Academic literature on the topic 'Formation et apprentissage autochtone'
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Journal articles on the topic "Formation et apprentissage autochtone"
Graber, Myriam. "Épreuves spécifiques rencontrées lors d’immigration et de formation en soins infirmiers en Haute école spécialisée en Suisse : le cas d’étudiants subsahariens." Revue des sciences de l’éducation 41, no. 2 (November 17, 2015): 301–23.
Full textObol, Leslie. "Artivist Métissage: Re-Storying Indigenous-Canadian Relations through Winter Count Making." Alberta Journal of Educational Research 70, no. 2 (July 30, 2024): 142–64.
Full textDupuis, O. "Formation et apprentissage des extractions." Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction 37, no. 8 (December 2008): S288—S296.
Full textJézégou, Annie. "Apprentissage autodirigé et formation à distance." Distances et savoirs 6, no. 3 (September 30, 2008): 343–64.
Full textBourgeois, Étienne. "Apprentissage, motivation et engagement en formation." Éducation Permanente N° 236, no. 3 (September 18, 2023): 37–46.
Full textPillot-Loiseau, Claire, and Mohamed Embarki. "Voix, didactique, formation, apprentissage et acquisition." Langages N° 230, no. 2 (June 15, 2023): 9–19.
Full textAllain, Sébastien. "Dispositifs numériques de formation et apprentissage informel." Raisons éducatives 21, no. 1 (2017): 97.
Full textTousignant, Michel, Arlene Laliberté, Gilles Bibeau, and Denise Noël. "Comprendre et agir sur le suicide chez les Premières Nations." Intervention 21, no. 1 (September 1, 2009): 113–19.
Full textDuque Platero, Lígia, and Alice Fiuza. "L’hégémonie et les programmes d’éducation autochtone au Mexique et au Brésil (1940-1970)." Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 44, no. 2-3 (June 1, 2015): 29–37.
Full textMeyer, Florian, Geneviève Lameul, and Simon Bolduc. "Téléprésence, visioconférence ou webconférence : enseignement et apprentissage synchrone et distant." Médiations et médiatisations, no. 3 (April 22, 2020): 3–6.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Formation et apprentissage autochtone"
Ondobo, Jean. "Enseignement et fοrmatiοn en éducatiοn au dévelοppement durable des peuples autοchtοnes exclus de la scοlarisatiοn classique prοmulguée dans le cadre fοrmel : cas des peuples riverains au cοmplexe binatiοnal Sena-Οura au Τchad et Bοuba Νdjidda au Camerοun." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textEducation is a right universally proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966). But even if these legal and standard-setting texts and the international community's repeated commitments give impetus to a new social, political and philosophical perception of the educational process, the question remains unanswered. How can we achieve the goal of cognitive inclusion as soon as possible and offer all communities everywhere the same opportunities for access to knowledge? How can education be designed to ensure that learning societies are open to all, and not just to those countries, families and individuals who can afford the relevant and valued knowledge? In other words, how can we prevent education from accentuating the divide between increasingly well-educated populations and populations with limited access to quality education, thereby widening the cognitive divide that is the main pitfall of a global knowledge economy? Our problem is to identify and analyse the factors of exclusion and the potential of formal education systems to renew themselves in order to address the issue of exclusion from training of indigenous communities without school education. The study was carried out in the geographical area of the Yamoussa BSB in Cameroon and Chad. It involved a series of thirty-eight (38) ethnographic interviews with indigenous communities and eight (8) interviews with those in charge of the formal education system (six in Cameroon and two in Chad). Our research is based mainly on the analysis of educational policies and strategies, the discourse of agents, the committed discourse of actors from indigenous communities and on the observation of local practices. Our thesis is that the socioconstructivist approach to education can contribute to the emergence of ‘education for...’ and provides an opportunity for cognitive inclusion, which education for sustainable development enables us to describe and understand. Immersive work using a phenomenological approach based on experience, and multi-referentiality are the principles of action that will examine the exclusion of indigenous communities in the BSB Yamoussa Complex
Ali, Dib Kinda. "Formation et apprentissage : moyens d'acquisition d'un avantage concurrentiel." Grenoble 2, 2005.
Full textBrassat, Emmanuel. "Education, apprentissage et connaissance : la formation des idées pédagogiques." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012.
Full textSince the beginning of human sciences at the end of the eighteenth century, scientific pedagogy and psychology were founded conjointly around questions of the development and learning activity in childhood. The ideas of activity, development and learning have allowed to establish the empiricist hypothesis of a psychogenesis of mental faculties that would be proven naturally by the successive phases of childhood. The movements of New Education, stemming from the philosophical and pedagogical theses expounded in Rousseau’s Emile in 1762 have provided the ideal of a negative education founded on the activity of the child as spontaneous expression of his vital and spiritual forces with its practical dimension. It is in the intertwinent of a metaphysics of activity, a liberal and humanist conception of education, an emancipatory rationality, and pedagogical psycho-physiological perpectives marked increasingly by evolutionism and utilitarianism, that the principal paradigms of contemporary pedagogies were born : sensualist, vitalist, pragmatic, functionalist, and finaly constructivist. In the vein of M. Foucault this thesis proposes an archeological and genealogical analysis of the philosophical and epistemological apparatus or ”dispositives” that, converging and diverging, made the formation of these pedagogies possible. It seems that Rousseau did not only write the program of their deployment, but also anticipated the contradictions that the latter would encounter during the subsequent institutional crisis of modernity
Huet, Michaël. "Apprentissage et atterrissage : comment éduquer la perception des pilotes ?" Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010.
Full textThe main objective of this work was to study perceptual-motor mechanisms underlying the learning of a complex task. The task chosen concerns the particular phase of plane landing called the approach phase. This maneuver is a critical phase of fliight and requires many hours of training. Our aim was to study ways to facilitate the learning of the approach phase from an ecological approach to perception andaction. The first part of this work details the technical aspects involved in understanding the landing procedure and describes the current state of knowledge on the ecological approach of learning. The second part of this thesis is the foundation ofour experimental work which was based on the use of virtual reality. In order toimprove the learning of the approach phase, the manipulation consisted of adding artificial information in the virtual environment (Experiment 1 and 2) which facilitated the detection of useful information to control action. The results of these studies show that learning can be improved if artificial information display is self-controlledby the participant. In addition, transfer tests performed at the end of Experiment 2revealed that the participants came to rely on different visual information. The aimof our last experiment (Experiment 3) was to vary the practice conditions in orderto educate the attention of the participants towards specific information, selectedby the experimenter. In sum, these results allow us to discuss the different processes underlying the acquisition of a new perceptual-motor skill. In the general discussion we refer to the consequences of the various operations performed during the three experimental chapters on the mechanism of education of attention and discuss therole of the various information used by the participants. Finally, we suggest several practical applications potentially useful for the improvement of pilots training
Rebière, Thérèse. "Apprentissage par l'expérience, formation initiale et recherche d'emploi des salariés." Le Havre, 2009.
Full textThis thesis studies the consequences, on the labor market, of the on-the-job search process of workers, in a matching model capturing workers’ career path. The labor market is hierarchically segmented in two sectors : the low-skill sector, in which workers learn by doing, and the better-paying high-skill sector that workers wish to reach. The addressed topics are the followings : the efficiency of the labor market, a self-financed tax and subsidy policy, the minimum wage effects, educational choices
Lévy, Jean-François. "Enseignement et apprentissage du traitement de texte en formation initiale." Paris 5, 1990.
Full textLemonchois, Myriam. "Création poétique et éducation : formation de la sensibilité et apprentissage du discernement." Paris 8, 2002.
Full textToutain, Olivier. "Apprentissage expérentiel et métacognition dans l'éducation à l'entrepreneuriat." Lyon 3, 2010.
Full textCurrently the use of active pedagogies in entrepreneurship education is strongly supported by international political and educational institutions. Among scientific articles that promote the learning by doing approaches, experiential learning theory shows that the acquisition and transformation of experience take a central place in the process of knowledge elaboration. This theory also raises a key question around the way it may influence the cognitive setting of the learner and the emergence of his/her own learning strategies. We know that these learning strategies are strongly dependant on mental activities that rely on cognitive education and Metacognition. The contributions of our thesis are twofold. First, we propose a conceptual model of experiential learning in entrepreneurship which results of an attempt to integrate four theories useful to understand the entrepreneurial action. Our second contribution is based on the results of an empirical survey made with a sample of 423 students in the area of Lyon. These results show us the significant effect of experiential learning on perception changes among the students. Moreover, they confirm the role of both Metacognition and experiential learning in entrepreneurship education
Toczek-Capelle, Marie-Christine. "Systèmes de formation et conduites d'acquisition." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1993.
Full textThis study registers in the social psychology of education. Originally, the question of this thesis is as follows : how can we regulate the learning behavior in an educational process? the main object of this study is to identify some causes controlling the information in an educational process. In a first part, we examined the publications relating social psychology and the education, and therefore, we were pointed out the impacts of different sources of variation about the learning behavior of learners. In a second part, four experiences tried to identify the mental process concerning the cognitive treatment of information in three educational operated processes. Beside, we showed the influence of the academic level, the awarding of success or failure, the social insertion and the academic stake
Volkoff, Laurent. "Leadership et formation des managers." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.
Full textA Business executive is called to play two distincts roles : the manager’s one and the leader’s one. Through a multirefrential study, a defining model of the leadership concept is proposed. This model will be compared with an analysis of interviews conducted with business executive practicians. A deep investigation of learning and training concepts will try to resolve the question of effective training leader possibility
Books on the topic "Formation et apprentissage autochtone"
Berbaum, Jean. Apprentissage et formation. 4th ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1994.
Find full textAngeon, Valérie, and Patrice Leblanc. Formation et apprentissage collectif territorial. Paris: Harmattan, 2014.
Find full textBourgeois, Etienne. Apprentissage et formation des adultes. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1997.
Find full textL'Heude, Sylvie. FORMATION ET ILLETTRISME - Un possible apprentissage. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2008.
Find full textChristine, Delory-Momberger, and Souza Elizeu Clementino de, eds. Parcours de vie, apprentissage biographique et formation. Paris: Téraèdre, 2009.
Find full textAnnie, Goudeaux, Loraux Nicole 1936-, and Sliwka Corinne, eds. Formateurs et formation professionnelle. Rueil-Malmaison: Lamarre, 2003.
Find full textBouba, Bachir. Education, formation et apprentissage en contexte multiculturel camerounais. Douala - Cameroun: Éditions Cheikh Anta Diop (EDI-CAD), 2020.
Find full textDavel, Eduardo. Formation et apprentissage organisationnel: La vitalité de la pratique. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2007.
Find full textDavel, Eduardo. Formation et apprentissage organisationnel: La vitalité de la pratique. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2007.
Find full textBarlow, Michel. Formuler et évaluer ses objectifs en formation. 3rd ed. Lyon: Chronique sociale, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Formation et apprentissage autochtone"
Beckmann, Janina, Alexandra Wicht, Matthias Siembab, and Lisa Herrmann. "D’où viennent-ils et où vont-ils ? Changement de profession dans la formation en apprentissage en Allemagne." In Crises et transitions : quelles données pour quelles analyses ?, 85–86. Marseille: Céreq, 2024.
Full textDelgoulet, Catherine, and Even Loarer. "Vieillissement, apprentissage et formation." In Traité des sciences et des techniques de la formation, 209–28. Dunod, 2011.
Full textChakravorty Spivak, Gayatri. "Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." In Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 263–66. Hermann, 2023.
Full textLieury, Alain. "Mémoire et apprentissage." In Traité des sciences et des techniques de la formation, 249–67. Dunod, 2011.
Full text"Front Matter." In Formation et apprentissage organisationnel, I—VI. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"LE MENTORAT:." In Formation et apprentissage organisationnel, 133–74. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"LE COACHING:." In Formation et apprentissage organisationnel, 175–208. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"L’AUTOFORMATION:." In Formation et apprentissage organisationnel, 209–50. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"LA GESTION DE LA FORMATION OU LA CULTURE DE L’APPRENTISSAGE?" In Formation et apprentissage organisationnel, 251–62. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"Références bibliographiques." In Formation et apprentissage organisationnel, 263–86. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Formation et apprentissage autochtone"
Ghedhahem, Zeineb. "Cap sur le premier MOOC FOFLE en Afrique francophone pour se (re)mettre à flot." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
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