Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Gait parameter'
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Bäcklund, Tomas. "Development and validation of a system for clinical assessment of gait cycle parameter in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydocephalus." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-82891.
Full textGravett, Stephanie. "Gait and Mild Cognitive Impairment : How spatiotemporal parameters and gait variability are affected in MCI." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för psykologi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-135836.
Full textPrevious research has found a connection between gait and cognitive function. However, the relationship between mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and gait has not been fully explored. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine how spatiotemporal gait parameters, and gait variability, are affected in people with MCI compared to cognitively healthy individuals (CHI). The study was carried out in cooperation with the Healthy Ageing Initiative research project, Umeå University, Sweden. A total of 1937 participants were included in the study. All participants were 70-years old and residents of the municipality Umeå. A total of 112 participants were classified as having MCI, as measured with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Gait analysis was performed with the GAITRite® system, and participants performed four trials: preferred pace, fast pace, cognitive dual task and motor dual task. Results showed group differences in both spatial and temporal aspects of gait, especially during the first three trials. For example, participants with MCI walked more slowly, had shorter steps and strides, as well as a longer duration of the double support phase and lower duration of the swing phase. Participants with MCI revealed higher gait variability during cognitive dual task. Several of these variability variables, as well as spatiotemporal variables, could predict probability of having MCI, as seen through logistic regression. Results indicate that the gait observed in MCI could be related to a higher risk of falling.
Simoes, Mario Alves. "Feasibility of Wearable Sensors to Determine Gait Parameters." Scholar Commons, 2011. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/3346.
Full textBurns, Karlee N. "Impact of Cognitive Tasks on Gait Parameters in Collegiate Athletes." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10262879.
Full textThe purpose of this study was to determine the impact of cognitive tasks on gait parameters in a collegiate athlete population. Forty-six current collegiate student-athletes from men’s football, women’s basketball, and women’s volleyball participated in the study. Each participant completed five single task trials walking at a self-selected pace on a ten-meter walkway free of obstacles and other distractions and then completed five dual task trials of walking while completing a cognitive task of either counting backwards from 100 by 7s or spelling common five letter words backwards. Paired samples t-tests showed all gait parameters, including step count ( t(45) = -13.301, p < .001), gait cycle ( t(45) = -14.710, p < .001), cadence ( t(45) = 12.132, p < .001), nominal speed ( t(45) = 18.229, p < .001), peak medial lateral acceleration (t(45) = 2.948, p = .005), peak anterior acceleration (t(45) = 7.005, p < .001), and postural sway (t(45) = 5.355, p < .000) were statistically different, p < .05, between the single and dual task trials. During the single task trials, participants walked faster, took less steps, and had higher acceleration and postural sway values than they did during the dual task trials. Normative reference values for these gait parameters were also determined for this specific population.
Al-Mijalli, Mohammed Hmad Saleh. "Design of an instrumented walkway for measuring the temporal distance parameters of gait." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.249763.
Full textAldridge, Matthew David. "Measurements of equine gait parameters in the context of injury prevention." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.391886.
Full textGómez, Pérez Cristina. "Clinically relevant gait parameters in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/673520.
Full textLa paràlisi cerebral és la causa més freqüent de discapacitat motora crònica en la població infantil i descriu un conjunt de trastorns que afecten el moviment i la postura. L’espasticitat és el trastorn motor predominant i provoca problemes múscul-esquelètics secundaris que, actuant a múltiples nivells, afecten la capacitat de marxa. L’anàlisi instrumentada de la marxa és una eina de valoració que permet quantificar les característiques de la marxa mitjançant dades objectives no apreciables visualment. Aquesta tesi doctoral aporta noves evidències sobre paràmetres clínicament rellevants per a la valoració de la marxa dels infants amb paràlisi cerebral espàstica bilateral. Mitjançant una revisió sistemàtica, s’han identificat paràmetres de la marxa sensibles als tractaments. Mitjançant un estudi correlacional, s’ha avaluat la relació dels paràmetres espai-temporals amb deficiències i limitacions en l’activitat. També s’ha validat un mètode de detecció d’esdeveniments de la marxa per a infants amb paràlisi cerebral.
La parálisis cerebral es la causa más frecuente de discapacidad motora crónica en la población infantil y describe un conjunto de trastornos del movimiento y de la postura. La espasticidad es el trastorno motor predominante y provoca problemas músculo-esqueléticos secundarios que, actuando a múltiples niveles, afectan a la capacidad de marcha. El análisis instrumental de la marcha es una herramienta de valoración que permite cuantificar las características de la marcha mediante datos objetivos no apreciables visualmente. Esta tesis doctoral aporta nueva evidencia sobre parámetros clínicamente relevantes para la valoración de la marcha en niños con parálisis cerebral espástica bilateral. Mediante una revisión sistemática, se han identificado parámetros de la marcha sensibles a los tratamientos. Mediante un estudio correlacional, se ha evaluado la relación entre parámetros espacio-temporales, deficiencias y limitaciones en la actividad. También se ha validado un método de detección de eventos de la marcha para niños con parálisis cerebral.
Cures Integrals i Serveis de Salut
Kajaks, Tara. "The effect of sustained static kneeling on knee joint gait parameters." Thesis, Kingston, Ont. : [s.n.], 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1974/1355.
Full textCao, Huiyi. "Remote Gait Monitoring Mobile System Enabled by Wearable Sensor Technology." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1587042096284549.
Full textTrojaniello, Diana <1986>. "Assessment of gait spatio-temporal parameters in neurological disorders using wearable inertial sensors." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/7122/1/Trojaniello_Diana_tesi.pdf.
Full textTrojaniello, Diana <1986>. "Assessment of gait spatio-temporal parameters in neurological disorders using wearable inertial sensors." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/7122/.
Full textJohnson, Amos Y. Jr. "A method for human identification using static, activity-specific parameters." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/15793.
Full textEsser, Patrick. "The use of inertial measurement units for the determination of gait spatio-temporal parameters." Thesis, Oxford Brookes University, 2011. http://radar.brookes.ac.uk/radar/items/f775bff9-1e90-37da-05a3-3aa99015150b/1.
Full textMaqbool, Hafiz Farhan. "Real-time estimation of temporal gait parameters in lower limb amputees using inertial sensors." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2017. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/17607/.
Full textRieber, Jochen M. "L₂-gain based control of a flexible parameter-varying robot link." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/20918.
Full textRyo, Ariizumi. "Analysis of parametric gaits and control of non-parametric gaits of snake robots." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/199266.
Full textToosizadeh, Nima, Hannah Stocker, Rebecca Thiede, Jane Mohler, Joseph L. Mills, and Bijan Najafi. "Alterations in gait parameters with peripheral artery disease: The importance of pre-frailty as a confounding variable." SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/622404.
Full textFernandes, Márcia. "Alterações da simetria espácio-temporal da marcha medidas por um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática tridimensional." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Escola Superior de Saúde, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/11118.
Full textObjetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho de investigação consistiu em estudar os efeitos da manipulação da velocidade da marcha, unilateralmente, numa passadeira instrumentada, ao nível dos parâmetros espácio-temporais da marcha (cadência, tempo de apoio e tempo de balanço), numa amostra de indivíduos saudáveis. Introdução: As patologias musculoesqueléticas são o grupo de doenças mais frequente, com um impacto bastante negativo quer a nível da saúde, quer a nível laboral e socioeconómico. Ao associarmos o aumento da esperança média de vida aos atuais estilos de vida, surge como essencial repensar-se como se poderá atuar de forma precoce e efetiva para melhor responder e solucionar as necessidades crescentes face a estas patologias. Os atuais programas de prevenção visam a prevenção de consequências inerentes às patologias musculoesqueléticas e a sua progressão, no sentido de minimizar as perdas funcionais decorrentes. No entanto, e face às solicitações atuais, este tipo de soluções encontram em si mesmas cada vez mais limitações e lacunas, tornando-se insuficientes nas respostas dadas. É desta forma, que surge a necessidade e potencialidade de haver uma intervenção ainda mais precoce, ainda previamente à instalação da patologia, quando esta ainda se manifesta potencialmente em alterações do movimento, mais concretamente em alterações da marcha. Metodologia: Foi selecionada uma amostra não probabilística, por conveniência, de participantes saudáveis. A amostra era constituída por indivíduos maioritariamente do género feminino, dextra, com uma média de idade de 23 anos e um IMC médio de 22,5. Os participantes foram submetidos a um protocolo de avaliação de marcha, numa passadeira instrumentada, sendo os dados de cinemática recolhidos por um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática 3D, num único momento de recolha. No decorrer deste protocolo de marcha (protocolo assimétrico com 29 patamares, cada patamar representa uma alteração da velocidade de marcha), um dos membros inferiores foi sofrendo uma diminuição progressiva, e de pequena amplitude, da velocidade da marcha. Os parâmetros da marcha avaliados foram parâmetros espácio-temporais, nomeadamente a cadência, tempo de apoio e tempo de balanço, comparando-se as diferenças resultantes entre os dois membros inferiores. Resultados: Os resultados do teste de Mann-Whitney revelaram que o parâmetro espáciotemporal tempo de balanço revelou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois membros inferiores, no patamar 21 (p=0.05), patamar 22 (p=0.045), patamar 23 (p=0.011), patamar 24 (p=0.015) e patamar 25 (p=0.033), do protocolo de marcha assimétrico. Os parâmetros cadência e tempo de apoio também registaram diferenças, ainda que não estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: Assim é possível concluir face aos resultados apresentados neste trabalho exploratório que existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois membros inferiores, relativamente ao parâmetro tempo de balanço.
Objective: With this work we aimed to study the effect of the unilateral manipulation of gait speed on gait spatiotemporal parameters (cadence, stance fase and swing fase) in healthy individuals. Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders are the most frequent diseases, with a negative impact on both health and labor, and socio-economic level. By associating the increase in the average life expectancy to current life styles, we are forced to rethink how to effectively reply the new epidemiological needs. Mobility disorders due to degenerative diseases (e.g. osteoarthrosis) often lead to new movement patterns that settles in very slowly. New motionrelated solutions are needed to ubiquitously monitor subjects mobility and detect as early as possible dysfunctional movement patterns. It is in this way that the need arises and potential to be an even more early intervention, even prior to the installation of the pathology, when this still expresses potentially in changes of movement, more specifically in gait changes. Methodology: A sample of 17 healthy participants (22.76±5.66 years) was recruited by means of geographic convenience. All the participants were submitted to gait asymmetry protocol in an instrumented treadmill while 3D kinematics was recorded from the pelvis, left and right thigh, shank and foot. Gait spatiotemporal parameters (cadence, stance fase and swing fase) were calculated and compared between limbs. In the course of this gait protocol (asymmetrical protocol, with 29 patamares, which stage represents a change in gait), one of the lower limbs was suffering a progressive and low-amplitude, decrease of gait speed. Were evaluated spatiotemporal parameters of gait, in particular, cadence, stance fase and swing fase, and compared the resulting differences between the two lower limbs. Results: The results of the Mann-Whitney U test revealed that the spatiotemporal parameter time of balance showed statistically significant differences between the two lower limbs at the level 21 (p=0.05), level 22 (p=0.045), level 23 (p=0.011), level 24 (p=0.015) and level 25 (p=0.033). Conclusion: These results suggested that lower levels of gait asymmetry can be detected in spatiotemporal gait parameters with the use of an ambulatory kinematic analysis system.
Voráč, Ladislav. "Řiditelné filtry s maximálním možným přeladěním a netradičními aktivními prvky." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-218353.
Full textLiu, Hong. "Modulation of various stepping movement parameters during perturbed walking at specific periods of the gait cycle." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ53179.pdf.
Full textMadete, June. "A novel protocol for the quantification of temporal and postural gait parameters of rats and humans." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2011. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/13152/.
Full textCiprandi, D. "PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS INFLUENCING HEALTHY AGING IN ELDERLY WOMEN." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/524125.
Full textShammas, Layal [Verfasser], and W. [Akademischer Betreuer] Stork. "Objective assessment of motor and gait parameters of patients with multiple sclerosis / Layal Shammas ; Betreuer: W. Stork." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1162540850/34.
Full textDorrikhteh, Masoud. "A Deep-Learning Approach for Marker-less Stride Parameters Analysis with Two Cameras." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42511.
Full textLucconi, Mattia. "Caratterizzazione sperimentale di parametri spaziotemporali nella corsa su treadmill." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/6956/.
Full textSpaulding, Jeremy Maximillian. "Effects of Age on Gait Parameters and Muscle Activity During Adjustment, and the Relationship of Fear of Falling." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/42015.
Full textMaster of Science
Zahn, Alexander R. "Characterization and Examination of Performance Parameters of a Back-pressurized RDC." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1554119639742205.
Full textMendes, Ester Francisca. ""Comparação de parâmetros cinemáticos da marcha entre indivíduos jovens e idosos em tarefas de ateração do comprimento preferido do passo"." Universidade de São Paulo, 2005. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/39/39132/tde-08072005-164641/.
Full textThe main purpose of this study was verifying the effect of step length restrictions on gait performance of young and old aged, assuming that: (a) when submitted to similar gait conditions, young and old aged presents analogous performance in some gait parameters; (b) the step length restrictions intervene on gait velocity an phase relation between arm and leg in the same way for young and old aged; (c) the step length restrictions cause a larger impact on phase relations variability between superior and inferior limbs for old aged. In order to verify these hypothesis, nine young adults and eight old-aged was filmed on three tasks: regular gait, increase on step length and decrease on step length. The comparisons was made to the following variables: gait velocity, cadency, step length and leg length rate, amplitude of ankle angular variation, amplitude of arm angular variation, phase relation and phase relation variability between right superior and right inferior limbs. The results revealed that the old-aged gait pattern was similar to the adult pattern in considerably aspects. Step length restrictions carried to significative changes on gait velocity for young and old aged, suggesting that part of modifications on old people gait pattern are related to decrease on step length. The movement coordination, analyzed by phase relation between right superior and right inferior limbs was influenced by task condition but not the stability of coordination between arm and legs. These findings corroborates the initial hypothesis, about the similarity of the adaptative characteristics between both groups. The interpretation of these results allows concluding that: (a) on regular gait, young and old aged had similar performance; (b) the step length alterations exerted significative effect over gait velocity, amplitude of arm angular variation and phase relations between superior and inferior limbs on the same way for young and old aged; (c) the task condition had no influence over the amplitude of ankle movement neither over variability of phase relations.
Hegewald, Günther. "Ganganalytische Bestimmung und Bewertung der Druckverteilung unterm Fuß und von Gelenkwinkelverläufen." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät IV, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/14478.
Full textMain goal of the thesis was the development of a gait analysis measurement system, supporting the measurement of kinetics and kinematics of the gait. For practical application were important the online-abilities of the measuring system. Criteria for development were user friendliness and low cost. The modular build of the system is meant to provide the ability for later integration of other sensors. The choice of measuring principle for the kinetics of gait were pressure measuring insoles. The following reasons led to this decision: · The measurement with insoles allows locating the pressure distribution under the foot during walking, i.e. the point of pressure can be allocated to the forefoot or heel. · The evaluation can be based on many consecutive steps. · The measurement with insoles is not bound to a place. Measurement on a tread mill as well as on a defined stretch of hall. The measurement can take place in the surrounding of choice (for example in a sporting arena or on a stairway). For the kinematic measurements were used goniometers. As with the measurements with insoles the goniometer measurements are not bound to one place. An important reason for the decision to use goniometers rather than other kinematic measurement devices was amongst others it cost effectiveness. A number of different sensors can be attached to the measurement system. Other possible sensors could be active surface electrodes for electromyographic measurements or accelerometers. The data transmission is wireless. A main task on the way to reaching the main goal, was to develop gait parameters basing on the current knowledge which describe the different aspects of human gait appropriately. An important step towards data reduction was the calculation of a typical average step for the examinee. With view towards user friendliness a data base was developed in order to facilitate the characterisation of normal gait. The user can compare his measured data to the data of a group with normal gait.
Wilcox, Samuel L. "Constructing quasi-linear oxygen uptake responses from non-linear parameters." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/18706.
Full textDepartment of Kinesiology
Thomas J. Barstow
Purpose: Oxygen uptake (VO2) has been shown to be controlled by a nonlinear system, yet the VO2 response to ramp style exercise appears linear. We tested the hypothesis that an integrative model incorporating nonlinear parameter values could accurately estimate actual VO2 responses to ramp style exercise. Methods: Six healthy, men completed three bouts of varying ramp rate exercise (slow ramp (SR): 15 W/min, regular ramp (RR) 30 W/min, fast ramp (FR) 60W/min) and four bouts of extended-step incremental exercise, where each step lasted 5-15 min or until volitional fatigue on a cycle ergometer on separate days. The step-responses were then fit with a simple monoexponential starting at time zero (MONO) or allowing a time delay and using only the first 5 min of data (5TD). The resulting VO2 parameters from the step protocol were incorporated into an integrative model for the estimation of the VO2 response to each of the rates of ramp incremental exercise. The parameters from the actual and model ramp protocols were compared with 2 way repeated-measures ANOVAs. Results: Both Gain (G) and Mean Response Time (MRT) (or time constant) values increased significantly across work rate transitions (mean±SD; Gain:10.0±0.9, 11.6±1.1, 13.1±1.3, 17.6±3.3 ml O2/min/W; MRT:39.4±7.7, 54.0±5.4, 79.6±15.0, 180.1±56.2 s). Up to maximalVO2 the models over-estimated the actual VO2 response for FR (Gain: ACT 8.7±1.0, MONO 9.9±0.4, 5TD 10.3±0.3 ml O2/min/W). Up to 80% maximal VO2 the models accurately predicted the actual VO2 response across all ramp rates (Gain: ACT 10.7±1.1, 10.2±0.5, 9.2±1.0; MONO 11.0±0.8, 10.3±0.6, 9.2±0.5; 5TD 10.4±0.4, 10.2±0.3, 9.8±0.2 ml O2/min/W, values are listed SR,RR,FR). Conclusions: When variable parameter values (G and either MRT or time constant and time delay) were utilized by an integrative model, accurate estimations of the VO2 response to ramp incremental exercise were possible regardless of ramp rate (up to 80% maximal VO2). The increases in both G and MRT (or time constant) appear to balance each other to produce the quasi-linear VO2 responses.
Morrison, Stewart C. "The impact of excessive body mass on anthropometric characteristics of the peripubescent foot and spatio-temporal parameters of peripubescent gait." Thesis, Glasgow Caledonian University, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.443233.
Full textSmith, Yvonne. "The three-dimensional kinematics and spatiotemporal parameters of gait in 6-10 year old typically developed children in the Cape Metropole A Pilot Study." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/97010.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A functional gait forms an integral part of life, allowing individuals to function within their environment and participate in activities of daily living. The evaluation of gait forms an essential part of a physical examination and can help screen for physical impairments. To the researchers‟ knowledge no 3D gait analysis studies of this nature have been conducted in South Africa. South African gait analysis laboratory protocols and procedures may differ from laboratories in other countries; therefore a South African data base of normative values is required to make a valid assessment of South African children‟s gait. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe kinematics and spatiotemporal parameters of gait of typically developed children between the ages of 6-10 years in the Cape Metropole of the Western Cape, South Africa. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive study was conducted. Twenty-eight typically developed children were conveniently sampled from aftercare facilities and schools were performed in the Cape Metropole in the Western Cape, South Africa. The three-dimensional (3D) lower limb kinematics and spatiotemporal parameters of gait were analyzed. For data capture, the lower limb Plug-in-Gait (PIG) marker placement was used. Participants were asked to walk bare footed at self-selected speed. Due to a small sample size, children were also sub-divided into two groups (Group A: 6-8 years and Group B: 9-10 years) for comparison. Means and standard deviations (SD) were calculated for all outcomes, followed by statistical tests to determine significant differences between the two sub-groups for spatiotemporal parameters and kinematics. RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the sub-groups for all the non-normalized spatiotemporal parameters. A statistical significant difference between the sub-groups for the mean hip rotation minimum values (p=0.036) was found. There was no significant difference between the sub-groups for any other kinematic parameter or when comparing the normalized spatiotemporal parameters. CONCLUSION: This study provides descriptive gait parameters that can be used for comparison or gait analysis purposes. Our results suggest that normalized spatiotemporal parameters showed no significant difference between the age groups and are consistent with international children‟s spatiotemporal parameters. Kinematic values showed significant changes with hip rotation. Older children had more external rotation at their hips. KEYWORDS: 3D gait analysis, walking, children, spatiotemporal parameters, kinematics.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: INLEIDING: „n Funksionele stap is „n essensiële deel van die lewe wat mens toelaat om in jou omgewing te funksioneer en om deel te neem aan daaglikse aktiwiteite. Evaluasie van stap is „n belangrike deel van die fisiese evaluasie en kan help om te sif vir fisiese verswakking of abnormaliteite. So ver hierdie navorsers weet, is hierdie die eerste loop analise studie van sy soort wat in Suid-Afrika onderneem is. Suid-Afrikaanse stap-evaluasie-labrotorium protokols en prosedures mag ook dalk verskil van die in ander lande. Dus is „n Suid-Afrikaanse databasis vir normale waardes van loop nodig om „n gegronde evaluasie van Suid-Afrikaanse kinders se loopgang te kan maak. DOELWIT: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die kinematika en spatiotemporale parameters van loop te omskryf in tipies ontwikkelde kinders tussen die ouderdom van 6-10 jaar in die Kaapse Metropool en om die bevindinge tussen die twee ouderdomsgroepe te vergelyk. METODE: „n Beskrywende studie is uitgevoer. Ag-en-twintig tipies ontwikkelde kinders is van skole en nasorgfasiliteite in die Kaapse Metropool in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika gewerf. Die drie-dimensionele (3D) onderste ledemaat se kinematika en spatiotemporale parameters van loop is geanaliseer. Vir data insameling is die onderste ledemaat Plug-in-Gait (PIG) merker-plasing gebruik. Deelnemers is gevra om kaalvoet teen hulle eie spoed te stap. Die kinders is in die verskeie ouderdomsgroepe verdeel, maar as gevolg van klein toetsgroepgetalle, is hulle sub-verdeel in twee groepe (Groep A: 6-8 jaar en Groep B: 9-10 jaar). Beskrywende statistiese tegnieke is gebruik vir alle uitkoms maatreëls. Gemiddeldes en standaardafwykings (SA) was bereken, om beduidende verskille tussen die ouderdomsgroepe en sub-groepe te bepaal. RESULTATE: Daar is „n beduidende verskil tussen die jonger en ouer kinders vir nie-genormaliseerde spatiotemporale parameters, asook „n beduidende verskil tussen die sub-groepe vir die gemiddelde heuprotasie minimum waardes (p=0.036). Daar was geen beduidende verskil tussen die twee groepe met die ander kinematiese parameters of met genormaliseerde spatiotemporale parameters van die sub-groepe nie. GEVOLGTREKKING: Hierdie studie verskaf beskrywende statistiese data van stap-parameters wat gebruik kan word vir vergelyking met ander kinders van dieselfde ouderdomme of loop-analise doeleindes. Ons bevindinge stel voor dat genormaliseerde spatiotemporale parameters geen beduidende bevindings aandui tussen die verskeie ouderdomsgroepe nie. Dit is ook konsekwent met internasionale kinders se spatiotemporale parameterwaardes. Kinematisie waardes het beduidende verskille in heuprotatsie getoon. Ouer kinders het meer eksterne rotasie in hulle heupe in vergelyking met jonger kinders. Soos die kinders ontwikkel, verminder die heup-anteversie en die heup beweeg vanaf interne rotasie na „n relatiewe eksterne rotasie.
Al-Talahma, Mohammad Y. M. "Investigation into the immediate effect of ankle taping on temporal spatial gait parameters and affected ankle kinematics in ambulant adult hemiplegic patients." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20057.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ABSTRACT - BACKGROUND: Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFOs) are considered as the most suitable lower limb orthosis to correct gait deficits related to ankle instability. AFOs are recommended to minimize gait deviations and to correct drop foot or equinus foot in hemiplegic patients. OBJECTIVES - To identify the effectiveness of different ankle orthoses and/or supports on the temporal, spatial, kinetic and kinematic gait parameters. To critically appraise the methodological quality of the included studies and to provide a description of the studies with a view to identify opportunities to improve future research quality. METHODS - Search strategy A comprehensive search was conducted between March and October 2010, and updated in August 2011. Thirteen computerized bibliographic databases were individually searched, namely PubMed Central, Cohrane Library, CINAHL, OT Seeker, SPORTDiscus, PsyARTICLE, PEDro, Proquest, Biomed Central, Science Direct, Clinicaltrials.gov, Web of Science, and Ingenta Connect. All databases were searched since their inception. The following key terms were used: stroke, hemipleg*, assistive device*, ankle foot orthos*, AFO, (splint*), taping, and strapping. A secondary search (pearling) was conducted by screening the reference lists of all eligible full text studies. The authors of the unpublished studies were conducted to minimize publication bias. Selection criteria The following selection criteria applied: all relevant randomized and non-randomized controlled trails published in English; participants were post-stroke patients older than eighteen years; interventions included any type of ankle foot orthosis (AFO), ankle taping or strapping and ankle foot splint without any additional intervention and the comparison/control groups were limited to walking without support, either barefoot or walking with shoes only. Studies were excluded when the outcome measures did not focus on at least one of the following: temporal spatial gait parameters, kinetic gait parameters or kinematic gait parameters. Data collection and analysis Two reviewers independently selected trials for inclusion and assessed methodological quality. The data was extracted by the primary reviewer and validated by a second reviewer. In event of disagreement, a third reviewer was asked to re-evaluate until consensus could be reached. Homogenous data were statistically summarized in sub-group meta-analysis using Revman© Review Manager Software. The results of heterogeneous data were summarized in a narrative form. MAIN RESULTS - The search yielded 11134 initial hits. Sixteen studies met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The studies investigated the immediate effect of various types of AFOs on a broad range of temporal spatial gait parameters mainly gait speed, cadence, stride and step length. Only two studies reported on the kinetic and six on various kinematic gait parameters. The meta-analysis yielded significant improvement in gait speed (0.06 m/s; 95% CI 0.04, 0.08. p < 00001), walking cadence (5.41; 95% CI 3.79, 7.03. p < 00001), stride length (6.67; 95% CI 3.29, 10.06. p < 00001) and step length (2.66; 95% CI 1.59, 3.72. p < 0.00001). CONCLUSION - AFOs are effective to improve mobility, gait speed, cadence, stride and step length for post-stroke patients and may have a positive impact on the daily function of post-stroke patients. . The long term benefit or adverse effects of AFOs are still inconclusive. The effectiveness of AFOs on the kinetic and the frontal- or transverse- plane joint kinematics is largely unresolved. There is insufficient evidence to either support or refute the effectiveness of taping/strapping and splinting of the ankle on hemiplegic gait. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ABSTRACT - BACKGROUND: Temporal, spatial and affected ankle kinematic gait parameters of adults with hemiplegia are significantly different from the normal able-bodied population. Enabling hemiplegic patients to walk is a major goal of rehabilitation programs. Taping of the plegic ankle could be utilized by therapists as external support of the ankle to improve foot position and placement during gait rehabilitation. OBJECTIVE - The purpose of the study was to describe the immediate effect of neutral ankle taping on temporal spatial gait parameters and ankle joint kinematics of the affected ankle in ambulant adult hemiplegic patients. METHODS - A clinical trial using a crossover randomized testing order was conducted on a convenient sample of ten ambulant hemiplegic patients at the Physiotherapy and Motion Analysis Clinic, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg, Cape Town, South Africa. The affected ankle joint was taped in a neutral talocrural dorsiflexion/ plantarflexion and neutral hindfoot inversion/ eversion position using rigid adhesive tape (5 cm). The gait parameters were analysed according to the Plug-In Gait Model using a motion analysis system (Vicon Nexus 1.1.7; Vicon Motion System Limited, Oxford, UK). The analyses were repeated six times for each testing condition and the average values were used for further analysis. The data were analyzed using Least Square Means tests and post hoc Fisher (Least Significant Difference) LSD multiple comparison tests to determine the significant differences at 95% confidence level. RESULTS - The main results of the study indicate that taping of the affected ankle joint in a neutral position does not significantly improve (p>0.5) temporal spatial gait parameters and ankle joint kinematics in ambulant adult hemiplegic patients. The following positive trends were however found and need to be further explored in larger homogeneous study samples: ankle taping of ambulant adult hemiplegic patients has limited benefits on selected temporal parameters as ankle taping could potentially improve cadence. Ankle taping could decrease plantarflexion of the plegic leg at initial contact. CONCLUSIONS - A systematic review revealed no conclusive evidence either to support or refute the beneficial effects of ankle taping on gait parameters of ambulant adult hemiplegic patients. Ankle taping of ambulant adult hemiplegic patients has potential clinical benefits on temporal, spatial and affected ankle kinematics, gait cadence and affected leg swing and stance duration.
Full textTitarenko, Anastasia. "Indicateurs chimiques d’âge stellaire à l’ère de Gaia." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AZUR4065/document.
Full textStars record the past in their ages, chemical compositions and kinematics. They can provide unprecedented detailed constraints on the early epochs of galaxy formation, back to redshifts greater than two (a look-back time of around 10 billion years). In particular, stellar ages are crucial to the understanding of the Milky Way history and for comparison with galactic evolution models. The advent of the Gaia space mission has opened the path to stellar age estimations for large samples of stars, in particular, based on isochrone fitting methods. In addition, Gaia precise distances allow to develop indirect age estimations based on the stellar population chemical evolution clock. In fact, the chemical abundance patterns imprinted on stellar atmospheres represent the gas conditions at the time of the stars’ formation back to redshifts greater than two. The chemical evolution products of different nucleosynthetic channels can therefore provide a time proxy. After calibration, it can be used as an age estimator.This thesis is focussed on the use of a particular chemical clock, the [Y/Mg] abundance. To this purpose, the astrometric Gaia mission data from the first data release was combined with high resolution spectroscopic data from the AMBRE-HARPS catalogue. First of all, the object identification of the AMBRE archival data was improved, thanks to a cross match with the 2MASS catalog, and later the Gaia DR1. In total, 6776 different stars have been identified.Secondly, in order to obtain precise estimations of the [Y/Mg] abundance ratio for galactic disc stars, the automated GAUGUIN tool integrated in the Gaia DPAC APSIS chain, has been optimized and tested. In particular, the abundance estimation capabilities of the APSIS GAUGUIN tool have been improved for irregularly distributed synthetic spectra grids, spanning a large range in stellar atmospheric parameters.Thirdly, the [Y/Mg] abundance ratio has been estimated for about 2000 stars from the AMBRE HARPS spectroscopic data. In addition, the internal and external errors of the abundances were carefully analysed. The studied stars belong mainly to the galactic thin and thick disc, in the metallicity range from --1.0 dex to 0.5 dex.Fourth, thanks to the isochrone fitting age estimations of 342 turn-off stars of the sample, the age sensitivity of the [Y/Mg] ratio has been studied. The analysis reveals a clear correlation between [Y/Mg] and age for thin disk stars of different metallicities, in synergy with previous studies of Solar type stars. In addition, no metallicity dependence with stellar age is detected, allowing to use the [Y/Mg] ratio as a reliable age proxy.Finally, the [Y/Mg] vs. age relation presents a discontinuity between thin and thick disk stars around 9–10 Gyrs. For thick disk stars, the correlation has a different zero point and probably a steeper trend with age, reflecting the different chemical evolution histories of the two disk components
Posbic, Hélène. "Automatic stellar parameters determination : chemical characterization of the Galactic thick disk and preparation to the Gaia mission." Observatoire de Paris, 2012. https://hal.science/tel-02095129.
Full textThe formation of the Milky Way disk is still an open question. Many scenarios are proposed. Different formation scenarios predict different disk chemical trends. This thesis aims to chemically characterize the Milky Way disk inside and outside the solar neighbourhood, to better constrain its formation scenario. This is possible thanks to high resolution spectra of 200 disk stars observed using the Giraffe spectograph on the Very Large Telescope (VLT). They were selected to have galactic altitudes ǀZǀ that cover both the thin and tick disk (ǀZǀ up to 2 kpc). A new automatic spectra analysis software was developed to determine the stellar parameters, and most importantly, the elemental abundances of these stars. SPADES (Stellar PArameters DEtermination Software) is based on a line-by-line analysis using a reference grid of synthetic stellar spectra. One of its particularities is its ability to calculate synthetic spectra on-the-y. Once tested for internal and external errors, it was used to determine the radial velocity, effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity and elemental abundances of the smple stars. The distances of these stars were also determined. The metallicity distribution function of the disk using this sample was calculated. It showed a large contribution of the disk stars and a smooth transition at the metallicity of the thick disk/halo interface. The vertivcal behaviour of the metallicity distribution function was also studied. A vertical metallicity grandient in the disk of 0. 19 +/- 0. 14 dex/kpc was marginally detected at the 1. 4 sigma level. The [Ti/Fe] and [Ca/Fe] vs [Fe/H] trends for stars located at less than 1 kpc above the plane were found to be in good agreement with previous studies. This is conclusion from the comparison of this work with author's like Bensky et al. (2005), Takeda (2007), and Neves et al. (2009). The main result of the analysis is that the trends of [Ca/Fe] vs [Fe/H] and [Ti/He] vs [Fe/H] show no significant difference close (i. E. ǀZǀ < 1 kpc) and farther away (1 < ǀZǀ < 2. 5 kpc) from the Galactic plane. This suggests that the thick disk gas and stars have been enriched by the same proportion of type II and type I super-novae from the galactic plane up to at least 2. 5 kpc. These results support thick disk formation scenarios like collapse or gas-rich accretion and disfavour a thick disc formed of stars captured during merger event
Zhang, Jian. "Support Vector Machines (SVMs) Based Framework for Classification of Fallers and Non-Fallers." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/64189.
Full textPh. D.
Mattiaccia, Francesca. "Stima dei parametri temporali del passo tramite solette smart: validazione utilizzando pedana dinamometrica e OptoGait come gold standard." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.
Find full textSjögren, Jan-Ulric. "Energy performance of multifamily buildings : building characteristic and user influence." Licentiate thesis, Umeå University, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-35598.
Full textToday many professional property holders use different types of software for monthly energy analyses. The data is however often limited to energy and water use, that is paid for by the property holder. In year 2001, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, the first steps were taken to create a national web based data base, eNyckeln. A property holder may then enter consumption data together with about 50 other building specific parameters to this data base in order to enable benchmarking and energy performance evaluations. Due to EU-regulations and the increasing awareness of energy and environmental issues there is a large interest in evaluating the energy performance and also to identify effective energy retrofits. The used energy performance indicator is still only the annual energy use for heating per square meter of area to let, kWh/m2,year, despite the fact that monthly data often are available. The main problem with this indicator, which is the stipulated measure, is that it reflects a lot of user influence and that only a part of the total energy use is considered. The main focus of this thesis is to explore the possibilities, based on the national data base, to extract additional energy information about multi family buildings (MFB) using monthly data in combination with different assumed consumption pattern but also to identify potential for energy savings. For the latter a multivariate method was used to identify relations between the energy use and building specific parameters. The analysis gave clear indications that the available area, the area to let, is not appropriate for normalization purposes since the remaining heated area can be significant. Due to this fact, the analysis was mainly limited to qualitative conclusions. As measure of the buildings energy characteristic, the total heat loss coefficient, Ktot,(W/ºK) is determined and the robustness for the estimate of Ktot to different assumptions of user behaviour is investigated. The result shows that the value of Ktot is fairly insensitive to different indoor temperature, use of domestic hot water and household electricity. With the addition of m2 it can of course be used for benchmarking. Using the mentioned measure of the buildings energy characteristic for validating the energy performance has a clear advantage compared to the traditional kWh/m2, since the user behaviour is of minor importance. As a result of this an improved analysis of the energy performance will be obtained. A guarantee for new buildings energy performance based on this method is therefore a challenge for the building sector to develop.
Paiva, Cláudia. "Efeito da introdução de tarefas cognitivas nos parâmetros angulares da marcha da população idosa, medido por um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática tridimensional." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Escola Superior de Saúde, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/17791.
Full textPalavras-chave: Marcha, dupla tarefa, parâmetros angulares, idosos, sensores inerciais. Introdução: A análise cinemática da marcha tem sido amplamente estudada nas últimas décadas, quer em contexto laboratorial quer, mais recentemente, em ambulatório. A sua análise pode ser utilizada para avaliar a qualidade de vida, o estado geral de saúde e a função física da população idosa. As alterações no desempenho da marcha são responsáveis por 55% das quedas ocorridas, sendo que o facto da pessoa idosa realizar uma tarefa durante a execução da mesma (desempenho em dupla tarefa) tem sido reportado na literatura como factor explicativo das alterações dos parâmetros de marcha. Objectivo: Descrever os parâmetros angulares da marcha (designadamente ângulos articulares e velocidade angular) da população idosa, e analisar as respectivas diferenças, quando introduzidas tarefas cognitivas (memória/fluência verbal e cálculo mental) durante a realização da mesma, medidas por um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática tridimensional – 3D. Metodologia: Foi desenvolvido um estudo observacional, do tipo quantitativo e descritivocorrelacional, de carácter transversal e exploratório. Seleccionou-se uma amostra não probabilística, por conveniência geográfica a partir do Centro Comunitário de São Sebastião, em Setúbal, de acordo com critérios de participação previamente definidos. Os participantes realizaram marcha sem tarefa cognitiva associada (grupo Gait) e com dupla tarefa (grupos Memory e Calculation). Os dados cinematicos referentes às articulações do membro inferior foram recolhidos através do sistema Xsens MVN. Resultados: Foi considerada uma amostra de 202 ciclos de marcha realizados por 15 participantes de ambos os géneros, com uma média de idades de 75,7 anos. No que respeita aos ângulos articulares, o teste de comparação múltipla de Tukey mostra diferenças significativas entre os grupos, na articulação da anca direita na fase de apoio (p =.007); na articulação da anca esquerda na fase oscilante (p =.041) e na articulação do joelho esquerdo na fase oscilante (p =.033). Relativamente à variável velocidade angular, as diferenças são, na maioria, significativas em todas as articulações estudadas (p<.05) sendo o grupo Calculation o que apresenta menor velocidade angular, seguindo-se do grupo Memory e por fim Gait. Conclusão: O presente estudo demonstra que a dupla tarefa durante a marcha da população idosa, tem implicações no seu desempenho, alterando os seus parâmetros angulares e consequentemente, a sua segurança. A velocidade angular diminui substancialmente quando introduzidas tarefas cognitivas, sobretudo tarefas de cálculo. O Xsens MVN é um sistema capaz de recolher dados cinemáticos no plano sagital, nas articulações do membro inferior, mostrando-se sensível para detectar alterações nos parâmetros angulares da marcha quando introduzidas tarefas cognitivas.
Al-Zahrani, Khaled Sultan. "Analysis of the kinetic, kinematic and temporospatial parameters of gait, and their relationship to functional ambulation following total knee replacement using two different prosthetic designs." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.326745.
Full textMazzotti, Giulia. "Validazione di algoritmi per la stima dei parametri spaziali del passo e activity recognition tramite solette smart." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.
Find full textAugusto, Nádia. "Efeito da introdução de tarefas cognitivas nos parâmetros espácio-temporais da marcha em idosos medidos por um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática 3D." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Escola Superior de Saúde, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/17786.
Full textObjetivo: Avaliar o efeito da introdução de tarefas cognitivas nos parâmetros espáciotemporais da marcha em idosos, através de um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática 3D fora do laboratório. Introdução: O envelhecimento das sociedades modernas e a elevada prevalência e incidência de quedas em idosos sugerem a necessidade de desenvolver medidas preventivas que assegurem a deteção precoce e a intervenção atempada das manifestações clínicas concomitantes ao envelhecimento. Muitas das quedas em idosos, ocorrem durante a marcha, particularmente em situações de dualidade de tarefas. Embora, vários estudos recorrendo a sistemas de análise cinemática 3D tenham demonstrado através do paradigma da dupla tarefa que é possível medir precocemente as alterações nos parâmetros espácio-temporais da marcha, mesmo antes dessas alterações serem percetíveis, nenhum deles examinou, se estes resultados se mantinham em condições reais onde os idosos caminham diariamente. Metodologia: Selecionou-se uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência geográfica de 15 idosos saudáveis de acordo com os critérios de inclusão definidos. Os participantes foram instruídos a caminharem ao seu ritmo habitual ao longo de 10 metros durante a realização de duas condições: (1) caminharem sem tarefa cognitiva; (2) caminharem executando duas tarefas cognitivas (tarefa de fluência verbal e tarefa aritmética). Todos os dados cinemáticos foram recolhidos numa única fase por um sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática 3D baseado em sensores inerciais. Sete parâmetros espácio-temporais foram avaliados: velocidade da passada, comprimento da passada, largura da passada, cadência, tempo de apoio, tempo de balanço e tempo de duplo apoio. Resultados: Os resultados do teste de Friedman relevaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos parâmetros temporais (velocidade da passada: c2=11,200, p=0,004; cadência: c2=24,102, p=0,000; tempo de apoio: c2=20,133, p=0,000; tempo de balanço: c2=17,733, p=0,000 e tempo de duplo apoio: c2=19,733, p=0,000) entre as duas condições estudadas, contrariamente aos parâmetros espaciais, que registaram diferenças, contudo sem significância estatística. Conclusão: O sistema ambulatório de análise cinemática 3D usado foi sensível às alterações nos parâmetros espácio-temporais da marcha em idosos durante a condição de dupla tarefa fora do laboratório, sendo as diferenças registadas apenas nos parâmetros temporais.
Objective: Assess the effect of introducing cognitive tasks in the spatiotemporal parameters of gait in older adults using an ambulatory system kinematic 3D analysis outside the laboratory. Introduction: The aging of modern societies and the high prevalence and incidence of falls in older adults suggest the need to develop preventive measures that ensure the early detection and timely intervention of the clinical manifestations concomitant to the aging process. Most falls in older adults occur during walking, particularly in everyday situations that require a dual-task situation. Although, several studies using 3D kinematic analysis systems, have demonstrated through the dualtask paradigm, that is possible to measure changes in the spatiotemporal gait parameters even before these changes are noticeable, none of them examined whether these results were maintained under real conditions where the elderly walk daily. Methodology: Fifteen healthy older adults (mean age=75,73±6,03 years old) were recruited from a day center by geographic convenience according to defined inclusion criteria. All participants were instructed to walk 10 meters at a self-selected rhythm under two different conditions: (1) walking without a cognitive task; (2) walking while performing two different cognitive tasks (a verbal fluency task and an arithmetic task). Seven spatiotemporal gait parameters were assessed using an ambulatory system kinematic 3D analysis based on 17 inertial sensors: stride velocity, stride length, stride width, cadence, stance time, swing time and double support time. Results: The results of the Friedman test revealed statistical significant differences between the temporal parameters of gait (stride velocity: c2=11,200, p=0,004; cadence: c2=24,102, p=0,000; stance time: c2=20,133, p=0,000; swing time: c2=17,733, p=0,000 and double support time: c2=19,733, p=0,000) and the two conditions. Unlike the spatial parameters of gait that revealed no statistical significant differences between the two conditions. Conclusion: The ambulatory system kinematic 3D analysis used was able to detect the changes in the spatiotemporal parameters of gait in older adults during the dual-task condition, outside the laboratory. The differences were found in the temporal parameters but not in the spatial parameters of gait.
Chen, Chang-Hong, and 陳昶宏. "Accelerometer Only Gait Parameter Extraction With All Convolutional Neural Network." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/bxv8td.
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Application of gait parameter extraction blow up in the last few years. For example, medical care, elderly care, sports training, and monitor of daily walking. With the appropriate gait parameter as an index, gait parameter extraction can provide many practical implementations in our daily life and help human. There were some work using the camera system for the research on the gait parameter extraction in the past. The method has the disadvantage of restricting to indoor environmental settings. There are also many double- integration methods using the data from 6-axis sensor. The gait parameter are computed through the double integration and complex algorithm of calibration. In addition to complex calibration procedures, there are also some error accumulations in the computation of gait parameter, which is inferring from the position after double integration. This thesis proposed a CNN model with a single tri-axial accelerometer to do the gait parameter extraction, including stride length, stride height, and the total moving distance. Proposed model is the all-convolutional-layer CNN model for gait parameter extraction. This thesis proposed training method for improving accuracy and reducing complexity, which has greatly reduced the training parameter and the model complexity. The relatively small filter size results in a simpler model with low computational work. Besides, it can be used in both indoor and outdoor environment instead of the complex calibration in the tradition double-integral method. Considering the improving of accuracy, data amount plays an important role in the training of the model. This thesis proposes two data augmentation methods, increasing twenty times data amount for model training. The testing results of proposed model on stride length and stride height with data augmentations both have better result. Considering the reducing of model complexity, proposed method on model simplification has greatly reduced the training parameters and model complexity. Proposed model on gait parameter extraction is done at high sampling rate 500Hz and lower sampling rate 50Hz. Besides, this thesis has successfully done the implementation on android phone and the presenting of the result in real time, which implies the feasibility in practical application. To verify the model on the result of gait parameter extraction, this thesis uses the cross validation. There are total 2154 steps walking data. The proposed work can reach the average percentage error 4.29% with the average error 3.56cm on stride length extraction. With respect to stride height extraction, proposed model can reach the average percentage error 11.65% with the average error 0.63cm. Moreover, the percentage error of total walking distance estimation is 0.1% with 1689 meters.
Rushdi, Kazi. "Experimental study on passive dynamic bipedal walking: effects of parameter changes on gait patterns." 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/4902.
Full textHsuan, Shou Yu, and 宣守昱. "Application of Six-axis Kinematics and Foot Pressure Sensing in Gait Parameter Estimation." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/babh77.
Full textBERTOLI, MATILDE. "Gait characterization using wearable inertial sensors in healthy and pathological populations." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1244243.
Full text"Temporal gait parameters captured by surface electromyography measurement." 2012. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5549206.
Full text我們利用被採集步態參數作步態分析,並發現表面肌電信號內的動態信號的頻率特性能夠代表運動過程中的非恆久步態參數,如行走時的足部擺動的期間 (period of swing phase)、行走時的足部站立的期間 (period of stance phase) 和行走時的步幅期間 (period of stride)。
最後,我們發現可以利用線性預測 (linear prediction) 和閾值分析 (threshold analysis) 處理表面肌電信號以便獲得三種非恆久步態參數。根據我們的觀察,行走時足部擺動的期間可以被股直肌(rectus femoris, RF)的表面肌電信號捕獲,行走時的步幅期間可以被二頭肌股(bicep femoris, BF)的表面肌電信號捕獲,而行走時的足部站立的期間則可由BF和RF輸出的結果的平均值所捕獲。因此,表面肌電信號是可以作為一種獲取非恆久步態參數的工具。
Electromyography (EMG) signal is an important quantity for describing the muscle’s activities and provides additional information in describing movement and locomotion in gait analysis. Surface electromyography (SEMG) measurement is a non-vivo technology for acquiring EMG signal. During the measurement of SEMG signals, the motion artifact is captured. Filters are applied to eliminate the frequency characteristics of motion artifact. However, this unwanted signal could be useful for obtaining the temporal gait parameters during the movement, such as the period of swing phase, the period of stance phase, and the period of stride of free walking.
In this study, accelerometers, gyroscopes and foot switches are used for the acquisition of kinematics and surface electromyography is used for measuring muscle’s activities. These measurement devices are evaluated in a gait study on lower extremity. The signal processing and conversion of bio-information (the dynamic characteristics of body) are discussed, such as filtering, and the prediction of muscle’s contraction.
Lastly, temporal gait parameters could be captured by SEMG measurement with the linear prediction process and threshold analysis. From the results, it is observed that the swing period can be captured through the SEMG measurement for rectus femoris (RF), the stride period can be captured by the SEMG measurement for bicep femoris (BF), and the stance period can be captured by the averaged result of the outputs of BF and RF. Thus, SEMG measurement could be a tool for capturing temporal gait parameters.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Chan, Chi Chong.
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 67-69).
Abstracts also in Chinese.
Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1
Chapter 1.1 --- Literature Review --- p.1
Chapter 1.2 --- Objectives --- p.5
Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Description --- p.5
Chapter 2 --- Description for Wearable Gait Measurement --- p.7
Chapter 2.1 --- Wearable Sensors --- p.8
Chapter 2.2 --- Surface Electromyography (SEMG) --- p.12
Chapter 2.3 --- Processing Unit --- p.15
Chapter 2.4 --- Hardware Connection and Communication --- p.16
Chapter 2.5 --- Summary --- p.20
Chapter 3 --- Gait Analysis for Lower Extremity during Walking --- p.21
Chapter 3.1 --- Gait Parameters Captured by Wearable Sensors --- p.21
Chapter 3.1.1 --- Foot Switch: Walking Phase Detection --- p.22
Chapter 3.1.2 --- Gyroscope: Frequency Response of Lower Limbs during Walking --- p.24
Chapter 3.1.3 --- Accelerometer: Knee Joint Angle Estimation during Walking --- p.30
Chapter 3.2 --- Analysis of Muscle Activities by SEMG signals --- p.36
Chapter 3.3 --- Summary --- p.42
Chapter 4 --- Temporal Gait Parameters during Walking by SEMG Measurement --- p.43
Chapter 4.1 --- Motion Event and SEMG Signals --- p.43
Chapter 4.2 --- Walking Phase Detection by SEMG Signals --- p.49
Chapter 4.3 --- Temporal Gait Parameters --- p.53
Chapter 4.4 --- Summary --- p.62
Chapter 5 --- Conclusions, Contributions and Future Work --- p.63
Chapter 5.1 --- Conclusions --- p.63
Chapter 5.2 --- Contributions --- p.64
Chapter 5.3 --- Future Work --- p.65
Bibliography --- p.67
Yang, Yi-Ting, and 楊貽婷. "Investigation on significance of parameters for gait recognition." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/57664670281303683199.
Full textChen, Yi-Hua, and 陳怡樺. "Development of a Wearable Gait Symmetry Evaluation System for Identifying Gait Symmetry by Multi-Parameters." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/19567261677207561730.
Full text國立交通大學
Hemiplegia is commonly caused by stroke and usually leads to an asymmetrical gait. Both before and after rehabilitation, gait assessments need to be made to determine whether the patients can do rehabilitation or how effective the rehabilitation program was. Among all gait assessments, symmetry is an important gait characteristic. Previous researchers have used inertial sensors to quantify gait symmetry, but there has been no previous study using whole waveform patterns of one stride to quantify gait symmetry in swing phase and stance phase, separately. Based on different muscle activation sequences and different implications in two phases, it is significant to quantify them separately. Therefore, we aim to develop a wearable sensor system to determine gait symmetry of thighs and shanks in these phases, separately. This easily programmable and lightweight system can be used to evaluate symmetry immediately and be used by therapists easily. An eight-camera motion capture system was used to verify the angular velocity obtained by the IMU of our developed system in sagittal plane, and we used normalized root-mean-square error to calculate the error between the two systems. Furthermore, we evaluated gait symmetry against not only thighs and shanks but also stance phase and swing phase. Three approaches were used to evaluate gait symmetry: cross-correlation, area difference and time difference. Cross-correlation and area difference are used to evaluate the waveform patterns generated by two legs over a period of time. Four pairs of angular velocity signal, which are measured from thigh in stance phase, thigh in swing phase, shank in stance phase and shank in swing phase, can be obtained in one stride of two legs. A pair of signal can be calculated to three kinds of symmetry values by IV three approaches. Eight intact healthy males (24±2 yrs, 172±6cm, 67±7kg) and two hemiparetic subjects (one male, 62yrs, 172cm, 73.5kg, Brunnstrom stage: V; one female, 47yrs, 160cm, 65.5kg, Brunnstrom stage: III) were recruited to attend the experiments. Every subject completed three trials at comfortable speed. Four strides in the middle of gaits were evaluated in each trial. The errors between motion capture and inertial sensors are 5~8%, and these values are acceptable. In clinical test, the results of the subject in Brunnstrom stage V show that the symmetry values are lower than the 95% confidence interval (CI) of intact subjects, except the values of cross-correlation. It might represent that cross-correlation is less sensitive to asymmetry gait. Besides, all the symmetry values of the hemiparetic subject in Brunnstrom stage III are less than the symmetry values of the other hemiparetic subject and the intact subjects. The values are all lower than the 95% CI of the intact subjects. This research has successfully developed a wearable sensor system to determine gait symmetry in stance phase and swing phase, separately. The system can be used easily to evaluate gait symmetry more objective and more quantitative to be provided in clinical use.