Academic literature on the topic 'Fuel combustion units'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fuel combustion units"
Zbykovski, Y. I. "The ecological and economic evaluation of using smokeless solid fuel during combustion in boiler units." Journal of Coal Chemistry 3 (2018): 11–18.
Full textMattisson, Tobias. "Materials for Chemical-Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling." ISRN Chemical Engineering 2013 (May 8, 2013): 1–19.
Full textKISELEV, Igor G., Sergey B. KOMISSAROV, and Dmitry Ya MONASTYRSKY. "On the expediency of using liquefied natural gas in refrigerated containers with mounted diesel generators." BULLETIN OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH RESULTS 2021, no. 4 (December 2021): 104–13.
Full textBorush, Olesya, Pavel Shchinnikov, and Anna Zueva. "Prospects of Application of Dual-Fuel Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Units." E3S Web of Conferences 114 (2019): 06002.
Full textLutsey, Nicholas, Christie-Joy Brodrick, Daniel Sperling, and Harry A. Dwyer. "Markets for Fuel-Cell Auxiliary Power Units in Vehicles: Preliminary Assessment." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1842, no. 1 (January 2003): 118–26.
Full textSkiba, D. V., D. A. Maksimov, R. S. Kashapov, and T. S. Kharisov. "Specific features of pressure pulsation control in combustion chambers of land based gas turbine units." VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 20, no. 4 (January 19, 2022): 40–51.
Full textSchastlivtsev, A. I., and V. I. Borzenko. "Features of thermodynamic and thermal processes in hydrogen combustion units and systems on their basis." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2039, no. 1 (October 1, 2021): 012032.
Full textKratzeisen, M., and J. Müller. "Suitability of Jatropha seed shells as fuel for small-scale combustion units." Renewable Energy 51 (March 2013): 46–52.
Full textМихайленко, В. С., and В. В. Лещенко. "Improving the management of fuel combustion in ship boilers." Automation of ship technical facilities 27, no. 1 (November 25, 2021): 73–83.
Full textGrigoriev, A. V., A. A. Kosmatov, О. A. Rudakov, and A. V. Solovieva. "Theory of gas turbine engine optimal gas generator." VESTNIK of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 18, no. 2 (July 2, 2019): 52–61.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fuel combustion units"
Никольский, Валерий Евгеньевич. "Синергетические реакционно-массообменные процессы в газожидкостных аппаратах и топливных агрегатах химической технологии." Thesis, Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет, 2016.
Full textA thesis for Doctor of Technical degree, specialty 05.17.08 – process and equipments of chemical technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis deals with the improvement of actual engineering science-technical problem: the development of the modern energy effective ecological technologies, the means of energy generation and consumption using the heat recuperation systems on the base of synergetic unity of hardware implementation of the processes and system approach. For that the methodological fundamentals and practical methods of increasing of fuel utilization efficiency in the gas-liquid apparatuses and in the fuel combustion units of chemical technology at the expense of heat processes intensification were developed. Looking for improvements in fuel efficiency and materials saving the new constructions of gas-liquid apparatuses and fuel combustion units were created. On this base the ecological and energy efficiency technological systems were synthesized. They confirm to the requirements of modern power engineering and they are acceptable for the chemical technology and the other industries, as well as for communal services and agriculture. The high-effective contact-module system was developed. It was equipped with the immersion combustion apparatuses with multiple phase inversion and oscillation modulating of contacted phases. The system can be used for heat supply of industrial and agricultural buildings, apartment houses without using boilers with heat utilization of combustion products, when heat rating of 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000 kWt is assumed, depending a need for generated heat. The expenses for complex structures and buildings’ heating using the development are decreased by 2,5 – 2,8 times in comparison with the traditional means. Contact-module system has stood the government heat-ecological test, which confirmed its high efficiency, ecological compatibility, serviceability. Construction standard specifications for serial production in the different branches of economy were obtained. The developed and presented in the thesis apparatuses, technological processes and equipments were applied in chemistry, metallurgy, motor-car industries and in communal services in Ukraine and CIS countries.
Нікольський, Валерій Євгенович. "Синергетичні реакційно-масообмінні процеси в газорідинних апаратах і паливних агрегатах хімічної технології." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textA thesis for Doctor of Technical degree, specialty 05.17.08 – process and equipments of chemical technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis deals with the improvement of actual engineering science-technical problem: the development of the modern energy effective ecological technologies, the means of energy generation and consumption using the heat recuperation systems on the base of synergetic unity of hardware implementation of the processes and system approach. For that the methodological fundamentals and practical methods of increasing of fuel utilization efficiency in the gas-liquid apparatuses and in the fuel combustion units of chemical technology at the expense of heat processes intensification were developed. Looking for improvements in fuel efficiency and materials saving the new constructions of gas-liquid apparatuses and fuel combustion units were created. On this base the ecological and energy efficiency technological systems were synthesized. They confirm to the requirements of modern power engineering and they are acceptable for the chemical technology and the other industries, as well as for communal services and agriculture. The high-effective contact-module system was developed. It was equipped with the immersion combustion apparatuses with multiple phase inversion and oscillation modulating of contacted phases. The system can be used for heat supply of industrial and agricultural buildings, apartment houses without using boilers with heat utilization of combustion products, when heat rating of 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000 kWt is assumed, depending a need for generated heat. The expenses for complex structures and buildings’ heating using the development are decreased by 2,5 – 2,8 times in comparison with the traditional means. Contact-module system has stood the government heat-ecological test, which confirmed its high efficiency, ecological compatibility, serviceability. Construction standard specifications for serial production in the different branches of economy were obtained. The developed and presented in the thesis apparatuses, technological processes and equipments were applied in chemistry, metallurgy, motor-car industries and in communal services in Ukraine and CIS countries.
Niemeyer, Kyle Evan. "Reducing the Cost of Chemistry in Reactive-Flow Simulations: Novel Mechanism Reduction Strategies and Acceleration via Graphics Processing Units." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2014.
Full textBaranski, Jacob A. "Experimental Investigation of Octane Requirement Relaxation in a Turbocharged Spark-Ignition Engine." University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2013.
Full textAnosike, Nnamdi Benedict. "Technoeconomic evaluation of flared natural gas reduction and energy recovery using gas-to-wire scheme." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2013.
Full textХоролець, Максим Дмитрович. "Дослідження шляхів підвищення ефективності роботи котельного обладнання ТЕЦ на ПАТ "Запоріжсталь"." Магістерська робота, 2022.
Full textUA : Робота викладена на 108 сторінках друкованого тексту, містить 9 таблиць,33 рисунки. Перелік посилань включає 24 джерела з них на іноземній мові 0. Здійснено аналіз конструктивних особливостей та основних видів витрат котлоагрегатів. Досліджена основна методика можливих заходів покращення роботи котельних установок. Виконаний розрахунок теплового балансу котлоагрегату, описані системи автоматизованого регулювання. Отримані експериментальні данні викладені в повному обсязі в текстовому та графічному вигляді згідно діючих нормативних документів. Зроблені висновки за результатами дослідження та сформульовані рекомендації щодо подальшого забезпечення впровадження систем автоматизації в роботу котлоагрегатів на підприємстві.
EN : The work is presented on108 pages of printed text, contains 9 tables, 33 figures.The list of references includes 24 sources,0 of them in foreign language.The analysis of design features and main types of boiler costs is carried out. The basic technique of possible improvement measures is investigated work of boiler installations. The calculation of the heat balance of the boiler unit is performed, the automated control systems are described. Received experimental data are set out in full in text and graphics in accordance with applicable regulations. Conclusions based on the results of the study and recommendations for further implementation of automation systems in the operation of boilers at the enterprise.
Books on the topic "Fuel combustion units"
Zaporozhets, A. O., and V. P. Babak. Control of fuel combustion in small and medium power boilers. PH “Akademperiodyka”, 2020.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Fuel combustion units"
Liljedahl, John B., Paul K. Turnquist, David W. Smith, and Makoto Hoki. "Fuels and Combustion." In Tractors and their Power Units, 48–76. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1989.
Full textJ. Sroka, Zbigniew. "Work Cycle of Internal Combustion Engine Due to Rightsizing." In Internal Combustion Engine Technology and Applications of Biodiesel Fuel. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textAraújo, Kathleen. "Beyond Malthus." In Low Carbon Energy Transitions. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textMcElroy, Michael B. "Natural Gas : The Least Polluting Of The Fossil Fuels." In Energy and Climate. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textWalker, James C. G. "How to Calculate Isotope Ratios." In Numerical Adventures with Geochemical Cycles. Oxford University Press, 1991.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Fuel combustion units"
Ha¨sa¨, Heidi, Ari-Pekka Kirkinen, Antti Tourunen, Timo Hyppa¨nen, Jaakko Saastamoinen, and Ari Kettunen. "Combustion Characteristics of Fuels: Experiment Scale-Up From Bench Scale Reactors to Commercial Scale CFB Boiler." In 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textRosfjord, T. J. "Staged Combustion of CWM Fuel." In 1985 Joint Power Generation Conference: GT Papers. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1985.
Full textHoffman, Larry E., Chris J. Harrison, and James J. Shields. "Combustion Turbine Triple Fuel System for Teesside, England Project." In ASME 1994 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994.
Full textQuentin, G., G. Brawley, A. Loft, and W. Perez-Daple. "Modified Fuel Control for a Large Heavy-Duty Combustion Turbine-Generator." In ASME 1989 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1989.
Full textLoosaar, Ju¨ri, Hendrik Arro, Teet Parve, To˜nu Pihu, Arvi Prikk, Toomas Tiikma, and Matti Hiltunen. "New 215 MWel CFB Power Units for Estonian Oil Shale." In 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textKessler, Travis, Thomas Schwartz, Hsi-Wu Wong, and J. Hunter Mack. "Screening Compounds for Fast Pyrolysis and Catalytic Biofuel Upgrading Using Artificial Neural Networks." In ASME 2019 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textCastagnero, Steven J., Richard E. Weinstein, Thomas J. King, Donald L. Bonk, and Edward B. Toll. "An Evaluation of Hybrid Coal Combustion Technology for Repowering H.F. Lee Unit 2." In 17th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. ASMEDC, 2003.
Full textKessler, Travis, Thomas Schwartz, Hsi-Wu Wong, and J. Hunter Mack. "Predicting the Cetane Number, Yield Sooting Index, Kinematic Viscosity, and Cloud Point for Catalytically Upgraded Pyrolysis Oil Using Artificial Neural Networks." In ASME 2020 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textGoldmeer, Jeffrey, William York, and Paul Glaser. "Fuel and Combustion System Capabilities of GE’s F and HA Class Gas Turbines." In ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Fuel combustion units"
Stakes, Keith, Keith Stakes, Julie Bryant, Nick Dow, Jack Regan, and Craig Weinschenk. Analysis of the Coordination of Suppression and Ventilation in Multi-Family Dwellings. UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute, June 2020.
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