Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Formation technologique'
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Haloues, Sonia. "Formation continue, innovation technologique et profitabilité." Paris 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA020070.
Full textBecerril, Ortega Raquel. "Contexte professionnel, contexte de la formation technologique supérieure, approche didactique : le cas des formations utilisant des simulateurs informatiques." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/398/1/Becerril-Ortega_Raquel1.pdf.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the reciprocal relationship between graduate studies in technology and the professional world. The chosen theoretical approach combines a didactic approach to technology and a didactic approach to profession. The results of the study underline the effects of one of higher education's particularities: the curriculum is established by academics, not professionals. The analysis focuses on the translation of a professional situation into that of academic instruction, via a computer-simulator. The results of the study describe the chain of events required to carry out such a translation: the analysis of the professional situation aimed at, the modelling of the pertinent technical concepts, the consequent creation of a relevant curriculum of study and the eventual application outside of the classroom. The didactic application outside of the classroom has to do with the study of how didactic systems work. Depending on the students' profiles, a certain variation can be traced in the technicity register; in the case of technological training, the educational project enters the classroom. How pertinent the instruction is in the classroom relies heavily on the study of didactical systems? Some of the variables concerned include the technical aptitude of the students
Garcia, Sartini Chantal. "Les instituteurs et la culture technologique : étude sociologique." Paris 5, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA05H015.
Full textWhereas the technological culture attains, in our societies, to a moreover larger hearing and, apart from that, its diffusion has been institutionalized especially, at primary school, we have undertaken a sociological research about relations that had school-teachers and this culture, on the one hand in leisures activities, on the other hand in pedagogical practices
Fromentin, Guillaume. "Etude mécanique et technologique du taraudage par déformation : application aux aciers prétraités." Phd thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2004. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00000941.
Full textLerosier, Thomas. "Itinéraires technopolitains : la formation d’un territoire scientifique et technologique (Grenoble – 1950-2015)." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAP002.
Full textThe creation of a scientific and technological territory results from a historical process. It takes its institutional origins in the 19th century, but many phenomena take part of it since the 1950s. This doctoral thesis examines several ‘trajectories’ in the history of one of the first scientific cities of the French Province. Between 1950 and 2015, the research structures itself. It becomes the heart of the higher education institutions. The Grenoble scientific instruments and the development of the electronic technology define the organization of the scientific research and shape the scientific environment altogether. New ways of occupying the space and integrating the urban structure are developed with the deployment of the university campus and of technology parks. Progressively, scientific and political actors are involved in the scientific territory by integrating it to their own strategies or by producing a normative discourse about it. Besides, the creation of this territory generates social protests that, however, barely succeed in influencing the development of science and technology. Ultimately, Grenoble really becomes a scientific and technological territory after the 1980s when science and innovation become central in social and geographic space of Grenoble
Becerril, Ortega Raquel. "Contexte professionnel, contexte de la formation technologique supérieure, approche didactique. Le cas des formations utilisant des simulateurs informatiques." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00419397.
Full textJolivet, Eric. "L'innovation technologique comme processus d'apprentissage industriel : analyse de la Formation et de la diffusion des connaissances dans le cas des hauts fourneaux à injection en France et au Japon." Phd thesis, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00120897.
Full textPartant de ces modèles cycliques, la question centrale que nous nous posons dans cette thèse consiste alors à interroger les phénomènes cognitifs soutenant la dynamique d'apprentissage industriel qui les fonde. Les observations portées sur les cycles technologiques et les phénomènes de convergence supposent en effet, outre le fait que les firmes génèrent de nouvelles connaissances sur une famille de technologies en émergence, ce qui leur permet la création et l'approfondissement d'une série de voies technologiques possibles, mais de plus, que ces apprentissages manifestent une forte coordination, une capitalisation collective de connaissances, expliquant la convergence technologique. Comment, dans une situation de création de technologie nouvelle, caractérisée par un état d'ignorance et d'incertitude généralisés, les firmes parviennent-elles à produire les nouveaux savoirs et les nouvelles compétences nécessaire à leur maîtrise ? Par quels mécanismes ces savoirs se transforment-ils en savoir commun, collectif, et se propagent-ils dans l'ensemble de l'économie faisant du même coup basculer la technologie du domaine de l'inconnu, au domaine du sens commun ? Quels sont, enfin, les mécanismes de coordination inter-firme permettant la capitalisation des connaissances et leur approfondissement, autorisant la mise en place d'étapes d'exploration puis d'exploitation collective des possibles technologiques ? Autant de points qui font largement écho à des questions centrales et classiques de la dynamique industrielle, liées aux stratégies de coopération et de spécialisation des firmes autour de bases de connaissances technologiques collectives.
Pour tenter d'apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questions complexes, nous avons choisi de développer, dans l'esprit de l'étude menée par Abernathy sur l'automobile américaine, une étude qualitative, avec à la fois, un spectre suffisamment large pour intégrer l'ensemble du cycle de développement d'une technologie nouvelle, et un niveau de détail permettant d'observer les phénomènes cognitifs micro-économique au fondement de la formation et de la diffusion des connaissances. Le cas étudié a porté sur la technologie des hauts fourneaux à injection de charbon, dont les premiers pas hésitants ont vu le jour dans les années 1960, et qui est devenue, au tournant des années 1990, une technologie dominante largement répandue sur la plupart des grands hauts fourneaux du monde. Ce cas s'est révélé être un bon support pour l'analyse de l'apprentissage industriel. En effet, si le développement technologique a bel et bien suivi une logique cyclique en deux étapes, celui-ci a été secoué de débats et de controverses facilitant le repérage de points de vue et de connaissances hétérogènes et en partie contradictoires détenues par les entreprises sidérurgiques. Avant d'atteindre un certain consensus permettant la stabilisation de la technologie et la mise en place d'investissements cumulatifs, les firmes sont passées par l'élaboration progressive d'une théorisation collective de la technologie leur permettant de nouer ensemble les savoirs fragmentés et parcellaires dont l'une ou l'autre était porteuse.
Les résultats de l'analyse montrent ainsi que dans des conditions où l'apprentissage doit s'effectuer sur la base d'une expérience limitée -ce que March a décrit comme 'learning from sample of one or fewer' (March et Alii, 1991)- les firmes tendent à développer des zones de connaissances fragmentées liées à leurs impératifs 'locaux' et à des exigences pratiques. Le rôle d'institutions intermédiaires privées, les associations techniques et professionnelles, apparaît alors fondamental dans la mise en ordre, l'organisation, et l'élaboration d'un savoir commun dont dépend, en bonne part, la mise en place de rendements croissants et l'approfondissement de la division du travail au niveau industriel.
Islas, Sampério Jorge Marcial. "De la turbine à vapeur à la turbine à gaz électrique : compétition technologique et formation d'un nouveau paradigme." Grenoble 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995GRE21009.
Full textBy adopting an evolutionnary approach of technological change, this study in the domaine of applied economics shows that the present dynamism of gas turbines and the decline of steam turbines result in setting yp of a new technological paradigm in the evolution of the electricity production system. The first part analyses the transformation of the technical principle of the gas turbine in production technology. Gas turbine is presented here as proceeding from the formation of a new potential of technological development in an economi c system. Thus, the exposition is made in the following order : the genesis and the technical principle of gas turbine its co-evolution with the conventional technology, the forrmation of a new base of scientific and technical knowledge, the problems associated with its industrial development, and, the foundation of a new technical system in power production. In the second part, technological trajectory concept is used in understanding the competition between the gas turbine and steam turbine in electricity production. The study shows how the combined effects of technico-economic stagnation of steam turbine, economic and environmental constraints, and organizational changes favor the diffusion of efficient gas turbines. Finally, the study verifies the restructuring effects in electricity production systemes, electro-mechanic industry and gas industries; induced by the expansion of the gas turbine
Roman, Castillo Ruth Esperanza. "La formation du capital social organisationnel au sein de la très petite entreprise technologique : signaux d'opportunité et de menace." Rouen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ROUED011.
Full textIn this research, the Organizational Social Capital (OSC) is understood like an organizational competence determined by the convergence of three relational assets; orientation towards collective goals, mutual trust, and shared values. This competence allows enterprises to coordinate themselves and cooperate for mutual benefit and the increasing of performance. Five case studies of Very Small Technology-based Enterprises (VSTE) were developed to answer our research question: How to operationalize the notion of OSC for its better understanding and management? The following results were obtained from the empiric phase of this research. First, a multilevel model of analysis of the formation of OSC, which shows graphically the adoption of three levels of analysis (individual, in teams and organizational). Second, a set of opportunity signals, which allowed us to identify the presence and to characterize the role of six determining variables and three relational assets in the formation of OSC. Third, a parallel set of threat signals, or alert signals, was constituted, and it could be used to warn directors or members of organizations about the presence of attitudes, behaviors or decisions which destroy the OSC or avoid its formation. Finally, our analyses are complemented by a reflection about the nuances of OSC formation produced by some variations in the characteristics of studied VSTE, as well as by an argumentation of particularities of VSTE concerning the formation of OSC
Granroth, Tuula. "Technology programmes and training as sources of competitive advantage within the European Community /." Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1993. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376128546.
Full textKim, Sea. "Étude des représentations du personnel enseignant à l'égard de ses pratiques d'ordre technologique et pédagogique actuelles et de celles qui pourraient favoriser la mise en oeuvre d'un dispositif de formation à distance à l'Institut de Technologie du Cambodge." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2008. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/940.
Full textN'godioh, Baoukak. "Adaptation de la formation à l'évolution technologique : étude de l'utilisation des CAP, BEP dans les PME du secteur de la mécanique." Toulouse 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989TOU20008.
Full textThe progress made in the socio-economic field can be characterized in the seventies by a tendancy to generalyse computing, automation and the robotisation in the pme where the numerycally controlled machine tool is the dominant aspect. The development of these automatisms concerns the limited pme originating from continual production. These new forms of work organization are tending to suppress fundamental principles of taylorism and fordism. The consequences of these changes in the work organization particularly affect those workers qualified as cap - bep. This category represents 35 to 38 per cent of the french working population, at the same time they are the most vulnerable stratum with respect to the rise of unem- ployment. The development of automation poses a twofold problem to the training- system. : a) the heads of industries hail from a little elevated technical culture b) the pme's lade competent personnel able to assure the production. The term training signifies that for the professional worker's jobs the problem mainly is a problem of the specific basic training (mechanical, electronic, auto- matism. . . ). For the process of transformation of qualifications the pme regain the internal mobility. This process represents both a contraint and a means. The bts profile seems to be the best-adapted to technical innovations in the pmes
Ngono, Ntonga Dorothee. "Les outils d'aide à la traduction dans la formation du traducteur au Cameroun : considérations théoriques et pratiques à partir de l'expérience canadienne." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/68751.
Full textSociety is experiencing a technological revolution that affects all its spheres. The field of Translation is not spared from this movement : given the new requirements of employers with regards to the profile of the candidate sought, the skills needed, the mastery of certain tools and even the time of delivery. Researchers agree that one way to meet these needs would be to provide good training for the next generation of budding translators. There is also no doubt that the technological skills considered an asset by recruiters in the past are now one of the standard criteria in job offers; meaning, having more than just a basic knowledge of these skills is now a necessity in our profession and digitalized society. With such an observation nurturing our thoughts, we could not help but seek to find out what actual position these translation tools occupy in translation programs. The case study to this research were the translation programs in Cameroon and its point of reference, those in Canada. It seeks to find out how well integrated these tools are in translator training programs in these countries, particularly in Cameroon. Qualitative in nature, the population interviewed were students of the undergraduate and master's level enrolled in these training programs and the teaching staff. The outcome of this research gives us an overview of the actual role played by computer-assisted translation tools in the training, as well as the attitude actors targeted here have towards them. Moreover, the results highlight some interesting, good practices likely to contribute to facilitate the integration of these tools in the training of translators in Cameroon, in spite the existing obstacles. All in all, the data collected allows us to end our thesis with good pedagogical recommendations that could help in guiding students as they develop translation technological skills during their training first in Cameroon, and second in the rest of the world. We also hope that our work will contribute to the growth of Translation Studies from a Cameroonian perspective.
Ŏzdemir, Erdoğan Emel. "Pratiques d'enseignants de mathématiques en environnement technologique : l'intégration du tableur dans l'enseignement des suites en Première littéraire." Paris 7, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA070031.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the teachers' practices in a technological environment. It aims at contributing to the dimension of ' teacher' research on the integration of technologies in the teaching of mathematics. The dimension, which bas developed recently, aims to take into account the difficulties that this integration meets. On the basis of the results of previous research, we have defined two axes for our field of study: the complexity of the situations of integration of technological tools for the teacher and the variability of the practices. According to these axes, our idea is that the teachers' classroom management is deeply marked by the constraints and opportunities of the technological tools. The phenomena which results from this, brings into play - in an overlapping way- the factors relating to the situation and the teacher, and the variation of these factors determine the variability of the practices. For our observations, we decided to observe the teachers in ordinary conditions teaching the "séquence" in the llth grade, literary stream. In this class, the official texts impose the use of technological tools, in particular, a spreadsheet and this is taken into account in the final secondary school examination - baccalauréat. The spreadsheet is initially presented like a tool for teaching at the high school. Then, significant place is accorded to the analysis of the teachers' practices observed and to their evaluation practices. A comparison of the practices, using a theoretical model (known as the Saxe' s model) is finally proposed in order to interpret these practices more finely and to give an account of their variability
Grassaud, Alain. "La formation des personnels dans un milieu industriel à "haut risque technologique" : enquête socianalytique sur les pratiques de tutorat et de compagnonnage dans la formation des rondiers des centrales nucléaires." Paris 8, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA081820.
Full textLisée, Véronique. "Représentations sociales de l'importance des sciences et technologies et de la culture scientifique et technologique dans l'enseignement et la formation à l'enseignement primaire au Québec chez des futures enseignantes." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2008. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/623.
Full textDuprat, Eric. "Approche technologique de la récupération du ballon lors de la phase défensive en football, contribution à l'élaboration de contenus de formation innovants." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00132765.
Full textFlandin, Simon. "Analyse de l’activité d’enseignants stagiaires du second degré en situation de vidéoformation autonome : contribution à un programme de recherche technologique en formation." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CLF20013/document.
Full textThis thesis reports on a research included in the empirical and technological program of "course-of-action", a program of cognitive anthropology jointly endorsing (i) an epistemic aim by producing concepts on human activity and (ii ) a transformative aim by designing aids enhancing the improvement of that activity. The thesis is part of a particular strand to video-enhanced teacher development. The research which it reports builds on previous work describing, analyzing and modeling the activity of beginning teachers in order to better understand the challenges they face and help them cope better. It especially follows on those that led to the design of NéoPass@ction (neo.ens-lyon.fr), an online video-enhanced device based on the modeling of the evolution of the typical activity of secondary school beginners in a situation identified as critical : entrying into the classroom and getting students to work. The main aim of the thesis is the systematic study of the activity of trainee teachers of secondary school in a situation of autonomous use of NéoPass@ction. Its secondary aim is the exploratory study of the influence of this autonomous video-enhanced training on teaching activity in the classroom. The thesis thus aims to (i) investigate the modality of autonomous videoenhanced training, an empirically original object; (ii) contribute to the knowledge of activity and of learning conditions for teachers in video-enhanced situations, that are mainly studied from intermediate objects and rarely in a fine-grained and holistic way; (iii) feeding a design-in-use process of NéoPass@ction; and (iv) make technological propositions for the design and implementation of video-enhanced devices and training sessions. Six trainee teachers participated in the study by two autonomous uses of NéoPass@ction, forty-five minutes each, and by hosting the researcher three times in their classroom. Four types of data were collected: observation data (i) of video-enhanced training activity (dynamic screen captures) and (ii) of teaching activity (video recordings); and interview data (iii) of re-situation using digital traces of the video-enhanced training activity and (iv) self-confrontation to classroom recordings. The results (i) identify typical structures of different levels in the organization of the activity in the situations of NéoPass@ction use; (ii) show matches between activity expected by the designers and actual activity performed by the teachers, but also offsets motivating design developments; (iii) model a typical learning process (iv) articulating exploration sequences (device-oriented) and inquiry sequences (work-oriented), (v) involving various levels of mimetic immersion corresponding to various types of inquiry, (vi) opening inquiry sequences consisting in the joint and spontaneous identification and evaluation of significant couplings [issue / action], (vii) resulting in the typification of the couplings perceived and evaluated as viable and “enviable”, and (viii) that can foster vocational growth and generate significant echoes in teaching situations. A first level of overall discussion of the results mobilizes primarily semiotic and narratological concepts and presents completed and possible design arrangements of NéoPass@ction; a second level repositions the results in the state of empirical and technological art and makes propositions for video-enhanced design
Bray, Florence. "Le grand projet technologique entre Etat, Europe et marché : formation, négociation et transformation d'une politique publique : l'exemple de la télévision haute définition (TVHD)." Lille 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999LIL20024.
Full textGolhen, Eric. "Contribution à une approche anthropologique de la citoyenneté en formation alternée : le cas de groupes d'élèves de l'enseignement technologique agricole de niveau IV." Pau, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PAUU1009.
Full textThe general subject of this thesis consists in the exploration of the relationships between a command to train future citizens, written in the systems of references of the curricula, and the knowledges of pupils registered in pedagogical and technological trainings in agriculture. This peculiar training form accentuates some contradictions. Though they are directly confronted to the reality of technology and to active forms of citizenship, the pupils involved in alternance training can't speak about it. The object of this thesis, after a study of the epistemological settlings of citizenship and technology, and an analysis of the talks of the pupils - will lead to the construction of an anthropological model of education, opening on different readings of alternance training. The present methodology gathers two studies : a quantitative one, based on questionnaires proposed twice to the same amount of pupils ; then a qualitative one, based on five meetings with groups of pupils registered in alternance trainings. The theorical background of the thesis is based, first, on studies about technology as part of the curricula and about citizenship at school. The final approach, towards mythology and hermeneutics, uses the researches of P. Ricoeur, J. Gagnepain, G. Durand, J. -P. Vernant and F. Lerbet-Séréni
Bekale, Nze Jean Sylvain. "Relations entre le développement de l'enseignement professionnel et technologique au Gabon et la formation professionnelle des enseignants : influence des représentations des étudiants sur les métiers et les savoirs en jeu nécessaires à leur exercice." Aix-Marseille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX10069.
Full textPerpignan, Catherine. "Définition d’un cadre de compétences pour intégrer l’ingénierie durable dans les formations technologiques : application à l’écoconception." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021COMP2653.
Full textThe new generation of engineers must be trained to measure the economic, environmental and societal impacts of their decisions, from an international perspective and on a local and global scale. Supporting the transition to sustainable engineering, training and being trained in this engineering field have therefore become major challenges for society, industry, training institutions at all levels, teachers and students from recent years. In a system that is both global and local, collective and individual, designing, producing, selling, using and recycling increasingly complex products are also complex problems for engineers to solve. They must adopt an integrative and systemic approach to be prepared to meet such challenges, which transcend the boundaries of any single discipline or culture. It is therefore necessary to question the capacity of the current education system, and in particular the organization and content of higher education courses in engineering, whether initial or lifelong, to provide an appropriate response to these challenges. Our work consisted initially in making an inventory of the integration of sustainable development in French training to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current programs. Based on this observation and by studying the scientific literature, we have identified skills and knowledge in sustainable engineering necessary to develop and have made proposals to participate in the evolution of the current system. We have organized them into a sustainable engineering competencies block and have proposed a structuring reference framework - the ROSET model. This model should help institutions, teaching teams and teachers to design their own training path. A model of the implementation process completes and operationalizes it. The last part of this work presents some examples of educational activities to help teachers who want to engage in a new educational proposition based on this framework of competences
Michel, Laurent. "Étude de la construction du sujet enseignant lors de la situation tutorale dans le cadre de sa formation initiale : une étude de cas à partir d’un modèle d’enseignement de type coteaching." Thesis, La Réunion, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LARE0024/document.
Full textBased on the analysis of international reviews and articles of a relative efficiency of the traditional system of initial training for preservice teachers (PST), which is based on the postulate of integrative alternance, this study aims to question the modalities of joint, collaborative and situated training working. More precisely, this study develops case studies in the context of the training system anchored in coteaching in Physical Education. It studies the conditions of the professional activity of PST, and beyond the teaching subject construction. As part of a technological research program in adult education whose theoretical foundations are the culturalist anthropology (Bertone, 2011 ; Chaliès, 2012), and inspired by the analytical philosophy of Wittgenstein (2004), this study was carried out by four systems. For each of them, the mentor and the PST carried out a joint activity during (i) the planning of the lesson, (i) the lesson, and (iii) the reflection after this lesson. These phases were supplemented by training dialogue which deliberately integrated the researchers’ presence, and an interview guide allowing actors to learn in detail their work. Self-confrontation data were also collected, which helped to formalize the practical reasoning of the actors during the training and to identify the teleology of the training and teaching actions carried out. The results show that the technological system allowed the teaching from the mentor of normative experiments located (NEL) by giving orders and/or showing by example. These teaching methods were associated with explanations deliberately given by the mentor which contributed to the development of the teaching subject. A double process of subject construction (Chaliès, 2012) has been documented, both on a dialogical and reflexive level in post-lesson training, as well as the implementation of actions set in the class. The results allowed (i) to discuss the traditional postulate of integrative alternance in the initial training of teachers, and (ii) to open perspectives to develop initial teacher training systems
Monin, Étienne. "Formation agraire, nouveaux modèles agricoles et encadrements métropolitains à Shanghai." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015. https://ecm.univ-paris1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/64de969e-ead7-42bf-bf12-6ee59037b87a.
Full textRural areas within 30-70 kilometers of Shanghai city belong to its municipal territory. They form the eastern border of the deltaïc plain at the mouth of the Yangtze River. China's economic capital, populated wih 23 million inhabitants, the city has become in three decades a global metropolis and a showcase of Chinese modernization. This doctoral thesis in agricultural geography analyzes the processes behind agriculture spatial and functional restructuring, in the time Shanghai countryside has transformed into metropolitan peripheries. Mutations in landscapes and agrarian settlement attest of a complex set of economical, technological and social changes, ordered through growing interactions with metropolitan consumption market. Systemic analysis shows the guiding role played by political and scientifical institutions and economical stakeholders, in shaping agriculture metropolitan functional integration
Nowé, Michel. "Contribution à l'étude qualitative de l'alternance éducative : Entre alternance prescrite et alternance vécue : la construction d'un tiers temps : Le cas d'apprenants jeunes et adultes dans trois dispositifs de formation de l'enseignement supérieur technologique." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL12014/document.
Full textTraining and supervising apprentice students, our responsibility also involves designing re-designing and improving alternating training schemes. Being involved in this reflective thought process for many years this has led us to the position of apprentice researcher. Throughout these years, we have had the opportunity to observe the effects of the different systems implemented and then a question has arisen : 'lrom the set framework of these training schemes, what alternating system have they themselves developed and how do they feel about il ?" Our aim is to try to understand and model what learners experience from the inside, what "personal" alternating system and strategies they develop and what difficulties they meet. ln other words we are trying to understand the interactions between the learner and the situation in which he has been placed because of the training scheme. Our involvement and our experience have made us choose a comprehensive approach within the framework of qualitative research. We have deliberately chosen to focus our research on the three training systems in which we are involved at different levels. We have interviewed eleven learners and through these interviews, we have tried to understand what they have lived and developed, what they have learnt by experience, to what extent they have got involved, how they have developed their autonomy and self-organization, what difficulties they have met and what strategies they have adopted. We have had to use a certain number of concepts and notions in order to facilitate our understanding. ln our general conclusion, we will try to suggest a few ideas aiming at encouraging thought always in a qualitative way
Silalahi, Herti. "La stratégie de développement d'une entreprise de consultant dans le domaine de la veille technologique : l'offre de formation et d'accès aux informations dans le domaine des petites et moyennes industries pharmaceutiques indonésiennes." Marne-la-Vallée, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MARN0381.
Full textKoslowski, Adrien. "L’Enseignement Technologique Transversal chez les enseignants de Sciences de l’Ingénieur issus de différentes spécialités : étude de cas à propos du concept d’énergie." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CLFAL009/document.
Full textThis research focuses on the setting of different flexibility’s criteria established by engineering science teachers (task’s acceptation, motivation, utility perceived …) and on the comparison of methods of modeling energy between Technology and Physics. The methodology used is based on the analysis of five types of data: the collection of difficulties to teach some knowledge, the collection of difficulties specific to energy teaching, some records of interactions between teachers during a classroom simulation, the collection of students' difficulties in terms of energy concepts and the collection of potential difficulties in technological education. The results show that the teachers don’t report the same levels of difficulty for teaching energy according to their specialty as the students who report varying levels of difficulty to understand energy
Lanckriet, Edouard. "Le Système d’Innovation Technologique des agroénergies de la canne à sucre, un outil de développement durable au Brésil, quels enseignements pour la formation des politiques de développement liées au capital naturel en Afrique de l’Ouest ?" Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017EHES0013/document.
Full textIn Brazil, sugar cane is used as a raw material for the production of sugar, fuel, and electricity. This industrial model has enabled the country to build a competitive advantage on the biomass productivity of its soils. It has been promoted in Africa but the majority of African bioenergy projects have been a failure. This raises the question of the interest of the model in Brazil, of the role of bioenergy in a development strategy.The Brazilian model is a Technological Innovation System, the sugar cane TIS, which we analyze in the long term. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been structured to import, adapt and spread technologies in order to diversify sugar cane markets. The biofuel sector required the creation of an alternative technological system, financed by the State through the Proalcool Program (1975 to 1985); Created to absorb the surpluses of the sugar sector and for the energy security of the country. Public support was key in the evolution of the TIS, forged in the wake of the country's social and economic crises. The sugar cane TIS has enabled Brazil to train its human capital in the valorization of natural capital, which enables it today to experiment a new change : the agroecological conversion of the cane cultivation model, that would allow regenerating the Natural Capital soil. Based on our analysis of the Brazilian model we formulate an analysis of the factors of failure of the African jatropha biofuel projects and make a proposal for the structuring of a biofuel TIS adapted to West Africa stakes of development, which we suggest to back up to the oilseed chain
No Brasil, a cana-de-açúcar é utilizado como matéria-prima na fabricação de açúcar, combustível e eletricidade. Este modelo de negócio tem permitido ao país para transformar a produtividade de biomassa de seu solo em uma vantagem competitiva. Ele foi promovido na África, mas a maioria dos projetos de agroenergia africanos houve uma falha. Isso levanta a questão do interesse do modelo no Brasil, bem como o papel da bioenergia em uma estratégia de desenvolvimento. O modelo brasileiro é um Sistema de Inovação Tecnológica, o SIT da cana, que analisamos a longo prazo. Ele é estruturado desde o final do século XIX para importação, adaptação e difusão de tecnologias afim de diversificar os mercados de cana. O setor do etanol combustível tem necessidade de um sistema tecnologia alternativa, financiado pelo governo através do Programa Proálcool (1975-1985); ele foi criado para absorver os excedentes do sector do açúcar e para a segurança energética do país. O apoio público tem sido fundamental para a evolução do SIT, foi forjada pelas crises sociais e económicas do país. Hoje o SIT da cana-de-açúcar experimenta um modelo de produção agroecológica para o cultivo da cana, ele deveria ser capaz de regenerar o capital natural. Nossa análise do modelo brasileiro nos permite fazer uma análise dos fatores de não-sucesso dos projetos africanos de produção de biocombustível de jatropha. Nós formular uma proposta de estruturação de um SIT da agroenergia Oeste Africano adaptado às questões de desenvolvimento locais, propomos a ser associado ao setor oleaginosa
Uhlrich, Gilles. "Rôle des artefacts matériels et cognitifs dans le développement des compétences de l'intervenant éducatif en rugby : une approche technologique à visée de didactique professionnelle, de l'analyse du mouvement général dans le jeu de rugby à la formation à l'observation des enseignants et des entraîneurs." Bordeaux 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BOR21236.
Full textThis technological research is aimed at the didactif professional, examined the effects of the interaction between a material artifact -the grid of observation- and a cognitive artifact- the oppositionnal relationship- in the general movement in Rugby, on future trainers and the teachers. In a controlled experiment, we assisted the collected data for the coaching during a simulated match for the effects of the situation on these two populations. Depending on the positions of each on the two populations, the effect of the mobilization of the instrument is different. The use of the material artifact puts transformations into development and weakers the designs of the populations. By this interaction, the study leads us to propose changes to our datacollection. The dataprocessing power facilitates the construction of a technological tool which informs about the spatio temporal and the qualitative aspects of play for the coaching on line. These evolutions show dynamic interactions between artifacts and registers of technicality, they allow a more functional appreciation of the tactical aspects concerned
Khelfaoui, Hocine. "La formation des ingenieurs en algerie : le cas des instituts technologiques de boumerdes." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1997VERS1004.
Full textBased on the case of technological institutes, this study presents the training experience of production engineers in algeria. The socio-political context in which these instituts emerged and developed is analysed while looking at their relations with the industrial system and the highter education system. The implementation of thid training run into contradictory with the objectives of its originators. These logics appear in educational and organisational norms as well as in social referents guiding the main social groups. The field of training is thus a place where the strategies devised by a multiplicity of actors are confronting each other (teachers, head of institutes, industrialists and politicians around the definition of the identity of the new training system. Technological training is confronted to a double identity: one connected to the c community of scientists, and thus to scientific values, and another one connected to the enterprise and its logic of productivity. The ambivalence put technological training in an ambiguous position torn betwen two reference systems in competition with each other
Haramboure, Françoise. "Formation initiale, formation continue en anglais : projet de formation : le cas des étudiants dans les filières technologiques de l'enseignement supérieur." Bordeaux 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994BOR30002.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to determine the factors promoting performance in english for students studying science and technology at university level and within the framework of continuing education. In the first part, the investigation of the function of second-language competence and of the characteristics of scientific and technical discourse used in a professional environment contributes to the analysis of the main components of this competence : communicative competence and self-evaluation. Then, the specific language learning needs of the students are axplored following a learner-centred approach in the light of second-language learning theories and our teaching experience. The objectives and the content of the language course presented in the third part bear on the analyses carried out in the first two parts. Finally the effects of this project on the students' performance are evaluated
Roux, François. "Actualisation des savoirs technologiques pour la formation des entraîneurs de ski alpin de compétition." Paris 11, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA112319.
Full textIlahi, Ali. "Formation en ligne et innovation pédagogique : une expérience d'IED dans l'enseignement supérieur français." Paris 8, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA082975.
Full textThe introduction of the new technologies in the device of training, for landing the geographical distance, can quite particularly have some influence on the educational practices which modifies strikingly all the elements of the system. Our research joins in the problem and the effect of the integration of the TIC on the innovation of the educational practice in university. To track down all the main factors which create brakes in the innovation and in the changes of the educational methods in the distance training. Our research results discover that the brakes of the innovation and in the changes are connected to the institutional, technological and educational contexts which constitute a whole set of conditions of development of the distance training with TIC. So, we noticed that there is an interdependent relation between these three dimensions of our model. Without the change of all the institutional, technological and educational plans, the educational innovation cannot succeed as we estimate it. Our empirical work shows the importance of the role of the guardian in a device of on-line formation, to answer the problems of abandonment through the dialogue, the accompaniment and the follow-up of learners. We clarify to show that in a device of on-line formation (e-learning), the relation of education is modified, the teacher, the trainer and learner participate interactively in the mutual practice of access to the knowledge. The roles of the teachers and the trainers, their modes of intervention which are transformed, entail a redefining of their territories, their identities, their statuses and their powers. What obliges the teaching world, notably university to undergo a profound alteration (transfer). We conclude finally, on the efficiency and the evaluation of this new device, so tracks to integrate better TIC into the distance training
Bailly, Florence. "Les pratiques professionnelles des écrits électroniques entre technologie cognitive et technologie de communication." Rouen, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ROUEL409.
Full textAfter having been pressed into clay, inscribed on papyrus and printed on paper writing, which dates back to about 3000 B. C. Has now found a new medium thanks to computer technology. The study of usages by staffs in tertiary industries leads to a dual approach. On one hand what is generally known as cognitive technology deals with the impact of electronic writing on the mechanics of learning and thinking, interacting with the development of professional knowledge. On the other hand communication technology deals with temporal and spatial issues, directly interacting with work environment
Farastier, Dominique-Armelle. "Gestion des ressources humaines et adaptation de l'entreprise : le cas d'un secteur à haute technologie." Grenoble 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991GRE21024.
Full textToday, faced with an increasingly turbulent environment, the development of a continuous adaptation capacity, as the expression of a firm's potential, will guarantee the firm's success for lasting competitiveness. In this context, what is the role of the human factor ? sometimes seen as a restriction to change, could a person become a pivotal factor in the firm's strategy adaptation through his skill and behaviour? if so, how could the firm optimize the human contribution in the development of its adaptation capacity? what would be its real means of action in terms of human resource management policies to be implemented? once the human role in a firm's adaptation has been defined (we use a systemic analysis of adaptative firm); a survey has been made in the electronics and data-processing sector. This survey has brought to the fore differentiated company behaviours. Environmental and firm contingency factors have emerged
Akkouche, Imen. "Téléenseignement : Formation professionnelle à distance et formation coopérante." Lyon, INSA, 1996. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/1996ISAL0145/these.pdf.
Full textHow to integrate and with which uses the New Educational Technology (N. E. T. ) to the huge problem of distance computer aided learning (using active pedagogical methods) in manufacturing? It means cooperating existing courseware, to generalise to the learning managers and to the group apprenticeship (role playing and manufacturing simulation games). In each case, these situations must consider the human dimension (individual and social) and the technological dimensions (Computer Science, Multimedia, Networks, for modelling different kinds of exchanges and defining characteristics of computer aided design systems. The aim of our work consists in developing cooperative distance computer aided learning architectures that respond to industrial needs. The concern of these systems is to study in a cooperative computer aided learning context, how to select scenarios characteristics, to do role casting, and how to share useful information. This approach is applied to the world broadcast Lafarge-Coppée courseware and to the CIPE game training
Dubeux, Ana Maria Cunha. "Education, travail et économie solidaire : le cas des Incubateurs Technologiques de Coopératives Populaires au Brésil." Paris 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA010516.
Full textRouthier, Gilles. "Approche de formation continue en science et technologie du premier cycle du secondaire." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2006. http://theses.uqac.ca.
Full textPétron, Alfred. "Transfert de technologie, formation permanente et développement des personnes dans le monde agricole." Tours, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991TOUR2015.
Full textThe continuous production of scientific progress generates a permanent need for adaptation of the human in his environment, jointly with the diminushing number of the socio-actors, has been developed the settling up of intermediary bodies who have the ability to guide. A few breaking away from this hierarchical treelike organization try to give the power back to the people to be responsible for their own actions. Beeing marginalized is often the price you have to pay for these trends in autonomy. A self-other continous training seems to be the necessary interface between professional science and users. The exclusive adaptation compensating assignment of permanent training is then added to an increasing equilibrium for men living off the land
Sellak, Bounoua. "Vers la professionnalisation des membres de l'enseignement supérieur en Algérie : pour une didactique des disciplines scientifiques et technologiques." Lyon 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995LYO20035.
Full textThe "magister" is an Algerian diploma, appointed by decree in 1976, it was aimed at replacing the doctorate. It comprises, for all disciplines, a pedagogical module that better prepares the magister candidate for his her future teaching ability in higherlevel education. In spite of this decree, no pedagogical training has been implemented, particularly in scientific paths, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and in technological fields such as mecanic engineering, electronics etc. , wich are the spearhead of the "national development objectives" : acquisition of specialized knowledge restrict foreign co-operation and transfer of technology. It is in these domains that the loss is most visible and easily detected. Our pedagogical and didactic training initiative starting with this decree began in 1986, first limited to one university, it has been extended to the entire country. It aimed to induce high level teachers to reflect on their professional practices, and to conceive with creativity their training activities, instead of difficult contexts characterized by the lack of means or methods. Measures taken to improve "training for teachers", have made "pedagogy" a priority research area. The international contexts of university training in pedagogy, favors this project. In our project, we attempt to elaborate an adequate didactic program (syllabus) for scientifics and technological disciplines. This program should be adapted to the country's specific context ; at the same time a debate surrounding
Van, Steenkiste Gilles. "Enseigner ou former : représentations d’enseignant(e)s en Instituts Universitaires de Technologie." Thesis, Paris 10, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA100090.
Full textThis thesis concerns the representations of the teachers of University Institutes of Technology of their teaching and training practices. Thanks to a historical approach, the development of a double system of general and professional education in French higher education system is described and the place of technological training is specified.The massification of the universities from 1960s, the transformation of the French society from rural into urban, from agricultural into industrial and technological, the lack of high-level technicians lead to the creation of the IUTs, university institutions, in 1966. The IUTs offer varied trainings, which meet the needs of the students and the companies. They are characterized by industrial and tertiary courses, but especially by the variety of teachers’ statuses: teacher-researchers, detached from the secondary education teachers and professional trainers.This singular situation questions the place of “teaching” and “training” in this professional preparation. The qualitative investigation uses interviews (the analysis refers to social psychology and sociology of organizations) in order to understand the teachers’ representations of their missions of teaching. They depends on their statuses, their disciplines, their courses and the environment of their IUT
Rizza, Caroline. "Industrialisation de la formation et nouvelles médiations des connaissances : le rôle des acteurs universitaires." Aix-Marseille 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX2A001.
Full textBacchin, Patrice. "Formation et résistance au transfert d'un dépôt de colloi͏̈des sur une membrane d'ultrafiltration." Toulouse 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOU30172.
Full textEmprin, Fabien. "Formation initiale et continue pour l'enseignement des mathématiques avec les TICE : cadre d'analyse des formations et ingénierie didactique." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00199005.
Full textRieben, Pierre. "Processus de conception d'instruments et de dispositifs de formation : Le cas de la formation ouverte et à distance." Bordeaux 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR21527.
Full textWe can consider that, since a year, the open and distance learning has gone beyond the stage of projects and tests pilote. To understand and discribe the design process of devices and tools for learning and teaching, to problematize the relations of learning, teaching and the relationship to knowledge in the case of open and distance learning, a triple examination has been commited (research in literature, study of three corpus, field study about the design of an e-portfolio. It's allowed to identify some queries. 1) the design process goes on into the use process which leads to ask again initial design ; 2) The representations that have structured the design of the e-portfolio also structured the group of design'actors - according to the hypothesis of Sallaberry ; 3) From Salais and Storper (coordinated action means that the actors have a common framework for action, but outside them likely to be re-built during the action), we have shown that the design of an e-portfolio as aprocess of coordinated action, based on agreements on coordinating the work of design ; 4) Considering artefacts developed in a process of design as objects intermediaries - according to the type of Jeantet and Vink -, we have identified, from the field study about the e-portfolio design process, as symbolic interfaces for structuring representations ans agreements actors on this design process ; 5) Looking after if it was relevant to consider the "report to know instrumented" notion, we have show that the use of an instrumentation in learning's field has an influence on the relationship to knowledge
Kessal, Mahdia. "Ccontribution à l'étude des problèmes des nouvelles technologies et à leurs applications dans la formation technique." Paris 13, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA131016.
Full textThe experiences of certain technical training programs show that there is presently a gap between the educational programs to provide and the demands of the industrial sectors. Three main facts appear : -educational contents should be reorganized according to the real industrial demands, -answers must be found in order to meet the new requirements of the people to train, -new relationship should be set up between the educational establishments and the concerned institutions
Le, Loarne-Lemaire Séverine. "Les variables structurelles dans la formation des stratégies de convergence dans les télécommunication : une recherche action chez France Telecom." Lyon 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LYO33032.
Full textAt the beginning of this millennium, the technical convergence is about to born. Nevertheless, how this opportunity can be transformed into innovative services by a multidivisional group, competing within the telecommunication industry. More precisely, how can we develop strategies of innovation, whose implementation requires the cooperation between the divisions of the group? This research, conducted within France Telecom, leads to two main results: Cooperation between divisions to generate new offers is multiform: It involves different kinds of divisions (product divisions, R&D division and distribution divisions), different resources. It raises different assets and is limited by different brakes. The multidivisional structure of the group limits the implementation of some strategies of innovation. This limit can be broken thanks to the coordination between the top management, middle managers from the R&D division and the distribution divisions and staff members from the distribution divisions. The role of these three different actors differs from the nature of the strategy of innovation: autonomous or deliberate. This thesis concludes that the development of strategies of innovation within multidivisional groups, whose structure is similar to France Telecom's one, can be achieved if the relation between R&D and distribution divisions and products divisions changes
Mougin, Catherine. "Les innovations pédagogiques dans la formation professionnelle en France de 1985 à 2015 : perspectives historiques, pédagogiques et technologiques." Thesis, Paris 10, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PA100058.
Full textAt a time when the term "pedagogical innovation" is broadcasted in all media, it seems important to understand both its foundations and challenges, but above all its mechanisms (phenomena). Beyond the marketing aspect suggested by this expression, we live in aknowledge society where the knowledge economy and the digital economy have become a people's greatest assets. Our objective is therefore to determine how the economic context and technological developments of the last 30 years have (or not) allowed the emergence of pedagogical innovations in France, and to what extent; this in order to identify the observable impacts in vocational training.Our approach aims to clarify the term innovation in training for all stake holders under the prism of reaching critical mass. Thus, this work concerns both an epistemological function (the conception and practice of knowledge) and a historical analysis of the representation of pedagogical innovation of vocational and continuing training actors. The choice of a dual data collection methodology allows us to carry out this historical analysisby comparing the literature via the journal Education permanente (Continuing Education) and the evolution of the discourses of the various actors in vocational training.Through this work, we provide insights on the factors of innovation in training and their impacts. In addition, we propose the categorization of pedagogical lexical units involved in the history and evolution of training
Ngijol, Joseph. "L'apprentissage de l'entrepreneur dans la formation de l'opportunité d'affaires." Paris 9, 2007. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2007PA090014.
Full textThe learning process for entrepreneurs is an emerging field of research and little empirical research has been carried out. Research has two aims: - describe the learning process of entrepreneurs in real terms on the basis of the theory of experiential learning developed by Kolb (1984), to improve our understanding; - propose a typology of learning routes for entrepreneurs, i. E. The manner in which the former beliefs of entrepreneurs are transformed over time by thinking and action in a given socio-economic and institutional context. The methodological approach is qualitative. The research strategy is mainly based on the case study method recommended by Yin, and on the qualitative data analysis tools suggested by Miles and Huberman. The thesis rests on the one hand on an exploratory study carried out on the basis of the accompaniment of one entrepreneur, and on the other hand on a comparison of the evolutions of six innovative processes for the creation of a company. The results obtained in the thesis can be summarized in two main points: - the incorporation of the learning theories presented in literature in a conceptual framework; - the abduction-based construction, i. E. Via constant return trips between fieldwork and theoretical assumptions, of three standard learning routes for entrepreneurs. To conclude, this analysis enables the explanation of the factors likely to encourage the learning process of entrepreneurs
Candalot, Dit Casaurang Christel. "Formation aux compétences informationnelles en premier cycle universitaire : études et féflexions." Bordeaux 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR30050.
Full textLibrary user educations have been developed in university libraries to optimise the way users search for information. Besides, we are moving today from a user paradigm towards a social paradigm which is supposed to take more into account the social environment of users. Within this context, we have wondered about the legitimacy of a library user education which would focus only on document retrieval while neglecting the sociocultural background in which information retrieval fits. The purpose of our research consisted in assessing in what way a library user education can be actually efficient in the first years at university, while relying on the concept of social representations. To do so, we carried out two studies relating to the different protagonists involved in this education : as we realized the variety of the profiles of people responsible for library user education (library staff, full time teachers, part-time lecturers on contracts, tutors), a qualitative survey was conducted so as to determine how influential this particularity could be on the efficiency of such a library user education ; a quantitative survey of the students concerned was made to determine to what extent this education is adapted to their profiles. The results have shown that information literacy education at university would be even more efficient if the people responsible for such an education wanted to collaborate and liaise efficiently, and agree with a collective professional identity. Such a collective identity would enable them to pass on to students a number of informative contents in relation to university subjects and directly linked to information science