Academic literature on the topic 'Fornitura di beni e servizi'
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Journal articles on the topic "Fornitura di beni e servizi"
Rossi, Delfina. "Stato sociale e democrazia." RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE, no. 3 (September 2011): 79–90.
Full textBelvedere, Valeria, Simone Laratro, and Stefano Villa. "Integrazione della catena logistica nel settore sanitario: quali strategie sono implementate?" MECOSAN, no. 122 (December 2022): 45–57.
Full textFarinella, Domenica, and Fabio Mostaccio. "La governance dell'acqua a Messina, tra precarietà idrica e inefficienza dell'azione pubblica." ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, no. 133 (March 2022): 82–103.
Full textde Jasay, Anthony. "Public Goods: Contribution and Benefit." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 9, no. 3 (October 1, 1991): 187–202.
Full textMarucci, Angelo, Davide Marino, Margherita Palmieri, and Silvia Pili. "ruolo delle aree agroforestali nella fornitura potenziale di servizi ecosistemici: il caso della Regione Molise." L’Italia Forestale e Montana 77, no. 4 (October 14, 2022): 153–63.
Full textGozzi, Antonio, Roberta Scarsi, and Riccardo Spinelli. "Un'analisi dei raggruppamenti strategici nella fornitura di servizi logistici." ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO, no. 2 (December 2015): 231–57.
Full textUbaldi, Barbara. "Open data e la nuova frontiera della fornitura di servizi innovativi." PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro, no. 1 (September 2015): 39–54.
Full textCiaffi, Daniela, and Emanuela Saporito. "Il diritto alla cura dei beni comuni come palestra di democrazia." SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE, no. 127 (March 2022): 39–51.
Full textBruno, Francesco. "Inquinamento del territorio rurale e Pac." AGRICOLTURA ISTITUZIONI MERCATI, no. 2 (October 2011): 29–52.
Full textCossu, Antonella, Monica Berzacola, Luisella Consumi, Domenico Donato De Falco, Francesca Mocchi, Antonella Orviati, Ornella Salvioni, Serena Sangiorgi, and Maria Lucia Violo. "Transizione digitale: i servizi interbibliotecari e il ruolo di ILL SBN." DigItalia 16, no. 2 (December 2021): 53–64.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Fornitura di beni e servizi"
LIAGRE, LUDWIG ERICK. "In che modo i fondi forestali nazionali possono catalizzare la fornitura di beni e servizi forestali?" Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2022.
Full textFinancing needs for the forest sector are increasing. Resources to be made available have to be multiplied by three by 2030 and by four by 2050 (UNEP, 2021). Besides, increasing pressures threatening forest ecosystems require innovative policy and financing approaches that will enable local forest stakeholders to protect and restore forests so they can further provide goods and services for resilient societies and economies. In this context national forest funds (NFFs) may have a critical role to play. The present research has been conducted to understand how NFFs could catalyze the provision of forests goods and services. Our analysis based on case studies show that NFFs have a clear potential to articulate payments for ecosystem services schemes, and that they can operate as relevant intermediaries between ecosystem services providers and beneficiaries. Such a role can also be achieved through private sector support provided by NFFs as it is the case through small-scale forest businesses. Our study also questioned how emerging financing opportunities linked to climate finance and covid-19 recovery programmes could influence the use of national forest funds. It appears that NFFs will have to evolve in an environment where new types of domestic funds emerge such as National Climate Funds, which can represent opportunities for the forest sector, including through the use of existing NFFs as financial intermediaries. Similarly covid-19 recovery programmes and related financing opportunities could be channeled through NFFs adopting a payment for ecosystem services approach (as suggested by the new EU forest strategy for example). Finally several policy and management orientations are proposed, which would help improve the work of NFFs managers on the four key features of NFFs : capitalization, utilization, governance and monitoring & evaluation. The thesis concludes on future research perspectives and calls for the development of a ‘NFF Global network’ which could operate as a community of practice to facilitate knowledge sharing on good practices and lessons learned on NFFs.
Baratta, Tiziana. "Fornitura di servizi informatici alle imprese e outsourcing." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016.
Full textThe contracts for delivery of IT services to businesses and, in particular, the outsourcing IT, are highly complex negotiation figures by which the outsourcee rely on other companies the information technology management, to focus its activities on the core business. The outsourcing contracts are medium or long-term contracts, so we have to assess how the speed of the development of technology affect the contract and if the originally agreed services may be modified. We have examined the main theories about contigent and we have concluded that it is necessary to include a renegotiation clause. Then we have examined the breach of the contract, both as regards the renegotiation clause, and as regards the failure of the Service Level Agreement. In the event of serious breaches there is a dispute between parties. With the aim of avoiding long-drawn-out procedures, we have examined the main Alternative dispute resolution instruments and the possibility to apply latest Online dispute resolution also to contracts between the companies. [edited by Author]
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Gibboni, Antonino. "Oggettività giuridica dell’energia elettrica. Beni comuni e servizi di interesse economico generale." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016.
Full textAbstract Electric power summarizes different kinds of utilities and interests considered to be a responsibility of the State, of the person and of the market, taking into account that “not only the functioning of economy but above all of the institutions and of the basic public services and even the survival of people” depend on the security of energy supply. The energy sector has undergone a far-reaching process of privatization and liberalization which has demolished the organization structure provided for by article 43 of the Italian Constitution (public monopoly and vertically integrated undertaking) for the benefit of the market as a result of (alleged) advantages in terms of the efficient allocation of resources. Finally, the use of electricity meets existential interests to the point that it is a real need. In fact, several parties have claimed that the right of access to basic energy services should be elevated to fundamental human right. The specific characteristics of electric power – in other words the fact that it serves a multiplicity of interests –inevitably influence the legal classification of the resource and the related owner statute. Authoritative legal theory explain that the legal basis of the service lie not so much on the possibility of economic exploitation but on the suitability to become an objective reference point of (economic or existential) interests deserving legal protection. In this perspective, the question is whether electricity can be considered as a common good. However, in the present case, the selection of specific characteristics is not sufficient to solve the problem of the objectification sub specie iuris. This is mainly due to the fact that the concept of energy is unclear because “even if the term is generally understood, actually it includes a variety of events and situations which cannot be reduced to an unique ensemble”. In this respect, it should be noted right from the start that electrical current is the result of a multi-stage system and that each stage is regulated by specific laws and has its own legal status. [edited by author]
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Salamone, Antonio <1977>. "La figura del concessionario di beni e servizi nel demanio marittimo, costiero e portuale." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.
Full textAccording to administrative tradition the licence of goods and services on maritime deamanium is the licence that allows individuals to use a public good in a special way. Just the two adjectives hendiadys expressed by the traditional definition, the public and especially the reason hides the luck of the instrument concession, able to satisfy at the same time, a demand for a public and a need eminently private, surviving the most different periods historians and to the emergence of more radical currents of thought. The backdrop to this irreconcilable tension in perpetual oscillation between the two extremes of the definition, the concept, in turn relative debated and constantly revised, for the public good. For this reason, the title of the work that presents itself is divided into three segments, which refer to the instrument, only formally unitary concession in the areas of maritime domain, the coastal state property and state property port. The first chapter examines the legal framework applicable to various types of conceivable concession on maritime domain, trying to capture, in a perspective of diachronic analysis, lines of evolution of the specific goods variously related to the needs of navigation. The second chapter, however, is dedicated to examining the development of case law relating to the events of the maritime domain. While in the third chapter, an attempt was made to seek and represent a unified theory of the concession mostly due to gait apparently irresistible to a common vocabulary for public contracts, of Community. In this context, there is clearly a crisis, probably irreversible, in the conception of the public good and therefore licence.
Salamone, Antonio <1977>. "La figura del concessionario di beni e servizi nel demanio marittimo, costiero e portuale." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.
Full textAccording to administrative tradition the licence of goods and services on maritime deamanium is the licence that allows individuals to use a public good in a special way. Just the two adjectives hendiadys expressed by the traditional definition, the public and especially the reason hides the luck of the instrument concession, able to satisfy at the same time, a demand for a public and a need eminently private, surviving the most different periods historians and to the emergence of more radical currents of thought. The backdrop to this irreconcilable tension in perpetual oscillation between the two extremes of the definition, the concept, in turn relative debated and constantly revised, for the public good. For this reason, the title of the work that presents itself is divided into three segments, which refer to the instrument, only formally unitary concession in the areas of maritime domain, the coastal state property and state property port. The first chapter examines the legal framework applicable to various types of conceivable concession on maritime domain, trying to capture, in a perspective of diachronic analysis, lines of evolution of the specific goods variously related to the needs of navigation. The second chapter, however, is dedicated to examining the development of case law relating to the events of the maritime domain. While in the third chapter, an attempt was made to seek and represent a unified theory of the concession mostly due to gait apparently irresistible to a common vocabulary for public contracts, of Community. In this context, there is clearly a crisis, probably irreversible, in the conception of the public good and therefore licence.
Romano, Giovanni. "Studio e implementazione di un tool per l’automazione del provisioning di servizi non standard in una Telco." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Find full textProietti, Marta. "Territorialità e meccanismi applicativi dell'IVA: verso l'uniformazione del trattamento riservato a "cessione di beni" e "prestazioni di servizi"." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2013.
Full textTrocciola, Gaetano. "Il ruolo della co-produzione di servizi nella Pubblica Amministrazione: il sistema dei Beni Culturali." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016.
Full textThis research project is aimed at exploring the rising role of service co-production in the public sector, with a focus on cultural heritage. In several countries, both in Europe and abroad, an increasing involvement of users in service co-production, at both the individual and the collective levels, could be identified. Eventually, co-production is intended at addressing the political, economic and social challenges which have been produced by the crisis of the welfare state. Since ‘70s, the scientific literature has widely discussed the distinguishing attributes of co-production in the fields of education, social services, health care, social safety, and environment protection, claiming that the involvement of users is crucial, on the one hand, to improve service quality, enhancing their ability to meet the growing expectations of users, and, on the other hand, to pave the way for increased sustainability, due to cost reduction and higher effectiveness. This thesis attempts to examine whether significant experiences of co-production have been realized in a particular public context, that is to say cultural heritage, which have been poorly analyzed through the lenses of co-production. Besides, it investigates what kinds of changes the involvement of users could generate on the cultural heritage management. This work is organized as follows. First of all, a brief introduction contextualizes the object of the research. Then, the research design is depicted; a mixed research method has been adopted, in line with the specific characteristics of this research project. In the first chapter, a narrative literature review has been performed, to describe the evolution of the co-production concept and to devise a theoretical framework aimed at providing several insights on the potential role of co-production in the process of public value creation. The second chapter focuses on the relationship between users and providers, examining the specific experiences of co-production experienced by the Royal Palace of Caserta, one of the most renowned cultural site of Italy and included among the UNESCO world heritage sites since 1997. The third chapter analyzes the contribution of service co-production for the purposes of protection and promotion of cultural heritage. The role of co-production is examined in light of the recent legislative reform of the Italian Ministry for cultural heritage and Tourism (MiBACT), which have provided the main cultural sites of Italy with an increased managerial autonomy. Conclusions summarized the role that information technologies and digital tools could play – especially in a social perspective – to pave the way for co-creating relationships, realizing the full potential of innovative forms of participation, including co-production. [edited by Author]
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LORENZETTI, Anna. "Parità di genere nell'accesso a beni e servizi: la direttiva 2004/113 e le misure di implementazione. Quali direzioni del diritto antidiscriminatorio?" Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2010.
Full textMAGAROTTO, Luca. "Tesi: Riqualifcazione energetica e ambientale dei rifugi alpini. Supporto al processo decisionale del progetto di riqualifcazione e ottimizzazione degli edifci ricettivi isolati ad uso discontinuo in contesto climatico alpino, scollegati da reti di fornitura servizi." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2011.
Full textBooks on the topic "Fornitura di beni e servizi"
Luciani, Nino. Economia delle scelte pubbliche di beni e servizi. Milano: Franco Angeli, 1992.
Find full textBerlingò, Vittoria. Beni relazionali: L'apporto dei fatti di sentimento all'organizzazione dei servizi sociali. Milano: Giuffrè, 2010.
Find full textD'Attoma, Barbara. Catalogo dei beni culturali mobili di proprietà della Provincia di Brescia. Brescia]: Provincia di Brescia, 2009.
Find full textItaly. Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri. La semplificazione dei procedimenti di spesa per gli investimenti pubblici: L'acquisto di beni e servizi e gli accordi di programma. Roma: Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1994.
Find full text1950-, Guenzi Alberto, ed. Dietro il pane: Beni e servizi per panificatori attraverso la storia di un ente commerciale bolognese : S.A.P.A.C. 1939-'Panificatori S.p.A.' 1989. Bologna: AGE, 1991.
Find full textItaly. La semplificazione dei procedimenti di spesa per gli investimenti pubblici: L'acquisto di beni e servizi e gli accordi di programma (Quaderni del Dipartimento per la funzione pubblica). Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1994.
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