Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'France (nord-ouest) – Moyen âge'
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Gabillot, Mareva. "Dépôts et production métallique du Bronze moyen en France nord-occidentale." Dijon, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001DIJOL025.
Full textRoche-Mercier, Régine. "Le nord-ouest du Cantal de l'époque gallo-romaine au haut Moyen-âge : étude archéologique." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996CLF20099.
Full textThe introduction defines the subject, the chronographical and geographical space, then presents the method of investigation and processing of the collected data, using computer procedures. It ends with a rapid survey of the population, the toponymy and the survey and register. A first section follows concerning the gallo roman period. It is a survey about a rural environment with a dispersed habitation or sometimes dwellings in villages. A survey is carried out about housing, water conveniences and economical activities. A part is devoted to the questions of religion, funerals, and to roads. A second section deals with the early middle age : name of the places mentioned in the "charter of clovis", study of agricultural establishments, development of religious structures, presentation on the first castles and finally a summary about local craftwork. In conclusion, a summary is presented. The area studied appears as a totally rural sector, with differences according to the period, in the way in which the land was occupied depending on the quality of the land and the altitude. No drastic change was noticed between the antiquity and the early middle age
Fossurier, Carole. "Anthropologie et archéologie des sites funéraires carolingiens dans le nord-ouest de la France : Une approche des populations des VIIIème-Xème siècles." Université de Poitiers, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011POIT5036.
Full textThe VIIIth century populations of the north-west of France, imperfectly known through written sources, can probably be better understood through human remains. .
Debiais, Vincent. "Écriture monumentale, écriture publique et écriture personnelle : perceptions, lectures et utilisations des inscriptions dans la communication médiévale (Ouest de la France, XIIIe-XIVe siècle)." Poitiers, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004POIT5016.
Full textAs a mean of communication, medieval inscriptions take seat in a whole of human relations, defining the conditions of the transmission of information (transmitter, public, reader). Through a corpus of more than 1200 texts, the research, which is presented in this thesis, directs the reader towards new tracks to question the inscription thanks to a semiotic step, making epigraph a complex system of signs of different nature. Reconsidering the conditions of perception and reading, one approaches thereafter the problems of the reading and its epigraphic specificities, for finally concentrating on the various uses of the inscription in the medieval communication. Those are centered around three important notions of the medieval culture : memory, monument and order. This thesis proposes an original step to detect the fundamental importance of the epigraph in the advertising communication
Russon, Marc. "La façade océanique du royaume de France et les pouvoirs : (XIIIème-XVème siècle)." Rennes 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN20027.
Full textThe oceanfront of the French kingdom at the end of the Middle-ages is, to a certain extent, the reflection of the political and territorial assortment in which it eventually settled. An assemblage of ill-assorted estates and political structures which were uneven and changeable in the 13th century, it nevertheless got organized along the increasingly busy and attractive maritime route that ran alongside it, linking its various parts. This whole territory underwent the influence and sustained the various rival ambitions of the bordering states and those present on the coast : England, Castile, Brittany, Flanders or the French Crown. The oceanfront also built itself through violence and the recurring conflict between France and England. The war at sea and its mishaps, privateering and sundry acts of piracy hastened the assertion of the strongest political powers thanks to the struggle against insecurity and the threats from the open sea. If each of them developed often similar institutions because of interwoven influences, at times in a brilliant and innovative manner, the French Royal State alone eventually got the upper hand in the 15th century, finally getting rid of its rivals, imposing a maritime order and policy that it had managed to promote and enforce with more persistence, means and willpower than it has generally been said. In the process, Brittany lost its comparative ndependence and Flanders alone escaped the King's power, only to submit to a new master. The towns, the population, the lords of the coast and the seafaring men were both the stakes and actors of this crucial evolution
Le, Jan Régine. "Structures de parenté et pouvoirs dans l'aristocratie, entre Loire et Rhin (7ème-10ème siècle)." Paris 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA010611.
Full textDuring the early middle ages, social and political stability was mainly assumed by the local power of the nobiles. Noble men justified their social superiority by the virtues of their ancestors and the influence of their relationship. Family groups were organized by the way of the alliances. All over the period, power structures and family structures were nevertheless altered by a slow process of transformation, beginning during the seventh century, faster during the eight and ending during the tenth century. Along the carolingian period, a social "mise en ordre", induced by king and church, made the large kinsgroups move in a vertical direction. The carolingian nobility was more hierarchical as the merovingian one. The indifferenciated family system among which nobility and power were transmitted by men and women together was transformated in a bilateral system : power was now transmitted by men and the nobility came from women. At the beginning of the tenth century, the weakness of central power and the militarisation of society went on with the dissolution of the ancient groups and the organisation of patrilineal lineages at the same time
Peytremann, Edith. "Archéologie de l'habitat rural dans le nord de la Gaule du IVe au XIIe siècle." Caen, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001CAEN1336.
Full textNikichine, Marie. "La justice échevinale, la violence et la paix à Douai (fin XIIe - fin XVe siècle)." Paris 1, 2011. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01482316.
Full textHermant, Maxence. "Art, artistes et commanditaires en Champagne du Nord (milieu du XVe-fin du XVIe siècle)." Paris, EPHE, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EPHE4037.
Full textMost of the studies and publications about the commission and production of works of art in Champagne in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries have often focussed their interest only to Southern Champagne. Troyes was indeed at this time one of the most important artistic centers of the kingdom of France outside of Paris and the Loire Valley. Northern Champagne, around the archiepiscopal and episcopal cities of Rheims and Châlons, was not considered as a particularly active center. This study proposes to reassess its importance thanks two complementary ways: a tracking and analysis of works in all fields of artistic creation, and a wide recount of documentary sources, from the economic renewal in the middle of the fifteenth century to the late sixteenth century
Catteddu, Isabelle. "Archéologie des sociétés rurales altomédiévales dans la moitié nord de la France : modes d'habitats, gestion de l'espace, pratiques agropastorales et milieux (études de cas d'archéologie préventive)." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010706.
Full textVolti, Panayota. "L' implantation et l'architecture des ordres mendiants dans le nord de la France et les anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux (XIII-XVIèmes siècles)." Paris 10, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA100139.
Full textManem, Sébastien. "Les fondements technologiques de la culture des Duffaits (âge du bronze moyen)." Paris 10, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA100123.
Full textSince the 80’s, a lot of French Middle Bronze Age caves is considered as refuge or settlement, like main sites of the Duffaits Culture (1600-1300 BC, West-Center of France) for instance. All these caves show abundent and heterogeneous material, as noticed in ritual rooms of necropolis caves. The technological study of ceramics reveals a considerable diversity in chaînes opératoires of fashioning which means that numerous potters with different know-how are involved. Firstly this results are in opposite of classical model of household production in which technological choices are homogeneous and made by a few people. Secondly such a diversity of production is identical to ceramics in necropolis caves and contredicts the troglodytic nature of the Duffaits culture. Caves stand exclusively for ritual and/or funeral places in which the majority of social actors is involved in the process of making offerings. This technological approach demonstrates a centripetal role of caves and reveals complex ritual practices. The study of technical behaviors reveals a phylogenesis system. Technical evolution is endogeneous of the Duffaits Culture. The great technical diversity is based on five original chaînes opératoires. The comparison with Low-Normandy group reveals different know-how of fashioning. Despite certain morphological and stylistical similarity with ceramic production, the technical behaviors between Duffaits Culture and Low-Normandy group are very differents
Hocquellet, Anne. "Le tabellion dans le Nord de la France à la fin du Moyen Âge." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLV002/document.
Full textStudies of privately drawn-up agreements in the mediaeval period have generally coveredsouthern France. Little work has been done on the other hand regarding the north of the country.Here the system depended on non-contentious jurisdiction, in other words, authentification of actsby the apposition of the seal of an ecclesiastical or secular authority.The person whose job it was to authenticate these deeds, the tabellion, appears in the north ofFrance during the last quarter of the thirteenth century. Our study will concentrate on a periodwhen his activity was at its most flourishing, from the latter years of the fourteenth to the middle ofthe sixteenth century.The corpus of material available consists essentially of minutes written by the tabellions ofVillepreux, Chartres and Châteaudun, for which we have studied both their material aspect andtheir content. We have also analysed and sought to define the status and functions of the tabellionin the exercise of his duties. Lastly, we have attempted to describe his work on a daily basis, inparticular, his contact with clients
Blain, Sophie. "Les terres cuites architecturales des églises du haut Moyen age dans le nord-ouest de la France et le sud-est de l'Angleterre." Bordeaux 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR30038.
Full textAmongst the dating methods that can contribute to building archaeology, it is the technique of stimulated luminescence applied to ceramic building materials (CBM) that is the focus of this study. The research reported in this thesis concerns the re-evaluation of an archaeological assumption surrounding the origin of CBM used in 9th, 10th and 11th century religious buildings of Normandy, Pays de Loire in France and Kent and Essex in England. Are the bricks used in the masonry structures Roman spolia or a novo productions ? Dating techniques were scrutinized through a process of intercomparison work between two luminescence laboratories. This study highlighted the importance of knowing precise details of the sample’s original environment and the need for close examination of the mineral species used in the dating process. Results from thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating performed on 53 CBM samples from 12 churches of north-west France and south-east England showed that the practice of reusing Roman brick was commonplace in small parish churches, but also that brick/tile-making was not a totally unknown skill of the early medieval craftsmen as has long been supposed. Most importantly, by identifying that the building material is contemporary to the church, a defined chronology emerges resulting in a new and extremely useful reference point in the history of early medieval architecture
Houbbaida, Mohammed. "L'élevage dans le Sud-Ouest de la France du douzième au quinzième siècle." Bordeaux 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR30022.
Full textTwo main parts constitute the whole of this study: 1) the conditions and the pastures exploitation modes. 2) Livestock: its importance, its breeding modes and its exploitation. The first part is divided into two chapters: a) the conditions and the modes according to which the peasants, the monks and the mountain people had exploited the pastures of their lands. B) The Pyrenean transhumance: its two forms (in summer and in winter), its organization, its currents and its ways. The second part, itself, includes two chapters: a) the livestock and the breeding modes: a chapter that deals with different kinds of animals: ovine, bovines, porcine, horses, and poultry, regarding their importance, their quantities and their geographical and social frameworks. As for the breeding modes, they were different: livestock lease, the particular watching and the local watching. B) Livestock trade and animal products: livestock boosted an active trade not only in the local level but in the exportation level as well. Its main products, meat and cheese had contributed to feed the dwellers
Barbier, Josiane. "Palatium, fiscus, saltus : recherches sur le fisc entre Loire et Meuse du VIe au Xe siècle." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040345.
Full textThe study is based on a list of public estates (lands, palaces, forests, etc), between Loire, channel, North sea, Scheldt and Meuse, from VIth to Xth century, on the whole 544 places (third part). This list offers matter to inquiry about nature, administration, local organization, and cultivation of public property under Frankish monarchy (first part). The second part of the work investigates uncultivated lands, left to settlers and royal hunts
Flèche, Marie-Pascale. "Recherches sur les monuments sculptés du haut Moyen-Age dans le nord de la Gaule." Paris 4, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA040034.
Full textSurvey of merovingian and carolingian sculptures of Nord and Picardie in Gaul, compiled from ancient finds and recent of contemporary excavations, has allowed to study many unpublished elements of funereal sculptures ans architectural sculptures. The numerous funereal types, principaly of merovingian period, are from varying groups: stele, sarcophagus, cross slab, epitaph, ledger stone. Those elements had received a decorative composition, engraved or in flat relief, with geometric, animalist and christian patterns or themes. Material (limestone, sandstone, marble, plaster), types, decoration and geographical diffusion of those sculptures allow to make distinction between regional groups that give evidence of several workshops in the bosom of school of Picardie. Beside local productions, some importations show the relations between north Gaul and other regions, and in particular, with south Gaul. In Nord, sculptures are fewer, it is representative of varying burials modes and also of a different geological subsoil. In architecture, finds are very poor because of many destructions and reconstructions of merovingian and carolingian buildings
Bouzy, Olivier. "Épées, lances et enseignes entre Loire et Meuse, du milieu du VIIIe à la fin du XIIe siècle : textes, images, objets." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040100.
Full textThis work assembles the information given by texts, pictures and archaeology. Eight hundred documents have been reproduced: one hundred and twenty spears, two hundred swords found during archaeological digs or by chance, and almost five hundred pictures illustrating manuscripts kept in French and foreign libraries, statutes etc. One hundred and seventeen pages of glossary draw up a catalogue of the vocabulary, collecting quotations taken from two hundred and eighteen texts in Latin and middle French and referring to the different etymological dictionaries. On this basis the terms whose interpretation was difficult (scramasax, spatha, ensis, oriflamme) is analysed and the objects designated by these terms are identified. Chronology, techniques of manufacture and use of spears and swords are examined, as well as the hierarchy and evolution of ensigns, analysing the way in which these objects are indebted to Roman antiquity, until the development of original forms
Dor, Anne. "Tours et maisons de notables des villages du nord-est de la Corse (Moyen Âge tardif)." Corte, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012CORT0006.
Full textBy the end of the Middle Ages, the island chroniclers and a few archive sources already mention the names of villages which were linked with a number of prominent rural figures who had recently emerged in the history of Corsica. Up till now, there has been no complete account in situ of the material traces of their presence - sometimes tyransitory - in the north-east of the island. Are there sufficient remains still visible in the villages to allow us to understand the characteristics and functions of the civil constructions which were built by the notable rural individuals, because of their wealth, power, influence or pride? The following topographic inventory attemps to answer this first point. It also opens many avenues for futher monographs and for archival research to deepen our understanding of a habitat which has been previously overlooked and of the history of a social stratum which was closely involved in village and island life at the beginning of the modern era
Borderie, Quentin. "L'espace urbain entre Antiquité et Moyen Age : analyse géoarchéologique des terres noires : études de cas." Paris 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA010689.
Full textPreiss, Sidonie. "Exploitation des ressources végétales et pratiques alimentaires dans le Nord de la France entre les Xème et XIIème siècles : études carpologiques de la motte castrale de Boves (Amiens, Somme) et des sites environnants." Amiens, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AMIE0024.
Full textArchaeobotanical investigations of Medieval sites in Northern France have provided charred and mineralised plant remains. Despite some taphonomical constraints of the different preservation of these plant assemblages, archaebotanical analysis revealed valuable information on the diet, the agriculture and the horticultural production of the medieval population in Northern France between 10th and 12th century AD. Fruit are very abundant and attest a wide-spread fructiculture. Questions like cultivations of "wild forest fruits" or the imported or cultivated status from the figs are asked. The potential of archaeobotanical indicators of social level is to be discussed from the food practices and the diet. Finally, the mineralization process is approached and its induction by practices of purification within latrines/ pits garbage dump is suggested
Lamadon-Barrère, Sophie. "Les pavements à incrustation de la France du Nord (XIIe-XIVe siècle) : mise en œuvre et place dans le décor de l'édifice religieux." Lille 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LIL30001.
Full textInlaid pavements of Northern France appeared at the beginning of the twelth century when mosaic pavements were replaced by glazed tiles. The manufacturing process has certain similarities to enamel technique ; it consists in hollowing a drawing out of a stone tile and in filling the holes with coloured resin. The iconographic repertory carries on the medieval mosaic pavements one with presenting pictures of the world and of Creation mervels : Old Testament scenes, calendars, liberal arts, stories of allegoric fight between vice and virtue, fables and numerous pictures from bestiaries. The conclusions of the thesis show that inlaid pavements production had a minor effect on medieval floor decoration. Nevertheless, with it technique of opposing coloured resin to stone, it had an important impact on the appearance of bicoloured tiles during the first half of the thirteenth century. This production was contemporaneous with big building sites of the twelth and thirteenth century in Flanders and Artois in which craftsmen of different origins worked ; it was, therefore, a deciding factor in knowing about the sculpted production of Northern France. It contributed to clarify how rich interior decoration in religious buildings was and how floor decoration participated to space structuring. Finally, the thesis enables to propose that inlaid pavements added in regarding as sacred the spaces intended for the worship of relics in Canterbury and Saint Omer
Cayot, Fabrice. "Le château de Noyers-sur-Serein : contribution à l'étude des châteaux en Bourgogne du nord à la fin du Moyen Age." Dijon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007DIJOL036.
Full textContrary to their Alsatian, franciliens or auvergnats counterparts, the stone castles of northern Burgundy remain ignored. Nevertheless, they deserve interest, whether it is from a historical, geographical, architectural or archaeological point of view. Due to the lack of comprehensive studies on Burgundian castles, this study will use of an already well documented site to create a reference site. Various opportunities, which the realization of archaeological excavations drove us to choose that of Noyers-sur-Serein to bring to a successful conclusion this initiative. It is based on many documents including narrative sources, inventories and 61 countable registers dating from 14th and 15th centuries. Archaeological documentation is lacking because the site was completely destroyed at the end of the 16th century, but it is based nevertheless on the excavation of two towers and a section of curtain. This study approaches the castle in several scales. In a wide scale, in its territory as in a fine scale, in its details. It also approaches underestimated aspects as the buildingyard
Lerenter-Jilet, Sophie. "Les plaques-boucles en bronze de style aquitain à l'époque mérovingienne." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA010602.
Full textDuring the Merovingian period, Aquitaine has produced a very specific group of engraved bronze buckle-plates with varied shapes, of which a common iconographic style conferred it tis own identity. We are used to link to it some bronze "champlevé" belt-fittings with enamel insets resulting from the same social and cultural background. The previous studies dealing with these objects had pointed out several problems without solving them. After the updating of the inventory, we took a close look at decorative motives, especially animal motives, and at chronology. In spite of numerous deficiencies concerning funeral contexts, it has been established that this craft production began at the end of the sixth century and expanded the whole seventh century long. This leads to understand better the diffusion mechanisms of these times commercial ways
Barthélémy, Isabelle. "Morphologie et évolution : le peuplement du Sud-Ouest de la France entre le VIème et le XIIème siècles (le cas des nécropoles de l'Islejourdain - La Gravette, Gers)." Toulouse 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999TOU30216.
Full textKomada, Akiko. "Les illustrations de la Bible historiale : les manuscrits réalisés dans le Nord." Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040097.
Full textGuitton, Laurent. "Pouvoir et société au miroir des vices : représentations des péchés, normes et identités dans la Bretagne médiévale (XIIe-début XVIe siècles)." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN20023.
Full textThis research aims to highlight the place of sin in discourses in the Duchy of Brittany from the 12th to the early 16th century. The study is based on both written and iconographical sources (pastoral care production, normative documents of the Church and the State Breton, literary and moralistic works of the ducal court, sculptures from Romanesque period and late Middle Ages).Sin appears to be a key to understanding the world and its evolution : it is a major historical causality since the beginning of mankind ; it serves the representation of the ethnic or religious otherness ; it is an useful device to apprehend collective identities of any kind (professional, class, order, or gender identities) ; finally, it establishes the place of the individual in society. The recurring association of dominated classes with the sins of the flesh and the appearence of a ‘political geography’ of princes ‘sinners’ enemies of Britain (greedy, lazy, homosexual...) are two examples of a such socio-Political use of vices.As an instrument of guilt trip from Christian morality, the massive use of sin in the dominant discourses in Britain come up from the "Gregorian" reform of the twelfth century. Later, the scholars of the ducal court of Montfort begin to use these discourses to legitimize the power of their prince. In both cases, sin becomes a powerful agent in theeffort to moral normalization of society and power in the Middle Ages
Nonat, Laure. "Monde funéraire de l'âge du Bronze ancien et moyen de la façade nord de l'Espagne jusqu'au sud-ouest de la France : identités et espaces." Thesis, Pau, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PAUU1036/document.
Full textThis doctoral work to highlight the relevance of the - atlantic cultural complex - concept, spanning the ancient and middle Bronze age, based on the analysis of funeral manifestations documented throughout Northern Spain and South-Western France. The choice to study regions which remain less visible with respect to the available documentation on the atlantic domain, as a point of reference for this research, was done in order to acknowledge their individual value and to understand the relationships between these regions and with those of the continental iberian domain. Data for the meridional atlantic zone has considerably expanded over the past thirty years, thanks to the development of preventive archaeological activities, thus enabling the contextualisation of data from past explorations. The main objective of this research is to characterise the funeral finalities and furniture used by people in this area, in order to define and delimit different cultural groups. In order to do this we used a double-scale for analysis : a micro-scale centered on Galicia and the Adour basin, and a macro-scale encompassing the central and east-central front of atlantic Iberia. The first scale allowed us to analyse the data in a very exhaustive manner, integrating brand-new data, whereas with the second scale, which is much more global and synthetic, we established a general and critical panorama of the data for the cantabrian and Basque regions of Spain. The combination of these two approaches allows us to establish a variety of comparisons on the documentation about these areas, and to identify many convergences, especially with regards to material culture that had not been addressed when constructing the Atlantic Bronze concept. This includes pottery items, as well as a certain immobilism on behalf of the atlantic regions in response to the Meseta cultures. These elements, along with funeral changes that occurred between the ancient and middle Bronze age allow us to characterise what can be considered as the common atlantic dynamics. Lastly, our database of over 260 sites, raises the question of what factors might have caused the composition of the various different cultural groups in the area, emphasizing the role played by exterior influences, local substrates and topographical obstacles
Ese trabajo de doctorado pretende valorar la pertinencia del concepto del - complejo cultural atlántico -, para los periodos del Bronce antiguo y medio, mediante el análisis de las manifestaciones funerarias documentadas de la fachada norte de España hasta el suroeste de Francia. Hemos elegido para esta reflexión el estudio de las regiones menos visibles de la documentación del ámbito atlántico con el fin, por una parte, de valorar cada una de ellas individualmente, y por otra, de comprender los tipos de relaciones que mantenían entre ellas, pero también, con las del ámbito continental Ibérico. Sobre ese espacio meridional atlántico, los datos se incrementaron de forma significativa estos últimos treinta años, gracias al desarrollo de la actividad arqueológica preventiva, y permiten, por lo tanto, contextualizar las que provienen de las antiguas exploraciones. Nuestro objetivo consiste en caracterizar las soluciones funerarias así como los mobiliarios que han sido adoptados, para definir y delimitar los grupos culturales presentes en ese espacio. Para eso, hemos procesado a una doble escala de análisis: - una micro-escala centrada sobre Galicia y la cuenca del Adour, y una macro-escala, sobre las regiones centrales y orientales de la fachada atlántica Ibérica. La primera escala nos permite analizar la documentación de forma exhaustiva, integrando datos inéditos a nuestro discurso, mientras que, con la segunda, global y sintética, establecemos un panorama general y crítico de Asturias, Cantabria y del País Vasco. La combinación de estos dos tipos de enfoques nos permite efectuar unas variadas comparaciones sobre la documentación de esos espacios e identificar numerosas convergencias, en particular en relación con aspectos de la cultura material que no habían sido tratados cuando el concepto del Bronce Atlántico nació. Estas implican, especialmente, los recipientes cerámicos, pero también la respuesta unánime de las regiones atlánticas hacia las culturas de la Meseta: la del inmovilismo. Esos elementos, así como los cambios funerarios que se operan entre el Bronce antiguo y el Bronce medio, nos permite caracterizar lo que conviene considerar como una dinámica atlántica común. Por fin, nuestra base documental, constituida por más de 260 yacimientos, nos lleva a abordar la cuestión de los factores que han estado en el origen de la constitución de los grupos culturales, múltiples, de este espacio, valorizando el papel de las influencias exteriores, de los substratos locales, así como de los obstáculos topográficos dominantes del paisaje
Tournieroux, Anne. "Les bibliothèques privées en France et en Italie à la fin du Moyen Âge (1400-1520)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01H103.
Full textThis thesis aims at the comparative study of libraries of laity and clerics in the north of France and northern Italy between 1400 and 1520. The relations between the French and Italian territories are no longer to be demonstrated, marked for the beginning of our period by the progressive resolution of the Great Schism and, for the end, by the Italian wars between 1494 and 1516. In the fifteenth century and up to the beginning of the sixteenth century, cultural phenomena of the first order such as dissemination of humanism and, on the material level, the invention of printing spread throughout Europe. We have chosen to focus on "traditional" categories of possessors such as the secular clergy, but also to emerging categories of possessors, including the bourgeoisie
Finoulst, Laure-Anne. "Les sarcophages du haut Moyen Âge en Gaule du Nord: production, diffusion, typo-chronologie et interprétations." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209712.
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Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie
Réveillas, Hélène. "Les hopitaux et leurs morts dans le Nord-Est de la France du Moyen âge à l'époque moderne : approche archéo-anthropologique des établissements hospitaliers." Bordeaux 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR30082.
Full textThe story of medieval and modern hospitals remained for a long time the privilege of the historians and the art historians. Their works have delivered numerous informations, both on their charitable vocation and on their financial organization, also helping to understand the details of the everyday life. The recent discovery of several Hospital cemeteries led to us to start by contemplating this study in a transdisciplinary way and by including an archeo-anthropological reflection, to answer questions, which until then remained unsolved. These specific funeral contexts have, up to now never been studied. Our main objectives were to try to characterize at best the subjects welcomed in hospitals, by analyzing both the funeral practice and biology. Our research focused on four medieval and modern sites of the northeast of France. Our study showed that certain characteristics were similar from one cemetery to another, particularly the funeral practice and recruitment. The first ones indeed remain rather simple, without particular structure like sarcophagus or vault. The buried appear to be similar from a site to another, with a weak number of children and a sanitary state which does not differ from what was discovered in other contexts. The presence of multiple graves on three of these sites (Troyes, Verdun and Epinal) permitted us to acknowledge evidence of a few major crisis, and thus understand the difference in the management of such an event by a medieval hospital or by a modern one
Reinbold, Aurélie. "Dynamiques de la végétation et structuration des paysages : étude interdisciplinaire des paysages agropastoraux des campagnes médiévales du nord de la Haute- Bretagne (XIe-XVIe s.)." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REN20049/document.
Full textBased on recent approaches in pollen analysis applied to rural history, this PhD dissertation has three objectives: (1) to question the chronology of agrarian expansion and regression in northern Upper Brittany between 11th and 16th century; (2) to ponder the originality of this area in relation to the surrounding areas; (3) to analyze the weight of economic and socialcontexts on the construction of landscapes. The changes in agro-pastoral landscapes reveal a rather classical chronology for the beginning of the period. The agricultural expansion affects the whole area in the 11th and 12th centuries. This expansion gradually leads to a stalling of growth in the 13th century. These changes affected practices. Thus we observe a shift from practices of temporary crops and extensively-managed grasslands towards a gradual intensification of agricultural activities. The originality concerns the late medieval agrarian crisis which is only detected close to the Norman border. The area of Rennes, on the other hand, is affected by an agricultural expansion which takes the form of an intensification of cereal farming, with the introduction of a new system of crop rotation integrating the cultivation of buckwheat. This change in agro-pastoral practices may be an answer to the stalling of growth. This change is mainly allowed by the economic dynamism that affects the duchy of Brittany in the 14th and 15th centuries. Growth doesn’t reach the Norman border until the second half of the 15th century. This time-lag can also be seen in the production of bastfibres of hemp which transformed the landscapes of rural Upper Brittany. Thus the palynological analysis questions the origin of the areas of production of canvases known in early modern times
Kriticou, Flora. "Etude comparée de répertoires liturgiques musicaux : l'hymnaire de Laon, manuscrit 263 et ses correspondances dans les hymnaires du Nord-Est de la France." Paris, EPHE, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EPHE4004.
Full textThis essay has had as a starting point the Laon, Bibliothèque 263 manuscript, which holds a hymnal in use in the cathedral of Laon. The research, afterwards, has included the hole hymnologic repertory of Laon and the one of the neighbouring cities as well. The first volume concerns a general preface in which the repertory of hymns has been examined in terms of history. The second volume concerns the manuscript on which this research has been based and the lists of hymns contained as well. The third volume concerns the music analyses of hymn melodies. The forth and fifth volume are supplements where we can find the scores of the music analyses separated in two corpora along with the indexes pertaining to the analyses
Gateau, Fabienne. "La chaîne de la Nerthe et son piémont nord (Bouches-du-Rhône) : archéologie de l'espace rural du premier âge du fer au Moyen Age." Aix-Marseille 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1994AIX10031.
Full textDietrich-Strobbe, Irène. "Sauver les riches. La charité à Lille à la fin du Moyen Âge." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA040134.
Full textThis PhD thesis concerns the profits generated by the accomplishment of the seven works of mercy in Lille, during the last three centuries of the Middle Ages. Within the County of Flanders, Lille is a quiet astonishing town, especially compared to its Dutch-speaking neighbours. Its case has only seldom been studied. Lille was successively ruled by the counts of Flanders, the kings of France and the dukes of Burgundy. In 1237, Countess Joan of Constantinople founded for the sake of her soul, a hospital that she endowed a lot. The goal of the institution was to welcome as many pauperes Christi as possible. At the very beginning of the 16th century, the density of charitable institutions in a 25 000 inhabitants town (a generous hypothesis) was very high, with 16 hospitals, one orphanage in developement, seven parochial charities and numerous alms made by individuals. The goal of helping the pauperes Christi was at the heart of numerous memorial devices. Charitable institutions constituted an important economic issues, due to their wealth and needs in goods and workforce. A prosopographical research shows that their management allows people who could not participate to the Magistrat to obtain an honourable place into the society. Finally, this study shows that the control of charitable institutions – even if indirect – does not only represent a political issue between citizens and their rulers but reinforces their connections
Parsis-Barubé, Odile. "Les représentations du moyen âge au XIXe siècle dans les anciens Pays-Bas français et leurs confins picards : essai d'historiographie comparée." Paris 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA010569.
Full textThis thesis is ana attempt of comparative historiography. The aim is to study the significance of the middle ages in the processes of reconstruction of local historicol memory between 1800 and 1870 in the "departements" of the straight - ofdover, the somme and the north, so as to evince the diversity of its forms of historiographical representation from one area to another. The first part of this study places the middle ages through the trial of the renewing of the conceptual frames of local history after the revolution of 1789 : the initial chapter shows what its evocation entails in the building - up of the imaginary maping-up of the "departements" spaces and boundaries; the second chapter analyses the ways of its emergence as an autonomous chronological designation in the local historical awareness. The second part places the re-discovery of the middle ages within the whole set of local historian practices over the 19th century : one chapter is concerned with statistical approach to determine the volume of interest devoted to the middle ages in local historiographical works ; another chapter deals with a prosopography of the local characters in research works on the middle ages ; a third one analyses the ways and means they used. The last part accounts for the plurality of local middle ages gauged through the great variety of their historiographical ways of expression, i. E : documentary historiography, monuments archeology, hostory in a word
Foucher, Stéphanie Gabrielle Dominique. "Le décor sculpté cistercien d'inspiration végétale dans l'Ouest de la France : XII-XIVe siècles." Poitiers, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003POIT5018.
Full textThe inventory of sculptures from medieval cistercian abbeys is very often perceived as offering a unity typically defined by simple motifs exclusively based on vegetal representation. A complete inventory of cistercian supports inside a zone corresponding to greater Western France has allowed to conduct a detaile analysis of the sculptures cistercian corpus of vegetal inspiration of the roman or gothisc area. An independant analysis of the supports, motifs, compositions and comparisons with local non cistercian repertories has made it possible to identify the characte stics wich have contributed to define with precision the medieval sculptured cistercian decor of vegetal inspiration
Ritz, Simon. "Senon-Amel (Meuse) : contribution d’une agglomération bipolaire à l’histoire du fait urbain dans le nord-est de la Gaule, du second âge du Fer au haut Moyen Âge." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LORR0164.
Full textInterdisciplinary investigations combining prospection techniques (field survey, aerial photography, geophysics, Li¬DAR) and excavations (preventive and university-led excavations) have been carried out for almost 15 years on the ar¬chaeological site of Senon-Amel. They have revealed the bipolarity of this roman town, which is split into two urban cen¬tres located 1.5 km apart, simultaneously inhabited during most of the Antiquity, from the middle of the 1st century A.D. to the middle of the 4th century at least. This urban layout is very unusual among the roman towns of northern Gaul and thus needs to be explained. Its most striking feature is the duplication of public monuments: both urban centres include temples, public baths and a theatre. This thesis discusses the origin and evolution of the bipolar frame. It highlights the role of the integration of Gallic civitates into the roman provincial administration, and the impact of a religious economy in the shap¬ing of the city. These processes obviously have an interest per se – they contribute to illustrate the varied origins of urban features in norther Gaul –, but they also have broader implications. Indeed, the closeness of the two urban centres allows us to study quite precisely their specific features and their origins, thanks to the consistency of the documentation. This comparison reveals two very different urban trajectories: broadly speaking, evidence suggests that Senon was preceded by an Iron Age settlement, which stayed occupied during the roman period and expanded thanks to the existence of a wide range of crafts and trade activities. On the other hand, Amel seems to have been created at the beginning of the Empire as a sanctuary, which only later aggregated dwelling houses and other private facilities. The juxtaposition of these two urban entities is very unusual, but the mechanisms that drove their setting-up and further evolution are certainly common to many other roman towns. As a result, the case study of Senon-Amel evidences processes that are of more general significance
Calvet-Marcadé, Gaëlle. "Les clercs carolingiens et la défense des terres d'Église (Francie du Nord, IXe s. )." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010596.
Full textBouchentouf, Lofti. "La pêche en eau douce du XIIe siècle au XVIe siècle : contribution à l'histoire économique et sociale du Sud-Ouest de la France." Bordeaux 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR30058.
Full textChauvain-Marc, Sylvie. "In Requiem Aeternam : monuments funéraires du littoral méditerranéen de la petite Camargue à la Catalogne du nord, XIe - XVe siècles." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MON30075.
Full textCarved ou engraved objet, associating the image and the text, funeral monument embodies the spiritual and artistic aspirations of various social groups. In order to preserve memory, recumbent statues, tombstones with effigy, sarcophagus ossuaries, low-reliefs with various representations (funeral, absolution, Christ of pity, crucifixion, Virgin of the Candlemas), monumental tombs or epitaphs, present the deceased at the end of his journey through life, peaking at the quest of the eternal salvation of the soul. This will to leave a trace, to perpetuate one’s memory beyond death, pushes the one who ordered such tombstone into putting one’s affairs in order before immortalizing his last hopes and his last wills in the stone.The large typological variety of the studied territory, between little “Camargue’ and the north of “Catalogne”, of the 11th to the 15th centuries, highlights the local funerary artistic traditions and the northern contributions or the more southern ones in Europe (Spain, Italy) which they integrate. This comprehensive approach of the funeral heritage of the Mediterranean coastline and the society brings a better understanding of religious mentalities, legal practices (wills), and economic (gifts, pious legacy, foundations of chapels and death birthdays) and lastly esthetic ones(sumptuousness, ostentation) at the threshold of the death. The crossing of various written and digital sources (Palissy bases) has led to the development of a fascinating corpus taking into account the monuments that were found again, but also the ones that disappeared, whose traces are found in the old productions
Koroleva, Elena. "Écrire l’histoire universelle au Moyen Âge : alexandre le Grand et l'histoire de la Macédoine dans les chroniques du Nord de la France (XIIIè-XVè siècles)." Thesis, Lille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIL3H050.
Full textThe present study examines the life of Alexander the Great as it is told in three universal chronicles, the Chronique dite de Baudoin d'Avesnes, written by an anonymous historian between 1278 and 1281, and two versions of the Fleur des histoires, composed in 1440s and in 1460s, respectively, by Jean mansel, a functionary at the Burgundian court. The three texts have a common geographical provenance and were read by the same readers ; furthermore, Mansel borrowed extensively from his predecessor to create the two versions of his chronicle. Despite evidence, of their wide readership in the Middle Ages, these texts remain largely unknown to modern researchers. The shared genre model, geographical and intellectual connections between these chronicles, on the one hand, and their paradoxical status of once well-known and now nearly forgotten texts, on the other, have prompted the decision to study them together. On crucial link between these works is the prominence their authors give to Alexander the Great and the variety of sources they use to tell his story, ranging from universal chronicles of the late Antiquity, such as Orosius' Historiae, to courtly romances such as Jacques de Longuyon' Voeux du paon. Our thesis comprises firstly, a study of the manuscript tradition of the three texts, with an emphasis on the role authors of the chronicles, their patrons and readers played in the creation and dissemination of various textual versions, followed by an analysis of the strategies employed by the authors to rewrite the story of Alexander's life in order to integrate it in the continuum of universal history and, finally, an examination of the roles assigned to the Macedonian king in the history of the humanity. The appendices contain an edition of the prologues and of the three accounts of Alexander's life
Garreau, Isabelle. "Saint-Eustache : de l'Orient à l'Occident : construction et enjeux d'une sainteté laïque." Paris, EPHE, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002EPHE4008.
Full textThis thesis reconstitutes the St. Eustace cult's puzzle, particularly in the occidental Middle Ages, with the help of different discipline's methods (history, anthropology, literature, archaeology, onomastics. . . ). Reserving a large place to the hagiographic text, which is replaced in its contexts of production, this works underlines the imaginary and social functions of this great lay saint, which has an European and international vocation. The formation of the pre-christian narration of the life of Saint Eustace is fist considered. Then are analysed the modalities of christianization, to the byzantium's boundaries, and the way of its transmission toward the occident, during the IX the century. The second part presents the different facets of the cult in the area between the north of France, the Normandy and the England's kingdom to the XII th and XIII th centuries. The evolution of the saint's emblematic value, inseparable of the representation's strategies of the royal dynasties, is linked to the symbolic values of his attributes, particularly the christophorus stag and the hunting horn. After all, the hagiographic text is interrogated with a literary point of view. A slow disintegration of the religious narrative in the romance, and of the cult in profane pratices, can be emphasised. The new medieval romance puts the heroes in place of the saint, and the anthropologic and politic reasons of this choice are examined in the comparative study of William of England, by Chretien de Troyes, and the life of saint Eustace
Gomez, de Soto José. "Changements et continuités dans les cultures de l'âge du bronze en France occidentale (1500-1200 avant notre ère) : la culture des duffaits et la civilisation des tumulus de l'âge du bronze moyen." Rennes 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991REN20014.
Full textSaliou, Clément. "Vie théâtrale dans le Nord-Ouest de la France (Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Poitou, Aunis) du XIIIe au XVIe siècle." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN20031.
Full textThis PhD research studies drama and the dramatic culture in Latin, French and Breton in northwestern France from the 13th century to the very beginning of the 17th century. It encompasses liturgical drama, mystery plays, farces, morality plays, civic entries and humanist drama, thanks to an interdisciplinary approach combining literary, historical and social elements.This analysis is primarily based on a thorough and comprehensive archive investigation, meant to extend our knowledge about theatrical mentions
Spencer, Thomas. "L'architecture religieuse en Champagne du Nord aux XIe et XIIe siècles." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010618/document.
Full textResearch of Romanesque architecture in the north of the Champagne region, with very few exceptions, has not been renewed since the early 1980s. In the first part of this current study, the historiography of the subject study reveals that: art historians and archaeologists have not been invested in the archaeology of the region despite the fact that there have been many improvements in the methods of observation and dating, in particular with archaeometry and buildings archaeology; the architecture of the region has therefore not benefitted from these new techniques; there are a great many more resources available today that also analyze the history of the period and permit a greater understanding of the multiple contexts that had an impact on architectural and artistic creation during the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries. As such, one is made aware of the need to renew the general comprehension and chronology of the Romanesque religious monuments in Champagne. In the second part of this current study, the three largest churches of the dioceses of Reims and Châlons are revisited : Montier-en-Der, Saint-Étienne de Vignory and Saint-Remi de Reims of which the dates and phases of construction are still a matter of discussion today. Following this monographic study is an analysis of a selected group of church-types of which the plans, elevations and monumental decoration are characteristic of the region. By applying to all of these churches a greater degree of observation than previously done, it is possible to invalidate a certain number of the criteria formerly used to date these monuments and to suggest new conclusions concerning many aspects of their construction
Renou, Julie. "Le pouvoir des anneaux : essais sur la parure digitale du haut Moyen Âge : approche archéologique des objets du sud-ouest de la Gaule." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BOR30068.
Full textThe subject-matter is the finger ornaments discovered in archaeological contexts, dating from the 5th to the 9th century. The geographical area ranges from the Loire to the Pyrenees, and from the Atlantic coast to the west of the Rhône. The chronological period, which is quite broad, makes it possible to approach the question of the ancient heritage of the fifth century, which is particularly important in romanised regions. The 9th century corresponds to a sharp decrease in funeral deposits, which are the main contexts for the discovery of ornaments. Studies on rings have so far essentially consisted in the development of a typochronology, whether for Roman Gaul or for the northern Merovingian kingdoms. For this doctoral study a catalogue has been elaborated, it includes more than 300 artifacts for which a classification has been proposed. The uniqueness of this work is based on the analysis of social practices using artifacts from the Southwest. As precious objects, the wearing of rings remains the prerogative of the elite; they are an important marker of social identities, family memory and economic exchanges. In order to fully address this theme, the study is divided into four parts. The first two are devoted to the implementation of the methodology, paying particular attention to the historiographical heritage in which the study is placed. The last two parts are devoted to the inscription of these jewels in the social space of the early Middle Ages. From their manufacture to their reception and transmission, it is a question of documenting the manipulations to which they have been subjected and which have given them their value, up to their burial
Renaudin, Hélène. "Les logis nobles maçonnés bâtis dans le nord-est du Maine (XIVe- XVIe siècle)." Thesis, Le Mans, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LEMA3003/document.
Full textNowadays, Maine’s countryside still keeps a lot of noble houses which were built by stonework. These houses differentiate themselves easily from peasantry habitat and were essentially built between the 14thand the 16thcenturies. Based from that information, a study based on an inventory (the much complete as possible) of these houses seemed to be the best working way to know about the Lord’s lifestyles, through their habitats, during this period. A corpus was realized and has bring more than 215 sites together, which are still visible today, in the actual arrondissement de Mamers (cantons de Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, Bonnétable, Bouloire, Conlie, La Ferté-Bernard, Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, La Fresnaye-sur-Chedouet, Mamers, Marolles-le-Braults, Montfort-le-Gesnois, Montmirail, Saint-Calais, Saint-Paterne, Sillé-le-Guillaume, Tuffé and Vibraye). Architectural study shows characteristics and particularities of these sites. They are generally built in accordance with a rectangular plan and these methods of construction seemed to be similar from an edifice to another: the characteristics of these houses easily helped to recognize them. The internal organization gives evidence of the house’s evolution between the 14thand 16thcenturies. Some sites contain functional facilities which show a comfort research. Some of them are more symbolic as the staircases and fireplaces which show the holder’s ambitions with sometimes the presence of shields. Decorative elements show the owner’s taste and their financial resources. If some of the home’s studies present a decorative repertory from Gothic taste or Renaissance taste, some of them present hybrid ornaments between the two styles. This fact testify that houses built or restored after the Hundred Years War were elaborate in accordance with an architectural model of transition between Middle Age and Renaissance
Gil, Marc. "Du Maître du Mansel au Maître de Rambures, le milieu des peintres et des enlumineurs de Picardie, ca. 1400-1480." Paris 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040202.
Full textBruand, Olivier. "Voyageurs et marchandises : les réseaux de communication entre Loire et Meuse aux VIIIe et IXe siècles." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010504.
Full textThe purpose of that study is to show the regional and local economic organization of that part of the carolingian empire ; it has been achieved through the careful analysis of the most various sources : the scriptural, monetary and archeological ones. The result is the setting off of two distinct and complenentary networks : the first one shows the importance of the local economic life with a population of country people who hardly move, the other one is destined to the exchanges of secular and ecclesiastical aristocrats who sell and buy salt, wine and material. Then, four main routes appear : an axis Burgundy-Flanders, a busy river traffic along the seine and the loire and, at last, an important circulation on the coasts of the firth or the loire towards the north sea