Journal articles on the topic 'Formations en finance'
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Paré, Jean-Louis, and Frédéric Demerens. "Quel enseignement de la finance entrepreneuriale ?" Revue internationale P.M.E. 24, no. 3-4 (January 24, 2013): 231–54.
Full textPan, Zhongdang, Lu Wei, and Guobin Yang. "Introduction to Special Issue on digital formations and Chinese experiences." Communication and the Public 3, no. 1 (January 30, 2018): 3–4.
Full textGanushchak, Tetiana. "The mechanism to provide financial safety of logistics." Problems and Perspectives in Management 14, no. 4 (December 14, 2016): 92–96.
Full textSassen, Saskia. "Predatory Formations Dressed in Wall Street Suits and Algorithmic Math." Science, Technology and Society 22, no. 1 (February 1, 2017): 6–20.
Full textHaxby, Andrew. "Can a financial bubble burst if no one hears the pop?" Focaal 2017, no. 78 (June 1, 2017): 77–89.
Full textMcDaniel, William R., Jeff Madura, and Kenneth J. Wiant. "Performance following ESOP formations by publicly-held corporations." Journal of Economics and Finance 19, no. 3 (September 1995): 147–69.
Full textAhmed, Israr, and Imamuddin Khoso. "The Impact of Micro-finance on Self-employment and Poverty Reduction: A case of Sindh Rural Support Organization and Tameer Micro Finance Bank, Sindh." Revista Amazonia Investiga 9, no. 32 (September 8, 2020): 18–27.
Full textNUSKABAYEV, О. "Turkic Ethnic Formations in the Eurasian Space." Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy 122, no. 4 (December 30, 2021): 156–70.
Full textHeimann, Marco, and Katia Lobre-Lebraty. "Intégrer la responsabilité sociétale dans les enseignements de spécialité des masters de Finance : la nécessité d’un équilibre." Management & Sciences Sociales N° 25, no. 2 (July 1, 2018): 63–75.
Full textBruthansová, Jana, Jiří Bruthans, and Petr Kraft. "Construction of the Metro Line D in Praha-Pankrác: An Introductory Report About a Unique Opportunity for Study of the Upper Ordovician Fossil Assemblages and Sediments in the Prague Basin (Czech Republic)." Folia Musei rerum naturalium Bohemiae occidentalis. Geologica et Paleobiologica 56, no. 1-2 (December 1, 2022): 69–80.
Full textPatel, Geeta. "Advertisements, Proprietary Heterosexuality, and Hundis: Postcolonial Finance, Nation-State Formations, and the New Idealized Family." Rethinking Marxism 24, no. 4 (October 2012): 516–35.
Full textJessop, Bob. "SOCIAL POLICY, STATE, AND ‘SOCIETY’." SER Social 15, no. 33 (March 8, 2014): 262–79.
Full textDor, Eric, and Bruno Van der Linden. "Allocations, sanctions et formations : leur impact sur la formation des salaires et le taux de sortie du chômage." Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique XL, no. 1 (2001): 117.
Full textLyles, Marjorie A. "The impact of organizational learning on joint venture formations." International Business Review 3, no. 4 (December 1994): 459–67.
Full textEarle, Timothy. "Warfare, Political Economy, and Social Formations: Considering Central Andean Prehistory." Arqueología y Sociedad, no. 39 (December 7, 2023): 195–222.
Full textGromov, Alexey. "Linguistic Means for Creating Images in the Cyberpunk Novel by S. Lukyanenko “The Labyrinth of Reflections”." Stephanos Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal 53, no. 3 (May 31, 2022): 147–53.
Full textWeeks, Samuel. "Langue de bois, or, discourse in defense of an offshore financial center." Journal of Language and Politics 20, no. 2 (February 16, 2021): 325–44.
Full textMatsuyama, Kiminori. "New Goods, Market Formations, and Pitfalls of System Design." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 9, no. 4 (December 1995): 376–402.
Full textNioche, Jean-Pierre, and Monique De Saint Martin. "Les trois tensions des formations françaises à la gestion." Entreprises et histoire 14, no. 1 (1997): 5.
Full textKulikova, Natalia Rashidovna, and Varvara Vladimirovna Danshina. "THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE OBJECTION OF FINANCIAL LITERACY GENEALOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF AN INNOVATIVE ECONOMY." Scientific Review: Theory and Practice 13, no. 1 (2023): 88–102.
Full textKoshanova, N., and Zh Yergubekova. "Features of Formations of Stable Phrases with the Words “Three”, “Four”, “Five” in Turkology." Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy 122, no. 4 (December 30, 2021): 7–19.
Full textCarnovale, Steven, and Sengun Yeniyurt. "The Role of Ego Networks in Manufacturing Joint Venture Formations." Journal of Supply Chain Management 50, no. 2 (March 28, 2014): 1–17.
Full textButko, Mykola P., Valeriy P. Kolosha, and Oleh I. Rasskazov. "Strategic imperatives of institutionalization of the development of rural areas through the support of new type of agricultural formations." Regional Economy, no. 4(110) (2023): 57–66.
Full textPoulis, Konstantinos, Mo Yamin, and Efthimios Poulis. "Domestic firms competing with multinational enterprises: The relevance of resource-accessing alliance formations." International Business Review 21, no. 4 (August 2012): 588–601.
Full textJ. Hudson, Mark. "Towards a prehistory of the Great Divergence:." Documenta Praehistorica 46 (December 6, 2019): 30–43.
Full textJ. Hudson, Mark. "Towards a prehistory of the Great Divergence:." Documenta Praehistorica 46 (December 6, 2019): 30–43.
Full textDOURRA, HUSSEIN, and PEPE SIY. "STOCK EVALUATION USING FUZZY LOGIC." International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 04, no. 04 (August 2001): 585–602.
Full textBrack, Estelle. "Amel Makhlouf L’émergence d’un droit international de la finance islamique : origines, formations et intégration en droit français. IRJF Editions, Paris, 2015." Confluences Méditerranée N° 96, no. 1 (April 6, 2016): I.
Full textJoy, Justin, and Prasant Kumar Panda. "Pattern of public debt and debt overhang among BRICS nations: an empirical analysis." Journal of Financial Economic Policy 12, no. 3 (September 19, 2019): 345–63.
Full textKlicheva, E. V., and V. I. Perov. "Practice of Municipal Control and Account Bodies Interaction in Conducting External Municipal Finance Control." Vestnik of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, no. 4 (July 29, 2018): 87–93.
Full textThang, Nguyen Cong, Tan Ngoc Vu, Trung Thanh Do, Vuong Minh Nguyen, and Duc Hong Vo. "Systematic Risk in the Asia Pacific Region: A Clinical Death?" Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 23, no. 02 (June 2020): 2050014.
Full textMa, Hengyun, Jikun Huang, and Les Oxley. "Capital Formation and Agricultural Growth in China." Asian Economic Papers 12, no. 1 (January 2013): 166–90.
Full textKarlinsky, Stewart S., and Hughlene A. Burton. "Dis-Incorporation of the American Business Model." ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research 14, no. 1 (July 1, 2015): 1–19.
Full textMcGimpsey, Ian. "Late neoliberalism: Delineating a policy regime." Critical Social Policy 37, no. 1 (July 8, 2016): 64–84.
Full textHamidov, M. B., and O. Yu Kurnykin. "National-Territorial Delimitation in Central Asia in the 1920s: the Emergence of Border Disputes." Izvestiya of Altai State University, no. 2(130) (June 15, 2023): 52–57.
Full textADELSTEIN, RICHARD. "Organizations and economics." Journal of Institutional Economics 6, no. 1 (January 25, 2010): 39–45.
Full textHewer, Paul, Martin Gannon, and Renzo Cordina. "Discordant fandom and global football brands: ‘Let the people sing’." Journal of Consumer Culture 17, no. 3 (October 18, 2015): 600–619.
Full textRADIONOV, Yurii. "Genesis of public finances and their development in Ukraine." Fìnansi Ukraïni 2023, no. 4 (August 4, 2023): 105–28.
Full textEdwards, Ryan W. J., and Michael A. Celia. "Infrastructure to enable deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage in the United States." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 38 (September 4, 2018): E8815—E8824.
Full textRuzhitsky, Igor. "The Concept of “tchelovek” in Dostoevsky’s Linguistic Worldview." Stephanos Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal 64, no. 2 (March 31, 2024): 58–76.
Full textOliynyk, O., V. Makogon, O. Skoromna, V. Mischenko, and S. Brik. "SHORT-TERM CREDITING EFFICIENCY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS." Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice 3, no. 38 (June 30, 2021): 304–14.
Full textMarcus, George E. "Law in the Development of Dynastic Families Among American Business Elites: The Domestication of Capital and the Capitalization of Family." Family Business Review 4, no. 1 (March 1991): 75–111.
Full textGarcía Mac Gaw, Carlos. "The Ancient Mode of Production, the City-State and Politics." Historical Materialism 28, no. 1 (November 21, 2019): 215–49.
Full textLubbock, Rowan. "Geopolitical Economy and the Chimera of Hegemony." Historical Materialism 27, no. 1 (March 29, 2019): 281–93.
Full textShainoha, A. "Public finance as a component of the financial system." 101, no. 101 (December 30, 2021): 148–55.
Full textVolyk, Serhii. "Innovation and investment potential of the agrarian sector subjects of the economy: essence and relationship of its components." Actual problems of innovative economy and law 2023, no. 4 (December 26, 2023): 44–48.
Full textBatou, Jean. "Structure and Dynamics of Islamic Social Formations (Seventh–Fourteenth Century)." Historical Materialism 30, no. 1 (April 12, 2022): 164–208.
Full textHakken, David. "Computing and the Crisis: The Significant Role of New Information Technologies in the Current Socio-economic Meltdown." tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 8, no. 2 (August 28, 2010): 205–20.
Full textHakken, David. "Computing and the Crisis: The Significant Role of New Information Technologies in the Current Socio-economic Meltdown." tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 8, no. 2 (August 28, 2010): 205–20.
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