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Lazzari, Lisa. "Formule di Rappresentazione e Formule di Media per Funzioni Armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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In questa tesi vengono analizzate le principali caratteristiche delle funzioni armoniche, che sono funzioni che risolvono l'equazione di Laplace. Vengono inizialmente definite e dimostrate le formule di rappresentazione di Green, dopo aver definito le relative identità e la formula di Green, e viene analizzato il nucleo di Poisson. Successivamente vengono descritte le formule di media e vengono proposte alcune applicazioni, come la disuguaglianza di Harnack e il teorema di Liouville. Infine viene proposto un approccio alla risoluzione del problema di Dirichlet, mediante il metodo di Perron. Come premessa a tale metodo vengono definite e descritte le funzioni superarmoniche e subarmoniche.
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Totaro, Federico. "Funzioni armoniche e formule di media." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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In questa tesi abbiamo definito una soluzione del classico problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano in un arbitrario dominio limitato di R^n. Siamo partiti dallo studio delle funzioni armoniche, funzioni che risolvono l’equazione di Laplace; in seguito abbiamo definito le identità e la funzione di Green con le quali abbiamo dimostrato le formule di rappresentazione del medesimo. Successivamente, descritti il nucleo di Poisson e le formule di media, sono state analizzate alcune conseguenze di quest’ultime, quali la disuguaglianza di Harnack, il Teorema di Liouville e il principio del massimo e del minimo debole e forte. Infine abbiamo illustrato un criterio di risolubilità chiamato metodo di Perron per funzioni subarmoniche.
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Mazzetti, Caterina. "Le funzioni armoniche e le formule di media." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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In questa tesi studiamo le proprietà fondamentali delle funzioni armoniche. Ricaviamo le formule di media mostrando alcune proprietà importanti, quali la disuguaglianza di Harnack, il teorema di Liouville, il principio del massimo debole e forte. Infine, illustriamo un criterio di risolubilità per il problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano in un arbitrario dominio limitato di R^n tramite un metodo noto come metodo di Perron per le funzioni subarmoniche.
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Venturelli, Matteo. "Formule di media per le funzioni armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

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In questo lavoro studiamo le funzioni armoniche e le loro proprietà: le formule di media, il principio del massimo e del minimo (forte e debole), la disuguaglianza di Harnack e il teorema di Louiville. Successivamente scriviamo la prima e la seconda identità di Green, che permettono di ottenere esplicitamente la soluzione fondamentale dell’equazione di Laplace, tramite il calcolo delle soluzioni radiali del Laplaciano. Introduciamo poi la funzione di Green, da cui si ottiene una formula di rappresentazione per le funzioni armoniche. Se il dominio di riferimento è una palla, la funzione di Green può essere determinata esplicitamente, e ciò conduce alla rappresentazione integrale di Poisson per le funzioni armoniche in una palla.
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Guizzardi, Anna. "Analiticità delle funzioni armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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In questa tesi analizzo le funzioni armoniche e le loro fondamentali proprietà. Partendo dal teorema della divergenza, introduco le formule di rappresentazione di Green, da cui deduco le formule di media di superficie e di volume. Utilizzo poi queste ultime per ricavare importanti risultati come: la disuguaglianza di Harnack sui dischi, il teorema di Liouville, il principio del massimo e minimo (forte e debole) e altre importanti proprietà. Le più significative sono la regolarità delle funzioni armoniche, un teorema che stima le derivate e infine l'analiticità.
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Simon, Marielle. "Problèmes de diffusion pour des chaînes d’oscillateurs harmoniques perturbées." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014.

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L'équation de la chaleur est un phénomène macroscopique, émergeant après une limite d’échelle diffusive (en espace et en temps) d’un système d'oscillateurs couplés. Lorsque les interactions entre oscillateurs sont linéaires, l'énergie évolue de manière balistique, et la conductivité thermique est infinie. Certaines non-linéarités doivent donc apparaître au niveau microscopique, si l’on espère observer une diffusion normale. Pour apporter de l'ergodicité, on ajoute à la dynamique déterministe une perturbation stochastique qui conserve l'énergie. En premier lieu nous étudions la dynamique Hamiltonienne d'un système d'oscillateurs linéaires, perturbé par un bruit stochastique dégénéré conservatif. Ce dernier transforme à des temps aléatoires les vitesses en leurs opposées. On montre que l'évolution macroscopique du système est caractérisée par un système parabolique non-linéaire couplé pour les deux lois de conservation du modèle. Ensuite, nous supposons que les oscillateurs évoluent en environnement aléatoire. La perturbation stochastique est très dégénérée, et on prouve que le champ de fluctuations de l'énergie à l'équilibre converge vers un processus d'Ornstein-Uhlenbeck généralisé dirigé par l’équation de la chaleur.Il est désormais connu que les systèmes unidimensionnels présentent une diffusion anormale lorsque le moment total est conservé en plus de l'énergie. Dans une troisième partie, on considère deux perturbations, l'une préservant le moment, l'autre détruisant cette conservation. En faisant décroître l'intensité de la seconde perturbation, on observe une transition de phase entre un régime de diffusion normale et un régime de superdiffusion
The heat equation is known to be a macroscopic phenomenon, emerging after a diffusive rescaling of space and time. In linear systems of interacting oscillators, the energy ballistically disperses and the thermal conductivity is infinite. Since the Fourier law is not valid for linear interactions, non-linearities in the microscopic dynamics are needed. In order to bring ergodicity to the system, we superpose a stochastic energy conserving perturbation to the underlying deterministic dynamics.In the first part we study the Hamiltonian dynamics of linear coupled oscillators, which are perturbed by a degenerate conservative stochastic noise. The latter flips the sign of the velocities at random times. The evolution yields two conservation laws (the energy and the length of the chain), and the macroscopic behavior is given by a non-linear parabolic system.Then, we suppose the harmonic oscillators to evolve in a random environment, in addition to be stochastically perturbed. The noise is very degenerate, and we prove a macroscopic behavior that holds at equilibrium: precisely, energy fluctuations at equilibrium evolve according to an infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by the linearized heat equation.Finally, anomalous behaviors have been observed for one-dimensional systems which preserve momentum in addition to the energy. In the third part, we consider two different perturbations, the first one preserving the momentum, and the second one destroying that new conservation law. When the intensity of the second noise is decreasing, we observe (in a suitable time scale) a phase transition between a regime of normal diffusion and a regime of super-diffusion
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Baccherini, Simona. "Il teorema di Koebe per le funzioni armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

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Il punto centrale della tesi è stato dimostrare il Teorema di Koebe per le funzioni armoniche. È stato necessario partire da alcuni risultati di integrazione in Rn per ricavare identità e formule di rappresentazione per funzioni di classe C2, introdurre le funzioni armoniche e farne quindi una analisi accurata. Tali funzioni sono state caratterizzate tramite le formule di media e messe in relazione con le funzioni olomorfe, per le quali vale una formula simile di rappresentazione.
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Mainetti, Nicola. "Disuguaglianza di Harnack." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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Oggetto di studio di questa tesi sono le funzioni armoniche. Inizialmente abbiamo introdotto le nozioni principali (definizione di funzione armonica e calcolo esplicito delle funzioni radiali armoniche). Dopo aver enunciato e dimostrato il teorema della divergenza e la prima e seconda identità di Green ci siamo ricavati le formule di rappresentazione di Green. Successivamente, dopo aver calcolato il volume e l'area di bordo di una palla euclidea, abbiamo introdotto le formule di media del Laplaciano. Una loro diretta conseguenza è la Disuguaglianza di Harnack, che abbiamo enunciato e dimostrato inizialmente per una palla e poi generalizzato a un compatto. Abbiamo poi visto un'applicazione di questa disuguaglianza: il teorema di Liouville. Infine abbiamo illustrato il principio del massimo (minimo) forte e del massimo (minimo) debole.
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Gruppioni, Sara. "Il problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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Sauzedde, Isao. "Windings of the planar Brownian motion and Green’s formula." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021.

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On s'intéresse dans cette thèse à l'enlacement du mouvement Brownien plan autour des points, dans la succession des travaux de Wendelin Werner en particulier. Dans le premier chapitre, on motive cette étude par celle du cas des courbes plus lisses que le mouvement Brownien. On y démontre notamment une formule de Green pour l'intégrale de Young, sans hypothèse de simplicité de la courbe. Dans le chapitre 2, on étudie l'aire de l'ensemble des points autour desquels l'enlacement du mouvement brownien est plus grand que N. On donne, au sens presque sûr et dans les espaces Lp, une estimation asymptotique au second ordre de cette aire lorsque N tend vers l'infini. Le chapitre 3 est dévoué à la preuve d'un résultat qui montre que les points de grands enlacements se répartissent de manière très équilibrée le long de la trajectoire. Dans le chapitre 4, on utilise les résultats des deux précédents chapitres pour énoncer une formule de Green pour le mouvement brownien. On étudie aussi l'enlacement moyen de points répartis aléatoirement dans le plan. On montre que cet enlacement moyen converge en distribution (presque surement pour la trajectoire), non pas vers une constante (qui serait alors l’aire de Lévy) mais vers une variable de Cauchy centrée en l’aire de Lévy. Dans les deux derniers chapitres, on applique les idées des précédents chapitres pour définir et étudier l’aire de Lévy du mouvement Brownien lorsque la mesure d’aire sous-jacente n’est plus la mesure de Lebesgue mais une mesure aléatoire particulièrement irrégulière. On traite le cas du chaos multiplicatif gaussien en particulier, mais la méthode s’applique dans un cadre plus général
We study the windings of the planar Brownian motion around points, following the previous works of Wendelin Werner in particular. In the first chapter, we motivate this study by the one of smoother curves. We prove in particular a Green formula for Young integration, without simplicity assumption for the curve. In the second chapter, we study the area of the set of points around which the Brownian motion winds at least N times. We give an asymptotic estimation for this area, up to the second order, both in the almost sure sense and in the Lp spaces, when N goes to infinity.The third chapter is devoted to the proof of a result which shows that the points with large winding are distributed in a very balanced way along the trajectory. In the fourth chapter, we use the results from the two previous chapters to give a new Green formula for the Brownian motion. We also study the averaged winding around randomly distributed points in the plan. We show that, almost surely for the trajectory, this averaged winding converges in distribution, not toward a constant (which would be the Lévy area), but toward a Cauchy distribution centered at the Lévy area. In the last two chapters, we apply the ideas from the previous chapters to define and study the Lévy area of the Brownian motion, when the underlying area measure is not the Lebesgue measure anymore, but instead a random and highly irregular measure. We deal with the case of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos in particular, but the tools can be used in a much more general framework
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Simon, Marielle. "Problèmes de diffusion pour des chaînes d'oscillateurs harmoniques perturbées." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2014.

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L'équation de la chaleur est un phénomène macroscopique, émergeant après une limite d'échelle diffusive (en espace et en temps) d'un système d'oscillateurs couplés. Lorsque les interactions entre oscillateurs sont linéaires, l'énergie évolue de manière balistique, et la conductivité thermique est infinie. Certaines non-linéarités doivent donc apparaître au niveau microscopique, si l'on espère observer une diffusion normale. Pour apporter de l'ergodicité, on ajoute à la dynamique déterministe une perturbation stochastique qui conserve l'énergie. En premier lieu nous étudions la dynamique Hamiltonienne d'un système d'oscillateurs linéaires, perturbé par un bruit stochastique dégénéré conservatif. Ce dernier transforme à des temps aléatoires les vitesses en leurs opposées. On montre que l'évolution macroscopique du système est caractérisée par un système parabolique non-linéaire couplé pour les deux lois de conservation du modèle. Ensuite, nous supposons que les oscillateurs évoluent en environnement aléatoire. La perturbation stochastique est très dégénérée, et on prouve que le champ de fluctuations de l'énergie à l'équilibre converge vers un processus d'Ornstein-Uhlenbeck généralisé dirigé par l'équation de la chaleur.Il est désormais connu que les systèmes unidimensionnels présentent une diffusion anormale lorsque le moment total est conservé en plus de l'énergie. Dans une troisième partie, on considère deux perturbations, l'une préservant le moment, l'autre détruisant cette conservation. En faisant décroître l'intensité de la seconde perturbation, on observe une transition de phase entre un régime de diffusion normale et un régime de superdiffusion.
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Duduchava, Roland. "The Green formula and layer potentials." Universität Potsdam, 1999.

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The Green formula is proved for boundary value problems (BVPs), when "basic" operator is arbitrary partial differential operator with variable matrix coefficients and "boundary" operators are quasi-normal with vector-coeficients. If the system possesses the fundamental solution, representation formula for a solution is derived and boundedness properties of participating layer potentials from function spaces on the boundary (Besov, Zygmund spaces) into appropriate weighted function spaces on the inner and the outer domains are established. Some related problems are discussed in conclusion: traces of functions from weighted spaces, traces of potential-type functions, Plemelji formulae,Calderón projections, restricted smoothness of the underlying surface and coefficients. The results have essential applications in investigations of BVPs by the potential method, in apriori estimates and in asymptotics of solutions.
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Witt, Ingo. "Green formulae for cone differential operators." Universität Potsdam, 2003.

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Green formulae for elliptic cone differential operators are established. This is achieved by an accurate description of the maximal domain of an elliptic cone differential operator and its formal adjoint; thereby utilizing the concept of a discrete asymptotic type. From this description, the singular coefficients replacing the boundary traces in classical Green formulas are deduced.
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Zacchini, Lorenzo. "La proprietà di media delle funzioni armoniche: rigidità e stabilità." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.

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Questo lavoro di tesi ha come argomento principale la proprietà di media delle funzioni armoniche. Il primo Capitolo è dedicato allo studio delle funzioni armoniche: in particolare, si dà la dimostrazione delle formule di media di superficie e di volume, si dimostra che esse caratterizzano le funzioni armoniche, e, infine, si dimostra che vale il principio del massimo. Nel secondo Capitolo viene trattato il problema di Dirichlet per l'operatore di Laplace: si introduce la funzione di Green, si costruisce il nucleo di Poisson per la palla e si dimostra che, a partire da esso, è possibile costruire una soluzione classica per il problema nella palla. Nel terzo Capitolo, si danno due stime di stabilità delle formule di media di volume: se un aperto di misura finita e un suo punto verificano "quasi'' la formula della media di volume per ogni funzione armonica, allora tale aperto è "quasi'' una palla centrata in quel punto. Da ciò segue immediatamente la rigidità della formula, ovvero il Teorema di Kuran: le palle sono gli unici aperti di misura finita che verificano la formula della media di volume per ogni funzione armonica. L'ultimo Capitolo è dedicato alla rigidità della formula della media di superficie. Sotto alcune ipotesi di regolarità, infatti, è possibile dimostrare che le sfere sono le uniche superfici che verificano tale formula per ogni funzione armonica. Quest'ultimo notevole risultato è dovuto a G. Fichera.
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Ai, Xiaohua. "Arithmetic of values of L-functions and generalized multiple zeta values over number fields." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017.

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L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de généraliser les multizetas au cas où le corps de base Q est remplacé par un corps de nombres quelconque. La motivation derrière cette construction vient des travaux de A. Goncharov sur les corrélateurs de Hodge et de la philosophie plectique de J. Nekovar et A. Scholl. On commence par la construction des fonctions de Green plectiques supérieures. Hecke a prouvé que l'intégration d'une série d'Eisenstein appropriée sur le groupe de classes des idèles du corps de nombres donné, multipliée par un caractère du groupe des classes des idèles, est équale à la fonction L associée à ce caractère. Remplacant la série d'Eisenstein par les fonctions de Green plectiques supérieures, une intégration similaire donne des nouveaux résultats, qui généralisent les multizetas classiques et les multi-polylogarithmes. D'après le principe plectique, un sous-groupe de l'anneau des entiers du corps de nombres donné joue un rôle essentiel dans ces travaux
The principal objective of this thesis is to generalize multiple zeta values to the case when the ground field Q is replaced by an arbitrary number field. The motivation behind the construction comes from the work of A. Goncharov on Hodge correlators and the plectic philosophy of J. Nekovar and A. Scholl. We start by constructing the higher plectic Green functions. Hecke once proved that the integral of the restriction of a suitable Eisenstein series over $\mathbb{Q}$ to the idele class group of a given number field multipled an idele class character of finite order is equal to the L-function of this charator. By replacing Eisenstein seris with our higher plectic Green functions, a similar integration gives new results, which give the generalization of classical multiple zeta values and multiple polyloarithms. According to the plectic principle, a non-trivial subgroup of the ring of integers of a given number field plays an essential role in this work
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Dragoni, Alberto. "Corrélations multi-corps dans les simulations ab initio du transport électronique quantique : une application aux dispositifs OxRAM de nouvelle génération." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.

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Les mémoires résistives non volatiles basées sur les oxydes (OxRAM) acquièrent récemment un grand intérêt pour leurs performances, ce qui en fait des candidats prometteurs comme mémoire de stockage pour remplacer la technologie flash, et comme mémoires intégrées pour les applications réseau de neurones. Néanmoins, les dispositifs OxRAM émergents présentent encore certains inconvénients, comme la non-uniformité des paramètres de commutation et les défaillances de commutation. Surmonter ces inconvénients exige une compréhension plus profonde des principes de fonctionnement de l’OxRAM, jusqu’à présent pas complètement compris. Ceci peut être réalisé au moyen de simulations textit{ab initio}. Ce travail présente donc une étude approfondie de HfO₂, qui fait partie des matériaux les plus prometteurs pour la construction de dispositifs OxRAM, au moyen de calculs précis des états de quasi-particules (QP). Une étude des propriétés du transport électronique dans les dispositifs OxRAM est également de première importance. Toutefois, cela nécessite un cadre théorique solide et fiable afin de calculer la conductance des jonctions métal/isolant. L’approche standard, basée sur la théorie fonctionnelle de la densité, le formalisme de la fonction de Green et la formule de Landauer, a quelques limites et soucis de fiabilité. Ce travail propose une approche plus fiable basée sur les calculs QP, qui fournissent une structure électronique plus précise pour calculer la conductance, et teste en grande partie cette nouvelle méthode sur différentes jonctions imitant les dispositifs OxRAM
Resistive non-volatile memories based on oxides (OxRAM) are recently acquiring a wide interest for their performances, which make them promising candidates as storage memories to replace flash technology, and as embedded memories for neural network applications. Nevertheless, emerging OxRAM devices still present some drawbacks, like non-uniformity of switching parameters and switching failures. Overcoming these drawbacks requires a deeper comprehension of the OxRAM working principles, so far not completely understood. This can be achieved by means of textit{ab initio} simulations. Hence this work presents a careful characterization of HfO₂, which is within the most promising materials to build OxRAM devices, by means of accurate quasi-particle (QP) calculations. A study of the electronic transport properties in OxRAM devices is also of primary importance. However, this requires a robust and reliable theoretical framework to compute the conductance of bulk metal/insulator junctions. The standard approach, based on density functional theory, Green function formalism, and Landauer formula, has some limitations and reliability issues. This work proposes a more reliable approach based on QP calculations, which provide a more accurate electronic structure to compute the conductance, and largely tests this new method on different junctions mimicking OxRAM devices
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Stella, Simone. "Formula integrale di Poisson per le funzioni armoniche in una palla." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

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La tesi consiste nella ricerca di un candidato ideale per la soluzione del problema di Dirichlet. Vengono affrontati gli argomenti in maniera graduale, partendo dalle funzioni armoniche e le loro relative proprietà, passando per le identità e le formule di rappresentazione di Green, per finire nell'analisi del problema sopra citato, mediante i risultati precedentemente ottenuti, per concludere trovando la formula integrale di Poisson come soluzione ma anche come formula generale per sviluppi in vari ambiti.
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Kopetzki, Daniel. "Exploring hydrothermal reactions : from prebiotic synthesis to green chemistry." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2011.

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In this thesis chemical reactions under hydrothermal conditions were explored, whereby emphasis was put on green chemistry. Water at high temperature and pressure acts as a benign solvent. Motivation to work under hydrothermal conditions was well-founded in the tunability of physicochemical properties with temperature, e.g. of dielectric constant, density or ion product, which often resulted in surprising reactivity. Another cornerstone was the implementation of the principles of green chemistry. Besides the use of water as solvent, this included the employment of a sustainable feedstock and the sensible use of resources by minimizing waste and harmful intermediates and additives. To evaluate the feasibility of hydrothermal conditions for chemical synthesis, exemplary reactions were performed. These were carried out in a continuous flow reactor, allowing for precise control of reaction conditions and kinetics measurements. In most experiments a temperature of 200 °C in combination with a pressure of 100 bar was chosen. In some cases the temperature was even raised to 300 °C. Water in this subcritical range can also be found in nature at hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. On the primitive earth, environments with such conditions were however present in larger numbers. Therefore we tested whether biologically important carbohydrates could be formed at high temperature from the simple, probably prebiotic precursor formaldehyde. Indeed, this formose reaction could be carried out successfully, although the yield was lower compared to the counterpart reaction under ambient conditions. However, striking differences regarding selectivity and necessary catalysts were observed. At moderate temperatures bases and catalytically active cations like Ca2+ are necessary and the main products are hexoses and pentoses, which accumulate due to their higher stability. In contrast, in high-temperature water no catalyst was necessary but a slightly alkaline solution was sufficient. Hexoses were only formed in negligible amounts, whereas pentoses and the shorter carbohydrates accounted for the major fraction. Amongst the pentoses there was some preference for the formation of ribose. Even deoxy sugars could be detected in traces. The observation that catalysts can be avoided was successfully transferred to another reaction. In a green chemistry approach platform chemicals must be produced from sustainable resources. Carbohydrates can for instance be employed as a basis. They can be transformed to levulinic acid and formic acid, which can both react via a transfer hydrogenation to the green solvent and biofuel gamma-valerolactone. This second reaction usually requires catalysis by Ru or Pd, which are neither sustainable nor low-priced. Under hydrothermal conditions these heavy metals could be avoided and replaced by cheap salts, taking advantage of the temperature dependence of the acid dissociation constant. Simple sulfate was recognized as a temperature switchable base. With this additive high yield could be achieved by simultaneous prevention of waste. In contrast to conventional bases, which create salt upon neutralization, a temperature switchable base becomes neutral again when cooled down and thus can be reused. This adds another sustainable feature to the high atom economy of the presented hydrothermal synthesis. In a last study complex decomposition pathways of biomass were investigated. Gas chromatography in conjunction with mass spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool for the identification of unknowns. It was observed that several acids were formed when carbohydrates were treated with bases at high temperature. This procedure was also applied to digest wood. Afterwards it was possible to fermentate the solution and a good yield of methane was obtained. This has to be regarded in the light of the fact that wood practically cannot be used as a feedstock in a biogas factory. Thus the hydrothermal pretreatment is an efficient means to employ such materials as well. Also the reaction network of the hydrothermal decomposition of glycine was investigated using isotope-labeled compounds as comparison for the unambiguous identification of unknowns. This refined analysis allowed the identification of several new molecules and pathways, not yet described in literature. In summary several advantages could be taken from synthesis in high-temperature water. Many catalysts, absolutely necessary under ambient conditions, could either be completely avoided or replaced by cheap, sustainable alternatives. In this respect water is not only a green solvent, but helps to prevent waste and preserves resources.
In dieser Arbeit wurden chemische Reaktionen unter Hydrothermalbedingungen untersucht. Darunter versteht man Wasser als Reaktionsmedium, welches eine Temperatur über 100 °C aufweist. Der flüssige Zustand wird dabei durch erhöhten Druck aufrecht erhalten. Typischerweise wurden die Reaktionen bei 200 °C und einem Druck von 100 bar durchgeführt, also dem 100-fachen des Normaldrucks. Dieses System kann man auch mit einem Dampfdrucktopf vergleichen, wobei durch die erhöhten Temperaturen chemische Reaktionen sehr schnell ablaufen und überraschende Reaktivität auftritt. Die Motivation, Wasser als Lösemittel zu benutzen, ist auch in seiner Umweltfreundlichkeit gegenüber klassischen organischen Lösemitteln begründet. Da solche Hydrothermalbedingungen auf der frühen Erde häufiger anzutreffen waren, wurde untersucht, ob wichtige Biomoleküle bei solch hoher Temperatur gebildet werden können. In der Tat konnten Zucker aus der sehr einfachen Verbindung Formaldehyd synthetisiert werden. Hierzu war lediglich eine leicht basische Lösung nötig und keine der bei moderaten Temperaturen essentiellen Katalysatoren. Zucker stellen zudem den größten Teil der pflanzlichen Biomasse dar und können daher als Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Chemie dienen. Sie können relativ einfach zu Lävulin- und Ameisensäure umgesetzt werden. Aus diesen wiederum kann die wichtige Basischemikalie gamma-Valerolacton hergestellt werden. Der Schlüsselschritt, die Reduktion von Lävulinsäure, erforderte bisher die Zuhilfenahme seltener Edelmetalle wie Ruthenium. Es konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass unter Hydrothermalbedingungen diese Rolle von einfachen Salzen, z. B. Natriumsulfat, übernommen werden kann. Hierbei macht man sich zunutze, dass sie nur bei hoher Temperatur basisch wirken, nicht aber wenn die Lösung wieder abgekühlt ist. Neben Kohlenhydraten besteht Biomasse auch aus Aminosäuren, von denen Glycin die einfachste darstellt. Unter Abspaltung von CO2 können aus ihnen synthetisch wichtige Amine hergestellt werden. Diese Reaktion findet unter Hydrothermalbedingungen statt, daneben treten jedoch noch andere Produkte auf. Unbekannte Verbindungen wurden mittels Massenspektroskopie identifiziert, wobei die Masse des Moleküls und bestimmter Molekülfragmente bestimmt wurde. Dies erlaubte es, bisher noch unbekannte Reaktionswege aufzuklären. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Wasser unter Hydrothermalbedingungen eine interessante Alternative zu organischen Lösemitteln darstellt. Desweiteren können bestimmte Katalysatoren, die bei moderaten Temperaturen nötig sind, entweder vollständig eingespart oder ersetzt werden. In dieser Hinsicht ist Wasser nicht nur ein umweltfreundliches Lösemittel, sondern trägt dazu bei, Abfall zu vermeiden und Ressourcen zu schonen.
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Matsuda, Hidefumi. "Shear viscosity of classical fields using the Green-Nakano-Kubo formula on a lattice." Doctoral thesis, Kyoto University, 2021.

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Genovese, Therese, and Charlotte Green. "Cosmetics gone green : A quantitative experimental study on green promotional cues and consumers’ purchase intention." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2021.

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In the context of the world's increasing environmental challenges and the rise of green consumerism, promoting sustainable consumer behavior is more important than ever. This study aims at extending the understanding of consumers' purchase  intention of  environmentally friendly cosmetic products. With a theoretical starting point in theories of green promotion and the theory of planned behavior, a total of ten hypotheses and sub-hypotheses were formulated to answer the research question how green promotional cues can be used to affect consumers' beliefs and increase purchase intention. Central concepts in the study’s constructed conceptual framework are intrinsic cues which represent concrete characteristics of a product such as ingredients and formula, and extrinsic cues which are attributes not present within the product itself such as packaging and brand. A quantitative approach using an online survey in an experimental vignette designed questionnaire generated responses from a sample of 325 participants in three treatment groups, and the data was subsequently examined through statistical analysis. The study’s main findings show that intrinsic cues have a stronger influence on purchase intention than extrinsic cues but that extrinsic cues seem to have a stronger influence on consumers’ subjective beliefs. The study provides implications on how cosmetic companies can use the insights generated by the study when developing promotional strategies for green cosmetics.
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O oitavo capítulo da Carta aos Romanos é, aparentemente, o seu centro: um tratado sobre o espírito sob vários aspectos – humano, divino e outros. A unidade literária Rm 8,14-17 é considerada o núcleo deste capítulo. A perícope desenvolve as causas e os efeitos da adoção filial divina com uma terminologia igual e distinta alhures (e.g., Gl 4,4-7); o texto contém expressões vinculadas à tradição judaica (vv. 14-15) e também uma segunda feição mais ecumênica/helênica (vv. 16-17), configurando uma estrutura retórica dual e, concomitantemente, convergente, devido aos elementos da semântica de uma e de outra cultura: yiothesίas (v. 15) e herdeiro (v. 17). Isto, de certa maneira, elucida e confirma a formação cultural e intelectual do Apóstolo: judaica e helênica à luz do cristianismo. Na primeira dimensão do texto destaca-se a fórmula aramaico-grega, tida como litúrgica; na segunda, o texto atrai por sua quantidade e qualidade de co-construtos: symmartyrei, herdeiros, compaixão syndoxasthomen (neologismos paulinos ou de uso ímpar). A singularidade da combinação destoa do convencional sugerindo um Sitz im Leben e/ou contexto específico: estratos de paternidade idolátrica (Zeύs-patnr) e reminiscências de sincretismo salvífico das religiões de mistério em virtude dos compostos co-, comuns nas fórmulas destes ritos greco-romanos. O presente trabalho entende que o acumulo de dados e a análise componencial dos mesmos em Rm 8,14-17 proporcionou aos seus sintagmas uma compreensão semântica colidente à idolatria e ao sincretismo.
The eighth chapter of Romans is apparently its center: a treaty about spirit on various aspects – human, divine and others. The literary unit Romans 8:14-17 is considered the core of this chapter. The pericope develops the causes and effects of the divine filial adoption [yiothesίas, children of God / god tékna] with an equal and distinct terminology elsewhere (eg, Gal 4:4-7); the text contains linked expressions to the Jewish tradition (vv. 14-15) and also a second more ecumenical/Hellenic feature (vv. 16-17), setting up a dual rhetorical structure and, concomitantly, convergent, due to the semantic elements of one and another culture:yiothesίas (v. 15) and hereditary (v. 17) . This, in a way, elucidates and confirms the cultural and intellectual formation of the Apostle: Jewish and Hellenistic in the light of Christianity. The first dimension of the text highlights the formula Aramaic-Greek ABBA patnr, regarded as liturgical; in the second, the text draws on its quantity and quality of co-constructs: symmartyrei, heirs, compassion, syndoxasthomen(Pauline neologisms or a singular use). The uniqueness of the combination deviates from its conventional, suggesting Sitz im Leben and/or a specific context: strata of an idolatrous paternity (Zeύs-patnr) and reminiscences of salvific syncretism of mystery religions because of co-compounds, common in these Greco-Roman rites formulas. This work considers both the accumulation of data and the componential analysis of these in Romans 8:14-17 provided its syntagmas a semantic understanding colliding over idolatry and syncretism.
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Alsaedy, Ammar, and Nikolai Tarkhanov. "The method of Fischer-Riesz equations for elliptic boundary value problems." Universität Potsdam, 2012.

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We develop the method of Fischer-Riesz equations for general boundary value problems elliptic in the sense of Douglis-Nirenberg. To this end we reduce them to a boundary problem for a (possibly overdetermined) first order system whose classical symbol has a left inverse. For such a problem there is a uniquely determined boundary value problem which is adjoint to the given one with respect to the Green formula. On using a well elaborated theory of approximation by solutions of the adjoint problem, we find the Cauchy data of solutions of our problem.
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Bakker, Egbert J. "Linguistics and formulas in Homer scalarity and the description of the particle per /." Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : J. Benjamins Pub. Co, 1988.

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Tu, Kai-Ming. "Spatial-Decomposition Analysis of Electrical Conductivity in Concentrated Ionic Systems." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2015.

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Nakano, Hiroyoshi. "Singular behavior near surfaces: boundary conditions on fluids and surface critical phenomena." Kyoto University, 2019.

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Ernestová, Lucie. "Jak se stát součástí establišmentu? Malé/nové strany v parlamentu ČR po roce 2002." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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The thesis informs a reader about problems of establishing new/small political parties and their activities in Czech Parliament during the period of 2002 -- 2010. The surprising and unexpected results of Chamber of Desputies election that took place in May 2010 and brought considerable transformation of contemporary political establishment in Czech republic, represented the main impulse for writing this thesis. The aim of the thesis was to find out the size of political market openness for new/small political parties during the period of 2002-2010 and simultaneously evaluate what kind of position and substance these new/small political subjects in the political market have. A content of thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part is focused on theoretical theme and includes four chapters. There are mentioned mainly the issues of new/small political parties' definitions, the role of relevant parties in proportional representation systems and also some of the most important attempts of electoral reforms. The second part includes the final chapter that is focused on analysis of the factors that had influence on increase or decrease in chances of new/small parties to be successful in Chamber of Desputies elections from 2002 and thus become the part of political establishment. The fundamental questions were: How have the new/small political parties built up in that period of 2002-2010 and under what circumstances have they become the part of political establishment.
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Santos, Isabelle. "Fonctions de navigation stochastiques : application à la planification robuste de trajectoires d'avions." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019.

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Contexte Avec l'augmentation continue du trafic aérien, une refonte des méthodes de planification pour les trajectoires des avions est nécessaire. De nombreuses pistes, telles que les fonctions de navigation, ont été proposées, mais dans le domaine de la gestion du trafic aérien, toute nouvelle méthode doit démontrer sa fiabilité avant de pouvoir être déployée. Objectifs Implémenter des outils permettant de démontrer la robustesse des trajectoires obtenues avec les fonctions de navigation harmoniques aux aléas liés au vent qui ont pour effet de déplacer longitudinalement les avions. Méthodes La variation de Hadamard permet de déterminer la variation de la solution d'une équation différentielle sous une perturbation des bords du domaine. La mise en oeuvre de cette formule de variation nécessite l'implémentation d'une méthode efficace pour le calcul numérique de la fonction de Green. Résultats Nous avons montré dans cette thèse qu'il est possible d'obtenir la fonction de Green, ainsi que ses dérivées, de façon semi-analytique. De plus, les valeurs obtenues par cette méthode pour la fonction de Green peuvent être utilisées dans le calcul de la variation de Hadamard. Conclusions L'utilisation de cette fonction de Green semi-analytique pour le calcul de la variation de Hadamard permet de prendre en compte des incertitudes sur la position des obstacles. Des pistes d'amélioration de cette méthode basée sur la fonction de Hadamard sont également proposées, notamment pour optimiser le temps de calcul de la variation et pour améliorer la précision des résultats
Context As air traffic continues to increase, new aircraft trajectory plannification methods need to be implemented. Navigation functions have been implemented to this end, but their reliability in an uncertain environment is yet to be demonstrated. Aims Implementing new tools based on the Hadamard variational formula to take into account the uncertainties on the longitudinal position of aircraft when computing the navigation function. Methods The Hadamard variation makes it possible to assess the effect of a domain boundary variation on the trajectories computed using harmonic navigation functions. Using this variational formula requires the developpment of an efficient method to numerically compute the Green's function. Results We demonstrate in this thesis that it is possible to numerically determine the Green's function and its derivatives with a semi-analytical method. Furthermore, the Green's function determined in this manner can be used to compute the Hadamard variational formula. Conclusions This semi-analytical Green's function can be used to compute the Hadamard variational formula and makes it possible to account for uncertainties on the position of obstacles. We also give some leads on how to improve this method based on the Hadamard variational formula, most notably on how to reduce computation time and improve accuracy
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Lin, I.-Hao, and 林奕豪. "Comparative Study of Evapotranspiration Estimation Formulas for Green Roof in Taiwan." Thesis, 2016.

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Due to urban development, green space is replaced by impervious pavement that disturbs the urban water cycle. To mitigate the negative effect brought by urbanization, green roof has been widely accepted as one of methods to achieve this goal. Determination of irrigation water requirement for green roof is necessary. Therefore, estimation of evapotranspiration is required for determining water requirement of green roof and provides as the base for storage volume determination of rainwater harvesting system. For most research in evapotranspiration, the application mostly focused on irrigation water requirement and rare in that of green roof aspect. The Penman formula was complicated and also widely used in irrigation water requirement estimation but it required more parameters that are not available in some locations. The purpose of this research was to select some evapotranspiration formulas with less parameter and compare with the observed data to determine the proper parameter values for local use. Firstly, this research extended the observed evapotranspiration data by using the Penman formula and evapotranspiration modified coefficient (K). Then the theoretical evapotranspiration values for daily and monthly estimated by the methods of Blancy-Criddle, Hargreaves and Samani and Kharrufa were compared with that of extended observation values. It was found that daily and monthly vales estimated by those three formulas were under-estimated compared to observed data. Secondly, the fitness coefficient would be used to evaluate the goodness of parameters among formulas that would decrease the difference between observed and estimated values. The results showed that the Hargreaves and Samani formula was superior to other two formulas in daily estimation of evapotranspiration values. Because of sunshine percentage variation, both Blancy-Criddle and Samani formulas could not obtain the certain precision even with parameters adjustments. Therefore, the Hargreaves and Samani formula was recommended for the areas with limited meteorological and hydrological data.
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Yang, Shao-Ping, and 楊紹平. "An Investigation of Consumer Confusion and Intention of Green Consumption via Food-Related Lifestyle – As an Example from Organic Infant Formula." Thesis, 2019.

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Rising environmental awareness has made the concept of green consumption become more and more popular. The endless emergence of food safety incidents has made infant food safety more and more concerning. It has also boosted the booming organic infant formula market. However, there are many brands of organic infant formula, which gives consumers a difficult choice and brings consumer confusion. Additionally, the lifestyle of each consumer is different. To understand existing and potential organic infant formula consumers, the food-related lifestyle model is suitable as a tool to group consumers into several types. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences between consumer confusion and the intention of green consumption among consumers of different food-related lifestyles and the relationship between consumer confusion and the intention of green consumption. This study issued web-based questionnaires to consumers who participate in Internet forum or virtual community about parent-child or parenting. The lower age limit was 23. 409 Questionnaires were distributed and 381 effective questionnaires were collected. The analytical methods included description statistics, exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and correlation analysis. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The consumers were grouped into three types: unfamiliar with food, attach importance to texture and pragmatic. 2. There was no significant difference in the level of consumer confusion among different types of consumers. 3. There were differences in the intention of green consumption in different types of consumers. 4. There is a positive relationship between the intention of green consumption and consumer confusion.
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Li, Jen-Tsan, and 黎仁滄. "On the singularities of Grenn''s formula and its normal derivative, with an application to surface-wave-body interaction problems." Thesis, 2003.

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The paper presents the non-singular forms of Green''s formula and its normal derivative of exterior problems for three-dimensional Laplace''s equation. The main advantage of these modified formulations is that they''re amenable to solution by directly using quadrature formulas. Thus, the conventional boundary element approximation, which locally regularizes the singularities in each element, is not required. The weak singularities are treated by both the Gauss flux theorem and the property of the associated equipotential body. The hypersingularities are treated by further using the boundary formula for the associated interior problem. The efficacy of the modified formulations is examined by a sphere, in an infinite domain , subject to Neumann and Dirichlet conditions , respectively. The modified integral formulations are further applied to a practical problem, ie. surface-wave -body interaction. Using the conventional boundary integral equation formulation is known to break down at certain discrete frequencies for such a problem.Removing the ‘irregular’ frequencies is performed by linearly combiming the standard integral equation with its normal derivative. Computations are presented of the add-mass and damping coefficients and wave exciting force on a floating hemisphere .Comparing the numerical results with that by other approaches demonstrates the effectiveness of the method.
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