Academic literature on the topic 'French-Chinese translation'
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Journal articles on the topic "French-Chinese translation"
Xavier, Subha. "The global afterlife: Sino-French literature and the politics of translation." French Cultural Studies 30, no. 2 (May 2019): 153–65.
Full textLiu, Chao Peng. "Research on Web Application Technology for Building a Chinese-French Parallel Corpus of the Four Great Chinese Classical Novels." Applied Mechanics and Materials 473 (December 2013): 206–10.
Full textBi, Yanjing. "Interprétation et traduction des phraséologismes du chinois vers le français : le cas du roman Beaux seins, belles fesses de MO Yan." Les phraséologismes pragmatiques, no. 29 (December 1, 2021): 157–72.
Full textXiaoyan, Liang, Wang Kailun, and Dominic Glynn. "Translating and publishing French theatre in China." Francosphères: Volume 10, Issue 2 10, no. 2 (December 1, 2021): 225–43.
Full textWang, Mingxing. "Translation, Rewriting and Creation: Interview of Professor Noël Dutrait, Translator of Gao Xingjian’s Lingshan (La Montagne de l’âme)." TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 12, no. 2 (September 30, 2020): 39–49.
Full textMehdizadkhani, Milad, and Luyu Chen. "Chinese audiovisual translation." FORUM / Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 21, no. 1 (July 6, 2023): 96–114.
Full textWong, Laurence. "Translating Shakespeare’s imagery for the Chinese audience." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 57, no. 2 (July 21, 2011): 204–25.
Full textTrakhtenberg, Lev A. "O. Goldsmith’s Oriental Parable in the Magazine Ni To Ni Sio (Neither This Nor That)." Studia Litterarum 6, no. 1 (2021): 382–95.
Full textWong, Laurence. "Musicality and Intrafamily Translation: With Reference to European Languages and Chinese." Meta 51, no. 1 (May 29, 2006): 89–97.
Full textPospiszil, Karolina. "Bibliografia przekładów na język śląski w latach 2002—2018 / Bibliography of translations into the Silesian language in the years 2002—2018." Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich 9, no. 2 (May 30, 2019): 103–18.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "French-Chinese translation"
Wang, Yu. "La réception des anthologies de poésie chinoise classique par les poètes français (1735-2008)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014.
Full textThis thesis addresses the reception of Classical Chinese poetry by French poets, particularly by means of anthologies. It is organised chronologically in three parts. Part One covers the period 1735–1860, before the first anthology of Chinese poetry, and is therefore concerned only with excerpts. An understanding of this first period is essential if we are to appreciate the significance of the anthologies that followed, and their role in the changing reception of Chinese poetry by reader-poets. Part Two begins with the publication of the anthology Poésies de l’époque des Thang. After a general overview of the anthologies published between 1826 and 1949, there is a more detailed account of translation practices over this period, and of the most influential anthologies. It is then possible to address the central issue of this thesis: the reception of these anthologies by reader-poets, such as Paul Claudel, Victor Segalen and Saint-John Perse. Part Three is concerned with the period 1953–2008. Following an account of the dissemination and translation practices of anthologies from this period, there is a detailed discussion of the three types of anthologies produced by professional translators, Sinologists and poets respectively, and a further chapter is devoted to the most influential anthologies. Finally, a study is made of contemporary poets who read Chinese poetry in translation, and of their different forms of reception. This reception is of interest, not so for much for what it tells us about Chinese poetry itself, but rather for the way it has been interpreted by French poets. The long historical trajectory of this thesis provides an important insight into this interpretation of Chinese poetry
Zhang, Jing. "Stratégie de la traduction, problème du style, analyses de la réception d’À la Recherche du temps perdu en Chine"." Thesis, Perpignan, 2019.
Full textThis thesis aims at investigating the strategies of literary translation applied to the style of Proust's work, as well as at analyzing the potential reasons for the translation choices and their respective consequences. Through reviewing the translation and reception of Proust's literature in China, we are able to uncover the reciprocal interactions between the translation of Proust's work and the dynamic and multidimensional Chinese environment. It further reveals the interactive impact among the translation of Proust's literature, the studies of Proust’s literary concept and the Chinese literary creations. Systematically comparing the French original text of “In Search of Lost Time” with two Chinese translations, this thesis highlights the distinctive translation choices for the literary style and offers an original methodology to investigate the notion of style in translation. Taking advantage of multiple recently developed statistical methods and corpus-based translation approaches, we are capable to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate the structure of the vocabulary and the syntax in the two Chinese versions. In terms of cross-cultural studies in sociology and linguistics, we are able to detect various attitudes achieved through different translation styles, especially as regards Proust’s so-called “untranslatable” work. The cultural and linguistic values described here can probably enrich the studies and methodologies used to translate literary style
Jin, Gan. "Système de traduction automatique français-chinois dans le domaine de la sécurité globale." Thesis, Besançon, 2015.
Full textIn this paper, in addition to our research results for a French-Chinese machine translation system, we present the theoretical contributions from the SyGULAC theory and from the micro-systemic theory with its calculations as well as the methodologies developed aimed at a secure and reliable application in the context of machine translation. The application covers critical safety areas such as aerospace, medicine and civil security.After presenting the state of the art in the field of machine translation in China and France, the reasons of the choice of the micro-systemic theory and SyGULAC theory are explained. Then, we explain the problems encountered during our research. The ambiguity, which is the major obstacle to the understandability and to the translatability of a text, is present at all language levels: syntactic, morphological, lexical, nominal and verbal. The identification of the units of a sentence is also a preliminary step for global understanding, whether for human beings or for a translation system. We present an inventory of the divergences between the french and the chinese language in order to achieve an machine translation system. We try to observe the verbal, nominal and vocabulary structure levels, in order to understand their interconnections and their interactions. We also define the obstacles to this research, with a theoretical point of view but also by studying our corpus.The chosen formalism starts from a thorough study of the language used in security protocols. A language is suitable for automatic processing only if this language is formalized. Therefore, An analysis of several French/Chinese bilingual corpora, but also monolingual, from civil security agencies, was conducted. The goal is to find out and present the linguistic characteristics (lexical, syntactic ...) which characterize the language of security in general, and to identify all the syntactic structures used by this language. After presenting the formalization of our system, we show the recognition, transfer and generation processes
Cheng, Meng. "Les parties du discours dans la traduction français-chinois." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to study the transposition of parts of speech in French-Chinese translation. Transposition, one of the main translation techniques, which consists of replacing one part of speech with another without changing the meaning of the message (Vinay J.-P., Darbelnet. J. 1958), This technique is often used in French-Chinese translation. In this study, we first present the development of Chinese grammatical studies and the main Chinese parts of speech, by determining the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships of a unit. Next, we analyze the most frequent transpositions of parts of speech in French-Chinese translation. We find that transposition, closely related to lexical fields, is often used to resolve differences in the functioning of grammatical-syntactic systems between the two languages. Finally, we summarize our main reflections based on contrastive corpus analyses and highlight future research directions
Yuan, Wei. "La traduction des romans français en Chine (1993-2017) :Champs, agents et paysages littéraires." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2020.
Full textThis work addresses the place of French literature in China by tracing the translation routes of contemporary French novels. The translation process was transformed at the end of 1992, when China signed two important international conventions of copyright. Inspired by the sociological approach of Translation Studies, this thesis adopts the conceptual tools of Pierre Bourdieu and proposes a study based on field research and quantitative analysis of first-hand statistics. The goal is thus to illustrate the translation mechanism shaped by the social structure, to identify the agents and to understand who translates what in this conditioned process. In the first section which traces the history of literary translation in China with Bourdieu's tools, we note that no matter who dominates the translation - writers, translators, the State or academics - the French literature conveys usually a rich symbolic capital in China. We argue in the second part that the introduction of a market economy in 1993 has reshaped the power relation between the various agents, and pushed the editors and publishers to play a relatively decisive role - even if still under state control. Therefore, commercial production is greatly enhanced. In this landscape, the situation of French novels seems out of step. We reveal in the third part that in terms of working process, French novels mobilize special agents trained by the academic field whose vocation lies in the literature of small-scale production rather than the large-scale production, and this observation is testified by analyzing the catalog of the most active publisher in the field (Shanghai 99). The fourth part presents a panorama of contemporary French authors who’s been translated, and realizes the presumption that French translated works are concentrated in the restricted pole: French bestsellers are also translated, but they do not sell well in China. However, we still observe that French authors with a limited readership have been able to find a Chinese publisher who corresponds to their literary genre and have their works translated systematically. In short, we argue that in China today, French novels are no less translated, but they are rather managed by agents who are located in the sub-field of small-scale production, in a balance of power between academic field and economic field.
Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie
Yang, Lu, and 楊露. "On revolutionary road : translated modernity, underground reading movement and the reconstruction of subjectivity, 1970s." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.
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Doctor of Philosophy
Miao, Jun. "Approches textométriques de la notion de style du traducteur : Analyses d'un corpus parallèle Français-Chinois : Jean-Christophe de Romain Rolland et ses trois traductions chinoises." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2012.
Full textWang, Lingxiao. "Outils et environnements pour l'amélioration incrémentale, la post-édition contributive et l'évaluation continue de systèmes de TA. Application à la TA français-chinois." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.
Full textThe thesis, conducted as part of a CIFRE grant, and extending one of the aspects of the ANR project Traouiero, first addresses the production, extension and improvement of multilingual corpora by machine translation (MT) and contributory post-editing (PE). Functional and technical improvements have been made to the SECTra and iMAG software produced in previous PhD theses (P.C. Huynh, H.T. Nguyen), and progress has ben made toward a generic definition of the structure of a multilingual, annotated and multi-media corpus that may contain usual documents as well as pseudo-documents (such as Web pages) and meta-segments. This part has been validated by the creation of good French-Chinese bilingual corpora, one of them resulting from the first application to literary translation (a Jules Verne novel).A second part, initially motivated by an industrial need, has consisted in building MT systems of Moses type, specialized to sub-languages, for french↔chinese, and to study how to improve them in the context of a continuous use with the possibility of PE. As part of an internal project on the LIG website and of a project (TABE-FC) in cooperation with Xiamen University, it has been possible to demonstrate the value of incremental learning in statistical MT, under certain conditions, through an experiment that spread over the whole thesis.The third part of the thesis is devoted to contributing and making available computer tools and resources. The main ones are related to the COST project MUMIA of the EU and result from the exploitation of the CLEF-2011 collection of 1.5 million partially multilingual patents. Large translation memories have been extracted from it (17.5 million segments), 3 MT systems have been produced (de-fr, en-fr, fr-de), and a website of support for multilingual IR on patents has been constructed. One also describes the on-going implementation of JianDan-eval, a platform for building, deploying and evaluating MT systems
Huang, Chunli. "Les traductions françaises du Jingu qiguan et leurs influences sur la création littéraire en France (1735-1996)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Full textAt the end of the Ming Dynasty, Baoweng laoren has selected forty tales of the three collections of Feng Menglong and two collections of Ling Mengchu to compile another anthology entitled Jingu qiguan 今古奇觀 (curious spectacles of today and of the past). This anthology was a huge success at the time of its publication, and is constantly reprinted for centuries until today. Today it is considered as a main representative work of Chinese literature in vernacular language. The reputation of Jingu qiguan has already exceeded the Chinese border since a long time. Since the 18th century, three tales of the Jingu qiguan were translated for the first time in Europe by a French Jesuit. Therefore, throughout the centuries, the Jingu qiguan has experienced a lot of partial translations, retranslations and adaptation across Europe. Only in French, there are about thirty translations, retranslations and rewrite of Jingu qiguan. So that leads us to wonder why these stories have constantly been translated and retranslated, or even rewritten. Who have translated them and how they have been translated? How these translations did had some influence in the local literature? This study is intended to cover all these issues
LIN, Shu-Jian, and 林書劍. "Strategy for translating French humorous juvenile literature into Chinese : examples taken from《Histoires inédites du Petit Nicolas》." Thesis, 2009.
Full textBooks on the topic "French-Chinese translation"
Voltaire. Candide, or, Optimism: A fresh translation, backgrounds, criticism. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1991.
Find full text1920-, Morgan Edwin, ed. Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac: A new verse translation. Manchester: Carcanet, 1992.
Find full textVoltaire. Candide, or, All for the best: The 1759 Nourse (London) translation, revised. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press, 2009.
Find full textVoltaire. Candide, or, All for the best: The 1759 Nourse (London) translation, revised. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press, 2009.
Find full textKafka, Franz. The metamorphosis: Translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
Find full textKafka, Franz. The metamorphosis: Translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
Find full textAlexandre, Dumas. The three musketeers: Alexandre Dumas ; revised and updated translation by Eleanor Hochman ; with an introduction by Thomas Flanagan ; and a new afterword by Marcelle Clements. New York: Signet Classics, 2006.
Find full textInstitut national des langues et civilisations orientales. Centre d'études chinoises, ed. Les belles infidèles dans l'empire du milieu: Problématiques et pratiques de la traduction dans le monde chinois moderne. Paris: Librairie You Feng, 2010.
Find full textCarrying over: Poems from the Chinese, Urdu, Macedonian, Yiddish, and French African. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "French-Chinese translation"
Kaser, Pierre. "French Translations of the Chinese Vernacular Erotic Novel of the Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Brief Overview." In Encountering China’s Past, 101–23. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022.
Full textELBAZ, Pascale. "Interactivité, co-construction, quand l’outil numérique dé-hiérarchise le rapport entre enseignant-e-s et étudiant-e-s en langue." In Distances apprivoisées, 87–94. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textTIAN, Bing, Jianhua HUANG, and Fang HUANG. "J. Huang’s "Grand contemporary chinese-french dictionary (2014)" and the story behind it." In Dictionnaires et apprentissage des langues, 103–19. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full text"Travels of a Chinese Pulse Treatise: The Latin and French Translations of the Tuzhu maijue bianzhen 圖註脈訣辨真 (1650s–1730s)." In Translation at Work, 23–57. Brill | Rodopi, 2020.
Full text"TRADITION EAST AND WEST, ENGLISH AND CHINESE:." In Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures, 155–90. Anthem Press, 2020.
Full textSaussy, Haun. "The Nine Relays: Translation in China." In The Making of Barbarians, 11–32. Princeton University Press, 2022.
Full text"Front Matter." In Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures, i—iv. Anthem Press, 2020.
Full text"CONCLUSION." In Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures, 191–98. Anthem Press, 2020.
Full text"WORKS CITED." In Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures, 199–208. Anthem Press, 2020.
Full text"INDEX." In Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures, 209–16. Anthem Press, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "French-Chinese translation"
Wu, Hong, Claude Faidy, Xiaokang Wu, Ding Yuan, and Lei Gong. "Sino-French Cooperation on Publication of RCC Codes in Chinese Version." In 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textAlsharaf, H., S. Cardey, P. Greenfield, and Y. Shen. "Problems and solutions in machine translation involving Arabic, Chinese and French." In International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2004. Proceedings. ITCC 2004. IEEE, 2004.
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