Academic literature on the topic 'Gel dosimétrique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Gel dosimétrique"
Gibon, David, Philippe Bourel, Bernard Castelain, Xavier Marchandise, and Jean Rousseau. "Dosimétrie par gels radiosensibles en radiothérapie. Intérêt et méthodes." Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 79, no. 2 (February 1, 2001): 130–39.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gel dosimétrique"
Bleuse, Olivier. "Développement de la lecture optique par lumière diffusée des gels dosimétriques." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Full textThe most advanced techniques in radiotherapy have now become standard in the treatment of malignant tumors. However, these modern techniques have the particularity of providing complex distributions of the dose in order to better target the tumor volume to be treated and to better protect the healthy tissue surrounding the target volume. As a result, the problem of quality assurance is becoming increasingly important in radiophysics units within radiotherapy departments. To overcome the lack of current detectors, a three-dimensional approach is necessary to guarantee the quality of treatments. Several techniques are under development, including dosimetric gels. However, reading techniques are subject to different types of artifacts limiting their integration into daily uses.This work consisted to develop a new optical reading technique dedicated to dosimetric gels, especially polymer gels. This method based on the measurement of scattered intensity uses a spherical approach of radioformed domains.Using the polarization rate technique, the developed prototype proposes to link the scattered intensity of an homogeneous spherical particle whose size evolves as a function of the absorbed dose. To demonstrate this feasibility approach, a characterization of the polymer gels was carried out, in particular the study of the refractive index as a function of the absorbed dose. This information made it possible to carry out numerical modeling which was then confronted to the experimentation
Sedaghat, Mahbod. "A study on radiochemical errors in polymer gel dosimeters." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012.
Full textBoudou, Caroline. "Dosimétrie pour la radiothérapie en rayonnement synchrotron: calculs Monte-Carlo et gels radiosensibles." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2006.
Full textGensanne, David. "Réalisation d'un nouveau gel ferreux équivalent-tissu : applications en dosimétrie volumique par imagerie de résonance magnétique (IRM)." Toulouse 3, 2003.
Full textTo improve the efficiency of radiotherapy treatments various new radiotherapy techniques have been developed, including inverse therapy planning, multileaf collimators, stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery. These new conformal irradiation techniques generally create rather complicated dose distributions in the irradiated volume and classical dosimeters are not available to easily and accurately perform 3D measurements of the absorbed dose. In practice, up to now, no reference dosimeter has got general approval but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dosimetry using tissue-equivalent ferrous or polymer gels, seems a promising technique which could serve, in the future, as a reference to determine 3D dose distributions. Compared to polymer gels, ferrous gels are less sensitive and furthermore the diffusion of ferric ions created by irradiation causes a gradual blurring of the radiation dose pattern with time. However, contrary to polymer gels, ferrous gels have no toxicity, are easier to use and cheaper, so, we focused in this work on the development of a new ferrous gel with improved sensitivity and diffusion. .
Alhelou, Nissrine. "Etude de verres pour la dosimétrie fibrée de rayonnements ionisants." Thesis, Lille 1, 2018.
Full textNowadays, existing dosimeters are insufficient for monitoring and control of ionizing radiation in all configurations and especially in severe environments. In optical dosimetry, fiber systems allow to provide a real-time response to relatively low dose rates, making possible some measurements in hard-to-reach places with interesting spatial resolution. This work consisted in the study of sol-gel silica glasses doped with ionic copper or cerium, with the aim of using them in a dosimetry device. These glasses have been characterized by different spectroscopic techniques before and after irradiations. In the case of Cu-doped glasses, after X or γ irradiation (1 MGy), the defects HC1, HC2 and E' have been identified. As for Ce-doped glasses, they are more resistant and remain colorless, even after a dose of 8.8 MGy under X. Measurements of the optical response from the samples under X-rays were carried out using a fibered device. For Cu-doped glasses, radioluminescence (RL) sensitivity covers dose rates ranging from 0.25 to at least 800 mGy/s and the linearity of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been demonstrated in the range 40 mGy-200 Gy. Ce-doped glasses are more efficient in terms of linearity. Indeed, for this dopant, RL and OSL signals are linear up to 1.2 Gy/s and 500 Gy, respectively. Short-term OSL fading was observed before stabilization of the signal. The obtained results show that these doped glasses are of great interest for fibered dosimetry of ionizing radiations
Courbon, Frédéric. "Dosimétrie par gel de polymères : évaluation de la précision dans un environnement clinique et mise au point d'un modèle expérimental pour la dosimétrie de sources non scellées d'iode 131." Toulouse 3, 2004.
Full textMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows to measure in the 3 dimensions the dose delivered to irradiated polymer gels. This information would be very useful to improve either the accuracy of non-sealed sources dosimetry (NSSD) or quantitative scintigraphy. To our knowledge MRI gel dosimetry is mainly carried out by research units and its usefulness for NSSD has to be established. The aim of our study is to assess the accuracy of gel dosimetry in a clinical environment (imported gel, restricted access to a clinical MRI, data analysis without dedicated software) and to find a way to use this kind of gel for NSSD. For this purpose we analyse the reproducibility of R2 measurements depending on the size of the voxel, the position of the gel inside the coil and the methods used to calculate relaxation times. The accuracy of our measurement is in good acceptance with literature except in cases of low relaxation times (i. E. High doses) and high dose gradient deposition. .
Bahout, Jessica. "Fibres optiques dédiées à la détection de rayonnements ionisants : vers une dosimétrie aux extrêmes." Thesis, Lille 1, 2020.
Full textFor several decades now, monitoring ionizing radiation has been particularly important in places that are difficult to access or even dangerous, especially in harsh environments. Optical fiber is the solution of choice when remote measurement is mandatory. In addition, the optical fibers ensure the spatial separation of the probe, sensitive to radiation, and the electronic processing system, which allows remote measurements in complex geometries. During this work, silica-based glasses developed by the sol-gel route and codoped with active Ce / Tb or Ce / Cu ions were welded to one or two transport fibers to make measurements of dose rates and remote dose. In addition, the presence within the matrix of two types of luminescent centers emitting at different wavelengths makes it possible to extend the spectral range of luminescence. These samples were characterized, before and after 1MGy irradiation, by several spectroscopic techniques. In the case of Cu or Tb doped glasses alone, defects (NBOHC, HC1 ...) have been created after irradiation. Thanks to the presence of the cerium ions in the codoped silica Ce / Cu or Ce / Tb which played a very important role where it protected the matrix and attenuates the creation of certain defects under irradiation. Dosimetric measurements carried out under X-rays made it possible to evaluate the linearity of the RL and OSL signal for the codoped silica glasses Ce / Tb and Ce / Cu. For Ce / Cu codoped glasses, the RL signal has a linear response in the range 0.0011 - 34 Gy / s in Saint-Etienne and between 13.3 µGy / s and 7.3 Gy (SiO2) at Nice and the linearity of OSL has been demonstrated up to 50 Gy in Saint-Etienne and 33 Gy in Nice. Co-coded Ce / Tb glasses showed sensitivity in RL in the dose rate range of between 13.3 µGy / s and 7.3 Gy / s with excellent reproducibility of the measurements. This material has been shown to have an OSL response which remains dose proportional up to 66 Gy (SiO2). Thanks to these results, we deduce that these codoped samples constitute a solution for remote dosimetry measurements in severe environment
Tremblay, Nicolas. "Intégration de détecteurs plastiques à scintillation aux dosimètres à gel de polymère pour l'obtention de mesures de doses radiatives calibrées en trois dimensions." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011.
Full textMeynard, Karina. "Polymérisation radio-induite : calcul de dose et modélisation dans le cas d'irradiations prolongées de sources non-scellées." Toulouse 3, 2009.
Full textThis work is meant for improving dosimetry in internal targeted radiotherapy by using MAGIC polymer gels. The Monte Carlo PENELOPE code was used to simulate the trajectory of particles down to an incident energy of 100 eV. In a preliminary study the code was validated by calculating the absorbed-dose distributions around point sources and volume ones in liquid water. This study was completed by estimating the equivalences or non-equivalences of the MAGIC gel to water, soft and adipose tissues, muscle, thyroid and cartilage. For this purpose, cross sections and physical interaction quantities (stopping power, attenuation coefficient. . . ) concerning these media are compared. The overall result set allowed us to adapt the PENELOPE code for modelling different irradiation configurations of source/target which describe the main clinical treatments in internal targeted radiotherapy