Academic literature on the topic 'Francophone historiography'
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Journal articles on the topic "Francophone historiography"
Zinchenko, Irina. "The Problem of Implementing the Francophone Policy in the Field of Education in the Countries of Asia and Africa (1958-1969)." Исторический журнал: научные исследования, no. 2 (February 2020): 86–98.
Full textBOSE, NEILESH. "THE CANNIBALIZED CAREER OF LIBERALISM IN COLONIAL INDIA." Modern Intellectual History 12, no. 2 (September 16, 2014): 475–84.
Full textOyler, Dianne White. "The N'ko Alphabet as a Vehicle of Indigenist Historiography." History in Africa 24 (January 1997): 239–56.
Full textCARSON, JAMES TAYLOR. "AMERICAN HISTORIANS AND INDIANS." Historical Journal 49, no. 3 (September 2006): 921–33.
Full textBeyen, Marnix. "Multiple democracies in one country: Belgian narratives of democracy, 1830–1950." Journal of Modern European History 17, no. 2 (April 1, 2019): 171–83.
Full textFrenette, Yves. "Trois historiens de la « transition ». Mutations identitaires et historiographie en Acadie, en Ontario français et au Manitoba français, 1970-2000." Cahiers Charlevoix 12 (July 3, 2018): 55–88.
Full textDobie, Madeleine. "The Enlightenment at War." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 124, no. 5 (October 2009): 1851–54.
Full textSavard, Pierre. "Discours du président : Splendeurs et misères de Clio." Historical Papers 16, no. 1 (April 26, 2006): 1–7.
Full textBurson, Jeffrey D. "The Crystallization of Counter-Enlightenment and Philosophe Identities: Theological Controversy and Catholic Enlightenment in Pre-Revolutionary France." Church History 77, no. 4 (December 2008): 955–1002.
Full textDaoud, Riffi. "Historiographie du wahhabisme : écueils et enjeux." Arabica 69, no. 3 (June 30, 2022): 319–53.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Francophone historiography"
Kadib, Abdou. "L'époque des quatre premiers califes dans l'historiographie francophone entre la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXIe siècle." Thesis, Nantes Université, 2022.
Full textThe era of the first four caliphs is a founding era in the history of Islam. According to Muslim sources, it was during this period that the Caliphian institution was born, that Arabia really submitted to Islam, that Islam left its territories, that the Koran was collected in a Muṣḥaf, that the first divisions within Islam took place. This period has caused much ink to flow among researchers in the East and in the West. We limit ourselves here to studying it in francophone historiography. We aimed in this research to analyze the way in which was written, by francophone researchers, the history of the first caliphs and the way in which these researchers exposed the circumstances in which the religion of Islam was born. We examine the sources on which they base their writing of the first times of Islam, the methods and the sources of the sources of the francophone researchers
Lécureur, Bertrand. "L'image du nazisme et de la Shoah dans les manuels d'histoire allemands, britanniques, belges francophones et français publiés depuis 1950 (étude comparative)." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2010.
Full textWe can wonder how the nazi period and the Shoah have been presented in the history textbooks for secondary schools which have been published since 1950 in Germany, in the United Kingdom, in French-speaking Belgium and in France.We will compare their contents, by underlining the evolution of this content and the influence of the historic researches as well as the various events which have been topical over the last fifty years. Whilst the European public opinion often mentions the deep silence about this nazi period and the Shoah up to the late nineties, German textbooks provided pupils, aged 14 to 16, with important information, from the fifties. Although incomplete and imperfect at the beginning, this knowledge was quickly offered and broke the silence before being dramatically increased and more precise at the turn of the century. As far as quantity and quality are concerned, there is a sharp contrast between the German and French textbooks and the British ones which deal much less with this topic. As for Walloon textbooks, they were scarce from the seventies to 2000
Avignon, Mathieu d'. "Champlain et les historiens francophones du Québec : les figures du père et le mythe de la fondation." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2006.
Full textRocher, Marie-Claude. "Les protestants francophones au Québec, XIXe siècle : une expérience de communication de l'histoire par l'exposition en musée." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1993.
Full textDeperne, Marcel. "La Belle Rivière dans l'espace atlantique, 1783-1815 : migrations commerciales francophones entre Pittsburgh (PA) et Henderson (KY)." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2019.
Full textHistoriography often neglects the part of Francophone migrants in the young American republic, merely following the route of the most famous political exiles banished by the French Revolution and the Restoration, or the Utopians dreaming to establish a new society in the New World. In the Early Republic faced with the thorny problem of slavery, the agony of colonial empires and the birth of entrepreneurship and capitalism, many migrants tried fortune beyond the Atlantic Ocean, between 1783 and 1815, establishing in the “Creole corridor” powerful commercial, cultural and religious ties between east coast, New Orleans, West Indies and Atlantic space. This is the purpose of this discussion that borrows the path opened by the Atlantic history, and proposes, through the study of correspondence and archival resources, an innovative history of francophone business migrations from Pittsburgh to Louisville in the age of the Atlantic Revolutions
Rondinelli, Maria Francesca. "Histoire littéraire, artistique et culturelle de la naissance des avant-gardes surréalistes en Égypte francophone, des années 1920 aux années 1940." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Full textIn Egypt from the end of the thirties to the post-war period, a group of young intellectuals led the collective "Art et Liberté / Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah". From an artistic, literary and political point of view it conveyed libertarian, revolutionary and egalitarian messages that were almost unique in the Middle East.The collective was inspired by the principles of the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Révolutionnaire et Indépendant, created in 1938 by André Breton and Léon Trotski, it gathered around the French-speaking polemicist Georges Henein and the artist and theorist Ramses Younane. The group was the cultural center that led to the introduction of the surrealism in Egypt, through five art exhibitions during the Second World War, cultural magazines, also in Arabic and publishers publishing authors that at the time were little known to the general public.Through the analysis of the cultural and artistic context of the period preceding the activities of "Art and Liberty / Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah", we retraced the circumstances of its emergence and the presence of the futuristic avant-garde and surrealists in Egypt, a territory of welcome and cultural animation which gave birth to autonomous artistic centers.The debate accompanying the nascent Egyptian art torn between calls for an ideal "Egyptianity" and a limitless admiration of everything coming from Europe is symptomatic of the recent artistic practices of the first country of Muslim tradition to have "imported" the European Beaux-Arts.It is in this context that "the surrealist group of Egypt" inscribes its manifestos and its struggles against the state monopoly of culture and art. Proclaiming the freedom of art and its rightful place in an Egypt with set and backward cultural conceptions, the manifestos, conferences, debates, editorial companies and exhibitions that the group animates are all milestones of a cultural revolution to which a part of the Egyptian youth aspires, in a period where one lives the imminent danger of the war and a great intellectual effervescence
Chahine, Karim. "Mille mots valent une image : synthèses d'histoire nationale et poétique de l'histoire chez François-Xavier Garneau et Benjamin Sulte, 1845-1884." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019.
Full textThis thesis studies the writing of history by French-Canadian historians in the second half of the nineteenth century by examining the cases of François-Xavier Garneau’s Histoire du Canada (1845-1852) and of Benjamin Sulte’s Histoire des Canadiens français (1882- 1884). Organized, composed and thought in the spirit of paintings and historical portraits, these syntheses were written according to a more artistic approach of historical science, which is explained by the will to remember collectively, by inscribing in the national imagination events and characters worthy of mention, and individually by creating vivid impressions on the reader. To do this, François-Xavier Garneau and Benjamin Sulte relied on what we call the poetics of history. Created by literary methods, pertaining to the picturesque and pathetic, these vivid impressions allow the historian to guide his reader to see the story on several levels: historical, moral, ideological, aesthetic, and so on. Far from being segregated in respective chapters or different books, the scientific and the literary methods were seen by historians of that time as two entities able to aspire coherence in order to become one. This tension between literary humanities and scientific ambition is perceived by some as peculiar indeterminacy to the historian's discourse. In doing so, we want to discern the methods of writing and producing these syntheses of national history, as well as the past and present relations of historical synthesis and historical knowledge. More precisely, we will seek to see how the particularities of the synthesis of history not only allow, but amplify the evocative power of the poetics of history. Thus, we can distinguish in which ways synthesis and poetics maintain a symbiosis.
Raymond-Dufour, Maxime. "L’Universel et le national. Une étude des consciences historiques au Canada français de la première moitié du XIXe siècle." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017.
Full textIn this thesis, I discuss the evolution of time experience and historical consciousness in Canadian society of the first half of the nineteenth century and propose a metahistorical analysis of two main corpora of documents : the educational material used in classical colleges, and a number of significant historiographical and political publications for the Canadian intellectual elite, from Denis-Benjamin Viger’s reflections to the Durham Report and to the writings of William Smith, Michel Bibaud and François-Xavier Garneau.By analyzing these historical documents with the use of conceptual tools inspired by the time representation historiography, I suggest a reinterpretation of the advent of a national historical consciousness in French Canada. I demonstrate that the “nationalization” of the past is a gradual phenomenon that spawned over the first three quarters of the nineteenth century. If national history was not prominent around 1800, it is because Canadian intellectuals interpreted the past with the theological principles of Christianity and the universalist philosophy of intellectual humanism. Unspecific to Canadians, this historical representation evolution was observed and commented upon by a rich occidental historiography. Entangled with the disciplinarization of history as a historical phenomenon, the categorization of the Nation and its projection in the past is neither a certainty, nor a necessity, but rather the product of a cultural evolution shared in the Atlantic World
McNichol, Dustin J. "Histoire contestée: contenu et structure du débat historique dans R. c. Caron." Thèse, 2011.
Full textÉtudes canadiennes
Julien, Marie-Laure. "La mémoire collective : récits de cégépiens concernant les représentations du parcours historique franco-québécois." Mémoire, 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "Francophone historiography"
Grimoult, Cédric. Histoire de l'histoire des sciences: Historiographie de l'évolutionnisme dans le monde francophone. Genève: Librarie Droz, 2003.
Find full textRobert, Carvais, ed. Edifice & artifice: Histoires constructives : recueil de textes issus du premier Congrès francophone d'histoire de la construction, Paris, 19-21 juin 2008. Paris: Picard, 2010.
Find full textKirk-Greene, A. H. M. "Please Sir, I want some more" (O. Twist): Reflections on the state of the literature on francophone Africa in English. Talence, France: Centre dʼétude dʼAfrique noire, Institut dʼétudes politiques de Bordeaux, Domaine universitaire, 1988.
Find full textIllegitimate Children of the Enlightenment: Anarchists and the French Revolution, 1880-1914 (Francophone Cultures and Literatures). Peter Lang Pub Inc, 2007.
Find full textViolence and the Writing of History in the Medieval Francophone World. Boydell & Brewer, Limited, 2013.
Find full textMcNeil, Kenneth. Scottish Romanticism and Collective Memory in the British Atlantic. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Full textDaggett, Melissa. Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans. University Press of Mississippi, 2016.
Full textd', Hulst Lieven, Moura Jean-Marc, Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ), Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ). Campus Kortrijk., and Université de Lille III, eds. Les études littéraires francophones: État des lieux : actes du colloque organisé par les Universités de Leuven, Kortrijk et de Lille, 2-4 mai 2002. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III, 2003.
Find full text(Director), Annamaria Laserra, and Marc Quaghebeur (Director), eds. Histoire, MC)Moire, Identitc) Dans La Littc)Rature Non Fictionnelle: L'Exemple Belge Actes Du Colloque de Salerne Organisc) Par Annamaria Laserra Et M ... Pour L'Histoire Des Francophonies. Theorie). Peter Lang Publishing, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Francophone historiography"
Ansell, Richard. "Learning Abroad." In Complete Gentlemen, 105–44. British Academy, 2022.
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