Academic literature on the topic 'Francis W. Parker School'

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Journal articles on the topic "Francis W. Parker School"


Schmitt, Natalie Crohn. "CREATING COMMUNITY: EXPERIMENTS IN DRAMA AT FRANCIS W. PARKER SCHOOL, CHICAGO." Theatre Survey 49, no. 1 (May 2008): 37–64.

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I am grateful to the Francis W. Parker School, Chicago, for allowing me free access to Morning Exercises and to the archives housed at the school. I would also like to thank the many current and former teachers and students who took the time to answer my questions, especially Andy Kaplan and John Holabird. I also thank Eric Martin, Christine Harris, and the anonymous readers at Theatre Survey for their patient editorial work.
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Cooke, Flora J. "Colonel Francis W. Parker: His Influence on Education." Schools 2, no. 1 (May 2005): 157–70.

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Hausler, Barbara. "The Influence of Francis W. Parker on Doris Humphrey's Teaching Methodology." Dance Research Journal 28, no. 2 (1996): 10.

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Grzebyk, Tomasz. "Tomasz Becket - symbol dawnego porządku. Rewizja historii męczeństwa i postaci świętego biskupa w epoce Tudorów." Saeculum Christianum 29, no. 2 (December 30, 2022): 102–14.

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Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zmian w postrzeganiu postaci arcybiskupa Canterbury i świętego Kościoła katolickiego Tomasza Becketa, jakie zaszły w Anglii w okresie panowania dynastii Tudorów. Punktem wyjścia dla autora są prądy umysłowe, jakie pojawiły się w Anglii w XV w. i na początku XVI w., a które miały na celu zakwestionowanie tradycji katolickich. Według autora, w dłuższej perspektywie czasu położyły one podwaliny pod systemową walkę w latach 30. i 40. XVI w. z kultem Tomasza Becketa jako symbolem katolickiej Anglii. W artykule wykorzystane zostały drukowane źródła takich autorów jak Erazm z Rotterdamu, Mathew Parker, John Foxe, Francis Godwin, dokumenty królewskie z epoki reformacji w Anglii oraz artykuły i opracowania zagranicznych autorów. Konkluzją artykułu jest stwierdzenie, że pomimo powziętych środków, reformatorom nigdy nie udało się usunąć postaci Tomasza Becketa z religijnego krajobrazu Anglii.
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Goulah, Jason. "Francis W. Parker, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, and Lucy Sprague Mitchell: Young Geographers, Geography Studies, and Community Life." Schools 7, no. 1 (May 2010): 41–46.

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Magiera, Elżbieta. "Szkolne kasy oszczędności w okresie międzywojennym (1918–1939) w kontekście działań władz oświatowych." Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, no. 32 (February 12, 2019): 35–46.

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The first school savings bank came into existence in Ghent, Belgium. It was founded by Francis Laurent in 1866. In Poland, the concept of saiving began to spread in the period of the National Education Commission, which recommended that children “practice thriftiness”. Since the beginning of the 19th century, local attempts to establish school savings banks were undertaken in the Polish lands that had been divided in the partitions. The propagation of thrift developed on a broader scale only after regaining independence, especially after the economic reforms of 1924. The Ministry of Education recommended that teachers introduce various forms of thrift: organising school savings banks, talks and lectures about saving, celebration of Savings Day and promoting the idea in society as a whole. The interest in the propagation of thrift in education was expressed by the central and local education authorities by issuing various types of legal acts on this subject. The intensive development of school savings banks started in 1925. Until 1935, these organisations operated on cooperative principles. After 1935 they were held under the auspices of the Postal Savings Bank, which was dissolved in 1947. The state-owned Common Savings Bank was created in its place, whose supervision of school savings banks continues to this day and is a statutory duty of the bank. Thus, the interwar experience in the field of organising school savings banks was continued after the Second World War and is still being implemented in the contemporary educational reality.
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Kumar Shah, Rajendra. "Concepts of Learner-Centred Teaching." Shanlax International Journal of Education 8, no. 3 (June 1, 2020): 45–60.

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This article traces the historical development of learner-centered teaching (LCT) and examines the major contributions of educators. Accordingly, this article has also analyzed the perception of various educationists regarding LCT. LCT is an approach to teaching that is increasingly being encouraged in education. The paradigm shifts away from teaching to importance on learning have boosted the power to be moved from the teacher to the student. The teacher focused/transmission of information formats, such as lecturing, have begun to be increasingly criticized, and this has paved the way for the widespread growth of LCT as an alternative approach. Many terms have been linked with LCT, such as flexible learning, experiential learning, self-directed learning, and therefore the slightly overused term LCT can mean different things to different people. Also, in practice, it is described by a range of terms, and this has led to confusion surrounding its implementation.LCT has a long history of development. Two of the first educators to emphasize the learners were Confucius and Socrates (5thto 4thcenturies B.C.). Over two millennia passed before seventeenth-century Englishman Locke introduced experiential education (the idea that one learns for experience). Another two hundred years spent before European educators Pestalozzi, Herbart, and Froebel designed and popularized experience-based, learner-centered curricula. In the school system, the concept of LCT has been derived, in particular, from the work of Froebel and the idea that the professor should not interfere with this process of maturation, but act as a guide. A century later, nineteenth-century educator Colonel Francis Parker brought this method to America. Twentieth-century Russian sociologist Lev Vygotsky, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, and American philosopher and educator Dewey shaped the existing LCT into a program called constructivism.
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Pomelov, Vladimir B. "The William Heard Kilpatrick’s Project Method: on the 150th anniversary of the American educator." Perspectives of Science and Education 52, no. 4 (September 1, 2021): 436–47.

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Introduction. The project method has been actively used as an important form of organizing the practice of teaching in the educational systems of many countries around the world over the past hundred years. This method is increasingly being used in our country. The very concept of "project method" is invariably associated with the name of its author and popularizer, a major American educator of the late XIX – first half of the XXth centuries. William Heard Kilpatrick (1871-1965). The purpose of the issue is to study the circumstances of the process of formation of W. H. Kilpatrick as a didactic scientist and the creation of a method of projects by him and his associates. Materials and methods. The leading research methods are the analysis of scientific historical and pedagogical literature and other sources, biographical and historical methods, as well as an axiological approach aimed at identifying the value content of the studied scientific subject. Results. The author traces the evolution of W. H. Kilpatrick's views, the stages of his formation as a didactic scientist and a practical teacher. Little-known facts of his biography, which were not previously reflected in the Russian historical and pedagogical literature, are given. Special attention is paid to the disclosure of the essence of the proposed method of projects, which is widely used in pedagogy and education in many countries of the world. The educational system of W. H. Kilpatrick's "experimentalism" was based on the philosophy of pragmatism and the psychology of behaviorism. Instead of a traditional school, he proposed to build a so-called "educational process", which he considered as the organization of children's activities in a social environment focused on enriching their individual experience. Training according to the project method was to be carried out through the organization of target acts, which included the formulation of the problem, the preparation of a plan for its implementation and the assessment of implementation. The use of these projects, according to W. H. Kilpatrick, wouldn’t only prepare the child for life after school, but also help him organize his life in the present. Data on the teacher E. Collings, who also worked on the problem of developing the project method, is included. The project classifications are given according to E. Collings and W. H. Kilpatrick. The author shows the scientific relations of W. H. Kilpatrick with a number of well-known teachers-contemporaries (J. Dewey, E. L. Thorndike, E. Collings, F. W. Parker, C. DeGarmo, etc.). Conclusion. The scientific novelty of the study consists in a meaningful analysis of the views of W. H. Kilpatrick. The legitimacy of the very concept of the project method has long been beyond doubt among serious researchers and practitioners of education. At present, the project method has actually received a rebirth in various spheres of social and industrial life. The main conclusion of the article: the didactic legacy of this major American teacher is significant. It contains a value potential, requires further full-fledged study and deserves active use in modern domestic education.
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Bernardes, Matheus da Silva. "Tradição segundo Walter Kasper." Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 84, no. 327 (March 27, 2024): 29–46.

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O dossiê deste número da REB é dedicado à Liturgia e à sua reforma. É proposta, porém, a reflexão sobre um tema alinhado com ele: a Tradição. Inaugurada pelo Vaticano II, a reforma da Liturgia é um processo que tem sido conduzido pelos Papas: merece destaque Paulo VI e seu compromisso com o Concílio. Francisco, com Desiderio Desideravi, ressalta que o processo não pode dar-se por encerrado; diante de reações contrárias, salientou que somente os livros litúrgicos publicados por Paulo VI e João Paulo II expressam a lex orandi do rito romano (TC, art. 01). Aqui, encaixa-se esta pesquisa: os contrários à reforma da Liturgia apresentam-se como tradicionalistas, mas o que entendem por Tradição? W. Kasper elaborou um estudo sobre a Tradição na escola romana e mostrou que, já no século XIX, a noção não está presa ao que passou, mas aponta ao futuro. O objetivo deste trabalho é resgatar o estudo do autor e confirmar que o apelo dos tradicionalistas não corresponde à compreensão da Tradição. Abstract: The dossier in this number of REB is dedicated to the Liturgy and its reform, but we propose a reflection on a theme that is aligned with it: the Tradition. Inaugurated by II Vatican, the reform of the Liturgy is a process that has been led by the Popes: Paul VI and his commitment to the Council deserve special mention. Francis, with Desiderio Desideravi, emphasized that the process cannot be closed; in the face of contrary reactions, he stressed that only the liturgical books published by Paul VI and John Paul II express the lex orandi of the Roman rite (TC, art. 01). This is where this research fits in: those opposed to the reform of the Liturgy present themselves as traditionalists, but what do they understand by Tradition? W. Kasper carried out a study on Tradition in the Roman school and showed that, as early as the 19th century, the notion was not tied to what had passed, but pointed to the future. The aim of this paper is to recover the author’s study and confirm that the appeal of traditionalists does not correspond to the understanding of Tradition. Keywords: Tradition; Roman School; Carlo Passaglia; Clement Schrader; Walter Kasper.
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Kedro, M. James. "Resource Review : School Money Matters: A Handbook for Principals By Davida W. Mutter and Pam J. Parker Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2004. 169 pages with accompanying CD-ROM, $34.95." NASSP Bulletin 88, no. 640 (September 2004): 86–88.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Francis W. Parker School"


Song, Chang-Jin. "Pianism in selected partsong accompaniments and chamber music of the Second New England School (Amy Beach, Arthur Foote, George Whitefield Chadwick, and Horatio Parker), 1880-1930." Virtual Press, 2005.

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Four of the composers of the Second New England School, Amy Cheney Beach (1867-1944), Arthur Foote (1853-1937), George Whitefield Chadwick (1854-1931), and Horatio Parker (1863-1919), led the flowering of America's art music in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This study focused on these composers' partsongs that contain an original piano part and also on one chamber work with piano by each of them. The role of pianism within these works was the primary topic of this study, and the piano's contribution to the partsongs and the chamber works was compared and contrasted.The study centered on the four composers' compositional techniques, and the relationship between the voices or strings to the piano was identified. It also revealed the technical demands placed on the pianist. Each partsong or chamber work movement was first briefly analyzed and then suggestions to the pianist/ensemble were made, which were based on the analysis, and that intended to draw the pianist's attention to the most relevant concerns that he will face while preparing this music. The works that I included in this study are from the first period of American history in which American composers wrote significant pieces of art music. The compositions from this turning point in American history reveal a fascinating mix between German Romantic, Modernist, and "American" elements. I found both the partsongs and chamber pieces to be worthy of study, and the large body of works of these four composers, in my opinion, deserves greater exposure.The piano writing, in both their partsongs and chamber works, is quite accomplished and reveals just how gifted these four composers were as pianists. The varied piano textures and the technical demands for the pianist create challenging, yet enjoyable interesting, piano parts, which serve both the partsongs and chamber pieces very well. The piano writing of these four composers' chamber pieces is more complex than that of their partsongs, but both genres contain effective piano parts. Contemporary audiences of classical music would find the piano writing of these works (not to mention the works in their entirety) to be very worthwhile.
School of Music
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Books on the topic "Francis W. Parker School"


Lichtman, Ethel Mintzer. The Francis Parker School heritage. San Diego, Calif: The School, 1985.

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School, Francis W. Parker. Francis W. Parker School Studies in Education. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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The progressive legacy: Chicago's Francis W. Parker School, 1901-2001. New York: P. Lang Pub., 2001.

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How to Study Geography / by Francis W. Parker. Prepared for the Professional Training Class of the Cook County Normal School. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Parker, Francis Wayland. How to Study Geography / by Francis W. Parker. Prepared for the Professional Training Class of the Cook County Normal School. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Parker, Francis Wayland, and Lelia E. Patridge. Notes of Talks on Teaching: Given by Francis W. Parker, at the Martha's Vineyard Summer Institute, July 17 to August 19, 1882. Franklin Classics Trade Press, 2018.

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Notes of Talks on Teaching: Given by Francis W. Parker, at the Martha's Vineyard Summer Institute, July 17 to August 19 1882. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.

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Patridge, Lelia E., and Francis Wayland Parker. Notes of Talks on Teaching: Given by Francis W. Parker, at the Martha's Vineyard Summer Institute, July 17 to August 19 1882. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Notes of Talks on Teaching: Given by Francis W. Parker, at the Martha's Vineyard Summer Institute, July 17 to August 19, 1882. Franklin Classics, 2018.

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Notes of Talks on Teaching: Given by Francis W. Parker, at the Martha's Vineyard Summer Institute, July 17 to August 19 1882. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.

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Book chapters on the topic "Francis W. Parker School"


Kroepel, Gail L. "Flora J. Cooke and the Francis W. Parker School." In Founding Mothers and Others, 125–45. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2002.

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