Academic literature on the topic 'French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)'

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Journal articles on the topic "French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)"


Daussy, Hugues. "William Heap, Elizabeth’s French Wars, 1562-1598: English Intervention in the French Wars of Religion." Huguenot Society Journal 33 (October 2020): 125–26.

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BRIGGS, ROBIN. "FINANCE, RELIGION, AND THE FRENCH STATE." Historical Journal 42, no. 2 (June 1999): 565–70.

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L'argent du roi: les finances sous François Ier. By Philippe Hamon. Paris: Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière, Ministère de l'Economie, 1994. Pp. xliii+609. ISBN 2-11-087648-4. 249F.The king's army: warfare, soldiers, and society during the wars of religion in France, 1562–1576. By James B. Wood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xvi+349. ISBN 0-521-55003-3. £45.00.One king, one faith: the parlement of Paris and the religious reformations of the sixteenth century. By Nancy Lyman Roelker. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1996. Pp. xiii+543. ISBN 0-520-08626-0. £50.00.A city in conflict: Troyes during the French wars of religion. By Penny Roberts. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996. Pp. xi+228. ISBN 0-7190-4694-7. £40.00.The birth of absolutism: a history of France, 1598–1661. By Yves-Marie Bercé, translated by Richard Rex. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan Press, 1996. Pp. viii+262. ISBN 0-333-62757-1. £15.50.The French sixteenth century has always posed serious difficulties for historians. It was a time of rapid change and, in its later decades, of massive disorder, so that there are many large and complex issues to unravel. The need for close analysis as an antidote to over-hasty generalizations is obvious, yet on many issues the archives are frustratingly scanty or even non-existent. A group of recent books tackles these problems with considerable ingenuity and a fair degree of success, even if some of the gaps in the evidence inevitably defy the authors' best efforts.
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Finley-Croswhite, Annette, Mack P. Holt, and Penny Roberts. "The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629." Sixteenth Century Journal 28, no. 3 (1997): 909.

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Basista, Jakub. "Elizabeth's French Wars, 1562–1598: English Intervention in the French Wars of Religion. William A. Heap. London: Unicorn Publishing Group, 2020. 336 pp. $30." Renaissance Quarterly 75, no. 3 (2022): 1054–55.

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Laliberte, Andrew. "War for God or a War for the Godless?" General: Brock University Undergraduate Journal of History 8 (April 19, 2023): 105–12.

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The French Civil Wars, or ‘Wars of Religion,’ were set primarily in the sixteenth century and enveloped France in a religious conflict. The Civil Wars were a series of violent periods between the French Protestant Huguenots and the Roman Catholics, Catholicism being the official religion of the French Kingdom. The ongoing struggle resulted in an escalation of civil violence and polarity between the religious affiliations, creating a divided French populous that carried out many atrocities, such as the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre. The violence subsided in 1598 when King Henry IV enacted the Edict of Nantes, granting substantial conditions and support to the Huguenot population in France. However, this paper argues for the importance of categorizing the wars as ‘civil’ and not ‘religious.’ The dynamic situation involves more than religious differences, including a central reliance on community-based disputes, group association based on mass paranoia, and even political gain for those of the French nobility. It is important to understand the complexity of the Civil Wars. Denoting them as a religious conflict ignores the other civil implications which provoked aggression between French communities and forces.
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Hayden, J. Michael, and Elizabeth A. R. Brown. "Jean du Tillet and the French Wars of Religion: Five Tracts 1562-1569." Sixteenth Century Journal 26, no. 3 (1995): 718.

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Roberts, Penny. "Martyrologies and Martyrs in the French Reformation: Heretics to Subversives in Troyes." Studies in Church History 30 (1993): 221–29.

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The chief martyrology of the French Protestants or Huguenots, the Histoire des martyrs, was the work of a Walloon refugee in Geneva, Jean Crespin. The Histoire focuses on the martyrs of the French Reformation, but also describes the ordeals of those in Scodand, England, and Flanders, as well as of medieval precursors of Protestant ideas, such as Hus and Wyclif. Later versions of the text include the martyrs of the Early Church, whose faith the Huguenots claimed to be reviving and in whose sufferings they believed themselves to be sharing. The Histoire quickly became popular in the fledgeling Reformed churches of France, avidly read from the pulpit and in the home. The accounts of the courage of the martyrs no doubt reinforced the resolution of a group destined to remain a minority, and who became increasingly resigned to their fate. During the civil strife known as the French Wars of Religion, religious tensions were exacerbated by political and military conflict. However, the incident which provoked the outbreak of the wars in 1562 was the massacre of a Huguenot congregation at Vassy, in Champagne, and, indeed, the wars were to be particularly noted for their brutal sectarian violence.
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Vermeesch, Griet. "Elizabeth C. Tingle, Authority and society in Nantes during the French wars of religion, 1559-1598." Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/ The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 4, no. 3 (September 15, 2007): 132.

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Broomhall, Susan. "Jean du Tillet and the French Wars of Religion: Five Tracts, 1562-69 (review)." Parergon 15, no. 2 (1998): 159–60.

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SĂLĂVĂSTRU, Andrei Constantin. "Rebellion and Peace: The paths for conflict resolution in Huguenot and Catholic propaganda during the French Wars of Religion." Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie 69 (2024): 33–54.

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The second half of the sixteenth century saw France descend into civil war, after several decades of increasing religious tensions brought about by the Reformation. It was an outcome which traditional political thought dreaded, because internal union was one of the most prized features of a healthy political body. Civil war, the line went, was much worse than any other calamity which might befall a polity and threatened it with complete dissolution. Therefore, once France found itself in such a situation from 1562 onwards, one of the main issues in French political discourse became the restoration of internal peace: all the parties involved in the conflict paid at least lip service to it, although each envisioned their own path in order to achieve this goal. For the radical Catholics, internal peace could not be divorced from religious unity, therefore, the Protestants had to be exterminated, chased out or brought back into the Catholic fold. A more moderate group of Catholics came to argue that this was not possible without doing irreparable damage to the country and that coexistence with Protestants had to be accepted at least temporarily, looking to the king to impose such a solution. Finally, the Protestants, who envisioned at the beginning of the wars the possibility of converting the whole France to the Reformation, came to embrace the second point of view, as well, under the pressure of political realities. This paper aims to analyze the discourse of peace in the propaganda issued during the French Wars of Religion, examining its main themes and how it unfolded over this period of more than thirty years.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)"


Racaut, Luc. "Hatred in print : aspects of anti-Protestant polemic in the French Wars of Religion." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 1999.

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The medium of printing has been persistently associated with Protestantism. As a result, a large body of French Catholic anti-Protestant material was to a large extent ignored. In contrast with Germany, there is evidence to suggest that French authors used printing effectively and aggressively to promote the Catholic cause. During the French Wars of Religion, French Catholics were far more innovative than they were given credit for: the German paradigm of a leaden-footed Catholic response to the Reformation was inappropriately applied to France. This is ironic given that it was the Catholic cause which ultimately prevailed. In seeking to explain why France remained a Catholic country, the French Catholic response must be taken into account. Catholic polemical works, and their portrayal of Protestants in print in particular, is the central focus of this work. The first chapter is devoted to a historiographical discussion of the problem of violence in the French Wars of Religion. The next two chapters are concerned with the comparison between Protestantism and medieval heresies, and particularly the recourse in polemic to the topos of the Albigensian Crusade. The next chapter addresses the use of cultural archetypes such as 'the world turned upside down' and the reversal of gender roles to deride the impact of the Reformation. The last two chapters are an attempt to assess the impact of the Catholic polemic on the Protestant culture and identity and on the emerging public opinion. Rather than confront the Reformation on its own terms, the Catholic reaction concentrated on discrediting the Protestant cause in the eyes of the Catholic majority. They had a considerable impact on their readership and on an illiterate audience (through the interaction between written and oral), and on the French Protestants' own self-perception and identity. This thesis aims to contribute to the ongoing debate over the nature of the French Wars of Religion, to explain why they were so violent and why they engaged the loyalties of such a large portion of the population. This study also provides an example of the successful defence of Catholicism developed independently and in advance of Tridentine reform which is of wider significance for the history of the Reformation in Europe.
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Ropp, Laurent. "Un passé dépassé ? : les mémoires protestantes des guerres de Religion (vers 1685-2022)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Le Mans, 2024.

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Alors que les protestants français cultivent le souvenir de la Saint-Barthélemy depuis le XVIe siècle, le contexte des guerres de Religion (1562-1598), dans lequel s'inscrivent les célèbres massacres, semble beaucoup moins retenir leur attention. Or ces troubles civils et religieux représentent une crise majeure de l'histoire nationale et voient, pour la première fois, les protestants français prendre les armes. C'est tout l'objet de cette enquête que de saisir, dans la longue durée, les mémoires de ces conflits dans les communautés issues de la Réforme.Des années 1680, marquées par une controverse interconfessionnelle sur les guerres de Religion, au 450e anniversaire de la Saint-Barthélemy (2022), cette recherche éclaire la manière dont le présent influence le souvenir des luttes du second XVIe siècle et examine dans quelle mesure ces conflits du passé restent d'actualité dans les siècles qui les ont suivis. Un vaste corpus imprimé, auquel s'ajoutent des sources plus originales, comme 526 réponses à un questionnaire en ligne, est mobilisé afin de rendre compte des réactivations mémorielles et de mettre au jour les continuités et les transformations des représentations et des usages des troubles. Centrée sur les réformés français tout en intégrant les luthériens et les évangéliques de l'Hexagone ainsi que les communautés protestantes de trois pays d'accueil de la diaspora huguenote, cette investigation offre également une réflexion sur l'unité et la pluralité des mémoires huguenotes
While French Protestants cultivate the memory of St. Bartholomew's Day since the 16th century, the context of the Wars of Religion (1562-1598), in which the infamous massacres occurred seems to attract much less of their attention. However, these civil and religious conflicts represent a major crisis in national history and mark the first time that French Protestants took up arms. The purpose of this study is to grasp, over the long term, the memories of these conflicts within the communities that emerged from the Reformation.From the 1680s, marked by an interconfessional controversy over the French Wars of Religion, to the 450th anniversary of St. Bartholomew's Day (2022), this research sheds light on how the present influences the memory of the struggles of the late 16th century and examines the extent to which these past conflicts remain relevant in the centuries that followed. A vast corpus of printed materials, supplemented by more original sources, such as 526 responses to an online questionnaire, has been used to account for the reactivations of memory and to uncover the continuities and transformations in the representations and uses of these conflicts. Focused on French Reformed communities, while also incorporating Lutherans and Evangelicals from France as well as Protestant communities from three countries hosting the Huguenot diaspora, this investigation also offers a reflection on the unity and plurality of Huguenot memories
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Barker, S. K. "Developing French Protestant identity : the political and religious writings of Antoine de Chandieu (1534-1591)." Thesis, St Andrews, 2007.

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Giraudier, Fanny. "Les Grands et le roi : pouvoir et contestation à la cour des premiers Bourbons (1589-1629)." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.

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L’objectif de cette thèse est d’appréhender les relations entre le roi et les nobles à la fin des guerres de Religion. La période des guerres civiles est marquée par un affaiblissement de l’autorité monarchique. Pour rétablir l’ordre dans le royaume, le roi doit compter sur les nobles dont la vocation est de porter les armes. Or, beaucoup de ces seigneurs ne le reconnaissent pas comme roi légitime. Par la guerre, les négociations et une savante politique de légitimation, Henri IV parvient à les rallier progressivement à son autorité. Cette thèse vise à comprendre ce processus de réconciliation, sur quelles bases il repose et comment les nobles contribuent à la redéfinition du pouvoir après ces périodes de troubles. Car si la paix est rétablie dans le royaume à partir de 1598 avec la paix de Vervins et l’édit de Nantes, les contestations nobiliaires ne sont pas totalement éteintes et éclatent à plusieurs reprises jusqu’en 1629. Les modalités de la révolte sont donc au cœur de cette thèse, c’est-à-dire la façon dont les nobles expriment leur mécontentement et justifient leurs oppositions au souverain. La cour est un cadre privilégié pour observer les dynamiques de pouvoir qui se jouent entre le souverain et les nobles, hommes et femmes. Le choix d’une période comprise 1589 et 1629 permet de suivre l’évolution de ces rapports à l’autorité monarchique et de mesurer le poids de l’honneur, moteur de l’action nobiliaire, mais aussi de la défense de la foi dans les prises de position nobiliaires. Cette longue période permet d’appréhender en quoi les contestations nobiliaires contribuent à la construction monarchique dans une période marquée par des conflits religieux
The aim of this thesis is to understand the relationships between the King and the nobles at the end of the Wars of Religion. This period is marked by a weakening of the royal authority and the division of nobility between factions with different religious faiths. In order to restore order in the kingdom, the King must rely upon nobles whose vocation is to bear arms. However, many nobles don’t recognize him like as a legitimate sovereign. Through war, negotiations and a wise policy of legitimation, Henri IV achieves his goal of rallying them behind his authority. This thesis aims to understand this reconciliation process, on what basis it is founded and how nobles contribute to redefine royal power. Even though peace has been restored since 1598 with the Peace of Vervins and the Edict of Nantes, protests of nobility are not shut and flared several times until 1629. The modalities of the revolt are at the heart of this thesis, that is, the way nobles express their discontent and justify their oppositions against the sovereign. The court provides an ideal environment for the observation of the power dynamics between the King and nobles, men and women. The choice of the period from 1589 up to 1629 allows one to follow the evolution of the relations with the monarchical authority and evaluate the weight of honor, driving force of nobility action as well as the defense of faith in the nobles’ positions. This extensive period allows to apprehend how nobility protests contribute to the building of the monarchy during a period marked by religious conflicts
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Thomas, Daniel. "Family, ambition and service : the French nobility and the emergence of the standing army, c. 1598-1635." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2011.

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This thesis will contend that a permanent body of military force under royal command, a ‘standing army’, arose during the first three decades of the seventeenth century in France. Such a development constituted a transformation in the nature of the monarchy’s armed forces. It was achieved by encouraging elements of the French nobility to become long-term office-holders within royal military institutions. Those members of the nobility who joined the standing army were not coerced into doing so by the crown, but joined the new body of force because it provided them with a means of achieving one of the fundamental ambitions of the French nobility: social advancement for their family. The first four chapters of this thesis thus look at how the standing army emerged via the entrenchment of a system of permanent infantry regiments within France. They look at how certain families, particularly from the lower and middling nobility, attempted to monopolise offices within the regiments due to the social benefits they conferred. Some of the consequences that arose from the army becoming an institution in which ‘careers’ could be pursued, such as promotion and venality, will be examined, as will how elements of the the nobility were vital to the expansion of the standing army beyond its initial core of units. Chapters Five and Six will investigate how the emergence of this new type of force affected the most powerful noblemen of the realm, the grands. In particular, it will focus on those grands who held the prestigious supra-regimental military offices of Constable and Colonel General of the Infantry. The thesis concludes that the emergence of the standing army helped to alter considerably the relationship between the monarchy and the nobility by the end of the period in question. A more monarchy-centred army and state had begun to emerge in France by the late 1620s; a polity which might be dubbed the early ‘absolute monarchy’. However, such a state of affairs had only arisen due to the considerable concessions that the monarchy had made to the ambitions of certain elements of the nobility.
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Aracil, Adrien. "Histoire d'une liberté dans la France moderne. Protestants, politique et monarchie (vers 1598 - vers 1629)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022.

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Cette thèse interroge l’histoire politique des réformés français au début du XVIIe siècle au prisme de la notion de liberté : liberté comme défense des acquis juridiques conférés par le régime de l’édit de Nantes, mais aussi comme capacité d’action. Loin de considérer les huguenots comme les victimes passives d’une « France toute catholique », elle les pense comme des acteurs politiques. Cette capacité d’agir est analysée en deux temps : nous interrogeons d’abord les caractéristiques qui fondent cette liberté d’action dans le contexte du XVIIe siècle, à travers une étude de la place accordée aux institutions, à la mémoire, à l’union et au langage dans leurs pratiques. Nous étudions ensuite la « mise en pratique » de cette liberté politique, en interrogeant les évolutions du parti huguenot, du rapport aux institutions, à la noblesse, aux stratégies langagières à la suite de la mort d’Henri IV. Enfin, nous consacrons une dernière partie à la « mise à mort » de cette culture politique : la fin du parti huguenot, largement documentée, n’est pas le fruit de dissensions internes, mais d’une volonté politique qui cherche à attaquer cette liberté
This thesis questions the political history of the French Reformers at the beginning of the seventeenth century through the prism of the notion of freedom : freedom as a defense of the legal gains conferred by the Nantes edict regime, but also as a capacity for action. Far from considering the Huguenots as the passive victims of an «all Catholic France», it considers them as political actors. This capacity to act is analysed in two stages: first, we examine the characteristics underlying this freedom of action in the context of the seventeenth century, through a study of the place given to institutions, memory, union and language in Reformed practices. We then study the «implementation» of this political freedom, questioning the evolutions of the Huguenot party, from the relationship to the institutions, to the nobility, to the language strategies following the death of Henri IV. Finally, we dedicate a last part to the «killing» of this political culture: the end of the Huguenot party, widely documented, is not the result of internal dissension, but of a political will that seeks to attack this freedom
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Mingous, Gautier. ""Selon les nouvelles que vous nous ferez savoir" : Information et pouvoir à Lyon au tournant des guerres de Religion : (Vers 1552- vers 1576)." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.

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La ville du XVIe siècle constitue un terreau favorable à la propagation d’informations en tous genres. Portées par des marchands ou des particuliers, ces nouvelles sont primordiales pour connaître la situation de régions éloignées, mais peuvent aussi se révéler dangereuses lorsque leur contenu n’est pas assuré. Les pouvoirs urbains ont donc cherché à encadrer les informations pour en faire un outil de bon gouvernement. Dans une société où l’information est perçue comme une marque de pouvoir pour agir sur le réel, les autorités des villes ont mis en oeuvre une méthodologie de gestion des nouvelles pour bâtir l’action politique grâce à l’émergence d’une administration de plus en plus spécialisée. Cette question de la maîtrise des nouvelles se pose avec d’autant plus d’urgence que la guerre civile remet en cause l’unité de la cité.En partant de la ville de Lyon, capitale économique et ville frontière du royaume de France, il s’agit d’analyser la place prise par l’information dans le gouvernement d’une ville soumise aux guerres de Religion. La correspondance et la documentation officielle des pouvoirs laïcs permet d’envisager toutes les étapes d’appropriation de la nouvelle, de la recherche du renseignement à l’élaboration d’un discours officiel destiné à être communiqué à d’autres pouvoirs ou à la population. Ces questionnements mettent en lumière des pratiques de codification de la bonne information qui doivent servir à construire la décision politique. La circulation des nouvelles encadrée par les pouvoirs urbains fait également apparaître de multiples réseaux élaborés avec le roi, la cour et de nombreuses villes proches et plus lointaines. Grâce aux systèmes de messageries de plus en plus institutionnalisés, les autorités lyonnaises ont bâti des espaces de communications destinés à protéger les intérêts de la cité, à réagir face aux troubles et aux rumeurs pour conserver le contrôle. Cette organisation a eu pour objectif d’affermir le pouvoir des élites et de justifier leur statut social.L’étude de l’information au XVIe siècle a pour effet d’intégrer les villes dans une trame beaucoup plus large que la seule histoire locale. Elle apporte également un tout autre regard sur les pratiques de gouvernement durant les guerres de Religion et, plus généralement, sur la société politique de la première modernité
Cities in the 16th century were a fertile ground for the propagation of all kinds of information. Whether conveyed by merchants or in private spheres, all news items were necessary to know about the situation of distant regions but could also prove to be dangerous when their content was uncertain. Urban powers endeavoured to control the circulation of information in order to turn them into a political tool. In a society where information was perceived as a token of power that allowed the elite to act on reality, a new method to manage and control it was implemented, on which urban powers built their political action thanks to the emergence of an increasingly specialised administration. This question of the command of information was all the more urgent as a civil war was challenging the unity of the city.Focusing on the city of Lyon, an economic capital and a border city of the French realm,my goal is to analyse the role played by the handling of information in the government of a city in the midst of Religion wars. The letters and official documents of lay authorities show all the different ways the urban elite appropriated the circulation of informat ion, its search and itselaboration into an official discourse meant to be communicated to other authorities and to the population. These questions shed light on the growing codification of “good information” which served the purpose of political decision-making. The circulation of all news controlled by the urban powers also unveils the many networks woven with the king, the court andnumerous cities, both near and far from Lyon.Thanks to messaging services that were increasingly institutionalised, the municipal authorities of Lyon created networks in order to defend the city’s interests, to react to the conflicts unfolding and to the rumours spreading in order to remain in control. This organisation aimed to tighten the grip of the elites on the city and to justify their social status
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John, Philip Owen. "Publishing in Paris, 1570-1590 : a bibliometric analysis." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2011.

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This thesis is an examination of the printing industry in Paris between 1570 and 1590. These years represent a relatively under-researched period in the history of Parisian print. This period is of importance because of an event in 1572 – the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, and an event in 1588 – the Day of the Barricades and the subsequent exit from Paris of Henry III. This thesis concerns itself with the two years prior to 1572 and two years after 1588 in order to provide context, but the two supporting frames of this investigation are those important events. This thesis attempts to assess what effect those events had upon the printing industry in the foremost print centre of both France and Western Europe. With the religious situation in Paris quietened was there any concrete change in the 1570s and 1580s regarding the types of books printed in Paris? Was there any attempt to exploit this religious stability by pursuing the ‘retreating’ Protestant confession, or did the majority of printers turn away from confessional arguments and polemical literature? What were the markets for Paris books: were they predominantly local or international? The method by which these questions have been addressed is with a bibliometric analysis of the output of the Paris print shops. This statistical approach allows one to address the entire corpus of a city’s output and allows both broad surveys of the data in terms of categorisation of print, but also narrower studies of individual printers and their output. As such this approach allows the printing industry of Paris to be surveyed and analysed in a way that would otherwise be impossible. This statistical approach also allows the books to be seen as an economic item of industrial production instead of purely a culture item of artistic creation. This approach enhances rather than reduces the significance of a book’s cultural importance as it allows the researcher to fully appreciate the achievement and investment of both finance and time that was necessary for the completion of a well printed book.
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Goldman, Oury. "Faire connaître le monde au XVIe siècle : traductions et appropriations des savoirs sur le monde dans la France de la Renaissance." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019.

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Au cours de la période moderne, le mouvement d'expansion européenne dans le monde s'est accompagné d'une intensification des circulations de biens et d'individus à des échelles jusqu'alors inédites. Dès le XVIe siècle, l'expansion ibérique a contribué à modifier le rapport que les Européens entretenaient avec le globe et a suscité une production d'une vaste gamme d'écrits et de textes, dont certains ont été imprimés et par la suite traduits dans diverses langues européennes. L'examen des processus de traductions en français, publiées à Lyon et Paris autour des années 1550, de plusieurs ouvrages traitant des « nouveaux mondes » et des « lointains » de l'Europe (entre autres ceux de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, de Fernão Lopes de Castanheda, de Paolo Giovio ou de Giovanni Battista Ramusio) permet d'explorer les modalités par lesquelles se construit de manière locale et située un savoir renouvelé sur le monde. En se focalisant sur l'ensemble du processus de traduction, depuis sa fabrique sociale jusqu'à ses multiples appropriations matérielles comme intellectuelles, il devient possible de comprendre comment on fait connaître le monde dans la France du XVIe siècle
During the early modern era, the european overseas expansion intensified the circulation of goods and people around the World. From the 16th century, the Iberian expansion contributed to change the relationship between the Europeans and the terrestrial globe and was followed by the production of a vast array of texts and materials, which were sometimes printed, and then translated into a variety of European languages. By examining various translations intro French, published in Paris and Lyon around 1500, of some sixteenth century accounts of the « New Worlds » and other « foreign lands » (among others the writings of Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, Fernão Lopes de Castanheda, Paolo Giovio or Giovanni Battista Ramusio), the thesis reviews the way through which a renewed knowledge of the world is locally produced. By focusing on the entire translation process, from production to its multiple appropriation, it becomes possible to understand how one makes the world known in sixteenth-century France
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Miglietti, Sara Olivia. "La Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem di Jean Bodin : Edizione critica, traduzione e studio delle varianti d'autore (1566-1572)." Thesis, Paris 5, 2012.

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On trouvera dans cette thèse une édition critique, une traduction italienne et une étude introductive à la Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem du juriste français Jean Bodin (1530-1596), mieux connu pour être l'auteur des Six livres de la République (1576), vrai chef d'oeuvre de la pensée politique du XVI siècle. Publiée d'abord à Paris en 1566, pour être ensuite reprise, corrigée et augmentée par son auteur et publiée une seconde fois chez le même éditeur en 1572, la Methodus rémonte à une phase cruciale et fascinante de la pensée bodinienne, toujours en pleine évolution. Rien de la République qui va paraître quelques ans plus tard n'est encore donné ici, et pourtant on peut déjà très bien voir l'itinéraire intellectuel qui mène Bodin du constitutionnalisme de sa jeunesse (idée d'une monarchie temperée et limitée) vers cette théorie de la souveraineté absolue qu'il formule pour la première fois en 1576, et qui marquera un tournant décisif pour la pensée politique des siècles suivants. Cette édition, grâce à un travail systématique d'identification des variantes et des ajouts introduits par l'auteur à l'occasion de la deuxième édition parisienne (1572), permet pour la première fois de mettre en place une étude évolutive de la pensée bodinienne au cours de cette décennie cruciale 1566-1576, de remettre certaines idées politiques de Bodin dans leur contexte, de formuler de nouvelles hypothèses autour de leur genèse, et de mieux saisir enfin différences et analogies entre la Methodus et la République. Dans l'étude introductive, où l'on souligne avec force l'unité d'inspiration de la Methodus et son originalité par rapport à la République, on propose également une nouvelle interprétation de la “naissance de l'absolutisme” bodinien: à l'appui des variantes de 1572, on cherche à montrer qu'aucun “tournant absolutiste” n'eut lieu chez Bodin à la suite de la Sainte-Barthélémy, puisque l'évolution de la pensée bodinienne dans un sens anti-constitutionnaliste était déjà en cours bien avant cette date, pour des raisons qui ont moins à voir avec le contexte historico-politique (certes troublé) de la France des années 1570, qu'avec un souci d'exactitude et de cohérence théorique très aigu chez cet auteur
This dissertation consists of a critical edition, Italian translation and introductory essay to Jean Bodin's Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem. Jean Bodin (1530-1596) is best known as the author of the Six livres de la République (1576), a true masterpiece of sixteenth-century political thought. First published in Paris in 1566, the Methodus was then reworked, revised and augmented by Bodin, and printed again by the same editor in 1572. The Methodus belongs to a crucial and fascinanting period of Bodin's thought, which was then still largely evolving. The République is still a long way to come, and yet one can already spot in the Methodus a few hints of Bodin's ongoing journey from constitutionnalism (basically, the idea of a monarchy limited by a range of checks and balances) to absolute sovereignty – a concept that Bodin formulates for the first time in 1576, and that represents a crucial step in modern political theory. This edition results from systematic comparisons between the first two French editions (1566, 1572), the only ones directly supervised by the author himself. All of the variants and additions which Bodin made in view of the second edition of 1572 have been carefully identified, shown in the critical apparatus, and thoroughly discussed. Thanks to this fresh textual material, it will now be possible to study the evolution of Bodin's thought more closely across this crucial decade, 1566-1576; it will also be possible to recontextualise Bodin's political ideas, to formulate new hypothesis concerning their genesis, and hopefully to better grasp differences and analogies between the Methodus and the République. In the introductory essay, a few points are made to argue in favour of the internal unity of the Methodus and its relative autonomy vis-à-vis the République. Then, using abundant evidence yielded by the variants and additions of 1572, it is argued that, contrarily to what many believe, there was nothing like an “absolutist turn” in Bodin's thought, and that Bodin's drifting away from constitutionnalism towards “absolute sovereignty” should not be too rigidly connected with St Bartholomew's massacre and with the consequent polemics against the monarchomaques. As far as Bodin is concerned, indeed, his intellectual evolution had taken an anti-constitutionnalist direction well before August 1572, for reasons which seem to owe less to the political context of 1570's France, than to a concern for conceptual exactness and consistency which is in fact quite typical of this author
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Books on the topic "French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)"


J, Knecht R. The French wars of religion, 1559-1598. 2nd ed. New York: Longman, 1996.

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J, Knecht R. The French wars of religion, 1559-1598. 3rd ed. Harlow, England: Longman, 2010.

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R, Brown Elizabeth A., ed. Jean Du Tillet and the French wars of religion: Five tracts, 1562-1569. Binghamton, N.Y: State University of New York at Binghamton, 1994.

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Kline, T. Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson), 1942- translator, ed. City of wisdom and blood. London: Pushkin Press, 2015.

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Roelker, Nancy L. One king, one faith: The Parlement of Paris and the religious reformations of the sixteenth century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.

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Godbout, Ariane. La mémoire rompue: Les défis de la coexistence confessionnelle au consulat lyonnais (1563-1567). Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.

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Elizabeth's French Wars, 1562-1598: English Intervention in the French Wars of Religion. Unicorn Publishing Group, 2019.

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Holt, Mack P. French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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Holt, Mack P. French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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Holt, Mack P. French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629. Cambridge University Press, 2012.

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Book chapters on the topic "French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)"


Potter, David. "The First War of Religion and the Pacification, 1562–6." In The French Wars of Religion, 65–94. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1997.

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Reinburg, Virginia. "Talking About Religion During Religious War: Gilles de Gouberville, Normandy, 1562." In Tracing Private Conversations in Early Modern Europe, 33–57. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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AbstractThis chapter investigates a series of recorded private conversations between noblemen at the time of the French wars of religion, suggesting how people talked to each other about religion during a war over religion. Circling around an enigmatic conversation in August 1562, the chapter engages with everyday talk as an engine of both discord and bonding via Gilles de Gouberville’s daily record of meetings with friends and neighbours. Reinburg’s contribution stresses the power of conversation in establishing one’s alliances, beliefs, and allegiances, and how recorded conversations reveal people’s thoughts about broader conflicts.
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Benedict, Philip. "The wars of religion,1562-1598." In Renaissance and Reformation France 1500-1648, 147–75. Oxford University PressOxford, 2002.

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Abstract When Catherine de Medici granted Protestantism legal toleration by the Edict of January 1562, she broke dramatically with the prior traditions of the French monarchy and made France the first Western European kingdom to grant legal recognition to two forms of Christianity at once. She also quickly learned that legislating religious co existence was far easier than making it work. Within three months, violent Catholic rejection of the legitimacy of toleration combined with Protestant hopes for the imminent triumph of their faith to plunge the country into the first of a deadly cycle of civil wars that would recur eight times over the next three decades. So frequent and gruesome were the massacres accompanying these conflicts, so searing the sieges, and so numerous the assassinations of leading political actors, that the events of the ‘time of religious troubles’ burned them selves into French and European historical memory for centuries to come.
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"Monluc in Guyenne, 1562." In The French Wars of Religion 1559-1598, 140. Routledge, 2014.

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"The early wars, 1562–1570." In Local Politics in the French Wars of Religion, 77–112. Routledge, 2017.

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"The situation in 1562: A Venetian view of France." In The French Wars of Religion 1559-1598, 141–42. Routledge, 2014.

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"THE FIRST THREE RELIGIOUS WARS." In The French Wars of Religion 1559-1598, 70–78. Routledge, 2014.

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"‘The beginning of a tragedy’: the early wars of religion, 1562–1570." In The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629, 50–75. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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"‘The beginning of a tragedy’: the early wars of religion, 1562–1570." In The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629, 50–75. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

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"Epilogue: the last war of religion, 1610–1629." In The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629, 178–94. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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Conference papers on the topic "French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)"


Sălăvăstru, Andrei Constantin. "Conflicting Values during the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598): Loyalty to the King and Loyalty to God." In Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences; Rethinking Values in Interdisciplinary Research, 261–79. EDITURA UNIVERSITĂȚII ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA DIN IAŞI, 2024.

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