Academic literature on the topic 'Fund Classification'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fund Classification"
Kovyazin, V., A. Romanchikov, and A. Kitcenko. "Classification of lands infrastructure forest fund." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 316 (September 23, 2019): 012022.
Full textAgudo, Luis Ferruz, and Cristina Ortiz Lázaro. "Does Mutual Fund Management in India Correspond to its Investment Objective Classification?" Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 08, no. 04 (December 2005): 659–85.
Full textJin, Xue-jun, and Xiao-lan Yang. "Empirical study on mutual fund objective classification." Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 5, no. 5 (May 2004): 533–38.
Full textHassan, Hafinaz Hasniyanti, and Nazimah Hussin. "Conceptual Framework for the Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance in Malaysia." Journal of Finance and Banking Review Vol. 3 (4) Oct-Dec 2018 3, no. 4 (December 11, 2018): 48–53.
Full textDewi Tamara, Ir, and Shintia Revina. "Indonesian Mutual Funds Classification Using Clustering Method." Advanced Science Letters 21, no. 4 (April 1, 2015): 826–29.
Full textSkoura, Angeliki, Julian Presber, and Jang Schiltz. "Luxembourg Fund Data Repository." Data 5, no. 3 (July 19, 2020): 62.
Full textChrétien, Stéphane, and Manel Kammoun. "Mutual Fund Styles and Clientele-Specific Performance Evaluation." International Journal of Economics and Finance 11, no. 12 (November 30, 2019): 89.
Full textBudsaratragoon, Pornanong, and Boonlert Jitmaneeroj. "Fund Ratings of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Funds: A Precautionary Note." Sustainability 13, no. 14 (July 6, 2021): 7548.
Full textFeltynowski, Marcin. "Local initiatives for green space using Poland's Village Fund: evidence from Lodzkie voivodeship." Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series 50, no. 50 (November 6, 2020): 31–41.
Full textFarooqi, Javeria, Surendranath Jory, and Thanh Ngo. "Active fund managers and earnings management at portfolio companies." Review of Accounting and Finance 19, no. 1 (June 27, 2019): 48–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fund Classification"
Ewen, Martin [Verfasser]. "On the stability of portfolio risk - An analysis of the impact of portfolio size and risk based fund classification / Martin Ewen." Trier : Universität Trier, 2018.
Full textLöwe, Albrecht, Marek Hauptmann, and Jens-Peter Majschak. "The Effect of Ultrasonic Oscillation on the Quality of 3D Shapes During Deep-Drawing of Paperboard." NC State University, 2017.
Full textNeu, Silke, Jörg Schaller, and E. Gert Dudel. "Silicon availability modifies nutrient use efficiency and content, C:N:P stoichiometry, and productivity of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)." Nature Publishing Group, 2016.
Full textStockigt, Janice B. "Vivaldi entdecken." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2006.
Full textFichtner, Andreas, David I. Forrester, Werner Härdtle, Knut Sturm, and Oheimb Goddert von. "Facilitative-Competitive Interactions in an Old-Growth Forest: The Importance of Large-Diameter Trees as Benefactors and Stimulators for Forest Community Assembly." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.
Full textNawroth, Jonas F., Claudia Neisser, Artur Erbe, and Rainer Jordan. "Nanopatterned polymer brushes by reactive writing." Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016.
Full textDonath, Maximillian, Felix Hennersdorf, and Jan J. Weigand. "Recent highlights in mixed-coordinate oligophosphorus chemistry." Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016.
Full textKensche, Anna, Sandra Pötschke, Christian Hannig, Gert Richter, Wiebke Hoth-Hannig, and Matthias Hannig. "Influence of Calcium Phosphate and Apatite Containing Products on Enamel Erosion." Hindawi, 2016.
Full textBaldow, Christoph, Sebastian Salentin, Michael Schroeder, Ingo Roeder, and Ingmar Glauche. "MAGPIE: Simplifying access and execution of computational models in the life sciences." Public Library of Science, 2017.
Full textWieckiewicz, Mieszko, Eric Wolf, Gert Richter, Heike Meissner, and Klaus Boening. "New Concept of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Surface Coating by Chitosan." Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 2016.
Full textBooks on the topic "Fund Classification"
McGrath, Anne. Classification and control: Perceptions of working class girls, 1894-1914. London: Middlesex Polytechnic, 1989.
Find full textEden, Paul. Additional classification and cataloguing of the local history collection held in the Marc Fitch FundLibrary at the Department of English Local History, Leicester University. Loughborough: Loughborough University of Technology, 1991.
Find full textPye, Lydia Ewa Zofia. Cataloguing and classification of the topography collection for Herefordshire to Middlesex held in the Marc Fitch Fund Library: With a survey and discussion of the London guide books. Loughborough: Loughborough University of Technology, 1995.
Find full textBancroft, Margaret A. Avoiding classification as an investment company: Exemptions and exclusions for business corporations. Washington, D.C: Bureau of National Affairs, 2005.
Find full textBancroft, Margaret A. Avoiding classification as an investment company: Exemptions and exclusions for business corporations. Washington, D.C: Bureau of National Affairs, 1995.
Find full textBecker, Saul. Administrative and socio-economic classifications of Social Fund Project authorities. Nottingham: Social Fund Project, University of Nottingham, 1988.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. Information security: Weak controls place DC Highway Trust Fund and other data at risk : report to the Mayor of the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C: The Office, 2001.
Find full textOffice, General Accounting. Federal budget: Agency obligations by budget function and object classification for fiscal year 2003. Washington, DC: GAO, 2004.
Find full textNew Jersey. Legislature. Senate. Legislative Oversight Committee. Committee meeting of Senate Legislative Oversight Committee: Assembly Concurrent Resolution no. 121 (determines that Department of Insurance proposed regulations concerning handling of automobile physical damage claims are not consistent with legislative intent) : and Department of Environmental Protection classification of property as wetlands. Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1995.
Find full textNew Jersey. Legislature. Senate. Legislative Oversight Committee. Committee meeting of Senate Legislative Oversight Committee: Senate concurrent resolution no. 74 (finds regulations adopted pursuant to the" Federal Clean Air Mandate Compliance Act" that result in the confiscation of motor vehicles inconsistent with legislative intent) : Senate resolution no. 42 (disapproves the use of moneys in the New Jersey Spill Compensation Fund for administrative costs of the DEP and finds such use inconsistent with legislative intent). Trenton, N.J: The Committee, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Fund Classification"
Goriaev, Alexei P. "The Relative Impact of Different Classification Schemes on Mutual Fund Flows." In Diversification and Portfolio Management of Mutual Funds, 206–31. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.
Full textGarg, Mandakini, and Shobhit. "Appraising Impact of Re-Classification on Growth of Mutual Fund Industry in India." In Advances in Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering and Business Management, 55–62. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textMatson, Bruce E., and Randal G. Power. "Developing an Ecological Land Classification for the Fundy Model Forest, Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada." In Global to Local: Ecological Land Classification, 149–72. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.
Full textTibiletti, Luisa. "A Multicriteria Classification: An Application to Italian Mutual Funds." In Financial Modelling, 49–59. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD, 1994.
Full text"Hedge Fund Classification." In Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis Using MATLAB®, 137–53. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.
Full textCole, Thomas, Amit Kumar Bhardwaj, Lalit Garg, and Divya Prakash Shrivastava. "Investigation Into Cloud Computing Adoption Within the Hedge Fund Industry." In Research Anthology on Architectures, Frameworks, and Integration Strategies for Distributed and Cloud Computing, 1615–41. IGI Global, 2021.
Full textClark, Gordon L., Adam D. Dixon, and Ashby H. B. Monk. "Legitimacy, Trade, and Global Imbalances: The China Investment Corporation." In Sovereign Wealth Funds. Princeton University Press, 2013.
Full textChiam, Harry. "Statistical Inference to Develop Budgets From Activity-Based Funding Costing Data." In Clinical Costing Techniques and Analysis in Modern Healthcare Systems, 120–27. IGI Global, 2019.
Full text"Styles, Clusters and Classification." In Hedge Funds, 213–46. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2013.
Full textClark, Gordon L., Adam D. Dixon, and Ashby H. B. Monk. "Rethinking the “Sovereign” in Sovereign Wealth Funds." In Sovereign Wealth Funds. Princeton University Press, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Fund Classification"
Krishnan, Reshma R., and Thomas K. George. "Important Fund Client Classification Based On Proportion SVM." In 2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET). IEEE, 2018.
Full textTao, Tao, Kexin Yan, and Shuyan Yang. "Classification of Mutual Fund Investment Types with Advanced Machine Learning Models." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (BCD). IEEE, 2019.
Full textTindi, Arifin Paulus, Rahmat Gernowo, and Oky Dwi Nurhayati. "Machine learning: Fisher fund classification using neural network and particle swarm optimization." In 2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT). IEEE, 2018.
Full textWahab, Siti Rashidah Hanum Abd, Adi Irfan Che Ani, Ahmad Sairi, Norngainy Mohd Tawil, and Muhd Zulhanif Abd Razak. "A survey on classification of maintenance fund for high rise residential building in Klang Valley." In PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2016 (ICAST’16). Author(s), 2016.
Full textYanzhong Dang, Zhaoguo Xuan, and Li Chen. "The analysis of research fields of chinese natural science funds based on text classification." In 2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT). IEEE, 2008.
Full textBoyko, A. A., V. V. Kukartsev, and E. A. Chzhan. "Classification of Innovative Reproduction Types of the Enterprises Main Funds in Rocket and Space Industry." In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textGuenther, Peter, and Rainer Roos. "Pro Value of state of the art Bridge Bearings and Expansion Joint Solutions." In IABSE Conference, Kuala Lumpur 2018: Engineering the Developing World. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2018.
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