Academic literature on the topic 'Frontières – Étude et enseignement (secondaire)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Frontières – Étude et enseignement (secondaire)"
Beaumier, France, and Ghyslain Parent. "Utilisation des stratégies d’apprentissage pour développer, par l’expérimentation, un sentiment d’efficacité personnelle chez les futurs enseignants." Études, no. 18-19 (July 9, 2012): 133–48.
Full textWiele, Jan Van. "Maintien et transformation de frontières ? Identité culturelle et représentation de l’islam*." Articles spéciaux 61, no. 1 (October 26, 2005): 135–74.
Full textFalardeau, Erick, Frédéric Guay, Richard Bradet, and Johannie Boulet. "La motivation scolaire d’élèves québécois du deuxième cycle du secondaire en temps de pandémie." Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 45, no. 3 (October 16, 2022): 787–834.
Full textMalo, Annie. "Apprendre en contexte de stage : une dynamique de transformations de son répertoire." Revue des sciences de l’éducation 37, no. 2 (May 1, 2012): 237–55.
Full textLéger, Michel. "Apprendre à être créatif : une étude comparative du développement de la créativité comme compétence numérique en milieu d’apprentissage riche en technologies." Revue hybride de l'éducation 6, no. 1 (September 12, 2022): 125–47.
Full textHarvey, Léon. "Évaluation des compétences dans un programme de formation en enseignement." Mesure et évaluation en éducation 35, no. 2 (May 2, 2014): 69–95.
Full textCordonier, Nöel. "Extension du domaine de la littérature, de son étude à l’université à son enseignement à l’école." Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, no. 27 (April 1, 2022): 47–60.
Full textBeaucher, Chantale. "Le rapport au savoir d’enseignants-étudiants en enseignement professionnel au Québec : étude de cas." Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 13, no. 1 (July 30, 2013): 63–81.
Full textGroleau, Audrey, and Chantal Pouliot. "Points de vue d’étudiantes du collégial sur leurs expériences d’apprentissage de la physique et sur leur éventuelle pratique d’enseignement." Éducation et francophonie 39, no. 1 (June 27, 2011): 183–200.
Full textRoy, Jean A. "La présence de l’enseignant de sciences dans la recherche : le cas des revues Science Education et Journal of Research in Science Teaching." Articles 22, no. 1 (October 10, 2007): 73–96.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Frontières – Étude et enseignement (secondaire)"
Buxeda, Cécile. "Intégration territoriale transfrontalière et apprentissage de l'allemand dans le grand Est français." Paris 1, 2006.
Full textColin, Pierre. "Les frontières : une question socialement vive à enseigner : Exemple du lycée professionnel." Thesis, Lyon, 2021.
Full text“Sir, we must close the borders, and quickly! ", These are the words of one of my students following the attacks of November 13, 2015 which left many victims. Borders crystallize tensions and are frequently at the center of the news, which is confirmed by the example of the health crisis linked to COVID-19. A polysemous term, the "border" covers various realities for a multitude of actors. It is, moreover, very difficult to resolve the ambiguities around its definition. In fact, borders divide within society: their management, their uses, their very existence are subject to debate. These boundaries are present in the news but also at school through the school curricula and the questions offered in the recruitment competitions for history-geography and literature-history teachers. The peculiarities of borders and their existence in school make it a socially lively issue, the specificities of which should be taken into account to ensure adequate didactic treatment. In this doctoral research, we approach the controversial issue of borders in a didactic framework: consequently the analysis is situated in relation to knowledge. This knowledge is multiple, of varied natures, and their interactions are numerous. By situating our work in geography, the analysis of the relationship to knowledge is first and foremost related to the students' relationship to the world, in other words their geography. This geography is likely to evolve due to the themes addressed at school; yet borders are the creators of geography. In addition, this research takes place in a particular place: the vocational school. Training places for most of the workers and employees of tomorrow, vocational high schools welcome students with special profiles since they are part of a specific professional project as soon as they enter high school. School is not the only place of learning for these students who are for 22 weeks in a company training period during their vocational baccalaureate course. More or less educationally dominated, these young people have often conflicting relations with school.This thesis proposes to study borders within the school framework of the vocational high school and to propose didactic avenues that can be used in the classroom to help teachers to manage this very particular controversial issue
Lange, Jean-Marc. "Mathématisation de la biologie, discipline de recherche et discipline enseignée : état des lieux et enjeux didactiques." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2000.
Full textGuihot, Patrick. "Technologies, multimedia et enseignement de la geographie." Paris 7, 1997.
Full textTwo main questions constitute the object of this thesis : how can the school use of interactive information and communication technologies (tic) help to improve the geography teaching at the secondary level ? how to release the conditions of their efficient integration in the class-room ? after an introduction detailing the scientific and technological contexts and clarifiying the problematic and methodology used, a first part studies thoroughly the didactical and technological stakes for a geography close to the actual scientific realities. In the second and third parts, the author asks for on the meaning of the emergence of multimedia technology and presents some efficient didactical uses of tic in geography teaching. Then, from an historical and technical approach and from some researches both on the attitudes and representations of the actors and on the conditions of didactical use of tic, some orientations for facilitating the integration of tic in the school system are proposed. There is a great interest to develop some didactical applications of multimedia system. But, multimedia is still a very bad known new technology. One research on the modalities of combination of visual and audio chanels in a same multimedia message is presented in the forth part. A set of recommendations which ends up to the prominent part of the sound channel is proposed. In conclusion, the author insists on the fact that tic must be considered as didactical ressources, tools to practice geography rather than to simply learn it, but emphasizes on an important difficulty. A didactical use of tic implies to bring a pedagogy of communication into play which induces important changes both in the traditional conception of french teaching and in the place and the action of teachers in the class-room. Among the great number of acts to do, a pedagogical teaching rather than a technological teaching of the teachers constitutes the main aspect
Ayyūb, Fawzī. "École et formation cognitive et idéologique dans le monde arabe : étude comparative du contenu des manuels de philosophie et de psychologie dans le cycle d'enseignement secondaire." Paris 5, 1993.
Full textThis comparative study is an attempt to identity the type of cognitive and ideological formation that is instigated by philosophy and psychology books used in secondary schools in the Arab world. In the study an examination was made of the contents of those books that are currently in use in Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and south Yemen in an attempt to explore the convergences and divergences between them. It was thus concluded that the cognitive formation that is propagated by Arab books makes only a slight contribution to the development of students' critical reasoning. As for the ideological formation, these books swing in there texts between idealistic and materialistic tendencies in contrast with the accompanied citations which suggest a distinct idealistic tendency
Broccolichi, Sylvain. "Organisation de l'école : pratiques usuelles et production d'inégalités." Paris, EHESS, 1994.
Full textThe disparities of scholarly attainments (school performances) of the pupils coming from different social groups increase, in the course of school years, particularly in mathematics in secondary education. The linked study of school trajectories of the pupils (and of their view points), of the social family characteristics and of the functioning of the school leads to distinghish two sources of increasing inequalities. The socio-educational disparities send back to the unequal family transmissions likely to make easier school acquisitions. As regards mathematics, the previous familiarity with school games is seldom sufficient, morever the regulating accompaniment of the family circle proves also determinating. The intra-educational disparities privileging the top pupils go in the same direction, yet they can also produce "miracoulously gifted cases. The possibilities of fruitful interactions with the teacher, the access to school actvities and the chances of dreiving some satisfaction from them, increase with the rank of
Mboumba, Alix. "Échec ou réussite et contenus d'enseignement en français et histoire-géographie dans les lycées au Gabon : adaptation ou inadaptation ? : contribution à une sociologie du curriculum au Gabon." Amiens, 2006.
Full textCabassut, Richard. "Démonstration, raisonnement et validation dans l'enseignement secondaire des mathématiques en France et en Allemagne." Paris 7, 2005.
Full textFor the study of the proof we adapt Toulmin's theoretical frame on arguments of plausibility and arguments of necessity to Chevallard's anthropological theory of didactics. The validations of mathematic teaching are the double transposition of proofs from the mathematical institution (producing the knowledge) and validations (argumentations and proofs) from other institutions (like the "daily life"). The diachronic study of curricula of French “collège-lycée” and of German Gymnasium (in Baden-Württemberg), confirmed by the study of textbooks shows that proof is explicitly taught as opposed to the cases of Realschule and Hauptschule. These curricula advise the use of different types of validation (argumentation, proof. ) and arguments (pragmatic, semantic, syntactic) depending on the functions and when they are introduced: The influence of the functions of validation on the different types of tasks (discovering, controlling, changing registers. . . ) is also observed in lessons on proof. In spite of linguistic, institutional, and cultural difficulties in comparing France and Germany, the study of validations, of class theorems in textbooks, and of proofs produced by students, shows similarities about combining different types of arguments as well as different types of functions. Differences are observed on the types of technology and technique involved in the validation and on the weight given to different types of arguments and registers used, with an explanation related to the institutional conditions (moment of introduction, didactical contract, function, educational system. . . )
Bouraoui, Kamel. "Analyse des conceptions et étude du changement conceptuel chez des élèves tunisiens et français : conduction électrique dans les piles électrochimiques." Lyon 1, 1998.
Full textAmra, Nadia. "La transposition didactique du concept de fonction : comparaison entre les systèmes d'enseignement français et palestiniens." Paris 7, 2003.
Full textThis curricular-type research is concerned with the didactical transposition of the concept of function at secondary teaching level in France (corresponding to 10th and 11th grades) and Palestine (10th, 11th and 12th grades). In the first part, we present our problematic, theoretical frames and methodology. The second part handles out the study of the "institutional relation" to the concept of function in each one of the two teaching systems through the analysis of syllabus and textbooks. The third part is concerned by the study of the "personal relation" of students to the same object, it corresponds to the experimental part of our research and relies on a questionnaire. This comparative study reveals the institutional organisation weight on the knowledge acquired by students. Concerning more specifically the curricular project, it brings some light on mathematical organisations relative to the mathematical theme of functions
Books on the topic "Frontières – Étude et enseignement (secondaire)"
Faire aimer et apprendre l'histoire et la géographie au primaire et au secondaire. Québec, Québec, Canada: Éditions MultiMondes, 2014.
Find full textGestion et marketing: Guide d'implantation et des normes. Edmonton, Alb: Alberta Education, 1997.
Find full textSciences: 7e, 8e et 9e années. [Edmonton]: Alberta Learning, 2003.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Mathématiques: Cycles Intermédiaire et Supérieur, Deuxième Partie: 7E et 8E Année, 9E et 10E Année, Niveau Général, 11E et 12E Année, Niveau Général. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Études canadiennes et mondiales: Le curriculum de l'Ontario, 11e et 12e année, 2000. Toronto, Ont: Ministère de l'éducation, 2000.
Find full textJean-François, Bédard, ed. L'essentiel: 1re -[5e] secondaire mathématique. [Montéal]: Caractère, 2009.
Find full textClaire, Bourdeau, Smith Jean-Guy, and Morand Jean-Charles, eds. Carrousel mathématique 3: Troisième secondaire. Anjou, Québec: Centre éducatif et culturel, 1995.
Find full textl'éducation, Ontario Ministère de. Mathématiques: Cycles Intermédiaire et Supérieur, Première Partie: 9E et 10E Année, Niveau Fondamental, 11E et 12E Année, Niveau Fondamental. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full text), Quéré Yves (1931, and Salviat Béatrice (1958 ), eds. 29 notions-clés pour savourer et faire savourer la science: Primaire et collège. Paris: Le Pommier, 2009.
Find full textAnne, Princen, and Sultan Elise, eds. Le Tartuffe. [Paris]: Flammarion, 2013.
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