Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Free of administration'
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McCormley, Molly. "Endocrine responses to repeated adrenocorticotropic hormone administration in free-ranging elephant." Scholarly Commons, 2018. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/uop_etds/3127.
Full textPage, Robert O. "Church administration for growth past one thousand." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2004. http://www.tren.com.
Full textSamuel, Dorit. "A comparative risk return analysis and performance evaluation of tax free municipal bond funds." Connect to resource, 1997. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view.cgi?acc%5Fnum=osu1261237556.
Full textFuentes, Graciela. "Constitutional guarantees and normative limits to free communication." Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=26444.
Full textThe curtailment of sexual expression is at the core of the discussion of the nature of human beings and their relationship with the state power. By analyzing the way in which governments ban sexual messages, one can infer with a great degree of accuracy how they will react toward other forms of expression. This connection can be established because arguments justifying restrictions on pornography may be extended to justify prohibitions on other form of communication.
Inasmuch as freedom of expression meets the basic need for communication inherent to autonomous and morally responsible individuals, any restriction on it must stem from the principle that rights-protection is the highest value as supreme law rather than from a majority assertion of what is good for the individual and society as a whole.
Conrad, Stanley M. "The relationship of the Japan Evangelical Free Church Mission and the Japan Evangelical Free Church Conference a survey and an analysis /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1993. http://www.tren.com.
Full textWeiss, Thomas. "Das Weltzollrecht der WTO und Kyoto-Übereinkommen am Beispiel der ASEAN und Indonesiens /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2006. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=014662593&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Full textChukwu, Idam Oko. "Public expenditures and crime in a free society." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1999. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/1802.
Full textSundelin, Viktoria, and Hennig Anton Pellettieri. "Free float och marknadsreaktionen vid annonsering av kvartalsrapporter : En studie av svenska noterade bolag." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-448266.
Full textBenedict, James. "Chronic Disease Management of the Uninsured Patient at Ohio Free Clinics." ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2713.
Full textSaleh, Amir Mostafa. "Adoção de tecnologia: um estudo sobre o uso de software livre nas empresas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/12/12139/tde-06122004-123821/.
Full textFree software has been, in the previous years, subject of attention from technology professionals and the specialized press. In bibliography, it's possible to find that there are free softwares good enough to take care of most of enterprise needs, and that there are real advantages in it's use, mainly because of costs reduction. However, the market share of these programs is very small, and is restricted just to specific niches. This work searches for, using a qualitative methodology and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the factors that explains why the free software use is expressively lower than the proprietary ones in Brazilian companies. For the conduction of research, the universe of companies was limited to those which owns more than 30 and less than 160 keyboards. In these companies, we searched for the perceptions concerning free software, in order to find the factors that lead to the described situation. As a result, we saw that the free software low market share situation can be explained as a conjunction of two main factors: the network externalities and the high migration costs.
Week, Sandra McElrath. "An ecological study of instructor views of free use multitasking with digital devices in the classroom." Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10126080.
Full textUniversity instructors experience continual technological change that affects their classroom teaching and their relationships with students. Few studies have been conducted regarding instructor views about student off-task multitasking during class. This study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach to discover meaning that instructors attribute to the challenges they encounter in dealing with student information and communications device use in the university classroom. Bronfenbenner’s (1990) ecological systems theory was used as a lens to organize and bring understanding to data collected from participant interviews, classroom observation, and syllabus inspection. The design of the study was different than any studies found to date as it triangulated instructor interviews with syllabi and observational data. Twelve participants who teach freshman-and sophomore-level core curriculum classes from a western university were included in the study. Information accumulated in this study supported some of the current research, but was in direct opposition to other research. The findings provide practical recommendations and many new opportunities for future research.
Coetzee, Jacobus. "Investigating occupational therapists management skills as business unit managers within the Free State Department of Health." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/97316.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the management skills of occupational therapy business unit managers on Assistant Director Level in the Public Health Sector (PHS) of the Free State (FS). For the purpose of this study, management skills referred to the occupational therapy business unit manager’s perception of the importance and competency experienced while doing their work within the Free State Department of Health. Occupational therapy form an integral part of the Free State Department of Health, which is a provincial public sector entity and solely responsible for health services to the majority of the population. An inquiry was initiated based on the researchers’ observation of occupational therapy business unit manager’s challenges regarding knowledge and skill when exposed to management. The investigation was conducted by making use of a questionnaire for the quantitative typical descriptive study design and semi-structured telephonic interviews for the qualitative study design. Electronic self-administrative questionnaires were distributed to all the occupational therapy business unit managers in the service of the Free State Department of Health. Ten (n=10) questionnaires, a hundred percent of employed occupational therapy business unit managers, were used for the analysis of quantitative data. Subsequently to this base-line data gathered, semi-structured telephonic interviews with open-ended questions were conducted among the target population. In conclusion the results of the study showed that the occupational therapy business unit managers in the PHS of the FS perceive a gap between their current and desired performance management skill levels. This was found to be in accordance with studies worldwide as clinicians promoted to a managerial post would prefer to utilize gained qualifications and experiences as managers within their specialty field.
Batuev, Mikhail. "'Free sports' : organizational evolution from participatory activities to Olympic sports." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/23173.
Full textSenger, Pia, and Esra Özülkü. "German Generation Y’s PurchaseIntention towards Packaging-Free Products: A TPB Approach." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-39559.
Full textChang, Jiang. "Strategic responses to New Zealand-China free trade agreement : a case study of New Zealand natural health products industry : a thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce and Administration in International Business /." ResearchArchive e-thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10063/1131.
Full textGentles, Jeremy A., William G. Hornsby, Howard S. Gray, Jonathan A. Miller, Andy R. Dotterweich, Charles A. Stuart, and Michael H. Stone. "Changes in Cell Free DNA During a College Soccer Season." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/3795.
Full textAlaouir, Taima, Robin Gustavsson, and Nathalie Schmidt. "Factors Driving Purchase Intention for Cruelty-free Cosmetics : A study of female millennials in Jönköping, Sweden." Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Internationella Handelshögskolan, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-44134.
Full textLegendre, Jean-Baptiste. "La libre administration des collectivités territoriales à l'épreuve de l'obligation d'équilibre budgétaire." Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMR142.
Full textAs a result of decentralisation, local authorities enjoy a constitutionally acknowledged free administration. Taking this as a starting point, it appears that the local authorities’ action comes within a remit characterised by freedom. In this way, due to their activities, local authorities are bound to have a deep impact in terms of public subsidies. This is not so only because their action is peculiarly exercised at a local level and closely felt by the citizens, but also because it is influenced by various stakeholders who may express freedom through several modalities. The local authorities’ exercise of free administration, including the skills it entails and allows to develop, is likely to have financial consequences. To start with this presentation is an invitation to consider the existence of necessary resources for the financing of the freedom implemented by the local authorities. This will then bring us to acknowledge that the fulfilment of such a freedom is likely to generate expenses. Thereby, as local authorities exercise free administration, this brings upon an intensified financial activity on their side. In this context, the comparison between the amounts of revenues and expenditure may bring about the issue of a balanced budget. Moreover, taking it into consideration may even confer a prescriptive value to it. Thus, considering the budget balance as a standard will allow us to outline a new approach to the local authorities’ free administration. Inasmuch as a contradiction between them may be pointed out, the local authorities’ free administration is being put to the test by the rule of budget balance. However, this contradiction, which is initially anticipated, is likely to be taken over by local authorities. It is with this aim in view that an appeal to responsibility as an element external to the conflict between freedom and balance will change its terms. So two logics are conceivable - either local authorities are led by a sense of responsibility to the benefit of their free administration and embrace budget balance for the sake of the benefits that may derive from it - which would enhance heteronomy -, or they are led to consider budget balance as an inherent rule to freedom and to apply it as a proper law by duty and regardless of its beneficial effects - which would amount to autonomy
Wickstrom, Craig M. "A Post-Critical Science of Administration: Toward a Society of Explorers." Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1513694390316079.
Full textCortell, Sarah Christine. "The Cost of Free Admission: A Comparative Study Examining the Feasibility of Eliminating Museum Admission Charges." The Ohio State University, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1307220379.
Full textBoshoff, Willem Hendrik. "Political reality of local government service provision in the Free State Province." Thesis, Bloemfontein : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/133.
Full textThe Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, No. 108 of 1996 (SA, 1996) brought about a new system of government comprised of the national, provincial and local government spheres. In terms of the Constitution, these spheres of government must establish effective, transparent and accountable government. Local government is specifically responsible for the provision of democratic and accountable government to local communities, and for ensuring that municipal services are rendered to the community. As in the case of the national and provincial spheres of government, local government has a distinctive political nature and character. Councillors are elected to represent the voters who participate in municipal elections, as well as the relevant political parties, on municipal councils. The decisions of municipal councils are influenced by political considerations, as well as by the policy directives of the ruling party. The Constitution also establishes and describes the various governmental bodies that exercise the powers of the state. These governmental bodies represent the state and can be classified in terms of three primary groups, namely legislative, executive and legal structures. In a bona fide democracy, the doctrine of separation of powers, also known as the trias politica, is of fundamental importance in order to prevent autocracy and ensure civil liberty. The provision of viable municipal services is the most crucial reason for the existence of local government. The community has a legitimate expectation with regard to the provision of appropriate municipal services; and in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000 (SA, 2000c) municipalities must supply basic municipal services in order to ensure an acceptable quality of life. However, inadequate levels of municipal service provision are encountered in South Africa in general, and in the Free State in particular. Such inadequate service provision has led to several violent community-protest actions in the country. These protests are an indication that municipal service provision does not meet the expectations of the communities. Various factors tend to have a negative effect on local government in the Free State, including capacity shortages, such as the lack of professional and experienced staff; financial shortages; and the extensive quantity and complexity of local government legislation. Political challenges that influence local government service provision include factors such as the absence of the political will to provide services, political in-fighting within the ruling party, the selection criteria for the appointment of municipal employees, and political interference in municipal administration. It is also essential that the ruling party should put acceptable mechanisms in place to ensure that the public sector becomes an effective instrument for carrying out the ruling party‟s mandate, rather than allowing political interference to affect the day-to-day activities of government. In order to meet the needs of the community with regard to service provision, it is essential that the three spheres of government should function as a coherent unit. Intergovernmental relations therefore play a central role in ensuring that the joint functions of government are effectively carried out. The national and provincial departments have a specific responsibility to support and strengthen local government capacity, and also to ensure the effective execution of municipal functions. However, various intergovernmental challenges need to be dealt with, namely ineffective co-ordination and integration, as well as the absence of the political will to promote intergovernmental relations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify specific actions and strategies that can be implemented by the government in order to address the challenges that have a negative influence on local government service provision, with specific reference to the political challenges.
Strand, Elliot, and Viktor Sandell. "The Key Value Components of a Customer Value Proposition for Free-Floating Car Sharing Services in the Nordics." Thesis, Jönköping University, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-52829.
Full textOlofsson, Johan. "The Welfare State and Attitudes to Free Movement : How does the design of the social insurance system associate with public attitudes towards free movement in receiving EU countries?" Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-403455.
Full textBayat, Babolghani Babak, and Sebastian Reuter. "A study on profitability of Nordic large cap companies, effects of free cash flow and debt." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-150154.
Full textToli, Moeketshi Hendrick. "Assessment of the challenges affecting the efficient and effective management of district hospitals in the Motheo district in the Free State province." Thesis, [Bloemfontein?] : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/191.
Full textThe primary aim of the proposed study is to investigate the technical problems affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of District Hospitals in the Free State Province. The proposed research therefore stands to contribute to the existing body of evidence on the efficiency and effectiveness of health care services, with regard to the existing problems in the health sector such as high staff turnover, facilities with lack of appropriate equipment, unmanageable workload, lack of appropriate infrastructure, a high absenteeism rate and low morale of the employees in the public health institutions. Therefore the study will identify potential shortcomings that are compromising the efficiency and effectiveness of the district hospitals. The findings of the study will be used to address some of the identified problems and also to describe how progress can be measured. The outcomes of this study are intended to raise important issues and to assist management of the Free State Department of Health to address the challenges that are affecting the functioning of the district hospitals. The findings will also assist the relevant managers in planning and implementation of policies that will address inequalities and problems as highlighted in the study. It will also create opportunities for shared responsibilities that management and the staff need to resolve jointly.
Leftin, Adam Zook. "A Narrative Exploration of Free Speech Events by New Student Affairs Professionals." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1594750157591483.
Full textBanner, Amy Bennett. "A Comparative Study of the Perceptions of Elementary School Administrators, Teachers, and Students Regarding recess and Free Play in the Public School." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2005. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/1005.
Full textOlofsson, Jens, and Sandra Nymo. "Fossil fuel- free by 2030 : A quantitative study on battery electric vehicle adoption and the moderating role of total cost of ownership." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-161397.
Full textStoffers, Rickard, and Deibrant Helena Eriksson. "Business Valuation : A study of the accuracy of the free cash flow to equity approach and the dividend discount model." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-43883.
Full textMansour, Ricardo, and Ronit Hoque. "How Covid-19 affected Omnichannel retailing and the use of Showrooming." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-85607.
Full textMofokeng, Mpuse Frans. "Decision support systems for the Letsemeng Local Municipality." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/4054.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Municipalities in South Africa, especially rural ones, have been struggling to deliver services to communities to the extent that government placed those worse-off under Project Consolidate. The implementation of Project Consolidate indicate that the capability of municipalities to deliver services to their communities faced several challenges. Most challenges are attributed to skills, processes, procedures and resources. During the dawn of democracy municipalities were merged into manageable demarcated areas for efficiency, effectiveness and inclusive governance to improve service delivery. The study primarily looks into whether DSS are implemented in Letsemeng Local Municipality and what the benefits are for service delivery to the community. The study was conducted in Letsemeng Local Municipality because it is representative of rural municipalities facing similar changes. It focuses on the administrative and political capability to transform Letsemeng Local Municipality into an effective service delivery vehicle. Administrative capability primarily concentrates on the ability of procedure, systems and management skills to manage a transformed municipal institution within the new democratic dispensation, while political capability concentrates on the role of politicians (councillors) on support and facilitation to meet the needs of the community. Taking these factors into consideration the role of DSS and IKM in successful service delivery was investigated through interviewing key managers (municipal, financial, technical and corporate managers) and analysing support documentation used by the municipality. It was discovered that the performance of Letsemeng Local Municipality is affected by the lack of DSS to support management and politicians, absence of appropriate IKM application for continuous service improvement, high turnover of staff leaving mostly unskilled and less experienced and to a lesser extent political interference. It was also concluded that the implementation of DSS and IKM cannot on its own improve service delivery, but improvement might be achieved if accompanied by Letsemeng Local Municipality BPR (Business Process Re-engineering).
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika, veral dié in landelike gebiede, sukkel dermate om dienste aan gemeenskappe te lewer dat die regering dié wat die slegste gevaar het, moes plaas onder Projek Konsolideer. Die implementering van Projek Konsolideer is ‘n aanduiding dat munisipaliteite se vermoë om dienste te lewer voor verskillende uitdagings te staan kom. Die meeste van die uitdagings word toegeskryf aan vaardighede, prosesse en hulpbronne. Met die aanbreek van demokrasie is munisipaliteite saamgesmelt in beheerbare afgebakende gebiede met die oog op doeltreffendheid, doelmatigheid en inklusiewe bestuur wat gemik is op verbeterde dienslewering. Hierdie studie ondersoek primêr of beslissingsteunstelsels (DSS) geïmplementeer word by die Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit en watter voordele dit vir die gemeenskap inhou insoverre dit dienslewering betref. Die studie is in Letsemeng onderneem aangesien hierdie munisipaliteit verteenwoordigend is van munisipaliteite met soortgelyke uitdagings. Dit fokus op die administratiewe en politieke vermoë om die Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit te omvorm in ‘n effektiewe instrument vir dienslewering. Administratiewe vermoë konsentreer primêr op die vermoë van prosedures, stelsels en bestuursvaardighede om ‘n getransformeerde munisipale instelling binne die nuwe demokratiese bestel te bestuur, terwyl politieke vermoë gerig is op die rol van politici (raadslede), ondersteuning en fasilitering om in die behoeftes van die gemeenskap te voldoen. Met inagneming van hierdie faktore is die rol van DSS en IKM (Inligting- en Kennisbestuur) in suksesvolle dienslewering ondersoek deur onderhoude te voer met sleutelbestuurders (munisipale-, finansiële-, tegniese- en bedryfsbestuurders) en deur ondersteunende dokumentasie wat deur die munisipaliteit gebruik word, na te gaan. Daar is bevind dat Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se werksverrigting geraak word deur ‘n gebrek aan DSS ter ondersteuning van bestuurslui en politici, die afwesigheid van toepaslike IKMaanwending vir voortgesette verbetering in dienslewering, hoë personeelomset as gevolg van werknemers wat bedank en minder geskoolde en minder ervare werknemers agterlaat en, in ‘n mindere mate, inmenging deur politici. Daar is ook vasgestel dat die implementering van DSS en IKM nie op sigself dienslewering sal verbeter nie, maar dit kan verbetering meebring indien dit saamval met die Letsemeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se BPR (Herbouing van die Bedryfsproses).
Labanauskas, Liutauras. "„Protų nutekėjimo“ problema Lietuvoje Europos Sąjungos laisvo asmenų judėjimo kontekste (profesinis aspektas)." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2005~D_20060317_130533-88365.
Full textBlomberg, Albin. "Market valuation : Observed differences in valuation between small and large cap stocks, when Dividend Discount Model and Free Cash Flow to Equity is applied in the Swedish stock market." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Jönköping University, IHH, Center for Finance and Governance (CFG), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-48686.
Full textLee, Brian. "A Matter of National Concern: The Kennedy Administration and Prince Edward County, Virginia." VCU Scholars Compass, 2009. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/1877.
Full textGonzalez, Camilla, and Sanne Swedenås. "Does reaching resonance give brands a free card? : A study of the strength in the consumer-brand relationship when the brand has reached the stage of brand resonance." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-42852.
Full textRossi, Kirstin A. "Early Strategies of Kindergarten Teachers and Administrators to Lessen the Literacy Gap." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/4678.
Full textIvan, Timbs. "The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement : An analysis of the class divide within Australian society appertaining to globalization." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-7970.
Full textGlobal interest in using free trade agreements to expand trade, investment, integration and other linkages has expanded dramatically in the last twenty years. Australia is not alone in this development and has concluded Free Trade Agreements (FTA), with a number of countries, with little division or debate, within Australian society, about their merits. However, the announcement by the Australian Government in December 2000 of its intention to pursue an FTA with the United States ignited significant controversy in the Australian community and exposed deep concerns about the phenomenon of globalization and the future of Australian society. The ensuing debate revealed deep-seated divisions within Australian society.
Utlilizing a combination of Weber’s class-based theory and liberal ideologies (economic, welfare and radical), this research intends to analyze public submissions made to the Australian Parliament Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States (US) in an attempt to identify the reasons for the divisions within Australian society concerning the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA). It is expected the results will illuminate the challenges facing both governments and societies alike in a globalizing world and provide fruitful insights for policy makers in future trade negotiations.
Mitropoulos, Konstantinos. "The right of free movement: A story of securitisation and control in the UK or the story of Ion Popescu." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Statsvetenskap, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-121084.
Full textArmonienė, Lina. "Bendroji ES prekybos politika." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2006~D_20060317_160209-30710.
Full textCommon trade policy is one of the best integrated spheres of cooperation between EU member states. It is one of the most important factors of economic growth. Liberalization of trade relations predetermined the development of competitiveness, enable to undertake projects which would be too complex to implement by one individual state. EU acquis establishes measures for the elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers, physical barriers to trade between the member states, mutual recognition gave a fresh power for further liberalization of the single internal market.
Gawell, Nathalie, and Hanne Hed. "E-kronan som framtida betalningsmedel? : En studie av yngre användares inställning till en potentiell implementering av E-kronan som komplement till dagens fysiska kontanter." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-151019.
Full textBackground: Sweden could become the first cash-free country in the world. As a result of the digitalization, the Swedish Central Bank has initiated a project called the E-krona to investigate whether a launch of a digital currency should be realized to complement the hard cash. This essay will map the various attitudes that younger users in the age group 20 – 30 may have together with their underlying factors. Therefore, the essay aims to provide an understanding of how the younger generation experiences the E-krona as an alternative to hard cash as well as a basis for decision makers whether the E-krona should be implemented from a users' perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to map the Swedish 20 – 30-year old’s attitude towards a potential implementation of the E-krona as a complement to today's hard cash, as well as the underlying factors to the identified attitudes. Completion: The essay has been conducted through a qualitative approach in which 58 respondents were interviewed for a period of seven weeks. The authors have used a convenience selection combined with a ratio selection at the empirical gathering. The authors have identified four typologies dependent on the respondents' attitudes as well as created an analysis tool to illustrate which factors have had the most impact on the intention to use the E-krona. Conclusion: The authors have concluded that the readiness for the E-krona is not the same as the need for it. In addition, information about the project is an essential part that currently limits respondents in their decision making. Finally, the paper recommends that the E-krona should be designed with a unique infrastructure and functions to gain a competitive factor.
Stamos, Elefteria, and Sweet Mogos. "The Road to Japan : En studie om etableringsstrategier för svenska företag." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-38931.
Full textProblem: Japan is one of Sweden’s largest export markets with 127 million consumers and an interesting market for Swedish companies. The Japanese market has many obstacles and challenges and has previously been restrictive to foreign companies. Swedish SMEs usually have less capital and resources than large companies which can affect their choice of establishment strategies as well as the obstacles and challenges they encounter. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the entry strategies that Swedish companies can use to do business in Japan. Methodology: In this study, a qualitative method was used in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of six informants. The interviews were conducted with three companies operating in Japan. The other three interviews were with a university lecturer and state / semi-governmental organizations. Conclusions: Obstacles that emerged in this study are non-tariff barriers such as complicated administrative procedures and laws and regulations, understanding of the Japanese business environment and high consumer demands. Challenges that have emerged are the Japanese language, high operational costs, the intensity of competition (mainly in the B2B-market), as well as long-term relationships and trust that take a long time to build. Origin and networks are something that should be taken into account as they can facilitate the entry in the Japanese market. Swedish origin is something that is appreciated in Japan and networks can help to utilize local knowledge and experience. Entry strategies that Swedish companies can use in Japan are direct or cooperative exports and intermediate modes such as joint venture. These entry strategies respect values such as trust and long-term relationships, which are essential for doing business in Japan.
Huang, He. "At the Crossroad of Free Trade and Trade Protectionism: Analyzing EU’s External Trade Policy under the Impetus of Global Trade Liberalization." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-9367.
Full textDeparting from the case of textile and clothing trade dispute between the EU and China in 2005, it has been noticed that the EU’s policy in textile trade to a large extent has been situated in a position of dilemma. On the one hand, the growing global impetus of liberalization in the sector forces the EU to open up its market to cheap textile imports from the developing countries; on the other hand, the fierce protectionist pressures come from the domestic producers and slow down the paces towards liberalization, or sometimes even take setback towards more conservative performances. By placing this case in a broader context, the EU’s external trade policy is confronted with the similar dilemma, swaying between the trade liberalization and trade protection. Consequently, does the EU emerge in the current multilateral trading system of the WTO as a force for trade liberalization or a force for trade protectionism?
Bearing this question in mind, the general climate of global trade under the GATT/WTO and the EU’s external trade policy will firstly be examined. Then, the EU’s trade protectionism is about to be explained by strategic trade theory, the high political content of the EU’s external trade policy and the fragmentation in the EU’s policy networks; while the EU’s inclination towards trade liberalization will be explained by the implications from the conventional trade theory and new institutionalism, and as well as the impacts from the general climate of global trade.
The results shows that the EU’s external trade policy under the global trade liberalization is a mixture, neither pure liberalization nor pure protectionism. With regard to the trade issues concerning to the vital interests, the Union without exception inclines to conservative protectionism; whereas concerning the issues of less importance, compromises and concessions always lead the outcomes of the policy to the inspiring liberalization.
Amadu, Abubakari, and Samarai Alexandre Al. "Swedish Sustainability Trend : Empirical analysis on the volatility effect of sustainable news on Swedish oil companies using GARCH 1.1." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-142083.
Full textBrådner, Helén, and Cecilia Noretoft. "Primärvårdens målkonflikter : En fallstudie av sju vårdcentraler i Region Skåne." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för ekonomistyrning och logistik (ELO), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-101174.
Full textThe purpose of this study was to investigate goal conflicts in primary care in Region Skåne and what impact the patient's free choice has on these conflicts. A qualitative case study of seven health centers in Region Skåne was conducted. Four of the health centers were located in the countryside and the other three were located in two of Skåne's largest cities. Semi-structured interviews with the head of operations for each health center were conducted.Region Skåne manages the primary care operations by determining the budget and by deciding how the current compensation system should be designed. Today's replacement system is perceived as complicated to use, but easy to manipulate.The patient's free choice, with an unlimited number of re-listing options, affects the health centers' budget plans. For some operations, a constantly varied patient base means rapidly outdated budget bases. Free choice also affects patient safety through a lack of continuity.The horizontal and vertical management system is coherent and entails a constant balancing act for the heads of operations within primary care in Region Skåne.
Lekiqi, Valdete. "Ett fossilbränslefritt Växjö : en studie om Växjö kommuns miljöarbete." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Social Sciences, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-1905.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to examine the environmental work of the municipal of Växjö and to investigate how the leaders have worked with this action program; a fossil fuel free Växjö. To accomplish this propose the following question was used:
• How did the leaders of this successful action program a fossil fuel free Växjö work?
The empirical part is based on the years reports, written by the municipal it self. Also reviewed articles were use for the empirical framework. The outcomes that were discovered during the writing of this thesis were that the cooperation between the actors was very strong. Since the aim of the program for a fossil fuel free Växjö was clear and the cooperation between the leaders within the program was so good, were the outcomes also positive. To sum up was the will to get a better environment that gave Växjö attention for its good work.
Bovin, Axel. "Free market or food stockpiles : A comparative case study of food supply in a crisis perspective in Sweden and Finland." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-354986.
Full textPanier, Elise. "L’État et les relations de travail au Togo." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR40047/document.
Full textIn a context where we willingly speak of "non-law" or "invalid law", where one would be tempted to establish a correlation between formal and informal sectors of the economy and of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the law, legal intervention methods regarding labor relations by the State and their formalizations appear underpinned by both diverse and paradoxial realities in Togo. The analysis of labor law production and mobilization conditions reveals some characteristics of its operation as a normative system in Togo. The State may seem both omnipresent and absent, powerful and powerless. Production conditions of heteronomous law or state control law, raises questions about the validity of certain provisions. Positive law apears to be sometimes produced without proper attention to the essential question regarding the articulation of its sources, and sometimes in an unexpected way. Throughout the distinctive prism of the analysis of labor law mobilization, themes appear recurring or marginal, as they refer to policies and official statements as well as the involvement of institutional and social actors. The receipt of labor relations law by the latter depends in reality not only on the socioeconomic background but also on the powers and situations in question. Judicial interpretation itself shows originality, when this is not an invention of the law
Kiškis, Sigitas. "Elektros inžinerinių paslaugų sektoriaus įmonių verslo vertės valdymas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013. http://vddb.laba.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2011~D_20130110_094517-13905.
Full textThis master theses analyses business value management problems in the enterprises in the sector of electrical engineering services enterprises in Lithuania. The author has performed a thorough scientific literature on the topic analysis and took it as the background for the identification of risk and innovation processes and determination of possibilities to use it in sector enterprises` business value management activities. This paper analyses processes of mergers and acquisitions, concept, types, differences and reasons of transactions. The author has analyzed the steps of merging enterprises process as well as the methods of transaction valuation and prepared a set of proposed decisions for the development of the activities of electrical engineering services sector enterprises that could enhance activity efficiency, services` quality and competitiveness as well. Strong emphasis has been put on the business strategies, risk and innovation management of the enterprises` activities. The author having analyzed theoretical and practical business value management aspects prepared a scheme of interaction of managerial processes, performed systematic analyses of the enterprise including activity valuation while estimating synergy benefit from the merging process of two enterprises and at the end presented conclusions and recommendations.
Seeli, Fusi David. "Managing ineffective secondary schools in Lejweleputswa district." Thesis, [Bloemfontein?] : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/197.
Full textIn this study, the researcher used literature review and empirical investigation to: * establish management styles that are adopted in both effective and ineffective secondary schools; * examine the main causes of secondary schools’ ineffectiveness; and * determine and recommend guidelines for the effective implementation of participative management styles in ineffective secondary schools. The research method consisted of an investigation in which a sample of two hundred educators in Lejweleputswa district in the Free State was involved. In order to determine the effective ways of managing ineffective secondary schools, each respondent completed a questionnaire. The empirical research was undertaken to gather information that could provide answers to the following research questions: * What management styles are adopted in both effective and ineffective secondary schools? * What are the main causes of ineffectiveness in secondary schools? * In what way can participative management styles change the status of ineffective secondary schools? The literature survey conducted by the researcher showed that leadership styles that are used as a measure for the effective management of secondary schools are effective. Effective management is developed and enhanced with the use of various leadership styles. The empirical investigation shows that: * educational activities presented are learner-centred * learner development is promoted through a well-designed academic programme * learner performance is regularly monitored * schools show appreciation for learners’ effort and success * learning environments are learner-friendly * educators are involved in decisions that have an effect on their employment * educators work together as co-workers to improve on their teaching practices * educators are provided with opportunities to upgrade their teaching skills * school management teams (SMT) delegate authority to their subordinates * educators turn teaching and learning into challenges that promote creative problem-solving skills * educators work effectively with parents and the community * educators do not work in isolation * there is no lack of social interaction among educators * educators do not find it difficult to control classroom events The researcher provided recommendations for the above findings. The recommendations were highlighted in chapter five. These recommendations proved to promote effective ways of managing ineffective secondary schools.
Matulaitytė, Sandra. "Europos Bendrijos laisvosios prekybos sutarčių su trečiosiomis šalimis analizė ir perspektyvos." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012. http://vddb.laba.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2012~D_20120703_133236-45105.
Full textMaster's thesis analyzed the free-trade agreements between the EU and third countries, trade between the investigated structure and changes in the 2000 - 2010 period. The first part, a theoretical analysis of the context of liberalization starting in Europe, and this idea of development, preferential agreements įpatybės world without Europe. It is also theoretically considered a free-trade agreements on parties. The second part deals with the EU and Mexico, Chile, South Africa, and P. Korea free-trade structure and change, in addition to evaluating the impact of the economic activity of countries. The third part of Lithuania and analyzed by third parties for marketing and strategic development of the EU in the world.