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Journal articles on the topic "Gaz – Effets des hautes températures"
Montagnini, Florencia, Muhammad Ibrahim, and Enrique Murgueitio Restrepo. "Systèmes silvopastoraux et atténuation du changement climatique en Amérique latine." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 316, no. 316 (June 1, 2013): 3.
Full textBouchter, J. C., Ph Dufour, J. Guidez, C. Latge, C. Renault, G. Rimpault, and A. Vasile. "Les réacteurs gaz à spectre thermique et à très hautes températures (VHTR)." Revue Générale Nucléaire, no. 2 (March 2014): 50–61.
Full textTapsoba, Abdoul Aziz, Guiguigbaza-Kossigan Dayo, Saidou Santi, Rokyatou Sissao, Aboubacar Sourabie, Estele Pelagie Sanou, Alfred Ouedraogo, and Aboubacar Toguyeni. "Influence de la température sur la spermatogénèse chez le tilapia du Nil, <i>Oreochromis niloticus</i> (Linnaeus, 1758) : une synthèse." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 17, no. 7 (February 22, 2024): 2925–42.
Full textMsadek, Rym, Gilles Garric, Sara Fleury, Florent Garnier, Lauriane Batté, and Mitchell Bushuk. "Prévoir les variations saisonnières de la glace de mer arctique et leurs impacts sur le climat." La Météorologie, no. 111 (2020): 024.
Full textIyiola-Tunji, A. O. "Climate-smart livestock production: options for Nigerian farmers." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 48, no. 4 (March 8, 2021): 136–48.
Full textYonzoua, C. C. Fandjio, U. J. M. Pettang Nana, M. B. Manjiaa, and C. Pettanga. "Mesure de la vulnérabilité des milieux urbains au Cameroun face au changement climatique." Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences 17, no. 2 (January 12, 2022): 115–29.
Full textBAUMONT, René, and Jean-Louis PEYRAUD. "avant-propos." INRA Productions Animales 28, no. 1 (January 10, 2020): 3–4.
Full textAbdenebi, Hafsia, Bariza Zitouni, Hocine Ben Moussa, and Djamel Haddad. "Effet de températures d’hydrogène sur le gradient thermique d’une SOFC planaire à anode supportée." Journal of Renewable Energies 14, no. 1 (October 24, 2023).
Full textBelkhalfa, Hakim, Razika Tala-Ighil, Samira Sali, Salim Kermadi, Samira Sili, Messaoud Boumaour, Faiza Tayour, Fatiha Ait Amar, and Yasmine Si Ahmed. "Effet du recuit de la métallisation par sérigraphie sur les propriétés optiques des couches minces de ZnO déposées par spray." Journal of Renewable Energies 12, no. 3 (October 26, 2023).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gaz – Effets des hautes températures"
Nuzzo, Manon. "Influence de l'environnement gazeux sur les performances électrochimiques de cellules à oxyde solide (SOC) en mode Electrolyse à Haute Température (EHT)." Paris 6, 2013.
Full textHigh Temperature Steam Electrolysis (HTSE) is a promising technology for hydrogen production, leading candidate as future fuel. However, massive hydrogen production remains difficult considering the fast performance degradation of solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOEC) mainly due to extreme experimental conditions (high working temperature (700-1000°C), oxidising atmosphere, high current density). In these conditions, degradation is due to reactivity between SOEC components, evolution of their microstructure and internal stresses emphasized by temperature and gas composition gradients. This work is dedicated to the study of the influence of the gaseous environment on electrochemical performance on SOEC in HTSE mode and to the development of a homogeneous method for gas distribution over the SOEC surface to enable a more uniform cells operation and limit internal stresses. Commercial electrolyte supported cells are studied (Ni/CGO–3YSZ–LSM/YSZ). First to start with, the SOEC electrochemical behaviour is studied with a traditional experimental set-up. Electrochemical characterisations are carried out in situ through chronopotentiometry and impedance spectroscopy. Secondly, new specific experimental sets-up were developed in order to vary the homogeneity of the gas distribution over the hydrogen electrode. To finish with, the influence of the gas distribution method has been studied on the initial electrochemical behaviour and then on the SOEC durability
Ledoux, Xavier. "Contribution à la mise au point de matériaux métalliques pour les unités de production d'hydrogène par vaporéformage du gaz naturel : 1/ Étude de l'oxydation de matériaux de structure à l'air entre 650 et 1050°C. 2/ Élaboration de revêtements et étude de leur résistance à l'oxydation." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012.
Full textThe LokiR project aims to develop new steam reforming reactor to optimize the production of hydrogen. In this context, the protection of metallic alloys composing the reactor must be improved. In this thesis, the behavior of two chromia-forming alloys (Haynes© 120 and 230) was studied at high temperature under oxidizing conditions and protective coatings, able to improve their resistance against oxidation, have been developed. The study reveals that the alloys protect themselves by the growth of a chromia layer during their oxidation in air in the range 650-1050°C. This leads to a parabolic-like oxidation kinetics with low constant values for these types of alloys. The magnitude of the alloys life time at 1000°C was estimated at about 8 years in air. Chromia growth is controlled by the diffusion of the oxygen vacancy defect as well as high and low oxygen pressure. The tests indicate that the chromization of Haynes© 120 alloy leads an alpha-(Cr, Fe, Ni) phase that can be enriched with silicon. However, the behavior of these coatings oxidation at 1050°C, is, overall, unsatisfactory. The aluminization of the alloy Haynes © 120 leads to the formation of a beta-Al (Ni, Fe, Cr) coating. The oxidation study of the alloy thus coated leads to the initial growth of a transition alumina and, then, to the growth of the steady alpha-Al2O3. This last reduces the rate of oxidation and improves the thermal shock resistance. The aluminized alloy maintains the alumina-forming nature at least 10000 hours at 1000°C
Plennevaux, Cécile. "Etude des risques de corrosion et de rupture différée des aciers en présence d'H2S dans les conditions d'exploration de pétrole et de gaz à haute pression et haute température." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, INSA, 2012.
Full textThe production of high pressure (HP) and high temperature (HT) wells has considerably increased in the last decade. It is therefore needed to reassess the risks of corrosion in always more severe environments. This work was three fold to better assess the risk of Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) in these environments. Firstly, there was a need to improve prediction methods for the evaluation of HP/HT environments severity, especially the in situ pH calculation. A model was which taking into account the non-ideal behaviour of gas and liquid phases in equilibrium. The determination of the in situ pH and the acid gas fugacity at high pressure and high temperature is more accurate. In a second part of the work, the impact of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) on surface reactions and hence on the risk of SSC was examined. Electrochemical and hydrogen permeation measurements in the absence of an iron sulphide film showed that CO2 induces an increase of both cathodic reactions kinetics and hydrogen charging in the steel, especially at low H2S partial pressure (PH2S). In the last part of this work, SSC tests were performed at constant pH and constant PH2S, with various PCO2 from 0 to 100 bar. The objective was to experimentally confirm that increasing PCO2 increases the SSC risk, as inferred from the electrochemical study. Unfortunately, experimental artefacts linked with autoclave test conditions did not lead to clear conclusions on this point. However, this work shows that conventional tools might lead to underestimate SSC risks at high PCO2 and low PH2S. In these specific conditions, the new results presented in this report may contribute to improve materials selection criteria for high pressure and high temperature conditions
Vounki, Brenda. "Adsorbants à base de phosphates pour l'abattement des métaux lourds en phase gazeuse." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2023.
Full textEnvironmental standards for emissions of pollutants into the air are becoming increasingly restrictive, with new emission thresholds that must complied with. It is therefore necessary to develop and/or improve current techniques to remove heavy metals. This thesis aims to develop a calcium phosphate sorbent with controlled properties to remove heavy metals from the gas phase at high temperature (> 240°C). Although the process from getting the removal of heavy metals at low temperature (< 240°C), the one for high temperature conditions are still scarce. Initially, various syntheses of calcium phosphates were carried out to identify the influence of operating conditions on the physico-chemical and thermal properties. The liquid/solid ratio and the stirring speed proved to be the most influential parameters to control the final properties of the product. A hydroxyapatite with a specific surface area of between 90 and 100 m2/g was obtained. Based on the results obtained, the hydroxyapatite chosen for the laboratory-scale fixed-bed cadmium or lead adsorption tests was the one with the best characteristics in terms of thermal, physical, and chemical stability. Nevertheless, this manuscript mostly covered the work on cadmium adsorption. A second hydroxyapatite was also used for the adsorption tests. The adsorption tests were carried out by varying parameters such as the gas flow rate (1-3 L/h), the temperature (700-1000 °C), the contact time, the initial concentration of the pollutant and the height of the adsorbent powder bed (0.5-1.5 cm). The results demonstrated the ability of these sorbents to capture heavy metals under thermal stress (T > 700°C). Experimental data on cadmium adsorption were modelled using a mathematical approach based on the kinetics of adsorption processes and mass transfer phenomena. The model was used to predict the dynamic of cadmium adsorption on hydroxyapatite using breakthrough curves describing the cadmium concentration profile as a function of time. This work has shown that the synthesised hydroxyapatites have interesting surface, flow, thermal and thermomechanical properties, showing their possible application at high temperatures at industrial scale in a waste incineration unit
Dawi, Kamel. "Corrosion à haute température de fontes GS à matrice ferritique et austénitique sous atmosphères complexes." Compiègne, 2009.
Full textNoudeviwa, Albert M. D. "Etude et optimisation de dispositifs à base de matériaux faibles gap pour applications hautes fréquences et ultra faible consommation." Thesis, Lille 1, 2011.
Full textAdvent of itinerant technologies was done with the autonomy needs increase in the mobile electronics devices. In addition the high devices integration density leads to the thermal dissipation limits of the classic cooling systems. Thus in this thesis the low Vds operation mode is investigated in narrow band gap materials based HEMTs in order to reduce the power consumption. This study is done at room temperature (300K) and at cryogenic temperature (77K). Concerning antimonide based HEMTs, record performances was published at 300K (fT = 144GHz à 100mV for Lg=120nm). In terms of noise performances both of industrial studied HEMTs and antimonide based HEMTs present at 30GHz and Vds=100mV NFmin value around 1.6dB and Gass around 6dB for power dissipation lower than 10mW/mm. Finally low noise amplifier (LNA) design is done in order to evaluate the potential use of those devices in low power consumption electronics at room and cryogenic temperature. Those designs allowed to obtain at Vds=100mV NF value around 1.7dB and Gass around 6dB with power dissipation lower than 6mW/mm at room temperature and at cryogenic temperature NF value around 0,6dB for Gass value higher than 7dB
Peyrovi, Parnian. "Improved resistance to deactivation of coupled NH3-SCR/ DPF catalyst for diesel exhaust emissions control." Thesis, Lille, 2018.
Full textDiesel engines have been extensively implemented because they emit lesser CO2 than gasoline engine of equivalent power, since they work in lean condition, i.e. in excess of oxygen. Recently, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) catalysts coated on Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) have been introduced for automotive applications due to capability of reducing NOx and PM simultaneously. However, such implementation requires improved thermal resistance of the SCR catalyst due to the exotherms related to the periodic regeneration of DPF. The point of this manuscript is to propose a catalyst active in NOx reduction by NH3 after aging at high temperature. The first part of this manuscript details the modifications of CeV0.95W0.05O4 catalyst by adding of rare earths elements (Pr3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, and Er3+). The most promising catalyst obtained by the partial substitution of cerium by rare earths was finally Ce0.5Er0.5V0.95W0.05O4 catalyst. A partial substitution of the cerium by the erbium allows obtaining an increase of the activity after an aging at 600°C and 850°C attributed to the ability of erbium to promote thermal stability of the vanadium-containing catalysts. This behaviour might be also correlated with the characteristics of Er3+_O_V5+ bond and to their ability to alter the characteristics of the V_O bond and the acid/base surface properties. Ce0.5Er0.5V0.95W0.05O4 catalyst, an optimized formulation, is able to get a NOx conversion superior to 80% between 250 and 400°C in Fast-SCR condition after an aging at 850°C
Plennevaux, Cécile. "Etude des risques de corrosion et de rupture différée des aciers en présence d'H2S dans les conditions d'exploration de pétrole et de gaz à haute pression et haute température." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2012.
Full textThe production of high pressure (HP) and high temperature (HT) wells has considerably increased in the last decade. It is therefore needed to reassess the risks of corrosion in always more severe environments. This work was three fold to better assess the risk of Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) in these environments. Firstly, there was a need to improve prediction methods for the evaluation of HP/HT environments severity, especially the in situ pH calculation. A model was which taking into account the non-ideal behaviour of gas and liquid phases in equilibrium. The determination of the in situ pH and the acid gas fugacity at high pressure and high temperature is more accurate. In a second part of the work, the impact of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) on surface reactions and hence on the risk of SSC was examined. Electrochemical and hydrogen permeation measurements in the absence of an iron sulphide film showed that CO2 induces an increase of both cathodic reactions kinetics and hydrogen charging in the steel, especially at low H2S partial pressure (PH2S). In the last part of this work, SSC tests were performed at constant pH and constant PH2S, with various PCO2 from 0 to 100 bar. The objective was to experimentally confirm that increasing PCO2 increases the SSC risk, as inferred from the electrochemical study. Unfortunately, experimental artefacts linked with autoclave test conditions did not lead to clear conclusions on this point. However, this work shows that conventional tools might lead to underestimate SSC risks at high PCO2 and low PH2S. In these specific conditions, the new results presented in this report may contribute to improve materials selection criteria for high pressure and high temperature conditions
Xiong, Bao Kou. "Quantification des gaz générés lors du fonctionnement d'une batterie Li-ion : effet des conditions opératoires et rôle de l'électrolyte." Thesis, Tours, 2018.
Full textThe functioning of lithium-ion batteries, may it be under normal use or under abusive conditions, is accompanied by gas generation, especially during the first cycles. This extent of gas generation is dependent on the choice of electrode materials, the electrolyte, and the operating conditions. This gas generation is detrimental: the build-up of pressure leads to the over-pressure in the battery, raising serious concerns. This study is aimed at understanding the fundamental mechanisms governing these reactions. To do so, the « pouch cell » configuration was adopted throughout this thesis. The electrolyte we worked on is the mixture EC:PC:3DMC + 1 mol.L-1 LiPF6. The first chapter of this work is dedicated to development of an experimental protocol based on (i) the analysis of the electrodes materials (NMC, LFP, Gr and LTO), (ii) the gas solubilities (O2, H2) compared to (CO2, CH4) by PVT method, and (iii) the quantification of the volume of generated gases during the cycling of pouch cells which was correlated to the electrochemical performances. A preliminary analysis of half-cells and full cells Gr//NMC and LTO//LFP were also conducted to foresee the performances of the pouch cells. A critical analysis of data taken from the literature and from our own experiments enabled the optimization of a proper procedure to get reproducible and comparable results. The second part of this thesis consists in the quantification of the volume of gases generated during the cycling of Gr//NMC, Gr//LFP, LTO//LFP and LTO//NMC pouch cells. In that respect, the voltages of the end of charge and the effect of salt and of temperature were discussed to figure out the essential parameters in the gas generation and in particular during the formation of SEI. Lastly, a compositional analysis of gases was performed using GC-MS and FTIR. Based on those results, a mechanism is proposed and discussed herein
Kunc, Jan. "Gaz électronique bidimensionnel de haute mobilité dans des puits quantiques de CdTe : études en champ magnétique intense." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011.
Full textBooks on the topic "Gaz – Effets des hautes températures"
1944-, Cremer D., ed. Noble gas and high temperature chemistry. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Find full textSteel Construction Institute (Great Britain). Fire and Blast Information Group. Design guide for steel at elevated temperatures and high strain rates. [Ascot, Eng.]: Steel Construction Institute, 2001.
Find full textManson, S. S. Fatigue and Durability of Metals at High Temperatures. A S M International, 2009.
Find full textGuo, Zhenhai, and Xudong Shi. Experiment and Calculation of Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures. Butterworth-Heinemann Limited, 2017.
Find full textGuo, Zhenhai, and Xudong Shi. Experiment and Calculation of Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2011.
Find full textNovel Approaches to the Improvement of High Temperature Corrosion Resistance (EFC). Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2008.
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