Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Français (langue) – Avant 1300 (ancien français) – Gérondif'
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Vangaever, Jasper. "Categories under pressure : the gerund and the present participle from Late Latin to Old French." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021SORUL157.
Full textThis dissertation empirically investigates the evolution of the gerund and the present participle in Late Latin, and examines on the basis of this investigation the impact of their morphological merging in Old French on their categorial distinction. The results of this thesis confirm the standard hypothesis of the evolution of the gerund and the present participle in Late Latin, but only partly: they support a specialisation of the gerund in adverbial external syntax, but not of the present participle in adjectival external syntax. Thus, the gerund shows signs of ‘converbalisation’, while the present participle does not undergo a process of ‘participialisation’. Like the gerund, the present participle in Late Latin has mostly adverbial external syntax, and is as such more converb-like than participle-like (cf. Haspelmath 1995: 4). This functional similarity between the gerund and the present participle in Late Latin makes that their morphological merging in Old French raises a major problem for their categorial distinction. A considerable proportion of all Old French ant forms (38%) is categorially indeterminate, that is, not categorisable as either gerunds or present participles – even under the assumption that the gerund and the present participle do not encroach on each other’s distribution, neither in the transition from Late Latin to Old French, nor during the Old French period. This finding leads to the conclusion that the morphological merging of the gerund and the present participle in Old French causes these two types of non-finite verb forms to merge also on a categorial level. The label proposed for this categorial blend is the purely formal one ‘-ant form’
Rouquier, Magali. "Le ce que - phrases en ancien français." Paris 7, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA070008.
Full textDelbey, Annie. "Contribution à une description de la cause en ancien français." Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040083.
Full textGrammatical marks of cause let appear in old French standing syntactic and semantic features combined with historical and stylistic variability. Great oppositions remain permanently in XIIIth and XIIIth centuries: specialization of de in the field of feelings and wider extent of por; predominance of por ce que, almost exclusively used to justify "which is stated", in narration, of car, que, puis que, quant, capable of justifying stating as well as statement, in speech; constant argumentative value of puis que which, making use of "polyphony of enonciation", inscribes in language itself the will to convince whereas por ce que, except contextual effects, brings a new and objective information. Now these oppositions of meaning and use between conjunctions correspond to different syntactical statutes: only por ce que is an "operator" which tightly links propositions; the other words are rather markers of speech acts. Cause, revealing of a conflictual relationship between interlocutors, seems a good observation post for pragmatics. However one could not exactly study cause in old French but in medieval literature. The law percentage of por ce que shows up the prevalence of proof over motive: in an oral literature which bears truth, speech justifies speech not acts. Nevertheless, syntactical permanencies must not conceal the variations in frequency connected with literary purposes as much as with diachrony. Prose in XIIIth century marks a turning point: conjunctions show the decrease of speech and ensure the cohesion that provided verse; in historical prose, with the increasement of the "operator" it is no more truth which is told but real which is described
Manen, Pierre. "Variations graphiques en français médiéval (du 13e siècle au 15e siècle) : étude du Roman de Troie et de ses réécritures et comparaisons avec l'écrit documentaire contemporain." Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030059.
Full textThe increase of linguistic studies about writing and writing systems since the 6O's, after the impulse given by Hjelmslev's or Pulgram's works has made it possible to think differently about the history of writing-systems and, especially about the history of the French writing system. This very project was meant to analyse medieval French spellings with those new theoretical tools and especially to point at the spelling variation which seems so caracteristic of this writing-system : to describe how this system works, it is actually necessary to understand how spelling variation works. It is obviously linked to the diversity of the French language which is not a unified language all through Middle Ages : there are different dialects which influence, sometimes deeply, the spelling and the writing-system. Nevertheless, some spelling variations cannot be interpreted as consequences of dialectal differences ; they rather identify with a natural tendancy of medieval French to vary and this was already pointed at by medieval grammarians who considered variation as a caracterestic feature of vernaculars. Most of those speeling variations are not linked to pronunciation differences but do not challenge the phonographic medieval French system : it still works mainly as a phonographic system but sub-systems developp, more autonomous from the pronunciation but sometimes closer to the different language systems (especially to the morphemes). Medieval writing, is a " craft " made by well-read techicians and meant for well-read technicians ; it thus tend to developp its own way, apart from its relation to the pronunciation, contrary to its evolution in a society of general literacy
Ih, Tchahng-soun. "La place des adjectifs épithètes dans les premiers textes français jusqu'à la Chanson de Roland." Paris 4, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA040111.
Full textThe predilection for the front of noun of the attributive adjective is one of the characteristic features of the noun syntax in the old French. So it is the predilection for the front of noun of the attributive adjective in the old French, that they wanted to explain with the Germanic influence or the Latin language. But according to our study, one clear characteristic feature was found. It is that "some" of the attributive adjectives could be contributed to the proportion of relatively strong percentage to the front of noun in the oldest French texts
Bankov, Dimitri Lubomirov. "La substitution non pronominale comme moyen de cohésion et d'organisation textuelles dans quelques textes en anciens français." Paris 7, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA070007.
Full textThe analysis of anaphoras in some old french texts shows a tendency towords the more frequent usage of the nominal "true" anaphora than in moderne french. Old french appears not to elaborate the nominal "untrue" anaphora. The boundaries between the spheres of usage of the zero-anaphoras, pronomional and demonstrative anaphoras are rather blurred. In these three types of repetetive usage anaphorism and deixis fuse together
Diedhiou, Fidèle. "L’emploi des temps du récit dans quelques textes d'ancien français (IXe ; XIe - XIIIe siècles)." Paris 10, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA100139.
Full textThe question of the confusion of times in the texts of ancient French worried for a long time the medievalist, conscent of the role excellently importing that the present all around plays which exists a past and a future. So agrees it to draw the attention to the relational function of the times which notably translate the succession rather than the time as tel. The times, and particularly the present and the simple past, strengthen the succession of the events and the feelings, their chronological relation or their resemblance. Far from belonging to a shape of typical linguistic expression, as one often let it believe, this confusion of times is much rather a practice appropriate for this time. Every considered time, in the story, fills completely its linguistic function, in period when the orality is still important. That is why it is advisable to put well in evidence juxtaposition impossible of the modem system and the ancient system
Oppermann, Evelyne. "Les emplois injonctifs du futur en français des origines au début du seizième siècle." Paris 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA030057.
Full textKawaguchi, Yuji. "Recherches linguistiques sur le champenois méridional au moyen âge : aspects phonétiques et graphiques." Reims, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REIML010.
Full textThe corpus of the present thesis is Chartes en langues françaises antérieures à conservées dans les départements de l'Aube, de la Seine-et-Marne et de l'Yonne (1988). The appearance of the first acts in vulgar language was closely related to the development of communes in Belgium and Picardy. Their forms and their styles are from the molds of Latin acts. I tried to give a minute analysis of Old French acts of the 13th century coming from the southern part of Champagne region. As a result, we are surprised to find a remarkable persistence of dialect characteristics through many centuries. At the 13th century, the eastern region of Champagne was more conservative than the Brie, western region near Paris, while Troyes region was hesitating between these two poles. We made also a close examination of written forms of acts, point by point, by recontextualizing them in the history of each town, each medieval abbey or each historic person. Old Champagne acts of the thirteenth century are particularly important for a better understanding of the development of Old French after the fourteenth century and the history of the formation of Standard French
Fagard, Benjamin. "Evolution sémantique des prépositions dans les langues romanes : illustrations ou contre-exemples de la primauté du spatial?" Paris 7, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA070008.
Galimard, Kalinka. "La limite oïl / oc dans le département de la Charente : deux siècles d'enquêtes(1807-1990)." Paris 13, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA131035.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is an overview of attainments and lacks that constitute the knowledge of the concept of the frontier zone between the two great linguistical areas oil and oc : the "crescent". The introduction presents the limits of research that the author chooses (approach to the linguistical limit by the study of speakers's linguistical awareness) according to the debate between dialectologists and sociolinguists about able correlations between linguistical aspect and non linguistical one. In the first part, the analysis of eleven dialectological studies leads to show constitued parts of the crescent : cited localities, way of naming speech of the cited locality, linguistical aspect of the named speech. The rule of linguistical awareness and its arguments (which is the result of investigation relations) has been shown. And we can see that some research rules which are recommended by sociolinguists, exist in dialectological studies like rousselot or terracher's ones, for instance. The second part is the approach to the linguistical limit by the study of speakers's linguistical awareness and proves the tracing of the linguistical limit. The correlation with study of matrimonial movment (terracher's concept) is completed by analysis of socio-economical and ethnological data
Pagani-Naudet, Cendrine. "La dislocation du XIIe au XVIIe siècle : histoire d'un procédé de style : thèse." Nice, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NICE2027.
Full textDislocation is described as an emphasis process, obtained by separating and repeating as a pronoun an essential component of the sentence. Though it is now acknowledged as a typical feature of oral and colloquial language, dislocation belongs to the most ancient heritage of our literature. The practice and reception of dislocation mainly depend on the grammatical context caused by the redundancy phenomena from the XVIIth century onwards. Fluctuating between mistake and literary device, that structure will not be the subject of a syntactical analysis until the end of the XXth century. Dislocation seems impossible to reduce to a strictly formal description, as its identification mainly lies on intuition. That is the reason why our study intends to reconsider literary past of dislocation, to recount its history, a history wich is in touch with the evolution of the language, the development of grammatical reflection, but also with the building of the linguistic feeling
Legrain-Muffang, Sophie. "Le vocabulaire de la destruction dans la chanson de geste des XIIe et XIIIe siècles." Paris 4, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA040159.
Full textMy thesis is divided into three development topics. Firstly, we are going to examine the different meanings of "destro" and "destruction" at the middle age time. A concise fows on both syntactical and global environments leads us to determine all different meanings of the word "destroy". This verb dealing with "the animated field" means "to make die", "to kill" and it is used especially for death of a crowd: it is translated by "to slaughter". Then, we are going to deal with specific uses all these words "destroy" and "destruction" which are well described in stylistic research. Context usually points out that "destroy" and "destruction" have an additional meaning. Substantive's position in verse, specificityof the verb "destroy" which never comes with kind of words as "gate", "tower" and words dealing with boats or weapons, and also the use of this verb in a reminiscent way or in an announcement way are many reasons for this verb and its noun "destruction" to have a special status. To finish with, we emphasize the fast that "destroy" is a verb which has many references in biblical field. Wathever the original topic of a literature text, each time it comes to religion, verb "destroy" is used. After studying all words connected with "destruction", we point out that words relating to death, but in a neutral point of view, are plentiful. Some verbs as "cravanter", "confondre" have exactly the same meaning as "destry" because they have some references and can be used in the same way in different contexts. The fact that in the past numerous words were used for the same meaning all related to "destruction" probably explains
Gradu, Diana. "Récurrences des adjectifs chez Chrétien de Troyes : démarche stylistique et étude des mentalités." Paris 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA040241.
Full textThe analysis of the recurrences of the qualifying adjective in Chrétien de Troyes' work starts with a quantitative approach, meant to enable us to perform a qualitative examination of the unit announced by the title. The methodological principles applied are structural and comparative. On the one hand, it is a matter of isolating the adjective in the recurrent structures of Chrétien's poetical language and, on the other hand, of comparing – from the same viewpoint – his novels. Our research related to the functions of the qualifying adjective is the grammatical component of our work. What was at stake here was to prove the originality of this 12th century author, across the literary language of his time. The three aspects – namely the literary techniques, the use of highly recurrent adjectives and the symbolic dimensions of the adjectives – correspond to the leading ideas of the second part of the study. The dynamics of the Middle Ages mentalities is emphasized by the functioning of the qualifying adjective. Chrétien remains faithful to the techniques established by his predecessors and his originality is given by the sequence of units and by the creation of a different medieval world. The Appendixes are, according to us, indispensable for our critical approach, since they represent the corpus
Solovieva, Maria. "Moyens de l'expression du comique dans le cycle de Guillaume d'Orange." Lyon 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006LYO31010.
Full textLignereux, Marielle. "Promesses et serments dans quelques textes d'ancien français (XIIe - XIIIe siècles) : approche linguistique." Paris 10, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA100058.
Full textThe theme of promises and oathes led us towards a larger reflexion on commitment, as the Old French language display a wide range of lexical items to express the notions of promettre (to promise) and jurer (to swear). A contextual analysis enabled us to determine a whole set of nuances which define a proper and subtle graduation in commitment. Linguistics, and pragmatics in particular, have both set out to define performativity and illocutionary acts to which promettre and jurer belong. Whereas je promets and je jure are explicit performative utterances in Modem French, these utterances adopt a very different behaviour in Old French. We therefore questioned on the one hand the performative origin of these verbs and, on the other hand, their evolution
Velinova, Malinka. "La relative en français médiéval : contextes et emplois (approche pragmatico-énonciative)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA040210.
Full textThis thesis has as its subject the relative clause in the literary texts of the French Middle Ages. Setting forth from the hypothesis that the clause’s uses, in particular in the chanson de geste where it appears as formula, are subordinated, at least to a certain degree, to the situational context of enunciation in praesentia (or of vocalisation) of the texts during the medieval period, we examine its other uses, in other genres as well, in order to test the usefulness of the pragmatic-enunciative approach when applied to issues that are essentially syntactic. As main outcome of this investigation we proved that combining the pragmatic-enunciative approach with the semantic-syntactic one could lead to important clarifications regarding form and functioning of syntactic constructions which have no apparent relation to discursive factors and pertain to an older state of language
Léonard, Monique. "Naissance et essor d'un "genre" médiéval : la littérature des "dits" (des origines à 1340)." Paris 4, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA040308.
Full textWe have constituted a corpus of 684 dits which were composed before 1340 (a total of more than 324. 000 verses). First, we tried to define a dit, putting it to external and internal tests. We analyzed then the transformation of the dit from its origins to 1340. A comparison of the dit with other literary genres such as "fabliau", "lai", "conte". . . Allowed us to define exactly the meaning of dit. Without constituting a particular literary genre, the dit corresponds with a "style of writing" which flowered in the XIIIth century. The dit appears as an extraordinary reflection of the medieval society and its sociological interest becomes evident when considering some notable characters of mark such as women, vilains and "clercs", and when looking at the different professions of the society. An analysis of the presentation of the actual events complete this thematic study. Authors of dits willingly cast a critical eye on the world surrounding them, but they are always careful to integrate god into their everyday life which then becomes justified and explained
Fabrizio, Anna-Maria di. "Saggio per una definizione del francese di Oltremare : edizione critica della Continuazione di Acri dell'Historia di Guglielmo di Tiro : con uno studio linguistico e storico." Paris, EPHE, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EPHE4033.
Full textThe Acre Continuation is the last part of the Old French continuations of the Historia of William of Tyre or Eracles, which provides an account of the history of the Latin East between 1229 and 1277. The Acre Continuation’s text is preserved in eleven medieval manuscripts: six were made in Acre and five in Europe. This work provides a codicological description for each of them. It studies the manuscript tradition and classifies the eleven manuscripts into groups on the base of repeated similarities of their variant readings. In addition, the edition is accompanied by a positive apparatus, which provides a complete presentation of the variant readings from all manuscripts. The linguistic analysis is founded on the edition’s text, as well as on the variant texts of the Acre manuscripts. The aim of this analysis is to describe the French of Outremer, the language that was written and spoken during the Crusades in the Holy Land and subsequently in some other Mediterranean territories. The critical edition is completed by a historical commentary, a comprehensive glossary and an index. The Introduction comprises a chronology and a description of the structure of the chronicle. It also provides a study of the modus operandi and working life of the copyists in the Acre scriptorium and of the methods employed by compilers dealing with historical sources
Muller, Claire. "Médialité de la charte : caractérisation structurelle du genre textuel dans un corpus de chartes françaises inédites du XIIIe siècle." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA040286.
Full textThis work is based on the transcription and electronic edition of unedited charters from 1243-1296 in French language. It analyses the syntactical and discursive characteristics structuring the different parts of speech. The medial and communicative strategies of a charter are questioned with the help of recent models, like macrosyntax or the temporal semantics by Gosselin, always considering the specifics related to a certain type of text. Hence, phenomenons of junction and connection as well as the order of syntactical components are taken into consideration, a special focus is put on analyzing the organization and the meaning of tenses in the corpus
Vannier, Bernard. "Les tiroirs verbaux et la construction du sens dans quatre œuvres épiques du XIIème siècle : Chanson de Roland, manuscrit O ; Chanson de Guillaume ; Charroi de Nîmes, manuscrit A1 ; Roman de Thèbes, manuscrit S." Grenoble 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007GRE39052.
Full textThe subject, the tense, the aspect, the Aktionsart, the mode of a verb—all these are key ingredients to the creating of sense. This poly-informative capacity of verbality contributes, through its overlaps and interferences, to give the text its stylistic, literary and axiological color. We have hence tried to ascertain, through the epics of the twelfth century, to what measure the verbal syntax gives sense to the verbal word to constitute the semantic specificity of a sentence, a poetic laisse, or an entire work. In order to do so, we had first to examine the competences of each verbal drawer: this analysis of linguistic tools is the object of Book I: "Tiroirs verbaux : contenances et compétences". Then, in Book II, entitled "Assemblage et construction du sens" , a much more synthetic approach consisted in using our observations and discoveries to explore the sense specific to each of our poems: by what combinatory synergy do the nuances and the richness of each drawer serve a theme or a specific strategy to construct a unique and irreplaceable text? This reconstitution of sense, from a supple and nuanced game of verbal drawers, permits us to understand how, in the stereotyped context of the epic genre, the richness, the suppleness, but also the representational precision of the verbal system of Old French favors the transformation of a heroic and exemplary geste towards the questioning which drives our literature towards introspection and novelistic temptation
Librová, Bohdana. "Loup, renard et autres carnassiers : un champ de métaphores en français médiéval." Montpellier 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON30075.
Full textThe componential and actantial analysis of the figurative use of the names of wild carnivores (with particular accent on the wolf, the fox, the otter and the badger) leads to a reflection on the origin of the semantic features and the generating mecanisms of the figurative meaning. The specificities of the animal image relativize the assumptions about the documentary value of the figures. The observation of the semantic effects of animal metaphor in the proverbs reveals the referential potentialities of the proverb's sense. An association of the philological methods with approaches of modern linguistics (componential analysis, prototype theory, lexicology inspired by Gustave Guillaume. . . ) makes it possible to refine the structural description of the sense. A study of the lexicalization leads to suggestions for the lexicographical treatment. Three satirical and moralising texts illustrate the stylistic functions of the predatory images
Lavrentiev, Alexei. "Tendances de la ponctuation dans les manuscrits et incunables français en prose, du XIIIe au XVe siècle." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines - ENS-LSH Lyon, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00494914.
Full textWanono, Anne. "La Bible en "françois" : une traduction médiévale de la vulgate : édition critique des livres de 'Judith' et 'Esther' dans la Bible du XIIIe siècle." Paris 4, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA040181.
Full textHow can we study the Bible in François amidst other complete translations of the Vulgate made during the second half of the XIIIth century ? Thanks to a reevaluation of prior works and a study of codices of vol. I of that Bible, the literary study shows the specificity and aim of the translation of the whole Vulgate. The critical edition of the Judith and Esther books based on the manuscript Paris, BNF, fonds fr. 899 also synoptically gives a transcription of the manuscript Paris, Arsenal 5056 : confronting these two translations made at the same time allows us to analyse the work of a team of translators. The text in François is indeed mainly linked to the Vulgate. Without thinking that it is ruled by a Latin model, when it is compared with the Latin (source) and the François (aim), between the tradition of the Vulgate and the Bible in François, we can understand that particular specificity
Geylikman, Zinaida. "Étude sémantique de baron et chevalier (XIIe-XVe siècle) : essai de méthode pour les dénominations féodales." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PSLEP036/document.
Full textThe starting point of our thesis was the examination on the importance of semantic variations in Medieval French throughout different text genres during the medieval period. It was based on the study of several feudal names; the aim of the research was to point out their semantic structures and eventual change from the 12th to the 15th century. The corpus that we used consisted of texts of following genres: Epic texts, chivalry romances, chronicles and documentary texts. We analysed all texts by manual or automatic counting of all examples of the investigated names. Two perspectives were adopted: the study of the linguistic co-text of the names and that of narrative context of their use. Given the nature of the studied names, which are integrated in the feudal vocabulary, the linguistic analysis was completed by historical and literary studies on the feudal society and the texts of the corpus. The research pointed out clearly a number of regularities in the uses, semantic structures and linguistic change of the studied names; it confirms the relevance to consider the variation of text genre in semantic studies. Beyond the results for the examined names, our thesis suggests a method for Medieval French semantic studies
Baek, Koun. "Oral représenté et pragmaticalisation : étude des marqueurs d’oralité dans les textes dramatiques français (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA067.
Full textThis thesis deals with the different markers of orality in the french dramatic texts and, particulary, with their process of evolution in the aspect of the “pragmaticalizations”. First, we focus on the use of the discourse marker which is derived from the propositional syntagme “par ma foi” but also from two adverbes “sus” and “çà”. It focuses on two main points: the process of the pragmaticalization of theses discourse markers and their relations with the orality through analysis of syntactic and semantic properties. Secondly, we examine also the medieval primary interjections and the production of its new combinations. Lastly, in the case of syntactic analysis, we treat two structures which mark the disfluency of sentences ie. dislocation and repetition. In this Thesis, we will reveal how these lexical units and syntactic constructions are used in the medieval play to transfer the locutor’s emotion and thought and how these oral markers receive new pragmatic values in their usages in Middle French
Ingrand-Varenne, Estelle. "Langues de bois, de pierre et de verre : Histoire du langage épigraphique et de son passage du latin au français (Ouest de la France, XIIe-XIVe siècles)." Thesis, Poitiers, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013POIT5016.
Full textThis dissertation examines twelfth-to-fourteenth-century inscriptions in the west of France in order to understand how language was used, both as an institution and as social practice. The theoretic background is drawn from linguistic trends such as discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, and as a result, it is situated at the intersection of history and linguistics. Inscriptions, as a form of written communication, present durable messages preserved in stone, glass, metal, wood... These epigraphic messages use specific linguistic and graphic means (codes) that may be understood as a type of "epigraphic discourse." The codes consist of brevity, formulae, deictic words, and the use of capital letters. At the same time, the authors of inscriptions demonstrate an aesthetic and pragmatic use of rhetorical figures. Latin is the predominant language. However, a few noteworthy examples of inscriptions in French begin to appear in the twelfth century. The use of French for inscriptions becomes a widespread phenomenon from the second half of the thirteenth century onwards, but Latin does not disappear. At first, only a few words of an inscription are in French. Then, the vernacular is used for the entire text. This linguistic shift from Latin to French suggests the introduction of new actors in written communication: lay people. As the use of French for inscriptions increased, vernacular epigraphic texts begin to appear in ecclesiastical spaces, where the vernacular had only been used orally. Epigraphy allowed for sustainable exhibition of the vernacular language and, thus, provided French with a prestige that increased the language's perceived sociolinguistic status
Balon, Laurent. "Transcription de Garin de Monglane à partir du manuscrit du XIVe siècle Royal 20 DXI de la British Library : description méthodique et analyses linguistiques (volume I) ; transcription des 12590 vers de la copie de Londres (volume II) ; notes, glossaire, table des noms propres (volume III)." Paris 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA030093.
Full textThe aim of this study is double: bringing to know a not yet edited text and this through the most faithful possible transcription of a manuscript selected as an authentic historic witness to the plan of the literary history but also the given state of language. The systematic transcription of the text thus serves to bring to light certain linguistic practices of the scribe. On the one hand; we observe graphic uses which exceed the phonogrammic function, recognized originally as essential, to achieve a morphogrammic use emphasized by specific written forms which crea the recurrence of grammatical and lexical morphemes ; on the other hand, micro-systems appear through the original use of sequences and graphic segmentations which, in this manuscript, proceed very often from a reflexive movement. These observations are leading to think that a "grammar" of French goes back up beyond the XVth century. We would thus reveal in the case of this scribe an onset of grammatical reflection on the “writing procedures” of his manuscript which would announce the “theorization of French”, characteristic of the XVth and especially of XVIth centuries. While it is situated well before any form of standard prescriptive, this manuscript, which beside more traditional linguistic practices (XIIth-XIIIth centuries) sets up a certain number of micro-systems in the functioning of written forms as well as in that of the " graphic sequences ", announces nevertheless some of the principles which will lead to the normed codification of French. From this point of view, this manuscript allows to reveal the existence of a continuum in the history of the handwritten practices of French, registering this study in the perspectives of contemporary research on the French Diachrony
Aouini, Mourad. "Approche multi-niveaux pour l'analyse des données textuelles non-standardisées : corpus de textes en moyen français." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018UBFCC003.
Full textThis thesis presents a non-standardized text analysis approach which consists a chain process modeling allowing the automatic annotation of texts: grammar annotation using a morphosyntactic tagging method and semantic annotation by putting in operates a system of named-entity recognition. In this context, we present a system analysis of the Middle French which is a language in the course of evolution including: spelling, the flexional system and the syntax are not stable. The texts in Middle French are mainly distinguished by the absence of normalized orthography and the geographical and chronological variability of medieval lexicons.The main objective is to highlight a system dedicated to the construction of linguistic resources, in particular the construction of electronic dictionaries, based on rules of morphology. Then, we will present the instructions that we have carried out to construct a morphosyntactic tagging which aims at automatically producing contextual analyzes using the disambiguation grammars. Finally, we will retrace the path that led us to set up local grammars to find the named entities. Hence, we were asked to create a MEDITEXT corpus of texts in Middle French between the end of the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries
Cretoiu, Elena. "La Suite du Roman de Merlin éditée d'après un manuscrit du XVe siècle : (Paris, BNF, fr. 112)." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAC001.
Full textThe fragment of the Suite du Roman de Merlin that we edited is preserved in four manuscripts (London manuscript, British Library, Additional 38117, the Cambridge University Library manuscript, Additional 7071, the BNF 112 manuscript, which is the main manuscript of our edition, and the Imola manuscript, Biblioteca Comunale, ms. 135 AA25 n° 9 (7)). Comparing to the other three already existing editions of the Suite (O. Sommer, Die Abenteuer Gawains Ywains und Le Morholts mit Den Drei Jungfrauen (Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, Beiheft 47, 1913), P. C. Smith (Les enchantemenz de Bretagne, Chapel Hill, 1977), edition based upon the Cambridge manuscript, and G. Roussineau (La Suite du Roman de Merlin, Droz, 1996), edition mainly based upon the London manuscript), the aim of our edition is to offer a text of the Suite du Roman de Merlin based upon the BNF 112 manuscript, according to the modern principles applied in the transcription of the medieval texts. We offered a great number of variants given by the other manuscritpts of the Suite and limited our interference with the text only for corrections which we considered strictly necessary. The text of our edition is followed by notes, a glossary and an index of names. On the linguistic level, we noted regional caracteristics that lead us to consider that our manuscript belongs to the North domain (conseilh ; karoloient, etc.), modern structures comparing to the other manuscripts of the Suite and a certain number of termes (baudel ; pourvillier) which can improve the DMF (Dictionnaire du Moyen Français) basis
Dourdy, Laura-Maï. "L'édition critique de la première partie de Jourdain de Blaves : enjeux linguistique d'une mise en prose." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA159.
Full textThe tradition of Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves is quite dense. After a study of this tradition, this thesis presents a critical edition of the first part of Jourdain de Blaves, one of the anonymous prose texts derhymed from the chanson de geste written in alexandrines, Jourdain de Blaye. This thesis also provides notes, variants and a glossary with the edited text. This study explores the textual tradition of Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves. The tradition starts with a chanson de geste written in decasyllables in the early thirteenth century. This text has been rewritten and amplified in alexandrines at the beginning of the fifteenth century. Then, in the same century, it was translated into two unrhymed texts. The first one is contained in the unique manuscript from the National Library of Wales (ms. Aberyswyth, NLW, 5022D). The second one was transmitted in five printed editions published in Paris in the sixteenth century. The study of the tradition led us to choose the editio princeps of Michel Le Noir (1520). This imprint has a strategic place in the textual tradition; it is very close to the version written in alexandrines and all the sixteenth century editions were made from the one of Michel Le Noir. Through an initial contrastive analysis, this thesis compares the mise en prose to the clearly identifiable versified source and offers considerations on the interplay between verse and prose. Then, a second comparison between the five printed editions originating from the sixteenth century allows this thesis to give an insight into the work of printer-editors and their editorial strategies. Moreover, the study serves to demonstrate that micro-corpora of re-editions are notably useful in the study of language change.Complementing the aforementioned studies, this work emphasizes the linguistic richness of the edited text of Michel Le Noir’s imprint. The most noteworthy features are to be found in the study of syntax as well as in the one of represented oral speech. The accumulated analyses aim to enrich the philological, linguistic and literary reflections developed in this thesis
Grüber, Gauthier. "Explicit la mort de Fromondin : édition et étude linguistique, littéraire et historique du passage correspondant aux vers 13935 à 14795 du ms. A de Gerbert de Mez d'après les douze mss complets ABCDEJMNPRSV et les trois amputés d'une partie de la fin ILQ." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018VALE0014/document.
Full textThis thesis is attached to a particular part of Gerbert of Metz, last part of the original Loherain cycle, the conclusion of the story (from the flight of Fromondin, the last of the Bordelais, until his death). This edition includes a detailed description and a comparative study of all the manuscripts available for this passage (twelve complete manuscripts: ABCDEJMNPRSV, and three amputees of the late IL1Q), a literary study attempting to analyze the originality of this conclusion with a narrative, stylistic and historical point of view, a linguistic analysis as well as a glossary, an index of proper nouns. The edition of the texts is presented in a semi-synoptic form in order to allow a comparative reading of the different families of manuscripts considered for the conclusion. The interest of this thesis is to propose new elements in the knowledge of the rich manuscript tradition of the Geste des Loherains, as well as in the possible writing of its conclusion (sources and interpretations)