Academic literature on the topic 'G.S.A'
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Journal articles on the topic "G.S.A"
Zuck, D. "Obituary ? Dr G.S.A. Knowles." Anaesthesia 46, no. 2 (February 1991): 164.
Full textGould, Stephen Jay. "Molluscan Paleobiology—as we creep towards the millenium: a critique of papers presented at the 1985 Short Course." Notes for a Short Course: Studies in Geology 13 (1985): 258–67.
Full textMarques, Ubirajara R. de Azevedo. "Contra os Leibnizianos, A Favor de Leibniz? “Inato” e “A Priori” em Kant." Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 19, no. 37 (2011): 95–107.
Full textSunagar, Prashant, Shivaraj G. Nayak, T. G. Geethakumari, C. L. Mahesh Kumar, B. M. Kiran, and J. Sanjith. "Progressive Collapse Analysis of T shape RCC Building." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1125, no. 1 (December 1, 2022): 012017.
Full textTochukwu, Mmeka Paschal, and Abriku Alex Junior. "A Research on Groundnut Shell Ash's Impact on Lateritic Soils' Soil Stabilization." Journal of Engineering Research and Reports 24, no. 12 (April 11, 2023): 1–12.
Full textAtmoko, Dwi, and Hartini Hartini. "Efektivitas Herbisida Berbahan Aktif Metil Metsulfuron Terhadap Gulma Pakis Kawat (Dicranopteris linearis) Pada TBM Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) Di Desa Sukoharjo Lahat Sumatera Selatan." JURNAL AGRIMENT 7, no. 2 (December 17, 2022): 100–105.
Full textAmah, Ifeoma A. "Beyond the G.P.A." International Review of Qualitative Research 5, no. 2 (August 2012): 225–50.
Full textSékétéli, A., L. Johannes, M. Van de Laar, and F. A. S. Kuzoe. "Essais d'épandage au sol de la deltaméthrine poudre mouillable à différentes doses contre Glossina palpalis (s.l.) dans une zone préforestière de Côte d'Ivoire." Insect Science and Its Application 6, no. 2 (April 1985): 187–92.
Full textالبعلوجي, د/ أدهم حسن, د/ رحمة محمد عودة, and الباحثة/ هدى أسامة فرج. "فاعلية برنامج تدريبي قائم على برنامج الاسكتش باد (G.S.P) في تنميــــــة مهــــــارات تدريس التعميمــــــات الرياضيــــــة لدى الطالبات المعلمات في الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة." مجلة العلوم التربوية و الدراسات الإنسانية, no. 26 (November 18, 2022): 143–76.
Full textUlbrich, Adolfo V., Benedito N. Rodrigues, and João de Lima. "Efeito residual dos herbicidas imazaquin e imazethapyr, aplicados na soja, sobre o milho safrinha." Planta Daninha 16, no. 2 (December 1998): 137–47.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "G.S.A"
Puel, Jean-Baptiste. "Reconnaissance automatique de parole telephonique : adaptation au g.s.m." Toulouse 3, 1997.
Full textMasetti, Mattia. "Analisi e valutazione delle proprietà termiche dello speciale trattamento di anodizzazione G.H.A." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Full textAbenia, Tiphaine. "Architecture potentielle de la Grande Structure Abandonnée (G.S.A) : catégorisation et projection." Thesis, 2019.
Full textCette recherche, inscrite en théorie de la conception architecturale, porte sur un phénomène contemporain situé à la frontière entre architecture et urbanisme : celui de la Grande Structure Abandonnée (GSA). Cette notion rassemble une hétérogénéité de situations construites de grande taille accusant une durée d’abandon supérieure à une décennie. L’enjeu de cette thèse est d’interroger les possibilités d’une catégorisation de la GSA, à la fois comme problématique disciplinaire (la catégorisation comme cadre de connaissance) et comme enjeu pratique (la catégorisation comme cadre d’intervention). La thèse se développe en deux temps : les trois premiers chapitres s’attachent à définir le phénomène de la GSA via des opérations d’inventaire, de description et de classement. Face aux limites présentées par les cadres classificatoires conventionnels en architecture, les trois derniers chapitres opèrent un déplacement des cadres d’analyse : d’une classification de ce qu’est la GSA (propriétés), il est alors question d’interroger ce que la GSA fait ou peut faire (capacités potentielles). À partir de la construction d’un Atlas de 103 structures, la recherche s’attache tout d’abord à une description de la GSA agencée autour des caractères hérités du projet originel de la structure (sens premier), des caractères amenés par l’abandon (perte de sens) et de ceux attachés aux projections contemporaines entourant la GSA (renouveau du sens). Ces descriptions permettent d’alimenter l’analyse conjointe des résistances et des ressources (tant physiques, que pragmatiques et épistémologiques) oeuvrant au sein de la GSA. Le couple (Résistances-Ressources) n’est alors plus appréhendé dans une opposition binaire, mais comme un phénomène jumeau (Van Eyck, 1960). La prise en compte de cette dialectique permet d’accéder à une anticipation sur le devenir de 72 des 103 GSA étudiées. Cinq territoires conventionnels de reclassement sont identifiés (démolition, réhabilitation, patrimonialisation, tourisme, ruine), ils ne permettent cependant pas de recouvrir l’entièreté du phénomène. La modélisation laisse 31 GSA dans une zone d’indétermination classificatoire, résistant aux modes d’anticipation convergents. Qu’est-ce qui, chez ces structures, échappe aux modes conventionnels de connaissance et d’intervention en architecture ? Comme voie de réponse à cette question, la recherche pose l’hypothèse de la GSA comme « phénomène liminal » (Van Gennep, 1909). L’attention est alors portée sur les caractères alimentant la condition d’entre-deux de ces structures (inachèvement, ambiguïté constructive, dimension mythique, scénarios conflictuels, dynamiques informelles). Celle-ci permet de montrer les limites présentées par les filtres fonctionnels, formels et stylistiques conventionnellement employés en architecture et d’ouvrir la recherche sur des modes d’agencement interprétatifs plus ouverts et indéterminés. Les trois derniers chapitres de la thèse opèrent ainsi un déplacement de la propriété vers le potentiel de la GSA. Les nombreux scénarios gravitant autour de la GSA servent alors de matière d’analyse permettant d’accéder à ces potentiels. Une étude de cas in situ, menée dans l’une des structures étudiées (El Elefante Blanco de Buenos Aires), sert de fil rouge à une enquête sur les catégories de potentiel de la GSA. Cinq catégories sont extraites : 1. Gisement, 2. Épiderme augmenté, 3. Mégastructure 2.0, 4. Rhizome et 5. Anti-monument, auxquelles répondent des stratégies de conception propres. Ces catégories placent la GSA au croisement d’enjeux constructifs, écologiques, sociaux et politiques.
This research, inscribed in the theory of architectural design, focuses on a contemporary phenomenon situated on the border between architecture and urbanism: the Abandoned Large Structure (ALS). This notion brings the attention to large and heterogeneous built environments that have been abandoned for more than a decade. The thesis questions the possibilities for a categorization of Abandoned Large Structures, both as a disciplinary problem (categorization as a framework of knowledge) and as a practical issue (categorization as a framework for intervention). This is explored in two phases. First, the phenomenon of Abandoned Large Structures is defined via inventory, description, and classification. Second, faced with the limits presented by conventional classification frameworks in architecture, the thesis shifts the analysis from a classification of what the ALS is (properties) to what the ALS does or can do (potential capacities). Based on a corpus of 103 structures, this research first describes the ALS using properties inherited from the original project of the ALS (the primary meaning), properties brought by the abandonment (loss of meaning), and properties attached to contemporary projections surrounding the ALS (renewal of meaning). These descriptions feed into the joint analysis of the resistance and resources of the ALS (physical, pragmatic and epistemological). The notion of ‘Resistances-Resources’ is then no longer apprehended in a binary opposition, but as a « twin phenomenon » (Van Eyck, 1960). Taking into account this dialectic allows us to anticipate the future of 72 of the 103 ALS studied. Five conventional reclassification territories are thus identified: demolition, rehabilitation, heritage conservation, tourism, and ruin. However, they do not cover the whole spectrum of ALS. 31 ALS are left in a zone of classificatory indeterminacy, resistant to convergent modes of anticipation. What, among these structures, escape the conventional modes of knowledge and intervention in architecture? To answer that question, the hypothesis of the ALS as a liminal phenomenon (Van Gennep, 1909) is then explored, focusing on the characters that feed the in-between condition of these structures: incompleteness, constructive ambiguity, mythical dimension, conflicting scenarios, and informal dynamics. This shows not only the limits presented by the functional, formal, and stylistic filters conventionally used in architecture, but furthermore opens the research to more flexible interpretative modes of arrangement. Finally, the thesis moves from the properties to the potential of the ALS. The many scenarios revolving around the ALS here serve as analytical material to access these potentials. An in-situ case study conducted in one of the ALS (El Elefante Blanco, Buenos Aires) serves as a guide for a survey of the ALS’ categories of potential. Five categories are extracted: 1. Material deposit, 2. Increased epidermis, 3. Megastructure 2.0, 4. Rhizome and 5. Anti-monument, to which respond specific design strategies. These categories place the ALS at the intersection of constructive, ecological, social and political challenges.
Full textGwei-Jingsyin and 桂景星. "A Survey of Concerned Concept with G.R.A (Group-Recreation-Activity)For Elementary School Teachers in Tao-Yuan County." Thesis, 2002.
Full text國立新竹師範學院
A Survey of Concerned Concept with G.R.A (Group-Recreation-Activity) For Elementary School Teachers in Tao-Yuan County Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the concerned concept of Group-Recreation-Activity ( G.R.A.), further to investigate how the elementary school teachers in Tao-Yuan county understand the current status and related problem of the concerned concept with G.R.A. Such an investigation can serve as a basis for providing suggestions for reference for related departments and personnel. In order to achieve the above objective, the study used a method of literature analysis and the specialist’s questionnaire survey and interview. Gathered information from Taiwan and abroad about the related research of G.R.A. Then I analyzed the G.R.A.’s meaning, goal, classification and the development of G.R.A’s history in Taiwan. Through the questionnaire survey I learned about Tao-Yuan’s elementary school teachers’ general viewpoints and ideas about the concerned concept of G.R.A. The questionnaire survey with specialists in this study was done with 36 famous senior specialists. 18 specialists were given the actual response. The response rate was 50%. Furthermore, 5 famous senior specialists were interviewed. Finally, the study includes 268 elementary school teachers in Tao-Yuan county responses another questionnaire. The response rate was 95.99% ( 263from268 ). The major procedures for gathering data were interviews and questionnaires. The information from the questionnaires and interviews were concluded with summarization and done with core coding. For quantitative analysis, descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage and mean, inferential statistics including analysis of variance, t test, Scheffe’s test and chi-square analysis were the major statistical procedures. As the result of the comprehensive literature analysis, interviews and questionnaires, regarding the concerned concept of group-recreation, the study obtained its meanings, goals, classifications and development of history in Taiwan. G stands for group. R stands for healthy, happiness and fun. Group recreation can be defined as the concerned concept that involved in the G.R.A. Its purpose is to achieve the ideal of spreading the seed of happiness to the world, bringing the vitality of the youth to people, letting our society full of happiness and keeping our nation young always. The classifications of group recreation including playing, singing, dancing,acting song, drama, shouting with clapping, activity designing, speaking show and leisure activities. According to the sequence of the years, starting from 1949 to 2001, the development of group recreation’s history in Taiwan was collected and filed in order as a record. Moreover, it was indicated as the literature source and has become a great event. Through the result of the analysis of questionnaires, the study got the conclusions regarding the concerned concept with G.R.A. for elementary school teachers in Tao-Yuan county as the follows: 1. Students’ group-recreation-activity Currently, on the campus of the elementary schools, the group activity that students taking part in mostly is singing. It’s not often to see group activities such as playing, dancing and boy scouting. Drama is rather rare. Besides, the result of the investigation represents that more than half of the schools had had the experiences of this kind of activities this year. 2. The use of teachers’ group-recreation-activity As the result of investigation, “ Special activity for celebrating festivals and national holidays”, “ The activity of sports competition, tournament and garden party”, “ Newcomers welcome party” are very suitable for teachers to run in the school’s activity. The most suitable field for teachers to teach in the group-recreation are “ Art and humane learning fields”, “ Overall activity’s learning field”. The group-recreation-activity is the most helpful for teachers to teach lively and enhance the effective of learning when applying on “ Singing”, “ Playing”, “ Dancing” and “ Activity song”. The most suitable organizations which conduct group-recreation’s seminar for teachers are “ The bureau of education in each county and city”, “ The headquarters of a team of China Youth Corps.”, and the seminar’s suitable time are “ Every Wednesday’s afternoon on-the-job advanced studies─recreation and student counseling seminar ( 3 hours)”, and “ recreation and seminar’s camp for teachers in each county and city ( 1 week). 3. The investigation of concerned concept with G.R.A for teachers: (1) For the investigation of the concerned concept of group recreation’s meanings and goals, in general they were accepted be the testers. It represents that most of the teachers generally agreed with that. (2) For the investigation of the concerned concept with group recreation’s singing, playing, dancing, acting song, shouting with clapping and activity designing for teachers, in general they were accepted by the testers. (3) For the survey of the level of qualification of leading group-recreation-activity for teachers, the testers said that they are qualified of leading the group-recreation-activity such as singing, playing, acting song, drama and shouting with clapping. (4) The survey of the willingness of combining the group-recreation-activity with the teaching activity, in general the testers are happy to put the G.R.A into teaching activity. (5) For the investigation of the concerned concept with group recreation’s singing, playing, dancing, acting song, shouting with clapping and activity designing, the need of teachers’ seminar activity, in general the testers think it is necessary. According to the result and conclusion of the research, the study finally separately brings up some suggestions to the elementary school teachers in Tao-Yuan, the relative authorities of the Education Administration, the relative organization of non-governmental circles and the follow-up studies. Key words: Group-Recreation, G.R.A(Group-Recreation-Activity), Singing, Playing, Dancing, Acting song, Drama, Shouting with clapping, Activity designing, Speaking show, Leisure activities.
Chung, Teng-Hung, and 鍾登宏. "Based on operating G.S.P. and operating concrete objects to compare the effects of learning dilation、scale and relative concepts for sixth graders." Thesis, 2004.
Full text國立台北師範學院
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of learning dilation、scale and relative concepts base on operating G.S.P. and concrete objects teaching methods. Quasi - experimental method with nonequivalent pretest-posttest controls is adopted. The subjects in this study are from two classes with a total of 66 students.Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis are emphasized in this study.Some main findings are showed as follows: 1.Informal knowledge According to the result of the pretest and interview, it shows that there are some misconcepts in angle、length、area、constructing graphs、scale and ratio sense in the situations of enlargement and shrink.They often come from intuition、the meaning of words and teaching. 2.The effect of learning for students There are two significant learning effects for treatment group and control group:immediate effect (posttest vs pretest) and reserved effect(follow-up test vs pretest),but no significant retained effects (follow-up test vs posttest) for both groups. After excluding pretest, there is no significant difference in posttest and follow-up test for two groups. After excluding pretest, there is a significant difference in posttest for the girls and the low achievement students in treatment group and in control group. After excluding pretest, there is an significant interaction between gender and group in the follow-up test. The performance of the girls in the treatment group is better than that of the girls in the control group in follow-up test. 3.The performance of conceptual change Generally, the treatment group and the control group had positive conceptual change,but there still has some misconcepts hard to let students change in a short period,such as Linear A-Linear B. 4. Study attitude and opinions of Students in the treatment group There is no significant difference between pretest and posttest in learning mathematics attitude, but their study attitude make positive progress. Almost all students in the treatment group like learning by the G.S.P.. Finally, some suggestions are offered to teachers、curriculum designers and researchers as the references of instruction and pedagogy in mathematics as well as future research.
Tsai, Su-Hsun, and 蔡夙勛. "Explore The Effect Of The Low- Achievement Students In Eight- Grade Through The Assisted Instruction With G.S.P. - Take continued-proportion For Example." Thesis, 2008.
Full text國立高雄師範大學
The main purpose of this study was to explore the influences of the low-achievement students’ learning on geometric sketch pad (G.S.P.) teaching designed instrument of continued-proportion. The participants involved fourteen 8th grade low-achievement students in the pilot test to confirm the successful processing of this study. Half of the participants were organized as the experimental group and received the GSP teaching strategy. The other students were designed to be the control group with traditional teaching. The other ten participants involved in the regular research. The instruments consisted of two open-ended questionnaires and interviewed.The results showed the experimental group students get better scores than control group through the GSP teaching strategy in significance. Besides, the participants in this research all taken positive attitude for learning toward G.S.P. instrument. At last, the results showed all of the students used the similar problem solving strategies in the easier problem, but different strategies in the difficult problems.
郭文金. "國小五年級學生運用電腦軟體G.S.P.學習比例問題成效之研究." Thesis, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "G.S.A"
Flynn, Kathleen. Kilbeggan G.A.A. Club, 1889-1990. Dublin: KAMAC Publications, 1990.
Find full textJohn, Kelly, ed. G.A.A. story: Cappawhite, 1886 - 1989. Cork: Printed by Litho Press, 1989.
Find full textBrian, O'Maolain, ed. The oak leaf: Magazine of Derry G.A.A. [s.l.]: Derry G.A.A., 1987.
Find full textFox, Frank. Against all the odds: A history of Glenamaddy G.A.A. 1888-2003. Ireland: s.n., 2002.
Find full textRice, Stephen. The growing challenge to the amateur ethos of the G.A.A.. [s.l: The Author], 1997.
Find full textHarte, Michael. Sectarianism and the G.A.A. in the contect of Rule 21. [S.l: The Author], 1999.
Find full textPadraig, MacMathuna, ed. Clare G.A.A. Annual: 1996 Review = Bliainiris an Chlair Uimh. 22. Clare: Clare Co.Board of G.A.A., 1996.
Find full textSantos, Gonzalo. En las escuelas: Una excursión a los colegios públicos del G.B.A. Buenos Aires: Santiago Arcos, 2013.
Find full textO'Brien, Hugh. The Celtics, 1894-1994: A centenary history of the G.A.A. in Cootehill. [Cootehill, Ireland?: s.n., 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "G.S.A"
Buxton, Marilynn L. Rapp. "What's My G.P.A.?" In Math Bafflers, 38–39. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Full textBuckmaster, J. "Reminiscences on the Life and Work of G.S.S. Ludford." In Mathematical Modeling in Combustion and Related Topics, 1–7. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1988.
Full textCordier, Jean-Pierre. "Other Presentations of Velocity Analyses. Analyses along Horizons. Constant Velocity Stacks. Rapid Determination of Interval Velocities: G.S.I. (Geophysical Service Inc.) Graphical Method." In Velocities in Reflection Seismology, 129–34. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1985.
Full textConference papers on the topic "G.S.A"
Monteiro, Ana Karoline da Costa, Paulo Filho Soares Marcelino, Marcello Holanda de Andrade, Rairis Barbosa Nascimento, Marx Lincoln Lima de Barros Araújo, and Samuel Pinheiro da Silva. "Fahr’s Syndrome: A Case Report." In XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.
Full textPulicani, Paolo, and Giuliano Zampieri. "Turbomachinery Diagnostic System: SNAM Cortemaggiore Compressor Station as a Typical Application." In ASME 1996 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Full textReports on the topic "G.S.A"
Government Savings Bank of N.S.W. - Head Office - 48-50 Martin Place - Construction - view from G.S.B. building - December 1924 (plate 487). Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textGovernment Savings Bank of N.S.W. - Head Office - 48-50 Martin Place - Construction - taken from G.S.B. balcony - December 1924 (plate 486). Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textBank Premises Department - Sydney - Martin Place, Castlereagh & Elizabeth Streets - C.S.B. Building - Martin Place Extension - Easement for Services (Originally G.S.B. of N.S.W. File) - 1928-1934. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2022.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Signature Registers - Society Trustees (Indexed) (Amended to 1932 includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1930) - 1908-1930. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "H-K" - 1906-1931. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "C-D" - 1906-1931. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "R-S" - 1906-1931. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "L-M" - 1906-1931. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "Mc-Q" - 1906-1931. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full textSavings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Indexes of Depositors Accounts - Indexes of operative accounts as at 1906. (Includes accounts opened by G.S.B. of N.S.W. 1914-1931) - "E-G" - 1906-1931. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.
Full text