Academic literature on the topic 'Fuel injection timing angle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fuel injection timing angle"
Fang, T.-G., R. E. Coverdill, C.-F. F. Lee, and R. A. White. "Effect of the injection angle on liquid spray development in a high-speed direct-injection optical diesel engine." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 223, no. 8 (August 1, 2009): 1077–92.
Full textLu, Yingying, and Wanhua Su. "Effects of the injection parameters on the premixed charge compression ignition combustion and the emissions in a heavy-duty diesel engine." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 231, no. 7 (April 23, 2017): 915–26.
Full textKhalid, Amir, Azwan Sapit, M. N. Anuar, Him Ramsy, Bukhari Manshoor, Izzuddin Zaman, and Zamani Ngali. "Analysis of Fuel Injection Parameter on Biodiesel and Diesel Spray Characteristics Using Common Rail System." Advanced Materials Research 974 (June 2014): 362–66.
Full textLuo, Li, Bin Xu, Zhi Hao Ma, Jian Wu, and Ming Li. "Effect of Injection Timing on Combustion Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Fuelled with Pistacia chinensis Bunge Seed Biodiesel." Advanced Materials Research 614-615 (December 2012): 337–42.
Full textChang, Hsu Fang, Wang Chih Cheng, and Feng Tsai Weng. "Effect of End of Injection Angle on Performance and Emission Formation for a Gasoline Engine." Applied Mechanics and Materials 300-301 (February 2013): 27–31.
Full textWOJS, Marcin, Piotr ORLIŃSKI, and Jakub LASOCKI. "The effect of alternative fuels injection timing on toxic substances formation in CI engines." Combustion Engines 168, no. 1 (February 1, 2017): 73–76.
Full textPerang, Mohd Rozi Mohd, Abdul Latiff Zulkarnain, Azhar Abdul Aziz, and Mohamad Azzad Mokhri. "Design of a Four-Stroke Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine." Applied Mechanics and Materials 388 (August 2013): 229–34.
Full textXu, Bin, Li Luo, Jian Wu, and Zhi Hao Ma. "The Influence of Injection Timing on Emissions Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Fuelled with Pistacia Chinensis Bunge Seed Biodiesel." Advanced Materials Research 634-638 (January 2013): 846–51.
Full textTennison, P. J., and R. Reitz. "An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Common-Rail Injection System Parameters on Emissions and Performance in a High-Speed Direct-Injection Diesel Engine." Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 123, no. 1 (June 6, 1999): 167–74.
Full textSudarmanta, Bambang, Alham A. K. Mahanggi, Dori Yuvenda, and Hary Soebagyo. "Optimization of Injection Pressure and Injection Timing on Fuel Sprays, Engine Performances and Emissions on a Developed DI 20C Biodiesel Engine Prototype." International Journal of Heat and Technology 38, no. 4 (December 31, 2020): 827–38.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fuel injection timing angle"
Клименко, Олександр Миколайович. "Оцінка впливу регулювання температурного стану поршнів на техніко-економічні показники дизеля." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for the science degree of the Candidate of technical sciences by speciality 05.05.03 – engines and power plants. – National Technical University "Kharkоv polytechnic institute", Kharkоv, 2016. Dissertation is devoted to research of complex influence of pistons temperature state regulation on the diesel engine technical and economic performance. In the dissertation work a method of estimating the quality of the diesel engine when regulating of the pistons temperature state, which takes into account indicators of exhaust gases toxicity and ICE fuel efficiency in each mode of the power plant operation is proposed. Experimental study of the effect of temperature condition of pistons with low conductive coating combustion chamber surface and changes the fuel injection timing angle on the exhaust gases toxicity, fuel economy and thermal condition of combustion chamber parts is done. As a result of the optimization research the characteristic cards control of pistons oilcooling and the fuel injection start for complex diesel engine technical and economic indicators improvement are proposed, the effectiveness of their use in automobile and tractor diesel engines and stationary diesel generators are estimated. The method of accounting of the most heat-loaded piston zones temperature state in general procedure of diesel quality assessment is proposed. Conducted estimated researches have allowed to define the effectiveness of pistons temperature state regulation on the combustion chamber resource strength.
Клименко, Олександр Миколайович. "Оцінка впливу регулювання температурного стану поршнів на техніко-економічні показники дизеля." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for the science degree of the Candidate of technical sciences by speciality 05.05.03 – engines and power plants. – National Technical University "Kharkоv polytechnic institute", Kharkоv, 2016. Dissertation is devoted to research of complex influence of pistons temperature state regulation on the diesel engine technical and economic performance. In the dissertation work a method of estimating the quality of the diesel engine when regulating of the pistons temperature state, which takes into account indicators of exhaust gases toxicity and ICE fuel efficiency in each mode of the power plant operation is proposed. Experimental study of the effect of temperature condition of pistons with low conductive coating combustion chamber surface and changes the fuel injection timing angle on the exhaust gases toxicity, fuel economy and thermal condition of combustion chamber parts is done. As a result of the optimization research the characteristic cards control of pistons oilcooling and the fuel injection start for complex diesel engine technical and economic indicators improvement are proposed, the effectiveness of their use in automobile and tractor diesel engines and stationary diesel generators are estimated. The method of accounting of the most heat-loaded piston zones temperature state in general procedure of diesel quality assessment is proposed. Conducted estimated researches have allowed to define the effectiveness of pistons temperature state regulation on the combustion chamber resource strength.
Kim, Chung-Gong. "A crank angle resolved CIDI engine combustion model with arbitrary fuel injection for control purpose." Connect to this title online, 2004.
Full textTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xxiv, 266 p. : ill. (some col.). Advisor: Yann G. Guezennec, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-266).
Kus, Francis. "Solid Fuel Pneumatic Conveying and its Injection Geometry in a Pressurized Entrained Flow Gasifier." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016.
Full textRivas, Perea Manuel Eduardo. "Assessment of fuel consumption reduction strategies on a gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine with a cooled EGR system." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016.
Full text[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar la influencia de un lazo de baja presión de EGR en las prestaciones de un motor de gasolina de encendido provocado turbosobrealimentado e inyección directa, en condiciones de ensayos estacionarios y transitorios, con un proceso de optimización de la calibración original del motor para minimizar el consumo de combustible del motor. La estrategia de "cooled EGR" fue también evaluada operando en sinergia con otras estrategias usadas para reducir el consumo de combustible del motor, entre ellas: mezcla pobre, múltiples inyecciones, operación a alta temperatura del fluido refrigerante del motor y movimiento de "swirl" inducido en el cilindro. Para cumplir con los objetivos mencionados, se siguió un proceso metódico donde previamente se desarrolló una metodología global para obtener resultados de indudable calidad, basados en el uso de herramientas experimentales que cumplieran con los requerimientos de las condiciones de ensayo, y las apropiadas herramientas teóricas y procedimiento para post-procesar los ensayos realizados. En segundo lugar, se desarrolló una metodología específica para cada etapa del estudio, teniendo en cuenta los procesos de optimización o estudios paramétricos que se pudieran realizar. Como primera etapa, se presenta un estudio básico del impacto del "cooled EGR" en la combustión, prestaciones, renovación de la carga y emisiones contaminantes del motor. Seguidamente, se procedió a la optimización del centrado de la combustión con la finalidad de minimizar el consumo de combustible del motor y poder analizar el potencial del "cooled EGR" como estrategia de reducción de consumo de combustible. El estudio presentado se realizó para baja, media y alta carga del motor con dos diferentes regímenes de giro del motor. Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo un estudio del motor operando en condiciones transitorias con "cooled EGR". Se realizaron una serie de ensayos usando el ciclo NEDC como base y se probaron diferentes estrategias sencillas de control de la apertura de la válvula de EGR para analizar la influencia del "cooled EGR" en condiciones transitorias. La segunda etapa consiste en el desarrollo de una metodología para optimizar los parámetros del diagrama de distribución (VVT) y el inicio de inyección, para cargas medias del motor, con la finalidad de maximizar el potencial de reducción de consumo de combustible de la estrategia "cooled EGR". Una vez realizada la optimización, se llevó a cabo un estudio usando la configuración óptima encontrada, operando en sinergia con otras tres estrategias usadas para reducir el consumo de combustible del motor. Estas estrategias fueron evaluadas con la finalidad de incrementar el rango de operación de la estrategia "cooled EGR" para lograr reducir aún más el consumo de combustible del motor. Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo un estudio básico sobre la influencia de operar con mezcla pobre en la combustión, prestaciones, renovación de la carga y emisiones contaminantes del motor, como introducción al último estudio llevado a cabo sobre la posibilidad de usar la estrategia de mezcla pobre en conjunto con la estrategia de "cooled EGR", con la finalidad de analizar el potencial de controlar las emisiones contaminantes y reducir el consumo de combustible del motor al mismo tiempo.
[CAT] L'objectiu d'este treball d'investigació és estudiar la influència d'un llaç de baixa pressió d'EGR en les prestacions d'un motor de gasolina d'encesa provocat turbosobrealimentat i injecció directa, en condicions d'assajos estacionaris i transitoris, amb un procés d'optimització del calibratge original del motor per a minimitzar el consum de combustible del motor. L'estratègia de "cooled EGR" va ser també avaluada operand en sinergia amb altres estratègies usades per a reduir el consum de combustible del motor, entre elles: mescla pobra, múltiples injeccions, operació a alta temperatura del fluid refrigerant del motor i moviment de `"swirl" induït en el cilindre. Per a complir amb els objectius mencionats, es va seguir un procés metòdic on prèviament es va desenrotllar una metodologia global per a obtindre resultats d'indubtable qualitat, basats en l'ús de ferramentes experimentals que compliren amb els requeriments de les condicions d'assaig, i les apropiades ferramentes teòriques i procediment per a post- processar els assajos realitzats. En segon lloc, es va desenrotllar una metodologia específica per a cada etapa de l'estudi, tenint en compte els processos d'optimització o estudis paramètrics que es pogueren realitzar. Com a primera etapa, es presenta un estudi bàsic de l'impacte del "cooled EGR" en la combustió, prestacions, renovació de la càrrega i emissions contaminants del motor. A continuació, es va procedir a l'optimització del centrat de la combustió amb la finalitat de minimitzar el consum de combustible del motor i poder analitzar el potencial del "cooled EGR" com a estratègia de reducció de consum de combustible. L'estudi presentat es va realitzar per a baixa, mitja i alta càrrega del motor amb dos diferents règims de gir del motor. Addicionalment, es va dur a terme un estudi del motor operand en condicions transitòries amb "cooled EGR". Es van realitzar una sèrie d'assajos usant el cicle NEDC com a base i es van provar diferents estratègies senzilles de control de l'obertura de la vàlvula d'EGR per a analitzar la influència del "cooled EGR" en condicions transitòries. La segona etapa consistix en el desenrotllament d'una metodologia per a optimitzar els paràmetres del diagrama de distribució (VVT) i l'inici d'injecció, per a càrregues mitges del motor, amb la finalitat de maximitzar el potencial de reducció de consum de combustible de l'estratègia "cooled EGR". Una vegada realitzada l'optimització, es va dur a terme un estudi usant la configuració òptima trobada, operant en sinergia amb altres tres estratègies usades per a reduir el consum de combustible del motor. Estes estratègies van ser avaluades amb la finalitat d'incrementar el rang d'operació de l'estratègia "cooled EGR" per a aconseguir reduir encara més el consum de combustible del motor. Addicionalment, es va dur a terme un estudi bàsic sobre la influència d'operar amb mescla pobra en la combustió, prestacions, renovació de la càrrega i emissions contaminants del motor, com a introducció a l'últim estudi dut a terme sobre la possibilitat d'usar l'estratègia de mescla pobra en conjunt amb l'estratègia de "cooled EGR", amb la finalitat d'analitzar el potencial de controlar les emissions contaminants i reduir el consum de combustible del motor al mateix temps.
Rivas Perea, ME. (2016). Assessment of fuel consumption reduction strategies on a gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine with a cooled EGR system [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Jääskö, Pontus, and Petter Morén. "Internal combustion engine durability monitor : Identifying and analysing engine parameters affecting knock and lambda." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2021.
Full textDenna studie är utförd hos Powertrain Engineering Sweden AB (PES), vilka är ett helägt dotterbolag till Volvo Cars Group, som arbetar med att ta fram och förbättra förbränningsmotorer. En del i detta arbete är att genomföra långtidstest för att analysera hur motorernas egenskaper ändras vid förslitning över tid. I nuläget ligger stort fokus på visuella inspektioner efter att motorerna genomgått långtidstester. PES önskar utveckla en metod där redan insamlad data som registrerats i dessa tester kan förklara hur fenomenet knack och regleringen för lambda förändras över tid. Studien är genomförd i form av en fallstudie av ett specifikt långtidstest där den öppna programvaran Sympathy for Data, tillsammans med det av Volvo Cars Group utvecklade tillägget, används för datahantering, visualisering och analys. Studien undersöker också metodiken för dataanalys med nämnd programvara. För att genomföra detta identifieras motorparametrar som påverkar de undersökta systemen samt parametrar som lämpar sig att användas som responsvariabler i en regressionsmodell. Dessa parametrar togs fram genom litteraturstudier om de fundamentala delarna i en förbränningsmotor samt från företaget förvärvad intern kunskap kring systemen. Resultatet presenteras i form av en analys genomförd med den, i Sympathy for Data, förprogrammerade noden för partial least squares regression(PLSR) samt de bilder och grafer som erhålls. För knack visade det sig att den slutliga tändningsvinkeln var lämplig att använda som respons i PLSR-modellen. En lämplig responsvariabel för lambda var mer svåridentifierad, detta förklarar varför signalerna för uppmätt lambda och lambda adaption analyseras. Inläsning av internt material och grundläggande information om förbränningsmotorer visade att delsystem i ottomotorn är beroende och påverkas av varandra vilket innebär att mer ingående studier i dessa delsystem är nödvändigt för att förstå hela processen och hitta grundorsakerna till variationerna som påvisas för responssignalerna. Vidare utfördes PLSR med de parametrar som härletts från litteraturstudier som indatasignaler (prediktorer) för att skapa en regressionsmodell som förklarar variansen i sökta responssignaler. Beroende av responssignal krävdes varierande antal latenta variabler för att uppnå en tillräckligt precis modell. Resultatet från PLSR möjliggör vidare forskning inom området och metoden som använts och har på så sätt möjliggjort för fortsatt utveckling. Detta i sin tur kan öka användandet av dataanalys med hjälp av den programvara som används vid avdelningen för långtidstest hos PES.
CHEN, YUNG-CHANG, and 陳永章. "The Effects of Ignition Timing Angle on Gasoline Injection Motocycle Performance with Gasoline Fuel Adding Biodiesel." Thesis, 2018.
Full text中華科技大學
The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of fuel additives on engine output horsepower through experiments to increase understanding of the knowledge of gasoline fuel additives. Evaluate the efficacy of the additive by using a programmable computer system to change the specific speed and adjust the ignition timing angle. The program observes the experimental results through five parameter settings. The experimental parameters include: engine speed (5000 rpm, 6000 rpm, 7000 rpm), fuel type (gasoline, gasoline added 1% biodiesel and gasoline added 2% biodiesel), ignition timing angle (BTDC 26°~ 34°, BTDC 27°~35°, BTDC 28°~36°, BTDC 29°~37°), rolling resistance coefficient 0.01 and air-fuel ratio AFR 13.3, to discuss the effect of the above operation on engine output horsepower and fuel consumption. . In this study, commercially available 92 unleaded gasoline (G100) was used in a single-cylinder four-stroke machine jet engine, and 1% and 2% bio-diesel were added to unleaded gasoline as experimental fuels (GB1 and GB2). Under the operating conditions of engine speed N=5000, 6000, 7000 rpm and air-fuel ratio control under AFR=13.3, the influence of ignition timing angle on engine output horsepower and fuel consumption is analyzed by experimental results, using biodiesel as Gasoline additives, with the help of a programmable computer system (aRacer RC1 Super), adjust the ignition timing angle within a specific speed range, and fail to achieve the hypothetical goal of increasing horsepower and reducing fuel consumption.
McLean, James Elliott. "Injection Timing Effects on Brake Fuel Conversion Efficiency and Engine System's Respones." Thesis, 2011.
Full textChia-HoCheng and 鄭佳和. "Influence of Fuel Injection Angle on the Operation of a Small Pulse Detonation Engine." Thesis, 2014.
Full text國立成功大學
Effects of inlet channel angle on the gas feeding dynamics in pulsed detonation cycle in a micro pulsed detonation engine were investigated in the study. Stoichiometric of ethylene/oxygen were used and high-speed cinematography were applied to observe the flame propagation in mixing section and inlet manifolds upstream of the ignition spot. Laser shadowgraph was also utilized to analyze the shock propagations in the manifolds. It can be found that both of 60° and 90° were typical detonation wave, and a low-speed detonation mode in 30° case. By using a gas chromatography(GC) to measure the mixing status in different angle cases. The equivalent ratio decreased with inlet angle increase. It can be seen that with the smaller inlet angle, there were an intense shock wave propagating back into the inlet manifolds. With 90° inlet angle, the shock wave could only propagate until the cross section, and the expansion resulted in the dissipation of the shock. A dynamic pressure sensor was installed on the oxygen feeding channel to quantify the pressure evolutions in the inlet manifold. The results showed that the shut-off duration for the 30° to 90° inlet was about 306, 219 and 299 us respectively. And reduce to 281, 266 and 270 us by increasing supply pressure. Comparison of single shot and continuous operating of 70 Hz, there were the slowest reaction wave velocity in the inlet section. A cavity design has been apply in the manifold. It can be seen that the shock wave in oxygen manifold were not obvious in cavity case. And the value of peak pressure were 0.45 MPa in original design but there were only 0.12 MPa in cavity case.
Wang, Shengfu, and 王聖夫. "The Study Fuel Injection Timing in Diesel Engine for Pyrolysis Biofuel of Waste Whee." Thesis, 2011.
Full text國立中正大學
This paper to tires in the cracking furnace, low temperature below 350 ℃ in the cracking gases generated by the condensation of the resulting tire pyrolysis oil, in two different proportions of commercial diesel (D100) mix, its called T10, T20 bio-oil, diesel engines do real vehicle dynamometer test, known single-cylinder fuel injection quantity and injection angle from m_f1 crank angle θ_A to θ_D, atomized oil droplets to establish θ_A to θ_B mode, when the starting point of spontaneous combustion occurred θ_B the establishment of atomized droplets burning mode, theoretical calculations of the engine combustion chamber temperature, obtained by the state role in relation to the piston of the pressure to get the role of the crank shaft of the torque and speed worthy of the theoretical calculations with the instructions horsepower, analysis results that change the initial injection point θ_A, can effectively reduce the pollutants NOx and HC, the output power in, θ_A changes can help to add the tire pyrolysis oil for diesel engine oil of better output horsepower.
Books on the topic "Fuel injection timing angle"
John, D. St. Effect of jet injection angle and number of jets on mixing and emissions from a reacting crossflow at atmospheric pressure. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration STI Preogram Office, 2000.
Find full textS, Samuelsen G., and NASA Glenn Research Center, eds. Effect of jet injection angle and number of jets on mixing and emissions from a reacting crossflow at atmospheric pressure. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Fuel injection timing angle"
Li, Peng, Jianjun Zhu, and Wenjie Wu. "Effect of Fuel Injection Advance Angle on Combustion and Emissions of Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine." In Application of Intelligent Systems in Multi-modal Information Analytics, 1313–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textSaxena, Mohit Raj, and Rakesh Kumar Maurya. "Impact of Fuel Premixing Ratio and Injection Timing on Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Engine." In Combustion for Power Generation and Transportation, 277–96. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.
Full textDobai, Attila, and Ákos Bereczky. "Investigation of Diesel – n-Butanol Fuel Blend in the Function of Pre-injection Angle." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 3–13. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textRajendran, Vigneswaran, Dhinesh Balasubramanian, Akash Deep, and Sunil Kumar Mahla. "Effect of 1,4-Dioxane Emulsified Fuel on Diesel Engine Performance and Emission Operating with Varying Injection Timing." In Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, 197–213. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textShestakov, D. S., and L. V. Plotnikov. "Influence of the Fuel Injection Advance Angle on the Technical and Environmental Performance of a Diesel Engine (21/21) with a Turbocharger." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 383–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textAtgur, Vinay, Gowda Manavendra, Gururaj Pandurangarao Desai, and Boggarapu Nageswara Rao. "CFD Combustion Simulations and Experiments on the Blended Biodiesel Two-Phase Engine Flows." In Computational Fluid Dynamics [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2022.
Full textKumar, Rajesh, and R. P. Gakkhar. "Experimental Investigation for Performance Optimization of Biodiesel-Fueled Diesel Engine Using Taguchi-Gray Relational Analysis." In Optimization Techniques for Problem Solving in Uncertainty, 198–225. IGI Global, 2018.
Full textBabu, D., and R. Anand. "Influence of fuel injection timing and nozzle opening pressure on a CRDI-assisted diesel engine fueled with biodiesel-diesel-alcohol fuel." In Advances in Eco-Fuels for a Sustainable Environment, 353–90. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textBalasubramanian, Prabakaran. "An Attempt in Blending Higher Volume of Ethanol with Diesel for Replacing the Neat Diesel to Fuel Compression Ignition Engines." In Bioethanol [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2020.
Full textBalasubramanian, Prabakaran. "An Attempt in Blending Higher Volume of Ethanol with Diesel for Replacing the Neat Diesel to Fuel Compression Ignition Engines." In Bioethanol Technologies. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Fuel injection timing angle"
Song, Jingeun, Mingi Choi, Daesik Kim, and Sungwook Park. "Combustion Characteristics of Methane Direct Injection Engine Under Various Injection Timings and Injection Pressures." In ASME 2016 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textElnajjar, Emad, Mohamed Y. E. Selim, and Farag Omar. "Effect of Dual Fuel Engine Parameters and Fuel Type on Engine Noise Emissions." In ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textSanada, Kazushi, and Tetsuro Miyazaki. "Application of DDVC Fuel Injection System to Ship Speed Control." In BATH/ASME 2016 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textKolodziej, Christopher P., and Stephen A. Ciatti. "Effects of Injector Nozzle Inclusion Angle on Extending the Lower Load Limit of Gasoline Compression Ignition Using 87 AKI Gasoline." In ASME 2014 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textPark, Su Han, In Mo Youn, Sung Wook Park, and Chang Sik Lee. "Effect of Multiple Injection Strategy on Atomization and Emission Reduction Characteristics in a Diesel-Ethanol Fueled Engine." In ASME 2010 4th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textAdair, Jessica, Matthew Viele, and Ed Van Dyne. "Ion Sensing for Off-Highway Diesel Engines to Meet Future Emissions Regulations." In ASME 2006 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. ASMEDC, 2006.
Full textKim, Myung Yoon, Ki Hyung Lee, and Chang Sik Lee. "Experimental Investigation of HCCI Combustion With Reduced Compression Ratio and Narrow Include Angle Injector in a Small DI Diesel Engine." In ASME 2005 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textKumar, Raj, Yan Wang, Ryan Vojtech, and James Cigler. "Effect of Fuel Injection Parameters on Performance and Emissions for High Efficiency Engines." In ASME 2019 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textSanada, Kazushi. "Control of Fuel Injection Rate for Marine Diesel Engines Using a Direct Drive Volume Control System." In ASME/BATH 2015 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textDempsey, Adam, Scott Curran, Robert Wagner, and William Cannella. "Effect of Premixed Fuel Preparation for Partially Premixed Combustion With a Low Octane Gasoline on a Light-Duty Multi-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine." In ASME 2014 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textReports on the topic "Fuel injection timing angle"
Juttu, Simhachalam, S. Thipse, N. Marathe, and M. Gajendra Babu. Experimental and Visualization Study of Fuel Injection Pressure and Injection Timing on PCCI Combustion Characteristics and Emissions. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, September 2010.
Full textBaba, Naoki, Kiyomi Kawamura, Yoshiyuki Mandokoro, and Michio Nakano. Gasoline Two-Stroke HCCI Combustion Controlled by Residual Gas (Second Report)~Effect of Scavenging Pressure and Fuel Injection Timing. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, May 2005.
Full textStudy Reveals Fuel Injection Timing Impact on Particle Number Emissions (Fact Sheet). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2012.
Full text