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Journal articles on the topic "France. Armée – Biographie"
Solti, Richard. "Histoire et histoires : ajustement biographique et mythe personnel." Relire Michel Foucault, no. 3 (July 21, 2022).
Full text"Buchbesprechungen." Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 46, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 83–218.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "France. Armée – Biographie"
Lozano, Thierry. "Général GOUPIL : aléas, contingences et opportunités d’un parcours d’officier dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022.
Full textThis thesis has two objectives. The first is to present the biography of Bernard Goupil, Saint-Cyrien of the "Leclerc" class 1946-1948. As an example, it will be a question of participating in the development of a prosopography of the group of officers of the second half of the 20th century. The second objective is to study the singularity of a journey of its continuities, its ruptures and bifurcations. Between ideal-type and exceptionality, the observation of this pathway reveals the processes and logic of selection in action within the military institution to reward the best elements. However, this selection is not always rational and highly depends on politico-military contexts
Abel, Jonathan 1985. "Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte, comte de Guibert: Father of the Grande Armée." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2011.
Full textPinçon, Charles. "Le baron Nicolas Heurteloup : premier chirurgien français des armées de l'Empire, 1750-1812." Paris 1, 2000.
Full textDupont, Vincent. "De la Belle Époque au putsch d'Alger, évolution politico-militaire d'une génération d'officiers français." Thesis, Amiens, 2018.
Full textThis work aims to understand the evolution of a French officers generation born between 1888 and 1898 and who will become generals going back to the origins of these men, the education they received, in order to grasp the full relief of their engagements during their military career and more widely in their lives, until the wars of decolonization where they were at the head of the French army. These officers have indeed gone through an unusual time, that of the 20th century made of political and military crises and more directly of wars where their role became more and more important, helping to assert their political and military identity. If some of them still have streets with their names, to study their history and that, less known, of many of their comrades, allows to grasp the evolution of this group of individuals from a prosopographic angle, and to illuminate both the history of the French officer corps in the 20th century, but also, more broadly, the politico-military history of France through their eyes during this period
Loustalot, Bernard. "Desgenettes : 1762-1837 : un homme de réseau dans la transformation de l'art de guérir." Paris, EHESS, 2016.
Full textRené Nicolas Dufriche des Genettes, known as Desgenettes, is a doctor who lived between two centuries. He had been through a tumultuous period, both on the political levels and on the military issues. Thus, he had the opportunity to meet several historic characters: Benjamin Franklin, Madam Rolland. . . And above ail Napoléon Bonaparte. Familiar with the salons of the period, he had been a witness of the transformation of the French society more than the political events, and as chief doctor of Bonaparte army's then Napoléon, he followed several campaign of the great gênerai of the time. His career survived to the Empire, tormented by the political vicissitudes. Historical character himself, he first of ail played a rôle in the military medicine in Egypt and in the Great Army after 1807. Two "prowess" are generally at his crédit: his inoculation of the plague, and his opposition to Bonaparte about the poisoning of the sick people of Jaffa. On a routine basis, he had managed health service that had to be adapted on the daily movement and the situation of an army more and more numerous and uncoordinated, often in foreign territories and with frequent and deadly epidemics. Nevertheless, Desgenettes had also had a significant civil activity, first a scientific activity with some publications about the absorbing system (lymphatic), about education (anatomy defence), spreading of knowledge by taking part of the edition of several revues, second, as a Professor of Hygiene at the school subsequently university of medicine of Paris. Besides, it is as mayor of the 10th district of Paris and Professor of Hygiene that he will faced in 1832 the first modern plague epidemic: the cholera-morbus. Born in a family part of the bourgeoisie that pretended to be aristocratic, Desgenettes is a remarkable image of this ambitious people that embraced the Enlightenment ideas (intellectual cosmopolitanism, operative freemasonry), and managed to get through the revolutionary turmoil to compose the Napoleonic meritocracy. Very cultivated but sceptical about religious, medical (friend of Broussais but fighting his doctrines) or politic (loyal but not docile to the Emperor), his strong character and his independent spirit (opposition to Bonaparte and resignation of the Academy of Medicine) ostracised him
Fulaine, Jean-Charles. "L'armée du Duc Charles IV de Lorraine 1624-1675." Nancy 2, 1991.
Full textThe study states on Duke Charles IV of Lorraine’s army, from an angle of organization, establishment, composition and evolution. It consists of four parts. In the first part the organization of the army, at the beginning of Charles IV's reign, is examined with its two constituents: the permanent elements, that are a defense and conditioning support, and the temporary elements, that form the actual army; the first measures to constitute an army, are studied too. The second part deals with the evolution of army during a period of cold or latent war from 1627 to 1633, leading to the occupation. The third part is devoted to the history of the army during the exile of the sovereign from 1634 to 1662. The fourth part is only an epilogue, an indication of the beginning of the reign, with an army distinguishing itself in the palatinate war and the duke pushed to an ultimate and definitive exile. Lorraine being occupied again for free decades. As a conclusion, we discover the army, following the events closely, marked by the seal of its chief, and having become practically permanent
Détrie, Jean-François. "Le général Arthur Boucher (1847-1933) : une carrière atypique, une œuvre érudite." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2017.
Full textFor the last twenty years, contemporary military history, turning away from a traditional History of Battles, has been about witness accounts of participants in the Great War. There is a place for this approach that, although sometimes controversial, focuses on the lives of private soldiers and on their material and cultural constraints. On the other hand, biographical studies of military heads, in spite of a very recent renewal of interest, are largely neglected. The same applies to the study of senior officers belonging to the “second circle”, who are mainly unknown to the public at large. And yet through their family and military history much is to be learned of this contingent and of the officers who rose after the disastrous defeat of 1870 and became the world first army following their 1918 victory.General Arthur Boucher biography is a detailed study of his atypical long military career and of his family life, and draws out the erudite character of his output as a military writer. It also brings to the fore some key events and important Third Republic generals, with whom General Boucher interacted. This study was made possible through researching public archives as well as some private archives made available by one of General Boucher’s daughters.This research adds to what recent contemporary military history reveals about the lives of private soldiers during the Third Republic and the Great War with a better knowledge of officers who, thanks to their training and intellectual capacities, gave France victory over Germany during the Great War.This thesis about a senior officer known as the French army Great War “elder” throws a light on the life of senior officers and enriches the studies of 19th Century military elites
Mounier-Kuhn, Alain. "Les Services de santé militaires et les médecins militaires français pendant la conquête et la pacification du Tonkin et de l'Annam (Mars 1882-31 décembre 1896)." Littoral, 2003.
Full textA study is carried out about organisation and functioning of the three french military medical corps which served either with land forces or afloat battle ships and ambulance ships during the conquest of Tonkin from 1882 to 1896. Special features of every of these three Health Services, Navy, Army and Colonial medical services, allow comparisons on their effectiveness and their failing. An appaling tropical pathology induced a very high rate of mortality among the troops of the expeditionary Corps. A sociological study based on the confidential records of 127 army medical officerswho served in Tonkin allows to compare the social position and military career of these officers in the Navy, the Army and the Colonial Office at that time
Bourlet, Michaël. "Les officiers français des 2e et 5e bureaux de l’état-major de l’armée (août 1919-juin 1919)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2009.
Full textAt the beginning of the 20th century, the “2e bureau” embodied military intelligence at the headquarters of the War Office in Paris. Between August 1914 and June 1919, 366 officers served in this secret administration of the War Office. Through individual files and with the aim of relating the history of services known as special services, this thesis is made up of three main lines: first, an institutional study, then a prosopographic study and finally a biographical dictionary. In less than four years, the intelligence plan set up at the EMA (État-major de l’armée) opened to new fields (economy, politics, diplomacy, inter-allied cooperation). This development went through deep structural reforms. In order to bring its activities to a successful conclusion, the “2e bureau” increased personnel and recruitment, which applied to reserve officers in particular. The intellectual and economic elites of the Nation would then occupy a place of choice in this organisation. Once the war was over, the “2e bureau” was back in charge of purely military matters
Braka, Florence. "Gustave Cluseret : de l’Internationale au Nationalisme 1823-1900." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Full textGustave Cluseret was born in Paris in 1823 and died near Hyères in the Var region in 1900. Like his father he pursued a military career. Leaving Saint-Cyr in 1843, he took part in the suppression of insurgents in June 1848, and was awarded the Croix de Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. Removed from service in March 1850, he returned to serve in the Army in 1853 and participated in the Crimean War and the Kabylia campaigns. He was appointed captain. He resigned from the French Army in 1858. A Republican, Cluseret joined the Expedition of the Thousand in 1860 alongside Garibaldi, who appointed him colonel, he then took part in the Civil War in 1862 on the side of the Northern States. He was appointed brigadier general, and he resigned in 1863. He also took part in the Fenian movement. At the end of the Second Empire, Cluseret joined the International Workingmen's Association. In 1870 he took part in the revolutionary communes of Lyon and Marseille, then in the Commune of 1871 and served for nearly a month as General Delegate for War. Sentenced to death in 1872, Cluseret moved to Switzerland and then to Constantinople, where he pursued three different activities: painting, journalism and propaganda. Returning to France in early 1886 to La Crau in the Var Region. He embarked on a political career as a member of parliament from 1888 until his death. He mostly represented the interests of farmers. He also founded a journal, The Voice of the People of the Var. After 1889 Cluseret broke with the International, and from 1893 he distanced himself from the French socialist collectivists and moved towards anationalist socialism. Anti-dreyfusard, he ends his life defending nationalist positions tinged by xénophobie and antisemitism
Books on the topic "France. Armée – Biographie"
Lalande, Denis. Jean II le Meingre, dit Boucicaut (1366-1421): Étude d'une biographie héroïque. Genève: Libr. Droz, 1988.
Find full textLa biographie militaire des grognards originaires du Bas-Rhin. Drusenheim]: [Alain Klein], 2009.
Find full textDuhard, Jean-François. Jean-Baptiste Lauer (1759-1816): Général, comte d'Empire : biographie. Sarreguemines: Editions Pierron, 1993.
Find full textPlace à Monsieur Larrey: Chirurgien de la Garde impériale : biographie. [Arles]: Actes Sud, 2003.
Find full textGouvion Saint-Cyr: Maréchal de l'empire : pour que vive la République : biographie-histoire. Nantes: Normant, 2008.
Find full textNicolas Haxo: Etival, 7 juin 1749-Les Clouzeaux, 21 mars 1794 : un général vosgien en Vendée à la poursuite de Charette : notes et documents pour une biographie. Moyenmoutier: EDHISTO, 2009.
Find full textMassie, Jean-François. François Lanusse, général de division, 1772-1801: Enfant de Habas en Chalosse : biographie documentée. Pau [France]: Impr. graphique Marrimpouey, 1986.
Find full text1876-1916, Jan Pierre Vincent-de-Paul, ed. Par la plume et par l'épée: Pierre-Jan, homme de lettres et caporal au 26e bataillon de chasseurs à pied : biographie et témoignage. Parcay-sur-Vienne: Anovi, 2008.
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