Academic literature on the topic 'Freshwater plumes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Freshwater plumes"
Osadchiev, Alexander, Igor Medvedev, Sergey Shchuka, Mikhail Kulikov, Eduard Spivak, Maria Pisareva, and Igor Semiletov. "Influence of estuarine tidal mixing on structure and spatial scales of large river plumes." Ocean Science 16, no. 4 (July 3, 2020): 781–98.
Full textKumar, R. K., H. W. Chiang, and F. Kalos. "Entrainment and Mixing in Vertical Buoyant Light-Gas Plumes." Journal of Energy Resources Technology 118, no. 1 (March 1, 1996): 77–81.
Full textLiu, Wen-Cheng, Hong-Ming Liu, Chih-Chieh Young, and Wei-Che Huang. "The Influence of Freshwater Discharge and Wind Forcing on the Dispersal of River Plumes Using a Three-Dimensional Circulation Model." Water 14, no. 3 (January 29, 2022): 429.
Full textKimura, Satoshi, Paul R. Holland, Adrian Jenkins, and Matthew Piggott. "The Effect of Meltwater Plumes on the Melting of a Vertical Glacier Face." Journal of Physical Oceanography 44, no. 12 (November 26, 2014): 3099–117.
Full textDe Andrés, Eva, Donald A. Slater, Fiamma Straneo, Jaime Otero, Sarah Das, and Francisco Navarro. "Surface emergence of glacial plumes determined by fjord stratification." Cryosphere 14, no. 6 (June 18, 2020): 1951–69.
Full textPimenta, Felipe M., A. D. Kirwan, and Pablo Huq. "On the Transport of Buoyant Coastal Plumes." Journal of Physical Oceanography 41, no. 3 (March 1, 2011): 620–40.
Full textHudson, B., I. Overeem, D. McGrath, J. P. M. Syvitski, A. Mikkelsen, and B. Hasholt. "MODIS observed increase in duration and spatial extent of sediment plumes in Greenland fjords." Cryosphere 8, no. 4 (July 4, 2014): 1161–76.
Full textMarta-Almeida, Martinho, Anna Dalbosco, David Franco, and Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal. "Dynamics of river plumes in the South Brazilian Bight and South Brazil." Ocean Dynamics 71, no. 1 (November 11, 2020): 59–80.
Full textRodrigues, Raphael Paiva, Bastiaan Adriaan Knoppers, Weber Friederichs Landim de Souza, and Elisamara Sabadini Santos. "Suspended matter and nutrient gradients of a small-scale river plume in Sepetiba Bay, SE-Brazil." Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 52, no. 2 (April 2009): 503–12.
Full textMatano, Ricardo P., and Elbio D. Palma. "The Spindown of Bottom-Trapped Plumes." Journal of Physical Oceanography 40, no. 7 (July 1, 2010): 1651–58.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Freshwater plumes"
Fong, Derek Allen. "Dynamics of freshwater plumes: observations and numerical modeling of the wind-forced response and alongshore freshwater transport." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 163-172).
A freshwater plume often forms when a river or an estuary discharges water onto the continental shelf. Freshwater plumes are ubiquitous features of the coastal ocean and usually leave a striking signature in the coastal hydrography. The present study combines both hydrographic data and idealized numerical simulations to examine how ambient currents and winds influence the transport and mixing of plume waters. The first portion of the thesis considers the alongshore transport of freshwater using idealized numerical simulations. In the absence of any ambient current, the downstream coastal current only carries a fraction of the discharged fresh water; the remaining fraction recirculates in a continually growing "bulge" of fresh water in the vicinity of the river mouth. The fraction of fresh water transported in the coastal current is dependent on the source conditions at the river mouth. The presence of an ambient current augments the transport in the plume so that its freshwater transport matches the freshwater source. For any ambient current in the same direction as the geostrophic coastal current, the plume will evolve to a steady-state width. A key result is that an external forcing agent is required in order for the entire freshwater volume discharged by a river to be transported as a coastal current. The next section of the thesis addresses the wind-induced advection of a river plume, using hydrographic data collected in the western Gulf of Maine. The observations suggest that the plume's cross-shore structure varies markedly as a function of fluctuations in alongshore wind forcing. Consistent with Ekman dynamics, upwelling favorable winds spread the plume offshore, at times widening it to over 50 km in offshore extent, while downwelling favorable winds narrow the plume width to a few Rossby radii. Near-surface current meters show significant correlations between cross-shore currents and alongshore wind stress, consistent with Ekman theory. Estimates of the terms in the alongshore momentum equation calculated from moored current meter arrays also indicate an approximate Ekman balance within the plume. A significant correlation between alongshore currents and alongshore wind stress suggests that interfacial drag may be important. The final section of the thesis is an investigation of the advection and mixing of a surface-trapped river plume in the presence of an upwelling favorable wind stress, using a three-dimensional model in a simple, rectangular domain. Model simulations demonstrate that the plume thins and is advected offshore by the cross shore Ekman transport. The thinned plume is susceptible to significant mixing due to the vertically sheared horizontal currents. The first order plume response is explained by Ekman dynamics and a Richardson number mixing criterion.
by Derek Allen Fong.
Edwards, David D. "Real Exposure: Field Measurement of Chemical Plumes in Headwater Streams." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2014.
Full textHoundegnonto, Odilon Joël. "Analyse des variations thermohalines des échelles intrasaisonnière à saisonnière des panaches d'eau douce du Golfe de Guinée." Thesis, Brest, 2021.
Full textIn the Gulf of Guinea (GG), freshwater originated from river discharges and high precipitation rates contribute to the upper ocean density stratification, and play a key role in modulating air-sea interactions. However, the thermohaline variations of the ocean upper layers within the freshwater plumes in the GG are still poorly known, as they are poorly observed and documented. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to study and document the spatial variability at horizontal mesoscale (10-100 km) and vertical (0-100m), from intra-seasonal to seasonal time scales of the thermohaline 3D structure in the freshwater plume areas of the GG: mainly the Congo and Niger Rivers plumes. First, using SSS SMOS satellite data, our study showed that freshwater plumes in this region extend towards the open ocean following two propagation regimes. During September to January, they propagate northwestward while from January to April they redirect to the southwest, where their maximum extension is observed in April. The rest of the year, from May to August, is marked by a surface salinization episode, where the freshwater plumes dissipate with a minimum extension observed in August. A salinity budget analysis in the surface mixed layer allowed highlighting the main physical processes controlling the seasonal variability of salinity within these freshwater plumes. We showed that horizontal advection processes and freshwater fluxes by precipitation and river discharges are the main contributors of low SSS distribution in this region. In the southeastern Gulf of Guinea, off Congo, the horizontal SSS advection is dominated by Ekman wind-driven currents. Second, we showed that the offshore distribution of the Congo plume on intra-seasonal time scales is associated with salt barrier layers and with thermohaline staircases profiles. In a case study (for 2016/03/31), we showed that the observed thermohaline staircases would result from the shear dynamics between the surface Ekman flow associated with the offshore (North-Westward) distribution of the Congo plume, and the geostrophic (South-Eastward) flow associated with the denser and saltier subsurface water masses of the open ocean to the west. Finally, using a Lagrangian approach, we have highlighted the origin and large-scale structuring of water masses involved in the strong haline stratification observed off Congo. This study showed the strong shear of the currents associated with the vertical salinity gradients within the water column associated with the staircases profiles
Castaneda, Rowshyra. "Factors affecting the distribution, abundance and condition of an invasive freshwater bivalve in a thermal plume." Thesis, McGill University, 2013. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=117072.
Full textLa petite corbeille d'Asie, Corbicula fluminea, est un bivalve subtropical d'eau douce qui a récemment envahi la panache thermique de la centrale nucléaire Gentilly-2 (CNG2) du fleuve Saint-Laurent. C. fluminea est un des mollusques les plus envahissant du monde, en raison de sa capacité rapide à former de nouvelle population dense. Ses besoins physiologiques semblent limiter sa distribution mondiale à des plans d'eau maintenant une temperature de plus de 2ºC au courant de l'année; néanmoins, des envahissements récents suggèrent que la palourde s'adapte à des températures plus basses. Utilisant des donnés publiés, j'ai identifié des types de distribution et de densité de C. fluminea dans des eaux chauffés artificiellement et non-chauffés. Les densités de C. fluminea ne diffèrent pas entre les deux types d'eau, mais démontrent une relation positive avec la distance latitudinal, où les densités maximales sont atteintes aux latitudes centrale. La présence de C. fluminea dans les rivières Américaines se situant au sud du 40ºN est positivement corrélée avec la densité de la population humaine. À l'échelle locale du fleuve Saint-Laurent, la température, le courant d'eau, la turbidité et la profondeur ont été identifiés comme facteurs affectant la distribution et la densité de C. fluminea. De plus, la palourde était limitée aux sites du panache thermique de la CNG2, et sa condition et son statut réproductif varient en temps et espace. La présence de C. fluminea dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent soulève des questions sur la possibilité de l'espèce d'utiliser la panache thermique afin de s'adapter à des conditions plus froides surtout si les tendances de réchauffement continuent.
Ribeiro, Américo Soares. "Coupled modelling of the Tagus and Sado estuaries and their associated mesoscale patterns." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2015.
Full textGiven the close proximity between the Tagus and Sado estuaries, it is understandable that these two hydrodynamic systems have their discharges on the same coastal region. Several studies focus on the investigation of the complex circulation at the mouth of Tagus or Sado estuaries, however, the interaction between these two systems is not taken into account and there are no studies which contemplate the interaction between the two estuaries. With this objective, the three-dimensional model Delft3D-Flow was implemented in order to investigate the complex flows in Tagus and Sado estuaries and adjacent shelf. The numerical model was calibrated and validated using sea surface height, currents, salinity and water temperature data, and then applied to research the role of river discharge and wind effects under mesoscale currents and coastal dynamics at open ocean boundaries on the plumes interaction. The chosen period was the winter of 2009-2010. To examine the response of the estuarine plumes to different wind directions, five scenarios of moderate winds were considered blowing from each of the main four compass points, and with the absence of wind. Through the use of two distinct tracers, three different idealized scenarios were chosen: low, moderate and high Tagus and Sado river discharges. The results showed an evidence of estuarine plumes, filaments and mesoscale eddies caused by the interactions between the estuaries and the nearby coastal region. The obtained results also reveal a intrusion caused by the Sado plume in Tagus estuary after a 10-day simulation. This pattern was not observed for Tagus plume. It was also observed that the Sado estuarine water propagates to Tagus estuary in just 36 hours with coastal dynamics, when compared to the mesoscale currents forcing took around 120 hours. In summary, the model application developed in this study contributed to the characterization and understanding of the interaction between Tagus and Sado estuary’s, and in which conditions these occur.
Dada a proximidade entre os estuários do Tejo e do Sado, é reconhecido que as descargas destes estuários ocorrem na mesma região costeira. O conhecimento atual relativo à hidrodinâmica dos estuários do Tejo e do Sado resulta maioritariamente da exploração de resultados de modelos numéricos, que descrevem as propriedades físicas e padrões gerados pelas correntes de maré e descargas fluviais. Não obstante, verificou-se que a interação entre estes dois sistemas não é considerada, não havendo esforços no sentido de estudar os dois sistemas simultaneamente, bem como de descrever as relações que partilham e identificar as mútuas influências a nível dinâmico. Com este objetivo, foi implementado o modelo numérico tridimensional Delft3D-Flow, de forma a investigar a dinâmica do estuário do Tejo, do Sado e da região costeira adjacente. O modelo numérico foi calibrado e validado com a altura de maré, correntes, salinidade e temperatura da água, sendo aplicado para a investigação do efeito das descargas fluviais e do efeito do vento na interação das plumas destes estuários. O período escolhido para as simulações foi o Inverno de 2009-2010. Foram impostos dois tipos de forçamentos na fronteira aberta oceânica, um que comtempla as correntes de mesoescala e outro apenas a dinâmica costeira. Foram considerados cinco cenários para ventos moderados nos quatro principais quadrantes e para a ausência deste. Através do uso de dois traçadores distintos, foram escolhidos três cenários idealizados com descargas baixas, moderadas e altas dos rios Tejo e Sado. Os resultados evidenciaram a presença de plumas estuarinas, filamentos e eddies causados pela interação entre os estuários e a região costeira. Os resultados obtidos revelam ainda uma intrusão da pluma estuarina do Sado no estuário do Tejo após descargas fluviais significativas durante dez dias, contudo, este padrão não foi observado na pluma estuarina do Tejo. Foi ainda observado que a água estuarina do Sado se propaga para o estuário do Tejo em apenas 36 horas com apenas a dinâmica costeira, ao passo que com as correntes de mesoescala só se observou a intrusão após 120 horas. Sumariamente, o modelo desenvolvido para este estudo contribuiu para a caracterização e compreensão da interação entre os estuários do Tejo e Sado, e definição das condições em que esta ocorre.
Ostrander, Christopher. "Physical factors controlling the temporal and spatial variability of freshwater plumes in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaiʻi." Thesis, 2007.
Full textHan, Q., D. Chen, Yakun Guo, and W. Hu. "Saltwater-freshwater mixing fluctuation in shallow beach aquifers." 2018.
Full textField measurements and numerical simulations demonstrate the existence of an upper saline plume in tidally dominated beaches. The effect of tides on the saltwater-freshwater mixing occurring at both the upper saline plume and lower salt wedge is well understood. However, it is poorly understood whether the tidal driven force acts equally on the mixing behaviours of above two regions and what factors control the mixing fluctuation features. In this study, variable-density, saturated-unsaturated, transient groundwater flow and solute transport numerical models are proposed and performed for saltwater-freshwater mixing subject to tidal forcing on a sloping beach. A range of tidal amplitude, fresh groundwater flux, hydraulic conductivity, beach slope and dispersivity anisotropy are simulated. Based on time sequential salinity data, the gross mixing features are quantified by computing the spatial moments in three different aspects, namely, the centre point, length and width, and the volume (or area in a two-dimensional case). Simulated salinity distribution varies significantly at saltwater-freshwater interfaces. Mixing characteristics of the upper saline plume greatly differ from those in the salt wedge for both the transient and quasi-steady state. The mixing of the upper saline plume largely inherits the fluctuation characteristics of the sea tide in both the transverse and longitudinal directions when the quasi-steady state is reached. On the other hand, the mixing in the salt wedge is relatively steady and shows little fluctuation. The normalized mixing width and length, mixing volume and the fluctuation amplitude of the mass centre in the upper saline plume are, in general, one-magnitude-order larger than those in the salt wedge region. In the longitudinal direction, tidal amplitude, fresh groundwater flux, hydraulic conductivity and beach slope are significant control factors of fluctuation amplitude. In the transverse direction, tidal amplitude and beach slope are the main control parameters. Very small dispersivity anisotropy (e.g., α_L⁄α_T <5) could greatly suppress mixing fluctuation in the longitudinal direction. This work underlines the close connection between the sea tides and the upper saline plume in the aspect of mixing, thereby enhancing understanding of the interplay between tidal oscillations and mixing mechanisms in tidally dominated sloping beach systems.
Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Coastal Ocean Dynamics and Environment (No. ZDSY20130402163735964), National High Technology Research & Development Program of China (No. 2012AA09A409).
Books on the topic "Freshwater plumes"
Fong, Derek Allen. Dynamics of freshwater plumes: Observations and numerical modeling of the wind-forced response and alongshore freshwater transport. Woods Hole, Mass: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering, 1998.
Find full textMississippi River plume hydrography: Second annual report. New Orleans, La: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1996.
Find full textP, Murray Stephen, Donley Jami, United States. Minerals Management Service. Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, and Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Coastal Studies Institute, eds. Mississippi River plume hydrography: Second annual report. [New Orleans, La.]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1996.
Find full textMosig, John. Australian Yabby Farmer. CSIRO Publishing, 1998.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Freshwater plumes"
Garvine, Richard W. "The Role of Brackish Plumes in Open Shelf Waters." In The Role of Freshwater Outflow in Coastal Marine Ecosystems, 47–65. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.
Full textArchetti, Renata, and Maurizio Mancini. "Freshwater Dispersion Plume in the Sea: Dynamic Description and Case Study." In Hydrodynamics - Natural Water Bodies. InTech, 2012.
Full textBean, Michael J. "Strategies for Biodiversity Protection." In Precious Heritage. Oxford University Press, 2000.
Full text"Pacific Salmon: Ecology and Management of Western Alaska’s Populations." In Pacific Salmon: Ecology and Management of Western Alaska’s Populations, edited by Charles C. Krueger, Christian E. Zimmerman, and Joseph J. Spaeder. American Fisheries Society, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Freshwater plumes"
"River plumes of the Great Barrier Reef: freshwater, sediment and optical footprints quantified by the eReefs modelling system." In 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ), Inc., 2017.
Full textVogl, Anastasia, Nile Waldal, Parisa Sarmadi, Adam Fershtman, Rodrigo S. Mitishita, and Ian A. Frigaard. "Plug Cementing Stability." In ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
Full textMoghadam, A., and A. N. Corina. "Modelling Stress Evolution in Cement Plugs During Hydration." In 56th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA, 2022.
Full textAbitalhah, M. Abiabhar, Nurul Nadia Ezzatty Abu Bakar, M. Aizat Haidi Hod, Avinash Kishore Kumar, Chee Hen Lau, and Myat Thuzar. "Abandonment of Wells Under the New Norm – Sacrificial Tubing Approach." In Offshore Technology Conference Asia. OTC, 2022.
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