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Savin, Rémy. "Catechol chemistry for biosensor manufacturing : synthesis and electro-crosslinking of gold nanoparticles/enzymes." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2022.

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L’intérêt pour les bioélectrodes croît exponentiellement depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années. En particulier, les biocapteurs et les biopiles enzymatiques ont montré des performances intéressantes pour la surveillance in-situ de biomarqueurs d’intérêts ou pour l’alimentation électrique de dispositifs miniaturisés bio-implantés. Malgré la multitude d’applications envisagées, ces dispositifs peinent encore à se généraliser sur le marché à cause de plusieurs limitations majeures. Le coût, la facilité de fabrication, la sensibilité et surtout la stabilité dans le temps sont des paramètres encore à améliorer. Etant des limitations intrinsèques au choix et à l’organisation des matériaux constituant la couche sensible, nous avons proposé par ce travail une nouvelle voie de fabrication des bioélectrodes. Nous avons utilisé un mélange de polyphénol, sel d’or, médiateur électrochimique et enzyme (relative au biomarqueur d’intérêt) qui a ensuite été électro-réticulés en complexes enzymes/nanoparticules organisés. Enfin, nous avons généralisé ce concept sur membrane souple avec co-immobilization du médiateur ce qui constitue une approche originale dans le développement de pansements intelligents pour le suivi des plaies chroniques
Interest in biosensors has grown exponentially in recent decades. In particular, enzymatic biosensors and biofuel cells have shown great promises as in-situ monitoring of interesting biomarkers or as miniaturized bio-implanted powering devices. Despite the multitude of applications, these devices are struggling to widespread on the market due to several limitations. Cost, ease of fabrication, sensitivity and stability over time are parameters that still deserve to be improved. The choice and spatial organization of the materials within the sensitive layer need to be reconsidered in order to propose new strategies for bioelectrodes manufacturing. In this work, a simple mixture of polyphenol, gold salt, electrochemical mediator and enzyme (related to the biomarker) were electro-crosslinked into an organized enzymes/nanoparticles film. Finally, this concept was transferred onto a flexible membrane with co-immobilization of the mediator. This original approach has enhanced to develop smart chronic wound dressings
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Hellegouarch, Anne. "Le Pays de Galles au vingtième siècle : naissance d'une nouvelle identité." Brest, 2002.

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La recherche porte sur l'identité culturelle galloise contemporaine, notamment l'histoire et le statut du gallois, et la question de la double-culture. Le rapport ambigu des Gallois à l'image qu'ils projettent conduit le pays à se réévaluer : il est actuellement en pleine mutation. Cette redéfinition est apparente aux niveaux politique, économique, culturel et social. La nation galloise, nation sans Etat, se dote actuellement des moyens de concrétiser ses nouvelles aspirations par le biais d'une toute nouvelle Assemblée : cette dynamique est étudiée, comme ses différentes manifestations. La prise de conscience de la richesse de tout un patrimoine a suscité une politique de réhabilitation de celui-ci au XXe siècle, mais le pays se trouve actuellement face à un dilemme : comment accéder au rang de nation moderne et compétitive sans perdre son identité spécifique ? Ceci le pousse à se créer une identité compatible avec la modernité sans pour autant renier sa langue et sa culture.
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German, Gary. "Étude sociolinguistique de l'anglais du Pays de Galles." Littoral, 1996.

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Cette thèse a pour but d'analyser l'anglais du Pays de Galles. Nous adoptons une approche linguistique (synchronique et diachronique) et sociolinguistique, qui recouvre la période allant de 1480, date de la composition d'un des premiers poèmes anglo-gallois, jusqu'à nos jours. Nos principales sources sont donc à la fois littéraires (1480-1939) et sociolinguistiques (enquêtes menées sur le terrain depuis les années 60). Nous tachons d'identifier l'influence que le gallois exerce sur les différentes variétés d'anglo-gallois. Nous abordons également une question clé: la possibilité d'un substrat brittonique dans les basilectes du vieil- et du moyen anglais. Nous concluons par une étude sociolinguistique qui vise à déterminer la valeur symbolique de ce substrat en anglo-gallois moderne
The objective of this thesis is to analyze we Ish English. The approach which has been adopted is both linguistic (synchronic and diachronic) and sociolinguistic, covering a period extending from 1480, composition date of one of the earliest Anglo-Welsh poems, to the present. The principal sources are thus literary (1480-1939) as well as sociolinguistic (fieldwork undertaken since the 1960s). I attempt to identify the influence which Welsh continues to exert on the different varieties of Welsh English. I also address a key question: the possibility of an older brittonic substratum in the basilects of Old and Middle English. I conclude with a sociolinguistic study of the symbolic value of the Celtic substratum in modern Welsh English
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Devauges, Jean-Bernard. "Entrains gallo-romain /." Saint-Herblain : Groupe de recherches archéologiques d'Entrains, 1988.

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Moritzi, Diego. "Neue Freizeiträume in der Agglomeration St. Gallen-West : eine Untersuchung mit St. Galler Jugendlichen zu ihrem Freizeitmobilitätsverhalten und ihre Raumaneignung /." St. Gallen : FWR-HSG, 2006.

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Villegas, Benítez Charbel. "Caracterización de crianza y manejo de líneas de gallos de pelea en Tejupilco estado de México." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2019.

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Tesis presentada como requisito parcial para obtener el título de Ingeniero Agrónomo Zootecnista
El presente trabajo se realizó en el municipio de Tejupilco, Estado de México, en las comunidades de Tenería, Almoloya, San José de la Laguna y centro del municipio de Tejupilco. Con el objetivo de caracterizar los sistemas de crianza y manejo de líneas de gallos de pelea. En donde se encuestaron 40 galpones de aves de combate. En los criaderos de gallos de combate del sur del estado de México, el mayor porcentaje de galleros se encuentran en edades tempranas de 23 a 30 años, el 100% son hombres. El 40% de galpones se concentran en la comunidad de Tenería seguido de Tejupilco con el 37.5%. Los galleros cuentan con primaria incompleta (2.5%), galleros con nivel medio superior (35%) y superior (7.5%). Las familias tienen de 0 a 11 integrantes (20%), el mayor rango es de 0 a 3 hijos por familia con un 67.5 % de representación y el menor rango es de 4 a 7 hijos por familia con un 12.5 %. La mayor parte de los galleros son ayudados por otras personas o amigos que no corresponden a sus familiares en un 40%. El 75% de los galleros cuentan con una superficie de 1 a 2 hectáreas de terreno. Los galleros se dedican principalmente al comercio que representa el 30%, seguido de la agricultura con el 25% y el 12.5% crían gallos de combate como actividad principal. Los galpones cuentan con 300 gallos de combate (2.5%) y galpones con 30 gallos con el (17.5%). Se encontraron galleras con 200 gallinas (2.5%) y galpones que poseen 10 gallinas con el 22.5% del total. Los galpones poseen 20 polluelos que representa el 32.5%, el 15% poseen 40 polluelos de combate. El 80% de los galleros adquieren los gallos de combate de la misma gallera y el 20% de los galleros las compran a otros galpones. El 47.5% compran gallos reproductores dentro del país principalmente Edo. México y el 27.5 % importan aves de USA. Los galpones poseen diferentes razas de aves de combate predominando la Swaeter, Hatch y Asil con el 27.5% seguido de Giros Grey con el 22.5%. La raza de gallos de combate que desean adquirir en los galpones es la Kelso con el 27.5% y la Hatch leiper con el 20%. La cantidad de personas que necesitanlosgallerosparaatenderlosgalpones esunasolapersonaenun70%, seguido de 2 persona con el 22.5%. El 42.5% del total de los galleros tiene un familiar dedicado a la actividad de aves de combate y dos personas como familiares con el 40%. Los galleros poseen de 6 a 14 años (37.5%) de experiencia como criadores de aves de combate, seguidos de galleros con experiencia de 1 a 5 años (25%) encontrándose galleros con experiencia de 41 a 50 años con el (2.5%). La principal razón de tener gallos de combate es la afición con el 40% seguido del negocio con el 35%. El 72.5% de los galpones seleccionas sus mejores aves de combate por medio del fenotipo y genotipo. La vida útil de un gallo de combate es de 2 años y representa el 32.5% del total seguido de cinco años con el 30% y la vida útil de una gallina de combate es de 5 años (40%) y de 6 años con el 27.5%. La principal razón de descarte de un gallo de combate es que no pelea bien (55%) seguido de haber padecido enfermedades (20%). El 80 % de los galpones posen jaulas y voladeros y solo algunos galpones (20%) poseen rascaderas para alojamiento individual de las aves con medidas de 2 m2 x 2 m y altura de 2 m y solo un 12.5 % de galpones poseen rascaderas de 1m2 x 2 m de altura. El 100% de los galpones cuentan con bebederos y comederos para las aves. El 22.5% poseen incubadora y 77.55% de los galpones no poseen. El 55 % de los galleros hacen debutar a sus gallos de combate a los 2 años de edad y el 30 % a los 1.5 años. El 100% de los galleros utilizan navajas largas o de pulgada durante las peleas. El entrenamiento del gallo de pelea dura aproximadamente 30 días previos al combate y representa el 35% seguido de 25 días representando el 32.5%. El entrenamiento de los gallos de combate consiste en topas y ejercicio que representa el 72.5 % del total. La principal habilidad del gallo de pelea es la rapidez con un 57.5% y agilidad del ave seguido con el 12 % de la resistencia y fuerza del ave. Los galleros aplican con mayor frecuencia la cianocobalamina, vitamina b12 5500 y representa el 75%. El 55% de los galpones prefieren la incubación de los huevos de gallina de manera natural. El manejo de la gallina con sus polluelos es la alimentación con el 57.5% y la sanidad con el 20%. El 60 % de los criadores de gallos de pelea utilizan el cruzamiento con diferentes razas mientras que un 40 % utilizan el cruzamiento entre la misma raza. El 100 % de los galleros proporciona a las aves alimento comercial con diferentes niveles de proteína. Los galpones proporcionan una o dos veces al día la cantidad de 100 gr (42.5%) de alimento y 80 gr (30%) de alimento por ave al día. El 70% de los galpones no preparan alimento casero para alimentar a sus aves de combate mientras que solo el 30% de los galleros si preparan alimento a base de ingredientes caseros. El 27.5% de los galpones emplean ingredientes como frutas, granos y miel durante la cuida o entrenamiento de los gallos de combate y el 70% de los galpones no utiliza ingredientes caseros. El 45 % de los galpones alimentan a sus aves una vez al día y en un horario de las 05:00 p.m. seguido de un horario de 06:00 p.m. con el 27.5%. El 92.5% de los galpones proporcionan alimentos comerciales que contienen granos y semillas (92.5%) y pelletizados (7.5%). Para el 70% de galleros es muy importante el contenido de proteína cruda que contienen los alimentos comerciales, seguido de la cantidad y diferentes semillas con el 27.5%. El 40% de los galpones prefieren la relación de 5 gallinas para un gallo de combate y 10 gallinas para un gallo de combate con el 2.5%. El 40% de los galpones prefieren incubar huevos de gallina durante los meses de noviembre a marzo. El 40% de los galpones encuestados incuban los huevos de manera natural en gallinas cluecas. Las aves de combate alcanzan la madures sexual en promedio a los ocho meses (55%). Las principales enfermedades que se presentan en los galpones son la gripe aviar y mareck (50%) y Newcastle y viruela aviar con el 35%. El (82.5%) de los galpones realizan un programa de vacunación mientras que un 17.5% no realiza programa de vacunación. El 77.5 % de los criadores de aves de combate aplican las vacunas comerciales contra Newcastle, viruela aviar y coriza, sin embargo no aplican la vacuna contra la enfermedad de mareck (0%). El precio de venta de una gallina de combate es de $ 500.00 pesos que representa el 30% del total seguido de $ 1000.00 pesos con el 25%. El precio de aves reproductoras o tríos de aves de combate es de $ 5,000.00 que representa el 47.5%.El precio de gallos de combate es de $ 2, 000.00 pesos y representa el 35% del total. El 27.5% de los galpones reciben un ingreso de $30,000.00 pesos anuales y $ 100,000.00 pesos (7.5%) derivado de la actividad gallística.
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Urriola, Delgado Dilsa Ibeth. "Unidad de enseñanza: el gallo Vicente." Kansas State University, 2014.

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Master of Arts
Department of Modern Languages
Douglas K. Benson
Este trabajo presenta una unidad de enseñanza la cual contiene una serie de actividades educativas diseñadas con la intencionalidad de ofrecer al aprendiz un cúmulo de experiencias significativas que permitan la construcción del aprendizaje, mediante la lectura y comprensión de textos literarios que ilustran la cultura panameña; y que facilitan el desarrollo de aptitudes de toda índole. Los cuentos “El cielo se está cayendo” y “EL gallo Vicente” destacan aspectos importantes de la vida de los seres humanos dentro del ámbito social en que se desenvuelven a diario y que destacan las diferencias individuales de cada persona. Es por ello que, mediante el desarrollo de estas actividades, el aprendiz es motivado a leer, entender, distinguir, analizar, interpretar, comparar, establecer similitudes y diferencias, así como también ejemplificar el contenido y el contexto en el que se lleva a cabo cada uno de estos cuentos. Por otra parte, ambas obras literarias buscan que el aprendiz adquiera habilidades en la toma de decisiones, al momento de reflexionar y criticar objetivamente los puntos de vista de otros autores; así como también de ser creativo e innovador al reproducir lo aprendido. Cada actividad está enfocada en envolver al aprendiz en el uso efectivo del español, al mismo tiempo que adquiere un vocabulario nutrido y las estructuras gramaticales requeridas para interactuar en cualquier contexto social, mediante el intercambio de ideas, opiniones, y sentimientos, de manera efectiva y exitosa. Cabe destacar, que todas las actividades fueron diseñadas tomando en consideración que los aprendices son los principales agentes en la construcción de su propio aprendizaje y el docente se convierte en un guía y orientador en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
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Correia, Ana Mafalda Marques da Silva Ramos. "Plano de Comunicação para a marca Gallo." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2014.

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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação com especialização em Comunicação Estratégica,
Este Trabalho de Projecto tem como objectivo apresentar um Plano de Comunicação para a marca de azeite Gallo. O foco deste plano passa pela educação do consumidor para a categoria de azeite, com vista a melhorar o conhecimento que os consumidores têm sobre a categoria, criar novos comportamentos e hábitos alimentares, aumentar o consumo da categoria e colocar Gallo como a marca de azeite líder e de referência no mercado português. O projecto parte da análise do mercado em questão e da marca Gallo. Após a análise da envolvente externa e interna, é levada a cabo uma análise ao consumidor de azeite, sendo realizado para o efeito um estudo ao consumidor português, através de um inquérito por questionário. Seguidamente é desenvolvida a parte estratégica do plano, a criação das acções a desenvolver, o cronograma de implementação das mesmas e o orçamento previsional.
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Busto, Duthurburu José Antonio del. "El trece del gallo Domingo de Soraluce." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014.

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Chauveau, Jean-Paul. "Recherches diachroniques sur le vocalisme du gallo." Caen, 1985.

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Toulec, Daniel. "Le Silvanus gallo-romain : l'assimilation Silvanus-Sucellus." Paris 1, 1993.

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Symonds, R. P. "Rhenish wares : fine dark coloured pottery from Gaul and Germany /." Oxford : Oxbow books, 1992.

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Jones, William D. "Wales in America : Scranton and the Welsh, 1860-1920 /." Cardiff : University of Wales press, 1993.

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Falileyev, Alexandre I. "Le Vieux-Gallois." Universität Potsdam, 2008.

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Alexander I. Falilejevs Edition altwalisischer/altkymrischer Texte bietet eine erstmalige Zu-sammenstellung sämtlicher erhaltener Textzeugnisse dieser inselkeltischen Sprache. Sie datieren in die Zeit vor dem Jahr 1000 n.Chr. zurück. Jeder Text ist mit einem Glossar und einem ausführlichen linguistischen Kommentar versehen. Dieser Kommentar sowie die Einleitung liefern einen kompletten Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Wissensstand auf dem Gebiet des Altwalisischen. Der systematische Teil des Buches ordnet die linguistischen Formen (Phono-logie, Morphologie, Syntax) zu einem Abriß der altwalisischen Grammatik. Yves Le Berres Übersetzung der russischen Vorlage (Древневаллийский язык (Drevnevalliskiy yazyk), Moskau 2002) ins Französische ermöglicht der Forschung erstmalig einen Zugang zum Alt-walisischen in einer westeuropäischen Sprache. Das Altwalisische ist nicht nur für das Verständnis der anderen älteren inselkeltischen Spra-chen wichtig (Irisch, Bretonisch und Kornisch), sondern auch für die Entstehungsgeschichte des Englischen. Das Altwalisische war die erste Kontaktsprache der Sprecher des sich heraus-bildenden mittelalterlichen Englischen.
This book offers, for the first time, a complete collection of the textual documents known so far in the Old Welsh language. Dr. Alexander I. Falileyev’s edition of these documents is ac-companied by a running linguistic commentary as well as a glossary. The grammatical section of the book orders all the linguistic evidence found in these texts in a systematic form. Both, the textual evidence and the linguistic analysis allow a complete picture of the present state of the research on the Old Welsh language. Dr. Falileyev’s book originally appeared in Moscow in 2002 (Древневаллийский язык (Drevnevalliskiy yazyk)). It was updated by the author in 2007 and translated by Prof. Yves Le Berre (Brest) into French, so as to make this important work accessible to scholars not versed in the Russian language. The Old Welsh language is not only important for a wider understanding of the evidence of the other medieval Insular Celtic languages (Irish, Breton and Cornish), but also for the his-tory of English, as Old Welsh was the first language that speakers of nascent English were in contact with.
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Aleknavičiūtė, Monika. "Kintantis Kinijos-JAV galios ir vaidmens santykis: galios ciklo teorijos taikymas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Šiuo darbu siekta išanalizuoti, kaip Kinijos santykinės galios ir vaidmens tendencijų JAV atžvilgiu pasiskirstymas gali lemti įtampą – konfliktą ar taikų sambūvį sistemoje tarp JAV ir Kinijos. Tyrimui taikyta galios ciklo teorija, besiremianti „bendrosios pusiausvyros koncepcija“. Pagrindinis teorijos argumentas teigia, kad stabilumas priklauo nuo dviejų pagrindinių veiksnių: a) ar stiprėjančios valstybės didėjanti santykinė galia yra atsveriama kitų sistemos didižiųjų valstybių santykine galia – t.y. nelemia kritinio taško, lūžio, šiuo atveju sistemos lyderio - JAV, santykinės galios cikle sistemos atžvilgiu; b) ar egzistuoja stiprėjančios valstybės santykinės galios ir santykinio vaidmens ciklų suderinamumas, valstybės su kuria galimos įtampos, atžvilgiu. Siekiant atlikti kiekybinį santykinės galios ir santykinio vaidmens tyrimą, formalus galios ciklo modelis kiek pakoreguotas, pakeičiant santykinės galios operacionalizaciją ir į modelį įtraukiant kiekybinį santykinio vaidmens matavimą. Būtent kiekybinis vaidmens matavimas leido iki galo išpildyti galios ciklo teorijos argumentus, patikrinti tyrimo teiginius bei atmesti abi darbe keltas hipotezes. Įgyvendinus darbe keliamus uždavinius ir pasiekus darbo tikslą, galimos tokios pagrindinės empyrinio tyrimo išvados ir teorinės darbo implikacijos: Akademinėje literatūroje dominuojanti absoliučiais skaičiais vertinama Kinijos galia jau dabartiniu momentu kuria Kinijos galios saugumizavimą ir jos kaip didžiausios grėsmės sistemai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The master thesis ”Shifting Nexus of China-US Power and Role: Power Cycle Theory Application” seeks to analyze how a shifting nexus of China-US relative power and role cycles could cause a tense or peaceful transformation of the system. The research expands more traditional explanations about China’s rise of power and it’s implications to the transformation of the international system. The research is based on power cycle theory developed by Charles Doran and applied for the analysis of the Great Wars in history. The main founding principle of power cycle theory is empirically proved and statistically significant correlation of the critical points in the relative to the system power cycle of growing state and conflicts. It is only one but not sufficient condition for the growing power to start a war as power cycle theory argues. So, in the ”moment of truth” or when a critical point in the relative to the system power cycle of growing state happens, the main condition for the tension or a peaceful international system transition is the nexus of relative to the dominant state power and role cycles of the growing state and the alignment or misbalance between them. Before the power cycle theory to the case of China’s growth and its cause to the international system is applied, some methodological improvements of theory are made: the operationalisation of relative power index is changed and the term “relative role” is operationalised in order to measure it quantitative. A... [to full text]
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Souza, Amanda Rodrigues de. "A interação Wolbachia - Trichogramma galloi Zucchi, 1988 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.

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Wolbachia é uma -Proteobacteria transmitida transovarianamente, comum a diversas espécies de insetos. Este simbionte é conhecido pela habilidade em explorar os sistemas reprodutivos de seus hospedeiros, induzindo alterações no modo de reprodução dos mesmos, como a indução de incompatibilidade citoplasmática, telitoquia, feminização e morte de machos, favorecendo, assim, sua própria disseminação na população hospedeira. Em Hymenoptera e outros insetos haplodiplóides, machos haplóides são produzidos a partir de ovos não-fecundados; porém, quando infectados por linhagem de Wolbachia indutora de telitoquia, produzem apenas fêmeas. Os parasitoides de ovos do gênero Trichogramma são muito utilizados no controle biológico aplicado e são comumente associados a Wolbachia. No Brasil, Trichogramma galloi Zucchi, 1988 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) se destaca como o principal parasitoide de ovos de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr., 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), sendo inúmeras as iniciativas para a sua utilização em programas de controle biológico aplicado desta praga. Dada a importância destes inimigos naturais no combate aos insetos-praga e aos efeitos na reprodução e aptidão biológica induzidos pela associação com Wolbachia, este estudo investigou a interação Wolbachia T. galloi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) que, até o momento, era desconhecida. A ocorrência de Wolbachia associada a T. galloi foi avaliada em amostragens de duas populações naturais deste inimigo natural, Iracemápolis e Lençóis Paulista. Posturas coletadas de ambas populações indicaram a ocorrência de 15% e 33% de fêmeas infectadas por Wolbachia, respectivamente, em Iracemápolis e Lençóis Paulista. A emergência de machos em ambas populações indica para o fato de que a infecção não estava fixada na população. Isolinhagens irmãs de T. galloi da população de Lençóis Paulista, contendo (W+) ou não (W-) Wolbachia, foram estabelecidas em laboratório após tratamento com antibiótico para se verificar a relação existente nesta associação. A relação de simbiose estabelecida foi verificada após avaliação de inúmeros parâmetros biológicos e da resistência das isolinhagens ao estresse térmico. A análise comparativa indicou que a eliminação de Wolbachia influenciou a longevidade de adultos e o número de parasitoides depositados por ovo do hospedeiro, mas não foi observado efeito na fecundidade ou razão sexual. Fêmeas W+ e fêmeas W- reduziram a longevidade com o aumento da exposição ao choque térmico, mas, fêmeas W+ foram menos longevas do que W-. A fecundidade também foi afetada pela exposição prolongada (6 h), independente da infecção.
Wolbachia is a common a-proteobacterium in insects, wich is transmitted transovarially. This symbiont is known for its ability to explore the reproductive system of their hosts through severa 1 alterations that lead to cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytoky, feminization and death of males, to favour its own spread in the host population. In Hymenoptera and other haplodiploid insects, males are produced ITom non- fertilized eggs, but when infected by a strain of Wolbachia that induces thelytoky, only females will be produced. Trichograrnrna are eggs parasitoids that are widely used in augmentative biological control and are commonly associated with Wolbachia. In Brazil, Trichograrnrna galloi Zucchi, 1988 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) stands out as the main parasitoid of eggs of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr., 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), and a number of initiatives for their use in applied biological control programs of this pest. The importance of T galloi as a natural enemy of D. saccharalis and the alterations Wolbachia may induce on the reproduction and fitness of their hosts, require for studies on the association Wolbachia - T galloi. The association of Wolbachia with T galloi was evaluated in two samples of natural populations of D. saccharalis, one ITom Iracemápolis and another ITom Lençóis Paulista. Egg masses collected ITom both populations indicated the occurrence of 15% and 33% oi females infected by Wolbachia, respectively, ITom Iracemápolis and Lençóis Paulista. However, the emergence of males ITom both populations indicated the infection was not fixed. Wolbachia-infected (W) or Wolbachia-cured (W) sister lines of T galloi were produced ITom specimens ITom the population of Lençóis Paulista to carry further on this association. Comparative biological studies and the sensitivity to short-term heat stress between W and W. sister lines was assessed to check for the effects of Wolbachia on T galloi. Biological comparative analysis indicated that the elimination of Wolbachia enhanced adult longevity and the number of parasitoids developing per host egg, but no effect on life time fecundity or sex ratio was observed. W and W. females had a decreased longevity as the exposure to the heat shock increased, but W females lived much shorter than the W. ones. Females fecundity was also affected by the prolonged (6 h) exposure to a high temperature, regardless their infection status
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Burov, Ivaylo. "Les phénomènes de Sandhi dans l'espace gallo-roman." Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2012.

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Cette thèse de doctorat s'inscrit principalement, mais non entièrement, dans le domaine de la phonologie générale et romane. Elle a pour objet d'étude plusieurs phénomènes de sandhi attestés dans quelques variétés de gallo-roman : français, occitan, wallon, franco-provençal. Comme une grande partie des phénomènes phonologiques postlexicaux étudiés sont panromans, la thèse ne les analyse pas comme des processus isolés, mais à travers leur variation diatopique et diachronique, c'est-à-dire comme des manifestations concrètes de tendances communes aux langues romanes, tout en essayant d'expliquer leur motivation par des principes phonologiques universels, ainsi que par les méthodes de l'analyse contrastive.Dans cette thèse on pourrait délimiter trois grandes parties thématiques. La première a une portée théorique et englobe les chapitres I et II où sont présentées et analysées des données d'une soixantaine de langues parlées dans le monde entier. Dans cette partie je passe en revue les diverses acceptions controversées du terme de sandhi en vue d'en proposer ma propre définition grâce au formalisme de la phonologie prosodique. La deuxième partie a une portée phonologique et englobe les chapitres III, IV et V où sont étudiés trois phénomènes de sandhi de l'espace gallo-roman, à savoir la liaison, le redoublement phonosyntaxique et les alternances vocaliques avec zéro en syllabe initiale. La dernière partie thématique est représentée par le chapitre VI qui a une portée sociolinguistique. Les trois phénomènes de sandhi en question y sont comparés et analysés à la lumière des facteurs pour leur variation, parmi lesquels la tradition graphique occupe une place privilégiée.
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Cochet, André. "L'industrie gallo-romaine du plomb : les collections lyonnaises." Lyon 3, 1986.

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L'etude des procedes de fabrication employes par les plombiers antiques constitue l'objet principal de la recherche. . La premiere partie de la these est constituee par la description de ces procedes, tels qu'on peut les connaitre a partir de l'examen des objets decouverts et conserves en diverses regions de france. La connaissance de ces procedes permet de proposer les bases d'une classification des objets les plus frequemment rencontres : cales utilisees pour la pose des pierres de taille, tuyaux, urnes cineraires, sarcophages. Cette etude technique met en lumiere la diversite des traditions d'atelier. Cette diversite parait correspondre, dans certains cas, a des particularites regionales, mais, pour certains objets, quelques grands centres paraissent avoir connu des pratiques variees et contemporaines pour la production d'une meme categorie d'objets (sarcophages de vienne). Dans d'autres cas des facteurs techniques paraissent expliquer cette diversite (tuyauterie). La rarete des objets bien dates ne permet pas, dans l'etat actuel de la documentation de preciser les evolutions liees au temps. Les rapports entre sarcophages gaulois et pheniciens peuvent etre eclaires par la prise en compte des elements techniques utilises pour fonder cette classification. La deuxieme partie consiste en une description des objets conserves dans les collections lyonnaises. Il est possible de preciser l'existence de divers ateliers et de caracteriser leurs produits. Il est egalement possible, pour chaque categorie d'objets de preciser affinites et differences avec le materiel des regions voisines
The study made of manufacturing processes used by ancient plumbers makes up the main purpose of the research. The first part of the thesis is made up of the description of these processes, as they can be known from a close examination of the objects found out and kept in various parts of france. Thanks to the knoledge of these processes, it is possible to offer the basis of a classification of the most frequently found objects, that is wedges used for putting in freestones, pipes, cinerary urns, coffins. Thanks to that technical study, the wide range of workshop traditions is brought to light. This range may correspond, in some cases, to some regional particularities ; nevertheless, in the case of some objects, some great centers seem to have known various and contemporaneous practises as far as the production of an identical category of objects is concerned (coffins from vienne). In other cases (pipes) technical factors seem to account for this variety. Correctly dated objects are rare ; therefore it is not possible, in the present state of documentation, to be more specific about the evolutions due to time. The connections established between gallic and phoenician coffins may be clarified when taking into account technical components used to justify this classification. The second part consists in a description of objects kept in the lyons collections ; it is possible to prove the existence of several workshops, and to characterize their products. It is also possible, for each category of objects, to specify the affinities and differences with the neighbouring areas' material
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Pouchain, Gilles. "Les campagnes en Morinie à l'époque gallo-romaine." Lille 3, 2000.

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Brun, Nathalie. "Etude de verres opaques celtiques et Gallo-Romains." Paris 11, 1991.

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La science des matériaux appliquée à des objets archéologiques permet une approche de la culture matérielle des sociétés. Les verres opaques colorés sont caractérisés par la présence d'une seconde phase, en général cristalline, dispersée dans une matrice vitreuse transparente. Cette suspension de cristaux confère la couleur et l'opacité au verre, qui possède donc une microstructure dont la caractérisation (nature, morphologie, fraction volumique. . . ) fournit un critère d'information supplémentaire par rapport à l'analyse élémentaire de composition. Outre des analyses réalisées par différentes méthodes basées sur la spectrométrie de rayons x induits par faisceau d'électrons ou de protons, nous avons donc étudié ces verres suivant la technique de la métallographie. Nous avons étudié des verres de différentes couleurs provenant de mosaïques gallo-romaines. Ces verres opaques colorés, comme les verres romains translucides et incolores, ont des caractéristiques constantes: il n'est pas possible de distinguer différents groupes. Nous proposons donc un modèle de production et de circulation du verre dans le monde romain: le verre était produit dans un petit nombre d'ateliers suivant une recette standardisée et était ensuite diffuse dans d'autres ateliers produisant des objets finis. Nous avons ensuite étudié des verres opaques rouges utilises pour la décoration d'objets métalliques dans le monde celtique. Nos résultats montrent qu'un seul type de verre est utilisé pendant quatre siècles (-400 à 0), pratiquement sans changement de la recette. Il s'agit d'un matériau d'une haute technicité dont la fabrication nécessite un contrôle de l'équilibre oxydoreducteur et de la vitesse de refroidissement. Cette spécificité est d'autant plus remarquable que ce verre, coloré par des cristaux d'oxyde cuivreux, est complètement différent du verre opaque rouge romain colore par des cristaux colloïdaux de cuivre métallique. La mise en évidence de la maitrise de matériaux complexes par les artisans de l'antiquité ouvre de nouvelles questions archéologiques sur la dimension technologique des sociétés.
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Bourgeois, Claude. "Divona : archéologie du culte gallo-romain de l'eau." Paris 4, 1987.

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Les études sur ce culte sont nombreuses mais fondées surtout sur l'épigraphie, qui donne des noms de divinités, et sur le folklore, qui en aurait conservé des souvenirs; elles le sont rarement sur les realis. Pour ce qui est de l'archéologie, le dépôt des ex-voto, par destination (de bois, tôle, pierre ; anatomiques ou pathologiques, etc. ) et par fonction (céramiques, monnaies, etc. ), souvent modestes mais nombreux, est le rite qui a laissé le plus de traces. Les sanctuaires, quant à eux, sont aussi bien des sources à peine aménagées (mais ni les cours d'eau, ni les lacs) que des monuments (fontaines, divonnes, fontaines monumentales, quelques "nymphées", etc. , mais pas de puits), eux aussi nombreux, variés et plutôt de plan centre qu'adossés, le plus souvent modestes, beaucoup pour partie au moins en bois. Bien qu'il existe aussi des sanctuaires complexes, dans les villes, dans les conciliabula, souvent, et dans les campagnes, l'eau vive elle-même reste partout l'essentiel. Le panthéon réunit quelques quatre-vingt divinités, mais souvent topiques ou seulement associées aux eaux, non hiérarchisées mais moins dispersées qu'il ne semble à première vue: la moitié des attestations va aux déesses-mères et divinités assimilées, dont les nymphes, un quart aux divinités masculines indigènes, comme borvo, et un quart à des divinités qui portent des noms romains, comme Apollon, Mars et Neptune. Leur iconographie est d'ordinaire classique. Elles sont pour la plupart guérisseuses ou protectrices. Enfin, si ce culte est naturel, il n'est pas naturaliste : Divona est la divinité de la fontaine, elle n'est pas l'eau de la fontaine. Les rapports avec l'eau, dans une complète liberté de culte, ont été sincères et souvent individuels, le nombre et la diversité des realia le montrent
There are many studies of this form of worship but they are based essentially on epigraphy which gives divinities’ names, and on folklore which might have retained memories of it. They are seldom based on realia. As for archeology, the offering of often modest but numerous ex-voto, according to their destination (whether they were made of wood, sheet metal or stone, anatomical or pathological, etc. ) or their function (ceramics, coins, etc. ) was the rite which left the greatest number of traces. Sanctuaries, as for them, may have been barely arranged springs (but neither rivers nor lakes) as well as monuments (fountains, divonnes, monumental fountains, a few "nymphees", etc. , but no wells), they were also numerous, varied and built according to a centered plan rather than against something. They were more often than not very modest and many of them were at least partly made of wood. Although there were also complex sanctuaries, in towns, often in the conciliabula, and in rural areas, running water always retained the main role. In the pantheon, some eighty divinities gathered, often local or water-related ones. There was no hierarchical organization among them even if they were less scattered than it could first seem : half of the acknowledgements were addressed to mother-goddesses and comparable divinities, among which the nymphs, a quarter to local male divinities, like borvo, and the last quarter to divinities bearing roman names, like Apollo, Mars, and Neptune. Usually, their iconography was classical. Most of them were healers or protectors. Finally, whereas this form of worship was natural, it was not naturalistic: Divona was the divinity of the fountain; she was not the water of the fountain. The relations with water, in a total freedom of worship, were sincere and often individual ones; the number and variety of the realia show it
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Bourgeois, Claude. "Divona archéologie du culte gallo-romain de l'eau /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.

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Chrimes, Adrian Paul. "A sociolinguistic profile of the Gallo speech community." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016.

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This study investigates the role of the speech community in maintaining obsolescent languages in general, and Gallo in particular. A questionnaire was designed to elicit information from the Gallo speech community in three key areas: speakers’ beliefs regarding their own use of language, speakers’ attitudes towards Gallo and its status, and speaker’s own proficiency in Gallo. The sample for this study was obtained through Gallo social networks which were identified and contacted thanks to the support of Gallo organisations based in Rennes. The questionnaire was administered to a mixture of older native speakers, employed semi-speakers and student-aged learners of Gallo. The results show that level of education remains the main factor affecting speaker attitudes and language use. Speakers with higher levels of education tend to be the ones engaged in revitalisation efforts while speakers with less education maintain a distance from such activities as well as a strong allegiance to the national language. The study also highlighted the division within the speech community concerning orthographic convention. Although a highly distinct written form is viewed by some as essential to distancing Gallo from French, it would seem that the majority of the speech community prefers accessibility over distanciation. This study provides insight into the impact which a speech community can have on the vitality or obsolescence of a variety. In the case of Gallo, it shows how a group of determined individuals can be influential in maintaining an obsolescent variety despite strong and continued pressure from official institutions.
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Mavéraud-Tardiveau, Hélène. "Le panthéon gallo-romain dans les cités des Arvernes, des Bituriges Cubi et des Lémovices du Ier au IVè siècle ap. J. C." Limoges, 2013.

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Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet l'étude du panthéon gallo-romain dans les cités des Arvernes, des Biturige Cubi et des Lémovices, du Ier siècle de notre ère au IVè siècle ap. J. -C. Ce travail s'appuie sur la réalisation d'un corpus répertoriant les références de l'ensemble des divinités honorées pendant la période antique. Les deux premières parties de cette thèse sont consacrées à la présentation, à l'examen et à l'analyse de la documentation issue de notre inventaire. La première partie s'intéresse aux divinités de tradition indigène honorées à la période antique dans les civitates retenues dans le cadre de cette étude. La seconde porte sur les divinités que l'on peut qualifier de gallo-romaines, de romaines ou d'orientales. Une telle étude ne pouvait s'astreindre à se limiter au cadre de l'environnement régional : une étude préalable et synthétique sur les connaissances que nous pouvons actuellement avoir de chaque divinité étudiée, est proposée à l'échelle de la Gaule de manière à mettre en place un cadre contextuel. Puis, nous étudions en détail le corpus de notre territoire d'étude, pour ensuite aboutir à son analyse. Lorsque cela est possible, nous proposons une mise en forme statistique des données. Enfin, la troisième partie de cette thèse s'appuie sur les données dégagées par les précédentes parties et nous permet de poser un regard synthétique sur le panthéon de trois civitates de Gaule centrale. Elle nous donne également l'occasion d'étudier les notions transversales inhérentes à notre sujet afin de mieux appréhender la nature du panthéon gallo-romain dans les cités de Arvernes, des Biturige Cubi et des Lémovices
The subject of this doctoral thesis is the examination of the pantheon of Gallo-Roman gods worshipped by the Arvernes, Bituriges Cubi and the Lemovices between the 1st and the 4th centuries AD. The study is based upon the creation of an inventory which lists the divinities worshipped by the populace during Antiquity. The first two elements of this three-parts study are devoted to the presentation and the analysis of the inventory's documentation. The first part is concerned with the veneration of the divinities belonging to indigenous traditions during Antiquity within the three civitates that create the framework for this study. The second part focuses upon the divinities that we can qualify as to belonging to the Gallo-Roman, Roman or Oriental. In response, this thesis examines the cultural context that allows the study area to be incorporated into the milieu of Gaul as a whole. A general overview and preliminary study of the beliefs held for the veneration of each divinity can then be seen and described as both the local and national scale. Further, this thesis studies in detail the corpus assembled from our study area to create the opportunity for a thorough analysis. Finally, the third part of the thesis assembles the data that has come to light during the preparation of the corpus and which permits the proposition of a general overview of the pantheons of three civitates of central Gaul. Equally, it presents the opportunity to study the other lines of enquiry inherent in, and related to, our subject matter as a way to enhance our understanding of the nature and the complexities of the Gallo-Roman pantheon in the cities of Arvernes, Bituriges Cubi and Lemovices
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Bourgeois, Claude. "Divona." Paris : de Boccard, 1992.

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Treviño, Ethan. "Patriarchy on the gallows." Auburn, Ala., 2007.

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Kononovas, Saulius. "Krovininis 1,3 galios keltuvas." Bachelor's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012.

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Bakalauro baigiamojo darbo pirmojoje dalyje išanalizuoti krovininio 1,3 t galios keltuvo techniniai parametrai, darbo saugos lygis, nustatyta gamybos apimtis. Antroje darbo dalyje aprašyta gaminio paskirtis ir pradiniai duomenys. Atlikta krovininių keltuvų konstrukcijų variantų apţvalga – įvairių tipų krovininių keltuvų konstrukcijų sprendimų palyginimas. Pateiktas projektuojamojo krovininio keltuvo konstrukcijos aprašymas ir pagrindimas. Atlikti gaminio techniniai skaičiavimai (pagrindinių parametrų nustatymas, lyno ir pavaros skaičiavimas, lyno blokų ir tvirtinimo pirštų stiprumo skaičiavimas, lyno balansyrinės pakabos stiprumo skaičiavimas). Trečioje dalyje išanalizuota vienos detalės technologiniai maršrutai, nustatyti apdirbimo operacijoms reikalingi įrengimai. Atliktas uţlaidų, pjovimo rėţimų nustatymas bei techninis normavimas. Ketvirtojoje dalyje pateikiama techniniai ir eksploataciniai reikalavimai naudojant kėlimo įrenginį. Penktojoje dalyje atlikti ekonominiai skaičiavimai, kurių pagalba nustatyta ir pagrysta krovininio 1,3 t galios keltuvo savikaina.
The aim of the study is to design Cargo Lifter of 1,3 Ton Capacity. The first part of the bachelor‟s thesis analyses the main technical parameters of cargo lifter of 1,3 ton capacity, the level of labour safety and determines the scope of production. The second part describes the function of the product have been described, the versions of constructions of freight lifts have been reviewed, different construction solutions of various types of freight lifts have been compared in the second part. Description and justification of the construction of the designed freight lift has been provided, technical calculations of the product (definition of the main parameters, calculations of a rope and gear, calculation of strength of rope units and fastening pins, calculation of strength of a rope balance suspension) have been performed. The third part deals with the analysis of technological routes of a single part, determination of the installations necessary for processing operations as well as identification and technical rating of overlaps and cutting modes. In the fourth section presents the technical and operational requirements for using the lifting device. The fifth part deals with economic calculations on the basis of which the net cost of the freight lift of 1,3 t capacity has been determined and justified.
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Sánchez, José Adán Reyes. "Synthesis and reactivity of alkaline earth and aluminium gallyl complexes." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2018.

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This Thesis describes the synthesis and characterisation of new alkaline earth metal and aluminium gallyl complexes. Experimental studies were performed to investigate their structure. The reactivity of these species was also studied. Chapter 1 introduces metal-metal bonded complexes containing alkaline earth metals and aluminium and the use of gallium(I) analogues of N-heterocyclic carbenes in the synthesis of heterobimetallic complexes of gallium. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis and reactivity of alkaline earth gallyl complexes supported by beta-diketiminate ligands. Chapter 3 presents the synthesis and reactivity of alkaline earth gallyl complexes supported by the carbazolide ligand CzOx. Chapter 4 describes synthesis of aluminium-gallium bonded complexes supported by amidinate and b-diketiminate ligands and the attempted study of their reactivity. Chapter 5 presents full experimental procedures and characterising data for the new complexes reported.
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Saleh, Liban Mohamoud Ali. "Rare earth metal boryl and gallyl compounds : synthesis and reactivity." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.

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This Thesis describes the syntheses, characterisation and reactivity of rare earth metal boryl and gallyl compounds. Experimental and computational studies were performed to investigate the structure and bonding in these compounds. Chapter 1 introduces key metal-boryl and metal-gallyl compounds of the s, p, d and f-blocks via literature review. Chapter 2 describes the syntheses, structures and bonding analyses of rare earth metal boryl compounds. A short introduction to rare earth metal cations is given. Chapter 3 describes the syntheses, structures and bonding analyses of rare earth metal gallyl compounds. The preparation of a new class of rare earth metal cations will also be reported. A short introduction to rare earth metal amidinates is given. Chapter 4 presents reactivity studies of the rare earth metal gallyl compounds described in Chapter 3. To facilitate a direct structure and reactivity comparison, the corresponding boryl compounds were also synthesised. The results of a comprehensive DFT computational study to investigate the structure and bonding in these compounds are also presented. A short introduction to metalelement and metalmetal bond reactivity is given. Chapter 5 presents full experimental procedures and characterising data for the new compounds reported. Appendix CD Appendix contains .cif files for all new crystallographically characterised compounds described.
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De, Jersey Philip. "La Tène and early Gallo-Roman north-west France." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1992.

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The basis of this research is the compilation of a gazetteer of sites and finds of the La Tène and early Gallo-Roman periods (c. 475 BC - c. 31 BC) in north-west France. Two aspects of the evidence thus collected are examined in detail: settlement and coinage. For the early La Tène period, burial evidence provides the only significant source of information, and at present it is not of sufficient quality or quantity to do more than shed light on a few specific aspects of regional development. Similarly, the settlement evidence from the later periods is also relatively scarce. However the introduction of coinage in the middle La Tène, probably via mercenaries returning from service in the Greek world, provides a much more substantial body of information on developments between the third and first centuries BC. Following a consideration of the theoretical aspects of coin use and function, all the major types of coinage in north-west France are examined in detail, and a number of problems of attribution and interpretation are discussed. It is apparent from the study of settlement and coinage that several traditional interpretations of aspects of the La Tène and early Gallo-Roman periods in north-west France need to be reassessed, in particular questions concerning the development of oppida, and the function of coinage. In the concluding chapter a model of the development of coinage in the region is suggested, illuminated where possible by the application of settlement evidence. The result demonstrates clearly the extraordinarily cohesive nature of this area, which has been termed "greater Armorica", throughout the later Iron Age and into the Gallo-Roman era.
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Caillat, Pierre. "La faune des milieux clos dans l'Aquitaine gallo-romaine." Bordeaux 3, 1994.

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Quatre-vingt-douze espèces animales au moins représentent la faune découverte dans des puits et des fosses d'époque gallo-romaine. L’étude conjointe de ce matériel archéologique, des textes anciens et de l'iconographie animalière de l'antiquité, a mis en évidence la complexité des remplissages et l'extrême diversité des renseignements ethnologiques susceptibles d'être déduits. Cependant, l'existence probable de dépôts saisonniers et organises, d'animaux abattus dans un but autre qu'alimentaire et, d'associations entre les restes de certains animaux (chiens et chevaux notamment) et de vestiges humains, permet de considérer comme plausible la présence en aquitaine de puits et de fosses à caractères rituels ou funéraires
Ninety-two animal species at least represent the fauna discovered in wells and graves dating back to the Gallo-roman age. Parallel studies about this archeological equipment, about ancient texts and about the animal iconography dating back to antiquity have thrown into relief the complexity of siblings and the extreme diversity of ethnological information on likely to be inferred. Yet, the probable existence of organized and seasonal deposits, of animals shot down with another aim than eating and of associations of the remains of certain animals (such as dogs and horses particularly) allow us to consider the presence of wells and graves devoted to ritual or funeral practices in Aquitaine as plausible
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Bel, Valérie. "Pratiques funéraires du Haut-Empire dans le Midi de la Gaule : la nécropole gallo-romaine du Valladas à Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, Drôme /." Lattes (390 route de Pérols, 34970) : Association pour le développement de l'archéologie en Languedoc-Rousillon, 2002.

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Texte remanié de: Th. doct.--Hist.--Marseille 1, 1992. Titre de soutenance : Recherches sur la nécropole gallo-romaine du Valladas à Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, Drôme.
Bibliogr. p. 519-532. Index. Résumés en français, espagnol, catalan, italien, allemand et anglais.
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Calabrese, Laetitia. "Caractéristiques prosodiques spécifiques de l'anglais parlé au Pays de Galles : l'influence de la langue galloise." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.

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Ce travail a trois objectifs principaux. Tout d’abord, contribuer à l’étude du système rythmique des langues et des variétés dialectales à travers l’analyse du rythme de l’anglais parlé au pays de Galles et de la langue galloise en utilisant comme point de comparaison l’anglais dit standard. Puis, démontrer qu’il existe un allongement final bien plus marqué en gallois et en anglais gallois (bilingues & monolingues) qu’en anglais standard. Et enfin, prouver que les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude sont étroitement liés à l’influence majoritaire de la langue galloise sur celle des autres variétés d’anglais présentes dans ce pays. Dans cette optique, nous avons, dans un premier temps, élargi la base de données Eurom I et nous avons ensuite mené différents tests de perception et études statistiques. Il en ressort que la langue galloise est effectivement le substrat principal de l’anglais parlé au pays de Galles, que ce soit chez les gallois bilingues ou monolingues (personnes résidant au pays de Galles ne parlant qu’anglais). En effet, la longueur de l’allongement en syllabe finale inaccentuée va en décroissant du gallois à l’anglais standard. Cependant, étant donné l’impossibilité de catégoriser de façon précise le rythme du gallois et de l’anglais gallois en tenant compte de tous les paramètres métriques, il est plus difficile d’affirmer de façon catégorique que la langue galloise joue un rôle prépondérant sur ces derniers
This thesis has three main objectives. First of all, to contribute to the study of the rhythmical system of languages and dialectal varieties through the analysis of rhythms in Welsh English and Welsh, using Standard English as a focal comparative element; then, to demonstrate that the final lengthening is much more notable in Welsh and in Welsh English (bilinguals and monolinguals) than in standard English; finally, to prove that this study’s results are tightly intertwined with the influence of the Welsh language, which is greater than that other English accents present in this country. For that purpose, we have first widened the Eurom 1 database and then carried out various perception tests and statistical analysis. The results show that the Welsh language is the substratum of the English spoken in Wales, as much for bilinguals as for monolinguals (residents of the country speaking only English). Indeed, the length of the final unstressed syllable decreases from Welsh to Standard English. However, as it is impossible to classify with precision the rhythm of Welsh and Welsh English taking into account all the metrics, it is more difficult to establish with certainty whether the Welsh language has a major influence on the latter
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Le, Rene. "Drain line clogs with a 1.6 gallon per flush water closet." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2015.

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Master of Science
Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science
Thomas Logan
Typical building sanitary lines are sloped at a minimum of 1/8” to utilize gravity and prevent liquid separation from solid waste. The purpose of this research is to analyze how a lesser amount of water from a 1.6 gallon per flush water closet affects drainage in a four inch diameter pipe at 1/4" slope. Low flow water closet manufacturers ensure that waste clears the bowl, but there is no significant research following the flushed water further down the pipe line. This research utilizes a 1.6 gallon per flush floor-mounted water closet connected to 30 feet of sloped four inch PVC Drain Waste Vent piping. Data presented from 25 flush trials indicates that further research needs to be conducted at a smaller pipe diameter. Four-inch piping is too large, causing the 1.6 gallons of water to quickly lose the required force over the course of 30 feet, resulting in pipe line clogs. An average of four additional water-only flushes are necessary to completely clear the test media and toilet paper from the pipe. This research references previously published research and focuses on test results presented by the Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition. Two case studies of city wide replacements of old water closets are presented to discuss the viability of city wide mandates in relation to water conservation.
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Marchette, Tatiana Dantas. "Corvos nos galhos das acácias." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2013.

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Ozgirdas, Romualdas. "Mažos galios hidroelektrinės energetiniai tyrimai." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Darbe ištirti veikiančios mažos galios hidroelektrinės generatorių parametrai, įvertinant teorinius skaičiavimus ir eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatus ir jų priklausomybė nuo vandens debito.Turbina paleidžiama įvairiais režimais, tam kad būtų galima sudaryti P; Q, S grafikų priklausomybę nuo vandens tekėjimo debito. Parodymai nuimami, šešis kartus, turbinai dirbant įvairiuose režimuose, kompiuterio pagalba. Parodymai pridėti prieduose. Ištirta turbinos naudingumo koeficiento priklausomybė nuo vandens debito ir jo įtaka P, Q, S parametrams. Pasinaudojus gautais grafikais nustatytas ekonomiškiausias turbinos darbo režimas. Atlikus grafikų analizę galima teigti, kad esant mažam vandens debitui turbinos dirba neekonomiškai. Turbina gali pradėti dirbti tik nuo 5 . Tai parodo, kad turbinos yra parinktos neekonomiškam darbo režimui. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais siūloma statyti mažesnės galios turbiną. Pateikti ekonominiai skaičiavimai dirbant turbinai, esant mažai vertei yra nuostolinga. Pagrindinis dėmesys atkreiptas į sanitarinį vandens debitą, kuris yra 0,74 . Esant tokiam vandens debitui siūloma statyti atskirą turbiną kuri dirbtų ekonomiškai ištisus metus.
Darbe ištirti veikiančios mažos galios hidroelektrinės generatorių parametrai, įvertinant teorinius skaičiavimus ir eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatus ir jų priklausomybė nuo vandens debito.Turbina paleidžiama įviriais režimais, tam kad būtų galima sudaryti P; Q, S grafikų priklausomybę nuo vandens tekėjimo debito. Parodymai nuimami, šešis kartus, turbinai dirbant įvairiuose režimuose, kompiuterio pagalba. Parodymai pridėti prieduose. Ištirta turbinos naudingumo koeficiento priklausomybė nuo vandens debito ir jo įtaka P, Q, S parametrams. Pasinaudojus gautais grafikais nustatytas ekonomiškiausias turbinos darbo režimas. Atlikus grafikų analizę galima teigti, kad esant mažam vandens debitui turbinos dirba neekonomiškai. Turbina gali pradėti dirbti tik nuo 5 . Tai parodo, kad turbinos yra parinktos neekonomiškam darbo režimui. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais siūloma statyti mažesnės galios turbiną. Pateikti ekonominiai skaičiavimai dirbant turbinai, esant mažai vertei yra nuostolinga. Pagrindinis dėmesys atkreiptas į sanitarinį vandeans debitą, kuris yra 0,74 . Esant tokiam vandens debitui siūloma statyti atskirą turbiną kuri dirbtų ekonomiškai ištisus metus.
Магистранскай работе исследованны параметры турбины малой мочносты, имейя виду теоретические расщёты и экспериментальные результаты о также зависимость их от дебета боды. Турбину запускаем разными режимамы, для того чтобы можно было составить график работ P; Q; S; зависимость от дебета боды. Показания снимаем шесть раз при помощи компютера. Показания приложены к дополниением. Исследован коэфициент полезной деятельности , его зависимость от дебета воды, влияния на P; Q; S; параметры. Установлений самый экономический режим. Турбина может работать только от Это показывает, что не правильно падобраны турбины. Предлагаю ставить меньшей мочносты. Представлены расчеты показывает что работа турбин при малой оценки убыточные. Главное внимание обращено на санитарный дебет, который есть Предлагаю поставить турбину на этот режим. Она работала круглый год.
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Kybartas, Mantas. "Galios santykių raiška sociopedagoginėje praktikoje." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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Darbe atskleidžiama galios svarba socialinio pedagogo veikloje.Darbo tikslas yra identifikuoti galios santykių struktūrą bei raiškos ypatumus socialinio pedagogo veikloje. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog sociopedagoginėje praktikoje egzistuoja tam tikra galios struktūra – makrolygmeniu kaip politiniai aspektai, mezo lygmeniu kaip organizaciniai aspektai ir mikrolygmeniu kaip tam tikras mikrosąveikinis galios modelis. Galios santykių turinys – socialinio pedagogo pareiginės instrukcijos, pedagogų bei tėvų požiūriai, organizacinės taisyklės, demokratiniai arba autoritariški santykiai su administracija, socialinio pedagogo „galios elgsenos“.
The study reveals importance of power in the activity of a social pedagogue.The results of the research revealed, there is some power structure in the social pedagogue – as the political aspects in the macro level, in the mezzo level as the organizational aspects and in the micro level as some model of the microrelationship model. The content of power relationship are instructions of a social pedagugeu, attitude of pedagogues and parents, the organizational rules, democratic or authoritarian relationship with administration, as well as behaviour of a social pedagogue ‘power behaviour’.
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Blėdis, Tomas. "Sausų galios transformatorių panaudojimo tyrimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2004.

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In this paper is present information about dry power transformers mechanical design, common electrical characteristics, and electrical characteristics. There compare oil transformers and dry power transformers. There are given conclusions about possible in practice use dry transformers and some to offer a suggestion how to pick and choose transformers.
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Arlauskas, Vilius, Mindaugas Bosas, and Laimonas Narbutas. "Ožinis 20t keliamosios galios kranas." Bachelor's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012.

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Baigiamojo darbo tema yra suprojektuoti 20 t. kieliamosios galios ožinį kraną. Variantų analizė buvo padaryta, važiuoklės pavarai, kravinių kėlimo mechanizmui ir krano tiltui. Technologinė analizė parodė, kokios įrangos reikia, pagaminti du velenus ir pirštą. Ožinio krano ekonominiai rodikliai, krano kaina ir jos galima pardavimo kaina buvo apskaičiuojama.
The final paper’s theme is to design the gantry crane which load’s capacity is 20 tones. The variant analysis was done. It revealed that chassis gear, telpher, and beam were the most suitable parts for the gantry crane. The technological analysis showed what kind of equipment was needed in order to product two shafts and the girder. The gantry crane’s economical indicators, the crane’s cost price and its possible sale-price were calculated.
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Ghey, Eleanor. "Beyond the temple : establishing a context for Gallo-Roman sanctuaries." Thesis, University of South Wales, 2003.

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The thesis focuses on Gallo-Roman temple sites in the Burgundy region, based on published and archive sources. It uses these sites to illustrate an exploration of interconnected themes relating to the study of temple sites, with a view to developing an integrated approach to site and surroundings. A gazetteer of sites is appended to the text. Discussion of these themes applies recent theoretical approaches to archaeology and draws on interdisciplinary work. Using a broad-based approach to the study of these sites, it considers the wider defining context of temple complexes as places for ritualised action and attempts to move away from categorisation of sites based on architectural form (for example 'temple' or 'spring' sites). Alternative approaches to the architecture of temple sites are suggested, ntegrating detailed discussion of bath buildings and theatres into analysis of the sites and considering their implications for multiple perspectives. Consideration is also given to the symbolic associations of water and the way in which bodily experience is used to effect transformation and structure interaction with the sacred. The work attempts to break down a perceived separation of site and structure through consideration of landscape context, the medium of water and processes such as pilgrimage. The use of the pilgrimage analogy for temple sites is examined; it is argued that the act of pilgrimage through the landscape would have created physical and conceptual links between temple sites and their surroundings. The study takes a long-term perspective and considers the evidence for the use of temple sites in the Iron Age and post-Roman periods and associated problems of interpretation. This long-term perspective reveals frequentation of these sites before and after the Roman period, stressing the importance of place and its associated memories.
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Young, Alexis Mary. "The iconography of vending scenes on Gallo-Roman funerary reliefs." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Vezeaux, de Lavergne Emile de. "Le sanctuaire gallo-romain de Mazamas à Saint-Leomer (Vienne)." Nancy 2, 1996.

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Le sanctuaire gallo-romain de Mazamas est situe au sud-est du département de la Vienne, sur le territoire de la cité des pictons. Les fouilles ont révèlé une occupation au néolithique moyen puis au 2e âge du fer. Un premier sanctuaire a fanum de tradition indigène a été bâti vers le milieu du 1er siècle av. J. -c. Ou dans le troisième quart de celui-ci et remplacé, dans la seconde moitie du 1er siècle, par un second sanctuaire, plus grand, comportant un péribole, deux temples jumeaux de type classique, une esplanade et un dispositif d'entrée à l'est. Ce sanctuaire fut abandonné au cours du IIIe siècle puis détruit. Une réoccupation du site s'est effectuée au moyen âge, non à caractère cultuel mais agricole. Un assez abondant mobilier a été mis au jour. L’architecture et la sculpture témoignent d'une romanisation précoce de cette région aux confins des territoires des pictons, des bituriges cubes et des lemoviques
This site has been occupied since the middle Neolithic age (around 3500 years b. C. ). The first Celtic traditional sanctuary was replaced in the second part of the first a. D. By twin classic temples. This sanctuary, at the border of the lemovices, the bituriges cubi and the pictons, was leaved during the 3rd and demolished in the 4 th century. The archeological finds from the excavations (coins, ceramics, various objects, architectural stones) are exhibited in the museum at montmorillon, in france
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Aziat, Abdelhafid. "La nécropole gallo-romaine de Caudebec-les-Elbeuf (Seine-Maritime)." Tours, 1996.

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La collection de Drouet, conservée depuis le XXe siècle chez la famille Calais, et la collection des fouilles partielles de 1960-1970 et 1978 comprend environ 948 objets en céramique, verre, bronze, fer, os, ébène, jais provenant de la nécropole gallo-romaine de Caudebec-les-Elbeuf (Seine-Maritime). Cette nécropole dont sa collection est jusqu'à maintenant inédite est étudiée pour apporter une contribution à une nouvelle vision de l'histoire économique de Caudebec-les-Elbeuf, les pratiques funéraires et culturelles de sa population
The collection Drouet conserved since the 19th century at the Calais family and the collection of the partial excavation from 1960-1970 and 1978, consists of about 948 ceramics, glasses, iron, bronze, bone, jet and ebony objects found in the gallo-roman necropolis of Caudebec-les-Elbeuf (Seine-Maritime). This collection which hasn't been shown up untill now is studied to give contribution to a new vision of the antique economic history of Caudebec-les-Elbeuf as well as funeral and cultural practices of its population
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Leray, Christian. "Langage et autoformation : une histoire de vie en pays gallo." Tours, 1991.

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L'histoire de vie, en s'inscrivant a la fois dans une histoire des formes de parole et dans un pragmatique de la communication sociale, peut constituerune situation sociolinguistique d'autoformation, a condition de ne pas s'en tenir a la production d'un texte clos sur lui-meme, ce qui representerait un risque d'amputation existentielle. En effet, le dialogue qui preside au recueil de l'histoire de vie releve d'une co-enonciation et ce rapport a l'autre est constitutif du rapport a soi. Paradoxalement, reconnaitre dans la choralite de l'enonciation l'apport des parents, des autres, en se l'appropriant, augmente l'autonomie du sujet. Le langage joue un role moteur dans cette appropriation en lui permettant de trouver sa propre voix et voie de realisation de soi-meme
The story of life, fitting at the same time into a story of the forms osspeech and into a pragmatic of the social communication, can constitute a sociolinguistic condition to autoformation on the understanding that there is not only the production of a text closed on itself which mean a risk of an existential amputation. As a matter of fact the dialogue which governs the gathering of the story of life falls within the proviunce of co-enun ciation, and and this relation to the otgher constitute the relation to oneself. Paradoxically, to identify in the "co-orality" of the enunciation the contribution of the family, of the others, appropriating this contribution augments the autonomy of the individual. The lenguage plays a prominent part in this appropriation permitting it to find its own voice and way to achieve oneself
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Simoni-Aurembou, Marie-Rose. "Etudes de dialectologie gallo-romane et hispanique. (these sur travaux)." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1990.

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Le dialectologue est un navigateur qui decouvre de nouvelles terres a l'aide de cartes qu'il a lui-meme etablies a partir d'enquetes de terrain. En ile-de-france, le faible ecart entre la langue nationale et la langue rurale a pose des problemes specifiques de methode : le temps passe est inversement proportionnel au nombre d'informations collectees (2000 questions, 76 points, 1000 cartes). Entourant paris de trois cotes, l'atlas de l'ile-de-france aide a mieux comprendre les relations entre notre langue et les parlers dont elle est issue. Mais les cartes synchroniques ont un besoin constant de la diachronie et des textes. Il a fallu faire l'inventaire de la litterature dialectale pour analyser "les mots et les choses", faire l'histoire des champs lexico-semantiques, replacer l'ile-de-france dans le vaste ensemble des langues du centre-ouest. Enfin, le geolinguiste doit pouvoir passer de la micro a la macrocartographie, changer de terrain, traiter de problemes romans d'ensemble. Les etudes de lexicologie enandalousie et aux canaries, la participation a l'atlas linguistique roman europeen sont inscrits dans sa logique de chercheur. Si la carte est l'expression formalisee des methodes de l'enquete, elle n'en est pas pour autant le territoire. Chaque enquete peut la modifier, la bouleverser et donner naissance a d'autres perspectives
The dialectologist is a navigator who discovers new lands with the help of maps that he himself has established from field work. In the "ile-de-france", the slight gap between the national and rural language has posed specific problems of method : the amount of information collected is not proportional to the time spent ; in fact, it is the opposite (2000 questions, 76 points, 1000 maps). Surrounding paris on three sides, the atlas of "l'ile-de-france" helps to better understand the relationship between the present day french language and the "dialects" from which it originated. But synchronic maps have a constant need of the diachrony and texts. It has been necessary to make an inventory of the dialectal litterature to analyse "the words and things", examine the lexico-semantic fields, re-position the "ile-de-france in the vast ensemble of central languages. Lastly the geolinguist must be able to go from micro map reading to macro map reading, change his analytical approach, see the romance language as a whole, lexicosemantic hispanic studies, the participation in the roman european linguistic atlas, are graved in the researcher's logic. The linguistic maps are indeed the formal expression of field work methods ; however, this is not true for the territory. Field work can modify it, radically change itand open new and different perspectives
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Gavrielatos, Andrea. "Names on Gallo-Roman terra sigillata (1st-3rd C. A.D.)." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2012.

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The present thesis focuses on the examination of the names of potters on Gallo-Roman terra sigillata (AD 1st-3rd century). The names are discussed in relation to the bilingualism, the current trends in the studies of onomastics and the process of Romanisation in Gaul. From this perspective, the wider research context discusses first the way these names need to be viewed and examined. The examination of the names is based on their origin and when this is not clear, an etymology is suggested in order to determine the character of the name. Consequently, the names are classified according to their origin, period and area of attestation, and finally their morphology. The classification is explained for names which are problematic or whose classification needs justification and a commentary on these names is provided. The principles for this process are developed to cover the needs of this research and presented separately. A special focus is made on the use of Greek names, with regard to their use in the particular context. The binomial and trinomial stamps are examined in a separate chapter, in order to offer a closer look to the adaptation of the potters, as part of the indigenous population, to the Roman naming formulae. The names of this category are discussed firstly when they form groups of individuals with a same nomen. Secondly, the nomina and the cognomina used by the potters are discussed. The conclusions of this chapter also include the use or omission of the praenomina. Finally, frequent names and naming customs are discussed. This last chapter includes names obtained from numerals, from animal names, and some frequent formations and connotations.
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Schaab, Rupert. "Mönch in Sankt Gallen : zur inneren Geschichte eines frühmittelalterlichen Klosters /." Ostfildern : Thorbecke, 2003.

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Calloni, Raquel. "Caracterização molecular de células-tronco isoladas de fetos de Gallus gallus." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2013.

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Células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) estão entre os tipos de células-tronco encontradas a partir da fase fetal até a vida adulta de um indivíduo. As CTMs caracterizam-se pela morfologia similar à de fibroblastos associada à presença das proteínas de superfície celular CD73, CD90 e CD105, não apresentando expressão de marcadores hematopoiéticos, tais como CD34 e CD45. As CTMs são consideradas multipotentes e capazes de diferenciarem-se em osteoblastos, adipócitos e condroblastos. Além de humanos, as CTMs já foram isoladas de uma série de organismos modelo, dentre eles o camundongo e o frango doméstico (Gallus gallus). Apesar de pouco difundido nesse campo de estudo, o modelo G. gallus apresenta uma série de características que o torna uma alternativa interessante ao modelo murino. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar e caracterizar molecularmente as CTMs deincubação. Como resultado, obtiveram-se células com as características esperadas para uma CTM clássica. As CTMs isoladas apresentaram morfologia característica, expressão das proteínas de superfície CD73, CD90 e CD105 e ausência de marcadores hematopoiéticos. Além disso, as células mostraram-se capazes de diferenciarem-se em osteoblastos e pré-adipócitos. No entanto, as células isoladas de coração, apesar de apresentarem características de CTMs, foram incapazes de diferenciarem-se em adipócitos. A análise do perfil transcricional destas células, em comparação às obtidas de medula óssea, revelou que as mesmas superexpressam genes relacionados a morfogênese cardíaca, a angiogênese, a diferenciação de células de músculo cardíaco e a coagulação sanguínea. Considerando as características apresentadas pelas células isoladas de músculo cardíaco, existe a possibilidade de ter havido o isolamento de um tipo específico de célula-tronco cardíaca denominada de células derivadas de epicárdio (EDPCs – do inglês Epicardium derived cells). Desta forma, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam que é possível isolar CTMs de medula óssea e músculo esquelético de fetos de frango. No entanto, as células obtidas de músculo cardíaco reúnem características de potenciais EPDCs e mais estudos são necessários para determinar a sua identidade.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are found in both fetal and adult individuals. MSC are characterized by their fibroblast-like morfology, the expression of the surface proteins like CD73, CD90 and CD105 and absence of hepatopoietic markers, such as CD34 e CD45. Besides, MSC are considered multipotent stem cells due to their capacity to differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondroblasts. MSC have been already isolated from human being and several model organisms, as mice and chicken (Gallus gallus). Unfortunately, G. gallus is not widely applied for the study of MSC, but it can be an interesting alternative to the murine model. In this context, the aim of this work was to isolate and molecularly characterize MSC derived from bone marrow, cardiac and skeletal muscle of 18-19 days chicken fetuses. Cells isolated from bone marrow and skeletal muscle presented the expected characteristics for MSC. They expressed CD73, CD90 and CD105, but were negative for hematopoietic markers. Moreover, the cells were able to differentiate into osteoblastic and adipogenic lineages. Cells obtained from cardiac muscle presented the same molecular and morphological characteristics, except that they were not able to differentiate into adipocytes. Transcriptional profile analysis of cardiacderived cells revealed that they overexpress genes related to heart morphogenesis, angiogenesis processess, smooth muscle cells differentiation and blood coagulation. There is a possibility that cells isolated from cardiac muscle are of an specific type named epicardium derived cells (EPDCs). The results obtained in this work point that is possible to isolate MSC from bone marrow and skeletal muscle from chicken fetuses. Nevertheless, cells obtained from cardiac muscle gather characteristics of putative EPDCs and further studies are necessary to elucidate the real identity of cardicac muscle isolated cells.
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Corcoran, Kathleen Anne 1959. "The guitar anthology of Henry Francois de Gallot (1661): A preliminary study." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1988.

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The manuscript entitled "Pieces de Guitarre de differende Autheure recuellis par Henry Francois de Gallot" (GB:Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. C94) is one of the largest single collections of music for the Baroque guitar. The source contains over 600 pieces by various composers, including Gallot and Corbetta. An overview of the physical characteristics, organization, and stylistic features of this important source is intended to provide a basis for further study and concordance search.
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Bradley, Diane Margaret. "The extension of weak u verb forms in medieval Gallo-Romance." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1986.

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The origin of weak u vocalism in verbal systems of the Romance language group has never been completely clear. The form is rare in C.L. and its extension is most usually attributed to an -ui -utum correspondence which arose and spread in V.L., although the reasons for and mechanisms of this development have remained uncertain. Documentary evidence supporting the extension of weak u forms starts with the time of the Roman Empire, but many gaps remain in our knowledge and these are inadequately filled by the sparse records of early Romance. This study seeks to clarify the situation in two ways. Initially it returns to the Latin roots of weak u development and, from this investigation, it appears that the dedi form was at least as important as the -ui verbs in causing the spread of u vocalism. It then follows the many ramifications in the Romance tongues, taking a particular interest in regional and dialectal diversity. The synthesis of the varied phonetic and analogical repatternings available on a wide scale provides the basis for a more detailed investigation of the French, Franco-Provencal and Occitan zones. Regarding the medieval state of development of the Gallo-Romance area itself, influential grammarians have usually based their conclusions primarily on literary sources in describing the language, although charters have not been excluded. Debate has centred on whether weak u forms could have evolved phonetically from Latin and, if so, how, or on whether analogy played a decisive role. However, in recent years, much non-literary medieval material preserved in French archives has been published for the first time; and this study, while acknowledging the insights offered by former work, has taken full advantage of this new situation in order to undertake a re-examination of forms attested in Gallo-Romance, using charters as the primary source. The accuracy of information about chronological and dialectal variation is better assured by such a method and a frequency count is included as an additional indicator of influential forms. The examples thus collected and classified allow patterns and trends present in the language to emerge, and these suggest that the progression of weak u spread was gradual and uneven in Gallo- Romance, much of it probably being analogical. As a preterite form, u vocalism obtained a foothold only in certain northern zones, although the power of these areas was such that its diffusion as part of the future national standard language was assured.
Arts, Faculty of
French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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