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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'French movement'

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Roza, Joseph P. "French languages and French nationalism : the Félibrige, Occitan, and the French identity of southern France, 1854-1914 /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2003.

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Carboni, Andrea <1994&gt. "Movement in the American and French Novel, 1830s - 1920s." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020.

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Possiamo considerare il movimento e le dinamiche spaziali come un elemento distintivo della letteratura americana e francese? Il rapporto di ciascun paese con il movimento è una costante culturale? Mentre i francesi sono radicati nella loro tradizione e vedono il movimento come un mezzo per spostarsi dalla provincia a Parigi, ad esempio, gli americani hanno un rapporto molto più dinamico con lo spazio. Esplorano, fuggono, si muovono e vagano per diventare e crescere. Analizzerò quattro paia di romanzi: "Illusions perdues" di Balzac e "Martin Eden" di London; "La Bête humaine" di Zola e "The Ambassadors" di James; "A rebours" di Huysmans e "A Moveable Feast" di Hemingway; "A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleur" di Proust e "The Great Gatsby" di Fitzgerald. Cercherò non solo di dimostrare che i romanzi americani sono più dinamici, ma anche di riflettere sulle implicazioni che tale costante ha sulla trama. Utilizzerò il lavoro di Gilles Deleuze, in particolare i suoi saggi su movimento, segmentarietà e ripetizione, come filo conduttore per supportare ulteriormente la mia analisi. Intendo studiare l'argomento nella sua rilevanza generale: come evolve da una corrente letteraria all'altra, se e come può cambiare e perché è importante nella discussione di un secolo di letteratura.
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Watson, David. "The martyrology of Jean Crespin and the early French evangelical movement." Thesis, St Andrews, 1998.

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Minney, James David. "The Flemish movement of French Flanders and the maintenance of Vlaemsch." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2000.

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Archer, N. "Autopia : space, movement and identity in the French road film since 1968." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2010.

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This thesis argues that, in the years since 1968, the road film has played a significant part in French cinematic culture. Against much criticism which has tended to view the road film merely as an imported American genre, I argue for its specificity and pertinence to this modern French context. Central to this reading is a conception of the road film as expressing what I describe as autopia. Acknowledging Foucault’s concept of the heterotopia, the autopia of the road film represents the perfected but unrealisable no-place of the utopia, and at the same time, the often dystopian movement of individual rebellion and social fragmentation. The thesis situates the road film as a particular tendency within French cinematic production; and in turn, one through which broader cultural and political concerns may be read. 1968, and more particularly its contested historical legacy, forms the core for this thesis. I argue that the autopia of the French road film is in part determined by the perceived utopian ‘failure’ of May ’68, yet a failure that we see constantly revived and re-explored in these films. My introduction locates the road film in its immediate pre- and post-’68 context, with a focus on new forms of cinematic space and identity. Chapters one and two address the place of the individual within the community, and the attendant, problematic questions of liberty and identification as filmic properties. Chapter three considers a body of road films relating to men and work, focusing on the condition of masculinity within modern capitalism; while chapter four, in response, considers the viability of a ‘feminine’ road film, looking at a new kind of road film pertinent to contemporary concerns. Chapter five takes up the concerns of chapter four to think about the role of the modern travel film, considering the situation of modern France within a transnational world.
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Milner, Susan. "The dilemnas of internationalism : French syndicalism and the international labour movement, 1900-1914 /." New York : Berg, 1990.

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Texte remanié de: Th. Ph. D.--Aston University, 1987. Titre de soutenance : The French Confédération Générale du Travail and the international secretariat of national trade union centres (1900-1914).
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Boyington, Mary. "« Esprit de Maupassant » : Henry James and the French realist movement, a re-evaluation." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.

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En 1888, le romancier américain Henry James écrit dans ses carnets intimes «Ô esprit de Maupassant, aidez-moi.» Cette invocation de l’écrivain français qu’il avait rencontré lors d’un séjour à Paris en 1875-1876, marque un changement important dans l’œuvre de James et présage de l’évolution de sa production de récits brefs pendant les années 1890. L’objectif de cette étude est d’exposer et d’explorer les connections entre ces deux auteurs du 19ème siècle en analysant les essais critiques de James sur le réalisme français, ainsi que ses romans et nouvelles inspirées par l’œuvre de Maupassant.Cette analyse comporte cinq chapitres ainsi qu’une introduction faisant état d’un angle mort dans le champ critique des études sur le sujet. Le premier chapitre traite, selon une perspective historique, de l’évolution de Henry James en tant que critique littéraire dans ses essais sur le réalisme français de 1865 à 1878. Le chapitre deux relate l’année que le jeune auteur passe à Paris parmi les auteurs du cercle flaubertien. Le troisième chapitre démontre l’évolution de l’esprit critique de James en analysant ses essais critiques sur Guy de Maupassant (1888,1889) et une présentation de sa philosophie sur sa propre production de nouvelles. Le chapitre quatre explore la réception critique et la traduction des œuvres de James et de Maupassant. Le cinquième et dernier chapitre présente une analyse d’œuvres de James influencées par les contes et nouvelles de Maupassant.Grâce à l’influence de Maupassant, James poursuivra pendant une décennie l’esprit de cet auteur sans jamais vraiment y parvenir. Cette quête l’amènera néanmoins à une redéfinition significative de son propre style
In 1888, Henry James wrote in his notebooks, "Oh spirit of Maupassant, come to my aid!" This invocation of the French writer whom he met in Paris in 1875-76 marked a major change in James' work and introduced an evolution in his production of short fiction during the 1890s. The purpose of this study is to present the connections between these two authors by analyzing James's critical essays on French realism as well as his short fiction inspired by Maupassant's work.This critical study consists of five chapters as well as an introduction which points to a "blind spot" in the critical field of Henry James studies in relation to Maupassant. The first chapter analyzes Henry James as a literary critic in his essays on French realism published from 1865 to 1878. Chapter two relates the year spent in Paris during James's youth among the literary giants of Flaubert's circle. The third chapter demonstrates the evolution of James' critical thinking by analyzing his essays on Guy de Maupassant (1888, 1899) and a presentation of his philosophy on his own literary production of short fiction. Chapter four explores the critical reception and translation these authors' works of fiction in country the language of the other. The fifth and final chapter presents a textual analysis of works by Henry James influenced by Maupassant's contes and nouvelles.Following his encounter and his reading of Maupassant, James will pursue the spirit of this writer during the decade of the 1890s. However, James does not fully succeed in his attempts to imitate Maupassant. This quest will nevertheless lead to a significant redefinition of his own style
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Wright, Julian. "The regionalist movement in France, 1890-1914 : Jean Charles-Brun and French political thought /." Oxford : Clarendon, 2003.

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Krass, Charlotte Rebecca. "Challenging the Republic : French Roma policy in an enlarged EU." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2018.

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This thesis explores the relationship between the colour-blind public philosophy of republicanism and the French state's policies targeting the Roma. It addresses one core research question: how did political actors use neo-republican ideas to communicate and justify policies targeting the Roma? To do this, it examines the discourse of French and European Union (EU) actors involved in the formulation and implementation of polices targeting the Roma from 2010 to 2016. This discourse comprised political speeches, policy reports, memos, media clippings and 50 in-depth interviews with French and EU actors. Building on Christina Boswell and James Hampshire's theory of discursive strategies, this thesis focuses on the strategic deployment of republican ideas, notably the ways in which political actors were able to exploit their polyvalence. This thesis argues that political actors used four key republican ideas to communicate and justify policies targeting the Roma in France. First, a commitment to universalism allowed political actors to deny accusations of ethnic targeting while pursuing policies that disproportionally targeted Roma migrants. Second, political actors deployed the idea of a 'neutral' public sphere to justify the eviction and deportation of residents living in so-called Roma camps. Third, political actors used a logic of administrative selection to predetermine which evicted 'Roma' migrants were worthy of state support. Fourth, recipients of this support were subject to a state-led process of assimilation akin to a modern 'civilising mission', which political actors defended as a necessary step towards integration. This thesis concludes that it was precisely the polyvalence of republican ideas that allowed actors to deploy them to communicate and justify discriminatory policies. In doing so, it builds upon a growing literature on the role of republicanism in contemporary French politics and provides a rich empirical study that captures the influence of a general public philosophy on specific policy decisions. Additionally, it extends recent scholarship on the treatment of the Roma in Europe and contributes to debate about the challenges of free movement in an enlarged EU.
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Rosen, M. S. "An anonymous commentary on Job : Jewish Theological Seminary NY; an analysis of its authorship and an assessment of its contents." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1995.

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Morriello, Francesco Anthony. "The Atlantic Revolutions and the movement of information in the British and French Caribbean, c. 1763-1804." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018.

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This dissertation examines how news and information circulated among select colonies in the British and French Caribbean during a series of military conflicts from 1763 to 1804, including the American War of Independence (1775-1783), French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802), and the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804). The colonies included in this study are Barbados, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Saint-Domingue. This dissertation argues that the sociopolitical upheaval experienced by colonial residents during these military conflicts led to an increased desire for news that was satiated by the development and improvement of many processes of collecting and distributing information. This dissertation looks at some of these processes, the ways in which select social groups both influenced and were affected by them, and why such phenomena occurred in the greater context of the 18th and early 19th century Caribbean at large. In terms of the types of processes, it examines various kinds of print culture, such as colonial newspapers, books, and almanacs, as well as correspondence records among different social groups. In terms of which groups are studied, these include printers, postal service workers, colonial and naval officials, and Catholic missionaries. The dissertation is divided into five chapters, the first of which provides insight into the operation of the mail service established in the aforementioned colonies, and the ways in which the Atlantic Revolutions impacted their service in terms of the different historical actors responsible for collecting and distributing correspondences. Chapter two looks at select British and French colonial printers, their print shops, and the book trade in the Caribbean isles during the 18th century. Chapter three delves into the colonial newspapers and compares the differences and similarities among government-sanctioned newspapers vis-à-vis independently produced papers. It uses the case of the Haitian Revolution to track how news of the slave insurrection was disseminated or constricted in the weeks immediately following the night of 22 August 1791. Chapter four examines the colonial almanac as a means of connecting colonial residents with people across the wider Atlantic World. It also surveys the development of these pocketbooks from mere astrological calendars to essential items that owners customized and frequently carried on their person, given the swathes of information they featured after the American War of Independence. The final chapter looks at the daily operations of Capuchin and Dominican missionaries in Martinique and Guadeloupe at the end of the 18th century and how they maintained their communications within the islands and with the heads of their Catholic orders in France, as well as in Rome. Overall, this project aims to fill in some of the gaps in the literature regarding how select British and French colonial residents received and dispatched information, and the effect this had in their respective Caribbean islands. It also sheds light on some of the ways that slaves were incorporated into the mechanisms by which information was collected and distributed, such as their encounters with printers, employment as couriers, and use as messengers to relay documents between colonial officials. In doing so, it hopes to encourage future discussion regarding how information moved in the British and French Caribbean amid periods of revolution and military conflict, how and why these processes changed, and the impact this had on print culture and mail systems in the post-revolutionary period of the 19th century.
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Villarreal, Alvarez Sergio. "A lingering grudge in the face of a power transition the French-Canadian sovereignty movement in perspective /." To access this resource online via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ UTEP, 2009.

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Spencer, Freeze Rixa Ann. "French food vs. fast food José Bové takes on McDonald"s /." Ohio : Ohio University, 2002.

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Milner, S. E. "The French Confederation Generale du Travail and the International Secretariat of National Trade Union Centres (1900-1914) : French syndicalist attitudes towards internationalism and the International Labour Movement." Thesis, Aston University, 1987.

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This thesis examines relations between the French Confederation Generale du Travail (CGT) and the labour movements of other countries in the years leading up to the First World War. The aim of the study is to examine the CGT's policy of internationalism in practice, both in relations with other labour movements and in its membership of the International Secretariat of National Trade Union Centres (between 1900 and 1914). In particular, the relationship between the French and German labour movements is explored in the light of the events of August 1914. This study shows that the relationship was a reflection of the respective positions of the French and German labour movements in the international movement. It also subjects to close scrutiny the assumption, widely made before 1914, that workers had more in common with each other than with the ruling classes of their own country, by analysing the extent of, and the reasons for internationalism and international cooperation in the labour movement. As a study of the International Secretariat of National Trade Union Centres, an organisation about which very little has previously been written, this thesis complements existing work on the international labour movement prior to 1914. It also provides new insights into the French CGT by concentrating on the fundamental areas of internationalism and opposition to war, and offers fresh contributions to the continuing debate on the international labour movement and its response to the outbreak of war.
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Bitoun, Claire. "Gautier, Wilde, and the visual arts : artistic media and movement." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2018.

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In nineteenth-century literary studies and histories, Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) is still largely remembered as the instigator of the doctrine of Art for Art's Sake, mostly because of his novel Mademoiselle de Maupin (1835) and its controversial preface. This recognition is usually accompanied by a retrospective appreciation of Gautier's work in light of the more famous authors who succeeded him and developed some of the precepts of the doctrine, such as Baudelaire. This thesis is a comparative study of Gautier and Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) as the two main exponents of the doctrine of Art for Art's Sake respectively in France and Britain. While comparisons between Gautier and Baudelaire have tended to highlight the superiority of the latter, a comparison with Wilde allows Gautier to be seen and understood in his own terms, and simultaneously casts a new light on Wilde's contribution to the development of the doctrine. My study is the first to examine the works of the two authors comparatively from the vantage point of their aesthetic theories. I argue that in order better to assess their contribution, it is necessary to start with an analysis of their experimentations with literary form. The overall aim of the thesis is to re-evaluate their fictional works which, as a result of their commitment to the doctrine, are often seen as lacking in depth and content, and as being too descriptive and decorative. The central argument is that the very decorative form of their works should be seen as the starting point of an ambitious reflection on literature, its aims and its relation to other artistic media, the visual arts in particular.
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Frenkel, Ann M. "The influences of French social romanticism of the 1830's on Franz Liszt's essay "De la situation des artistes et de leur condition dans la societe"." Thesis, Boston University, 1989.

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Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University
Franz Liszt's essay, "De la Situation des Artistes et de leur Condition dans la Societe," published in the Gazette musicole de Paris between 5 May and 11 October 1835, is one of the first comprehensive studies by a nineteenth-century French composer on the status of musicians in society. Liszt criticizes contemporary society for exploiting the talents of artists while disregarding their needs, and concerns himself with the creation of a new position for artists in society. The most frequently cited influence of the essay has been Liszt's contact with the Saint-Simonians movement. I wish to show that emphasis on the Saint-Simonians fails to show properly Liszt's debt to French Romantic ideas and philosophies during the 1830's. I define the social romantictsm that infused France and French artists and literary figues such as Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny and Alphonse de Lamartine, in the 1830's, and differentiate it from the utopian socialism of the period. I give an overview of the state of music journalism during the 1830's in Paris and discuss various relevant music-related journalists and their influences. specific aims and styles. Finally, I look at the compositional forms promoted and utilized by the Saint-Simonians and examine the compositions of Liszt during this period to see the extent of Liszt's experimentation with Saint-Simonian ideas within his musical compositions, and make conclusions as to the principal musical ideas which the Liszt pursued. Though this critique of the essay, and a discussion of the various influences which led up to it, I suggest an interpretation that clearly recognizes Liszt's place within the French social romantics during the 1830's.
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Kramer, Nicholas Michael. "Writing from the riverbank Juan José Saer and the nouveau roman /." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2009.

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Schoebel, Isabelle. "Moving beyond Coloniality : The decolonial program of the French party Les Indigènes de la République." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2020.

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This study addresses the decolonial program of the French party Les Indigènes de la République (PIR). By means of contemporary concepts of Coloniality, Decoloniality and decolonial resistance as theoretical framework and a qualitative content analysis as method for this study thirty articles of PIR authors that have been published from 2016 to 2018 are analysed in regard to the party’s particular understanding of racial inequality in French society, its conception of a decolonial society and its’ strategy for systemic change. The study asserts, how the PIR identifies a continuity of colonial ideology in the form of white universalism and supremacy as the source of racism in contemporary France and how it envisages an alternative, decolonial society based on multiversalism, cultural multiplicity and the refusal of hegemonic attitudes of one identity group towards another. Although the PIR is open for decolonial alliances the analysis shows, that the party insists on a primary non-white identity of its decolonial movement. The research concludes, that practical steps have to be taken in order to reach the PIR’s objective of a decolonial society.
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Wilcox, Lynne. "The pro-reform movement led by Avenir de la Langue Francaise : a point of leverage in the French political process?" Thesis, Aston University, 1998.

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The study examines factors influencing language planning decisions in contemporary France. It focuses upon the period 1992-1994, which witnessed the introduction of two major language policy measures, the first an amendment to the French Constitution, in 1992, proclaiming the language of the Republic as French, the second, in 1994, legislation to extend the ambit of the loi Bas-Lauriol, governing the use of the French language in France. The thesis posits a significant role for the pro-reform movement led by the French language association Avenir de la Langue Francaise (ALF) in the introduction and formulation of the policy measures concerned. The movement is depicted as continuing the traditional pattern of intellectual involvement in language planning, whilst also marking the beginning of a highly proactive, and increasingly political approach. Detailed examination of the movement's activities reveals that contextual factors and strategic strength combined to facilitate access to the levers of power, and enabled those involved to exert an impact on policy initiation, formulation, and ultimately implementation. However, ALF's decision to pursue the legislative route led to the expansion of the network of actors involved in language policymaking, and the development of counter-pressure from sectoral groups. It is suggested that this more interventionist approach destabilised the traditionally consensual language policy community, and called into question the quasi-monopoly of the intelligentsia in respect of language policymaking. It raised broader questions relating to freedom of expression and the permissible limits of language regulation in a democracy such as France. It also exposed ongoing ambiguities and inconsistencies in the interpretation of the tenets of language planning.
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Yang, Lu, and 楊露. "On revolutionary road : translated modernity, underground reading movement and the reconstruction of subjectivity, 1970s." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.

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Translating and reading western modernist literature played a vital role in forging contemporary Chinese literature and China’s mode of subjectivity, but little has been written about them, and even less about the interconnections between them. My PhD thesis aims to offer a comprehensive interpretation of the phenomenon of translating and reading modernist literature in Mao’s China, focusing particularly on translators’ and readers’ agency, and their collective construction of a multifaceted discourse of subjectivity. The central questions I try to answer in my thesis are: For what “practical” purposes or needs did the Chinese Communist Party order the translation and publication of these modernist texts which are clearly against the ideology of Mao’s China? What mark did translators from state controlled institutions leave in the intellectual history of China? Why did western modernist literature of 1950s cause such a strong response from the intellectual youth in the 1970s? In Mao’s China, there were a number of modernist literature texts that were translated and published. They were only intended to be available for a very limited readership consisting of high ranking party officials, but ended up being leaked, and eventually became extremely popular in the underground reading movement. I decided to focus on the three most widely read texts, which are On the Road (first translated into Chinese in 1962), Catcher in the Rye (first translated into Chinese in 1963), and Waiting for Godot (first translated into Chinese in 1965). By mapping the translation process and the underground reading of these texts into the context of the politics of China from the early 1960s to the late 1970s, my study provides three arguments which attempt to answer the three questions raised above: 1) Mao’s China encountered similar modernity situations so that western modernist literature after World War II was translated for internal circulation and criticism; 2) Thanks to the subjectivity of translators from state controlled institutions, their translations paved the way for the rising of the self, the end of revolution, and the individualization of Chinese society; 3) As early as in the 1960s to 1970s, the conscious reading of modernist literature brought alternative understandings of self and ways of being, and the sent-down Chinese youth have new self-projection by reading these texts. Few researchers have studied translation beyond analysis of target language text (TLT), while my methodological innovation is to connect three traditionally isolated subjects into a single continuing process of meaning giving activity: the source text and their role in forging western subjectivity; translators and their translations in Mao’s context; and Chinese underground reading of western literature from late 1960s to 1970s. This is a comparative and theoretical study of the three chosen texts in their historical contexts in order to reconsider the cultural significance of translating and reading modernist literature in Mao’s China. I hope it will modify our view of translation and reading history in Mao’s China, contributing to theories of subjectivity and the plurality of Chinese modernity discourse.
Doctor of Philosophy
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Hansch, Alexandra Y. "Germanic Properties in the Left Periphery of Old French: V-to-C-Movement, XP-fronting, Stylistic Fronting and Verb-Initial Clauses." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2014.

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The present dissertation is a comparative investigation between the Germanic-like structural phenomena found in the left periphery of Old French (OF) clauses and the syntactic phenomena found in the left periphery of Old High German (OHG). The goal of this thesis is to provide evidence that only a synchronic analysis can explain the presence of Germanic-like structures in OF syntax. The reason for this lies in the similarities between the V2 properties found in OF and OHG. The two languages show V2 properties such as V-to-C movement and XP fronting, but also properties which are not found in Modern V2 languages such as a frequent V1 and V3 word order. The corpus I use consists of four OF texts from the 12th and 13th century which correspond to the late OF period. They are composed in different OF dialects from the northern part of France. The poetic texts chosen for this study are Le voyage de Saint-Brandan and Gormont et Isembart. The prose texts are Le Roman de Tristan en prose and Les Miracles de Saint Louis. I coded these OF documents according to certain criteria: main clause type, embedded clause type, finite verb position, first element preceding the finite verb, etc. The results indicate that OF can be considered a true V2-language that shares a certain amount of properties with OHG, namely V-to-C movement, XP fronting, Stylistic Fronting as well as verb-initial clauses. This thesis illustrates that the OF dialects closer situated to the Germanic language border show a higher frequency in Germanic-like syntactic phenomena than the dialects situated further away. A difference between poems and prose texts concerning the presence and intensity of certain syntactic phenomena can also be observed.
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Nicolas, Candice. "Cataclysmes poétiques du poète maudit aux poètes déchéants. Rimbaud, Cocteau, Vian /." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2006.

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Macklovitch, David Nathaniel. "Modalités de lecture du nouveau roman." Thesis, McGill University, 2002. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=79791.

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In this thesis, we examine theories of reading as they apply to three examples of the French New Novel. We begin with a detailed theoretical expose in which we compare and attempt to reconcile the reading models of Umberto Eco, Wolfgang Iser, Stanley Fish, Bertrand Gervais and Richard Saint-Gelais. The hybrid theory thus obtained is then tested on three works in order to underscore the modalities of reading that are particular to the New Novel, while insisting on these modalities' inherent variability. We focus on the reader's reconstructing of the narrative in L'Emploi du temps , on the impossibility of structuring the plot in La Maison de rendez-vous, and on the paradigmatic mode of reading La Bataille de Pharsale. In so doing, we hope to demonstrate how an analysis of the reading process allows for a heightened appreciation of the essential indeterminacy of the New Novel, of its fundamental otherness. We conclude with tentative remarks on the heuristic function of these texts.
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Berry, David G. "The response of the French anarchist movement to the Russian Revolution (1917-24) to the Spanish Revolution and civil war (1936-39)." Thesis, University of Sussex, 1988.

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Abrams, Benjamin David Maurice. "Beyond the movement : contention, affinities and convergence in New York, Cairo and Paris." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2017.

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Amid the 2011 Arab Revolts, and the subsequent worldwide Occupy movement, social movement scholars faced sudden, powerful mass mobilisations without easily identifiable resources, networks, or forms of organisation underlying them. These instances of mobilisation beyond the scope of what we traditionally consider ‘the movement’ have stretched existing theories of social movements to their limits, defying both conventional theoretical frameworks and existing approaches. This work undertakes a novel analysis of mobilisation which accounts for these new, disruptive cases. It advances the concept of Affinity: a predisposition to participate in certain causes based on social or psychological traits. Alongside this concept, it outlines conditions of Convergence: emergent situations, frames and spaces which encourage those with such Affinity to temporarily participate in mass mobilisations. These two concepts are advanced and developed through a study of the 2011 Egyptian Revolt and Occupy Wall Street movement, alongside the classic case of the 1789 French Revolution. These cases are analysed in comparative perspective to develop a powerful analytical tool with which scholars can augment conventional analyses: The Affinity-Convergence Model of Mobilisation.
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Mann, Georgia M. "Eugéne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879) and the Romantic Reform Movement In Architecture." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1992.

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This thesis examines French architect Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879), who combined eighteenth-century Rationalism with the historicist, anti-academic message of Romanticism, which was impelling the nineteenth-century architectural reform movement into the industrial age. Sources used include Viollet-le-Duc's architectural drawings and published works, particularly volume one of his Entretiens sur l'Architecture. The study is arranged chronologically, and it discusses his career, his restoration work, and his demands for reform of architectural education. One chapter contains a detailed analysis of his Entretiens. This thesis concludes that Viollet-le-Duc was as much a historian as he was an architect, and it notes that his hopes for reform were realized in the twentieth century.
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Fabre, Murielle. "The Sentence as a cognitive object. The Neural underpinnings of syntactic complexity in Chinese and French." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.

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En associant les récentes techniques de neuro-imagerie (IRMf et Potentiels Evoqués) à la finesse des analyses syntaxiques des approches typologiques et formelles, cette recherche pluridisciplinaire se penche sur la question de la représentation des structures hiérarchiques qui caractérisent l’unité-phrase à travers les langues. La façon dont le cerveau humain représente, construit et l'esprit comprend les diverses structures de phrase, est en effet une des plus importantes questions qui restent encore largement irrésolues dans l’organisation cérébrale du langage. En nous appuyant sur la diversité des langues dans leur organisation syntaxique de l’unité-phrase, nous avons pu isoler différentes dimensions de cette complexité grâce aux propriétés syntaxiques du français dans la formation des questions, ainsi qu'aux spécificités des articulations Topique-Commentaire en chinois mandarin. Suite à une étude du marquage intonationel de la hiérarchie entre Topique et Commentaire, nous avons pu enregistrer les réponses cérébrales (PE) à ce type de constructions en contexte, et ainsi découvrir l’influence de sa signature prosodique sur son traitement en temps réel. Nos deux études d’IRMf apportent quand à elles un éclairage sur les bases neurales de deux dimensions de la complexité syntaxique de la phrase : sa structure hiérarchique et les transformations structurelles dont elle témoigne en cas de dislocation de ses éléments. La première étude, sur les interrogatives en français, met en lumière les corrélats cérébraux de différents types de movements syntaxiques, la seconde, sur les différents phénomènes topicaux du chinois, révèle les représentations et processus qui sont liés à l’activation par le Topique de l’interface entre l’unité-phrase et le niveau du discours
Combining fine-grained linguistic analyses — from both typological and formal approaches to syntax — with neuro-imaging techniques (fMRI and ERP), this pluri-disciplinary research aims at investigating experimentally the issue of the hierarchical nature and complexity of the linguistic representation of sentence structure and its processing strategies across languages, specifically focusing on the case of Chinese Topic-Comment articulations and on French Interrogative constructions. The question of how the brain achieves sentence structure representation, building and understanding is often seen as one of the most important and unsolved issues of the neural organization of language. Leveraging on cross-linguistic invariance and variability in sentence hierarchical structure organization and building, we found in Chinese and French two exceptional testing grounds to isolate different syntactic complexity dimensions of the sentence-unit encoding. While the on-line auditory comprehension of sentence hierarchical structure in case of minimal intonational cues is investigated thanks to ERP recordings of Topic-Comment articulations in Chinese, two fMRI studies isolate two different syntactic complexity dimensions, respectively reflecting the sentence’s hierarchy and syntactic transformations. The first study, on French interrogative, seeks to isolate the neural correlates of different syntactic movement types. The second study, on Chinese sentence-discourse interface and Topics types, enables us to distinguish word-order surface complexity factors from syntactic movement transformations
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Santos, Maria Fernanda dos 1985. "Estudo sobre multiplicidade, movimento e matéria em Henri Bergson." [s.n.], 2014.

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Orientador: Luiz Benedicto Lacerda Orlandi
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T08:02:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_MariaFernandados_M.pdf: 943589 bytes, checksum: 30ddff20cfe0342b4d86cdede4bbc224 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Resumo: Esta dissertação pretende apresentar um estudo de conceitos bergsonianos distribuídos ao longo do Ensaio e Matéria e Memória observando seus campos problemáticos expressos nas próprias obras. Campos que oscilam entre epistemologia e metafísica e que recorrem a um método problematizante. Ao mesmo tempo este estudo explora a perspectiva deleuziana em seu trabalho monográfico sobre Bergson. Perspectiva esta que oferece uma visão privilegiada no exame de um bergsonismo em expansão. Multiplicidade, movimento e matéria são noções que aparecem sucessivamente na passagem do Ensaio o livro seguinte, e que muito embora procuremos respeitar a ordem de aparição dessas noções não pretendemos estabelecer uma sequência logicamente definida. Observamos simplesmente que essa tríade poderá facilitar a compreensão de cada um dos termos
Abstract: This dissertation aims to present a study of bergsonian concepts distributed over Essay and Matter and Memory observing their problematic fields expressed in the works themselves. Fields ranging from metaphysics and epistemology, and resorting to a problematizing method. While this study explores the Deleuzian perspective in his monograph on Bergson. This perspective offers an insider's view on the examination of a bergsonism expanding. Multiplicity, movement and matter are notions that appear successively in Essay for next book and although we seek to respect the order of appearance of these notions we do not intend establish a logically defined sequence. We note simply that this triad may facilitate the understanding of each of the terms
Mestra em Filosofia
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Azemar, Rémi. "Νοvembre-décembre 1995 : Ηistοire sοciale et pοlitique d'un mοuvement pluriel." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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En 1995, à l'automne, dans un contexte de crises émerge un mouvement de masse multiforme. Considérées par beaucoup de militantes et militants d’aujourd’hui comme le dernier mouvement interprofessionnel victorieux, les grèves de 1995 sont l’une des trois références fortes dans l’imaginaire syndical et politique, à côté des deux mai : 1936 et 1968. Toutefois, trop souvent, n’a été retenu dans la mémoire qu’un mouvement de grèves reconductibles des cheminots de trois semaines contre le « contrat de plan », véritable restructuration de la SNCF. Toutefois, cette lutte s’est intégrée dans un mouvement plus « global » contre le « plan Juppé » portant sur les retraites et la Sécurité sociale. Du mouvement étudiant, en passant par le mouvement féministe, les syndicalistes de l'énergie, aux fonctionnaires engagées, plus de cinq millions de personnes très différentes se sont engagées dans la contestation. Cette thèse met en débat cette notion de pluralité en se structurant autour de quatre axes de réflexion :1) Les conditions d'émergence du mouvement2) Faire mouvement : la structuration, le répertoire d'action et les cahiers revendicatifs des protestataires3) La réaction au mouvement : le rôle de l’État, l'action de la police, du patronat, des médias, de la CFDT, des intellectuels.4) La résolution du conflit : une victoire limitée des grévistes et un mouvement aux nombreuses suites
In the autumn of 1995, against a backdrop of crisis, a multi-faceted mass movement emerged. Considered by many of today's activists as the last victorious cross-industry movement, the strikes of 1995 are one of three strong references in the union and political imagination, alongside the two May movements of 1936 and 1968. All too often, however, the only thing that is remembered is the three-week rolling strike by railway workers against the “contrat de plan”, the real restructuring of the SNCF. However, this struggle was part of a more “global” movement against the “Juppé plan” for pensions and social security. From the student movement, to the women's movement, to energy unionists, to committed civil servants, over five million very different people were involved in the protest. This thesis debates this notion of plurality, structuring itself around four lines of thought:1) The conditions of emergence of the movement2) Making the movement: the protesters' structuring, repertoire of action and list of demands3) Reacting to the movement: the role of the State, the actions of the police, employers, the media, the CFDT and intellectuals.4) The resolution of the conflict: a limited victory for the strikers, and a movement with many after-effects
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Forrester, Andrew C. "Equity Returns and Economic Shocks: A Survey of Macroeconomic Factors and the Co-movement of Asset Returns." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2017.

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O'Neil, Jennifer L. "Synthesizing Beckett and the Nouveau Roman : toward a better understanding /." [Rohnert Park, Calif.], 2003.

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Fernandes, Teresa X. "The postanarchist, an activist in a 'heterotopia' : building an ideal type." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2018.

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The Postanarchist, an activist in a heterotopia : building an ideal type is the theme of this doctoral thesis. The main aim is to elaborate a design for the postanarchist figure, picking up its main characteristics from the work of the postanarchist Saul Newman. The argument also bears on two other authors: the post-structuralist Michel Foucault, considered a strong influence of postanarchism, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first author who labelled himself as anarchist and the first to embrace anarchy positively. Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari are introduced as mediators to provide deeper understanding of the main authors. The dissertation offers a novel theoretical revision of postanarchism through Michel Foucault and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. It notes the close similarities between Foucault and Proudhon - in terms of concepts of space, struggle, movement, necessity and consequently anarchy; establishes a conceptual net around them and uses Proudhon s thinking to fill the bibliographic gaps in Foucault s writings. The goal is to better understand the thought and the activist practice of Foucault in terms of anarchism and, in the last instance, to better grasp the postanarchism of Saul Newman in order to carve the postanarchist ideal type. Postanarchism is understood as the constitution of autonomous spaces; the notions of space and heterotopias - the Foucauldian space - are central in the dissertation. Accordingly, the thesis is structured by three hypotheses: (i) postanarchism is space constitution; (ii) the constitution of space is a struggle; (iii) to establish space is to survive. The sub-concepts of the dissertation are: movement, necessity, struggle, power subject, body, sign, truth and utopia. The thesis provides an interpretative analysis of primary sources - books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and manifestos - of the three main authors supported by secondary commentaries. It departs from conventions by adopting a theoretical approach inspired by Foucault s solar and circular worldview (and Tommaso Campanella s City of the Sun). This facilitates the fluid organization of the argument and avoids imposing linearity on the content, thus highlighting the interrelation between content and the structure of the argument. This thesis is an exposition, an interpretation that develops new knowledge through the connections and methods that enable us to better know who the postanarchist activist is.
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Papalas, Mary Laura. "A Changing of the Guard: The Evolution of the French Avant-Garde from Italian Futurism, to Surrealism, to Situationism, to the Writers of the Literary Journal Tel Quel." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2008.

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Vieira, Glaucia Benedita [UNESP]. "A recepção crítica de J.-K. Huysmans em periódicos no Brasil (1884 – 2013)." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016.

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Submitted by GLAUCIA BENEDITA VIEIRA null ( on 2016-02-26T21:35:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação 1.pdf: 1582312 bytes, checksum: 4c00c198012585f8f6044daf157ebd18 (MD5)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Cette mémoire résulte de la récolte de données, de l’analyse et de l’interprétation de la critique de l’écrivain français J.-K. Huysmans au Brésil. Bien que nous nous concentrions sur le roman À rebours, nous considérons sa liaison avec tous les textes publiés après lui, comme l’auteur lui-même l’a souligné. L’oeuvre huysmansienne a une séquence étroitement liée à l’histoire de la littérature française, et cela dans un de ses moments le plus fructueux, à la fin du XIXème siècle. Les textes critiques ont été repérés à partir des consultations à l’Hémérothèque Numérique de la Bibliothèque Nacionale, au Centre de Documentation et d’Appui à la Recherche - CEDAP et à la Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Sciences et Lettres d’Assis et, au contraire des expectatives, nous avons découvert une nombreuse quantité de matériel. Comme on pourrait croire, beaucoup d’articles sont à propos d’`A rebours et ont abordé de divers sujets autour du roman. Grâce à eux, nous avons compris que le livre n’a pas été lu seulement par le public en général, mais par d’importants critiques et littéraires qui ont souligné son caractère innovateur. Au Brésil, les oeuvres de Huysmans d’aspect religieux ont représenté une grande partie de la réception critique, qui était présente, au-délà des journaux et magazines de nouvelles, dans des jounaux de l’Église, qui exaltaient la vie de l’auteur et le considéraient un chrétien exemplaire. Enfin, nous avons indexé et résumé les articles pour que tous les faits de valeur historique soient contemplés dans cette relation, favorisant une connaissance plus complète et approfondie de l’auteur et de son oeuvre. Ainsi, cette mémoire pourra devenir une sorte de guide pour les futures consultations et recherches sur ce qui a été étudié sur Huysmans et son oeuvre au Brésil.
Esta dissertação resulta do levantamento, análise e interpretação da recepção crítica do escritor francês J.-K. Huysmans no Brasil. Apesar de atermo-nos ao romance À rebours, consideramos sua ligação com todos os textos lançados depois dele, tal como indicou o próprio autor. A obra huysmansiana tem uma sequência estreitamente ligada à história da literatura francesa, e isso em seu momento mais profícuo, o final do século XIX. Os textos críticos foram localizados a partir de consultas na Hemeroteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional, no Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa - CEDAP e na Biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis e, contrariando as expectativas, descobrimos grande quantidade de material. Como se poderia supor, muitos artigos versaram sobre À rebours e abordaram diversas temáticas em torno do romance. Graças a eles percebemos que o livro não foi lido somente pelo público comum, mas por importantes críticos e literatos que enfatizaram seu caráter inovador. No Brasil, as obras de Huysmans com aspecto religioso representaram grande parte da recepção crítica, que estava presente, também, além dos jornais e revistas noticiosas, nos jornais da Igreja, que exaltavam a vida do autor, vendo-o como um cristão exemplar. Finalmente, indexamos e resumimos os artigos de forma que todos os episódios com valor histórico sejam contemplados nessa relação, favorecendo o conhecimento mais completo e aprofundado do autor e sua obra. Dessa maneira, a dissertação torna-se uma espécie de guia para futuras consultas e pesquisas a respeito do que foi estudado sobre Huysmans e sua obra no Brasil.
This dissertation is a result of survey, analysis and interpretation of the critical reception from the French J.-K. Huysmans in Brazil. Besides gathering to the novel À rebours, We considered its connection with all released texts after this one, such as the author himself has indicated. The title from Huysmans has a sequence strongly connected to the history of French literature, and this in its most profitable moment: the end of XIX century. The critical texts were found built on researches at the Digital Hemeroteca from the Nacional Library, at the Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa – CEDAP – and at the Library from Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis and, on the contrary of expectations, we found a big amount of material. As expected, many articles were about À rebours and broached many themes around the novel. Thanks to them, we could realize that the novel was not read only by the general public, but also by important reviewers and literature experts who emphasized the author’s innovative character. In Brazil, Huysmans’ titles with religious aspects represented a big part of the critical reception, which was present, not only newspapers and magazines, but also on the Church’s newsletters, which praised the author’s life seeing him as a model of Christian person. Finally, we indexed and outlined the articles in a way that all the episodes with historic value can be gazed in this relation benefiting the most complete and deepest knowledge of the author and his title. This way, the dissertation becomes some kind of a guide for future quests about what was studied about Huysmans and his title in Brazil.
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Teodoro, Lourdes. "Modernisme brésilien et négritude antillaise : Mário de Andrade et Aimé Césaire /." Paris ; Montréal (Québec) : l'Harmattan, 1999.

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Prungnaud, Joëlle. "Gothique et décadence recherches sur la continuité d'un mythe et d'un genre au XIXe siècle en Grande-Bretagne et en France /." Paris : H. Champion, 1997.

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Quadrato, Gabriella. "Le laboratoire narratif des années 1910 en France et en Italie." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017.

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Les années 1910 ont été lues tour à tour comme celles des avant-gardes, de la « crise du roman », de la « crise des intellectuels », de la « Belle Époque », de la « conscience malheureuse ». La notion de « laboratoire » semble bien faite pour contenir cette multiplicité. Qu’il s’agisse d’une crise ou d’un foisonnement de nouvelles beautés, le trait commun de ces différentes interprétations de la période semble être la réinvention de l’appréhension du mouvement. De quelle manière les œuvres emploient-elles l’aventure comme moyen de refondation de la péripétie romanesque ? Quels sont les types de mouvements narrés et comment dialoguent-ils avec ceux des narrations de la fin-de-siècle ? À la veille du premier conflit mondial, les champs littéraires français et italien sont proches. La plume d’Aldo Palazzeschi en a donné peut être la meilleure illustration, lorsqu’il considère qu’en 1914 « L’Italie déménage à Paris ». Quel est l’apport spécifique de chacun de ces univers littéraires à la réinvention de l’aventure dans le roman ? De quelle manière l’analyse des échanges entre les deux pays contribue-t-elle à éclairer les poétiques romanesques du mouvement et à dessiner leurs formes ? Peut-on parler d’un axe franco-italien de renouvellement narratif ? À travers le rapprochement d’œuvres habituellement dissociées ou même oubliées, notre étude se propose de forger des notions pouvant mettre en lumière les spécificités de cette saison du roman, qui ne peut être lue comme un « paléomodernisme » ou comme un simple prolongement du XIXe siècle
The 1910s were read like those of the avant-gardes, of the "crisis of the novel", of the "intellectual crisis", of the "Belle Epoque",of the "unhappy conscience". The notion of "laboratory" seems well suited to contain this multiplicity. Whether it is a crisis or an explosion of new aesthetics, the common feature of these different interpretations of the period seems to be the reinvention of the conception of the movement. How do narrative works use adventure as a way to reimagine the plot? What are the types of movements narrated and how do they interact with those of the end-of-the-century? On the eve of the First World War, the French and Italian literary fields are close to each other that they almost overlap. Aldo Palazzeschi gave perhaps the best illustration, when he points out that in 1914 "Italy moves to Paris". What is the specific contribution of each of these literary worlds to the reinvention of adventure in the novel? How does the analysis of the exchanges between the two countries help to shed light on the poetics of the movement and to draw its forms? Is it possible to talk about a Franco-Italian axis of narrative renewal? Our thesis aims to use concepts that may be useful to distinguish the features of a certain novel’s era (which cannot be read only as a "paleomodernism" or as a simple extension of the nineteenth century) through the reconciliation of works that are usually dissociated or even forgotten
Gli anni ’10 sono stati letti di volta in volta come gli anni delle avanguardie, della «crisi del romanzo», della «crisi degli intellettuali», della «Belle Époque», della «conscience malheureuse». La nozione di «laboratorio» appare utile per contenere questa molteplicità. Che si tratti di crisi o di effervescenza di nuove strade, il tratto comune delle diverse interpretazioni del periodo sembra essere la riconfigurazione della concezione di movimento. In che maniera le opere narrative utilizzano l’avventura come modo di rigenerazione della parola romanzesca? Quali sono i tipi di movimento narrati e come dialogano con quelli della fin-de-siècle? Alla vigilia della prima guerra mondiale, i mondi letterari francese e italiano sono vicini fin quasi a sovrapporsi. La penna di A. Palazzeschi ne ha dato forse la migliore illustrazione scrivendo, a proposito dell’anno 1914, che “L’Italia ha traslocato a Parigi”. Qual è l’apporto specifico di ciascuno dei due universi letterari alla rinascita dell’avventura nel romanzo? In che maniera l’analisi degli scambi tra i due paesi contribuisce a fare luce sulle poetiche romanzesche del movimento e a disegnarne le forme? È possibile parlare di un asse italo-francese di rinnovamento narrativo? Attraverso uno studio comparativo di opere abitualmente dissociate o cadute nell’oblio, la tesi propone delle nozioni che possano distinguere le specificità di una stagione del romanzo che non può essere letta come un “paleo-modernismo” o come un semplice prolungamento dell’Ottocento
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O'Brien, de Ramirez Kathleen. "SILENT, ORAL, L1, L2, FRENCH AND ENGLISH READING THROUGH EYE MOVEMENTS AND MISCUES." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2008.

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During 24 silent and oral readings of Guy de Maupassant and Arthur C. Clarke short stories (1294 and 1516 words) by proficient multilinguals, movement of the left eye was tracked and utterances were recorded. Three hypotheses investigate universality in the reading process: reading in English is similar in reading speed, miscues, and eye movements to reading in French (chapter 4); reading in a first, or native language (L1), is similar in reading speed, miscues, and eye movements to reading in a second, or later acquired, language (L2) (chapter 5); silent reading is similar to oral reading in reading speed and eye movements (chapter 6). Hypothesis are partially confirmed; implications are drawn for teaching and research.Silent reading is consistently faster than oral reading, with a mean difference of 28.7%. Reading speed is similar in English and French, but interacts differently with language experience: L2 readers of English read 50% slower than L1 readers, while in French, L2 readers read 13% faster.Retelling scores demonstrate a slight comprehension advantage for oral reading over silent, a wider range after oral than after silent, L1 readers having a slight advantage over L2 readers, and improved scores after second readings. Proscribing rereading to increase oral accuracy may disadvantage some readers: Second oral readings in English (but not in French) produced more miscues than first oral readings. This requires further study with tightly controlled groups. Overall, English readings produced 36% more miscues than French readings.Mean fixation durations are slightly longer during silent than oral reading, and show little variation between English and French reading. Wide variation in reading speed (L1/L2, silent/oral) is not reflected in mean eye fixation durations, although language dominance show an effect in French, where fixations during L1 readings are 18.6% shorter than during L2 readings.Individual variation is a factor. Emotional affect, poetic style, construction of syntax, and attention to metaphor are all observed in this EMMA data. Future analysis of this database may look at anaphoric relations, metaphor, how texts teach; and how readers develop narrative, verb phases, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic relations in complete textual discourse.
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Cummins, Laurel. "Marriage and the City: Fatal Displacement in La Maison du chat-qui-pelote." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2015.

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The following is a meta-commentary of the article, “Marriage and the City: Fatal Displacement in La Maison du chat-qui-pelote,” co-authored by Dr. Anca Mitroi Sprenger and myself, Laurel Cummins. The article will soon be submitted for publication, and this commentary contains an annotated bibliography of all our primary and secondary sources as well as an account of the origin of the argument and the process of writing the article. Our article is based upon an analysis of La Maison du chat-qui-pelote, a story authored by Honoré de Balzac within his seminal collection La Comédie humaine. In the article, we analyze the theme of fatal displacement in La Maison du chat-qui-pelote as an allegory of the repressions of nineteenth-century modernity. The theme is presented through the tumultuous marriage of the bourgeois protagonist, Augustine Guillaume, to the aristocrat artist, Théodore de Sommervieux, and through Augustine's literal movement within the city of Paris that ensues after their marriage (from her home, the Chat-qui-Pelote, to her husband's home, her attempted return to the Chat-qui-Pelote, and her visit to her husband's mistress). We demonstrate that these displacements are not only the source of Augustine's premature death but are emblematic of the perishing past in a post-revolutionary, modern Paris. Our development of this conclusion comes through a close analysis of the principal text itself as well as of the literal and figurative displacements that occur throughout to the main character, Augustine. In studying these displacements, we consider not only the social structures and institutions at the time of the novel but the detailed images of the past that anchor Augustine in traditions that do not let her transition into modernity. We examine the portrayal of marriage in La Maison du chat-qui-pelote as it coincides to the ideals of marriage in pre and post-Revolution periods. We likewise consider the various geographical areas (as pinpointed by specific roads provided by the author) as a way of understanding the historical background and the effect of displacement from various areas of Paris to others. The title of the story (which references the sign outside of the protagonist's house), the Chat-qui-Pelote, also offers rich symbolism that, when deciphered, substantiates our claim that this story goes far beyond an unfortunate marriage caused by class disparity. Instead, Augustine's trajectory in the story, she being the human embodiment and relic of ancient French traditions, alludes to a foundational inability for past ways of French life to survive in modernity.
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Queiroz, Eliani de Fátima Covem. "Frente de luta pelo transporte e as manifestações de rua em Goiânia." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017.

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Submitted by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2017-04-11T12:19:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Eliani de Fátima Covem Queiroz - 2017.pdf: 6696315 bytes, checksum: 4609756d18fdc26f3df9bb372f761d8f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2017-04-11T12:20:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Eliani de Fátima Covem Queiroz - 2017.pdf: 6696315 bytes, checksum: 4609756d18fdc26f3df9bb372f761d8f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG
Social movements have taken on a new configuration since 2011, with the great protests that have occurred in several countries, including Brazil, giving visibility to the popular dissatisfaction with the demands not met by the public power, the reflexes of globalization, the current face of the Neoliberalism and integral capitalism. With this, social movements began to exercise in society the counter power, using as a tool, above all, the social networks of the Internet to denounce cases of social exclusion, to schedule protests and to transmit in real time what happens in the demonstrations. Social networks favor the practices of cyber-activism, in the deliberations and coordination of these collective actions, with the predominance of autonomous communication, considered as one of the main characteristics of social movements in contemporary times. Autonomous communication has become a way of evading the control of the state and the hegemonic power of communication companies, which, in short, still control and hold a monopoly on making the facts public. A monopoly that has been facing the confrontation of social movements. One such move is the Transport Struggle Front, in Goiânia, created in 2013, which drove a crowd into the streets to protest on several occasions, from that year on, against tariff increases and to demand improvements in the quality of public transportation. The strong repression of the State and the police has smashed the Frente de Luta, acting with violence against the activists during the demonstrations and making arbitrary arrests with the clear intention of dismantling the group and criminalizing the movement. Activists, mostly high school students and university students, have political training and class consciousness that guide the actions and strategies of struggle. They consider public transport as a way to guarantee the mobility of thousands of people, especially workers, to take ownership of the city, social, educational and cultural devices of common and collective use. Appropriation that can lead to the achievement of other freedoms and experiences. The research had as objective to know the motivations that led the students to articulate the struggle for the improvement of collective transportation in Goiânia, to seek the freezing of the price of the tariff or even its franking, besides investigating how they communicate to organize the demonstrations, with the Use of social networks. As methodological tools, the semi-structured interview, the participant observation and the documentary analysis were used.
Os movimentos sociais assumiram uma nova configuração a partir de 2011, com os grandes protestos que aconteceram em vários países, inclusive no Brasil, dando visibilidade à insatisfação popular em relação às demandas não atendidas pelo poder público, aos reflexos da globalização, à atual face do neoliberalismo e do capitalismo integral. Com isso, os movimentos sociais passaram a exercer na sociedade o contrapoder, utilizando como ferramenta, sobretudo, as redes sociais da Internet para denunciar os casos de exclusão social, agendar protestos e transmitir em tempo real o que acontece nas manifestações. As redes sociais favorecem as práticas do ciberativismo, nas deliberações e coordenações dessas ações coletivas, com a predominância da comunicação autônoma, considerada como uma das principais características dos movimentos sociais na contemporaneidade. A comunicação autônoma tornou-se uma forma de fugir do controle do Estado e do poder hegemônico das empresas de comunicação que, em suma, ainda controlam e detêm o monopólio de tornar os fatos públicos. Um monopólio que vem sofrendo o enfrentamento dos movimentos sociais. Um desses movimentos é a Frente de Luta pelo Transporte, em Goiânia, criado em 2013, que levou uma multidão às ruas para protestar em várias ocasiões, a partir daquele ano, contra o aumento da tarifa e para reivindicar melhorias na qualidade do transporte público. A forte repressão do Estado e da polícia tem esfacelado a Frente de Luta, ao agirem com violência contra os ativistas durante as manifestações e efetuarem prisões arbitrárias com a clara intenção de desarticular o grupo e criminalizar o movimento. Os ativistas, na maioria estudantes secundaristas e universitários, possuem formação politica e consciência de classe que orientam as ações e estratégias de luta. Consideram o transporte público como forma de garantir a mobilidade de milhares de pessoas, sobretudo de trabalhadores, para se apropriarem da cidade, dos aparelhos sociais, educacionais e culturais de uso comum e coletivo. Apropriação que pode levar à conquistas de outras liberdades e vivências. A pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer as motivações que levaram os estudantes a articularem a luta pela melhoria do transporte coletivo em Goiânia, buscarem o congelamento do preço da tarifa ou até mesmo seu franqueamento, além de investigar como se comunicam para organizar as manifestações, com o uso das redes sociais. Como ferramentas metodológicas recorreu-se a entrevista semi estruturada, a observação participante e a análise documental.
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Campailla, Giovanni. "Democrazia e riconoscimento : l'emancipazione ottocentesca nel pensiero di Jacques Rancière." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.

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Récemment, le débat concernant la pensée politique est en venu aborder les concepts de démocratie et de reconnaissance. Jacques Rancière est surtout connu pour ses idées sur la démocratie, mais ses recherches sur l’émancipation ouvrière au XIXe siècle en France l’ont amené à proposer des réflexions importantes sur la question de la reconnaissance. En partant de l’idée de « post-démocratie », la présente recherche remarque qu’il n’y a pas chez Rancière une « théorie » de la démocratie ou de la reconnaissance qui donnerait de ces concepts une définition complète, mais que ces deux concepts sont l’occasion d’une « intervention critique » en faveur de « la part des sans-part ». On montre également que la manière dont Rancière a développé cette intervention a pris des formes différentes. Dans sa période de la maturité, il a identifié l’espace social à la « police », en risquant ainsi de produire une dichotomie entre le social et la « politique ». Néanmoins, dans cette même période, il a pensé l’agentivité du sujet socio-politique entre le social et la politique. Ce continuum du social et du politique avait été amplement exploré dans les années 1970, à l’occasion de ses premiers écrits sur la « parole ouvrière » des années 1830-1851, qui était interprétée comme une expérience qui ré-tord ou dé-tord la non-reconnaissance par la nomination d’un sujet supplémentaire. Dans les années 1980, Rancière a changé de position en mettant au second plan l’expérience sociale et en centrant l’analyse sur l’expérience individuelle. Il a ainsi abouti à une conception « suspensive » de la reconnaissance. Pour faire ressortir les enjeux de cette transformation, cette thèse pose Rancière au cœur du débat contemporain par l’intermédiaire de confrontations critiques avec des auteurs et des traditions de pensée. La conclusion générale est qu’il faut entendre l’« intervention critique » de Rancière comme une manière de penser et d’intervenir déterminée par les expériences du tort
Recent debates on political thought often circle around the concepts of democracy and recognition. Jacques Rancière is mostly known for his work on the former, but in his archival studies of the Nineteenth Century French workers’ movement the latter appears central. Starting from his idea of “post-democracy”, this study claims that Rancière doesn’t have a “theory” of democracy or of recognition that would provide an exact explanation of what these concepts mean. Rather, both are objects of a “critical intervention” in favour of “the part that has no part” in the political space. However, the way in which Rancière develops his intervention has taken different forms. In fact, in his mature period he classifies the social space as the “police” order in a way that risks to produce a dichotomy with “politics”. At the same time, he nonetheless thinks the agency of the socio-political subject between the domain of the social and the domain of politics. Such an interrelation has been explored extensively in the 70s, in his early writings on the “workers’ speech/voice” [parole ouvrière] of 1830-1851 as a social experience twisting the non-recognition by means of the nomination of a supplementary subject. In the 80s, Rancière changed his position moving away from the analysis of the social experience while scrutinizing more deeply the individual experience of the wrong. The goal was a “suspensive” idea of recognition. Thus, to evaluate such a transformation, this dissertation places Rancière’s work in the contemporary debate through critical confrontations with some thinkers and traditions. Finally, the study stresses that the Rancièrian “critical intervention” should be understood as a way of thinking and intervening informed by the experiences of the wrong
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Prévert, Aline. "La lutte contre les discriminations dans le travail en France. : sociogenèse d'un dispositif d'action publique (1980-2004)." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.

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La lutte contre les discriminations dans le travail en France. Sociogenèse d'un dispositif d'action publique (1980-2004) « Lutter contre les discriminations » résonne aujourd'hui en France comme un mot d'ordre naturel accompagné d'un dispositif d'actions et d'un réseau d'acteurs. Mais ceci n'est que très récent. Ce n'est qu'à la fin des années 1990 que la question des discriminations entre dans l'arène publique et qu'elle est perçue comme un problème crucial à traiter. L'ambition de cette recherche doctorale est de mieux comprendre le dispositif d'action publique français de lutte contre les discriminations dans le travail, à travers l'étude de sa genèse et de ses usages. Dans cette perspective, la loi relative à la lutte contre les discriminations du 16 novembre 2001 est essentielle, venant symboliser l'émergence et la formation de cette action publique et déterminer sa mise en œuvre. C'est au travers et à partir de son étude que l'analyse de la conception, de l'institutionnalisation et de l'application de ce dispositif a été conduite. Ce travail doctoral permet de saisir le processus d'émergence de la lutte contre les discriminations en France et sa formation en catégorie d'action publique. Il propose également une étude des pratiques d'acteurs ayant contribué à la cristallisation de cette cause dans l'espace public. Il s'intéresse aussi aux usages de cette politique au travers et à partir du cas d'une entreprise publique, la SNCF ; l'objectif étant de saisir le processus de transposition de l'action publique de lutte contre les discriminations en objectif entrepreneurial
The fight against discriminations in the workplace in France. Sociological genesis of a public policy device (1980-2004) "Fighting against discriminations" sounds today in France like a natural motto and mobilizes a set of public devices and a network of social actors. The issue of discriminations was only introduced in the public area in the late 1990s and seems to be a crucial problem that has to be cured. The aim of this PhD research is to better understand the system of French antidiscrimination public policy in the work area through the study of its genesis and its uses. From this perspective, the law of fight against discriminations of November 16th, 2001 is an essential point : this legal framework symbolizes the emergence and formation of this public policy and determines its implementation. The analysis of the conception, the institutionalization, and the implementation of this device is guided by its study. This PhD thesis aims at analyzing the emergence of the fight against discriminations in France, and its building process as a category of public action. It proposes a study of the practices of actors who have contributed to the crystallisation of this cause in the public space. This study is also focused on the uses of this public action device and is based upon the case study of a French public company, the SNCF (National Railways Company). The objective is to highlight the process of transposition of the antidiscrimination public policy into an entrepreneurial goal
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Faulkner, Jacqueline Suzanne Marie Jeanne. "The role of national defence in British political debate, 1794-1812." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006.

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This thesis examines the role of national defence in British parliamentary politics between 1794 and 1812. It suggests that previous analyses of the late eighteenth-century political milieu insufficiently explore the impact of war on the structure of the state. Work by J.E. Cookson, Linda Colley, J.C.D. Clark, and Paul Langford depicts a decentralised state that had little direct involvement in developing a popular “British” patriotism. Here I argue that the threat of a potential French invasion during the wars against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France provoked a drive for centralisation. Nearly all the defence measures enacted during the period gave the government a much greater degree of control over British manpower and resources. The readiness of successive governments to involve large sections of the nation in the war effort through military service, financial contributions, and appeals to the British “spirit”, resulted in a much more inclusive sense of citizenship in which questions of national participation and political franchise were unlinked. National identity was also affected, and the focus on military defence of the British Isles influenced political attitudes towards the regular army. By 1810, however, the nation was disillusioned by the lengthy struggle with France. The result of lingering political weakness was that attention shifted from national defence onto domestic corruption and venality. The aftermath of the Irish Act of Union, too, demonstrated the limits of attempts to centralise the policy of the whole United Kingdom. Significantly, however, the debates over the relationship between the centre and the localities in the 1830s and 1840s, and the response to a new French invasion threat in the 1850s and 1860s, revived themes addressed during the 1790s and 1800s. The political reaction to the invasion threats between 1794 and 1812 ultimately had more in common with a Victorian state bureaucracy than an eighteenth-century ancien régime.
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McGrogan, Manus Christian. "Tout! in context 1968-1973 : French radical press at the crossroads of far left, new movements and counterculture." Thesis, University of Portsmouth, 2010.

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With this thesis on the aftermath of 1968 in France, I have recreated the moment and environment of the libertarian paper Tout! Usually associated in historiography with the birth of the gay liberation movement in France, my initial research revealed its influence as more penetrative and revealing of the diverse left and new, countercultural movements of the early 1970s. I sought the testimony of former militants, writers and artists to uncover historical detail and motivations, and consulted relevant textual archives, aiming to situate and examine the paper within a number of interrelated contexts. Results showed the paper's historical touchstones of scurrilous Revolutionary papers and 19th/20th caricature typified by L’Assiette au Beurre. The parallel paths of Dada, surrealism and situationism, and the Marxisant legacy of the Russian Revolution, foreshadowed the blend of cultural and political in Tout! May „68 was the crucible of militant, festive currents and speech, a time of rupture and reorientation for the various activists later at Tout!, the paper Action and posters of the Beaux-Arts inspiring new forms of agit-prop. In the aftermath of 1968, mao-libertarian current Vive La Révolution converged with an ex-Trotskyist, faculty-based group seeking cultural revolution. Figureheads Roland Castro and Guy Hocquenghem oversaw the merger of these groups and outlooks, coinciding with the launch of Tout! as a „mass‟ paper. With a new look and „new political attitude‟, influenced by Italian radicals and the US underground, Tout! challenged all forms of authority in Pompidou‟s France, climaxing with the eruption of gay liberation in no.12. It was Tout!‟s role in promoting „autonomous‟ gender, sexual and youth movements that led to the disaggregation of Vive la Révolution, and despite successful sales the paper came to a sudden end in the summer of 1971. Like the rest of the far left, Vive La Révolution and Tout! suffered State repression, but evolved from a „proletarian‟ Marxist critique of capitalism to attack the life routine of work, school and the family, judging the political Right and the Parti Communiste Français as equally reactionary. The paper testified to the importance of international, indeed transnational activities of the far left in the early 1970s. It provided a formidable impulse for the gay liberation movement FHAR, and foreshadowed the first feminist paper Le Torchon Brûle. As such it was a crucial press conduit for American radical left forms and practices, spearheading a shift from gauchisme to the growing counterculture. Tout! exemplified a brief, intense and fast-changing moment in French subcultural history and set new trends in left political journalism for the 1970s.
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Farman-Farma, Amir A. "A comparative study of counter-revolutionary mass movements during the French, Mexican and Russian revolutions with contemporary application." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1990.

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Bélanger, Nathalie. "Reading is in the eye of the beholder: eye movements and early word processes in deaf readers of French." Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=32360.

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For the present dissertation, three studies were conducted to investigate various aspects of reading in severely to profoundly deaf individuals who use Quebec Sign Language as their main mode of communication and who were categorized as skilled or less skilled readers. A group of skilled hearing readers also participated so that their results could be compared to existing literature. Two studies investigated the use of orthographic and phonological codes during early French word processing, with a masked primed lexical decision task (Study 1) and with the observation of eye movements (Study 3). The second study served as a bridge between the first and the third studies. The participants' eye movements were recorded to determine their eye movement characteristics, such as their reading speed and the size of their perceptual and word identification spans. The results of the first and third studies converged to show that deaf readers, skilled and less skilled, process orthographic (Studies 1 & 3) and phonological (Study 1) codes very early during word processing. Importantly, skilled and less skilled deaf readers did not differ in the way they encode words relative to the control group of hearing readers. The observation of the participants' eye movements in the second study revealed that reading-level, not hearing status (hearing or deaf), was the main factor determining the characteristics of the participants' eye movements (such as reading speed, size of the word identification span, etc). However, hearing status was a determining factor in the size of the perceptual span of skilled deaf readers, which, unexpectedly, was wider than that of skilled hearing readers. An o
Trois études ont été réalisées afin d'examiner différents aspects de la lecture chez deux groupes de personnes ayant une surdité sévère ou profonde et utilisant la langue des signes québécoise comme mode de communication principal : un groupe de bons lecteurs et un groupe de lecteurs faibles. Un groupe de bons lecteurs entendants a aussi participé aux trois études afin de servir de point de comparaison avec des études existantes. Deux études ont vérifié l'utilisation des codes orthographique et phonologique lors des premiers moments de la reconnaissance des mots, l'une à l'aide d'une tâche de décision lexicale masquée avec amorce (Étude 1) et l'autre à l'aide de l'observation du mouvement des yeux des participants (Étude 3). L'Étude 2 a servi de pont entre la première et la troisième étude. Dans le cadre de cette étude, le mouvement des yeux des participants a été enregistré et plusieurs mesures de bases ont été recueillies, telles que la vitesse de lecture, la largeur de l'empan perceptuel et la largeur de l'empan de reconnaissance des mots. Les résultats de la première et de la troisième étude convergent et montrent que les lecteurs sourds, bons et faibles, utilisent l'information orthographique (Étude 1 et 3) et phonologique (Étude 1) très tôt lors du traitement des mots. Il faut toutefois souligner le fait que les lecteurs sourds (bons et faibles) ne différaient pas du groupe de lecteurs entendants dans la manière dont ils encodent les mots. L'observation du mouvement des yeux des participants lors de la lecture (Étude 2) a révélé que le niveau de lecture, et non le fait d'entendre ou pas, sous-tendait les différence
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Okada, Tomokazu. "Hanoi et Haiphong au contact de la colonisation : structuration et restructuration de la société urbaine en Indochine française (1887-1945) : le cas de Hanoi et de Haiphong." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.

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Cette thèse tente d'étudier la structure sociale des villes coloniales en Indochine française. Il s'agit d'une étude sur l'histoire de l'influence de la colonisation sur la société et les habitants urbains au Viêtnam, en prenant principalement le cas de Hanoi et Haiphong dans la première moitié du XXe siècle.Aprés avoir bien examiné la méthode, la politique et l'organisation de la colonisation de l'Indochine, nous mettons d'abord les questions comme suit : comment les villes de Hanoi et Haiphong ont-elles été construites ? ; À quels problèmes ont-elles fait face dans les processus de sa formation et son développement ? Ensuite, nous avons jeté un regard sur les habitants à la ville coloniale de Hanoi en remarquant la répartition géographique et démographique des professions et catégories socioprofessionnelles (PCS), notamment des petits commerçants-artisans. Les cadres indochinois auraient peut-être mieux exploités surtout en ce qui concerne le salaire et niveau de vie à la veille de l'indépendance.De cela, on pourra relever certaines caractéristiques de la structure sociale et de la stratification sociale de la ville coloniale de Hanoi. À ce propos, nous analysons le mouvement social dans le contexte mondial de la crise économique après 1930 et l'application du réglementation général du travail en Indochine de 1936, en mettant en scène une grève des ouvriers déclenchée à Hanoi en 1937, qui a permis d'exécuter la politique sociale au même niveau que la métropole. En conclusion, cette grève "légale" a eu pour résultat une création de « nouveaux réseaux sociaux indigènes » en regroupant les patrons et les ouvriers par même profession au Nord-Viêtnam
This Thesis examines the social structure of colonial cities in French Indochina, which means that it aimes to reveal link between the colonial system and the colonial society. But we're talking about a study of history of the influence of colonization on society and urban inhabitants in Vietnam. Therefor it will take the case of Hanoi and Haiphong during the first half of the twentieth century.After examining method, policy and organization of the Indochinese colonization, we ask some questions as follows : how Hanoi was built ; what problem this city was faced with in the process of its formation and development. This subject will be treated from a comparative perspective with one of the most principal city in Vietnam : Haiphong.Then, we are intersted in the inhabitants of colonial city Hanoi pointing out the geographic distribution of "professions et catégories socioprofessionnelles" (PCS : professions and social-occupational categories). The best part of this research is characterized by demography of new PCS, especially of small marchants and craftmen.From such approach, we extract some caracteristics of social structure and social stratification of colonial city Hanoi. In this connection, we analyze, moreover, social movement in the worldwide contexte of economic crisis after 1930 and application of labour law of Indochina in 1936, directing labour strike broke out at Hanoi in 1937, only which allowed exercise the social policy at the same level as metropolitain France. In conclusion, this "legal" strike had the effect of creating « a new indigenous social network » grouping management and workers into same professions in North-Vietnam
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Dessy, Clément. "Les écrivains devant le défi nabi: positions, pratiques d'écriture et influences." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011.

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En 1888, une communauté de peintres s’associe sous l’appellation « Nabis ». Ce terme, issu de l’hébreu, signifie à la fois les « prophètes » et les « initiés ». Paul Sérusier qui vécut sa rencontre avec Paul Gauguin comme une révélation est à l’origine de la formation du groupe. Une année auparavant, le symbolisme littéraire triomphe en France et suscite l’émulation parmi une nouvelle génération d’écrivains qui se cristallise autour de /La Revue Blanche/ et le /Mercure de France/. Entre les Nabis et les symbolistes s’établit dès lors un intense réseau de collaborations. Tant dans l’élaboration des décors et programmes du Théâtre de l’œuvre de Lugné-Poe que dans l’illustration d’ouvrages d’André Gide, d’Alfred Jarry ou encore de Jules Renard, les Nabis participent activement à la vie littéraire de leur temps tout en s’incarnant volontairement comme une avant-garde picturale. Les échanges nombreux entre peintres et écrivains sont alors loin de se limiter à de simples commandes. Ils aboutissent souvent à des amitiés durables comme celles qui unirent Gide à Maurice Denis et Jarry à Pierre Bonnard. La recherche s’interroge sur la motivation de cette nouvelle génération d’écrivains qui sollicita le groupe nabi, ainsi que sur la nature des projets qui les unirent. Les revues littéraires occupent une place importante dans le rassemblement entre les écrivains et ce groupe de peintres. La volonté d'identifier une aile picturale qui fasse écho dans le champ artistique au désir d'innover dans le champ littéraire stimule les sollicitations des écrivains de la seconde génération symboliste. Les Nabis, qui se méfient toutefois d'une soumission trop grande au fait littéraire, induisent par leurs développements artistiques et leurs théories les paramètres d'une nouvelle relation entre peintres et écrivains dans laquelle ces derniers ne recherchent plus la domination stratégique de l'art littéraire sur la peinture.

Outre ces considérations historiques, le rapprochement souhaité entre les deux groupes fut tel que la production littéraire ne put qu’être influencée par les théories des Nabis. La tendance "formaliste" représentée par ce groupe pictural a souvent conduit les chercheurs à prendre acte de l'autonomie tant du littéraire que du pictural dans les échanges entre Nabis et écrivains. Les influences sont cependant nombreuses de la peinture vers la littérature. Il est toutefois nécessaire de prendre en compte des écrivains oubliés par l'histoire littéraire, tels Romain Coolus, Gabriel Trarieux ou Louis Lormel, pour percevoir les effets de cette influence picturale. La reprise d'un dispositif de couleurs, exaltées ou déformées, le jeu poétique sur le thème de la ligne ou de l'arabesque fondent une recherche d'effet visuel dans l'écriture qui entend renouveler les images poétiques. Ce constat entre en résonance avec la rénovation picturale revendiquée par les Nabis. Des esthétiques communes entre peintres et écrivains, tournant autour des notions de synthèse, simplicité, de la référence à l'enfance ou à la fantaisie humoristique rassemblent Nabis et poètes qui les soutiennent dans une communauté d'initiés à l'art nouveau.
Doctorat en Langues et lettres

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Brettell, Jonathan James. "Walking Severn miles : the affordances of fresh water." Thesis, Aberystwyth University, 2016.

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Following a call from Linton (2010) to think more relationally about water this thesis seeks to explore the infolding and unfolding relations that take-form between bodies around particular characteristics of freshwater. There is a tradition of exploration regarding the sustainability, quality, monitoring and management of water when we encounter research on human associations with fluvial hydrology, and whilst this work is important, this project looks to enrol more nascent and contemporary geographical themes to broaden our understanding of encounters with freshwater landscapes, and take a more relational approach to fluvial geographies. These works then shall address a gap in the geographical literature and describe the personal, pre-personal and affective worlds that emerge when bodies become down by the river. Whilst this is not specifically a walking project, walking the course of the River Severn serves as a trajectory along which processual ideas of bodies on the move shall be mobilised. A series of creatively written segues will link together a sequence of theoretical and conceptually driven site ontologies (Marston et al 2005; Woodward et al 2010) and relations associated with the Severn and freshwater more broadly. The flow and form of the thesis will reflect the multivariant characteristics of water and its varying speeds and slownesses. The chapters will step into puddles, mooch about in a ships graveyard, rethink the source of a river, paddle a coracle and set the scene for how an ontological, relational approach to fluvial landscapes can contribute to geographical thinking. The works will focus on human-nonhuman relations, vibrant materialities and elemental mobilities, in so doing enable further understanding of how we can apprehend sites as moments of coherence in a turbulent world, and contribute to broadening our scope of knowledge of the more-than-human.
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