Academic literature on the topic 'Four à chaux'

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Journal articles on the topic "Four à chaux"


Meloche, Christophe. "Reconstitution et mise en chauffe d’un four à chaux." Archeopages, no. 46 (December 12, 2018): 96–103.

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Thomas, Claude. "Cassis (Bouches-du-Rhône). Four à chaux de la Marcouline." Archéologie médiévale, no. 39 (December 1, 2009): 331–32.

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Hedley, Ian, and J. J. Wagner. "Étude archéomagnétique du four à chaux de Goux-lès-Dole (Jura)." Archéologie médiévale 18, no. 1 (1988): 285–86.

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Demierre, Brigitte. "Les fours à chaux en Grèce." Journal of Roman Archaeology 15 (2002): 282–96.

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Lors des fouilles conduites par l'Ecole suisse en 1998 dans le secteur E/600 NW à Erétrie (Eu-bée), nous avons découvert un four présentant un aménagement peu courant. A double paroi, double bouche et banquette interne, sa configuration était pour le moins inhabituelle (fig. 1-2). En l'absence de toute trace de matériel de cuisson, seule la recherche de parallèles dans les différentes catégories de fours pouvait apporter des informations sur sa fonction initiale. Ma recherche s'est alors orientée principalement vers les fours céramiques et les fours à chaux. En effet, les autres structures analogues, destinées à la métallurgie, la verrerie ou à l'usage domestique, diffèrent sensiblement tant par la forme, la taille et le fonctionnement que par les déchets produits par la fonte du métal ou du verre.A la différence des fours de potier, qui ont suscité un certain nombre de recherches, liées en partie à l'étude des provenances des céramiques locales, les fours à chaux restent peu étudiés. Ils ne produisent, il est vrai, aucune oeuvre d'art. En revanche, les chaufourniers utilisent parfois des marbres sculptés pour obtenir de la chaux.
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Mangin, Michel, Ary Bruand, and Ian Hedley. "Un four à chaux du haut Moyen Âge à Goux-lès-Dole (Jura)." Archéologie médiévale 18, no. 1 (1988): 273–84.

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Flambard Héricher, Anne-Marie. "Un four à chaux de la fin du Moyen Âge au Molay-Littry (Calvados )." Archéologie médiévale 24, no. 1 (1994): 367–77.

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Lucena, Ana Vanessa. "Ekphrasis : au lieu de décrire ce qu’ils voyaient, ils réalisèrent ce qui était décrit." Voix Plurielles 11, no. 1 (April 30, 2014): 46–56.

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Cette contribution s’insère dans le domaine des recherches actuelles en didactique des arts visuels mettant en évidence les pratiques de la réception des œuvres. Elle rend compte d’un projet d’apprentissage artistique prenant comme matière la collection René et Madeleine Junod et pratiquée durant quatre mois de leçons hebdomadaires dans deux classes de 7e maturité d’une école publique de la ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds en Suisse. Le projet a été vécu en trois parties : un exercice d’ekphrasis et de reproduction par la méthode de la grille de copie en salle de classe, une série de « jeux de stimulation de l’observation » pendant une visite au musée, complétée par les activités de dessin et coloriage à la maison et en salle de classe. Cet article est centré sur le premier exercice de « l’ekphrasis » où il a été proposé aux élèves la description de quatre tableaux de styles, thèmes et artistes différents. Chaque descriptif posait des contraintes en termes de composition des images et d’interprétation d’un vocabulaire spécifique aux arts visuels. Ekphrasis: Instead of describing what they were seeing, they created what was described This contribution goes into the domain of current research in Visual Arts didactics putting in evidence the methods of the “réception d’œuvre”. It reports an artistic learning project based on René and Madeleine Junod’s collection and practiced during four month of weekly Visual Arts lessons in two 7th grade classes of a public school in the city of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The project was built in three parts: an “ekphrasis” activity, which implies describing by words a few paintings of the collection, then copying them using the “grille de copie” method; a few “games of observation skills stimulation” during the visit of a museum, then reinforced and completed by the “painting and drawing activities” at home and in the classroom. This article focuses only on the first exercise of the “ekphrasis” in which four paintings descriptions, all of different styles, themes and artists, were given to the students. Each description setting represented a constraint in terms of images composition and interpretation of a specific Visual Arts vocabulary.
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Vaschalde, Christophe, Guillaume Duperron, and Aline Doniga. "Le four à chaux FR 1430 de Saint-Martin-le-Bas (Gruissan, Aude) : éclairage interdisciplinaire sur la chaufournerie en pays narbonnais aux xie-xiii." Archéologie médiévale, no. 49 (December 20, 2019): 53–86.

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Ratnakar, P., S. Aspalli Nagaveni, K. Reddy Balakoti, Karan Smita, SV Satish, and T. Aravind. "Quantitative Evaluation of Apical Extrusion of Debris and Irrigants using Four Rotary Instrumentation Systems: An in vitro Study." Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 14, no. 6 (2013): 1065–69.

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ABSTRACT Clinical significance The apical extrusion of infected debris may have the potential to disrupt the balance between microbial aggression and host defense, resulting in incidents of acute inflammation. During preparation, irrigants and debris, such as bacteria, dentin filings and necrotic tissue may be extruded into the periradicular region leading to periapical inflammation and postoperative flare ups. Using an instrumentation technique that minimizes apical extrusion would be beneficial to both the practitioner and patient. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the weight of debris and volume of irrigant extruded apically from extracted teeth in vitro after endodontic instrumentation using four different rotary root canal instrumentation systems. Materials and methods Four groups of each 20 extracted mandibular premolars were instrumented using one of the four systems: ProTaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland)), Hero-shaper (MicroMega, Besancon, France), RaCe (FKG Dentaire, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) and K3 (SybronEndo, West Collins, CA). Debris and irrigant extruded from the apical foramen during instrumentation were collected in preweighed test tubes. Volume of irrigant extruded was noted. The containers were stored in incubator at 70° for two days to evaporate the moisture. Weight of dry debris was noted. Statistical analysis Data was analyzed using Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U test at a significance of 0.001. Results The results indicated that all of the instrumentation systems tested caused measurable apical extrusion of debris and irrigants. Higher extrusion was observed with Protaper system which was statistically significant with Hero-Shaper, RaCe and K3 systems. There were no statistical differences between Hero-shaper, K3 and RaCe systems (p < 0.05). Conclusion All instrumentation techniques apically extruded debris and irrigant. However, Hero-shaper, K3 and RaCe systems produced less extruded debris and irrigant than the Protaper system. How to cite this article Nagaveni SA, Balakoti KR, Smita K, Ratnakar P, Satish SV, Aravind T. Quantitative Evaluation of Apical Extrusion of Debris and Irrigants using Four Rotary Instrumentation Systems: A in vitro study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(6):1065-1069.
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Santos, João Miguel, Carolina M. Coelho, Diana B. Sequeira, Joana A. Marques, Joana F. Pereira, Vitor Sousa, Paulo J. Palma, and Ana C. Santos. "Subcutaneous Implantation Assessment of New Calcium-Silicate Based Sealer for Warm Obturation." Biomedicines 9, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 24.

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Calcium silicate-based sealers were recently introduced as a new class of endodontic sealers, with potential further benefits due to their bioactivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of two new hydraulic calcium silicate-based sealers, TotalFill BC Sealer (FKG, La Chaux-des-Fonds, Switzerland) and TotalFill BC Sealer HiFlow (FKG, La Chaux-des-Fonds, Switzerland) through subcutaneous implantation in connective tissue of rats. Subcutaneous implantation was performed in 16 young Wistar rats. Four polyethylene tubes were implanted in each animal, one empty to serve as a control, and three filled with tested sealers: AH Plus as reference (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany), TotalFill BC Sealer (BC) and TotalFill BC Sealer HiFlow (HiFlow). Eight rats were euthanized at 8 days and the remaining eight at 30 days. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to score the inflammatory reaction, macrophage infiltrate and to measure the thickness of the fibrous capsule. von Kossa staining was performed to evaluate the mineralization level. Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post hoc test was used to analyze non-parametric data. To analyze the influence of the implantation time within each material, a Mann–Whitney U test was performed. At eight days post-implantation, AH Plus induced a more intense inflammatory reaction when compared both with the control (p ≤ 0.001) and BC (p ≤ 0.01). HiFlow presented a higher score of macrophage infiltrate than control (p ≤ 0.01) and BC (p ≤ 0.05). The fibrous capsule thickness in this period was significantly higher for the BC group when compared to control (p ≤ 0.01) and AH Plus (p ≤ 0.05). The mineralization potential was higher for the HiFlow group when compared with the control (p ≤ 0.001) and AH Plus (p ≤ 0.001). At 30 days post-implantation, the score for the inflammatory reaction remained higher for the AH Plus group when compared both to control (p ≤ 0.01) and BC (p ≤ 0.001). The macrophage infiltrate of the HiFlow was significantly higher than control (p ≤ 0.001) and AH Plus groups (p ≤ 0.01), additionally, the fibrous capsule of the BC (p ≤ 0.001) and HiFlow (p ≤ 0.01) groups were both thicker than control. Mineralization potential was observed only on BC (p ≤ 0.05) and HiFlow groups (p ≤ 0.001), when compared to control). BC exhibited the best biocompatibility performance of all tested sealers and HiFlow provided the greatest induction of mineralized tissues. Both TotalFill BC Sealer and TotalFill BC Sealer HiFlow are biocompatible and show potential bioactivity when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue. Bioactivity was not found in AH Plus.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Four à chaux"


Kerdouss, Fouzi. "Simulation tridimensionnelle d'un four à calcination des boues de la chaux." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.

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Kerdouss, Fouzi. "Simulation tridimensionnelle d'un four à calcination des boues de la chaux." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.

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Un modèle mathématique tridimensionnel en régime permanent et détaillé a été développé pour étudier essentiellement les échanges thermiques, au sein d'un four à calcination des boues de la chaux et évaluer leur impact sur les réfractaires. La structure du modèle repose sur la configuration réelle du four étudié et distingue trois entités géométriques à savoir la chambre de combustion, le lit et les réfractaires formant d'une façon compacte et globale le modèle à l'étude. Ce modèle est fondé sur une analyse approfondie des phénomènes nombreux et complexes impliqués dans le procédé en incluant les sous-modèles de combustion, de turbulence, de rayonnement et du comportement du lit et des réfractaires. Le modèle permet de prédire les champs des températures, les zones chaudes des réfractaires en contact avec les gaz de combustion, le mouvement des gaz et du lit, les concentrations des espèces chimiques et les échanges thermiques au sein du four. Des études paramétriques ont été effectuées afin de comprendre l'effet des dépôts, la réduction du débit du combustible et la combustion incomplète sur le comportement thermique du four. La comparaison entre les profils des températures mesurées de la coquille du four et ceux prédits numériquement a permis de valider le modèle.
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Bouesso, Bénit. "Replacing fossil fuels with biosourced fuels in limekilns : investigation of the thermal behavior and environmental impact." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2024.

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Ce travail examine la faisabilité de l'utilisation du biocarbone comme combustible alternatif dans les fours à chaux pour remplacer le charbon fossile dans le procédé Soda Ash. Les biocarbones ont été produits à partir de combustible solide de récupération (BC) et de bois (WBC). L'anthracite a été sélectionné comme combustible fossile de référence à remplacer et le biocoke issu de la coque de noix de coco a également été analysé pour comparaison. Les échantillons ont été caractérisés en termes de composition chimique et de propriétés physiques et thermiques. La stabilité thermique des combustibles et les performances de combustion ont été évaluées par analyse thermogravimétrique. L'évaluation des émissions a été réalisée en pyrolyse et en combustion, de l'échelle laboratoire à l'échelle pilote, de manière à reproduire les conditions extrêmes du four à chaux. Les résultats ont montré que la dévolatilisation a augmenté la stabilité thermique du biocarbone, rendant son comportement proche de celui de l'anthracite. Le biocoke et les biocarbones ont montré des températures d'ignition plus basses, mais un taux de combustion plus élevé par rapport à l'anthracite, le combustible le plus stable. Les émissions en CO2 des échantillons WBC ont été plus élevées que celles de BC. En ce qui concerne les composés organiques volatils, les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) ont été identifiés et quantifiés. Même si le biocarbone produit des HAP avec moins de cycles (<5) lors de la pyrolyse/combustion, ses émissions ont été plus élevées que celles de l'anthracite. Pour atténuer la réactivité du biocarbone, une co-combustion de 50/50 biocarbone/anthracite a été proposée, offrant ainsi les avantages d'une température d'ignition plus élevée et d'émissions plus faibles
This work investigates the feasibility of using biocarbon as an alternative limekiln fuel to substitute coal in the Soda Ash process. Biocarbons were produced from solid refuse fuel (BC) and wood (WBC). Anthracite was selected as the reference fossil fuel to be replaced, and biocoke from coconut shell was also considered for comparison. Samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition, physical and thermal properties. Fuel thermal stability and combustion performance were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis. Emissions assessment was performed in pyrolysis and combustion from lab-scale to pilot-scale, so that extreme limekiln conditions were reproduced. The results showed that devolatilization increased biocarbon thermal stability, making its behavior close to that of anthracite. Biocoke and biocarbons showed lower ignition temperatures but a higher burning index compared to anthracite, which was shown as the most stable fuel. CO2 emissions from WBC were higher than those of BC samples. Amongst the volatile organic compounds released, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identified and quantified. Even if biocarbon produced PAH with less rings (<5) in pyrolysis and combustion, its emissions were higher compared to anthracite. To mitigate biocarbon reactivity, a 50/50 biocarbon/anthracite co-combustion was proposed, thus offering the advantages of higher ignition temperature and lower emissions
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Perron, Jean. "Modélisation mathématique simplifiée d'un four de métal chaud /." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1987.

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Liem, Winson, and 林維. "Housing for the Tanka in Cheung Chau." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1998.

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林潔賢 and Kit-yin Canace Lam. "Battling for the environment on Peng Chau." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001.

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Lam, Kit-yin Canace. "Battling for the environment on Peng Chau." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2001.

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Liem, Winson. "Housing for the Tanka in Cheung Chau." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998.

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Crenn, Bernard. "Les fours à chaux des marges armoricaines : 1775-fin des années 1950 : la grande mue d'une petite industrie." Paris, EHESS, 1998.

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La fabrication de la chaux, principalement dans des fours alimentes au charbon, est une activite caracteristique des marges armoricaines francaises (maine-et-loire, mayenne, sarthe armoricaine) au xixe s. Il s'agit de mettre a profit les carrieres locales de pierre calcaire et souvent les mines regionales de charbon. La production dominante est la chaux d'amendement pour l'agriculture ; elle atteint son apogee vers 1860. Pour mieux saisir l'evolution sur la longue duree, on a opte pour une analyse debutant vers 1775 et se poursuivant jusqu'en 1939. L'etude qui s'insere dans une conception large de l'histoire des techniques, concerne les transformations des techniques, des sites, des paysages, des entreprises, des conditions sociales et des strategies economiques. La premiere partie est consacree a l'analyse de la dissemination d'une technique, la chaufournerie au charbon, au cours de la periode 1775-fin des annees 1830. Ce savoir- faire deja constitue sur les rives de la basse-loire angevine se diffuse et cette fabrication dispersee prend des aspects proto-industriels. La deuxieme partie met en evidence des tendances a la production de masse et a la concentration du debut des annees 1840 a la fin des annees 1870, en insistant sur l'implication de certaines societes minieres locales dans la production de chaux. La troisieme partie montre, pour la periode 1880-1939, a la fois les declins de certaines formes traditionnelles de production et l'existence de poles de resistance animes par des familles ou des societes. Le probleme de la reconversion des sites et des hommes est pris en compte
Lime making, mainly in limekilns supplied with coal, is a caracteristic activity on the armorican fringes in france (maine-et-loire, mayenne, western sarthe) during the 19th century. This know-how is turning to good account the local limestone quarries and often the regional coal mines. The dominant production is lime for agricultural enrichment ; it reaches its peak about 1860. To better understand the evolution on a long-lasting period, we have opted for an analysis beginning 1775 and going to 1939. The study which is inserted in a large conception of technical history, concerns the transformations of technics, sites, landscapes, enterprises, social conditions and economic strategies. The first part is dedicated to the analysis of the dissemination of a technic, the coal limeburning, during the period 1775-1839. A know-how, already made up on the banks of the angevin basse-loire, spread around and this scattered making takes proto- industrial aspects. The second part underscores trends toward mass production and concentration from the beginning of the 1840's to the end of the 1870's, insisting on the implication of some local mining societies in the lime production. The third part shows at ounce, from 1880 to 1939, the declines of some traditional production forms and the existence of resistance poles, led by families or societies. It takes into consideration the problem of reconversion of sites and people
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Vaschalde, Christophe. "L’art de cuire la pierre en France méditerranéenne à la fin du Moyen Âge : Approche interdisciplinaire d’un artisanat méconnu : la chaufournerie." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.

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La chaufournerie constitue un secteur de production artisanale situé à l’interface entre le bâtiment et les arts du feu. Moyennant une approche pluridisciplinaire, un portrait de cet artisanat méconnu a été dressé. Au cours du second Moyen Âge, les techniques de fabrication de la chaux utilisées dans les régions de l’arc nord-occidental de la Méditerranée sont très diversifiées. Le milieu naturel influe beaucoup sur les techniques mises en œuvre, mais aussi sur les formes d’organisation de cet artisanat. En amont de la cuisson de la chaux, les chaufourniers mettent en œuvre des processus techniques complexes, destinés à récolter et à transformer les matériaux en vue de leur utilisation dans les fours. Ainsi, les pierres à chaux doivent être extraites, concassées puis chargées. En parallèle, le combustible est récolté puis préparé. Ce sont plusieurs chaînes opératoires qui sont mobilisées pour fabriquer la chaux. Cette multiplicité n’est pas seulement technique, et trouve une traduction sociale. En effet, si la conduite de la cuisson est nécessairement l’affaire d’artisans spécialistes, les autres étapes du processus technique peuvent être confiées à d’autres catégories d’ouvriers, qui, parfois, se chargent seulement d’une séquence de ce processus. Le savoir-faire des artisans apparaît comme le fruit de contraintes matérielles et techniques, mais aussi sociales. La chaufournerie occupe une place particulière dans la société et l’économie de la fin du Moyen Âge. Malgré le caractère essentiel de la production de chaux pour alimenter certains secteurs d’activité, les chaufourniers, très minoritaires, n’occupent qu’une place secondaire dans la société
Lime burning is a section of handmade production interfacing with construction and uses of fire. With pluridisciplinary approach, a statement of this unwell known craft was exposed. During the second Middle Age, making lime technics used in the Mediterranean north-occidental areas are plural. Natural environment makes a great influence on the used technics and also on the ways to organize this craft. Before cooking the lime, lime burners are using intricated technic process in collecting and transforming materials for kilns use. The limestone must be extracted, crushed then charged up. Several “chaînes opératoires” are involved in making the lime. This multiplicity is not only a technic one but a social translation also. If the cooking section is indeed leaded by professionals handworkers, other technic sections can be consigned by other kind of workers even sometimes for just only one section. The handworkers expertise appears to be resulting material and technic restraints, but also social ones. Lime burning hold a special position in both society and economy in the end of the Middle Age. Despite the essential use of lime production in some particular industry, lime burners – not numerous - are only holding a secondary position in the medieval society
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Books on the topic "Four à chaux"


Limekilns and Limeburning. Shire Publications, 1991.

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Crenn, Bernard. Les fours à chaux des marges armoricaines (1775-Fin des années 1930): La grande mue d'une petite fabrication. 1998.

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Notice sur la boulangerie mécanique à la vapeur de Québec: Pétrin mécanique et four à air chaud Tourangeau, mise du pain dans le four, sans le secours de la main, en moins d'une minute. [Québec?: s.n.], 1985.

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Notice sur la boulangerie mécanique à la vapeur de Québec: Pétrin mécanique et four à air chaud Tourangeau, mise du pain dans le four, sans le secours de la main, en moins d'une minute. [Québec?: s.n.], 1985.

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Tomadjoglou, Kimberly. Alice Guy’s Great Cinematic Adventure. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter rethinks Alice Guy's legacy by analying her adaptation of the paternalist practices of Gaumont Film Company, where she began, to the matriarchal organization of her own film studio in America, Solax. It tackles a number of questions arising from the figure of Alice Guy: for example, whether she was a feminist; whether her husband Herbert Blaché was responsible for the failure of Solax; whether she directed La Fée aux choux (The Cabbage Fairy), which, according to her, was her directorial debut, made in 1896; or whether she directed her first film in 1902, the two-shot Sage-femme de première classe (First Class Mid-Wife). In historicizing Guy's practice, this chapter reconceptualizes her creativity in terms not of “auteur” but of metteur-en-scène—thereby recognizing her generative role in managing the creative output of her studio. It also examines the role of fantasy in creating a feminist historiography or a feminist Alice Guy.
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Book chapters on the topic "Four à chaux"


Williams, Roger L. "Letters forty-nine to eighty-eight cover four years: beginning in late 1781 with Villars’ move from Le Noyer to Grenoble to accept appointment as Medécin titulaire de l’hôpital militaire breveté du Roi, ending in late 1785 when the initial volume ofHistoire des plantes du Dauphiné; was in press. The new position brought Villars an additional 800 livres a year, as he was privileged to retain the pension of 1000 livres granted by the intendant. This recognized both his continuing work in botany and his need to pay for a second domicile in Grenoble. Even though Villars continued to give his annual series of botanical lectures, which would seem to have been a justification for additional remuneration, his relative wealth seems to have sparked jealousy within the small medical staff To make matters more uncomfortable for him, he found a disagreeable rivalry between the physicians and surgeons of the city and the Brothers of Charity who administered the hospital for the crown, led by Father Dominique Durand, a surgeon.278 One can only surmise that, under such circumstances, the continuing peaceful and congenial association with Father Chaix provided Villars with more than a valued botanical collaboration. [1781–1785]." In The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé, 88–160. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Williams, Roger L. "Letters thirty-one to forty-eight were addressed to Monsieur Villars, Docteur en Médecine in Le Noyer, but sometimes in nearby St.-Bonnet. They cover the months after the publication of his prospectus in April of 1779 until his departure in late 1781 to assume a new post in Grenoble. In 1780, his stipend was doubled to 1000 livres by the intendant, no doubt in compensation for a new course in botany that villars would inaugurate in March of 1780. That he left his wife and children in Le Noyer at the end of 1781, returning for visits on holidays, may mean that he did not anticipate a lengthy tenure in Grenoble.[1779–1781]." In The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé, 58–87. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Williams, Roger L. "Letters eleven to twenty-nine were addressed to Monsieur Villars, Surgeon, residing at his home in Le Noyer, but botanizing frequently as authorized, as he prepared for the publication of the prospectus of his flora. He would soon discover that the continuing patronage of the intendant, the renewal of his pension had been opposed by the religious order where he had interned in Grenoble, and that success breeds jealousies. During the summer of 1774, he made a trip into Lower Dauphiné, Provence, and Languedoc with Dr. Clappier. At Montélimar, they examined the herbaria of Dr. Pierre Garidel and the Chicoyneau family, then possessed by Dr. Jean-Joseph Menuret de Chambaud. They examined the rich collections (both herbaria and library) of Jean-François Séguier at Nîmes. At Montpellier they saw the collections of Antoine Gouan and Pierre Cusson. They were able to botanize around Avignon, Aix, Marseille, Toulon, and Hyères. The long trip accounts for the substantial hiatus in Chaix’s correspondence that summer.[1774–1779]." In The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé, 28–57. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Widodo, Slamet, Natalia Dallek, and Gawarti Gawarti. "The Feasibility of the Module for Making Choux Substitution of Brown Rice on Community Training." In 5th Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2023), 144–48. Paris: Atlantis Press SARL, 2024.

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Van Dung, Nguyen, and Vu Thi Lan Anh. "Natural Radioactivity and Environmental Impact Assessment at Dong Pao Rare Earth Mine, Lai Chau, Vietnam." In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), 564–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Pitkin, Melanie, Jacinta Carruthers, Alexandra Doubleday, Rafie Cecilia, and Ronika K. Power. "Innovative Approaches to Caring for Ancient Egyptian Mummified Human Remains at the Chau Chak Wing Museum, Sydney." In Mediterranean Collections in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, 300–316. London: Routledge, 2025.

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Tuan, Nguyen Quang. "Analysis of Rock Slope Failure and Rockfall for Preliminary Hazard Assessment of the Cliff at Chau Thoi Quarry." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 230–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Thanh Tung, Tran, Nguyen Quang Chien, and Do Xuan Tinh. "Sand-Spit Evolution and Inlet Dynamics Derived from Satellite Images: A Case Study for Tien Chau Inlet, Vietnam." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 287–93. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Le, Hong Anh, Bao Ngoc Dinh, and Dung Nguyen. "Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Web Service for Monitoring Soil Moisture and Landslide in Lai Chau Province, Viet Nam." In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 131–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Chau, Stephen B., and Paul Turner. "An Analysis of Factors that Influence the Ability of SMEs to Derive Benefit in Four Phases of Electronic Commerce." In Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities, 97–110. IGI Global, 2003.

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This paper builds on research presented by the authors at IRMA 2001. Previous research by Chau and Turner (2001b) adapted the work of Venkatraman (1994) to explore the relationship between the degree of SME organisational transformation and potential benefits derived from e-commerce. The qualitative data explored reveals various factors that influence SME’s ability to derive benefit from conducting Web-based e-commerce. A preliminary review suggests that these factors can be distinguished into internal factors (organisational and technological) and external factors (nature of supply chain, level of service provided by third party organisations, industry influence, and government assistance). This paper discusses these factors and their implications for modelling e-business organisational transformation.
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Conference papers on the topic "Four à chaux"


Tran Mai, Uoc. "LESSONS FROM PHAN CHAU TRINH'S ECONOMIC THOUGHTS FOR VIETNAM TODAY." In International Conference on Political Theory: The International Conference on Human Resources for Sustainable Development. Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2023.

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PhanChau Trinh (1872 - 1926), the leader of the Duy Tan movement, with his economic thoughts, left a bold mark on Vietnam's development history in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From going through and clarifying the main contents of PhanChau Trinh's economics thoughts, the article also points out and analyzes the lessons that Vietnam can apply to its renovation, development and integration processes today.
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Pospiech, Piotr, Aleksander Marianski, and Michal Kedziora. "Blockchain Decentralized Voting for Verified Users with a Focus on Anonymity." In 2nd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2021). AIRCC Publishing Corporation, 2021.

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The paper presents decentralized voting scheme for verified users while maintaining their anonymity. A blockchain network was applied, which is a decentralized and distributed database based on the Peer-to-Peer architecture. During the implementation, the Ethereum network was used. Thanks to this, it is possible to code the terms of the contract required to perform the transaction. Ethereum and the use of smart contracts were also discussed in paper. The implementation uses the blind signature protocol by David Chaum and encryption with the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm. Presented in this paper scheme for blockchain decentralized voting for verified users with focus on anonymity is then fully implemented and identified potential issues are analysed and discussed.
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So, R., Chi Fai Shek, S. Lui, and E. Kwok. "Partnering for EMI mitigation - a case study from the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line." In IET International Conference on Railway Engineering 2008 (ICRE 2008). IEE, 2008.

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Drabsch, B., A. Howells, and L. O’Donnell. "A Colourful Past: Digitally Recoloring the Sarcophagus of Mer-Neith-it-es." In Sixteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices. Common Ground Research Networks, 2024.

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The authenticity of museum displays has been a hotly debated topic for many years. While digital visualisation methods are now commonly employed in a range of humanities contexts it is increasingly recognised that there is a need to ensure that such work is intellectually and technically rigorous. Faced with this challenge researchers Drabsch, Howells and O’Donnell were asked to digitally re-colour a high-definition 3D scan of the 2600-year-old faded timber sarcophagus of Mer-Neith-it-es and to produce an educational animation for museum display at the new Chau Chak Wing Museum, Sydney.
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"Operational synthesis for small combat teams: exploring the scenario parameter space using agent-based models." In 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013). Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ), Inc., 2013.

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Tung, Y. W. "Decision-support tool for tunnel train-fire scenarios MTRC Lok Ma Chau (LMC) Spur line (Hong Kong)." In IET International Conference on Railway Engineering 2008 (ICRE 2008). IEE, 2008.

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Ni, Peifang. "Mimicking a Complete Life-Cycle of Fiat Currency in One E-cash System." In 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic System (AIFZ 2022). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2022.

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The electronic cash was introduced by Chaum in 1982 and now many e-cash systems have been proposed in order to mimic the fiat currency. Bitcoin provides us with an attractive way to construct a decentralized e-cash system. Ideally, we would like to make the system more practical, for example, the users can be able to transfer coins between each other multiple times and they can also withdraw arbitrary amount of coins rather than one or the predefined number, so that in the spend protocol the user can spend any amount of valid coins. In this paper, we propose a provably secure and more practical e-cash system. Firstly, it can provide the anonymous transfer of coins between users, so that the merchant can spend the received coins further; secondly, the user can withdraw arbitrary amount of coins rather than the one or predefined number; thirdly, during the transfer of coins, the coins have a fixed size; finally, the fair exchange between the users can also be achieved.
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Cochet, Christophe, and Ronald W. Yeung. "Dynamic Analysis and Configuration Design of a Two-Component Wave-Energy Absorber." In ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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The wave-energy absorber being developed at UC Berkeley is modeled as a moored compound cylinder, with an outer cylinder sliding along a tension-tethered inner cylinder. With rigid-body dynamics, it is first shown that the surge and pitch degrees of freedom are decoupled from the heave motion. The heaving motion of the outer cylinder is analyzed and its geometric proportions (radii and drafts ratios) are optimized for wave-energy extraction. Earlier works of Yeung [1] and Chau and Yeung [2,3] are used in the present heave-motion study. The coupled surge-pitch motion can be solved and can provide the contact forces between the cylinders. The concept of capture width is used to characterize the energy extraction: its maximization leads to optimal energy extraction. The methodology presented provides the optimal geometry in terms of non-dimensional proportions of the device. It is found that a smaller radius and deeper draft for the outer cylinder will lead to a larger capture width and larger resulting motion.
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Kim, Bong Gon, Dennis Wong, and Yoon Seok Yang. "Private and Secure Post-quantum Verifiable Random Function with NIZK Proof and Ring-LWE Encryption in Blockchain." In 3rd International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain. Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center, 2023.

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We present a secure and private blockchain-based Verifiable Random Function (VRF) scheme addressing some limitations of classical VRF constructions. Given the imminent quantum computing adversarial scenario, conventional cryptographic methods face vulnerabilities. To enhance our VRF’s secure randomness, we adopt post-quantum RingLWE encryption for synthesizing pseudo-random sequences. Considering computational costs and resultant on-chain gas costs, we suggest a bifurcated architecture for VRF design, optimizing interactions between on-chain and off-chain. Our approach employs a secure ring signature supported by NIZK proof and a delegated key generation method, inspired by the Chaum-Pedersen equality proof and the Fiat-Shamir Heuristic. Our VRF scheme integrates multi-party computation (MPC) with blockchain-based decentralized identifiers (DID), ensuring both security and randomness. We elucidate the security and privacy aspects of our VRF scheme, analyzing temporal and spatial complexities. We also approximate the entropy of the VRF scheme and detail its implementation in a Solidity contract. Also, we delineate a method for validating the VRF’s proof, matching for the contexts requiring both randomness and verification. Conclusively, using the NIST SP800-22 of the statistical randomness test suite, our results exhibit a 98.86% pass rate over 11 test cases, with an average 𝑝-value of 0.5459 from 176 total tests.
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Tsui, Regine, Jonathan Hart, Wenzhu Hou, and Alan Ng. "An Alternative Approach for Semi-Automatic Delineation of Rock Blocks on 3D Meshes and Engineering Application." In The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42nd Annual Seminar. AIJR Publisher, 2022.

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Auto-identification of rock blocks on 3D models is a useful new tool for rock engineering. It has the potential, when undertaken with rock engineering professionals, to delineate remotely, potentially unstable rock blocks associated with adverse discontinuities. An alternative approach is proposed to semi-automatically delineate rock blocks on 3D meshes, which does not require prior extraction and fitting of discontinuity planes. The proposed approach starts with trace extraction, exploiting the fact that the contact between two rock blocks is most often manifested by a trace (i.e., an exposed line) on the rock surface. Geometrically, the trace is usually either a concave edge or a depressed line. These traces are first extracted due to their higher concavity or darkness compared to their neighbouring mesh faces. After post-processing, the mesh is segmented into sub-meshes around the extracted trace lines. The algorithms are implemented in Python and are tested on three rock slopes, including: (1) a rock slope in Ouray, USA; (2) a natural rock outcrop in Ma Shi Chau, Hong Kong; and (3) a rock slope in a former quarry currently being redeveloped as part of a large-scale site development in Hong Kong. Our approach can enrich the rock mapping results and help identify critical rock blocks which may be at risk of planar failure.
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Reports on the topic "Four à chaux"


Ayallo, Irene. Thesis Review: Evaluating the Impact of Social Change Catalyst on Urban Community Development: A Case Study of LIN Centre for Community Development in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by Chau Doan-Bao. Unitec ePress, June 2018.

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In this thesis, the author evaluates the impact of the Listen – Inspire – Nurture (LIN) Center’s model of participatory urban community development in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). It evidences how LIN has supported urban not-for-profit organisations (NPOs) to alter their self-perception from ‘charity organisations’ to being part of community development processes. Using a participatory communication approach, LIN has encouraged dialogue with and among stakeholders and provided robust information to the community. Consequently, NPOs have become more confident in their own capacities and have more stable financial support. In addition, the corporate sector has a better understanding of the not-for-profit sector and is making a stronger contribution to the development of NPOs in HCMC. These outcomes contribute to effective and sustainable community development in HCMC.
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Ayallo, Irene. Thesis Review: Evaluating the Impact of Social Change Catalyst on Urban Community Development: A Case Study of LIN Centre for Community Development in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by Chau Doan-Bao. Unitec ePress, June 2018.

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In this thesis, the author evaluates the impact of the Listen – Inspire – Nurture (LIN) Center’s model of participatory urban community development in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). It evidences how LIN has supported urban not-for-profit organisations (NPOs) to alter their self-perception from ‘charity organisations’ to being part of community development processes. Using a participatory communication approach, LIN has encouraged dialogue with and among stakeholders and provided robust information to the community. Consequently, NPOs have become more confident in their own capacities and have more stable financial support. In addition, the corporate sector has a better understanding of the not-for-profit sector and is making a stronger contribution to the development of NPOs in HCMC. These outcomes contribute to effective and sustainable community development in HCMC.
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2018 Lower Mekong Water Quality Monitoring Report. Vientiane, Lao PDR: Mekong River Commission Secretariat, November 2021.

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This reports on the results of the monitoring of water quality across 48 stations in the LMB. The report shows the water quality in the Mekong and Bassac Rivers was still of good quality with the slight improvement compared with 2016. There was only a small number of measurements of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) that violated the MRC Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Human Health (WQGH) and the MRC Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life (WQGA). Most exceedances were recorded in the Delta. Of a slight concern was the DO level at Chau Doc, which violated the WQGH for all sampling occasions causing water quality for the protection of human health to be downgraded from ‘good’ in 2017 to ‘moderate’ in 2018.
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