Academic literature on the topic 'Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne'
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Journal articles on the topic "Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne"
Gagnon, Pierre J. Y. "Formation continue obligatoire et modalités de la formation à distance destinée aux juristes." Médiations et médiatisations, no. 2 (November 15, 2019): 199–217.
Full textRud, Christian. "Un nouvel outil d’évaluation–formation en ligne." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 24, no. 3 (September 2017): 380.
Full textBeillerot, Jacky. "Médiation, éducation et formation." Diversité 175, no. 1 (2014): 36–41.
Full textCrook, Charles, David Barrowcliff, Virginie Paul, and Jacques Perriault. "La formation en ligne mieux que l'enseignement classique ..." Hermès 39, no. 2 (2004): 69.
Full textTali, Fatiha. "Contribuer à l’école inclusive: cas d’une communauté d’apprentissage en ligne d’enseignant·e·s en formation hybride." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 42, no. 1 (June 3, 2020): 210–32.
Full textASTRUC, A., S. RAFI, and F. CHEVALIER. "Une formation pilote hybride sur l'analyse des données quantitatives. Avantages et points de vigilance." EXERCER 32, no. 174 (June 1, 2021): 284–86.
Full textLesourd, Francis. "Devenir enseignant en ligne à l’université : une rythmo-formation complexe." Phronesis 3, no. 4 (February 19, 2015): 39–47.
Full textBatime, Christine. "ATELIER 2 : Alternance, auto-formation, formation en ligne : la question de l’espace de formation." Sociographe N° Hors-série, HS1 (November 3, 2004): 45–73.
Full textCaix, P., M. Montaudon, A. P. Uzel, C. Desvergnes, B. Ella, and F. Spiroux. "E-learning anatomie. Formation en ligne auto formation auto évaluation à distance." Morphologie 90, no. 289 (June 2006): 69.
Full textBond, Suzie, Émilie Binet, and Béatrice Pudelko. "L’utilisation des technologies pour optimiser la formation des intervenants en santé mentale aux traitements fondés sur les données probantes : où en sommes-nous ?" Santé mentale au Québec 46, no. 1 (September 21, 2021): 71–95.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne"
Lafeuille, Pierre. "Prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique des lésions superficielles du tube digestif assistée par les techniques numériques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Full textDigestive cancers are among the most common cancers, with a high mortality rate. They most often develop from a benign lesion that slowly evolves and eventually becomes cancerous. Organized screening by endoscopy increases the chances of cure, thanks to early detection and treatment. With recent optical advances in endoscopic imaging, a wide variety of lesions can be visualized during colonoscopic examinations. We first demonstrated that, once detected, colorectal lesions need to be characterized in order to predict histology in real time during endoscopy and choose the best therapeutic option for each lesion. Biopsies (targeted or not) are unnecessary and may make subsequent resection more difficult. The many existing classifications have their limitations, however, and we have therefore merged the criteria of all the usual classifications into the CONECCT classification, which in a prospective evaluation demonstrated its good diagnostic performance, enabling appropriate treatment choices to be made for lesions. We then sought to develop the initial CONECCT classification, by adding lesions with a focal zone of deep invasion, showing that diagnostic submucosal dissection is feasible for these lesions, and by adding colonic submucosal lesions, showing that as most are not malignant, they do not warrant advanced endoscopic resection but could benefit from a step-up strategy starting with simple histological sampling with advanced resection for the rare malignant lesions in a second stage. As lesion degeneration is not homogeneous, we sought to improve detection of areas of interest by showing that an area stained green in virtual chromoendoscopy, or green sign, could be associated with a more pejorative lesion histology. All the more so as we have described the difficulty presented by AI systems in detecting flat lesions such as sessile serrated lesions and non-granular laterally spreading tumors. As the characterization of colorectal lesions is essential but very difficult, we then sought to improve the characterization training of French-speaking gastroenterologists, via a working group on a social network, featuring educational videos dedicated to characterization. However, passive use of the group, with a very low degree of user interaction, failed to show any progression among residents over one year. Finally, we have developed a free application on computer and smartphone, enabling collaborative characterization by a trio of experts of 20 colorectal lesions published by 12 gastroenterologists
Vincent, Caroline. "Interactions pédagogiques "fortement multimodales" en ligne : le cas de tuteurs en formation." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2012.
Full textCaroline, Vincent. "Interactions pédagogiques "fortement multimodales" en ligne: le cas de tuteurs en formation." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines - ENS-LSH Lyon, 2012.
Full textKennel, Sophie. "Pratiques et compétences informationnelles des étudiants dans les espaces de formation en ligne." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014.
Full textCrossing studies on college academic achievement, information literacy and digital culture, the proposed case study questions the relationship between distance learning and students information practices and information literacy. An initial survey has identified academic and sociological profiles of students who are enrolled in a program offered by the University of Strasbourg to help them succeed in their curricula. Other surveys and tests were conducted to know the information practices of these students in online learning contexts and evaluate their skills entering and exiting the program. The results show that our population does not fit the profile of student failure. Moreover, our conclusions support our hypothesis about poverty information practices in e-learning and lack of expert skills in this area despite several courses followed by these students
Jeunesse, Christophe. "Collaboration et interculturalité dans la formation en ligne. Contribution à l'écologie de l'apprenance." Thesis, Paris 10, 2009.
Full textThe research concerns the study of specificities connected to the online collaborative learning in a multicultural context. It is situated at the intersection of the reflections carried out on the conceptual fields dealing with the motivation, with the culture, with the gender and with the distance training mediatized by the educational technologies. The context of this study lies in and online university training gathering 249 European and African students, all French-speaking people, in an adult continuing training and working within remote collaborative learning plan. My reflection was driven by the questioning about the way the students lived the online collaboration in multicultural context, in particular on the difficulties shown by the Africans while at the same time they seemed to present a more positive attitude than their western peers towards this method of training. Several successive investigations (preliminary, quantitative and qualitative among representative samples of the students) make it possible to bring a certain number of answers to the question of research as well as additional details. The culture, in particular the sociotechnical environment of the learners, provides an additional variable well to be taken into account with regard to the gender necessary to decode attitudes and behavior of learners who are involved in a online collaborative training. A reflection around the dimensions of the “learnance” (learning readiness) and the transactional distance also allows to understand better the relations between the actors of the training and the necessary adaptations of the training design in such a context
Ilahi, Ali. "Formation en ligne et innovation pédagogique : une expérience d'IED dans l'enseignement supérieur français." Paris 8, 2008.
Full textThe introduction of the new technologies in the device of training, for landing the geographical distance, can quite particularly have some influence on the educational practices which modifies strikingly all the elements of the system. Our research joins in the problem and the effect of the integration of the TIC on the innovation of the educational practice in university. To track down all the main factors which create brakes in the innovation and in the changes of the educational methods in the distance training. Our research results discover that the brakes of the innovation and in the changes are connected to the institutional, technological and educational contexts which constitute a whole set of conditions of development of the distance training with TIC. So, we noticed that there is an interdependent relation between these three dimensions of our model. Without the change of all the institutional, technological and educational plans, the educational innovation cannot succeed as we estimate it. Our empirical work shows the importance of the role of the guardian in a device of on-line formation, to answer the problems of abandonment through the dialogue, the accompaniment and the follow-up of learners. We clarify to show that in a device of on-line formation (e-learning), the relation of education is modified, the teacher, the trainer and learner participate interactively in the mutual practice of access to the knowledge. The roles of the teachers and the trainers, their modes of intervention which are transformed, entail a redefining of their territories, their identities, their statuses and their powers. What obliges the teaching world, notably university to undergo a profound alteration (transfer). We conclude finally, on the efficiency and the evaluation of this new device, so tracks to integrate better TIC into the distance training
Tempier, Charlotte. "L'Autorégulation dans un dispositif en ligne d’apprentissage : Signes d’un apprenant opportuniste." Paris 10, 2011.
Full textCombe, Celik Christelle. "Pratiques discursives dans une formation en ligne à la didactique du français langue étrangère." Grenoble, 2010.
Full textThis research focuses on pedagogical communication via the Internet which took place within the framework of a training course for teachers of French as a Foreign Language during the 2004-2005 academic year. The initial postulate on which this work is based is the following : contrary to traditional distance-learning courses, online courses are supposed to allow the creation of links which partially mitigate physical isolation, these links being both socio-affective and socio-cognitive. In the first case, it is a question of creating a feeling of community and thus of breaking the isolation of the distance-learning student. In the second, it involves improving the quality of learning through interaction between the various members of the group. However if the role of the communication between the members is essential, the computer mediated communication in a pedagogical context doesn't go without saying either for the teacher-tutors, or for the learners. Which discursive practices do the actors implement in this new almost exclusively verbal and written enunciative device which are the fully online trainings ? In order to respond to this general problem, this research questions the types of tasks which create participation and make interactivity between members easier, the editing forms of the online instructions, the different tutoral practices throughout the course and the constitution of an online learning community. The method involves a triangulation of the data and a discourse analysis
Alattar, Farah Basma. "Débats participatifs en ligne et hors ligne en milieu scolaire - Pour une éducation à la citoyenneté." Thesis, Paris 3, 2020.
Full textOur action-research refers to active and project pedagogy. We have considered ways of developing participatory debates in schools, using a digital environment; we have based this reflection on a concrete experience conducted from a Parisian high school: a multilingual simulation of international parliaments that we have named "Parliament of Future Citizens".We first highlighted the role of these discussions and consultations in raising students' awareness of the need to build a more humane world. We have complemented this training in debates with the creation of a Non-Governmental Organization in the field of health. The objective was to give citizenship education its deep meaning by allowing Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian and Turkish pupils to move from a virtual space of discussion to an associative space of mediation that works for solidarity actions. Finally, through the establishment of a Hackathon with European students, we have demonstrated that competition and democratic debates aimed at inclusive education are complementary and mutually developing.Managing an international educational environment for online and offline debates in high-school requires the teacher to implement rigorous social engineering, training and education, thought in terms of tools, planning and human resources management. This hybrid education organization must be able to combine online devices with dedicated tools ranging from content aggregators, forums, training sites, online voting to the organization of the platform dedicated to e-learning
Salam, Louay Pierre. "Apports d'un projet d'échanges en ligne à la formation en didactique du français langue étrangère." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.
Full textThis research focuses on the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching French as a Foreign Language in general and in the initial training of teachers in specific areas. Our work examines the real contribution of the project "le Français en (1ère) Ligne" (F1L) on the training of FFL Master students from the University of Grenoble 3.This project puts them in a situation of active learning where they will be able to develop educational activities and support learners.Our conceptual framework, which is strongly multidisciplinary, draws on theoretical foundations in language teaching, interaction analysis, education science, adult education and learning technology. The overall objective of the research is to better understand the role of an active approach to ICT training for FFL teachers and evaluate the contributions. Our analyses are divided into three points. Firstly, we will examine how students organize themselves to develop online tasks and analyze the activities produced. Secondly we will show how to identify building a pedagogical relationship online and practicing as a tutor. Thirdly, we will determine the role of the associated teacher in training students. To do so, through an ethnographic approach, we collected several types and kinds of data that we crossed to answer our research questions. The results will give us more information on the main objective and will allow us to define the professional skills acquired.This study has two goals: firstly, a descriptive one, analyzing tasks and online interaction to better understand the actions of participants, as well as the relationships they build between themselves and the skills they acquire. Moreover, this thesis has a praxeological aim. The description allows us to produce a model of some of the variables in this project. We point out various factors of efficiency in terms of teacher training in ICT and their use in language teaching. These elements will allow us to implement action research
Books on the topic "Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne"
Marchand, Louise. Pratiques d'apprentissage en ligne. Montréal: Chenelière / McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Find full textStoyko, Peter. Learning@large : an e-learning guide for managers =: Apprentissage@la portée de tous : un guide d'apprentissage en ligne pour gestionnaires. [Ottawa]: Canadian Centre for Management Development = Centre canadien de gestion, 2003.
Find full text1941-, Taylor Arlene G., ed. Understanding FRBR: What it is and how it will affect our retrieval tools. Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
Find full textMeister, Jeanne C. The 2020 workplace: How innovative companies attract, develop, and keep tomorrow's employees today. New York: Harper Business, 2010.
Find full textBouthry, Anne, and Christophe Jourdain. Construire son projet de formation en ligne. Editions d'Organisation, 2003.
Find full textForgue, Nicolas. Créer Votre Première Méga Formation et la Vendre: Comment Créer Votre Première Méga Formation en Ligne et la Vendre. Independently Published, 2018.
Find full textMangenot, François. Collection F - Formation en ligne et MOOC: Apprendre et se former en langue avec le numérique. HACHETTE FLE, 2017.
Find full textMangenot, François. Collection F - Formation en ligne et MOOC: Apprendre et se former en langue avec le numérique. HACHETTE FLE, 2017.
Find full textComment Choisir une Formation en Ligne, Meilleur Façon de Choisir Sa Formation à Distance, Techniques Simples Pour un Bon Choix d'école, Formation à Distance Astuces à Comprendre: Secret Des écoles. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textCarlos Alberto de Moura Ribeiro Zeron. Ligne de Foi: La Compagnie de Jesus et l'esclavage Dans le Processus de Formation de la Societe Coloniale en Amerique Portugaise. Classiques Garnier, 2022.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne"
Dumont, Chantal. "Chapitre 4. Formation des enseignants." In L’enseignement en ligne, 111. De Boeck Supérieur, 2007.
Full textGalichet, François. "Chapitre 9. Une expérience de communauté philosophique virtuelle en formation d'adultes." In L’enseignement en ligne, 221. De Boeck Supérieur, 2007.
Full text"Front Matter." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, I—VI. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textBOTTIN-ROUSSEAU, Sabine, and Pierre BEUST. "Les examens télésurveillés au domicile de l’étudiant dans la formation à distance universitaire française." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 37–50. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textHAMEL, Mireille. "La pédagogie de l’empathie et son impact sur les apprentissages en ligne." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 51–66. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textAMIREAULT, Valérie, Simon COLLIN, and Alexandra H. MICHAUD. "Perception d’utilité du cours FEL (francisation en ligne) au Québec." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 67–84. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textGRENON, Vincent, François LAROSE, and Guillaume BOLDUC. "Les enquêtes sur l’efficacité et l’appréciation de la visioconférence en enseignement supérieur." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 87–98. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textGÉRIN-LAJOIE, Serge, and Cathia PAPI. "Quels liens entre outils technopédagogiques et conceptions de l’apprentissage?" In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 99–114. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textDUPLÀA, Emmanuel. "Les transformations d’établissement et la formation en ligne." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 115–38. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textGRAVELLE, France, Frédéric FOURNIER, Alain STOCKLESS, and Martin RIVET. "Le changement à la gouvernance de l’UQAM." In Formation et apprentissage en ligne, 139–54. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne"
Ghedhahem, Zeineb. "Cap sur le premier MOOC FOFLE en Afrique francophone pour se (re)mettre à flot." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textCatros, S., M. Fenelon, A. Rui, K. Ross, D. Marcio, B. Angel, M. D. S. Luis, et al. "Création d’un site internet Européen de formation au sevrage tabagique." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textRoume, M., S. Azogui-Lévy, G. Lescaille, V. Descroix, and J. Rochefort. "Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en pathologie de la muqueuse buccale des chirurgiens-dentistes en France, enquête nationale." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textDegorce, T. "Le défaut osseux antérieur : un défi esthétique et chirurgical." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Gastroentérologues – Formation en ligne"
Alaoui, Siham, Nadia Naffi, and Simon Collin. Les technologies éducatives en milieu scolaire et universitaire. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'IA et du numérique, June 2023.
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