Academic literature on the topic 'French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)'
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Journal articles on the topic "French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)"
Gabet, Amélie, Valérie Olié, and Yannick Béjot. "Stroke Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Treated with Oral Anticoagulants: Comparison of the Population-Based Stroke Registry of Dijon and the French National Health Databases." Neuroepidemiology 54, no. 6 (2020): 506–12.
Full textPol, Stanislas, Ingrid Rodriguez, Olivier Lada, Fayssoil fouad, Magali Lemaitre, and Françoise Roudot-Thoraval. "Patients treated for hepatitis C: an observational study with the French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)." Journal of Hepatology 73 (August 2020): S613.
Full textMeaume, Sylvie, Patricia Senet, Benoît Thomé, Victor-Alexandre Aragno, Bohbot Serge, Sophie Fortin, Isabelle Boucley, Ulrique Michon-Pasturel, and Hester Colboc. "Impact of primary dressings on healing of venous leg ulcers: a French cohort study from the healthcare insurance database." Journal of Wound Care 33, no. 9 (September 2, 2024): 678–86.
Full textLartigau, Marion, Martine Barateau, Mathieu Rosé, Nicoleta Petricã, and Nathalie Salles. "Pressure ulcer prevention devices in the management of older patients at risk after hospital discharge: an SNDS study." Journal of Wound Care 32, Sup9a (September 1, 2023): clxxi—clxxx.
Full textJuge, P. A., L. Wemeau Stervinou, S. Ottaviani, G. Desjeux, J. Zhuo, B. Bregman, V. Vannier-Moreau, R. M. Flipo, B. Crestani, and P. Dieudé. "OP0099 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MORTALITY OF RA-ASSOCIATED INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASE: DATA FROM A FRENCH ADMINISTRATIVE HEALTHCARE DATABASE." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80, Suppl 1 (May 19, 2021): 54.2–55.
Full textMeaume, Sylvie, Patricia Senet, Benoît Thomé, Victor-Alexandre Aragno, Serge Bohbot, Sophie Fortin, Isabelle Boucley, Ulrique Michon-Pasturel, and Hester Colboc. "Aetiological treatment of venous leg ulcers with compression therapy: real-life outcomes with two different procedures." Journal of Wound Care 32, no. 10 (October 2, 2023): 615–23.
Full textBastard, Léa, Pascal Claudepierre, Laetitia Penso, Emilie Sbidian, and Laura Pina Vegas. "Risk of serious infection associated with different classes of targeted therapies used in psoriatic arthritis: a nationwide cohort study from the French Health Insurance Database (SNDS)." RMD Open 10, no. 1 (March 2024): e003865.
Full textPol, Stanislas, Fayssoil Fouad, Magali Lemaitre, Ingrid Rodriguez, Olivier Lada, Pascaline Rabiega, Elias Benabadji, and Françoise Roudot-Thoraval. "Impact of extending direct antiviral agents (DAA) availability in France: an observational cohort study (2015-2019) of data from French administrative healthcare databases (SNDS)." Lancet Regional Health - Europe 13 (February 2022): 100281.
Full textPina Vegas, Laura, Léa Hoisnard, Léa Bastard, Emilie Sbidian, and Pascal Claudepierre. "Long-term persistence of second-line biologics in psoriatic arthritis patients with prior TNF inhibitor exposure: a nationwide cohort study from the French health insurance database (SNDS)." RMD Open 8, no. 2 (December 2022): e002681.
Full textPina Vegas, Laura, Laetitia Penso, Emilie Sbidian, and Pascal Claudepierre. "Influence of sex on the persistence of different classes of targeted therapies for psoriatic arthritis: a cohort study of 14 778 patients from the French health insurance database (SNDS)." RMD Open 9, no. 4 (December 2023): e003570.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)"
Duong, Chi-Hong. "Approches statistiques en pharmacoépidémiologie pour la prise en compte des facteurs de confusion indirectement mesurés dans les bases de données médico-administratives : Application aux médicaments pris au cours de la grossesse." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textHealthcare administrative databases are increasingly used in pharmacoepidemiology. However, the existence of unmeasured and uncontrolled confounders can bias analyses. In this work, we explore the value of leveraging the richness of data through large-scale selection of a large number of measured covariates correlated with unmeasured confounders to indirectly adjust for them. This concept is the cornerstone of the High-dimensional propensity score (hdPS), and we apply the same approach to G-computation (GC) and Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE). Although these methods have been evaluated in some simulation studies, their performance on large real-world databases remains underexplored. This thesis aims to assess their contributions to mitigating the effect of directly or indirectly measured confounders in the French administrative health care database (SNDS) for pharmacoepidemiological studies in pregnant women. In Chapter 2, we used a set of reference drugs related to prematurity to compare the performance of the three methods. All reduced confounding bias, with GC showing the best performance. In Chapter 3, we conducted an hdPS analysis in a more complex modeling setting to investigate the controversial association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and miscarriage. We implemented a Cox model with time-dependent variables and the “lag-time” approach to address other biases (immortal time bias and protopathic bias). We compared analyses adjusted for factors chosen according to the current literature with those chosen by the hdPS algorithm. In both types of analysis, NSAIDs were associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, and the observed differences in estimated risks could partly be explained by the difference between the causal estimands targeted by the approaches. Our work confirms the contribution of statistical methods to reducing confounding bias. It also highlights major challenges encountered during their practical application, related to the complexity of modeling and study design, as well as their computational cost
Book chapters on the topic "French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)"
Koïvogui, Akoi, Robert Benamouzig, and Catherine Duclos. "Refinement of the Target Population for Colorectal Cancer Screening in France, Inventory as a Prelude to the Use of Medico-Administrative Database." In Caring is Sharing – Exploiting the Value in Data for Health and Innovation. IOS Press, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)"
Pina Vegas, L., S. Iggui, E. Sbidian, and P. Claudepierre. "POS0959 IMPACT OF INITIATION OF TARGETED THERAPY ON THE USE OF ASSOCIATED TREATMENTS AND HEALTHCARE CONSUMPTION IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: A COHORT STUDY OF 9,793 PATIENTS FROM THE FRENCH HEALTH INSURANCE DATABASE (SNDS)." In EULAR 2024 European Congress of Rheumatology, 12-15 June. Vienna, Austria. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2024.
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