Academic literature on the topic 'Formule de Green'

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Journal articles on the topic "Formule de Green"


Werner, Wendelin. "Formule de Green, lacet brownien plan et aire de Lévy." Stochastic Processes and their Applications 57, no. 2 (June 1995): 225–45.

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Gamblin, Didier. "Partie imaginaire des résonances de Rayleigh dans le cas d'une boule." Canadian Journal of Mathematics 58, no. 2 (April 1, 2006): 312–43.

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RésuméNous étudions les résonances de Rayleigh créées par une boule en dimension deux et trois. Nous savons qu’elles convergent exponentiellement vite vers l’axe réel. Nous calculons exactement les fonctions résonantes associées puis nous les estimons asymptotiquement en fonction de la partie réelle des résonances. L’application de la formule de Green nous donne alors le taux de décroissance exponentielle de la partie imaginaire des résonances.
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Gotovsky, M., A. Gotovsky, V. Mikhailov, V. Lychakov, Y. Sukhorukov, and E. Sukhorukova. "Formate Cycle: The Third Way in Green Energy." International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 10, no. 6 (December 2019): 189–94.

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Alonso-Blanco, Ricardo J., and Alexandre M. Vinogradov. "Green Formula and Legendre Transformation." Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 83, no. 1/2 (August 2004): 149–66.

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Blühdorn, Ingolfur. "‘New Green’ Pragmatism in Germany – Green Politics beyond the Social Democratic Embrace?" Government and Opposition 39, no. 4 (2004): 564–86.

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AbstractCoalitions with left-of-centre parties have traditionally been regarded as the only viable option for Green parties that have shed their stance of radical opposition. The German Greens are investigated as a case study putting this assumption into doubt. Historical analysis of their relationship with the Social Democratic Party reveals how they slipped into life-threatening dependency on the latter. A survey of consecutive reinterpretations of the positioning formula ‘Neither right, nor left but ahead’ maps the struggle for an independent Green identity. An appraisal of recent debates about Conservative– Green alliances investigates the basis for Green coalition politics beyond the Social Democratic embrace.
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Visscher, P. B. "Green–Kubo formula for collisional relaxation." Journal of Chemical Physics 89, no. 8 (October 15, 1988): 5137–39.

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Duduchava, Roland. "The Green formula and layer potentials." Integral Equations and Operator Theory 41, no. 2 (June 2001): 127–78.

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Trimarco, Carmine. "The Green's and the Eshelby's identities in generalised continua and in dielectrics." Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, no. 30 (2003): 41–52.

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In 1973, A. E. Green pointed out several interesting formulae, which hold true in finite elasticity [1]. One of them (formula (2.10), p.75) is repeatedly quoted in the literature as the Green identity. This remarkable identity has been successfully employed in several contexte. We only mention here its central role in theorems on uniqueness in elastostatics [2,3]. A deeper insight to the Green identity shows in evidence an intimate link of this formula with the Eshelby tensor and with the material balance law of equilibrium [4,5]. In homogeneous hyperelastic materials, this law turns out to an identity, the Eshelby identity, and one can easily prove that the Green identity stems straightforwardly from the Eshelby identity. These identities possibly extend to generalized continua, such as continua with microstructure and elastic dielectrics. Hereafter, the validity of the Eshelby identity is discussed for these materials. Basing on the novel extended Eshelby-like identity, the corresponding extended Green-like identity can be also established, under specifie assumptions. In the case of dielectrics, two equivalent forms for the Eshelby tensor emerge from the treatment, both satisfying the Eshelby identity. One of them is more appropriate for deriving the desired Green-like identity. The second one, which is a reduced form of the first one, represents the physical Eshelby tensor in dielectrics [4-5].
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Netz, Reviel. "Linguistic formulae as cognitive tools." Pragmatics and Cognition 7, no. 1 (1999): 147–76.

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Ancient Greek mathematics developed the original feature of being deductive mathematics. This article attempts to give a (partial) explanation f or this achievement. The focus is on the use of a fixed system of linguistic formulae (expressions used repetitively) in Greek mathematical texts. It is shown that (a) the structure of this system was especially adapted for the easy computation of operations of substitution on such formulae, that is, of replacing one element in a fixed formula by another, and it is further argued that (b) such operations of substitution were the main logical tool required by Greek mathematical deduction. The conclusion explains why, assuming the validity of the description above, this historical level (as against the universal cognitive level) is the best explanatory level for the phenomenon of Greek mathematical deduction.
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Jagannathan, A., Y. Oono, and B. Schaub. "Intrinsic viscosity from the Green–Kubo formula." Journal of Chemical Physics 86, no. 4 (February 15, 1987): 2276–85.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Formule de Green"


Lazzari, Lisa. "Formule di Rappresentazione e Formule di Media per Funzioni Armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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In questa tesi vengono analizzate le principali caratteristiche delle funzioni armoniche, che sono funzioni che risolvono l'equazione di Laplace. Vengono inizialmente definite e dimostrate le formule di rappresentazione di Green, dopo aver definito le relative identità e la formula di Green, e viene analizzato il nucleo di Poisson. Successivamente vengono descritte le formule di media e vengono proposte alcune applicazioni, come la disuguaglianza di Harnack e il teorema di Liouville. Infine viene proposto un approccio alla risoluzione del problema di Dirichlet, mediante il metodo di Perron. Come premessa a tale metodo vengono definite e descritte le funzioni superarmoniche e subarmoniche.
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Totaro, Federico. "Funzioni armoniche e formule di media." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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In questa tesi abbiamo definito una soluzione del classico problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano in un arbitrario dominio limitato di R^n. Siamo partiti dallo studio delle funzioni armoniche, funzioni che risolvono l’equazione di Laplace; in seguito abbiamo definito le identità e la funzione di Green con le quali abbiamo dimostrato le formule di rappresentazione del medesimo. Successivamente, descritti il nucleo di Poisson e le formule di media, sono state analizzate alcune conseguenze di quest’ultime, quali la disuguaglianza di Harnack, il Teorema di Liouville e il principio del massimo e del minimo debole e forte. Infine abbiamo illustrato un criterio di risolubilità chiamato metodo di Perron per funzioni subarmoniche.
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Mazzetti, Caterina. "Le funzioni armoniche e le formule di media." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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In questa tesi studiamo le proprietà fondamentali delle funzioni armoniche. Ricaviamo le formule di media mostrando alcune proprietà importanti, quali la disuguaglianza di Harnack, il teorema di Liouville, il principio del massimo debole e forte. Infine, illustriamo un criterio di risolubilità per il problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano in un arbitrario dominio limitato di R^n tramite un metodo noto come metodo di Perron per le funzioni subarmoniche.
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Venturelli, Matteo. "Formule di media per le funzioni armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

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In questo lavoro studiamo le funzioni armoniche e le loro proprietà: le formule di media, il principio del massimo e del minimo (forte e debole), la disuguaglianza di Harnack e il teorema di Louiville. Successivamente scriviamo la prima e la seconda identità di Green, che permettono di ottenere esplicitamente la soluzione fondamentale dell’equazione di Laplace, tramite il calcolo delle soluzioni radiali del Laplaciano. Introduciamo poi la funzione di Green, da cui si ottiene una formula di rappresentazione per le funzioni armoniche. Se il dominio di riferimento è una palla, la funzione di Green può essere determinata esplicitamente, e ciò conduce alla rappresentazione integrale di Poisson per le funzioni armoniche in una palla.
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Guizzardi, Anna. "Analiticità delle funzioni armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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In questa tesi analizzo le funzioni armoniche e le loro fondamentali proprietà. Partendo dal teorema della divergenza, introduco le formule di rappresentazione di Green, da cui deduco le formule di media di superficie e di volume. Utilizzo poi queste ultime per ricavare importanti risultati come: la disuguaglianza di Harnack sui dischi, il teorema di Liouville, il principio del massimo e minimo (forte e debole) e altre importanti proprietà. Le più significative sono la regolarità delle funzioni armoniche, un teorema che stima le derivate e infine l'analiticità.
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Simon, Marielle. "Problèmes de diffusion pour des chaînes d’oscillateurs harmoniques perturbées." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014.

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L'équation de la chaleur est un phénomène macroscopique, émergeant après une limite d’échelle diffusive (en espace et en temps) d’un système d'oscillateurs couplés. Lorsque les interactions entre oscillateurs sont linéaires, l'énergie évolue de manière balistique, et la conductivité thermique est infinie. Certaines non-linéarités doivent donc apparaître au niveau microscopique, si l’on espère observer une diffusion normale. Pour apporter de l'ergodicité, on ajoute à la dynamique déterministe une perturbation stochastique qui conserve l'énergie. En premier lieu nous étudions la dynamique Hamiltonienne d'un système d'oscillateurs linéaires, perturbé par un bruit stochastique dégénéré conservatif. Ce dernier transforme à des temps aléatoires les vitesses en leurs opposées. On montre que l'évolution macroscopique du système est caractérisée par un système parabolique non-linéaire couplé pour les deux lois de conservation du modèle. Ensuite, nous supposons que les oscillateurs évoluent en environnement aléatoire. La perturbation stochastique est très dégénérée, et on prouve que le champ de fluctuations de l'énergie à l'équilibre converge vers un processus d'Ornstein-Uhlenbeck généralisé dirigé par l’équation de la chaleur.Il est désormais connu que les systèmes unidimensionnels présentent une diffusion anormale lorsque le moment total est conservé en plus de l'énergie. Dans une troisième partie, on considère deux perturbations, l'une préservant le moment, l'autre détruisant cette conservation. En faisant décroître l'intensité de la seconde perturbation, on observe une transition de phase entre un régime de diffusion normale et un régime de superdiffusion
The heat equation is known to be a macroscopic phenomenon, emerging after a diffusive rescaling of space and time. In linear systems of interacting oscillators, the energy ballistically disperses and the thermal conductivity is infinite. Since the Fourier law is not valid for linear interactions, non-linearities in the microscopic dynamics are needed. In order to bring ergodicity to the system, we superpose a stochastic energy conserving perturbation to the underlying deterministic dynamics.In the first part we study the Hamiltonian dynamics of linear coupled oscillators, which are perturbed by a degenerate conservative stochastic noise. The latter flips the sign of the velocities at random times. The evolution yields two conservation laws (the energy and the length of the chain), and the macroscopic behavior is given by a non-linear parabolic system.Then, we suppose the harmonic oscillators to evolve in a random environment, in addition to be stochastically perturbed. The noise is very degenerate, and we prove a macroscopic behavior that holds at equilibrium: precisely, energy fluctuations at equilibrium evolve according to an infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by the linearized heat equation.Finally, anomalous behaviors have been observed for one-dimensional systems which preserve momentum in addition to the energy. In the third part, we consider two different perturbations, the first one preserving the momentum, and the second one destroying that new conservation law. When the intensity of the second noise is decreasing, we observe (in a suitable time scale) a phase transition between a regime of normal diffusion and a regime of super-diffusion
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Baccherini, Simona. "Il teorema di Koebe per le funzioni armoniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.

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Il punto centrale della tesi è stato dimostrare il Teorema di Koebe per le funzioni armoniche. È stato necessario partire da alcuni risultati di integrazione in Rn per ricavare identità e formule di rappresentazione per funzioni di classe C2, introdurre le funzioni armoniche e farne quindi una analisi accurata. Tali funzioni sono state caratterizzate tramite le formule di media e messe in relazione con le funzioni olomorfe, per le quali vale una formula simile di rappresentazione.
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Mainetti, Nicola. "Disuguaglianza di Harnack." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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Oggetto di studio di questa tesi sono le funzioni armoniche. Inizialmente abbiamo introdotto le nozioni principali (definizione di funzione armonica e calcolo esplicito delle funzioni radiali armoniche). Dopo aver enunciato e dimostrato il teorema della divergenza e la prima e seconda identità di Green ci siamo ricavati le formule di rappresentazione di Green. Successivamente, dopo aver calcolato il volume e l'area di bordo di una palla euclidea, abbiamo introdotto le formule di media del Laplaciano. Una loro diretta conseguenza è la Disuguaglianza di Harnack, che abbiamo enunciato e dimostrato inizialmente per una palla e poi generalizzato a un compatto. Abbiamo poi visto un'applicazione di questa disuguaglianza: il teorema di Liouville. Infine abbiamo illustrato il principio del massimo (minimo) forte e del massimo (minimo) debole.
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Gruppioni, Sara. "Il problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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Sauzedde, Isao. "Windings of the planar Brownian motion and Green’s formula." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021.

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On s'intéresse dans cette thèse à l'enlacement du mouvement Brownien plan autour des points, dans la succession des travaux de Wendelin Werner en particulier. Dans le premier chapitre, on motive cette étude par celle du cas des courbes plus lisses que le mouvement Brownien. On y démontre notamment une formule de Green pour l'intégrale de Young, sans hypothèse de simplicité de la courbe. Dans le chapitre 2, on étudie l'aire de l'ensemble des points autour desquels l'enlacement du mouvement brownien est plus grand que N. On donne, au sens presque sûr et dans les espaces Lp, une estimation asymptotique au second ordre de cette aire lorsque N tend vers l'infini. Le chapitre 3 est dévoué à la preuve d'un résultat qui montre que les points de grands enlacements se répartissent de manière très équilibrée le long de la trajectoire. Dans le chapitre 4, on utilise les résultats des deux précédents chapitres pour énoncer une formule de Green pour le mouvement brownien. On étudie aussi l'enlacement moyen de points répartis aléatoirement dans le plan. On montre que cet enlacement moyen converge en distribution (presque surement pour la trajectoire), non pas vers une constante (qui serait alors l’aire de Lévy) mais vers une variable de Cauchy centrée en l’aire de Lévy. Dans les deux derniers chapitres, on applique les idées des précédents chapitres pour définir et étudier l’aire de Lévy du mouvement Brownien lorsque la mesure d’aire sous-jacente n’est plus la mesure de Lebesgue mais une mesure aléatoire particulièrement irrégulière. On traite le cas du chaos multiplicatif gaussien en particulier, mais la méthode s’applique dans un cadre plus général
We study the windings of the planar Brownian motion around points, following the previous works of Wendelin Werner in particular. In the first chapter, we motivate this study by the one of smoother curves. We prove in particular a Green formula for Young integration, without simplicity assumption for the curve. In the second chapter, we study the area of the set of points around which the Brownian motion winds at least N times. We give an asymptotic estimation for this area, up to the second order, both in the almost sure sense and in the Lp spaces, when N goes to infinity.The third chapter is devoted to the proof of a result which shows that the points with large winding are distributed in a very balanced way along the trajectory. In the fourth chapter, we use the results from the two previous chapters to give a new Green formula for the Brownian motion. We also study the averaged winding around randomly distributed points in the plan. We show that, almost surely for the trajectory, this averaged winding converges in distribution, not toward a constant (which would be the Lévy area), but toward a Cauchy distribution centered at the Lévy area. In the last two chapters, we apply the ideas from the previous chapters to define and study the Lévy area of the Brownian motion, when the underlying area measure is not the Lebesgue measure anymore, but instead a random and highly irregular measure. We deal with the case of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos in particular, but the tools can be used in a much more general framework
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Books on the topic "Formule de Green"


The faeries' guide to green magick from the garden. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2010.

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Hierche, Henri. L' emploi du duel dans les formules homériques. Lyon: Institut d'études indo-européennes de l'université Jean Moulin (Lyon III), 1987.

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Disquisitio exegetico-theologica de formulae Paulinae pistis Iēsou Christou significatione. Lugduni-Batavorum: P. Engels, 1988.

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The Faldo formula: From tee to green with Nick Faldo : 150 golf lessons fronm the Daily Express. London: Express Books, 1990.

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Center for Hellenic Studies (Washington, D.C.), ed. Pointing at the past: From formula to performance in Homeric poetics. Washington, D.C: Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University, 2005.

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Precycle! Preston [England]: Good Life Press, 2008.

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Loutsia, Markezeli-Louka, and Molcho Flora, eds. Aspetti formali del testo nella letteratura neogreca: Atti del VII Convegno nazionale di studi neogreci, Trieste, 16-18 settembre 2005. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2009.

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Henze, Rosemary C. Informal teaching and learning: A study of everyday cognition in a Greek community. Hillsdale, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1992.

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Annamaria, Ciarallo, and Italy. Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei., eds. Le stagioni nell'antica Pompei. Napoli: Electa Napoli, 2005.

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Il cursus honorum senatorio da Augusto a Traiano: Sviluppi formali e stilistici nell'epigrafia latina e greca. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica = The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, 2013.

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Book chapters on the topic "Formule de Green"


Agostinelli, Cataldo. "Formule Di Green Per La Diffusione Del Campo Magnetico in Un Fluido Elettricamente Conduttore." In Some Aspects of Diffusion Theory, 487–502. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Kuusalo, Tapani. "A Green formula with multiplicities." In Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 219–22. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.

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Taylor, Michael. "The Gauss-Green formula on Lipschitz domains." In Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 309–10. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2006.

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Zhilbaev, Zhanbol O., Lyailya S. Syrymbetova, Gaini K. Dlimbetova, and Aiman Y. Aliyeva. "Case Study: Kazakhstan. Educational Challenges in Transitioning to a Green Economy." In Education for Sustainability, 153–65. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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AbstractThis chapter examines the potential for including ‘green skills’ in the processes of recognition of learning outcomes from all learning settings—formal, non-formal and informal learning. The chapter opens with a discussion on Kazakhstan’s stated objectives to realise a green economy and society and in this context challenges faced by the industry are highlighted. The chapter then examines the need for recognition of green skills as well as policy and legislation in relation to green economy and environmental protection and proceeds to clarify concepts of competence-based learning and ecological competences. The authors consider issues and challenges of green skills inclusion in the recognition of formal, non-formal and informal learning results in relation to the development of the National qualifications system, which in Kazakhstan includes four main elements: the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), Sector Qualifications Framework (SQF), Occupational Standards (OS) and a system of professional qualifications evaluation (or system of independent certification). The chapter argues that within formal education the emphasis is on developing environmental knowledge but not on its application, therefore this might have a direct implication on a lack of green practices in the industry and on the interpretation of green skills. The results of the study among 12 enterprises on the use of eco-friendly practices and recognition of green skills in the context of qualification requirements in the workplace in catering, automotive and waste management sectors are reported in the chapter. Finally, the chapter presents conclusions and recommendations on the inclusion of green skills into the system of prior learning recognition.
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Dürr, Detlef, Nino Zanghi, and Hans Zessin. "On rigorous Hydrodynamics, Self-diffusion and the Green-Kubo formulae." In Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123–47. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.

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Ismail, Sarimah, Nornazira Suhairom, Aede Hatib Musta’mal, Muhammad Sukri Saud, Yusri Kamin, and Mohammad Khair Noordin. "Case Study: Malaysia. Recognising Green Skills in Non-formal Learning Settings." In Education for Sustainability, 167–88. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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AbstractThis chapter analyses the results of a study on recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of non-formal and informal learning outcomes based on interviews with staff from five enterprises, two in the automotive sector, two in catering services and one in PVC manufacturing. Both formal and informal enterprises were interviewed. Interviews with the enterprises across three sectors showed that most employers in both formal and informal enterprises were not familiar with the term ‘green skills’. However, they were aware of environmental policies and regulations related to their respective sectors, and they encouraged the implementation of certain green practices in their enterprises by creating awareness among staff, promoting attitudinal changes, monitoring compliance with rules and regulations as well as integrating green skills into staff training programmes and RVA. Findings highlighted the importance of the need for employers to have guidelines on how enterprises can affect environmental sustainability. Results of the study also showed the centrality of the role of stakeholders—including both public and private enterprises as well as NGO sectors, consumer associations and government departments—in pushing for the inclusion of green skills in staff training and RVA mechanisms.
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Zervas, Theodore G. "Greek Children’s Literature." In Formal and Informal Education during the Rise of Greek Nationalism, 89–110. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.

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Maia, Luisa B., Isabel Moura, and José J. G. Moura. "Carbon Dioxide Utilisation—The Formate Route." In Enzymes for Solving Humankind's Problems, 29–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThe relentless rise of atmospheric CO2 is causing large and unpredictable impacts on the Earth climate, due to the CO2 significant greenhouse effect, besides being responsible for the ocean acidification, with consequent huge impacts in our daily lives and in all forms of life. To stop spiral of destruction, we must actively reduce the CO2 emissions and develop new and more efficient “CO2 sinks”. We should be focused on the opportunities provided by exploiting this novel and huge carbon feedstock to produce de novo fuels and added-value compounds. The conversion of CO2 into formate offers key advantages for carbon recycling, and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) enzymes are at the centre of intense research, due to the “green” advantages the bioconversion can offer, namely substrate and product selectivity and specificity, in reactions run at ambient temperature and pressure and neutral pH. In this chapter, we describe the remarkable recent progress towards efficient and selective FDH-catalysed CO2 reduction to formate. We focus on the enzymes, discussing their structure and mechanism of action. Selected promising studies and successful proof of concepts of FDH-dependent CO2 reduction to formate and beyond are discussed, to highlight the power of FDHs and the challenges this CO2 bioconversion still faces.
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Singh, Madhu. "Increasing Awareness: Good Practices to Promote Skills Recognition Among Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises." In Education for Sustainability, 237–52. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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AbstractThis chapter gives readers an understanding of the need for establishing recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) mechanisms in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as the ways in which MSMEs support and promote RVA. It is based on research results from 191 MSMEs across four industries—automotive, PVC manufacturing, catering and waste management—in seven countries and one territory. Ninety-eight enterprises were studied in the formal sector, and ninety-three in the informal sector. The key issues investigated through the empirical study were: the need and potential for recognising formal, non-formal and informal learning in enterprises; the mechanisms and processes used to recognise skills; challenges, gaps and concerns regarding recognition in enterprises; ways for promoting and supporting recognition; the inclusion of green skills in RVA mechanisms; the perspectives of enterprises on making RVA a part of staff training and the anticipated benefits of green skills through RVA.
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Buns, Melina Antonia, and Dominic Hinde. "Green States in a Dirty World: 1975 and the Performance of Nordic Green Modern." In Nordic Media Histories of Propaganda and Persuasion, 243–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractThis chapter examines the 1975 Nordic Council conference at Frostavallen in Sweden as a transnational media event which specifically sought to articulate a green modernity to the outside world. It argues that the Nordic countries used Frostavallen to perform and formulate a green modernity based around international cooperation and progressive solutions blending policy and technology. This performance allowed the Nordics to not only claim and legitimize environmental leadership to domestic and international audiences, but also place brand themselves as an environmentally progressive region. Facilitated by institutionalized Nordic cooperation, the conference can be regarded as the progenitor of contemporary Nordic environment and climate change campaigns, whereby the Nordic states communicate a uniform Nordic sustainable modernity to the world as a political strategy.
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Conference papers on the topic "Formule de Green"


Boi, S., A. Mazzino, and P. Muratore-Ginanneschi. "Taylor-Green-Kubo formula and asymptotic transport of inertial particles." In THMT-18. Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 9 Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium On Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 2018.

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Hong, D. C., T. B. Ha, and K. H. Song. "Numerical Study of Forward-Speed Ship Motion and Added Resistance." In ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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The added resistance of a ship was calculated using Maruo’s formula [1] involving the three-dimensional Kochin function obtained using the source and normal doublet distribution over the wetted surface of the ship. The density of the doublet distribution was obtained as the solution of the three-dimensional frequency-domain forward-speed Green integral equation containing the exact line integral along the waterline. Numerical results of the Wigley ship models II and III in head seas, obtained by making use of the inner-collocation 9-node second-order boundary element method have been compared with the experimental results reported by Journée [2]. The forward-speed hydrodynamic coefficients of the Wigley models have shown no irregular-frequencylike behavior. The steady disturbance potential due to the constant forward speed of the ship has also been calculated using the Green integral equation associated with the steady forward-speed free-surface Green function since the so-called mj-terms [3] appearing in the body boundary conditions contain the first and second derivatives of the steady potential over the wetted surface of the ship. However, the free-surface boundary condition was kept linear in the present study. The added resistances of the Wigley II and III models in head seas obtained using Maruo’s formula showing acceptable comparison with experimental results, have been presented. The added resistances in following seas obtained using Maruo’s formula have also been presented.
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Bijlsma, Like. "urbanisation dilemmas in delta cities." In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Delta Cities in developing countries face problems of water risks while also dealing with enormous population growth. Recent urbanisation is increasingly taking place in high risk areas.When looking into these recent urbanisation processes, we can discern two different dynamics, formal and informal ones. They relate in different ways to green, grey and blue infrastructures, and have their own formal and informal institutional drivers.Modern technocratic planning methods do not positively interfere with informal city growth. On the contrary, often water problems are shifted to the lower and informal parts of the city. Inclusive green planning should take into account local urbanisation practice.
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Tsuda, Hirofumi, and Ken Umeno. "New expression of SNR formula for CDMA system." In 2016 International Conference on Smart Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems (ICSGTEIS). IEEE, 2016.

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Cui, Z., and X. Q. Huang. "Structural Sound Radiation on a Reflecting Plane by the Boundary Point Method." In ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.

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Abstract In this paper, the structural sound radiation from a reflecting plane is studied. The Green Function is used to develop a formula, which is implemented in applying the boundary point method to a semi-infinite region. A detailed description of this method is presented. Through the theory and numerical examples, it is shown that this method compared to other available ones is simple and efficient.
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Tsubogo, Takashi. "Near Field Expression of Ship Wave Resistance by Yeung’s Method." In ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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The ship wave resistance can be evaluated by two alternative methods after solving the boundary value problem. One is the far field method e.g. Havelock’s formula, and another is the near field method based on direct pressure integration over the wetted hull surface. As is well known, there exist considerable discrepancies between wave resistance results by far field method and by near field method. This paper presents a Lagally expression in consistency with Havelock’s formula. In order to derive the Lagally expression, the symmetry of Havelock’s Green function is used in the same manner as Yeung et al (2004). Another expression to examine the relation with water pressure integrations or to ensure physical consistency is also derived by slightly deforming that expression. Some numerical comparisons of wave resistance of Wigley, KCS and KVLCC2 models among by Havelock’s formula, some direct pressure integration methods and present two new near field expressions, are shown to demonstrate consistency numerically.
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Chen, Yean-Ru, Wan-Ting Su, Pao-Ann Hsiung, Ying-Cherng Lan, Yu-Hen Hu, and Sao-Jie Chen. "Formal modeling and verification for Network-on-chip." In 2010 International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS). IEEE, 2010.

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Macalik, Joanna, and Adam Sulich. "External employer branding of sustainable organizations." In Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2019.

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Purpose – the purpose of the article is to examine whether and to what extent selected Polish companies implement so-called “green employer branding” in communication with their external stakeholders. Research methodology – the article consists of the theoretical part, which uses the critical analysis of the scientific literature on both green or sustainable organizations and external employer branding; and the practical part, which uses the case study method and content analysis of companies' websites, job advertisements, and social media. Findings – the main results of the conducted research concern the scope, tools, and methods of creating a green employer brand of Polish enterprises. The conducted case study and content analysis showed that Polish enterprises consciously manage their employer brand, emphasizing the ecological aspects of their business activities. The obtained results complement knowledge in the area of management sciences with detailed conclusions regarding the green employer branding. Research limitations – the conducted analysis is a preliminary examination. Its limitations are primarily related to the methods used for qualitative research, as well as a limited research sample. In the future, such limitations might be overcome by using quantitative research methods and the extension of the research sample. Practical implications – the results of the research constitute a set of good practices in the field of green employer branding. The formulated model can help formulate the strategy of external employer branding. Originality/Value – presented research is very first attempt to describe employer branding actions in the aspect of green management in Poland
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Sohail, Aftab Saad, Maria Sameen, and Qazi Ahmed. "Formal Notations of Linguistic Analysis for Monetary Policy." In 2019 International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology (ICGHIT). IEEE, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "Formule de Green"


Benjaminsen, Tor A., Hanne Svarstad, and Iselin Shaw of Tordarroch. Recognising Recognition in Climate Justice. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), October 2021.

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We argue that in order to achieve climate justice, recognition needs to be given more attention in climate research, discourse, and policies. Through the analysis of three examples, we identify formal and discursive recognition as central types of recognition in climate issues, and we show how powerful actors exercise their power in ways that cause climate injustice through formal and discursive misrecognition of poor and vulnerable groups. The three examples discussed are climate mitigation through forest conservation (REDD), the Great Green Wall project in Sahel, and the narrative about climate change as a contributing factor to the Syrian war.
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