Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Full-Income'
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Swenson, Brian G. "College Student Engagement: Removing the Costs of Full Participation for Low-Income Students." Thesis, Boston College, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:107297.
Full textCollege student engagement has been linked to a host of positive educational outcomes including academic performance and persistence. Problematically, many low-income college students are not able to get involved within the social system of higher education due to the costs associated with participation in the co-curricular events and activities that comprise so much of the full college experience. This mixed methods study explored the effect on student engagement of the Pinnacle Alliance (PA) - an intervention program designed to remove these cost barriers for low-income students at Lakefield University (LU), a private, highly selective, religiously-affiliated institution located in the Northeast United States. An electronic survey was administered to a sample of Lakefield undergraduate students concerning their involvement in co-curricular activities. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between participation in the Pinnacle Alliance and student engagement. While the quantitative findings indicate a non-significant relationship, subsequent focus groups were conducted to further examine and contextualize the effects of the Pinnacle Alliance on low-income students. Qualitative findings from the focus group suggest that the Pinnacle Alliance is an extremely important resource for many low-income LU students. The PA allowed these students to make participation choices free of the financial barriers they often face. In addition, PA-participating students reported feeling a greater sense of community and that they fit in more at LU. However, these students made clear that fitting in and belonging were not the reasons they chose to participate in the program; rather the elevated feelings of fitting in and belonging were the result of their participation. Finally, findings from focus groups conducted with students who were eligible for the Pinnacle Alliance but chose not to participate revealed that beyond financial constraints, motivational constraints can also inhibit engagement. Non-participating students cited lack of time, lack of interest, lack of awareness, and social stigma as the four major reasons behind their decisions to not be more involved with the Pinnacle Alliance
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2017
Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education
Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education
McLoughlin, II Paul J. "Full Financial Aid in the Ivy League: How High-Achieving, Low-Income Undergraduates Negotiate the Elite College Environment." Thesis, Boston College, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/1833.
Full textCurrently, there are nearly a million high-achieving, low-income students in the United States. In the nation's most selective institutions of higher education, students from low-income families have been persistently under-represented. Elite colleges, in particular, have only recently begun admitting low-income students in large numbers, a result of full need-based financial aid programs that began in the early 2000s as a way to attract a more socioeconomically diverse student body. This hermeneutic phenomenological study describes the lived experiences of these undergraduates and how they navigated a college environment historically reserved for wealthy students. Although participants initially expected to feel marginalized due to unfounded concerns of elitism, they formed friendships both within and across socioeconomic class divisions and described feeling integrated within the elite college. Participants developed self-protective narratives to compensate for their low-income backgrounds and employed strategies to make up for poor high-school preparation. Participants were grateful for the opportunity to attend an elite college and were proud and relatively forthcoming about their financial aid status because they considered it a reward for their intellectual ability. Three main conclusions derive from the findings of this research: Low-income students' tendency to make a distinction between socioeconomic and financial aid status; the notion of a new cultural capital hierarchy for high-achieving, low-income students within an elite college setting; and, a specific application of Bronfenbrenner's ecological developmental model for this niche population. The results of this study indicate that high-achieving, low-income students are flourishing in full need-based financial aid programs as a result of their own resilience and intellectual capital. Participants' experiences indicate that this population of undergraduates faces unique challenges and requires specific support services to equalize their opportunities vis-à-vis higher-income peers. From these findings, implications for colleges and universities and full need-based financial aid programs are discussed
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011
Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education
Discipline: Educational Administration and Higher Education
Torres, Bahamonde Berenice, and Boris Topic. "Kommuners val av pensionsförvaltning : En studie av den kommunala pensionsredovisningen." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-112365.
Full textIntroduction: Swedish municipalities’ operations are described as being distinctive. This means that the municipalities differ from the private sector in terms of goal settings and performance. One of the characteristics found in the municipalities is their reporting of pensions that is to be accounted for according to the mixed model. Several studies have brought forward concerns that the accounting according to the mixed model may give rise to discretionary interpretations that assumedly are going to be exploited by the politicians in order to affect the financial reporting. A part of the discretion that is used in the earnings management is assumed to occur in the pension management of the defined benefit pension plans. Aim: The aim of the study is to explain the municipalities’ choice of management of the defined benefit pension plans. Method: A deductive approach has been used in the study to identify different theoretical relationships between the pension management and pension accounting. The study's design was based on providing a new insight into accounting research. To achieve this, twelve hypotheses were formulated and later tested using the statistical analysis. Conclusions: The study has shown that the variable profitability has been significant in the overall analyzes. This has led to the hypothesis that income smoothing could be used as to explain the municipalities’ choice of pension management. The variables population size and population change have also been shown to affect the choice of pension management. Doing the logistical regression with all the variables was however problematic. Therefore, the hypotheses on population size and population change have been rejected for the time being. The hypotheses that were designed have been interchangeable at different points between positive accounting theory and institutional theory, which has led to a more detailed explanation. They are therefore considered to have contributed each in its own way to explain the choice of pension management.
Karoui, Lotfi. "Three essays on fixed income markets." Thesis, McGill University, 2007. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=103203.
Full textCardin, Philippe. "Rentierism and the rentier state : a comparative examination." Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=69550.
Full textGhosh, Anindita 1966. "The use of domestic space for income generation in a low-income housing settlement : case study in Calcutta, India." Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=69775.
Full textThis thesis studies the phenomenon of people in low-income housing settlements using their own homes for income generating activities and the compromise between the various uses of the same space. A field study was undertaken in a typical bustee in Calcutta, India to help illustrate this phenomenon. Sample surveys of a number of households where small-scale economic activity takes place were taken and studied in detail. How the integration of such activities in their daily living environment shapes, changes and influences their living patterns forms the main focus of the study.
Young, Grace 1956. "The survival strategies of rural low income mothers." Thesis, McGill University, 1996. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=40471.
Full textAdelman, Ian. "Income splitting among family members : the attribution rules." Thesis, McGill University, 1986. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=60524.
Full textHitayezu, Felix. "Farm income effects of regional crop specilization in Rwanda." Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=69532.
Full textTo attain this objective, a spatial optimization model with linear programming was built and used to maximize the potential production and net returns which were compared to those from the traditional system. The model was built in a way that it also shows the pattern of trade and quantities traded.
The results show that a regional specialization system would allow, on the national level, more production, higher net returns, and more trade than the traditional system (self-sufficient agriculture) as expected according to the theory of specialization and trade. Nevertheless, the net return in some regions decreases in the new system, which necessitates a compensation plan for those regions.
However, it has to be noted that despite these gains, the adoption of the new plans requires a consideration of many other factors that are not covered in this study. Of those factors, the most obvious are the need to improve the transportation and marketing infrastructure, changing farmers' attitudes and objectives towards commercial agriculture, and securing equity, security, and sustainability in the system.
Elkamhi, Redouane. "Three essays on credit risk, fixed income and derivatives." Thesis, McGill University, 2008. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=21948.
Full textCette thèse comprend trois essais. Dans le premier essai nous avons développé des résultats pour l'évaluation des actifs contingents de type Européen pour une vaste classe de spécification du rendement de l'actif sous-adjacent. Notre méthode est obtenue dans une économie à temps discret et espace infini en utilisant seulement la condition de non arbitrage dans le marché. Notre approche permet une forme générale d'heteroskedasticité pour les rendements. Les résultats pour les cas d'homoskedasticité sont retrouvés comme des cas spéciaux. Notre approche permet d'accommoder les cas où l'innovation dans la dynamique du rendement est conditionnellement non normale. Cette flexibilité est extrêmement importante car l'heteroskedasticité seulement n'est pas su¢ sant pour cap- turer le phénomène du "smirk" dans les prix des options. Nos résultats emboîtent ceux obtenue dans Duan (1995) et Heston et Nandi (2000). Dans le deuxième essai nous avons développé une méthodologie pour étudier le lien entre la prime de risque dans les obligations corporatives et celle de l'actif risqué de la firme. Nous avons appliqué notre méthode sur une large base de données des transactions des obligations corporatives. Nous avons trouvé qu'une importante partie de la variation temporelle du risque de défaut dans ces obligations peut être expliquer par des estimées de la prime de risque du défaut reconstruite à partir de l'actif risqué de la firme seulement. En plus, nous avons démontré à l'aide des régressions linéaires qu'augmentant la série des variables prédites par le modèle structurel par notre estimé de la prime du risque de défaut ajoute une explication significative. Dans le troisième essai nous avons montré empiriquement que la valeur des obligations corporatives du type" puttable" est reliée aux risques de défaut, de liquidité et celui dû aux taux d'intérêts. Dans la deuxième étape de ce projet nous avons développé un mo
Copeland, Susan Marjorie. "Marketing and income generation in Scottish public library services." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2001. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23781.
Full textCruceru, Luiza Brindusa. "Treaty shopping and the abuse of income tax conventions." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=83949.
Full textDuder, Sydney. "Cards, dice and lifestyles : gaming a guaranteed annual income." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=72093.
Full textStuart, Justin. "The determinants of income inequality: a cross- country investigation." Thesis, McGill University, 2013. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=117168.
Full textCette thèse étudie les tendances récentes de l'inégalité du revenu à l'échelle mondiale. Une base de données unique est construite à l'aide de données provenant de la Banque Mondiale et de l'OCDE pour un échantillon de 124 pays sur la période 1980 à 2010. L'analyse de ces données révèle trois résultats distincts. Tout d'abord, en termes de la distribution spatiale de l'inégalité du revenu dans le monde, on retrouve (i) des concentrations de niveaux élevés d'inégalité en Amérique du Sud et Centrale ainsi que (ii) des concentrations de niveaux faibles d'inégalité en Europe occidentale, en particulier dans les pays scandinaves. Au cours de la période d'étude, des augmentations significatives du niveau d'inégalité sont enregistrées pour la Russie et l'Amérique du Nord (notamment au Canada et aux États-Unis). Malgré la persistance de niveaux élevés d'inégalité en Amérique du Sud, les inégalités du revenu dans la région semble être en recul, si ce n'est que très légèrement. Deuxièmement, les résultats d'analyses de régression démontrent que l'hypothèse de Kuznets est toujours d'actualité. Ces résultats sont robustes à différentes mesures d'inégalité. Enfin, en ce qui concerne les déterminants de l'inégalité, les modèles de régression de panel révèlent que plusieurs facteurs sont derrières les tendances observées. Le niveau de développement économique, le ratio de dépendance d'âge, les dépenses du secteur public et le niveau d'activité manufacturière sont tous des déterminants importants de l'inégalité du revenu à l'échelle internationale.
Saleh, Rania. "How do physicians perceive and respond to low income patients?" Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=32370.
Full textRésumé Quel est la perception et la réponse des médecins aux patients démunis? LITTERATURE : Les personnes démunies ont beaucoup de problèmes de santé et un accès relativement faible aux services médicaux et dentaires. Les attitudes, perceptions et idées des dentistes vers les patients de faible revenu sont des déterminants significatifs dans l'accès aux soins. Cependant, nous avons peu d'information par rapport aux médecins. OBJECTIFS : L'objectif de cette étude est ainsi de déterminer les expériences des médecins avec les patients de faible revenu et d'identifier en particulier les difficultés rencontrées quand ils traitent des patients démunis. Nous voulions aussi identifier les stratégies et les propositions suggérées par les médecins pour améliorer les services de santé pour les personnes pauvres. METHODE : L'étude a consisté en 7 entretiens avec des médecins pratiquant au Québec utilisant la méthodologie qualitative. Les entretiens ont été enregistrés sur des bandes sonores et transcrits. L'analyse a consisté en une retranscription des données, un codage de l'information et une interprétation des résultats. RESULTATS : Trois types de médecins ont été identifiés : Le médecin empathique regarde au-delà du problème physique du patient pauvre et essaie de déterminer des stratégies pour l'aider sur les plans social, psychosocial, financier et médical. Le médecin qui blâme, au contraire, a tendance à blâmer les patients pauvres pour leur paresse et leur abus du système. Son attitude crée une barrière de communication et de confiance avec les patients et complique ainsi l'accès au traitement. Enfin, le médecin in
Fung, Annie H. "Low income rental housing in Canada : policies, programs and livability." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=56994.
Full textThis study is divided into three parts. In the first part, there is a factual description of the circumstances and policies that have influenced the development of low rental housing since 1945. The second part assesses the demand and tenant characteristics for such housing. Three types of low income housing: public housing, low rental housing and cooperatives, are compared to measure their merits. The third part analyses the design criteria for such housing with reference to projects built in Montreal, Quebec. Tenants' opinions on what is satisfactory in housing projects are discussed and appropriate management policies are suggested. In the conclusion, government policies of the past, and some recent developments are summarized, and future strategies suggested.
Sedky, Khaled H. "Low income housing in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1994. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=26021.
Full textShecter, Marna A. "Network, discipline and income : the social mobility of Ontario university graduates." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61063.
Full textGarba, Shaibu B. (Shaibu Bala). "Urban land policies and low income housing in metropolitan Kano, Nigeria." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61295.
Full textThe thesis commences with a general study of urban land policies and low-income housing in developing countries. It examines the nature of housing problems in developing countries, the role of land in the housing problems, issues addressed by land policies, and policy measures and strategies used. The general study is followed by a specific study of the land policies and practices in the study area. The policy and institutional management frameworks are identified and examined. The roles of the major institutions are explained. The last section identifies and examines the main issues and problems with the existing policies.
The thesis concludes that actions are necessary to address the identified issues and problems with the policies in order to avoid chaos. Suggestions for policy reform are made.
Vincent, Susan. "An analysis of income strategy in the central Andes of Peru /." Thesis, McGill University, 1985. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=64480.
Full textLewis, Robert D. 1954. "The segregated city : residential differentiation, rent and income in Montreal, 1861-1901." Thesis, McGill University, 1985. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63246.
Full textLi, Xiaofei 1972. "Three essays on the pricing of fixed income securities with credit risk." Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=84523.
Full textNallainayagam, Vettivelu. "Economic development and income distribution : the experience of Sri Lanka, 1953-1978." Thesis, McGill University, 1986. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=72820.
Full textAttia, Khalid Abd El-Aziz. "Environmental accounting in a developing country : a case study of Egypt." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1999. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=21342.
Full textAnsari, Hina. "Inequities in access to health care by income and private insurance coverage : a longitudinal analysis." Thesis, McGill University, 2007. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=112378.
Full textKevins, Anthony. "Filling the gaps: the extension of income support and healthcare in France, Italy, and beyond." Thesis, McGill University, 2014. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=123142.
Full textExaminant l'évolution des États providences au cours des quatre dernières décennies, cette thèse explore les facteurs qui ont influencé les niveaux de couverture sociale et la standardisation des prestations en France et en Italie. La thèse met particulièrement l'accent sur l'influence des partis politiques et des syndicats sur l'extension d'accès à l'allocation chômage minimum et aux soins de santé. La force de cette comparaison provient du contraste des politiques tant entre les domaines politiques qu'entre les deux pays. Faisant face à un nombre croissant d'individus n'ayant pas accès à des prestations à cause d'un marché du travail de plus en plus segmenté, le cas italien a été marqué par une réforme remarquable d'universalisation du système de santé, avec toutefois un manque persistant d'assistance sociale universelle; tandis qu'en France, une « résidualisation » des systèmes existants dans les deux domaines a prévalu. Combinant une recherche archivistique avec des entretiens approfondis auprès des élites ainsi qu'en épluchant de nombreuses sources secondaires, cette thèse affirme que la variation des réformes susmentionnées est davantage fonction des arrangements institutionnels que fonction d'idéologie partisane. Bien que les partis de gauche aient été les principaux moteurs des réformes, ils n'ont pas toujours su problématiser les lacunes des couvertures sociales, puisque l'extension de prestations universelles implique normalement des compromis fiscaux ou politiques. Dans ce contexte, certaines particularités caractéristiques des États de l'Europe du Sud (comme la centralité de la famille et le clientélisme) ont conditionné l'importance politique des lacunes dans la couverture sociale, autant pour les partis politiques que pour le public. Ensuite, l'opinion publique a également influé sur la probabilité des réformes pendant que les motivations organisationnelles des partis ont joué sur le genre de réformes recherchées.Pour évaluer si les conclusions de la comparaison qualitative par paires peuvent être généralisées, les résultats ont ensuite été testés sur les pays de l'OCDE utilisant une analyse statistique. Cette analyse a fourni l'occasion d'examiner la définition appropriée des variables dépendantes, ainsi que la modélisation correspondante, dans l'analyse comparative des politiques. La thèse soutient que l'analyse de durée offre une façon particulièrement utile de modéliser les changements politiques. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats de l'analyse statistique concordent avec les conclusions tirées de la comparaison des cas français et italien : les niveaux de couverture sociale et la standardisation des prestations dans les États providences de l'OCDE sont fonctions d'une interaction complexe entre les institutions de protection sociale, les préférences publiques ainsi qu'entre les partis politiques et syndicats.
Ducey, Kimberley Anne. "Lone mothers and neoliberal 'discipline': A case study of a Canadian low-income housing project." Thesis, McGill University, 2013. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=119362.
Full textCette dissertation se base sur une institution d'État-providence canadienne doublée par l'auteur, la Maison de Hawthorne. La Maison de Hawthorne est un projet de logement pour les mères célibataires à faible revenu qui étudient et résident au Canada. L'étude décortique comment le néolibéralisme en tant qu'idéologie et pratique infiltre la Maison Hawthorne quand les fonctionnaires essaient de créer des résidents autonomes qui sont 'obligés d'être libres'. La manière dont les résidents (c'est-à-dire, les mères célibataires) et les fonctionnaires (c'est-à-dire, les pions de l'état qui exécutent l'idéologie, l'instrumentalisant) naviguent le terrain de la maison est faussé par leurs places sociales. Même si les deux groupes sont du même sexe, ils ont tendance à s'opposer par rapport à la classe et la race. Par conséquent, l'agissement du néolibéralisme est nuancé le long de ces positions catégoriques. Une analyse foucaldienne dénonce l'analyse de la pénétration du néolibéralisme en explorant les manières dont le néolibéralisme agit comme une idéologie de contrôle et une pratique à la Foucault. Autrement dit, le néolibéralisme ne se contente pas d'arriérer l'état; dans la Maison Hawthorne, il agit comme un appareil disciplinaire pour contrôler ceux qui sont marginalisés et disposés.La dissertation s'appuie sur des entrevues détaillées avec les résidents, les fonctionnaires et les volontaires; des observations de terrain; et une étude de sources textuelles (par exemple, les brochures, les affiches) pour évaluer l'impact du programme sur la qualité de la vie des résidents. La recherche dévoile à quel point la vie de résidents est extrêmement statuée; pourtant, ce qui est bien plus profond est que le programme de Maison Hawthorne prétend motiver et permettre la mobilité, en faisant apparemment l'inverse. Les fonctionnaires ne conceptualisent pas les vies de mères célibataires à faible revenu, essentiellement en ignorant, pathologisant et individualisant des inégalités sociales. Pendant que les fonctionnaires affichent la confiance de pouvoir émancipatrice du capitalisme et qu'ils insistent sur les doctrines centrales du gouvernementalisme néolibéral – incluant l'indépendance et la dépendance de soi – ils ignorent l'échec du capitalisme néolibéral de livrer à de telles promesses. D'autre part, les résidents perçoivent une dépendance de l'état, les soutiens familiaux et leur communauté pour être avantageux – même une marque admirable d'indépendance puisqu'il améliore la sécurité financière de leurs familles, tout en protégeant la sécurité matérielle et émotionnelle de leurs enfants. La dissertation explique pourquoi les programmes comme la Maison Hawthorne, qui supprime les faibles revenus des mères célibataires provenant des réseaux de parenté et autres de ce genre, sont peut-être moins réussis que ceux visant l'augmentation de la dépendance des autres, incluant l'état et la famille.
Cloutier, Martin. "Households' expenditure patterns and income distribution in the Canadian agriculture and food industries : an input-output analysis." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=69544.
Full textThe superiority of Model 2 was empirically demonstrated by comparing the economic indicators generated by the models. The indicators of interest were industrial output, GDP at factor cost and the number of paid jobs. A sensitivity analysis investigated the impact of changes in wages and salaries and final demand on the models. Larger differences were found between the models when wages and salaries were stimulated. As hypothesized, Model 1 underestimated the contribution of the lowest wages and salaries group by 19.9 percent and overestimated the impact of the higher wages and salaries group by 19 percent. A $1 million increase in the final demand for agricultural, agri-food and petrochemical products was also simulated. The largest impacts on industrial output occurred when agricultural production was shocked ( $3.8 million). This was followed by agri-food products ($3.2 million) and petrochemical products ( $2.7 million). While differences in the models' estimates were minimal when changes in final demand were simulated, Model 2 generated additional information on the distribution of income.
In conclusion, the results generated by the I-O model with the disaggregated household sector, Model 2, were consistent with budget data and economic theory.
Sylvestre, Marie-Pierre. "Association between fruit and vegetable consumption in children and mothers in low-income, urban neighbourhoods in Montréal." Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=19399.
Full textJefferson, Therese. "Australian women's financial security in later life : the effects of social structures and decision processes /." Curtin University of Technology, Graduate School of Business, 2005. http://espace.library.curtin.edu.au:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=16372.
Full textKjüllerstrüm, Mónica Isabel Bento De Braga. "Reservation income and the decision to borrow : an empirical analysis of interlinked informal credit contracts in the Peruvian Amazon." Thesis, McGill University, 2002. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=29446.
Full textA probit model was used to determine household likelihood to borrow, using survey data collected in the region. This likelihood is found to depend on access to alternative activities to generate income, household resilience to income volatility, and demographics: age, education and mobility.
High implicit interest rates (112%) are not explained by the average costs (67%) incurred by local lenders. Market access and household demand elasticity seem to be the main factors determining the degree to which forest peasants are exploited. Local lenders are found to receive credit at rates below the cost to non-resident lenders who use the credit relationship to secure a supply of fish.
Bellas, Noel. "Successes and challenges in implementing community art programs for youth in low-income communities : implications for social work practice." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=100738.
Full textMcKinnon, Brittany. "The impact of financial barriers and health services on inequalities in neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries." Thesis, McGill University, 2014. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=123208.
Full textEn 2011, environ 3 millions d'enfants sont morts au cours des quatre premières semaines de leurs vies. La majorité de ces morts néonatales peuvent être évitées si des interventions abordables, telles que des accouchements sanitaires, l'allaitement exclusif et la réanimation des nourrissons sont disponibles. Cependant, ces interventions ne sont pas accessibles aux femmes et aux nouveaux nés qui en ont le plus besoin. Un des défis majeurs à relever est de formuler la meilleure stratégie pour étendre l'accès des interventions obstétriques et des interventions aux nouveaux nés aux populations désavantagées et dans les zones qui manquent des services de santé. Cela nécessite une connaissance des dynamiques sociales et géographiques des taux de mortalité néonatale (TMN) et des données concernant les politiques pouvant réduire les inégalités d'accès aux soins essentiels aux mères et aux nouveaux nés. Les trois objectifs de ma thèse explorent directement ces sujets. D'abord, nous décrivons les inégalités socioéconomiques du TMN à travers les pays à bas et moyens revenus (PBMR). Basée sur les données du Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) sur 24 pays, nous calculons les inégalités absolues et relatives. Dans la plupart des pays, les inégalités absolues et relatives du TMN ont diminué sur une période approximative de 10 ans. Il y a toutefois une hétérogénéité considérable quant à la magnitude des inégalités du TMN entre les pays et quant à leur fluctuation dans le temps. De plus, un avantage de survie substantiel pour les nouveaux nés des ménages riches et éduqués subsiste encore. Ensuite, nous évaluons l'impact des politiques supprimant les coûts des accouchements qui ont lieu dans des établissements de santé sur l'utilisation des services de santé, la mortalité néonatale et sur les inégalités socioéconomiques. Avec les données du DHS de dix pays sub-sahariens, nous utilisons l'approche de différence-en-différences dans des modèles de régression pour réguler les tendances séculaires des indicateurs communs à tous les pays ainsi que pour contrôler toute différence fixe dans le temps qui pourrait exister entre les pays. La réduction des coûts liés aux services d'accouchement est associée à une augmentation du nombre d'accouchements dans les établissements de santé et à une réduction potentielle du TMN. De plus, l'augmentation des accouchements en établissements de santé a eu lieu dans tous les groupes socioéconomiques.Enfin, nous évaluons l'effet de la distance entre le domicile et les centres des services obstétricaux et néonataux d'urgence (SONU) sur la mortalité néonatale. Dans ce projet, nous lions les données géographiques du DHS 2011 sur l'Éthiopie avec celles du recensement exhaustif des établissements de santé de 2008 sur l'Éthiopie. La proximité des services d'accouchement et un niveau élevé de soins sont associés à un plus faible taux de mortalité néonatale. La distance des services SONU est un déterminant principal des inégalités totales dans le taux de mortalité néonatale, malgré le fait qu'elle ne contribue pas significativement aux inégalités socioéconomiques. Dans cette thèse, nous identifions plusieurs obstacles qui contribuent aux inégalités larges et persistantes dans le taux de mortalité néonatale et de l'utilisation des soins obstétrique et néonataux essentiels dans les PBMR. Les résultats démontrent l'importance d'une approche politique multidimensionnelle qui prend en considération l'accessibilité géographique, la qualité des services obstétriques et néonataux, et l'accessibilité des coûts et des inégalités socioéconomiques afin de réduire sensiblement la moralité néonatale. D'autres recherches portant sur l'importance relative des obstacles à l'accessibilité dans différents contextes aideront les décideurs politiques et les administrateurs à adopter des approches locales appropriées pour améliorer la survie des nouveaux nés.
Rochon, Louis-Philippe. "The regionalization of the unemployment insurance programme in Canada : its effect on income redistribution, Newfoundland and Ontario, 1980-1988." Thesis, McGill University, 1990. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=60081.
Full textRůžičková, Martina. "UNIVERSAL BASIC OPRESSION." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-295731.
Full textMaldonado, Andrea. "Is urban agriculture associated with food security and nutritional status of preschool-aged children among low- income-peri-urban households of Lima, Peru?" Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=32573.
Full textDans les bidonvilles périurbains de Lima, l'insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition de l'enfant sont des problèmes de premiers ordres. L'agriculture urbaine (AU) est une stratégie d'adaptation qui aide des familles pauvres dans les zones urbaines à satisfaire leurs besoins alimentaires. Cette étude a enquêté sur les rapports entre l'AU et la sécurité alimentaire, et l'alimentation et le statut nutritif des enfants parmi les foyers pauvres périurbains de Lima. Les personnes principalement responsables des soins des petits enfants des foyers ont été recrutées des cuisines communautaires. Information sur la socio-démographie, sécurité alimentaire, et l'activité d'AU du foyer, ainsi que les données anthropométrique et la santé de l'enfant ont été documentées. Les résultats n'ont pas révélé de différences au niveau de la sécurité alimentaire entre les foyers qui se livrent à l'AU et ceux qui ne font pas d'AU, ni pour le statut nutritif ou l'alimentation d'enfant. Pourtant, la stratification en bas, moyenne et haute intensité d'activité AU a révélée la plus haute fréquence de consommation d'aliments de source d'animal parmi les enfants des foyers avec beaucoup d'activité AU, et des z-tas d'hauteur-pour-âge diminués parmi les enfants des foyers avec un minium d'activité AU, mais aucune différence dans le statut de sécurité alimentaire. Ces conclusions suggèrent que l'AU peut contribuer à l'amélioration d'alimentation d'enfants.
Johnson-Down, Louise. "A nutritional assessment of low income and multi-ethnic school children 9-12 years old and validation of alternative tools to measure fat intake." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23898.
Full textLamontagne, Erik. "The economic analysis of the AIDS response and its determinants among sexual and gender minority." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/211220_LAMONTAGNE_906coigum240yxx699ovkzw401sgt_TH.pdf.
Full textHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the leading causes of death in low- and middle-income countries.On June 8, 2021, the United Nations adopted the Political Declaration on Ending Inequality and Ending AIDS by 2030. Nevertheless, the need for prevention and treatment in many of the most affected countries far exceed their ability to pay. In addition, AIDS mainly affects most-at-risk population groups. This thesis shows that the benefits of this massive investment by the international community to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 exceed 6 for every 1 invested. While this is an attractive investment, achieving the global 95-95-95 HIV target is far from certain, especially for sexual and gender minorities who are up to 26 times more likely to acquire HIV.The economic models used in this research identify three main factors that impede the achievement of the targets. First, stigma and discrimination are the main barrier to accessing HIV services. Second, too little emphasis is placed on the role of mental health in vulnerability to HIV infection. Finally, it demonstrates that inequalities undermine HIV response efforts by reducing the uptake of HIV testing.The findings of this thesis encourage policy makers to consider the importance to address inequality, mental health and homophobia in order to ending AIDS
Meftah, Leïla. "La protection sociale de l'agriculteur victime d'accidents." Thesis, Avignon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AVIG2065/document.
Full textThe study of the social welfare of the farmer victim of accidents reveals theexistence of disparities between the victims themselves and between the industrial accidentsand the common law. These disparities are inherent to farmer’s quality; whether he isemployed or not, the latter does not benefit from the same rights. In addition, the injuredfarmer in the course of his professional activity will have only a fixed compensation. Thelatter tends to compensate the loss of income and the professional incidence of the accident.Compensation for personal injury is excluded except in the hypothesis of unforgivablemisconduct of the employer. As for the victims of accidents of common law, their socialwelfare is only optimized if they possess a top up insurance plan that will completerepayments in cash and in kind of the agricultural system. Except the coverage of the basiclegal system, the compensation of accidents of common law tends to be complete. In order toensure that all accident victims are treated with equal manner by law and that compensationfor all their injuries can be achieved, we recommend solutions so that the disparities betweenthe farmers victims of accidents can disappear
Astrand, Rachelle Navarro. "Selection model to choose innovative building systems for progressive housing with special reference to Metro Manila, Philippines." Thesis, McGill University, 2002. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=82824.
Full textFollowing the same thrust, there have been numerous innovative building systems for housing developed in the Philippines in the last two decades. Private entrepreneurs develop these building systems either promoting locally invented systems or adapting imported versions. Seeing their potentials, government and private groups are trying to employ them in housing. Despite the growing number of the innovative building systems and the interest to use them, their integration in low-income housing is still limited.
Focusing on Metro Manila, the capital region of the Philippines, the thesis aims to develop a selection model for the effective integration of innovative building systems in low-income housing. The process of integration is not simply using the building systems for mass production of houses but also enabling homeowners to utilise, maintain and sustain them. The proposed model involves sets of selection parameters essential at each stage of the housing delivery based on the homeowners' progressive building process and their criteria for choosing building materials for their homes. To facilitate progressive building and enhance the homeowners' initiative to build, the model also includes design strategies when employing new building systems and suggests the necessary channels to ensure the availability of the building systems, technical assistance and information.
Gauthier, Anne 1952. "Essai sur les politiques sociales et le travail domestique." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63947.
Full textGuterres, Acacio da Costa. "The effects of different cutting heights, mulching and burning on the control of bellyache bush (jatropha gossypifolia L.) applicable in East Timor." Curtin University of Technology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Muresk Institute, 2008. http://espace.library.curtin.edu.au:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=119757.
Full textTherefore, the objective of this study is to investigate mechanical control such as cutting stems at different heights and cutting stems at different heights in combination with mulch, handpulling and mulching of small plants and mulching of seedlings. This study also investigates bellyache bush properties as a fuel for burning management in the late dry season to control its infestations.
Mechanical control of bellyache bush plants was undertaken south of Darwin at Acacia (12º45’S, 131º09’E) which has an annual average rainfall of 1588.1 mm and Channel Island (12º33’S, 130º51’E) which has annual rainfall of 1713.9 mm. This study was conducted from January 2007 to February 2008. All bellyache bush plants were cut off at different heights according to treatment 0cm (ground level), 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40cm and uncut plants considered as a control.
The results indicated that all cutting treatments achieved 100% mortality under low canopy cover, irrespective of season. While, under high canopy cover bellyache bush plants only achieved 100% mortality if cut at 0cm and 10cm height. Stems cut at 20cm, 30cm and 40cm heights re-sprouted in the dry season. Hand-pulling completely killed small plants while mulching did not. Mulching achieved a partial kill of seedlings however it stimulated seedling emergence in the wet season, irrespective of site.
The use of bellyache bush as a fuel for burning management was studied. The study was undertaken at Channel Island, Acacia and Katherine (14º22’S, 132º09’E). The latter has a mean annual rainfall of 875 mm. All bellyache bush plants in the plot were cut in May. Five 1m x 1m quadrat samples were selected within a 10m x 10m plot to measure wet weight and dry weight for the curing rate calculation. In addition, 15 of the cut stems were randomly selected to measure re-sprouting. From five randomly selected 25cm x 25 cm quadrat samples were taken to calculate the weight of fine fuel (less than 6mm in diameter), medium (6mm-25mm) and coarse (greater than 25mm). Heat yield of fuel combustion of this material was calculated by using a bomb calorimeter (As 10-38.5 leco 350 calorimeters).
The results indicated that cut stems of bellyache bush from a low canopy cover site had 7 percent moisture content while stems from a high canopy cover site had a 66 percent moisture content by the end of the dry season. The proportion of these stems in the site with low canopy cover re-sprouted significantly less than those in the high canopy cover site. The fuel load at bellyache bush monoculture had less fine, medium and coarse fuel compared with tropical savanna fuel. However, results from this study indicated that it had a similar heat yield of combustion to other plants in the tropical savanna.
A study of the use of fire as a control tool for bellyache bush was undertaken at Acacia and Katherine from May 2007 to February 2008. This study was carried out on established plants of bellyache bush. The experiment was undertaken in three 10m X 10m plots at each of the two sites. The experiment consisted of three treatments namely: cutting stems at 30 cm and followed by burning, uncut plants plus burning and unburnt plants considered as a control. Each of 20 pieces of bellyache bush stems were randomly selected for fine 0-6 mm, medium 6-25 mm and coarse 25 mm fuel. All these pieces were weighed before and after fire to calculate fuel consumption. Fire intensity was calculated by using Byram’s fire intensity equation. Fifteen soil temperature sensors were buried under uncut plants before burning. After burning all soil temperature sensors were dug out the temperature read and used to calculate fire temperature. Plant mortality was calculated by counting live bellyache bush plants before and after fire. Seed germination and seed recruitment was calculated by counting all seedlings within five 1m x 1m randomly chosen quadrats.
The results show that fire consumed all bellyache bush stems in the late dry season burning. Fire intensity of bellyache bush fuels was quite low compared to other tropical savanna fuel. Soil temperatures ranged between 54.17ºC to 126.13ºC. All bellyache bush plants were completely killed by the fire treatment, but fire stimulated seedling emergence in the following wet season. It was concluded from the results of the experiments that mechanical control slashing system may provide a suitable fuel for the burning management if cut early in the dry season. By late in the dry season bellyache bush plants cut early in the dry season have a low moisture content are completely cured and able to support fire spread of adequate intensity to destroy the plants.
Achuo, George. "Partner satisfaction and renewal likelihood in consumer supported agriculture (CSA) : a case study of The Equiterre CSA network." Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=19555.
Full textRincon, Hugo Rodolfo 1968. "Study of dialogic approaches and responses in planning low-income communities in Maracaibo, Venezuela : the "Promotion of Full Citizenship" plan." 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/10616.
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Johannes, Benhardt Laurentius. "The interpretation of South African double taxation agreements under international law." Diss., 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/41452.
Full textDissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2014.
Mercantile Law