Academic literature on the topic 'GALGEM'

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Journal articles on the topic "GALGEM"


Domínguez Dono, Xesús. "uso do galego nas organizacións non gobernamentais para o desenvolvemento." Cadernos de Lingua, no. 29 (August 4, 2007): 109–54.

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Neste traballo preténdese ofrecer unha visión xeral do uso da lingua galega nas Organizacións Non Gobernamentais para o Desenvolvemento (ONGD) asentadas en Galicia. Para tal fin realizouse un estudo descritivo a partir dun cuestionario enviado ás ONGD rexistradas oficialmente en terrritorio galego. Os resultados que se obtiveron indican un escaso nivel de galeguización das ONGD asentadas en Galicia. En xeral, a orixe da organización, ou o lugar de asentamento da súa sede central, condicionan un maior uso do galego ou do castelán nas súas actividades, detectándose que entre as de sede galega o emprego do galego está próximo ao 70%, fronte a tan só un aproximado 43% nas de sede con orixe non galega. Sen diferenciar o lugar de asentamento das sedes centrais, a utilización de ambas as linguas está moi parella: arredor dun 57% para o galego e dun 43% para o castelán.
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Vidal Fonseca, Guillermo. "De subenca a ba fenecer. Reclamando o catastro de Ensenada para o estudo do galego moderno." Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos 24 (January 31, 2022): 217–38.

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Os estudos de lingüística histórica galega enfrontaron, de sempre, dificultades para as súas pescudas sobre o galego da Idade Moderna debido á escaseza ou menor proliferación de fontes escritas nesta lingua durante o período en comparación cos precedentes ou subseguintes. A través do estudo de varios documentos do catastro de Ensenada, elaborado en castelán no século XVIII, relativos á comarca galega de Barcala, identificamos mediante unha exhaustiva investigación individualizada máis de medio cento de voces ou construcións netamente galegas ‒ou afectadas por fenómenos típicos do galego da época‒ que analizamos detalladamente en diferentes planos gramaticais: o fonético, o morfolóxico, o sintáctico, o léxico e o semántico. O estudo desas interferencias da lingua galega no castelán dos textos permite achegármonos a diferentes características do galego medio, particularmente do falado nesa comarca do occidente galego e, mediante esa contribución, o artigo pretende poñer en valor e reclamar unha necesidade aínda non explotada: a de valerse do catastro de Ensenada como fonte documental indirecta para estudar o galego moderno, malia estar escrita en castelán.
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Peres Vigo, Alexandre. "De trobadoresca a paródica: a lingua galega a través dos textos casteláns catrocentistas." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 23 (December 27, 2022): 93–108.

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Coincidindo coa consolidación dos Trastámara no trono castelán (1369-1388), a lírica galega enfrontou un período de decadencia a través da chamada escola galego-castelá. Con todo, as referencias directas ao galego, como signo identificativo do reino da Galiza e dos seus habitantes, non deixaron de se acrecentar na literatura castelá catrocentista. Entre elas, sitúanse textos breves da segunda metade do século XV, tales como dialoxismos e sentenzas estereotipadas, en que se reproduce a lingua galega cunha auréola xocosa. A súa aparencia híbrida, así como a propia finalidade burlesca dos textos, permítenos identificar estas aparicións como os primeiros experimentos literarios onde o galego xa é obxecto de parodia e onde se manifesta a existencia de prexuízos lingüísticos antigalegos. Un recurso literario que se consolidará no século XVI e que se popularizará, especialmente no XVII, da man dos vilancicos casteláns de temática galega.
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Fernández Rei, Francisco. "O mar e a poesía galega. Singraduras na construcción da patria da lingua." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 4 (May 17, 2003): 11–57.

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Neste artigo estúdiase a presencia do mar e do léxico relacionado co mar na poesía galega. Despois dunhas breves consideracións sobre o mar na lírica galega medieval, fanse calas no vocabulario marítimo da poesía de Pondal, Manuel Antonio, Avilés de Taramancos e outros autores contemporáneos. O obxectivo fundamental é ver como se foi introducindo e propagando no galego literario moderno diverso léxico do mar, popular e culto, que hoxe forma parte do galego común nos seus diversos rexistros.
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Moreda Leirado, Marisa. "Recensión: Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato: Os marcadores discursivos. Conectores contraargumentativos no galego escrito." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 10 (May 17, 2009): 167–71.

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Recensión: Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato, Os marcadores discursivos. Conectores contraargumentativos no galego escrito. Monografía 3 da Revista Galega de Filoloxía, A Coruña, Área de Filoloxías Galega e Portuguesa da Universidade da Coruña, 2005.
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Frías Conde, Xavier. "O elemento árabe en galego (I)." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 1 (May 17, 2000): 157–71.

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A atención ao elemento árabe en galego dista moito da longa traxectoria dos estudos arabo-románicos nas súas linguas irmás, polo que é unha das cuestións pendentes na lingüística galega. Nos poucos traballos existentes indícase a pegada efémera ou inexistente da presenza árabe, mais os arabismos no léxico e na toponimia son moi superiores ao que xeralmente se cre. Así mesmo, os estudos portugueses só son válidos parcialmente, porque cómpre saber qué vocábulos árabes son exclusivos do galego, cales son máis antigos e por que as formas galegas presentan solucións diferentes ás portuguesas, como é a antigüidade cronolóxica na entrada dos arabismos en galego. De feito, dentro do sistema lingüístico galego-portugués cumpriría diferenciar tres zonas (a galega, a portuguesa setentrional e a portuguesa meridional), que se corresponden coas distintas épocas de entrada do superestrato árabe no idioma.
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Mariño Paz, Ramón. "As liñas en galego do Theatro Moral y Político de la Noble Academia Compostelana (1731) de Pablo Mendoza de los Ríos." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 1 (May 17, 2000): 35–65.

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Preséntase a transcrición fiel do fragmento en galego inserido no libro de actas Theatro Moral y Político de la Noble Academia Compostelana, publicado en 1731 por Pablo Mendoza de los Ríos. As liñas que son obxecto de estudo –situadas na serie de diálogos satíricos en que unha das persoas intervén en galego– proporcionan información lingüística valiosa para coñecer o estado da lingua galega dezaoitesca, polo que se realiza un estudo lingüístico das características gráfico-fónicas, morfosintácticas e léxico-semánticas máis importantes do documento. A seguir, e partindo deste texto, reflexiónase a nivel sociolingüístico sobre o uso oral e escrito do galego no século da ilustración e sobre a vontade de ofrecer verismo no uso da lingua galega nesta obra académica.
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Frías Conde, Xavier. "O elemento árabe en galego (II)." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 3 (May 17, 2002): 65–80.

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A influencia do árabe sobre o galego é unha das cuestións pendentes da lingüística galega actual. Tense pensado a miúdo que o árabe non tivo influencia ningunha sobre o galego, mais isto é falso. Ducias de topónimos árabes están presentes por todo o dominio galego. Doutra banda, o galego posúe os seus proprios empréstimos árabes, diferentes dos que se achan nas linguas veciñas. Porén, debe entenderse que a presenza destes arabismos en galego é debida a un complexo proceso onde os mozárabes desempeñaron un papel fundamental.
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Cidrás, Francisco, and Francisco Dubert-García. "A gramática galega, un río de curso curto e sinuoso. Panorama histórico dos estudios gramaticais sobre o galego." LaborHistórico 3, no. 1 (April 23, 2018): 111.

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<p><span>Este traballo pretende ser unha revisión histórica dos estudos que se teñen realizado sobre a morfoloxía e a sintaxe do galego. Ora ben, o obxectivo da presente contribución é ofrecer unha panorámica das liñas mestras da produción gramatical galega, non unha prolixa enumeración de traballos publicados ata o presente. Tras analizar o atraso histórico con que o galego chegou a ser obxecto de estudo científico rigoroso e as causas deste atraso, preséntase unha exposición crítica sobre as liñas temáticas e orientacións dominantes nos estudos de morfoloxía e de sintaxe do galego. O traballo remata cunha exposición dos desafíos que ten a lingüística galega cara ao futuro.</span></p><div><span><br /></span></div>
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Sánchez Rei, Xosé Manuel. "Trazos xerais da tradición gramatical galega." Revista Galega de Filoloxía 6 (May 17, 2005): 93–121.

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A tradición gramatical galega comeza no século XIX, en contraste co que aconteceu coas linguas do seu contorno, que principian o seu percurso filolóxico na Idade Moderna. Tal demora é produto da colonización española e esta, dunha maneira ou doutra, está así mesmo presente nas primeiras gramáticas do galego: a carga diglósica que transparece nunha boa parte delas, a constante comparación entre galego e castelán, a súa falta de socialización porque a lingua se achaba excluída de certos ámbitos etc. son algúns dos trazos que singularizan a tradición gramatical galega e que serán abordados nestas páxinas.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "GALGEM"


Seefeldt-Strickland, Monica M. "Galego language normativization the role of the real academia Galega in Galego language standardization /." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2008.

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Garcia-Vidal, David. "Teatro galego e construción nacional : os Cadernos da Escola Dramática Galega (1978-1994)." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2010.

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Taking Itamar Even-Zohar’s ‘polisystem theory’ and Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘theory of the field of cultural production’ as a starting point, the objective of this research is to analyse the development of Galician theatre and the re-configuration of the literary system during the period of institutionalization of the Galician culture after Franco’s death and the coming of democracy and political autonomy. By studying the 105 Cadernos published by the Escola Dramática Galega between 1978 and 1994, which cover a wide range of literary activities, the conflicts and tensions between different models and repertoires as well as the position and the contradictions of the Escola Dramática Galega during that process are brought to light. Gonzalez Millán’s theoretical concepts of ‘literary nationalism’ and ‘national literature’ will be useful in order to analyse the role that drama had on the nation-building process in Galicia and the consequences that that fact had on the development of the system. Conclusions are also drawn concerning the determinations imposed on the development of contemporary drama by the historical subsidiary position of the Galician literary system.
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Larché, Stéphane. "Galien, Des Dogmes d’Hippocrate et de Platon, édition et traduction annotée des livres I et II, traduction annotée du livre III." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011.

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La présente thèse est composée de l’édition et de la traduction annotée des livres I et II, d’un traité du médecin grec ancien Galien, traité connu sous son intitulé latin De Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis. Elle comporte également la traduction annotée, mais sans travail d’édition, du livre III du même traité
The present doctoral thesis comprises the edition and French annotated translation of the first and second books of greek physician Galen’s treatise known under the Latin title De Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis. It also includes the annotated translation alone of the same treatise’s third book
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Dubayan, Ahmad M. "Galen : "Über die Anatomie der Nerven" Originalschrift und alexandrinisches Kompendium in arabischer Überlieferung /." Berlin : K. Schwarz, 2000.

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Moritzi, Diego. "Neue Freizeiträume in der Agglomeration St. Gallen-West : eine Untersuchung mit St. Galler Jugendlichen zu ihrem Freizeitmobilitätsverhalten und ihre Raumaneignung /." St. Gallen : FWR-HSG, 2006.

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Jonsson, Chatrine. "A GreenHanger : En galge i DuraPulp." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för teknik och miljö, 2012.

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Klädindustrin idag bara växer och växer, i snitt konsumerar varje svensk 15kg kläder per år och varje år slängs ca 8kg kläder per person. I Sverige köps det kläder för drygt 71 miljarder kronor per år. Handlandet och den ständiga efterfrågan utsätter både miljön och människorna på jorden för stora påfrestningar. Med varje klädesplagg kommer det även en galge som antingen har tillverkats i plast, metall eller trä. Projektidén var att ta fram ett förslag på en klädhängare i materialet DuraPulp. Vidare också att ta ställning till om det går att ersätta en sådan kommersiell produkt som plastgalgen med en galge i DuraPulp och vad det skulle innebära framför allt för miljön.
Today the clothing industry is just growing and growing, in average every swede consumes 15kg clothing a year and every year 8kg clothes is thrown. In Sweden clothes is purchased for around 71 billion swedish kronor a year. The shopping and the constant demand subjects great strain on both the environment and the humans on the earth. With every garments a hanger is included which is made of either plastic, metal or wood. The idea of the project was to come up with a proposition of a hanger made of the material DuraPulp. Also to take a stand wether it is possible to replace such a commercial product like the plastic hanger with a hanger made of DuraPulp and what that would mean. DuraPulp is a relatively new material from lab research and it has the same characteristics as plastic. What sepa- retes the materials is that DuraPulp is made from paper pulp with the unique binding agent PLA compared to plastic which is a product from oil. With heat and pres- sure the binding agent is activated and encloses the fibers so the material is percieved and acts just like plastic. The project has been executed in cooperation with the clothing company H&M which has provided information and knowledge in their work with hangers. The company Södra has also contributed with knowledge and experi- ence around DuraPulp. Costumers and clerks in shops around Gävle center has been interviewed on their experience and also wishes around hangers. The project resulted in a hanger in DuraPulp and alu- minium with the appropriate sale concept. The project has focused on making a clear environmental profile of the hanger based on the interviews and also to strengthen the company brand. The sale concept has been formed according to required demands and abilities. The DuraPulp hanger has through a simpler life cycle analysis, with the projects interpretation of the real- ity, been compared with a plastic hanger. This has been done to visualize every step from cradle to grave and to illustrate the difference though an environmental point of view.
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Felsenheld, Édouard. "La médecine du sport chez Galien : corps athlétiques, corps sains, corps malsains." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011.

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Galien de Pergame, médecin et philosophe grec du IIe siècle de notre ère, approfondit la critique des athlètes inaugurée à l’époque classique, notamment par Hippocrate, mais la sévérité de son jugement à l’égard des compétiteurs professionnels est compensée par une reconsidération pratique et théorique de la réalité sportive.Le corpus galénique permet en effet de dresser un tableau diagnostique complet des dérèglements sanitaires auxquels s’exposent les sportifs amateurs et, plus encore, les athlètes, dont l’activité et le statut se trouvent ébranlés jusque dans leurs fondements : mauvaise santé, procès généralisé et subversion générique viennent ainsi ternir l’image du sport antique.Toutefois, Galien procède en même temps à une réhabilitation du sport, dont il fait un instrument performant pour garantir le succès de son action et de sa pensée. La réconciliation de l’exercice physique et de la santé représente la première étape d’une revalorisation qui se manifeste également sur le plan théorique, non seulement à l’intérieur de l’argumentation médicale, mais aussi dans les rapprochements que Galien établit entre le sport et sa propre activité de médecin philosophe
The physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon (2nd century AC) criticizes athletes, even more strongly than Hippocrates and other intellectuals of the classical period did. But this denunciation is counterbalanced by another point of vue: sport is reappraised in a practical and theoretical way.On the one hand, Galen makes a diagnosis of all disorders that might affect amateur and, most of all, professional athletes. As a consequence, sportsmen involved in competitions are deeply depreciated. Physical activity is considered as producing bad health and, for many other reasons, it is the target of a general condemnation. In particular, the human nature of athletes comes into question.On the other hand, Galen rehabilitates sport as a usefull activity that is beneficial for health and indirectly for the intellect: physical exercise plays a role in the development of the medical argumentation and parallels can be drawn between sport and Galen’s activity both as a physician and as a philosopher
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Ananka, Yaraslava, and Heinrich Kirschbaum. "Briefe vom Galgen : Gewaltnarrative in der weißrussischen Gegenwartsliteratur." Universität Potsdam, 2013.

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Schaab, Rupert. "Mönch in Sankt Gallen : zur inneren Geschichte eines frühmittelalterlichen Klosters /." Ostfildern : Thorbecke, 2003.

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Books on the topic "GALGEM"


Cid, Xosé G. Feixó. Galego século XXI: Nova guía da lingua galega. Vigo: Editorial Galaxia, 2004.

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Castro, X. Antón. Expresión atlántica: Arte galega dos 80 : edición bilingüe, galego-castelan. Santiago de Compostela: Editorial Follas Novas, 1985.

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Hanselmann, Kurt. Die St. Galler Küche =: La cuisine de St-Gall = St. Gallen cooking. Lenzburg: Fona, 2006.

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Hanselmann, Kurt. Die St. Galler Küche =: La cuisine de St-Gall = St. Gallen cooking. Lenzburg: Fona, 2006.

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Galien glorifié, Galien contesté--. Paris: Pharmathèmes édition-communication santé, 2011.

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Stadelmann, Werner. St. Galler Brücken: Ein Inventar der Brücken auf dem Gemeindegebiet der Stadt St. Gallen. St. Gallen: VGS, 1987.

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Peter, Adler. Galgen, gigan och tärningarna. Höganäs: Wiken, 1993.

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Bekehrung unterm Galgen: Malefikantenberichte. Leipzig: Evangelsiche Verlagsanstalt, 2011.

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Galen. Galien. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2000.

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Véronique, Boudon-Millot, and Jouanna Jacques, eds. Galien. Paris: Belles lettres, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "GALGEM"


Gooch, Jan W. "Galley." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 333. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Bürgin, Toni. "ST. GALLEN: Naturmuseum St. Gallen." In Paleontological Collections of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 487–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Lipsanen, Päivi, and Kristina Lindström. "Specificity of Rhizobium(Galega) — Galega — Interaction." In Recognition in Microbe-Plant Symbiotic and Pathogenic Interactions, 113–14. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.

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Lim, T. K. "Galium odoratum." In Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants, 700–704. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Galley Proof." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 333. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Galega officinalis." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 216. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Galium aparine." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 216. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Galium odoratum." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 216. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Galium verum." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 216. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Petzold, Jochen. "Galgut, Damon." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Conference papers on the topic "GALGEM"


Trusina, L. A., and V. L. Korovina. "Valuable indicators of the quality of galega orientalis and galega officinalis Trusina L.A., PhD in Agricultural Sciences." In Растениеводство и луговодство. Тимирязевская сельскохозяйственная академия, 2020.

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Popchenko, M. I. "Native area of Galega orientalis Lam." In Agrobiotechnology-2021. Publishing house of RGAU - MSHA, 2021.

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This article is devoted to the description the native area of the Galega orientalis. The main habitat of the Galega orientalis is confined to the northern macroslope of the Greater Caucasus Range. Galega orientalis is relatively common in the regions of Azerbaijan adjacent to the Greater Caucasus. Galega orientalis recorded in forested areas of Central and Eastern Georgia. Galega orientalis is reliably known from the few localities in the Lori region in Armenia.
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Dupre, Ross. "Effects of Stud Galling on Bolted Flange Joint Assembly Performance." In ASME 2020 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract This study will focus on the galling of studs and what impact that has on the overall performance of a Bolted Flange Joint Assembly. Galling or “cold welding” occurs more so with softer metals. While tightening the nut on to the stud the contact metal will “pull” away from itself and the two surfaces will essentially become one. Once this happens the nut cannot be tightened or loosened and often cutting the stud is the only form of removal. We’ll be studying how this affects the performance (tightness) of a bolted flange joint assembly. Does the assembly loosen over time or does it remain at the proper tightness? Data will be captured using load cells to accurately represent the amount of force being generated by test studs. There will be a standard test ran with no galling. All other tests with galled studs will be measured and compared against the standard test. One test with only one stud galled, the next with two studs galled, the next with three studs galled, and so on. It may be expected to see some load loss on the load cells with the galled studs. The integrity of the studs, once galled, becomes less than ideal.
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BARDOVSKAYa, Viktoriya. "Intra-specific variability of eastern goat's rue." In Multifunctional adaptive fodder production 29 (77). ru: Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology, 2022.

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This publication presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the source material of the eastern galega variety samples and identifies the sources of the most significant economically useful signs and properties for creating highly productive varieties. A comparative assessment of the varieties of eastern galega according to the complex of economically useful features is given. The best varieties of eastern galega have been identified according to a complex of economically useful features that can be used as sources for further study and be the starting material for obtaining high yields of green mass, dry matter content and foliage.
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Akera, Atsushi, and Bernard Galler. "Bernard Galler interview." In ACM Oral History interviews. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2006.

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Bushueva, Vera Ivanovna, Marina AVRAMENKO, Victoria Volyntseva, and Viktoriya BARDOVSKAYa. "Results of Galega orientalis breeding in the Republic of Belarus." In Multifunctional adaptive fodder production 29 (77). ru: Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology, 2022.

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The article describes the results of selection of Galega orientalis in the Republic of Belarus. A brief history, directions, methods and results of breeding work in Belarusian State Agricultural Academy are described. The methodology of Nesterka variety creation is presented, the theoretical basis for intensification and acceleration of the breeding process of a new variety samples of Galega orientalis of various species and their use in the selection of patentable varieties are highlighted. The methodology of creating the varieties of EGG-2 and BGSHA-2 and the results of their evaluation in the competitive and state variety trials in comparison with the control varieties are demonstrated. Analysis of the results of the state variety testing showed that the yield of dry matter of the variety BGSHA-2 significantly differed from year to year and was different at various testing stations. The highest yield was obtained at the "Lepelskaya SS", where Galega orientalis has demonstrated typical of this crop increase of herbage yield in each subsequent year. Thus, in 2017 the dry matter yield was 59.8 c/ha, in 2018 — 106.0, and in 2019 it was the maximum for the variety in the years of testing — 153.0 c/ha. It is noted that the methods of chemical mutagenesis (phosphemide) and polyploidy (colchicine) are used to create new varieties in the academy, and the created new source material is being evaluated in mutant and polyploid nurseries. Studies on the effect of irrigation on the yield of Galega orientalis have also been carried out at the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.
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Pop, D., M. Bajbouj, B. Neu, and J. Felber. "Komplexe Gallen- und Pankreasgangstentbergung." In 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie in Bayern e.V. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.

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Trabanino, Rudy, George L. Murphy, and M. M. Yakut. "Space Station Galley Design." In Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1986.

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Ohno, Nobuhito, and Minoru Itoh. "Optical properties of galium iodide." In Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter: International Conference, edited by Jai Singh. SPIE, 1995.

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Kirsten, Till A. "GALLEX/GNO: Context and recollections." In 5th International Solar Neutrino Conference. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "GALGEM"


PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER. A documentación monástica medieval galega. Consello da Cultura Galega, 2014.

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Hartmann, F. X., and R. L. Hahn. The enriched chromium neutrino source for GALLEX. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1991.

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García Oro, José. A documentación eclesiástica galega na Baixa Idade Media. Consello da Cultura Galega, 2014.

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VÁZQUEZ BERTOMEU, MERCEDES. A documentación notarial galega na Baixa Idade Media. Consello da Cultura Galega, 2014.

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Mulholland, G. T., and G. Stepanek. Specification for 20,000 Gallen Liquide Nitrogen Storage Tank. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1985.

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Informe sobre o teatro galego : creadores, xestores e públicos. Chair Håkan Casares. Observatorio da Cultura Galega, 2020.

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Martin, Paul T. Translational Studies of GALGT2 Gene Therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 2014.

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Martin, Paul T. Translational Studies of GALGT2 Gene Therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 2013.

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Colameco, David V. GALE 3.1 Verification Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2018.

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Colameco, David V. GALE 3.2 Verification Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2019.

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