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Wilcke, Christoph. Domestic plight: How Jordanian laws, officials, employers, and recruiters fail abused migrant domestic workers. New York, NY: Human Rights Watch, 2011.
Find full textThe Israeli-Jordanian water regime: A model for resolving water conflicts in the Jordan River Basin? Geneva, Switzerland: Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, 2004.
Find full textPolynesia, French. The Investment Code of French Polynesia. Papeete, Tahiti: Departement Promotion des Investissements, 1991.
Find full textAtwill, Nicole. France: Adapting the French legal framework to promote electronic commerce. [Washington, D.C.]: Law Library of Congress, 2000.
Find full textFrance. The French commercial code in English. 2nd ed. [United States?]: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Find full textFrance. The French commercial code in English. 2nd ed. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, 2005.
Find full textFrance. The French commercial code in English. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Find full textFrance. The French commercial code in English. 2nd ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y: Oceana Publications, 2004.
Find full textAlcuitas, M. Luningning. Justice denied: The history of French language rights in Manitoba. Winnipeg, Man: Public Legal Education Activities/Activités d'éducation juridique populaire, 1989.
Find full textBerman, George A. French business law in translation. Huntington, N.Y: Juris, 2005.
Find full textSchoen, Thierry. The French stock exchange: A practical guide for investors and advisers. Chichester: Wiley, 1995.
Find full textAlphabetical list of titles of federal acts =: Répertoire alphabétique de titres de lois fédérales. 4th ed. [Ottawa]: Terminology and Documentation Branch, Translation Bureau, 1986.
Find full textStewart, Mary Lynn. Women, work, and the French State: Labour protection and social patriarchy, 1879-1919. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989.
Find full textFrench Colonial Heritage Area Study Act: Report (to accompany S. 1638). [Washington, D.C: U.S. G.P.O., 2002.
Find full textFrance. French law on commercial companies: As of January 1, 1988. 2nd ed. Chicago, Ill: Commerce Clearing House, 1988.
Find full textQuébec (Province). Conseil de la langue française. Avis sur d'éventuelles modifications à la Charte de la langue française: Avis au Ministre responsable de l'application de la Charte de la langue française. Québec, Québec: Conseil de la langue française, 1993.
Find full textFederation, National French-Canadian Women's. The voice of francophone women living in minority situations in the constitutional debate: An analysis of the federal proposals. Ottawa, Ont: National French-Canadian Women's Federation, 1992.
Find full textHarichaux, Michèle. Droit de la santé: Dictionnaire commenté. Paris: Masson, 2003.
Find full textMarusenko, M. A. Kvebekskiĭ i︠a︡zyk. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2006.
Find full textEducation, Ontario Ministry of. Instructions to teachers and trustees of French-English schools. [Toronto?: s.n., 1994.
Find full textBennett, William Henry. The droit de banalité during the French régime in Canada. Washington: G.P.O., 1986.
Find full textFessenden, Thomas Green. An essay on the law of patents for new inventions: With an appendix containing the French patent law, forms, &c. Clark, N.J: Lawbook Exchange, 2003.
Find full textBérard, Jean. Bastille nation: French penal politics and the punitive turn. Ottawa, ON: Red Quill Books, 2013.
Find full textQuébec (Province). Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée nationale. Division de la référence parlementaire. Charte de la langue française: (Loi 101), (Septembre 1988 - Septembre 1992).1992. [Québec]: Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée nationale, Division de la référence parlementaire, 1992.
Find full text(Province), Québec. Charte de la langue française: L.R.Q., chapitre C-11, à jour au 21 juillet 1992. [Québec]: Editeur officiel du Québec, 1992.
Find full textEuropean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions., ed. European employment and industrial relations glossary. London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1993.
Find full textLaw and business in France: A guide to French commercial and corporate law. Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff, 1994.
Find full textRules of exchange: French capitalism in comparative perspective, eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Find full textStanziani, Alessandro. Rules of exchange: French capitalism in comparative perspective, eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Find full textAssembly, Ontario Legislative. Bill 109: An act to establish a French-language school board for the regional municipality of Ottawa-Carleton = Projet de loi 109 : loi portant création d'un conseil scolaire de langue français pour la municipalité régionale d'Ottawa-Carleton. [Toronto]: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1988.
Find full textMartinat, Patrick. Les régions: Clefs de la décentralisation. Paris: L.G.D.J., 2010.
Find full textEffi, Serge. Les aspects juridiques des relations monétaires et financières entre l'Union européenne et les états de la zone franc. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2001.
Find full textJuillard, Patrick, and Brigitte Stern. Les emprunts russes et le reglement du contentieux financier franco-russe. Paris: Editions Pedone, 2002.
Find full textVanuatu. Office of the Ombudsman. Public report on the breach of Article 64 of the constitution by the Ministry and Department of Education. Port Vila, Vanuatu: Office of the Ombudsman, 2005.
Find full textAlzina, Patricia Lougarre. Règle de droit et délocalisation des entreprises françaises: Thèse pour l'obtention du doctorat d'état en droit, université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, institut du droit de la paix et du développement, juin 2003. Lille: ANRT. Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, 2005.
Find full textCardinal, Linda. Pour les femmes: Éducation et autonomie : la place des femmes francophones hors Québec dans le domaine de l'éducation au Canada. Ottawa: Réseau national d'action-éducation des femmes, 1990.
Find full textMaudits Anglais!: Lettre ouverte aux Québécois d'un Franco-Ontarien indigné. [Montréal]: Stanké, 1989.
Find full textPontier, Jean Marie. Droit de la langue française. Paris: Dalloz, 1997.
Find full textBlanpain, R. Glossaire du droit du travail et des relations du travail en Belgique. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1995.
Find full textBertrand, Marianne. Does entry regulation hinder job creation?: Evidence from the French retail industry. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2001.
Find full textFrance. Agreement between the United States of America and the French Republic on social security: Message from the President of the United States transmitting the agreement between the United States of America and the French Republic on social security which consists of two separate instruments, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 433(e)(1). Washington: U.S. G.P.O, 1987.
Find full textRelations, United States Congress Senate Committee on Foreign. Income tax convention with the French Republic: Report (to accompany Treaty doc. 103-32, 103rd Congress, 2d session). [Washington, D.C.?: U.S. G.P.O., 1995.
Find full textJacomet, Thierry. Les relations financières avec l'étranger: Le contrôle des changes. 3rd ed. Paris: Juridictionnaires Joly, 1985.
Find full textJacomet, Thierry. Les relations financières avec l'étranger: Le contrôle des changes. 5th ed. Paris: Juridictionnaires Joly, 1990.
Find full textL' Article 23: Les péripéties législatives et juridiques du fait français au Manitoba, 1870-1986. Saint-Boniface, Man: Editions du Blé, 1987.
Find full textUexküll, J. Detlev. Wörterbuch der Patentpraxis.: Lexique de la pratique de la propriété industrielle. Allemand-français, français-allemand. Köln: Heymann, 1986.
Find full textCornu, Marie, Jérôme Fromageau, and Catherine Wallaert. Dictionnaire comparé du droit du patrimoine culturel. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2012.
Find full textDecolonization and African society: The labor question in French and British Africa. Cambridge, [England]: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Find full textAlain, Bournazel, ed. Le conseil général et l'administration du département. Paris: Editions du Moniteur, 1988.
Find full textJean-Claude, Fortier, and Mastias Jean, eds. Le nouveau conseil général. Paris: Editions ouvrières, 1985.
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