drawn on references related to grant management as a mechanism for seeding meaningful transformations and skills development research in South Africa to understand the skills development landscape, with special reference to the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) post-school education and training system. Documentary data was supplemented by selected key respondent interviews from the skills sector and from the green skills research community to provide further perspective on the research focus. Critical realism (CR) is utilised as a meta-theoretical framework that seeks to inform the overall academic reflection and interpretation process. The work of Danermark, Ekström, Jakobsen and Karlsson (2002), which describes the process of data analysis in critical realism, was adapted into a four-phased research approach for this particular policy study, which I framed as a Quadrilateral Policy Analysis Framework (QPAF). This provided a data analysis framework which allowed for taking account of the mechanisms shaping the NSF as an important systemic funding agency within South Africa’s emerging post-school education and training context, as this relates to green skills. However, to further analyse this research question and context, I needed to work with substantive policy theory. Given the nature of the policy object that I was investigating, I found Feiock’s (2013) Institutional Collective Action Framework to be a helpful substantive policy theory as it has adequate nuance with which I could describe the NSF’s core function, namely that of grant-making for the post-schooling policy context. Based on the critical realist meta-theoretical framework and the substantive policy theoretical frameworks, I developed four phases of analysis, namely a) descriptive analysis which is divided into Part A (describing the green skills landscape and its funding demands ) and Part B (describing the NSF as it relates to green skills); b) component analysis which further analyses key components of the above; c) abductive policy analysis which identifies critical mechanisms and how they operate; and d) generative mechanism analysis which identifies the underlying generative mechanisms shaping the NSF’s engagement with green skills (or lack thereof). The following main findings are identified: • It emerged that the responsiveness of the NSF to green skills is emergent, essential and yet multifaceted due to competing stakeholder interests, expectations and claims; • Key strategic relations with critical role players within South Africa’s skills levy funding matrix emerged as a fundamental requirement towards the achievement of the NSF’s organisational mandate to respond effectively to national green skills needs and expectations; • Contracting is the central mechanism driving the NSF grant-making process. Related to this is the finding that partnerships emerged as the most versatile and underutilised mechanism that cuts across all four of the NSF grant-making phases; • The NSF’s current method of making sense of funding policy indications as per national policy documents is too reductionist because the method betrays an alignment-mirroring form of sense-making awareness that uncritically endorses substratum philosophical assumptions like Human Capital Theory (HCT) and associated neoclassical economic theories embedded in the policy frameworks. These assumptions contradict and potentially limit engagement with wider theories and policy frameworks for guiding skills development that are oriented towards the wider common good as argued by non-anthropocentric orientations in critical realism and the green skills sector. In summary, an argument is put forward that the NSF is a key funding mechanism towards green skills delivery in South Africa, but that this funding mechanism is under-utilised and inadequately mobilised for transitioning towards sustainability in South Africa. The study recommends that, in pursuit of better integration and optimal effectiveness thereof and in line with the fund’s legislative, organisational and public mandate, a consensual negotiation skills planning mechanism be considered from an institutional collective action response platform. In terms of recommendations for further research, it is proposed that a comparative analysis study could be considered between the NSF and other leading global funding agencies or other national skills funding mechanisms that are also concerned with the inclusion of green skills development. Comparative studies of this nature could potentially enhance the fund’s policy-making process and assist in the development of more appropriate institutional arrangements towards optimal funding responsiveness. Lastly, in the light of the NSF’s current contribution to green skills in the country, an impact evaluation study on the return on green skills investment presents an additional intriguing research endeavour which would contribute further perspective on the arguments presented in this study.
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Laifa, Oumeima. "A joint discriminative-generative approach for tumour angiogenesis assessment in computational pathology." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019.

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L’angiogenèse est le processus par lequel de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins se forment à partir du réseaux préexistant. Au cours de l’angiogenèse tumorale, les cellules tumorales sécrètent des facteurs de croissance qui activent la prolifération et la migration des cellules et stimulent la surproduction du facteur de croissance endothélial vasculaire (VEGF). Le rôle fondamental de l’approvisionnement vasculaire dans la croissance tumorale et le developement des thérapies anticancéreuses rend l’évaluation de l’angiogenèse tumorale, cruciale dans l’évaluation de l’effet des thérapies anti-angiogéniques, en tant que thérapie anticancéreuse prometteuse. Dans cette étude, nous établissons un panel quantitatif et qualitatif pour évaluer les structures des vaisseaux sanguins de la tumeur sur des images de fluorescence non invasives et des images histopathologique sur toute la surface tumorale afin d’identifier les caractéristiques architecturales et les mesures quantitatives souvent associées à la réponse thérapeutique ou prédictive de celle-ci. Nous développons un pipeline formé de Markov Random Field (MFR) et Watershed pour segmenter les vaisseaux sanguins et les composants du micro-environnement tumoral afin d’évaluer quantitativement l’effet du médicament anti-angiogénique Pazopanib sur le système vasculaire tumoral et l’interaction avec le micro-environnement de la tumeur. Le pazopanib, agent anti-angiogénèse, a montré un effet direct sur le système vasculaire du réseau tumoral via les cellules endothéliales. Nos résultats montrent une relation spécifique entre la néovascularisation apoptotique et la densité de noyau dans une tumeur murine traitée par Pazopanib. Une évaluation qualitative des vaisseaux sanguins de la tumeur est réalisée dans la suite de l’étude. Nous avons développé un modèle de réseau de neurone discriminant-générateur basé sur un modele d’apprentissage : réseau de neurones convolutionnels (CNN) et un modèle de connaissance basé sur des règles Marked Point Process (MPP) permettant de segmenter les vaisseaux sanguins sur des images très hétérogènes à l’aide de très peu de données annotées. Nous détaillons l’intuition et la conception du modèle discriminatif-génératif, sa similarité avec les Réseaux antagonistes génératifs (GAN) et nous évaluons ses performances sur des données histopathologiques et synthétiques. Les limites et les perspectives de la méthode sont présentées à la fin de notre étude
Angiogenesis is the process through which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing ones. During angiogenesis, tumour cells secrete growth factors that activate the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells and stimulate over production of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The fundamental role of vascular supply in tumour growth and anti-cancer therapies makes the evaluation of angiogenesis crucial in assessing the effect of anti-angiogenic therapies as a promising anti-cancer therapy. In this study, we establish a quantitative and qualitative panel to evaluate tumour blood vessels structures on non-invasive fluorescence images and histopathological slide across the full tumour to identify architectural features and quantitative measurements that are often associated with prediction of therapeutic response. We develop a Markov Random Field (MFRs) and Watershed framework to segment blood vessel structures and tumour micro-enviroment components to assess quantitatively the effect of the anti-angiogenic drug Pazopanib on the tumour vasculature and the tumour micro-enviroment interaction. The anti-angiogenesis agent Pazopanib was showing a direct effect on tumour network vasculature via the endothelial cells crossing the whole tumour. Our results show a specific relationship between apoptotic neovascularization and nucleus density in murine tumor treated by Pazopanib. Then, qualitative evaluation of tumour blood vessels structures is performed in whole slide images, known to be very heterogeneous. We develop a discriminative-generative neural network model based on both learning driven model convolutional neural network (CNN), and rule-based knowledge model Marked Point Process (MPP) to segment blood vessels in very heterogeneous images using very few annotated data comparing to the state of the art. We detail the intuition and the design behind the discriminative-generative model, and we analyze its similarity with Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Finally, we evaluate the performance of the proposed model on histopathology slide and synthetic data. The limits of this promising framework as its perspectives are shown
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Leitner, Michael. "Mobile interaction trajectories : a design focused approach for generative mobile interaction design research." Thesis, Northumbria University, 2015.

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Mobile HCI’s (Human Computer Interaction) understanding of mobility can benefit from novel theoretical perspectives that have been largely underexploited. This thesis develops and applies a novel middle range theory for mobile interaction design called mobile interaction trajectories, demonstrating the theory’s use and value in practical design settings. Mobile interaction trajectories offer a new theoretical perspective for mobile interaction design, considering people’s everyday trajectories as a baseline for mediated communication, with foci on practices and experiences of changing states of connectedness, chronologies of mediated communication, and mobile communication routines. Following a research through design methodology, probing was used as a creative research method. Two probing experiments informed the theory’s development. A new Probe resource was designed and applied, called the Hankie Probe. It was used to collect instances of mobile interaction trajectories and informed a range of design workshops. The Hankie Probe is based on a fabric-based format and expresses everyday trajectories, and mobile communication practice and experience via stitched and drawn handmade space-time diaries. Research about design analysed the design processes with the completed Probes revealing the middle range theory’s value. The theory’s distinctive characteristics have shown to inform generative design processes. The trajectory-based perspective inspired design concepts for contextually adaptive services that enable new communication experiences and alter the chronology of social interaction. The thesis contributes to knowledge by underpinning generative design work with novel mobility theories via a new Probe format for mobile interaction design research. The following additional discoveries were made: There are three basic probing functions in generative design workshops; designer’s experiences and subjective interpretation augment insights about users and contexts in design workshops, the fabric-based handmade Probes influenced design work offering a captivating authentic format that requires subjective interpretation.
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Pineda, Ancco Ferdinand Edgardo. "A generative adversarial network approach for super resolution of sentinel-2 satellite images." Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020.

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Recently, satellites in operation offering very high-resolution (VHR) images has experienced an important increase, but they remain as a smaller proportion against existing lower resolution (HR) satellites. Our work proposes an alternative to improve the spatial resolution of HR images obtained by Sentinel-2 satellite by using the VHR images from PeruSat1, a Peruvian satellite, which serve as the reference for the superresolution approach implementation based on a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model, as an alternative for obtaining VHR images. The VHR PeruSat-1 image dataset is used for the training process of the network. The results obtained were analyzed considering the Peak Signal to Noise Ratios (PSNR), the Structural Similarity (SSIM) and the Erreur Relative Globale Adimensionnelle de Synth`ese (ERGAS). Finally, some visual outcomes, over a given testing dataset, are presented so the performance of the model could be analyzed as well.
Trabajo de investigación
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Chow, Ka Nin. "An embodied cognition approach to the analysis and design of generative and interactive animation." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.

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Animation is popularly thought of as a sequence of still images or cartoons that produce an illusion of movement. However, a broader perspective of animation should encompass the diverse kinds of media artifacts imbued with the illusion of life. In many multimedia artifacts today, computational media algorithmically implement expanded illusions of life, which include images not only moving, but also showing reactions to stimuli (reactive animation), transforming according to their own internal rules (autonomous animation), evolving over a period of time (metamorphic animation), or even generating varying instances subject to user intervention or chance (contingent animation). Animation in the digital age consists of forms as varied as computer-generated imagery (CGI) in films, motion graphics on interactive multimedia websites, animated contents of video games, graphical interfaces of computer systems, and even digital signage in communal areas. With these forms, the new animation phenomena emerge from entertainment media, functional designs, and expressive works alike, all of which may engage viewers' sensory perceptions, cognitive processes, as well as motor actions. Hence, the study and creation of animation now requires an interdisciplinary framework, including (1) insights from perceptual psychology and animation studies about animacy, (2) theories of conceptual blending from cognitive science applied to understanding images, (3) notions of embodiment and temporality in phenomenological approaches to human-computer interaction (HCI), and (4) new interpretations of liveness in performance studies accounts of computer-mediated performance. These emergent ideas jointly characterize the new role of animation in media, and produce new possibilities for more embodied, evocative, and affective forms of generative and interactive animation.
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White, Anastasia Melina. "The search for meaning toward a generative constructionist approach in transforming identity-based conflict /." online version, 2004.

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White, Anastasia. "The Search for Meaning: Toward a Generative Constructionist Approach in Transforming Identity-Based Conflict." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2004.

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Goodman, Genghis. "A Machine Learning Approach to Artificial Floorplan Generation." UKnowledge, 2019.

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The process of designing a floorplan is highly iterative and requires extensive human labor. Currently, there are a number of computer programs that aid humans in floorplan design. These programs, however, are limited in their inability to fully automate the creative process. Such automation would allow a professional to quickly generate many possible floorplan solutions, greatly expediting the process. However, automating this creative process is very difficult because of the many implicit and explicit rules a model must learn in order create viable floorplans. In this paper, we propose a method of floorplan generation using two machine learning models: a sequential model that generates rooms within the floorplan, and a graph-based model that finds adjacencies between generated rooms. Each of these models can be altered such that they are each capable of producing a floorplan independently; however, we find that the combination of these models outperforms each of its pieces, as well as a statistic-based approach.
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Curiel, Emily Sharon Levy. "Programming for Generative Receptive Language in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Matrix Training Approach." The Ohio State University, 2015.

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Zhang, Bin. "Serial verb constructions or verb compounds? : a prototype approach to resultative verb constructions in Mandarin Chinese." Virtual Press, 1991.

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Resultative verb constructions RVCs (hereafter) are a special type of serial verb construction in Mandarin Chinese, in which the verbs hold an action-result relation. On the one hand, they behave like compounds, e.g., the verbs can be questioned as a single verb but cannot be separately modified, and no NP can possibly intervene. On the other hand, they also behave like phrases, i.e, for some types, the verbs can be split by an NP and can be separately modified. There has been controversy about the best way to analyze RVCs. There are two general positions: the pre-lexical syntactic approach and the pre-syntactic lexical approach. The former holds that resultative verb constructions are a syntactic phenomenon which can be derived by transformational rules. The latter, claims that RVCs are best considered a lexical phenomenon, i.e., verb compounds.This dissertation argues that neither approach sufficiently accounts for this phenomenon, in that both only shift the problem from one level of linguistic description to another. I propose a linguistic prototype analysis in which RVCs are seen as conventionalized serial verb constructions. I argue that the properties of the prototype and the conventionalized serial verb construction are subject to constraints in three areas: the semantic and syntactic dependency of the verbs, iconicity, and clause linkage. Through the analysis of the syntactic, semantic, and phonological behavior of various types of serial verb constructions, it is shown that serial verb constructions are on a structural continuum, i.e., from syntax to lexicon. RVCs are seen as close to the lexicalization end on the continuum.This dissertation shows the interplay of syntax, semantics, and phonology in the processes of syntactization and morphologization in Mandarin. It not only helps account for serial verb constructions but also has implications for other serial type phenomena on the word level, such as compounding and incorporation in Mandarin.
Department of English
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Koutsomichalis, Marinos G. "A hypermedia and project-based approach to music, sound and media art." Thesis, De Montfort University, 2015.

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This thesis describes my artistic practice as essentially project-based, site-responsive and hypermediating. Hypermediacy—i.e. the tendency of certain media or objects to keep their various constituents separate from their structure—is to be understood as opaque, juxtaposed and after a recurring contiguity with different kinds of interfaces. Accordingly, and within the context of the various projects that constitute this thesis, it is demonstrated how, in response to the particular places I work and to the various people I collaborate with, different kinds of materials and methodologies are incorporated in broader hybrids that are mediated (interfaced) in miscellaneous ways to this way result in original works of art. Materials and methodologies are shown to be intertwined and interdependent with each other as well as with the different ways in which they are interfaced, which accounts for an explicitly projectbased, rather than artwork-based, approach which, on its turn, de-emphasises the finished artefact in favour of process, performance, research and exploration. Projects are, then, shown to be explicitly site- or situation- responsive, as they are not implementations of preexistent ideas, but rather emerge as my original response to the particular sites, materials, people and the various other constituents that are involved in their very production. Interfaces to such hybrids as well as their very material and methodological elements are also shown to be hyper-mediated. It is finally argued that such an approach essentially accelerates multi-perspectivalism in that a project may spawn a number of diverse, typically medium-specific and/or site-specific, artworks that all exemplify different qualities which are congenital to the particular nature of each project.
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Harrell, Douglas Alan. "Theory and technology for computational narrative an approach to generative and interactive narrative with bases in algebraic semiotics and cognitive linguistics /." Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2007.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2007.
Title from first page of PDF file (viewed May 2, 2007). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-222).
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Collins, Victor Rodrigues. "Antropologia social e abordagem dinâmica." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2013.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor Rodrigues Collins.pdf: 1545096 bytes, checksum: ae202129c85feb055abe90a9c1e05730 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-06
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Work focused on the dynamics and movements of social change related to Malinowski s and G. Balandier´s contribution. Observe how the social dynamics happens immersed in a social structure related to the colonialist historical context in african and european societies carrying the germ of the possibility of social disorder and crisis related to internal contradictions and external political relations based on conflict. How the Functionalist and Generative approach to the social dynamics were able to analyze the internal and external social conditions as one unique circuit which the colonial expansive and the colonial consolidation movement happened and the consequences for traditional african societies colonized. This work points towards the limitations of conventional Anthropology by dealing with the social dynamics of the colonized societies. Focused in observing and analyzing how Anthropology unfolded itself, with an onthological and epistemological overcoming, and the opening of Anthropology towards history, related to the traditional african societies as well societies in history. In this work is exposed the generative dynamic approach, which consists in observing societies in the historical process related to their conflicts and contradictions towards a future reorganization of the social
Trabalho focado na dinâmica do movimento e da mudança social em relação à contribuição em Antropologia de B. Malinowski e G. Balandier. Observa como a dinâmica social se dá no contexto histórico do colonialismo em sociedades africanas e europeias, carregando o germe da desordem e da crise por conta de contradições internas e relações políticas conflituosas e desiguais externas. Como o funcionalismo e a abordagem dinâmica foram capazes de problematizar as condições sociais internas e externas como circuito único em que se deu a expansão e consolidação colonial, e as consequências para as sociedades tradicionais no continente africano colonizadas. O texto aponta ainda as limitações da Antropologia convencional em lidar com a dinâmica social das sociedades colonizadas. Observa e avalia como se deu o movimento de desdobramento da Antropologia, a superação ontológica e epistemológica, e abertura à história nos trabalhos de B. Malinowski e G. Balandier, tanto em relação às sociedades tradicionais no continente africano, como nas sociedades na história. Grande parte do trabalho expõe a abordagem dinâmica generativa, que implica observar as sociedades no processo histórico em relação a seus conflitos e contradições em direção a uma futura reorganização social
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Ladrón, de Guevara Cortés Rogelio. "Techniques For Estimating the Generative Multifactor Model of Returns in a Statistical Approach to the Arbitrage Pricing Theory. Evidence from the Mexican Stock Exchange." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2016.

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This dissertation focuses on the estimation of the generative multifactor model of returns on equities, under a statistical approach of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), in the context of the Mexican Stock Exchange. Therefore, this research takes as frameworks two main issues: (i) the multifactor asset pricing models, specially the statistical risk factors approach, and (ii) the dimension reduction or feature extraction techniques: Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis, Independent Component Analysis and Non-linear Principal Component Analysis, utilized to extract the underlying systematic risk factors. The models estimated are tested using two methodologies: (i) capability of reproduction of the observed returns using the estimated generative multifactor model, and (ii) results of the econometric contrast of the APT using the extracted systematic risk factors. Finally, a comparative study among techniques is carried on based on their theoretical properties and the empirical results. According to the above stated and as far as we concerned, this dissertation contributes to financial research by providing empirical evidence of the estimation of the generative multifactor model of returns on equities, extracting statistical underlying risk factors via classic and alternative dimension reduction or feature extraction techniques in the field of finance, in order to test the APT as an asset pricing model, in the context of an emerging financial market such as the Mexican Stock Exchange. In addition, this work presents an unprecedented theoretical and empirical comparative study among Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis, Independent Component Analysis and Neural Networks Principal Component Analysis, as techniques to extract systematic risk factors from a stock exchange, analyzing the level of sensitivity of the results in function of the technique carried on. In addition, this dissertation represents a mainly empirical exhaustive study where objective evidence about the Mexican stock market is provided by way of the application of four different techniques for extraction of systematic risk factors, to four datasets, in a test window that ranged from two to nine factors.
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Chollet, Stéphanie. "Orchestration de services hétérogènes et sécurisés." Grenoble 1, 2009.

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Récemment, l'approche à services est apparue en ayant pour but de construire des applications à partir d'entités logicielles, nommées services. Un service fournit un ensemble de fonctionnalités définies par une description de services. A partir de cette description, un consommateur de service peut rechercher un service qui corresponde à ses besoins, le sélectionner et l'invoquer. La construction d'applications par composition de services demeure néanmoins une activité complexe puisqu'il faut traiter conjointement les aspects métier et techniques ; la composition doit satisfaire aux exigences fonctionnelles et non-fonctionnelles ainsi que respecter les contraintes des technologies à services liées, notamment, à l'hétérogénéité des plates-formes. Par ailleurs, les points forts de l'architecture à services, qui sont la distribution et le déploiement des services sur des plateformes hétérogènes, ouvrent d'importantes failles de sécurité. Nous proposons une approche dirigée par les modèles pour simplifier la réalisation d'applications basées sur une orchestration de services hétérogènes en prenant en considération les aspects de sécurité dès l'étape de conception. Pour cela, nous avons défini deux méta-modèles : l'un pour l'orchestration de services et l'autre pour la sécurité, ainsi que des liens entre ces méta-modèles dans le but d'étendre l'orchestration avec des propriétés de sécurité. Ainsi, il est possible de réaliser des modèles d'orchestration de services hétérogènes et sécurisés conformes aux méta-modèles. A partir de ces modèles, nous générons le code nécessaire à l'exécution de l'orchestration. L'exécution se fait en fonction des modèles définis dans la phase de conception et des services disponibles qui répondent aux spécifications. Notre approche a été validée avec la plate-forme Secure FOCAS, qui a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet Européen ITEA SODA
Service-oriented Computing (SOC) has appeared recently as a new software engineering paradigm. The very purpose of this reuse-based approach is to build applications through the late composition of independent software elements, called services, which are made available at run-time by internal or external providers. SOC brings properties of major interest. First, it supports rapid application development. Using existing, already tested, services is likely to reduce the time needed to build up an application and the overall quality of this application. SOC also improves software flexibility through late binding. A service to be used by an application is chosen at the last moment, based on its actual availability and on its properties at that moment. The service orientation has also to face thorny problems, as in any reuse-based approach. In this work, we focus on two major issues: the integration of heterogeneous service-oriented technologies and the management of security aspects when invoking a service. Security is actually a major concern to SOC practitioners. SOC technologies have allowed companies to expose applications, internally and externally, and, for that reason are heavily used. However, in some distributed environments, software services and process engines can be alarmingly vulnerable. Service-based processes can expose organizations to a considerable amount of security risk and dependability degradation. We propose to use a model-driven approach for solving this problem. During system design, paradigms such as abstraction, separation of concerns and language definition are used to define a model of the service composition with security properties. This model is transformed into an execution model. We present a generative environment applying these principles for service composition. This environment has been built as part of the SODA European project and validated on several industrial use cases
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Truman, Lauren Elaine. ""Language Attitudes in Alcalá de Henares towards Immigrants" and "Adverbial Adjectives: A Usage-based Approach"." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2017.

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This study is part of the IN.MIGRA-2 CM project, which studies the sociolinguistic integration of the immigrant population of Madrid. The present study focuses on the language attitudes of 16 residents of Alcalá de Henares, a community of Madrid. The participants were asked to rate their level of agreement with the following affirmations: (1) The Spanish of Madrid is more correct than the forms of speech of Latin American immigrants; (2) Mastery of the Spanish language is the principal demonstration of the integration of immigrants; (3) Immigrants of Latin American origin are integrated because they speak the same language. The study finds a connection between higher levels of contact with immigrants and lower ratings of agreement with the affirmations. This investigation supports others that show connections between social networks and language attitudes, and it adds to the sparse research on language attitudes in Madrid. Adverbial adjectives modify both a verb and the subject of that verb. Their purpose is to describe a quality that pertains to both the subject and the way the subject is performing the verb. Because they modify both the verb and the noun, adverbial adjectives agree with the noun in number and gender. The generativist approaches to this linguistic phenomenon do not provide a sufficient explanation of verb + adverbial adjective constructions nor do they predict which subjects and predicates that can be used in these constructions. This paper takes a usage-based approach to adverbial adjectives. It explores the token frequencies of use of different verb + adverbial adjective phrases and attempts to categorize the components of these phrases based on these frequencies.
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Khan, Mohammed Salman. "A Topic Modeling approach for Code Clone Detection." UNF Digital Commons, 2019.

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In this thesis work, the potential benefits of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) as a technique for code clone detection has been described. The objective is to propose a language-independent, effective, and scalable approach for identifying similar code fragments in relatively large software systems. The main assumption is that the latent topic structure of software artifacts gives an indication of the presence of code clones. It can be hypothesized that artifacts with similar topic distributions contain duplicated code fragments and to prove this hypothesis, an experimental investigation using multiple datasets from various application domains were conducted. In addition, CloneTM, an LDA-based working prototype for code clone detection was developed. Results showed that, if calibrated properly, topic modeling can deliver a satisfactory performance in capturing different types of code clones, showing particularity good performance in detecting Type III clones. CloneTM also achieved levels of performance comparable to already existing practical tools that adopt different clone detection strategies.
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Hrstka, Jan. "Systémy syntaktických analyzátorů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2019.

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This thesis provides a summary of knowledge of grammar systems. The thesis proposes modifications of parallel oriented grammar systems to be usable in sequential parsing. Concept of grammar systems is extended to level of entire parsers, that are grouped into parsing system. Then the properties of these systems are examined. The aim of thesis is to introduce approaches to syntactic analysis based on grammar systems. Thesis is based on context-free methods of syntactic analysis, extending them and connecting them together. Great attention is dedicated to increase generative capacity of LL and LR parsing. There were created context-free structures within this thesis, which are capable to generate context-sensitive languages. This work also provides a simple recipe for implementation of these structures. We introduced generic concept of parsing, that enlarge generative power of conventional parsing methods. Using presented techniques it is possible to extend many of often used languages with context-sensitive elements, especially elements contradicting with pumping lemma.
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Lasfer-Kedad, Sandra. "Étude syntaxique des Wh-questions en vue de leur traduction automatique de l’anglais vers l’arabe." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014.

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Premièrement, ce travail de recherche a pour objet d’esquisser une étude syntaxique des wh-questions, et d’analyser les aspects de la formation des wh-questions dans deux langues différentes : l’anglais et l’arabe , dans le cadre de la Grammaire Générative et de l’Approche Minimaliste. Il sera démontré et allégué que dans les deux langues respectives, le wh-mot qui se trouve au début de la phrase interrogative est déplacé vers le [Spec, CP] et que le wh-movement est visible.Deuxièmement, cette thèse tente d’examiner et d’analyser la traduction des wh-questions de l’anglais vers l’arabe par trois systèmes de traduction automatique, employant différentes méthodes de traduction selon trois méthodes d’évaluation. Nous décrirons les problèmes liés aux différences linguistiques entre les deux langues. Ces problèmes ont une grande influence sur la qualité et l’acceptabilité de l’output. L’évaluation de l’output nous permettra de présenter les informations concernant les aspects positifs à conserver et les aspects négatifs à faire évoluer des systèmes. En se basant sur l’étude syntaxique préalable des wh-questions, nous fournirons une étude comparative qui déterminera le meilleur système quant à la qualité de la traduction et à la performance de ce système. A travers l’analyse des résultats de l’évaluation, nous spécifierons les raisons pour lesquelles le système produit des traductions de mauvaise qualité. Enfin, nous proposerons quelques recommandations qui pourraient être nécessaires aux concepteurs et aux développeurs de systèmes de traduction afin de résoudre les problèmes linguistiques et opérationnels susceptibles d’entraver le processus de traduction
Firstly, this research aims to outline a syntactic study of the wh-questions, and analyse aspects of wh-question formation in typologically two different languages: Arabic and English within the framework of Generative Grammar and Minimalist Approach. It will be shown and argued that in both languages, the wh-phrase, which is in initial position, is moved to [Spec, CP] and that wh-movement applies overtly.Secondly, the thesis attempts to discuss and analyse the translation of English wh-questions into Arabic by three machine translation systems using different methods of translation through different methods of evaluation. We describe a set of important problems related to linguistic differences between the two languages. These problems have great influence not only on the quality of the output but also on its acceptability. The evaluation of the output will help us to present a diagnostic information about where a given system succeeds or needs improvement, relative to its intended users and use based on the syntactic study of wh-questions, to provide a comparative information which allows identifying the best system with respect to the translation quality and performance, to specify through the analysis of the results of evaluation the sources of problems that are responsible for producing ill-formed translations and inadequate systems’ performance and finally to outline some recommendations that are useful for system’s designers and developers to overcome various linguistic and operational problems that might impede the translation process
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Belhadj, Ihssen. "Ingénierie des connaissances pour l’épidémiologie et l’aide à la décision en santé publique : Analyse des besoins potentiels et expérimentations dans le contexte du registre français des maladies rénales." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014.

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Construire des terminologies de maladies est un enjeu majeur dans le développement des systèmes d’information épidémiologiques et d’aide à la décision de santé publique qui soient efficients et durables. A partir du contexte du registre français de l'Insuffisance Rénale Terminale, une analyse des besoins de représentation des termes de maladies a été réalisée mettant en évidence le problème aigu et occulté de continuité statistique dans les bases de données et de connaissances. La « continuité terminologique » est proposée comme une réponse au besoin de continuité statistique. Une méthode générative de construction de Ressources Termino-Ontologiques a été conçue et expérimentée. Plutôt que de s’intéresser à l’ensemble des termes qui sont nécessaires pour décrire un domaine, nous nous sommes concentré uniquement sur la modélisation d'un sous ensemble de connaissances élémentaires sur les maladies. Cette méthode générative produit simultanément des termes normalisés (Nomenclature artificielle) et leur représentation sémantique/conceptuelle formelle se basant sur le formalisme des Graphes Conceptuels (GC). Les opérations de généralisation/spécialisation des GC sont utilisées pour déduire l’organisation poly-hiérarchique La continuité terminologique doit être considéré comme étant un critère majeur dans la construction de terminologies de maladies au même titre que la couverture terminologique. Les approches génératives contribuent à améliorer la continuité terminologique, car elles imposent cette contrainte de créer chaque nouveau terme sur des bases formelles avec des propriétés définitoires nécessairement sémantiquement définis dans une ontologie existante
Expressing terms referring to pathological conceptualization is an important issue toward the development of clinical research and public health decision support systems. From the context of the French Registry of End Stage Renal Disease, requirements for disease terms representation are anlysed highlighting the acute and hidden problem of statistical continuity in disease data and knowledge representation. The underpinned assumption relies on the idea of ensuring terminological continuity through agenerative method of building Ontology Based Terminological systems. Rather than looking at all the terms that are necessary to describe a domain, we focused solely on the modeling of basic and definitional knowledge about disease. A set ontological rules for diseases hierachies were defined. Eperiments have been designed and implemented taking advantage of GC formalism and a logic programming toll called prolog-GC. The results confimed that such method allow performing two major activities that are carried out in the conventional building process of medical terminologies : refinement of disease terms granularity and consistency improvement. Terminological continuity needs to be considered as major criteria in disease terminological building. Generative approaches helps to improve the terminological continuity as imposes to create news terms of the bases of existing ones formal definitions
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Manurung, Hisar. "An evolutionary algorithm approach to poetry generation." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2004.

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Poetry is a unique artifact of the human language faculty, with its defining feature being a strong unity between content and form. Contrary to the opinion that the automatic generation of poetry is a relatively easy task, we argue that it is in fact an extremely difficult task that requires intelligence, world and linguistic knowledge, and creativity. We propose a model of poetry generation as a state space search problem, where a goal state is a text that satisfies the three properties of meaningfulness, grammaticality, and poeticness. We argue that almost all existing work on poetry generation only properly addresses a subset of these properties. In designing a computational approach for solving this problem, we draw upon the wealth of work in natural language generation (NLG). Although the emphasis of NLG research is on the generation of informative texts, recent work has highlighted the need for more flexible models which can be cast as one end of a spectrum of search sophistication, where the opposing end is the deterministically goal-directed planning of traditional NLG. We propose satisfying the properties of poetry through the application to NLG of evolutionary algorithms (EAs), a wellstudied heuristic search method. MCGONAGALL is our implemented instance of this approach. We use a linguistic representation based on Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) that we argue is appropriate for EA-based NLG. Several genetic operators are implemented, ranging from baseline operators based on LTAG syntactic operations to heuristic semantic goal-directed operators. Two evaluation functions are implemented: one that measures the isomorphism between a solution’s stress pattern and a target metre using the edit distance algorithm, and one that measures the isomorphism between a solution’s propositional semantics and a target semantics using structural similarity metrics. We conducted an empirical study using MCGONAGALL to test the validity of employing EAs in solving the search problem, and to test whether our evaluation functions adequately capture the notions of semantic and metrical faithfulness. We conclude that our use of EAs offers an innovative approach to flexible NLG, as demonstrated by its successful application to the poetry generation task.
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Banik, Eva. "A minimalist approach to generating cherent texts." Thesis, Open University, 2010.

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Aspden, Jonathan Maclean. "Inertia-gravity wave generation : a WKB approach." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2011.

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The dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean are dominated by slowly evolving, large-scale motions. However, fast, small-scale motions in the form of inertia-gravity waves are ubiquitous. These waves are of great importance for the circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, mainly because of the momentum and energy they transport and because of the mixing they create upon breaking. So far the study of inertia-gravity waves has answered a number of questions about their propagation and dissipation, but many aspects of their generation remain poorly understood. The interactions that take place between the slow motion, termed balanced or vortical motion, and the fast inertia-gravity wave modes provide mechanisms for inertia-gravity wave generation. One of these is the instability of balanced flows to gravity-wave-like perturbations; another is the so-called spontaneous generation in which a slowly evolving solution has a small gravity-wave component intrinsically coupled to it. In this thesis, we derive and study a simple model of inertia-gravity wave generation which considers the evolution of a small-scale, small amplitude perturbation superimposed on a large-scale, possibly time-dependent °ow. The assumed spatial-scale separation makes it possible to apply a WKB approach which models the perturbation to the flow as a wavepacket. The evolution of this wavepacket is governed by a set of ordinary differential equations for its position, wavevector and its three amplitudes. In the case of a uniform flow (and only in this case) the three amplitudes can be identifed with the amplitudes of the vortical mode and the two inertia-gravity wave modes. The approach makes no assumption on the Rossby number, which measures the time-scale separation between the balanced motion and the inertia-gravity waves. The model that we derive is first used to examine simple time-independent flows, then flows that are generated by point vortices, including a point-vortex dipole and more complicated flows generated by several point vortices. Particular attention is also paid to a flow with uniform vorticity and elliptical streamlines which is the standard model of elliptic instability. In this case, the amplitude of the perturbation obeys a Hill equation. We solve the corresponding Floquet problem asymptotically in the limit of small Rossby number and conclude that the inertia-gravity wave perturbation grows with a growth rate that is exponentially small in the Rossby number. Finally, we apply the WKB approach to a flow obtained in a baroclinic lifecycle simulation. The analysis highlights the importance of the Lagrangian time dependence for inertia-gravity wave generation: rapid changes in the strain field experienced along wavepacket trajectories (which coincide with fluid-particle trajectories in our model) are shown to lead to substantial wave generation.
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Cawsey, Alison. "Generating explanatory discourse : a plan-based, interactive approach." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1990.

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Lübke, Daniel. "An integrated approach for generation in SOA projects." Hamburg Kovač, 2007.

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Lübke, Daniel. "An integrated approach for generation in SOA projects /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2008.

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Rael, Joshua. "Colormoo: An Algorithmic Approach to Generating Color Palettes." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2014.

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Selecting one color can be done with relative ease, but this task becomes more difficult with each subsequent color. Colormoo is an online tool aimed at solving this problem. We implement three algorithms for generating color palettes based off of a starting color. Data is collected for each palette that is generated. Our analysis reveals two of the algorithms are preferred, but under different circumstances. Furthermore, we find that users prefer palettes containing colors that are compatible, but not too similar. With refined heuristics, we believe these techniques can be extended and applied beyond the field of graphic design alone.
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Yassaee, M. H. "A formex approach to finite element mesh generation." Thesis, University of Surrey, 1986.

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Schulze, Walter. "A formal language theory approach to music generation." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

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Thesis (MSc (Mathematical Sciences))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We investigate the suitability of applying some of the probabilistic and automata theoretic ideas, that have been extremely successful in the areas of speech and natural language processing, to the area of musical style imitation. By using music written in a certain style as training data, parameters are calculated for (visible and hidden) Markov models (of mixed, higher or first order), in order to capture the musical style of the training data in terms of mathematical models. These models are then used to imitate two instrument music in the trained style.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die toepasbaarheid van probabilitiese en outomaatteoretiese konsepte, wat uiters suksesvol toegepas word in die gebied van spraak en natuurlike taal-verwerking, op die gebied van musiekstyl nabootsing. Deur gebruik te maak van musiek wat geskryf is in ’n gegewe styl as aanleer data, word parameters vir (sigbare en onsigbare) Markov modelle (van gemengde, hoër- of eerste- orde) bereken, ten einde die musiekstyl van die data waarvan geleer is, in terme van wiskundige modelle te beskryf. Hierdie modelle word gebruik om musiek vir twee instrumente te genereer, wat die musiek waaruit geleer is, naboots.
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Hickey, James M. "Thermodynamic approach to generating functions and nonequilibrium dynamics." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2014.

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This thesis investigates the dynamical properties of equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems, both quantum and classical, under the guise of a thermodynamic formalism. Large deviation functions associated with the generating functions of time-integrated observables play the role of dynamical free energies and thus determine the trajectory phase structure of a system. The 1d Glauber-Ising chain is studied using the time-integrated energy as the dynamical order parameter and a whole curve of second order trajectory transitions are uncovered in the complex counting field plane. The leading dynamical Lee-Yang zeros of the associated generating function are extracted directly from the time dependent high order cumulants. Resolving the cumulants into constituent contributions the motion of each contribution’s leading Lee-Yang zeros pair allows one to infer the positions of the trajectory transition points. Contrastingly if one uses the full cumulants only the positions of those closest to the origin, in the limit of low temperatures, can be inferred. Motivated by homodyne detection schemes this thermodynamic approach to trajectories is extended to the quadrature trajectories of light emitted from open quantum systems. Using this dynamical observable the trajectory phases of a simple “blinking” 3-level system, two weakly coupled 2-level systems and the micromaser are studied. The trajectory phases of this observable are found to either carry as much information as the photon emission trajectories or in some cases capture extra dynamically features of the system (the second example). Finally, the statistics of the time-integrated longitudinal and transverse magnetization in the 1d transverse field quantum Ising model are explored. In both cases no large deviation function exists but the generating functions are still calculable. From the singularities of these generating functions new transition lines emerge. These were shown to be linked to: (a) the survival probability of an associated open system, (b) PT-symmetry, (c) the temporal scaling of the cumulants and (d) the topology of an associated set of states.
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Caballero, Daniela M. "Attitudes about Caregiving: An Ethnicity by Generation Approach." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2016.

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The goal of this project was to understand ethnic and generational differences in attitudes towards caregiving and expected burden while taking into consideration factors such as gender, generation, familism, and acculturation. One hundred and sixteen young adults (ages 18-25) and 93 middle-age adults (ages 38-62) were enrolled in the study. Participants included European Americans, African Americans, and Hispanics. Using moderation analysis, two hypotheses were investigated: 1) Ethnicity relates to attitudes towards caregiving, moderated by gender, generation, familism, and acculturation. 2) Ethnicity and expected burden relate to each other, moderated by gender, generation, familism, and acculturation. Familism emerged as a moderator in the relationship between ethnicity and expected burden. Results suggested that the strength of the relationship between being African American and expecting burden was less for those with moderate familism (R =.078), slightly higher for low familism (R = .176), and the highest for high familism (R= .261). Additional results indicated that the strength of the relationship between being Hispanic, as opposed to being European American, and expected burden, was higher for middle-aged adults (R =.23) when compared to young adults (R =.19). The current findings lend support to the recently established idea that familism is not protective against burden as it increases one's sense of obligation towards family (Knight & Sayegh, 2010).
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Annadurai, Sivakumar. "Lead generation using a privileged structure-based approach." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2011.

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Pharmaceutical Sciences
In drug discovery there are several approaches to lead generation and one traditional approach involves the synthesis and screening of a structurally diverse compound library against a number of biological targets to identify high affinity lead compounds. The use of a `privileged' structure-based compound library represents a viable approach that could lead to drug like lead compounds. Privileged structures are defined as those ligand substructures that may be used to generate high affinity leads for more than one type of receptor. Examples of privileged structures include phenyl substituted monocycles such as biphenyls, diphenyl methane derivatives, 1,4-dihydropyridines, fused ring systems such as chromones, quinoxalines, quinazolines, 2-benzoxazolones, indoles, benzimidazoles and benzofurans. There are several instances in the literature describing the development of compound libraries based on privileged structures with reportedly high hit rates. Privileged structure based approaches has been used with notable success in the identification of high affinity ligands especially for G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). The scaffold 2-aminothiazole (fused and non-fused) may be considered a privileged structure because of its occurrence in a wide variety of pharmaceuticals. The scaffold is found in antibacterials, anti-inflammatory agents, glutamate transporter (GLT-1) modulators, serotonin and muscarinic ligands. The present study involves the synthesis of a 2-aminothiazole (fused and non-fused) based compound library (60 compounds) by incorporating bioactive fragments shown to produce hits in the biological targets of interest. Microwave assisted organic synthesis (MAOS) has been employed at key steps of scaffold synthesis as well as in Suzuki coupling to generate the target aminothiazoles. Preliminary biological screening has resulted in the identification of some promising lead compounds. Trifluoromethoxy substituted aminothiazoles were found to be potent antimicrobials with MIC values in the range of 4-16 microgram/ml. Furanone based aminothiazoles showed affinity for muscarinic receptors. Piperidine based aminothiazoles showed greater than 90% of control (8-OH-DPAT) specific agonist response at the 5-HT1A receptor subtype. The Clog P values of the most potent antimicrobials were found to be in the range of 4.5-6.2 indicating the high lipophilicity of the compounds. High lipophilicity is known to cause solubility issues that may hamper future development. Therefore in an effort to make compounds with intermediate lipophilicity, the phenyl core of the potent aminothiazoles will be replaced with pyridine core using literature procedures (Pyridine core containing aminothiazoles showed Clog P < 4). Future plans include expanding the library, improving the yields of compounds and to evaluate the compounds as modulators of glutamate transporter (GLT-1). The work could be extended to include other privileged structures such as 2-aminooxazole, 2-aminobenzoxazole, 2-aminoimidazole and 2-aminobenzimidazole. These mono and bicyclic heterocyles may be considered bioisosteres of 2-aminothiazole.
Temple University--Theses
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McKinley, Nathan D. "A Decision Theoretic Approach to Natural Language Generation." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Ali, Husam Deeb Abdullah Deeb. "Automatic question generation : a syntactical approach to the sentence-to-question generation case." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, c2012, 2012.

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Humans are not often very skilled in asking good questions because of their inconsistent mind in certain situations. Thus, Question Generation (QG) and Question Answering (QA) became the two major challenges for the Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Generation (NLG), Intelligent Tutoring System, and Information Retrieval (IR) communities, recently. In this thesis, we consider a form of Sentence-to-Question generation task where given a sentence as input, the QG system would generate a set of questions for which the sentence contains, implies, or needs answers. Since the given sentence may be a complex sentence, our system generates elementary sentences from the input complex sentences using a syntactic parser. A Part of Speech (POS) tagger and a Named Entity Recognizer (NER) are used to encode necessary information. Based on the subject, verb, object and preposition information, sentences are classified in order to determine the type of questions to be generated. We conduct extensive experiments on the TREC-2007 (Question Answering Track) dataset. The scenario for the main task in the TREC-2007 QA track was that an adult, native speaker of English is looking for information about a target of interest. Using the given target, we filter out the important sentences from the large sentence pool and generate possible questions from them. Once we generate all the questions from the sentences, we perform a recall-based evaluation. That is, we count the overlap of our system generated questions with the given questions in the TREC dataset. For a topic, we get a recall 1.0 if all the given TREC questions are generated by our QG system and 0.0 if opposite. To validate the performance of our QG system, we took part in the First Question Generation Shared Task Evaluation Challenge, QGSTEC in 2010. Experimental analysis and evaluation results along with a comparison of different participants of QGSTEC'2010 show potential significance of our QG system.
x, 125 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm
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Fasel, Ian Robert. "Learning real-time object detectors probabilistic generative approaches /." Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2006.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2006.
Title from first page of PDF file (viewed July 24, 2006). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-91).
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Dahal, Keshav P., S. J. Galloway, G. M. Burt, and J. R. McDonald. "Generation scheduling using genetic algorithm based hybrid techniques." IEEE, 2001.

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The solution of generation scheduling (GS) problems involves the determination of the unit commitment (UC) and economic dispatch (ED) for each generator in a power system at each time interval in the scheduling period. The solution procedure requires the simultaneous consideration of these two decisions. In recent years researchers have focused much attention on new solution techniques to GS. This paper proposes the application of a variety of genetic algorithm (GA) based approaches and investigates how these techniques may be improved in order to more quickly obtain the optimum or near optimum solution for the GS problem. The results obtained show that the GA-based hybrid approach offers an effective alternative for solving realistic GS problems within a realistic timeframe.
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Kalaji, Abdul Salam. "Search-based software engineering : a search-based approach for testing from extended finite state machine (EFSM) models." Thesis, Brunel University, 2010.

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The extended finite state machine (EFSM) is a powerful modelling approach that has been applied to represent a wide range of systems. Despite its popularity, testing from an EFSM is a substantial problem for two main reasons: path feasibility and path test case generation. The path feasibility problem concerns generating transition paths through an EFSM that are feasible and satisfy a given test criterion. In an EFSM, guards and assignments in a path‟s transitions may cause some selected paths to be infeasible. The problem of path test case generation is to find a sequence of inputs that can exercise the transitions in a given feasible path. However, the transitions‟ guards and assignments in a given path can impose difficulties when producing such data making the range of acceptable inputs narrowed down to a possibly tiny range. While search-based approaches have proven efficient in automating aspects of testing, these have received little attention when testing from EFSMs. This thesis proposes an integrated search-based approach to automatically test from an EFSM. The proposed approach generates paths through an EFSM that are potentially feasible and satisfy a test criterion. Then, it generates test cases that can exercise the generated feasible paths. The approach is evaluated by being used to test from five EFSM cases studies. The achieved experimental results demonstrate the value of the proposed approach.
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