Academic literature on the topic 'Fraîcheur et consistance de données'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fraîcheur et consistance de données"
Le Pape, Cécile, and Stéphane Gançarski. "Fraîcheur et validité de données répliquées dans des environnements transactionnels." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 9, no. 5-6 (December 24, 2004): 163–83.
Full textvon Frenckell, R. "Le système AMDP : les échelles d'évaluation et les sous-échelles." Psychiatry and Psychobiology 3, no. 4 (1988): 269–74.
Full textDussault, Marc, Paul Villeneuve, and Colette Deaudelin. "L'échelle d'autoefficacité des enseignants: validation canadienne-française du Teacher efficacy scale." Articles 27, no. 1 (October 21, 2002): 181–94.
Full textPlante, Isabelle. "Adaptation et validation d’instruments de mesure des stéréotypes de genre en mathématiques et en français." Mesure et évaluation en éducation 33, no. 2 (May 8, 2014): 1–34.
Full textDubeau, Annie, Isabelle Plante, and Mariane Frenay. "Mesure de la perspective d’avenir des étudiants : adaptation française et validation d’un instrument de mesure de la perspective d’avenir d’étudiants de l’enseignement postsecondaire." Mesure et évaluation en éducation 38, no. 1 (June 3, 2016): 1–30.
Full textGauthier, Yvon. "L’appareil analytique et ses modèles." Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales 7, no. 2 (November 20, 2012): 23–48.
Full textMohaine, Abdelkader. "L'impossible durabilité d'un littoral marocain entre le volontarisme étatique et la réalité géographique." Lucrările Seminarului Geografic "Dimitrie Cantemir" 47, no. 2 (October 31, 2019): 177–98.
Full textSavard, Jacinthe, Lynn Casimiro, Josée Benoît, and Pier Bouchard. "Évaluation métrologique de la Mesure de l’offre active de services sociaux et de santé en français en contexte minoritaire." Reflets 20, no. 2 (November 26, 2014): 83–122.
Full textHassani, Nassima, and Gilles Drogue. "Mesure et spatialisation de l’îlot de chaleur urbain dans l’aire urbaine de Metz Métropole : premiers résultats de la campagne de mesure 2019." Climatologie 17 (2020): 8.
Full textCantat, Olivier, and Alexandre Follin. "Les singularités thermiques d’un espace périurbain dans une agglomération de dimension moyenne : le cas de Caen durant l’hiver 2018/2019." Climatologie 17 (2020): 3.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fraîcheur et consistance de données"
Ntaryamira, Evariste. "Une méthode asynchrone généralisée préservant la qualité des données des systèmes temps réel embarqués : cas de l’autopilote PX4-RT." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2021.
Full textReal-time embedded systems, despite their limited resources, are evolving very quickly. For such systems, it is not enough to ensure that all jobs do not miss their deadlines, it is also mandatory to ensure the good quality of the data being transmitted from tasks to tasks. Speaking of the data quality constraints, they are expressed by the maintenance of a set of properties that a data sample must exhibit to be considered as relevant. It is mandatory to find trade-offs between the system scheduling constraints and those applied to the data. To ensure such properties, we consider the wait-free mechanism. The size of each communication buffer is based on the lifetime bound method. Access to the shared resources follows the single writer, many readers. To contain all the communication particularities brought by the uORB communication mechanism we modeled the interactions between the tasks by a bipartite graph that we called communication graph which is comprised of sets of so-called domain messages. To enhance the predictability of inter-task communication, we extend Liu and Layland model with the parameter communication state used to control writing/reading points.We considered two types of data constraints: data local constraints and data global constraints. To verify the data local constraints, we rely on the sub-sampling mechanism meant to verify data local constraints. Regarding the data global constraints, we introduced two new mechanism: the last reader tags mechanism and the scroll or overwrite mechanism. These 2 mechanisms are to some extent complementary. The first one works at the beginning of the spindle while the second one works at the end of the spindle
Louis, Julien. "Discrétisation des systèmes de Lur'e : stabilisation et consistance." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015.
Full textRecent studies dealing with discrete-time (switched) Lur’e systems involve an adapted Lur’e type function exhibiting possibly non-convex and disconnected level sets. These properties raise fundamental issues in the case of discrete-time Lur’e system obtained by the sampling of a continuous time one. This PhD thesis aims at answering these questions. The first contribution is to avoid the discrete-time disconnected level sets by a decreasing sequence of bounded and connected sets that converges to the origin and that contain the future of the continuous-time trajectory. The second contribution deals with the joint stabilization of a sampled-data Lur’e system with non-uniform sampling. When the sampling period belongs to a finite set of values, this problem is reformulated as the joint stabilization of a discrete-time Lur’e switched system with norm-bounded uncertain parameters. Futhermore, if a quadratic criterion is associated with each mode, a min-switching strategy combined with LMI constraints allow to provide a solution to this problem. Finally the property of consistency for discrete-time switched Lur’e systems is investigated. It is shown that the min-switching strategy is consistent with respect to quadratic upper bounds of the performances. This result is applied on the stabilization of Lur’e systems with non-uniform sampling
Dupuy, Jean-François. "Modélisation conjointe de données longitudinales et de durées de vie." Phd thesis, Université René Descartes - Paris V, 2002.
Full textRantsoudis, Christos. "Bases de connaissance et actions de mise à jour préférées : à la recherche de consistance au travers des programmes de la logique dynamique." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018.
Full textIn the database literature it has been proposed to resort to active integrity constraints in order to restore database integrity. Such active integrity constraints consist of a classical constraint together with a set of preferred update actions that can be triggered when the constraint is violated. In the first part of this thesis, we review the main repairing routes that have been proposed in the literature and capture them by means of Dynamic Logic programs. The main tool we employ for our investigations is the recently introduced logic DL-PA, which constitutes a variant of PDL. We then go on to explore a new, dynamic kind of database repairing whose computational complexity and general properties are compared to the previous established approaches. In the second part of the thesis we leave the propositional setting and pursue to adapt the aforementioned ideas to higher level languages. More specifically, we venture into Description Logics and investigate extensions of TBox axioms by update actions that denote the preferred ways an ABox should be repaired in case of inconsistency with the axioms of the TBox. The extension of the TBox axioms with these update actions constitute new, active TBoxes. We tackle the problem of repairing an ABox with respect to such an active TBox both from a syntactic as well as a semantic perspective. Given an initial ABox, the syntactic approach allows us to construct a set of new ABoxes out of which we then identify the most suitable repairs. On the other hand, for the semantic approach we once again resort to a dynamic logic framework and view update actions, active inclusion axioms and repairs as programs. Given an active TBox aT , the framework allows to check (1) whether a set of update actions is able to repair an ABox according to the active axioms of aT by interpreting the update actions locally and (2) whether an ABox A' is the repair of a given ABox A under the active axioms of aT using a bounded number of computations by interpreting the update actions globally. After discussing the strong points of each direction, we conclude by combining the syntactic and semantic investigations into a cohesive approach
Detais, Amélie. "Maximum de vraisemblance et moindre carrés pénalisés dans des modèles de durée de vie censurées." Toulouse 3, 2008.
Full textLife data analysis is used in various application fields. Different methods have been proposed for modelling such data. In this thesis, we are interested in two distinct modelisation types, the stratified Cox model with randomly missing strata indicators and the right-censored linear regression model. We propose methods for estimating the parameters and establish the asymptotic properties of the obtained estimators in each of these models. First, we consider a generalization of the Cox model, allowing different groups, named strata, of the population to have distinct baseline intensity functions, whereas the regression parameter is shared by all the strata. In this stratified proportional intensity model, we are interested in the parameters estimation when the strata indicator is missing for some of the population individuals. Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators are proposed for the model parameters and their consistency and asymptotic normality are established. We show the efficiency of the regression parameter and obtain consistent estimators of its variance. The Expectation-Maximization algorithm is proposed and developed for the evaluation of the estimators of the model parameters. Second, we are interested in the regression linear model when the response data is randomly right-censored. We introduce a new estimator of the regression parameter, which minimizes a Kaplan-Meier-weighted penalized least squares criterion. Results of consistency and asymptotic normality are obtained and a simulation study is conducted in order to investigate the small sample properties of this LASSO-type estimator. The bootstrap method is used for the estimation of the asymptotic variance
Colin, Kévin. "Data informativity for the prediction error identification of MIMO systems : identification of a MEMS gyroscope." Thesis, Lyon, 2020.
Full textMathematical models have a crucial place in every engineering field. They can be used for several purposes such as the design of a controller, the prediction, the health monitoring of a system, etc. In this thesis, we deal with system identification which is the scientific field consisting in the modeling of a system with experimental data. More particularly, we will consider the Prediction Error method. In order to get an accurate identified model, the data must guarantee one fundamental property which is the informativity. The data informativity has been largely studied for the identification of linear single-input single-output systems. However, few results can be found for the identification of linear multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems. This is inconvenient since the systems get more and more complex. Hence, in the first part of this thesis, we focus on developing new conditions to verify the data informativity for the open-loop and closed-loop identification of linear MIMO systems. However, most of real-life systems have nonlinear dynamics. Fortunately, Prediction Error identification can be used as an efficient tool for the modeling of some classes of nonlinear systems such as Hammerstein systems, i.e., systems where the nonlinearity is found at the input of the system. In this thesis, we study a particular class of Hammerstein systems. The motivation of this study comes from the real-life considered in this thesis : the MEMS gyroscope. A MEMS gyroscope is a micro-sensor that measures angular rates. It has several advantages such as its small size, its low energy consumption and its cheap price. However, it is less accurate than its optical counterpart. In order to tackle this accuracy issue, the MEMS gyroscope is put in closed-loop. Of course, we want to design an optimal controller. For this purpose, we need to derive an accurate model of the dynamics of the MEMS gyroscope. In the literature, the proposed models are not enough complete. Therefore, in this thesis, we develop an identification method that yields an accurate and complete model of the dynamics of the MEMS gyroscope. We observe that the previous study of the data informativity can be applied to this real-life problem
Simeoni, Chiara. "Méthodes numériques pour des équations hyperboliques de type Saint-Venant." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2002.
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